Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 5:30 pm
Wednesday, January 8th, 2025, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Dean Klier, Council Members Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, Mike Prom, Gary Kennedy, and Kerry Susag. Also present were Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, Police Chief John Foss, and Terri Powers. City Auditor Karen Nordby was present via telephone. Council Member Donnie Hoepfer and JDA Director Spencer Marchand were absent.
VISITORS: Shelley Chin, Keith Holzer, and Cheryl Ryan.
Mayor Klier led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Klier opened the Regular Council Meeting.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with December revenue of $350,179.32. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the vouchers with expenses of 4U Custom Apparel LLC 777, Arthur Co. 75, AT&T Mobility 188.88, Avista 4704, B&B Service & Repair 561.87, Cherie Heisler 300, City of Harvey 587.19, Dacotah Paper Co. 187.73, Dakota Heritage Bank, Dave O’Kelley 300, Double M Sanitation 24734.50, Eagles Club 635, EDND 300, First International Bank 1575, Galls Inc. 454.20, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 210, Harvey Oil Co. 8477.25, Harvey Park District 1843.40, HAV-IT Recycling 1249, Hawkins Inc. 1531.46, Hinrich’s Super Value 1068.62, Hometown Variety 83.33, Information Technologies 59.85, John Deere Financial 313.96, John Donarski 314, Just Good BBQ 91.86, Karen Nordby 360, Kenny Erickson 187.50, KHND Radio 240, Lautt’s Autobody & Towing 330, Leever’s Foods 86.88, Lemer’s Ace 765.48, Library Journals LLC 157.99, Little Mart 520.09, Matthew Pratt 300, Mid Dakota Lumber 2061.89, Midwest Graphics & Signs 516.25, Moore Engineering 2695.93, Mountain Plains Library 55, ND Dept. of Health 20.39, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 50, ND League of Cities 1749, Network Center 1235, Nyhus Law Firm 100, One Call Concepts 3, Ottertail Power Co. 269.92, Patzer Truck Repair 288.75, Powerplan 3148.77, Spencer Marchand 2500, Stryker 552, Terri Powers 300, Top-Notch Outdoor Services 895, Tractor Supply Co. 156.02, Trifectah Solutions 257.50, Uniform Center 1434.95, Unum Life Ins. 187.21, USPS 309.65, Verizon 255.12, Vestis 278.94, Visa 4660.17, Wells Co. Treasurer 47886.23, and December Payroll $135,331.28. Upon RCV, MC.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Foss’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He is getting comfortable with his knowledge of the city and stated that it takes him 45 minutes to patrol the entire town. He continues to receive warm welcomes from everyone he meets. The Harvey PD is currently fully staffed, with Officer Urzola accepting a full-time position that will start February 1st,2025.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. They discussed the garbage truck. Mayor Klier stated that the City of Bottineau was interested, however, would not be able to purchase it until 2026. The consensus of the Council is to advertise it on multiple sites. M by Kennedy, MS by Steedsman to approve the purchase of Bridgestone tracs for the bobcat for $3200 from Dale’s Radiator & Repair. Upon VV, MC. Kenny Erickson included an update on the #2 skid element cleaning for the Council’s review. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the purchase of two pallets of crack sealant from Crafco for $2730. We will need to pick it up in Fargo.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. Moore Engineering included an update on the ASTM Phase 2 study for the armory. The EPA has agreed to pay for it. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve invoice #41870 for $370 and invoice #41871 for $2325.93 from Moore Engineering for general engineering services. Upon VV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Dave & Matt will be continuing their work painting the armory. It’s coming together nicely.
DESIGNATE DEPOSITORIES OF PUBLIC FUNDS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Prom to designate the First State Bank, First International Bank, Dakota Heritage Bank and Bank of North Dakota as the depositories of public funds which meet pledge security requirements. Upon VV, MC.
APPROVE SALE OF ALL CITY PROPERTY: M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to approve the sale of all real property owned by the City of Harvey upon bid acceptance by the City Council. Upon VV, MC.
APPOINTMENT OF LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve Mayor Klier’s appointment of Tessa Weckerly to the Library Board. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular December 17th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
LIBRARY MINUTES: Library Minutes from the regular November 20th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
With no further business, Mayor Klier adjourned the meeting at 5:57 p.m.
________________________ ____________________
Dean Klier, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, December 11th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, December 11th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Dean Klier, Council Members Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, Mike Prom, Donnie Hoepfer, Gary Kennedy, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, Police Chief John Foss, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: Shelley Chin, Michael Lier, Keith Holzer, and Cheryl Ryan.
Mayor Klier led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Klier opened the Regular Council Meeting.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on November 13th, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with November revenue of $289,121.46. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the vouchers with expenses of AT&T Mobility 188.88, Avista 9777.75, B&B Service & Repair 134.29, Brandon Ramsey 250, Cashwa Fargo 526.95, City of Harvey 628.44, Cole Papers 72.11, Dacotah Paper Co. 40.60, Double M Sanitation 25439, Galls Inc. 174.43, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 400, Harvey Fire Dept. 7604, Harvey Oil Co. 5243.20, Harvey Park District 2326.21, HAV-IT Recycling 1253.50, Hawkins Inc. 1512.43, Herald Press 1160.76, Hinrich’s Super Value 821.08, Information Technologies 59.85, John Foss 25, Just Good BBQ 56.03, Keller Plumbing & Heating 3985.10, Kim Johnson 400, Kotaco 3710.73, Leever’s Foods 161.95, Lemer’s Ace 1028.33, Little Mart 55.03, MFOA 80, Mid Dakota Lumber 4731.42, Midwest Graphics 814.85, Miller Clothing 180, Minot Daily News 100, Napa Auto Parts 279.56, ND Dept. of Health 20.39, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 50, ND League of Cities 490, NDTC 1757.99, ND Water Users 300, Network Center 1232, Nyhus Law Firm 3575, Ottertail Power Co. 6894.49, Patzer Truck Repair 174.20, Precision Auto 6027, Secretary of State 1145, Spencer Marchand 2500, Swanston Equip. Corp. 909.20, The Library Store 92.42, Top-Notch Outdoor Services 450, Tractor Supply Co. 89.22, Trifectah Solutions 212.39, Uniform Center 1652.98, Unum Life Ins. 205.04, USPS 308.55, Verendrye Electric Co-op 138, Verizon 255.12, Vestis 294.29, Visa 1932.88, Waste Management 1350.98, Wells Co. Auditor 63, Zions Bank 400, and November Payroll $86,399.58. Upon RCV, MC.
Michael Lier with the Harvey Park Board was present to discuss the water bill the park board received from the city. After a rate study completed by Midwest Assistance Program in August of 2023, the Council decided to start billing for all non-billed water in 2024. The park board would like to be billed monthly starting in May of 2025. M by Prom, MS by Steedsman to forgive the water bill from 2024 and to start billing in 2025. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed the Council that the Flower Barn is now open on Lincoln Ave. He met with the US Forest Service about planting trees. He is working on an Energy Efficiency Grant to replace the windows on the south side of the armory. The grant is an 80/20 match.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Foss’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He stated that the calls for service were up slightly, but the severity of the calls has gone down. He is looking at hiring a possible new part-time officer. He included a proposal from Erin Wagner for animal control in the city. M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to approve her proposal with a maximum of three days to hold animals per the ordinance plus expenses for any needed vaccines. After the three days, Erin will take on the monetary responsibility of the animal(s) and decide how to proceed. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. They discussed the garbage truck. Baltrusch said the individual interested last month is no longer interested, but there is another interested party. He recommends replacing the batteries. The Council agreed. Jamey is looking to replace the tracks on the Bobcat T770. Susag is going to do more research on the brands that Jamey had listed in his report. They tabled it until next month. M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to replace the broom for the Bobcat for $1012. Upon VV, MC. M by Susag, MS by Steedsman to approve the purchase of a new gate cylinder on the motor grader for $1500. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. Karen is recommending increasing the water base rate by $1 starting on the January 2025 bill. M by Steedsman, MS by Hoepfer to approve. Upon VV, MC. She included a list of the properties that the City got back from the County. She will list them for sale in March of 2025. She has been working with Nyhus Law on cleaning up titles for the Industrial Park. She went over Moore Engineering’s Engineer’s Report with the Council. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the recommendation from Moore to order the cleaning solution from Avista for $6601. Upon VV, MV. M by Hoepfer, MS by Susag to approve Moore sending out Jim Sepp to attend the training on how to apply the chemical. Upon VV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: We continue to work on Phase 2. The painting in the armory is scheduled to be completed after Christmas.
LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Liquor License Renewals for 2025 for Harvey Bottle Shop, Harvey Eagles Club, Krafty’s Bar & Grill, Inc., Little Mart C-Store, Calaca’s Cocina & Tequila, Home Town Tavern, and Cobblestone Inn & Suites of Harvey
contingent upon Cobblestone getting their application in before December 31st, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular November 19th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
FAA/NDAC FUNDING MINUTES: FAA/NDAC Minutes from the regular November 26th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
With no further business, Mayor Klier adjourned the meeting at 6:28 p.m.
________________________ ____________________
Dean Klier, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, November 13th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, November 13th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Dean Klier, Council Members Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, Mike Prom, Donnie Hoepfer, Gary Kennedy, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, Police Chief John Foss, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: City Attorney Chris Nyhus, Colton Martin, Police Officer Josh Clark, Fire Chief Ryan Schneibel, Shelley Chin, Wendy Opp, Cheryl Ryan, Donna Edinger, Debbie Richards, and Brad Wolbert. Tax Assessor Jana Mogren and Chanda Ziegler were present via Zoom.
Mayor Klier led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Klier opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: Chanda Ziegler was present via Zoom to request a tax abatement for Parcel #81430000. M by Hoepfer, MS by Kennedy to approve the abatement for 2022, 2023, and 2024. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Klier adjourned the Public Hearing.
Mayor Klier opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: Brad Wolbert was present to request a tax abatement for Parcel #81275000. M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the abatement for 2022, 2023, and 2024. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Klier adjourned the Public Hearing.
Mayor Klier opened the Regular Council Meeting.
Fire Chief Ryan Schneibel was present to discuss auctioning off the 1949 LaFrance Fire Truck through Integrity Auctions. He also stated that he would like to auction off the 2007 Bobcat MPV now that they are using the replacement a 2024 CanAm Defender Pro Limited. He would like the funds to be placed in the Fire Department Reserve Fund. M by Hoepfer, MS by Steedsman to approve. He also ordered 6 sets of bunker gear.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on October 9th, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Hoepfer, MS by Susag to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with October revenue of $458,424.50. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Hoepfer, MS by Susag to approve the vouchers with expenses of 4U Custom Apparel 975.02, AT&T Mobility 188.88, B&B Service & Repair 1054, Black Mountain Software 100, Cashwa Fargo 818.94, CC Steel LLC 2500, City of Harvey 17752.01, Cobblestone Inn & Suites 96.30, Dakota Supply Group 739.96, DK Mechanical Contractors 8680, Double M Sanitation 24645, Elite Spraying LLC 9569.25, Ferguson Waterworks 148.48, Fork 2 Field 125, Gaffaney’s of Minot 430.61, Galls Inc. 591.94, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 1641.36, Greater ND Chamber 560, Harvey City Band 500, Harvey Oil Co. 4024.09, Harvey Park District 2146.29, HAV-IT Recycling 1258, Hawkins Inc. 2836.35, Herald Press 887.16, Hinrich’s Super Value 1401.75, Hometown Variety 32.97, Information Technologies 52.75, Jamestown Communications 498, Jamey Weinmann 138.15, John Deere Financial 34.13, John Foss 94, Josh Clark 123.70, Kevin’s Landscaping LLC 800, KHND Radio 575, Knudtson Construction 7200, Lautt’s Auto Body & Towing 358.69, Little Mart 385.20, Mid Dakota Lumber 3156.51, Midee Auto 277.99, Moore Engineering 2807.90, Napa Auto Parts 17.67, ND Dept. of Health 195.17, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 50, NDTC 1318.57, Network Center 1796, Nyhus Law Firm 1003, One Call Concepts 21, Opp’s Auto Body 5228.66, Ottertail Power Co. 15378.16, Patzer Truck Repair 1272.01, Pomp’s Tire Service 5.47, Radisson Hotel Bismarck 307.50, Sanitation Products 1099.84, SM Inc. 915, Spencer Marchand 2500, Top-Notch Outdoor Services 360, Tractor Supply Co. 768.91, Trifectah Solutions 165, Uniform Center 215.94, Unum Life Ins. 169.38, USPS 311.17, Verendrye Electric Co-op 129, Verizon 255.12, Vessco Inc. 379.15, Vestis 464.46, Visa 1968.22, Warehouse Grocery 371.24, Waste Management 175.69, Zions Bank 444607, and October Payroll $80,925.55. Upon RCV, MC.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed the council the JDA is sponsoring the Christmas Cash program again.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Foss’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He introduced Officer Clark to the Council. Mayor Klier performed the Oath of Office.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. They discussed the garbage truck. Baltrusch got in touch with a gentleman that is confident he can find a buyer for it. Jamey updated them on the backwash pit and the installation of the actuators. He informed them that the furnace at the shop was not working properly. It is 26 years old. Keller Plumbing & Heating gave him an estimate for repairing it vs. replacing it. M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to move forward with the replacement. Upon VV, MC. The backwash pits have been cleaned out.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. She went through the Engineer’s Report from Moore Engineering. The control panel updates are scheduled with Sweeney Controls for December 2nd, 2024. M by Hoepfer, MS by Steedsman to proceed with the Phase 2 of the Environmental Study for the community center improvements CBDG funded project. Upon VV, MC. The consensus of the Council is to table the issue of 9th Street parking between Lincoln & Alder until spring. She went over the list of foreclosed properties. The consensus of the Council is to not redeem any of the properties. If they don’t get purchased, the City of Harvey will buy them for $1.00.
ARMORY UPDATE: We continue to work on Phase 2.
LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the Liquor License Application from Timothy Keller. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular October 22nd, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
HARVEY PUBLIC LIBRARY MINUTES: Library Minutes from the regular September 18th and October 16th, 2024, meetings were included in the packet for the Council to review.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: BOA Minutes from the October 31st, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review. M by Prom, MS by Hoepfer to approve the recommendations of the BOA as submitted. Upon VV, MC.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Airport Authority Minutes from the regular September 12th and September 24th, 2024, meetings were included in the packet for the Council to review.
With no further business, Mayor Klier adjourned the meeting at 6:46 p.m.
________________________ ____________________
Dean Klier, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, October 9th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Dean Klier, Council Members Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, Mike Prom, Donnie Hoepfer, Gary Kennedy, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, Police Chief John Foss, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, and Terri Powers.
Mayor Klier led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Klier opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed the Council that a real estate development company was in town to look at Harvey Manor and other vacant lots to see if anything could be done about our rural housing shortage. He updated the Council on the status of the Christmas Cash Program. He is looking into expanding the program to include the surrounding communities for next year.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Foss’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He said he will attend a LERMS course at the end of the month. He informed the Council that he had hired his first officer, Josh Clark. Josh was trained by Chief Foss and wants to call Harvey “home.” He plans to buy a house and will move here with his wife and two children. He signed a three-year promissory note for $15,000since he will be attending the academy in February of 2025. He will work for the HPD while he is attending LETA. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the estimate from Mid-Dakota Lumber of $4212.73 for the supplies to finish siding the P.D. building located at 1012 Lincoln Ave. with Knudtson Construction completing the work for $7200. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He updated the Council on the status of the City Shop. The concrete and foam insulation has been completed. The shop looks good. M by Hoepfer, MS by Kennedy to approve the purchase of 12 ft. metal cabinets for $1095 and a toolbox for $600 from TSC. Upon VV, MC. M by Susag, MS by Kennedy to approve the purchase of a new metal door from Mid-Dakota Lumber for $1881.25 for the shop with the installation to be completed by the City crew. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Prom to approve the quote from CC Steel for $2500 to vacuum out the wash pit at the WTP which has been sucking sand through our pumps. Jamey stated that it has not been done in years. Upon VV, MC. The guys have been busy getting ready for the winter months.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. She went through the Engineer’s Report from Moore Engineering. The sewer project has been completed and closed out. The GIS web map has been updated. M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve Invoice #40499 for $13,553.44 from Moore Engineering for the remaining balance from the sewer project. Upon VV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Kennedy to approve Invoice #40502 for $6095 from Moore Engineering for the Capital Improvement Plan of which $2438 is the City’s share with the remainder being covered by the Department of Water Resources. Upon VV, MC. SCDRC will be applying for grant money from the EPA for phase 2 of the Community Center Improvements. She informed them that we are working on the lead line inventory for the State. She is also working on special assessments.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Prom to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on September 11th, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Hoepfer, MS by Kennedy to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with September revenue of $259,664.41. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Hoepfer, MS by Kennedy to approve the vouchers with expenses of 4U Custom Apparel 91.98, Aqua Pure Inc. 5086.56, B&B Service & Repair 171.55, Brandt Jenner 348.40, Central Dakota Family Physicians 138, City of Harvey 595.56, Core & Main 3700, Dacotah Paper Co. 179.26, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 26, Dean Klier 263.80, Diamond Vogel Inc. 395, Double M Sanitation 28167, Drive Chevrolet 131.37, Galls Inc. 149.89, Harvey Fire Dept. 369.99, Harvey Park District 2042.47, HAV-IT Recycling 1261, Herald Press 83.60, Hinrich’s Super Value 789.32, Hometown Variety 36.29, Hydro-Testing LLC 1408, Information Technologies 52.75, Jamestown Communications 271, Jamey Weinmann 87.70, John Foss 773.70, JP Hager Enterprises 12000, Karen Nordby 227.80, Kenny Erickson 348.19, Kevin’s Landscaping LLC 800, Kotaco 2603.13, Lautt’s Construction 21564, Lemer’s Ace 1090.82, Little Mart 221.20, Mid Dakota Lumber 122.02, Midee Auto 572.19, Moore Engineering 19648.44, Napa Auto Parts 10.37, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 100, ND League of Cities 275, NDPHIT 340, NDTC 1536.76, Network Center 941, Northland Environmental 2000, Nyhus Law Firm 800, One Call Concepts 28.50, Ottertail Power Co. 458.26, Patzer Truck Repair 915.32, Pomp’s Tire Service 365, Post Board 195, Powerplan 3014.40, Share Corp. 319.98, Spencer Marchand 2500, Stein’s Inc. 78.53, Swanston Equip. Corp. 407.94, Systems Technology 165, TJ Plumbing 560, Tractor Supply Co. 700.98, University of Minnesota 90, Unum Life Ins. 169.38, USPS 312.62, Verendrye Electric Co-op 133, Vestis 309.64, Visa 6184.02, Warehouse Grocery 8.52, Waste Management 1344.90, and September Payroll $85,214.73. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Waiting for phase 2 of the Enviro. Study.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Local Event Permit for the Knights of Columbus to conduct turkey bingo provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Local Event Permit for HWC Swat Wrestling to conduct a raffle provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular September 17th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
With no further business, Mayor Klier adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m.
________________________ ____________________
Dean Klier, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, September 11th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, September 11th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Dean Klier, Council Members Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, Mike Prom, Donnie Hoepfer, Gary Kennedy, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, Police Chief John Foss, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: Cheryl Ryan, Paul Dyke, Rick Eckart, Oliver Bromke, Shelley Chin, and Anthony Setness with Moore Engineering. Josh Feil with Moore Engineering was present via Zoom.
Mayor Klier asked everyone to observe a moment of silence in remembrance of 9/11.
Mayor Klier led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Klier opened the public hearing for the 2025 Annual Budget and asked if there were any concerns or discussion. Hearing none, M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the final budget for 2025. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Klier adjourned the Public Hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
Anthony with Moore Engineering went over the engineer’s report. He stated that the sewer project was complete and looks pristine. The GIS Website is being updated. M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to approve Change Order #3 for ($165,330.84) from Municipal Pipe Tool Co. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to approve the Contractor’s Application for Payment from Municipal Pipe Tool Co. for $501,144.43. Upon RCV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Steedsman to approve Invoice #40043 for $17,312.04 from Moore Engineering for professional services. Upon RCV, MC. Josh discussed the skids for the Water Treatment Plant with the Council. He stated that the membrane elements are failing prematurely and suggested having an “autopsy” done to determine why. M by Prom, MS by Baltrusch to approve the autopsy for $4700 and to purchase four replacement pumps for $2788. Upon VV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Susag to approve the request from Moore Engineering to come up with a proposal for the cost of the Comprehensive Evaluation for the WTP. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve Invoice #40044 for $3845 of which the City’s portion is $1538 from Moore Engineering for Capital Improvement. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to accept the bid from Oliver Bromke for $12,000 for the purchase of Lots 6, 7, and 8 of Block 2 of the Original Townsite. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He updated the Council on the Rural Workforce Housing Grant. The Legislators are drafting the language. The Slum/Blight Removal Grant project should be complete by the end of September. His next scheduled Morning Startup Session is scheduled for September 17th.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Foss’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He stated that the community has been great to him. He closed on a house and is moving his mother here from North Carolina. He is looking for an administrative assistant to handle some of the office duties and has gotten a few applicants in for the empty officer positions. He is developing a great relationship with the Wells Co. Sheriff’s Office and is looking forward to working with them. He stated that about 50% of his calls for service are simple cases.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed the Council that Dave O’Kelley has passed his test for his Class 2 Distribution for the WTP. The Council would like to advertise for bids for the garbage truck again starting at $135K. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the increase from JP Hager Enterprises in the amount of $12K for the addition of aprons at the City Shop. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. She informed the Council that she completed the renewal for the Renaissance Zone. She has submitted the 2025 Budget to the county auditor. She had a meeting with TCP, a company that provides timeclocks for employees. She recommended not doing it at this time as it is too expensive. The Council agreed.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on August 14th, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Hoepfer, MS by Kennedy to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with August revenue of $274,675.62. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Hoepfer, MS by Kennedy to approve the vouchers with expenses of AT&T Mobility 172.41, Central Plains Water District 200, City of Harvey 5627.86, Cole Papers 83.10, Comfort Inn 96.30, Dakotah Paper Co. 193.52, Dave O’Kelley 210.80, Diamond Vogel Inc. 1132.50, Double M Sanitation 22498, Flexible Pipe Tool Co. 2448.75, Fougner Engineered Sales Inc. 4286, Hach Co. 240.40, Harvey Park District 2546.93, Harvey Public School 240, Harvey Tax & Accounting 125, HAV-IT Recycling 1262.50, Hawkins Inc. 3207.63, Herald Press 723.94, Hinrich’s Super Value 963.68, Hometown Variety 6.19, Information Technologies 52.75, Jamestown Communications 258, John Deere Financial 371.44, John Donarski 14, JP Hager Enterprises 41750, Just Good BBQ 105, Karen Nordby 299.20, Kevin’s Landscaping LLC 1200, Kim Johnson 300, Lautt’s Autobody & Towing 96.71, Lemer’s Ace 643.25, Martha Meranda 75, Midee Auto 244.69, Moore Engineering 21157.04, Municipal Pipe Tool Co. 685524.73, Napa Auto Parts 203.42, ND Dept. of Health 203.91, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 50, ND State Library 35, NDTC 1533.68, Network Center 1149, Nyhus Law Firm 3387.50, One Call Concepts 12, Online Dakota Information 2721, Ottertail Power Co. 9107.17, Opdahl Body Shop 251, Pete’s Tractor Salvage 110, Railroad Management Co. 379.14, Rustyre’ 420, Spencer Marchand 2500, The Library Store 136.10, TJ Plumbing 2796, Tractor Supply Co. 144.10, Trifectah Solutions 107.10, Unum Life Ins. 169.38, USPS 311.11, Verendrye Electric Co-op 137, Verizon 255.04, Vessco Inc. 3675, Vestis 309.64, Visa 1102.60, Warehouse Grocery 559.10, Water Environment Federation 155, and August Payroll $77,759.70. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: The Environmental Study is complete and will be reviewed by the Department of Commerce.
VEHICLE BIDS: M by Steedsman, MS by Kennedy to accept the bid of $2763 from Milo Baltrusch for the 2011 Chevy Impala. Upon VV, MC with Baltrusch abstaining. M by Prom, MS by Susag to accept the bid of $4325 from Paul Dyke for the 2005 Chevy Colorado. Upon VV, MC.
RENAISSANCE ZONE: The Renaissance Zone Memorandum Agreement was in the packet for the Council to review.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Special Event Permit for Krafty’s Bar & Grill for their Spirit Walk on Friday, November 4th, 2024, on Lincoln Ave. for off premise beer and wine consumption. Upon VV, MC.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the Local Event Permit for the Harvey Volunteer Fire Department to conduct a calendar raffle provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular August 20th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Airport Minutes from the regular August 13th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Dean Klier, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, August 14th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, August 14th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Dean Klier, Council Members Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, Mike Prom, Donnie Hoepfer, Gary Kennedy, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, Police Chief Jon Foss, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: Amy Dale, Jim Weinmann, Wendy Opp, Deb Richards, Lisa Steedsman, Cheryl Ryan, and Anthony Setness with Moore Engineering.
Mayor Klier led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Klier opened the public hearing for the Renaissance Zone Program. Marchand strongly recommended renewing the resolution. It doesn’t cost anything and there are opportunities for tax incentives from the Department of Commerce. M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Resolution for the Continuation of the Renaissance Zone in the City of Harvey. Upon VV, MC. M by Kennedy, MS by Susag to adjourn the Public Hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Klier adjourned the Public Hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
Anthony with Moore Engineering went over the engineer’s report. He updated the council on the sewer rehab project. It should be complete by the end of the week. Anthony will review the work when it is done before the final payment is given. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the Contractor’s Application for Payment from Municipal Pipe Tool Co. for $184,380.30. Upon RCV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve Invoice #39507 for $8628.20 from Moore Engineering for professional services. Upon RCV, MC. He stated that Sweeney Controls will be replacing the control panel at the end of September. M by Steedsman, MS by Kennedy to approve Invoice #39508 for $850 of which the City’s portion is $340 from Moore Engineering for Capital Improvement. Upon RCV, MC.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed the Council that we were one of four communities Governor Doug Burgum visited for a housing roundtable discussion. He is still working on numerous ongoing developments.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Foss introduced himself. The Oath of Office was recited, and Jon Foss was sworn in. He informed the Council that he had 6 calls of service on his first day on duty. M by Baltrusch, MC by Hoepfer to approve the purchase of a laptop from Network Center for $6153.40 plus $205 for labor. Upon VV, MC. Chief Foss said that the equipment the Harvey PD has is phenomenal. M by Susag, MS by Hoepfer to put an ad in the paper for bids to put siding on the north side and the back side of the PD Building at 1012 Lincoln Ave. Upon VV, MC. Baltrusch inquired about getting a grant for a garage for the PD.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. M by Hoepfer, MS by Steedsman to approve selling the 2014 Chevy Impala to the Airport Authority for the 2011 Impala plus $1000. Upon VV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve selling the 2010 Chevy Colorado to the Public Works Department for the 2005 Colorado plus $4000. Upon VV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Steedsman to approve the solenoid valve replacement for $3890 from Vessco Inc. with Heilman performing the electrical work. Upon VV, MC. M by Steedsman, MS by Baltrusch to approve the purchase of a flatbed for the 2008 one-ton truck from Precision Auto in Rugby for $5800 providing it fits. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review.
MINUTES: M by Hoepfer, MS by Kennedy to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on July 10th, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with July revenue of $366,222.81. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to approve the vouchers with expenses of AT&T Mobility 172.41, Axon Enterprises Inc. 959.96, B&B Service & Repair 90.75, Balco Uniform Co. 330.36, Bank of ND 62457.50, Cashwa Fargo 877.40, City of Harvey 1209.67, Cole Papers 4019.37, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 23, Double M Sanitation 32159, Electronic Communications 1750, Elite Spraying 11403.59, ES OPCO USA LLC 4400, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 261.33, Ferguson Waterworks 1026.07, Friedt’s Yard Service 2000, Galls Inc. 536.62, Guardian Fleet Safety 1360.55, HACTC 87, Harvey Oil Co. 2900.54, Harvey Park District 1601.25, Harvey Public School 350, HAV-IT Recycling 1255, Hawkins Inc. 2813.09, Herald Press 521.21, Hinrich’s Super Value 1060.62, Hometown Variety 13.17, Information Technologies 115.50, Kathy Davis 400, KHND 200, Kim Johnson 200, Kotaco 3743.47, Lemer’s Ace 462.47, Logan Jenner 160, Marsai’s Bean & Boutique 45, Martha Meranda 68.27, Minot Daily News 546, Moore Engineering 9478.20, Municipal Pipe Tool Co. 63664.83, Napa Auto Parts 45.78, Natalie Hase 25000, ND Dept. of Health 215.56, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 150, NDTC 3409.26, Network Center 6217, Northern Prairie Mechanical 1671.87, Nuline Insurance 61039, Nyhus Law Firm 550, One Call Concepts 38.35, Ottertail Power Co. 16487.98, Rustyre’ 150, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 865.25, Spencer Marchand 2533.75, State Historical Society 40, Tecta America Greenberg Roofing 7929.96, Top-Notch Outdoor Services 1996.66, Tractor Supply Co. 54.84, Trifectah Solutions 381.70, Ty Jenner 160, Unum Life Ins. 151.55, USDA Rural Development 4475, USPS 310.33, Verizon 255.04, Verendrye Electric Co-op 259, Vestis 668.11, Visa 11939.36, Warehouse Grocery 855.74, Zions Bank 101659.38, and July Payroll $113,600.57. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Tabled until further discussion can take place.
UPDATED COMMITTEE LIST: An updated version of the committee list was included in the packet for the Council’s information.
PROPANE BIDS: Mayor Klier opened the propane bids from Kotaco for 22,000 gallons @ $1.29 no taxes, Ferrell Gas for 22,000 gallons @ 1.19 plus taxes, and Harvey Oil Co for 22,000 gallons @ $1.16 no taxes. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to accept the bid of $1.16 from Harvey Oil Co. Upon VV, MC with Hoepfer abstaining.
ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Auditor Nordby informed the Council that the Annual Conference is scheduled for September 18th through the 20th and to let her know if they are interested in attending.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Local Event Permit for the Harvey Arts Alliance to conduct bingo at the Home Town Tavern provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular July 16th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MINUTES: M by Steedsman, MS by Susag to accept the Personnel Committee’s recommendations for rate increases. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES: The committee recommends the council accept the proposed budget as presented by Auditor Nordby. M by Baltrusch, MS by Prom to approve the preliminary budget for 2025 as presented. Upon VV, MC. The preliminary budget is on file in the Auditor’s Office.
HARVEY PUBLIC LIBRARY: Library Minutes from the July 17th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Steedsman, MS by Kennedy to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Dean Klier, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, July 10th, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, July 10th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, July 10th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Dean Klier, Council Members Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, Mike Prom, Donnie Hoepfer, Gary Kennedy, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: Wendy Opp, Amy Dale, Buffy Olson, Harley Hoepfer, Travis Carlson, Cheryl Ryan, Rick & Marci Eckart, Debbie Richards, Donna Edinger, William Earl, Deputy Gabe Johnson, Shelley Chin, Michael Anhalt & Brad Williams with KFYR, and Anthony Setness with Moore Engineering. City Attorney Chris Nyhus was present via Zoom.
Mayor Klier called the regular meeting to order.
Mayor Klier led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chris Nyhus, the City Attorney made a recommendation to the Council to remove Travis Carlson from the agenda. Mr. Carlson is a previous employee that resigned. He does not have anything that relates to the rest of the agenda. Chris recommends that Mr. Carlson calls and has a conversation with him to protect the City before it is on the agenda. M by Prom, MS by Kennedy to table the discussion until Mr. Carlson contacts the city attorney. Upon RCV, with Baltrusch, Susag, and Hoepfer voting nay; Prom, Kennedy, Steedsman voting aye, and Klier voting aye as a tie breaker, MC.
Steedsman was asked to speak for Albert Krueger on his current sewer issue. He stated that Krueger wanted recommendations on how to proceed from the Council. The Council informed Krueger that the City of Harvey is not involved and that it is a civil matter.
Anthony Setness with Moore Engineering presented his Engineer’s Report. He informed the Council that the sewer lining project was scheduled with a July 19th start date and the process will take about 3 weeks. M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve Change Order #2 for $14,250 for transition liner and patch kits. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the Contractor’s Application for Payment in the amount of $63,664.83 from Municipal Pipe Tool Co. Upon RCV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Steedsman to approve Moore Engineering Invoice 38909 for $8107.57 for work on the sewer rehab project. Upon RCV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve Moore Engineering Invoice 38910 for $2250 for capital improvement plan. DWR will cover $1350. Upon RCV, MC.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed them that we received a grant from the state for the Blight Removal for the house on the point of Brewster St. and 8th Street. The state will cover the demolition and removal of the structure. It will need to be completed within 18 months. Spencer meets every month with the South-Central District Regional Council since he is part of the executive board. He is attending the ND Economic Development Foundation’s meeting in July; he has been appointed to the board. Spencer’s office hours will be from 4:00 to 6:00 Monday-Friday.
POLICE REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Mayor’s appointment of John Foss as the City of Harvey’s Chief of Police. Upon VV, MC. He will begin work on August 12th. Nyhus stated that the Council may want to consider organizing a police committee. He would like Chief Foss to reach out to him when he gets settled.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. The Council discussed the curb stop for 1500 Elm Ave. It is currently located inside the building. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to move the curb stop into the boulevard with the City, the property owner of 1500 Elm Ave., and the property owner of 1600 Elm Ave. splitting the cost three ways. Upon VV, with Steedsman abstaining, MC. Steve Kourajian would like to remove the handicap parking in front of the old Senior Citizen’s Center. M by Prom, MS by Hoepfer to approve. Upon VV, MC. Jamey asked the Council if they would allow the Public Works Dept. to replace their 2005 Colorado with the PD’S 2010 Colorado. The consensus of the Council is to decommission the PD’s Colorado and add it to the Public Work’s fleet. They also discussed putting the PD’s Impala out for bid. Pictures of the garbage truck have been sent to Sanitation Products. They will leave the minimum bid at $130K. M by Steedsman, MS by Susag to approve the recommendations for more actuators, purchasing membranes and replacing a check value needed at the Water Treatment Plant. Upon VV, MC. The Council would like grass to be planted at the old Napa site once it dries out.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. She discussed locking the armory in the evenings until we can get a fully staffed PD. Everyone will do their part.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on June 12th, 2024, and the Special Meeting on July 1st, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with June revenue of $206,878.49. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the vouchers with expenses of 4U Custom Apparel LLC 1415.25, AT&T Mobility 172.19, Bank of ND 8197.46, Bean Counter Café LLC 21585.90, Benco Equip. 1585, Black Mountain Software 100, Canadian Pacific Railway 826.42, City of Harvey 474.93, Comfort Inn 385.20, Core & Main 45.12, Dakota Supply Group 509.22, DJ Schneibel 553.32, Double M Sanitation 22498, Drake Anamoose Summer Rec 200, Electronic Communications 560, Ethan Eckart 320, Guardian Fleet Safety 23245.19, Harvey Park District 2002.19, Harvey Public School 279, HAV-IT Recycling 1250.50, Hawkins Inc. 3076.76, Herald Press 708.49, Hinrich’s Super Value 951.22, Interstate Power Systems 366.41, Jacob Goldade 100, Jeff’s Key & Lock Repair 142.75, K&S Builders LLC 13811.73, Kevin’s Landscaping 1600, Kim Johnson 100, Lautt’s Autobody & Towing 433.85, Lemer’s Ace 181.46, Main Elec. Const. Inc. 4703.10, Moore Engineering 10357.57, Motorola Solutions 47229.56, ND Rural Water Systems 125, Northern Prairie Mech. 327.30, Nyhus Law Firm 2772.50, One Call Concepts 43.50, Ottertail Power Co. 136.05, Sign Solutions 1397.72, Spencer Marchand 2125, Stichin Sisters 40, Sweeney Controls Co. 140, Top-Notch Outdoor Services 998.34, Tractor Supply Co. 65.96, Trevor Schimke 100, Trifectah Solutions 178.90, Ty Jenner 315, Tyler Eckart 160, Unum Life Ins. 151.55, USPS 287.16, Verizon 255, Vestis 203.65, Visa 20000, and June Payroll $82,282.92. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Tabled until further discussion can take place.
AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 11, SECTIONS 11.0106 THROUGH 11.0109: M by Steedsman, MS by Kennedy to accept the second reading and final passage of the Amendment of Chapter 11 to include pigeons. Upon VV, MC. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTIONS 11.0106, 11.0107, 11.0108 AND 11.0109 OF THE HARVEY CITY ORDINANCES BY AMENDING SAID CHAPTER 11 SECTIONS IN ITS ENTIRETY RELATING TO ANIMALS AND FOWL; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HARVEY, ND CHAPTER 11, SECTIONS 11.0106, 11.0107, 11.0108 AND 11.0109 OF THE HARVEY CITY ORDINANCES ARE HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: AMENDMENT Article: Article 1 – General Regulations Sections: 11.0106 Housing Chapter 11 – Animals and Fowl No person shall cause or allow any stable, cage, or place where any animal or fowl is or may be kept to be unclean, or unwholesome. 11.0107 Keeping of Certain Animals and Fowl Prohibited It shall be unlawful to keep any live sheep, swine or pigs, cattle, horses, donkeys, chickens or other poultry, goats, rabbits, pigeons or other fowl husbandry in the City. This section shall not apply to any person, partnership or corporation keeping or handling such animals and fowl under consignment in the course of regular business or to a licensed livestock auction market, EXCEPT as authorized by the zoning ordinances of the City. 11.0108 Strays It shall be unlawful to permit any cattle, horses, donkeys, sheep, swine, goats, poultry or fowl to run at large in the City; and any such animal running at large in any public place in the City shall be impounded. It shall further be unlawful to picket, tie, or cage any such animal or fowl in any of the streets of the City for the purpose of grazing or feeding. 11.0109 Noises It shall be unlawful to harbor or keep any animals or fowl, which habitually disturbs the peace by loud noises at any time of the day or night. SECTION II: REPEAL. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION III: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by law. All Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the Special Event Permit for the Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce to block off Lincoln Ave., excluding the intersections, for Crazy Days, August 8th & 9th. Upon VV, MC.
LIQUOR LICENSE: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Liquor License Application from Anna Mendoza. Upon VV, MC.
PROPERTY BID: M by Steedsman, MS by Kennedy to approve the bid from Nita Pszcolka in the amount of $2000 for Lot 1 of Block 1 of the Dolens Addition. Upon VV, MC.
COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: Board of Adjustments: Bernie Hall and Arnie Selzler/Citizen Input; Mayor Klier, Hoepfer and Susag/Council Members. Planning & Zoning: Jared Hanson & Deb Richards/Citizen Input; Kennedy, Baltrusch & Steedsman/Council Members. Public Works: Mayor Klier, Steedsman & Baltrusch/Council: Brad Schatz & Dave Voeller/Citizen Input. Airport: Mayor Dean Klier/Council; Chairman Shari Nyhus, Sam Ongstad, Dustan & Jereme Buchmiller. Finance: Wyatt Toso/Citizen Input; Mayor Klier, Kennedy & Baltrusch/Council. Personnel: Greg Christenson & Wendy Opp/Citizen Input; Mayor Klier, Prom and Hoepfer/Council. JDA: Chairman Chad Friese, Jared Hanson & Billie Jo Reutter/Citizen Input, Steedsman, Baltrusch, and Kennedy/Council Members with meetings being scheduled the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 a.m. Library Board: Melissa Faul, Peggy Lemer, Mary Jo Stafford, Baltrusch, Kennedy/Council, and Bryan Lautt/Wells Co. Commissioner. Rec Board: Caitlyn Roemmich, Trista Zerr & Buffy Olson/Citizen Input, Justin Heil/Park Board, Prom/Council. Disaster Readiness: Mayor Klier; Chief of Police, John Foss; Baltrusch & Susag/Council, Tammy Roerich/Wells County Emergency Manager.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular June 18th, 2024, and the special June 27th, meetings were included in the packet for the Council to review.
M by Hoepfer, MS by Kennedy to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Dean Klier, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, July 1, 2024 5:30 pm
Monday, July 1, 2024, 5 pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV-Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Monday, July 1, 2024, at 5 pm. Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, Donnie Hoepfer, Gary Kennedy, Mike Prom, and Dean Klier. Also present were Jamey Weinmann and Terri Powers. Karen Nordby was present via Zoom. Kerry Susag was absent.
VISITORS: Marci Eckart, Spencer Marchand, Shawn Brien, and Brandt Jenner.
Mayor Rick Eckart called the Organizational Meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
RESIGNATIONS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to accept the resignation of Judge Dean Klier. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to accept the resignation of Acting Chief of Police Travis Carlson, part-time officer Tyler Denning, part-time officer William Earl, and Office Assistant Chantel Brorby. Upon VV, MC.
HARVEY CITY MAYOR: The Oath of Office from the June 11th election was read, and the elected official Dean Klier was sworn in. The gavel was then turned over to Mayor Dean Klier. The Oaths of Office from the June 11th election was read, and elected officials Gil Steedsman, Gary Kennedy and Donnie Hoepfer were sworn in.
COUNCIL PRESIDENT: M by Hoepfer, MS by Kennedy to nominate Milo Baltrusch as Council President, that nominations cease and to unanimously cast ballot for Milo Baltrusch as Council President. Upon VV, MC.
VICE PRESIDENT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to nominate Donnie Hoepfer as Vice President, that nominations cease and to unanimously cast ballot for Donnie Hoepfer as Vice President. Upon VV, MC.
CITY COUNCIL: M By Hoepfer, MS by Steedsman to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Mike Prom as City Council Member. Upon VV, MC. The Oath of Office was read, and Mike Prom was sworn in.
CITY AUDITOR: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Karen Nordby as City Auditor. Upon VV, MC. The Oath of Office was read, and Karen Nordby was sworn in.
PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Jamey Weinmann as Public Works Director. Upon VV, MC. The Oath of Office was read, and Jamey Weinmann was sworn in.
MUNICIPAL JUDGE: M by Hoepfer, MS by Kennedy to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Brandt Jenner as Harvey Municipal Judge. Upon VV, MC. The Oath of Office was read, and Brandt Jenner was sworn in.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Kennedy to adjourn meeting. Next meeting will be July 10th.
__________________________ __________________________
Dean Klier, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, Arnie Selzler, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: Gunar Soberg, Dean Klier, Gary Kennedy, Harley Hoepfer, Shelley Chin, Cheryl Ryan, and Anthony Setness with Moore Engineering.
Anthony with Moore Engineering went over the engineer’s report. He gave the Council an update on the sewer rehab project. He stated that more hours were needed to complete the work at $367.50 per hour. The consensus of the Council is to allow for more hours to get under the railroad tracks. M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to approve Moore Engineering’s Invoice #38615 in the amount of $7399. Upon VV, MC. The Community Center improvements were discussed. Anthony doesn’t want the Council to make any decisions until they can have further discussion. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to table. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve Moore Invoice #38440 for $1960. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. His most recent Morning Startup was a success with an attendance of 16 people. He is hoping to continuously grow those numbers.
POLICE REPORT: Senior Officer Carlson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. The shop doors are being picked up on the 13th of June with K&S Construction scheduled for installation towards the end of the month. Jamey requested approval to order manhole covers, casting, and manhole rings to have on hand along with poles for signs. M by Selzler, MS by Steedsman to approve. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the purchase of a flatbed for the 2008 one-ton pickup for $6250 provided that the gooseneck hitch is placed in the correct spot at no additional cost. Upon VV, MC. Kenny included a quote for a dryer from Benco Equipment in the amount of $1675. He feels as though this will solve some of the issues they’ve been having at the Water Treatment Plant. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve. Upon VV, MC. M by Steedsman, MS by Selzler to approve the purchase of four airline actuator solenoids for $552.56. Upon VV, MC. Knife River would like to do some patch work for the City towards the middle of August. The consensus of the Council is to get a bid on the patches. The Council discussed the garbage truck. Ben from Integrity Auction would be willing to list it on his auction service. The consensus of the Council is the minimum bid should be $130,000. M by Selzler, MS by Steedsman to purchase the Bulldog jetter Jamey requested. Upon VV, MC. The Council discussed the gravel pit on the Water Treatment Plant land. Susag Sand and Gravel has requested to crush gravel from the gravel pile and pay royalties to the City of Harvey. M by Selzler, MS by Steedsman to approve of crushing gravel and selling to Susag Sand and Gravel. Upon VV, MC with Susag abstaining.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. Karen presented them with a Community Use Bus Rental Application & Agreement from Harvey Public Schools. M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the contract with HWC School. Upon VV, MC. The Harvey Rec Program included a project summary for upgrading the armory floor with a projected price of $2500 which would be covered by donations from local groups. This would include painting 3-point lines, pickle ball court lines, and archery lines. M by Steedsman, MS by Baltrusch to allow the group to perform the work if they can get it done on our timeline. Upon VV, MC. The Council discussed the campground. The signs should be up shortly. Karen inquired about firepits. Kerry offered to look for big tire rims that would work nicely for the fire pits. The Harvey Park Board gifted 10 picnic tables to the campground. The Council would like to thank the Park Board for their gift.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on May 8th, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with May revenue of $239,298.05. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the vouchers with expenses of Ashton Kara 30, AT&T Mobility 172.19, Bank of ND 910.79, City of Harvey 423.79, Cole Papers 606.47, Dakotah Paper Co. 179.26, Dakota Supply Group 120.59, Dave O’Kelley 304.94, Double M Sanitation 24495, Easton Shuh 30, Elliot Belquist 260.30, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 3139.20, Fork 2 Field 150, Gaffaney’s of Minot 603.65, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 627.71, Hach Co. 336.89, Harvey City Band 950, Harvey Oil Co. 3196.82, Harvey Park District 2386.16, Harvey Public School 655.20, HAV-IT Recycling 1246, Hawkins Inc. 1543.93, Herald Press 60.80, High Plains Equip. 239.15, Hinrich’s Super Value 510.36, Interstate Engineering 5280, Interstate Power Systems 37628, Justin Heil 35.28, Kevin’s Landscaping 1600, Kim Johnson 200, Kotaco 159.32, Lauren Lemer 65, Lemer’s Ace 592.58, Lexipol LLC 509.25, Little Mart 150.41, Midee Auto 5080.04, Moore Engineering 9358.75, ND Dept. of Health 50.32, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 50, ND Rural Water Systems 320, NDTC 1576.86, Network Center 1279, Nyhus Law Firm 3160, One Call Concepts 44.35, Ottertail Power Co. 16271.62, Patriot Fire & Safety 1024.06, Penguin Management 1572, Redwood Toxicology Lab 146.24, Roadway Services 8578.32, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 2224.92, Spencer Marchand 2031.25, Steven Stutlien 200, Sun Dog Construction 25000, Terri Powers 73.70, The Library Store 100.53, The Radar Shop 751, Tractor Supply Co. 30.98, Trifectah Solutions 1773.99, Tyler Swang 30, Unum Life Ins. 151.55, USPS 289.45, Verizon 255, Verendrye Electric Co-op 262, Vestis 802.40, Visa 5576.57, Wells County Fair 100, and May Payroll $75,640.03. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Tabled until further discussion can take place.
OPINION OF ORDINANCE CHAPTER 9, ARTICLE 11: After reviewing Attorney Stittleburg’s correspondence, the consensus of the Council is that we are solid on the ordinance, and we will keep enforcing the rules as they are written.
AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 11, SECTIONS 11.0106 THROUGH 11.0109: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to update the ordinance to include pigeons. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to deny the Special Event Permit for Steve Kourajian to block off the entire west side of Lincoln Ave. for the 4th of July Parade and approve the Special Event Permit for Harley Hoepfer to block off part of 10th St. into the west side of Lincoln Ave. up to the Dakota Heritage Bank drive thru for the 4th of July Parade for vehicles that need to make wide turns. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR BONDING: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the Auditor Bonding bond resolution for Karen Nordby, Auditor, in the amount of $2,000,000.00. Upon VV, MC.
PROPERTY BID: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the bid from Nathan Patzer and Halle Weidmeier in the amount of $1500 for Lots 9 and 10 of Block 1 of the Mills Addition. Upon VV, MC.
LETTER OF RESIGNATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to accept the resignation of Shelley Svoboda from the City Council with their gratitude for his years of serving the community. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Special Event Permit for the Harvey Volunteer Fire Department to have their family picnic in Centennial Park. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular May 21st, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
M by Selzler, MS by Steedsman to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, Arnie Selzler, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, Police Officer Brien, and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: Gunar Soberg, Albert Krueger, Dean Klier, Amy Dale, Shelley Chin, Debbie Richards, Cheryl Ryan, and Tim Buchwitz. Josh Feil with Moore Engineering was present via Zoom.
TAX EQUILIZATION MEETING: Mayor Eckart opened the regular meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to allow the visitors to speak before the Tax Equalization Meeting. Upon VV, MC.
Josh with Moore Engineering presented his report to the Council. He informed them that prep work on the Sewer Rehab Project will begin the following week. The Control Panel Replacement will begin in August of this year. He stated that they received the results back from the environmental study for the CBDG Funding for City Hall. More studies are needed to move forward. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to start on Phase I, with the purpose to identify recognized environmental conditions with respect to the site, and to wait on Phase II. Upon VV, MC.
Albert Krueger requested the Council forgive a portion of his water bill until he gets some answers on the future of his sewer service that was capped off by New Life on Main after they had to redo their sewer in February due to problems with the lines. NLOM required Krueger to replace his sewer lines before they would allow him access to their sewer. Mr. Krueger will need to provide the council with a plan for his sewer repairs.
TAX EQUILIZATION MEETING: Mayor Eckart called the Tax Equalization Meeting to order.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the Notice of Increases & Property Tax Credits as submitted. Upon RCV, MC. With no further business, Mayor Eckart adjourned the Tax Equalization Meeting. Mayor Eckart re-opened the Regular Meeting.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He stated that his blight removal grant for up to $36K is complete and has been submitted. His next scheduled Morning Startup is May 30th at 8:30 a.m. He is hoping to host it outside at Soo Line Park. He has been collaborating with an individual on acquiring the Harvey Manor Apartments. He updated the council on his meetings had for the month and his ongoing developments.
POLICE REPORT: Senior Officer Carlson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the quote from Tecta America for $3677 to repair the roof at the Fire Hall and Armory and the quote for $2841 to repair the roof at the Water Treatment Plant. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve Evan Hanson to crush the concrete pile at the landfill for $6/ton with a limit of up to $60K. Upon RCV, MC. Kenny Erickson included a report on the #2 skid at the water treatment plant. A representative from our chemical suppliers came and did an analysis. He recommended getting new gauges and cleaning the elements again. The top four filters need to be replaced. The Council would like Kenny to gather more information on the filters before approving the request. Jamey requested approval for a new nozzle for the jetter for $2405. The Council tabled it. Council asked Jamey to call Magic City Garage Door to see if we could cancel our order for garage doors for the City Shop since they will not do the carpentry work.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. She presented them with the 2023 Audit report from Rath & Mehrer, P.C. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the 2023 audit. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on April 10th, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Steedsman, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with April revenue of $173,251.70. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Steedsman, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 194.78, AT&T Mobility 172.19, B&B Service & Repair 228.32, Bank of ND 1641.70, Bismarck Hotel & Conf. Center 192.60, Cherie Heisler 383.80, City of Harvey 620.01, Cole Papers 2783.92, Dakotah Paper Co. 358.52, Dave O’Kelley 233.40, Double M Sanitation 24662, Eagles Club 1500, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 3433.50, Flexible Pipe Tool Co. 21595, Fork 2 Field 360, Harvey Park District 1237.63, HAV-IT Recycling 1238.50, Hawkins Inc. 3431.21, Herald Press 544.34, Hinrich’s Super Value 986.75, Hometown Variety 1.99, Information Tech. 50.65, Interstate Engineering 7040, Jamey Weinmann 388.35, K&S Builders 18000, Kenny Erickson 256.76, Kevin’s Landscaping 330, KHND 200, Kim Johnson 300, Kotaco 226.31, Lemer’s Ace 711.28, Mid-American Research Chemical 348.40, Mid Dakota Lumber 430.38, Midee Auto 75, Miller Clothing 220, Moore Engineering 11147.50, Napa Auto Parts 39.65, ND Dept. of Health 18.54, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 50, NDTC 1501.69, Network Center 1308, Northern Prairie Mechanical 662.92, Nyhus Law Firm 800, One Call Concepts 39, Rath & Mehrer P.C. 13500, Rick Eckart 47, Safeguard Business System 554.86, Senior Center 15000, Spencer Marchand 2500, Stein’s Inc. 8357.24, Systems Tech. 540, Tom Evenrud 615, Top-Notch Outdoor Services 498, Tractor Supply Co. 207.84, Turtle Mountain League 400, Uniform Center 8, Unum Life Ins. 151.55, USPS 288.98, Verizon 255.52, Vessco Inc. 427.95, Visa 1392.66, Warehouse Groc. 58.74, Waste Management 7919.16, Wells Sheridan Aging Council 24, Zions Bank 400, and April Payroll $77,927.92. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: We are moving on to the next environmental study.
BID OPENING: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to accept the following bids: bid in the amount of $1250 per lot for Lots 2, 3, 4, & 5 of Block 2 of Burkhart’s Park 1st Addition from Mark Marchand. Bid in the amount of $7000 for Lot 12 Block 2 of the Original Townsite from Raymond Von Tonder. Bid in the amount of $9280 for Lot 20 Block B of the Muscha Subdivision Kost Muscha 1st Addition from Katherine & Dustin Engelstad. Bid in the amount of $1500 for Lot 1 Block 13 E 79’ of the Original Townsite from William Johnson. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the special event permit for Faith Lutheran Church to block the street at the corner of Adams Ave. and 8th Street for Vacation Bible School from 6 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. on June 3rd through June 6th. Upon VV, MC.
GAMING SITE AUTHORIZATIONS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Site Authorizations for the Wells Aerie #3080 FOE to conduct games at Home Town Tavern, Krafty’s Bar & Grill, and Harvey Eagles Club provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER: M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to designate the Herald Press as the official newspaper. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Special Event Permit for the Harvey Police Dept. to host a Firearms Qualification/Lunch at the Harvey Shooting Range on June 15th, 2024, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Upon VV, MC.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the Local Event Permit for the Harvey FCCLA provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular April 16th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
According to Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2.
M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to open Executive session regarding the Harvey Police Department. Upon VV, MC.
Executive session starts at 6:45 p.m. and was recorded. In attendance were Mayor Eckart, Baltrusch, Susag, Svoboda, Selzler, Steedsman, Nordby, and Weinmann.
M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to adjourn executive session. Upon VV, MC.
Executive session closed by Mayor Rick Eckart at 7:21 p.m.
M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, April 10th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, April 10th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, Arnie Selzler, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: County Assessor Jana Hopkins, Denise Harding, James, Hanna, Reagan, Emersyn, Cooper, and Kenley Faul, Jess, Sarah, Carson, Grant, and Zoey Reimche, Gunner Soberg, Dusty Kost, Gary Kennedy, Debbie Richards, Mark Soberg, Tim Buchwitz, Donna Edinger, Cheryl Ryan, Dean Klier, Jesse Berg, Shelley Chin, and Marci Eckart. Josh Feil and Anthony Setness were present via Zoom.
Mayor for the Day Zoey Reimche called the Tax Equalization Meeting to order.
Mayor for the Day Kenley Faul led The Pledge of Allegiance.
Assessor Hopkins informed Council that there were no notices of increase this year. She went over the increases and decreases between 2023 and 2024. The tax equalization meeting was recessed until the May 2024 meeting to continue to discuss and approve the changes.
Mayor for the Day Zoey Reimche opened the Regular Meeting.
Moore Engineering was present to discuss the Sewer Rehab Project. M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to award the contract to Municipal Pipe Tool Co. for the Steam Cured CIPP for $875,357.52. Upon RCV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to approve Change Order 1 to decrease the original bid by $111,540 which brings the amount to $763,817.52 to stay within the City’s budgetary constraints. Upon RCV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the contract for construction with Moore Engineering for $52,000. It should take 10 to 15 days to complete the project. Upon RCV, MC. A request is pending for grant money in the amount of $30,123.75 to cover the higher bids for the Control Panel Replacement. Karen informed the Council that we just received the notification that the environmental study has been completed and the result has been submitted to the state. M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to approve the Agreement with DWR to accept the $12,000 grant for basic asset inventory and capital improvement planning. Upon VV, MC.
Dusty Kost was there to inform the Council about the plans for Harvey Ambulance Bay Addition. State requirements are causing a need for more in-house staff. They currently have a 3-bedroom facility and are working on an addition to the west of the building for 2 additional bedrooms/exercise area.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He stated that he is working on a blight removal grant for the Reimche property to have it flattened and leveled. He updated the council on his meetings that he had for the month and his ongoing developments.
POLICE REPORT: The Harvey Police Department is getting another part-time officer to help fill in.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. Jamey will be meeting with the owner of Double M Sanitation to discuss the garbage truck. M by Svoboda, MS by Steedsman to award the bid for a new concrete shop floor to JP Hager Enterprises for $41,750. Upon RCV, MC. M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to approve the estimate from Magic City Garage Door Co. for $24,424 for two garage doors for the City Shop. Upon RVC, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the purchase of a new jetter pump for $18,360. Upon RCV, MC. We will put in a claim with the insurance company for the old pump. Jamey presented the Council with a proposal for crushing concrete at the landfill. They wanted him to gather more information.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. She requested to close the City office on Friday July 5th. City employees will need to use a vacation day. The consensus of the Council is to allow it. The Council would like to thank Melissa for her years of service. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to accept the resignation of Melissa Anderson from the City Council. Upon VV, MC. Nordby presented a list of City owned properties. M by Selzler, MS by Steedsman to lower the minimum bid from $5K to $1500 for 1000 Alder Ave. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to set a minimum bid of $1500 for 129 W. Brewster St. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to sell lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 of block 2, 836 Meadow Lane, for $1000 per lot. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to accept the proposed minimum bids for all the remaining lots and publish them in the Herald Press. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on March 13th, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with March revenue of $573,976.50. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 389.56, Aqua-Pure Inc. 6820, Balco Uniform Co. 372.21, Black Mountain Software 100, Carissa Gleave 24.59, Cashwa Fargo 563.11, Central Cinema 60, City of Harvey 699.77, Core & Main 1314.70, Double M Sanitation 23567.50, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 2452.50, Fischer, Round & Assoc. 4838, Harvey Park District 1770.10, HAV-IT Recycling 1228, Hawkins Inc. 2129.91, Herald Press 803.18, Hinrich’s Super Value 506.53, Hometown Tavern 12500, Hometown Variety 20.35, Information Tech. 43.55, Jamey Weinmann 73.70, Jeff’s Key & Lock Repair 400.50, John Donarski 15.96, Karen Nordby 100.50, Kotaco 3464.94, Lemer’s Ace 405.53, Little Mart 476.10, Mid Dakota Lumber 408.37, Midee Auto 975.08, Moore Engineering 20802.50, Napa Auto Parts 182.75, ND Dept. of Environmental Quality 210, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 31.46, ND League of Cities 250, NDTC 1622.44, Nyhus Law Firm 625, O’Day Equip. 1040.36, Ottertail Power Co. 8044.40, Pumpkin People & Produce 14.09, St. Michael Furniture 656, Spencer Marchand 1625, Stein’s Inc. 61.66, Systems Tech. 415, TJ Plumbing 100, Tractor Supply Co. 39.99, Trifectah Solutions 247.50, Unum Life Ins. 151.55, USDA Rural Development 50264, USPS 286.34, Verendrye Electric Coop 147, Verizon 256.07, Visa 1501.99, Warehouse Groc. 222.80, Waste Management 3928.98, Wells Co. Treasurer 2300, Wells Sheridan Aging Council 21.50, White Cap 1462.50, Wiest Assoc. 2045, Zions Bank 404905.50, and March Payroll $80,669.29. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Environmental study completed.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the renewal of the Conditional Use Permit for Amy Arnold to conduct massage therapy in her home at 312 Desmet Ave. Upon VV, MC.
ARBOR DAY PROCAMATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Arbor Day Proclamation for May 22nd, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
EARTH DAY PROCAMATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Earth Day Proclamation for April 22nd, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATED VOTING PLACE: M by Svoboda, MS by Steedsman to approve Harvey City Hall as the official voting place. Upon VV, MC.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the Local Event Permit for the Senior Community Club provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular March 26th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
WATER TREATMENT PLANT REPORT: The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality presented the City of Harvey with a Certificate of Achievement for satisfying applicable requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act for the year 2023.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, March 13th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, March 13th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Gil Steedsman, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, WTP Foreman Kenny Erickson, Officer Tyler Denning, Officer Shawn Brien, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, and Terri Powers. Absent were Council Members Melissa Anderson and Arnie Selzler.
VISITORS: Ryan Schneibel, Scott Arends, Daniel Deck, Mark Soberg, Bill Tresenriter, Tim & Loretta Buchwitz, Donna Edinger, Cheryl Ryan, Dean Klier, Shelley Chin, and Marci Eckart.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Fire Chief Schneibel updated the Council on changes in positions within the HFD. Scott Arends is the new Deputy Chief, Daniel Deck is the First Assistant, and Corey Lautt is the Second Assistant. He stated that the new overhead doors are working great.
Bill Tresenriter was present to gather information on the Hangover Bar. He stated that he is interested in purchasing the property.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He stated that he is looking into a Vibrancy Grant for the Penny House and informed the Council that we were not awarded the Housing Grant. There is more grant money available so he will reapply for other possible projects. Harvey Manor is still going through foreclosure. Spencer has been investigating possibilities to have a local investor group purchase the apartment building. The upcoming JDA Meeting has been postponed until March 26th, 2024.
POLICE REPORT: Officer Carlson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. Mayor Eckart performed the Oath of Office with Officer Denning & Officer Brien. They will be part-time help for the Harvey P.D.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. Kenny was present to ask the Council about purchasing pre-filters for the WTP skids, chemicals, and salt as needed without Council approval. M by Svoboda, MS by Steedsman to approve. Upon VV, MC. He presented them with a quote from PSI Water Technologies for a new microclor cell. He stated that we already had a spare and suggested that they hold off on buying another one. The Council agreed. Jamey included an estimate from Frueh Construction to replace the City Shop ceiling. The Council would like him to get one more estimate before deciding. He informed them that the exhaust fan on the daycare boiler went out and had been replaced. He is waiting to hear back on the cement bids for the city shop that he had called on.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. She presented the Council with Moore Engineering’s Engineer’s Report. She informed them that Moore has the sewer rehab project out for bids. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve Moore’s proposal to aid with the Basic Asset Inventory and Capital Improvement Planning. Upon VV, MC. ND Dept. of Water Resources is offering a 60% grant to pay for their services. M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to approve the invoice from Moore for $1269.04 for funding assistance for the CDBG. Upon VV, MC. She included the language which will be on the June ballot for the library to become a county library for the Council to review. The consensus of the council is it is easy to read. We are scheduled to have our annual audit April 8th. They discussed the two Managed Service and Support solutions quotes included in the packet. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to go with both companies. NRG Technology Services will take care of the Harvey Police Department and Network Center Incorporated will take care of the rest of the City of Harvey. Upon RCV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on February 14th, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with February revenue of $928,713.85. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the vouchers with expenses of 4U Custom Apparel 39.75, Aramark 389.56, Arthur Co. 75, AT&T Mobility 345.04, Black Mountain Software 20110, Bold Enterprise LLP 1500, City of Harvey 675.15, Cole Papers 3607, Core & Main 367.90, Curt Joern 195, Dacotah Paper Co. 179.26, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 173.1, Dave O’Kelley 11.33, Double M Sanitation 24640, Electronic Communications 1158, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 2714.10, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 7041.43, Guardian Fleet Safety 4118.14, Harvey Park District 2559.71, Harvey Public School 2500, Harvey Senior Center 100, HAV-IT Recycling 1226.50, Hawkins Inc. 2519.19, Herald Press 686.80, Hinrich’s Super Value 662.92, Hometown Tavern 12500, Hometown Variety 5.29, Information Tech. 43.55, Jamey Weinmann 214.08, Keller Plumbing & Heating 1128.61, KHND 200, Lemer’s Ace 576.18, Little Mart 408.02, Martha Meranda 26.48, Melissa Faul 10000, Mid-American Research Chemical 265.73, Midee Auto 840, Moore Engineering 44191.54, Napa Auto Parts 939.76, ND Dept. of Environmental Quality 60, ND Dept. of Health 37.08, NDTC 1563.14, One Call Concepts 1.30, Ottertail Power Co. 8459.58, Patzer Truck Repair 165.98, Pomp’s Tire Service 2160, Powerplan 3835.03, Rick Eckart 424.60, Roughrider Industries 162, Rustyre’ 400, Sanitation Products 240.33, SMP Health St. Aloisius 17, Spencer Marchand 2500, The Library Store 141.29, Tom’s Home Furnishings 798, Top-Notch Outdoor Services 313, Tractor Supply Co. 540.90, Travis Carlson 906.87, Trifectah Solutions 98.50, Uniform Center 444.98, USPS 606.76, Verendrye Electric Coop 141, Verizon 255.04, Visa 4410.28, Warehouse Groc. 271.18, Waste Management 12244.08, Wells Sheridan Aging Council 22, and February Payroll $81,734.74. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Waiting for CBDG approval on the completed environmental study.
LEMER’S GREENHOUSE: Lemer’s Ace Hardware requested use of the parking lot at the corner of 10th Street and Lincoln Ave. to assemble a greenhouse. M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the rental of the lot from April 27th, 2024, until June 15th, 2024. They will need to make sure the lot is cleaned once the greenhouse is taken down. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular February 20th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, February 14th, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, February 14th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, February 14th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Arnie Selzler, Gil Steedsman, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, Senior Officer Travis Carlson, and Terri Powers. Absent was JDA Director Spencer Marchand.
VISITORS: Pastor Paul Dyke, Nick Rygg, Mark Soberg, Debbie Richards, Shelley Chin, and Marci Eckart. Josh Feil with Moore Engineering was present via Zoom.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Dyke performed the invocation.
Josh Feil presented the Council with Moore Engineering’s Engineer’s Report. Josh discussed the Community Development Block Grant for the control panels. They are over 20 years old. Some have previously been rebuilt a couple of times. Moore Engineering has advertised the project for bids. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to award the bid of $181K to Sweeney Controls to replace 5 control panels: 2 at the water treatment plant, 2 at the wells, and 1 at ground storage; contingent upon CDBG approval. Upon RCV, MC. They discussed the sewer rehab project. This project will consist of relining the sewers starting at the end of the line on 5th Street behind the DOT to Alder Ave. The entire sewer will not be rehabbed at one time. The city has around $950,000 of reserve money available to pay for this portion of the relining. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the engineering contract with Moore. Upon RCV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the plans and specifications. Upon RCV, MC. M by Susag, MS by Svoboda to authorize Moore to advertise for bids. Upon VV, MC. Josh informed the Council of the lead line survey that was mailed out to N.D. residents, including Harvey. He encouraged them to get the word out requesting people to complete the survey.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review.
POLICE REPORT: Officer Carlson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. Officer Johnson’s letter of resignation was included. January 26th, 2024 was his last day with Harvey P.D. Officer Carlson stated that, in the month of January, there were 43 calls for service. He thanked the Council for their continued support and stated that he was actively trying to recruit officers for the Harvey PD. He presented a solution for IT. The Council would like to get an IT service that will cover all The City of Harvey’s needs. Officer Carlson discussed some equipment that needed to be added to the 2020 Tahoe. M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to approve the estimate from Guardian Fleet Safety for $4246.69 to complete the outfitting of the 2020 Chevy Tahoe. Upon VV, MC. Officer Carlson presented the Council with options for vehicle graphics for the 2023 Chevy Tahoe. The consensus is to discuss it later.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to approve the purchase of a floor scrubber for the Armory for $8279. Upon VV, MC. Jamey is still waiting for another bid for the electrical for the City Shop. M by Selzler, MS by Steedsman to approve the estimate from Lautt’s Construction for 3” spray foam for $21,564 for the City Shop. Upon RCV, MC. They discussed replacing the garage doors in the shop. The consensus of the Council is to table it for now. He informed the Council that Matt Pratt has passed his test for his CDL endorsement.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. Karen updated the Council on the B-52 building. Everything has been removed except the concrete. The Council decided to have the City employees perform the cleaning needs with Hav-it Services no longer able to complete the tasks. They discussed the progress of the Napa building. The consensus of the council is the contractor will not be paid the remainder of the money owed until the project has been completed. The council discussed a few personnel matters. M by Anderson, MS by Selzler to approve the increase request from Kenny Erickson for his clothing allowance for the water treatment plant supervisor. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve a $0.50/hour raise upon any employee passing their water treatment plant testing. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve a $0.75/hour raise upon any employee passing their CDL endorsement test. Upon VV, MC. Karen shared with the council a draft of the Joint City-County Library Agreement from Nyhus Law that has been presented to the county. The County Commissioner’s approved placing the City County Library on the June Ballot. The voting members of Wells County will decide if the County and City shall enter into and establish a joint public library at the current location of the Harvey City Library. This would include a mill levy of up to 2 mills and make all county residents eligible patrons at no charge for all services.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on January 10th, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with January revenue of $312,082.52. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of Alice Faul 54.86, American Library Assoc. 183, Aramark 387.22, AT&T Mobility 148.88, Bank of ND 7470, Brandon Ramsey 625, City of Harvey 540.98, Core & Main 2011.13, Dakotah Paper Co. 482.46, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 403.41, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 164, Dave O’Kelley 10.79, Double M Sanitation 23836, Drive Chevrolet 334.59, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 6180.30, First International Bank 625, Gaffaney’s of Minot 258.50, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 1933.56, Harvey Oil Co. 3032.55, Harvey Park District 1693.49, Harvey Sand & Gravel 337.50, HAV-IT Recycling 1228, Herald Press 174.24, Highplains Equip. 3673.36, Hinrich’s Super Value 978.59, Holzer Electric 1018.41, Hometown Variety 18.16, Information Tech. 43.55, Interstate Engineering 1760, Interstate Power Systems 1910, John Deere Financial 235.52, John Donarski 10.19, KHND 200, Kotaco 83.25, Lemer’s Ace 423.81, Little Mart 81.85, Magic City Garage Door Co. 17308, Matthew Pratt 12.25, MFOA 80, Mid-American Research Chemical 143.65, Mid Dakota Lumber 2567.51, Midee Auto 22.78, Municipal Judges Assoc. 25, Napa Auto Parts 172.95, ND Dept. of Health 18.54, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 187.08, NDTC 1505.64, Nextgen Construction 3390, Northern Prairie Mech. 869.56, Northstar Steel 116800, Nyhus Law Firm 3693.55, One Call Concepts 2.05, Ottertail Power Co. 8858.73, Patzer Truck Repair 753.18, Phoebe Faul 200, Precision Tax Service 945, Rick Eckart 16.50, Smette Oil 10930.02, SMP Health St. Aloisius 17, TJ Plumbing 5903, Top-Notch Outdoor Services 520, Tractor Supply Co. 623.03, Trifectah Solutions 254.35, Tyler Denning 700, Unum Life Insurance 285.27, USPS 287.02, Verendrye Electric Coop 158, Verizon 255.04, Visa 3059.54, Warehouse Groc. 233.17, Waste Management 19614.47, Zions Bank 26659.38, and January Payroll $136,375.97. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: They are waiting for an environmental study.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: A Special Event Permit was in the packet as an FYI from New Life on Main to block off parking for their Night to Shine Event on February 9th.
GAMING SITE AUTHORIZATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the Site Authorization for the Harvey Senior Citizen’s Club to conduct gaming at 118 E 8th St. providing all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the Local Event Permit for the Harvey Senior Citizen’s Club to conduct bingo and 50/50 on Thursdays from 2/15/2024 through 12/26/2024 providing all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the Liquor License Application from Hometown Tavern. Upon VV, MC.
SIDEWALK REMOVAL: M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to approve the request from Shane & Pam Faul to remove the remaining sidewalk in front of their property at 409 Franklin Ave. since it doesn’t span the property at either corner of the block and replace it with grass. Upon VV, MC.
GRAVEL: M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to approve Susag Sand & Gravel’s request to sell some of the 1 ½
crushed rocks/gravel of the City of Harvey and pay royalties at market rate. Upon VV, MC with Susag abstaining.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular January 16th, 2024, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
LIBRARY MINUTES: Library Minutes from the January 17th, 2024, meeting was in the packet for the Council to review.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, January 10th, 2024 5:30 pm
Wednesday, January 10th, 2024, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, January 10th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, and Kerry Susag. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, and Terri Powers. Absent were Council Members Arnie Selzler and Gil Steedsman.
VISITORS: Tim Buchwitz, Shelley Chin, and Marci Eckart.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. Spencer discussed the Rural Housing Grant. He informed the Council that once the houses have been rehabilitated, they can be sold. He has been taking time out of his schedule to do random business visits and has received positive responses. He will continue to do them on a regular basis.
POLICE REPORT: Officer Denning has resigned from the Harvey Police Department effective December 31st, 2023. Karen presented the Council with a quote from NRG Technology Services for IT support for the PD. The consensus of the Council is to wait until Scott Wiest of Wiest Associates LLC officially retires before looking for a new IT company.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to accept Mayor Eckart’s appointment of Jamey Weinmann as the new Public Works Director for the City of Harvey. Upon VV, MC. Mayor Eckart performed the Oath of Office and Mr. Weinmann was sworn in. He informed the Council that there has been no progress on the Napa Building. He presented a quote from Heilman Electric for the purchase and installation of LED lights, ceiling fans with controllers, and two garage door openers for the City Shop. Council asked him to get another quote. Jamey looked into getting a walk behind floor cleaner for the armory gym now that Havit is no longer cleaning. They tabled it until next month.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. Karen reviewed Moore Engineering’s Engineers report with the Council. M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to approve the proposal from Northland Environmental Consulting for $2200 to conduct an environmental study so we can move forward with the CBDG Grant. Upon VV, MC. The Council discussed the B-52 building. The consensus is to have the City Attorney send a letter to get things cleaned up.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on December 13th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with December revenue of $293,282.70. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 387.22, Arrowhead Scientific 67.47, At-Scene LLC 1500, AT&T Mobility 138.62, Black Mountain Software 100, Cashwa Fargo 771.25, Central Plains Water District 200, City of Harvey 435.46, Dakota Heritage Bank 3565, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 908.50, Dave O’Kelley 10.79, Double M Sanitation 25457, Drive Chevrolet 158.13, EDND 300, Electric Pump 1050, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 2801.12, First State Bank 3332.50, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 7153.65, HACTC 255, Harvey Oil Co. 2669.68, Harvey Park District 2127.97, HAV-IT Recycling 1225, HAV-IT Services 161, Hawkins 3601.64, Heilman Electric 7951.12, Herald Press 1621.01, Hinrich’s Super Value 924.16, Hometown Variety 19.16, Information Tech. 43.55, Interstate Engineering 11440, John Deere Financial 264.60, Karl Chevrolet 41407, Kotaco 126.81, Larissa Arnold 200, Lemer’s Ace 859.57, Little Mart 125.32, Lori Holzer 50, Mid Dakota Lumber 6825.35, Midee Auto 350.19, Napa Auto Parts 9.58, ND Dept. of Health 166.85, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 31.46, ND League of Cities 1698, NDTC 1564.92, Nyhus Law Firm 670, OK Tire Store & Service 9616, One Call Concepts 1.30, Ottertail Power Co. 7401.56, Patzer Truck Repair 356.80, Powerplan 21269.51, Rustyre’ 600, Shari Nyhus 290.23, Sweeney Controls Co. 511, TJ Plumbing 347.50, Tom’s Home Furnishings 438, Top-Notch Outdoor Services 282.50, Tractor Supply Co. 536.80, Trifectah Solutions 355.72, Uniform Center 65, Unum Life Insurance 205.04, USPS 284.03, Verendrye Electric Coop 153, Verizon 255.28, Visa 2882.39, Warehouse Groc. 301.95, Waste Management 14365.32, Wells Co. Abstract Co. 1165, Wells Co. Treasurer 48070.22, and December Payroll $87,939.23. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: The Council discussed getting started on painting the basement.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Special Event Permit for Corinne Engen to have a wedding ceremony at the Harvey Shooting Range. Upon VV, MC.
GYMNASTICS EQUIPMENT USE AGREEMENT: The Council discussed the equipment use agreement between the Harvey Gymnastics Club and the Harvey Rec Board. The consensus of the Council is to have the club conduct the program privately rather than through the Harvey Rec Department.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the Local Event Permit for First Lutheran Church LYO for a calendar raffle provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATE DEPOSITORIES OF PUBLIC FUNDS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to designate the First State Bank, First International Bank, Dakota Heritage Bank and Bank of North Dakota as the depositories of public funds which meet pledge security requirements. Upon VV, MC.
BUDGET AMENDMENTS & TRANSFERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Transfers as submitted. Upon RCV, MC.
M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Revenue Amendments. Upon RCV, MC.
M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Expenditure Amendments. Upon RCV, MC.
APPROVE SALE OF ALL CITY PROPERTY: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the sale of all real property owned by the City of Harvey upon bid acceptance by the City Council. Upon RCV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the special December 14th, 2023, and regular December 19th, 2023, meetings were included in the packet.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Airport Authority Minutes from the December 12th, 2023, meeting was in the packet for the Council to review.
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MINUTES: Personnel Committee Minutes from the December 19th, 2023, meeting was in the packet for the Council to review.
FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES: Finance Committee Minutes from the January 8th, 2024, meeting was in the packet for the Council to review.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, December 13, 2023 5:30 pm
Wednesday, December 13th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, December 13th, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Arnie Selzler, and Gil Steedsman. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Interim Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, Senior Officer Travis Carlson, Officer Gabe Johnson, and Terri Powers. Absent was Council Member Kerry Susag.
VISITORS: Debbie Richards, Shelley Chin, and Marci Eckart. Josh Feil with Moore Engineering was present via Zoom.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Josh presented his Engineer’s Report to the Council. They discussed the sewer rehab project. Josh advised the Council to televise, clean, and re-line the sewer lines with the rehab project. We may run into a spot that has collapsed and we would need to discuss that at that time. Sewer lining is done block by block. The consensus of the Council is to wait to televise the lines.
Debbie Richards with the Chamber of Commerce was present to update the Council on the status of hiring a new Chamber Director. The members of the board are currently filling in until someone is hired.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. Spencer discussed the Rural Housing Grant. He stated that they will be rehabilitating the properties the City obtained from the county on back taxes. They are currently waiting for the deeds and will be touring the properties as soon as they are received. He informed the Council that the grant rewards will be announced on January 12th, 2024.
POLICE REPORT: Officer Travis Carlson briefed the Council on the P.D.’s activities for November. He informed them that the radios were not working as they should. He presented them with a quote from Electronic Communications and Motorola Solutions for $48,429.56 to replace three vehicle radios and three portable radios. M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to approve. Upon RCV, MC. Burleigh Co. will donate their old radios until we receive our new ones. Travis requested to return the push-to-talk phones and go back to iPhone. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to continue with AT&T and make the change to iPhone 13’s. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve ICrime, a system that will help the P.D. get documents to the state’s attorney in a more secure manner. The cost is $1500/year. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to have Guardian out of Minnesota outfit the new vehicle for the P.D. which will save approximately $3300. Upon VV, MC. Travis informed the Council that Officer Johnson had passed the academy and received his POST License.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Interim Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He stated that there has been no interest in the garbage truck. They suggested letting Sanitation Products know that we have one for sale. He informed them that the front of the firehall is complete, and they are waiting for the doors. Construction has started on the shop’s roof replacement.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. They discussed the water rate study. M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to decrease the gallons included in the base rate from 2000 to 1000. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to start billing out all unbilled meters. Upon VV, MC. M by Steedsman, MS by Baltrusch to start billing insurance companies for water usage by the fire department while fighting fires. Upon VV, MC. She informed the Council that Hav-it Services will no longer be available to clean the City Armory, Police Station, Firehall, or Pilot’s Lounge due to staffing shortages. The consensus of the Council is to place an ad in the paper for the position.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on November 8th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with November revenue of $317,993.10. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of Airside Solutions 574.64, Aladdin Food Management 705, Aramark 580.83, AT&T Mobility 138.61, Aqua-Pure Inc. 4345, B&B Service & Repair 10000, Badlands Environmental 1280, Barnes Co. Clerk of Court 250, Borsheim Crane Service 1460.94, Cherie Heisler 300, City of Harvey 17197.57, Cole Papers 2327.93, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 5666, Dave O’Kelley 300, Double M Sanitation 24227, Electronic Communications 455, Evolve Inc. 713.95, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 2550.60, Faul’s Excavating 4315.50, Gabriel Johnson 576.40, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 46, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 585, Harvey Fire Department 11444, Harvey Park District 2512.96, HAV-IT Recycling 1225, HAV-IT Services 530, Hinrich’s Super Value 760.07, Hometown Variety 35.95, Information Tech. 38.55, Interstate Engineering 29920, Interstate Power Systems 99950, Jamey Weinmann 200, John Donarski 300, John Deere Financial 62.41, Karen Nordby 458.25, Keller Plumbing & Heating 60, Kenny Erickson 327.15, KHND 375, Kotaco 5620.94, Lautt’s Autobody 199.07, Lemer’s Ace 377.72, Main Electric Const. Inc. 40788.64, Mathew Pratt 300, Mid Dakota Lumber 105.18, Napa Auto Parts 60.88, ND Dept. of Health 177.42, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 68.54, NDSU 250, NDTC 1692.64, ND Water Users 300, Nyhus Law Firm 615, One Call Concepts 1.30, Opdahl Concrete 28660, Ottertail Power Co. 12635.90, Patzer Truck Repair 1691.07, Paul’s Snow Removal 507.50, Rough Rider Industries 41.72, Shelley Svoboda 98.25, Spencer Marchand 300, SMP Health 50, Sun Dog Const. 20000, Syn-Tech Systems 42, TJ Plumbing 1198, Terri Powers 300, Tom’s Home Furnishings 472.02, Tractor Supply Co. 249.07, Uniform Center 1742.94, Unum Life Insurance 190.33, USPS 285.92, Verendrye Electric Coop 152, Verizon 144.53, Visa 13940.51, Warehouse Groc. 1111.62, Waste Management 15812.95, Wells Co. Recorder 14481.66, Wiest Associates 2514, Zada Wiedmeier 62.50, and November Payroll $85,149.02. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: M by Baltrusch, MS by Steedsman to approve the estimate for $1064.98 for paint from Lemer’s Ace to paint the armory. Upon VV, MC. The Council will have a working meeting in January to discuss the armory remodel.
LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS: M by Anderson, MS by Selzler to approve the Liquor License Renewals for 2024 for Harvey Bottle Shop, Cobblestone Inn & Suites of Harvey, Harvey Eagles Club, Krafty’s Bar & Grill, Inc., Little Mart C-Store, and Ta Ahni, Inc. Upon VV, MC.
GAMING SITE AUTHORIZATION: M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to approve the Gaming Site Authorization for the RMEF Minndak Inc. to conduct a raffle on March 9th, 2024, at the Harvey Eagles Club provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
CHRISTMAS PARTY: Auditor Nordby informed the Council that the City of Harvey Christmas Party is scheduled for January 5th, 2024, at the Peaceful Valley Golf Course.
CITY COUNCIL RAISES: M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to approve the raise recommendations made by Mayor Eckart to increase the City Council Members from $1200/year to $1500/year and the Harvey Mayor from $2400/year to $3000/year. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular November 21st, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
HARVEY PUBLIC LIBRARY MINUTES: Library Minutes from the regular November 16th, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
HARVEY AREA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION MINUTES: HACF Minutes from the regular November 16th, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 5:30 pm
Wednesday, November 8th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, November 8th, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Kerry Susag, Arnie Selzler, and Gil Steedsman. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Interim Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, and Terri Powers. Absent was Council Member Melissa Anderson.
VISITORS: Pastor Harold Chin, Rick Jensen, Shelley Chin, and Marci Eckart.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Chin performed the invocation.
The Oath of Office was recited, and Gil Steedsman was sworn in.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. Spencer informed the Council of a new grant opportunity coming out for blighted homes. He is requesting that the City of Harvey purchase two properties in tax foreclosure and use grant money to renovate the homes for rentals and get them back on the tax roll. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to purchase parcel #80384000 for $6077.35 and parcel #81216000 for $7842.30 using funds from 2130. Upon VV, MC. Arnie commented on Spencer’s upcoming Morning Startup. He thinks it’s a great idea for the business community.
POLICE REPORT: Travis Carlson from the Benson Co. Sheriff’s Department is filling in part-time for the Harvey City P.D. He started on October 13th, 2023.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Interim Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. Mayor Eckart informed the Council that Kenny passed his Grade 3 area water treatment test. He is now a Class 3 Operator. Jamey stated that the blade is back from getting repaired and running well. The generator for the water treatment plant was delivered the day of the meeting. The wiring will be completed by the end of the month. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to approve the purchase of four Titan tires for $7254.16 for the payloader and four Michelin tires for $9616 for the blade from Dale’s Radiator & Repair, with Mike Rust installing the tires. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the purchase of Reznor Heater for the water treatment plant from Northern Prairie Mechanical for $4606. Upon VV, MC with Svoboda abstaining.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. They discussed the Engineer’s Report from Moore Engineering. M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to have Moore conduct a lead line inventory. Upon VV, MC. They are still waiting on legal counsel before approving the Agreement Between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve Task Order 21827 for On-Call Services. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve Task Order 21244 for services for the sewer project. Upon VV, MC. Karen discussed the rate study. The council tabled it until next month. She went over the list of foreclosed properties. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the estimates from Wiest Associates to replace the Utility Billing, the Auditor, and the WTP computers. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve contracting our credit/debit card services through GovCard with the purchase of a reader for the office. Upon VV, MC. The Council discussed the properties on 6th Street and rezoning to light industrial. Karen will work on it for the next meeting.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on October 11th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Selzler, MS by Susag to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with October revenue of $223,489.68. Upon RCV, MC with Steedsman abstaining.
VOUCHERS: M by Selzler, MS by Susag to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 387.22, AT&T Mobility 138.70, Bismarck Hotel & Conf. Center 441, Chrissie Hager 200, City of Harvey 240.19, Cole Papers 942.48, Core & Main 1384.18, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 15, Dave O’Kelley 9.17, Double M Sanitation 28898, Drive Chevrolet 67, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 490.50, Galls Inc. 182.98, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 362.07, HACTC 85, Harvey City Band 450, Harvey Park District 1927, HAV-IT Recycling 1246, HAV-IT Services 257, Hawkin’s Inc. 4938.07, Herald Press 712.45, Highplains Equip. 79, Hinrich’s Super Value 1049.77, Hometown Variety 128.77, Information Tech. 41.60, John Deere Financial 353.51, JP Hager Enterprises 1900, Kevin’s Landscaping 790, KHND 200, Kotaco 3759.01, Lemer’s Ace 765.14, Little Mart 424.29, Magic City Garage Door Co. 17100, Main Electric Const. Inc. 12328, Martha Meranda 75, Mid Dakota Lumber 14.28, Napa Auto Parts 137.01, ND League of Cities 630, ND Lib Assoc. 35, NDTC 1512.84, Northern Prairie Mechanical 10404.81, Nyhus Law Firm 1455, One Call Concepts 11.70, Opdahl Concrete 2578, Ottertail Power Co. 347.09, Patriot Fire & Safety 16519.71, Patzer Truck Repair 721.46, PSI Water Tech. 5437.84, Rough Rider Industries 96.84, Sanitation Products 105.45, Sarah Markgraf 875, Saturday Evening Post 38, Spencer Marchand 117.90, Sun Dog Const. 35000, Susag Sand & Gravel 90, Tecta America Greenberg Roofing 2973, TJ Plumbing 5110, Tractor Supply Co. 996.82, Two Rivers Printing 44.47, Unum Life Insurance 190.33, USPS 284.66, Verendrye Electric Coop 142, Verizon 444.98, Vessco 4592, Zions Bank 400, and October Payroll $92,192.37. Upon RCV, MC with Steedsman abstaining.
ARMORY UPDATE: There was an estimate included in the packet from Mid-Dakota Lumber for paint in the amount of $1613.72. M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to approve. Motion died pending more price estimates. They discussed getting an estimate from Perfection Auto to paint the armory sound panels.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the appointment of citizen input member, Jared Hanson, to the JDA Board. Melissa Anderson will be removed from the JDA Board now that she is back on City Council. Upon VV, MC.
IPHONE SE BID: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to accept the bid of $50 from Cherie Heisler for the purchase of an iPhone SE from The City of Harvey. Upon VV, MC.
KIWANIS PROCLAMATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the Proclamation for the Harvey Kiwanis Club for Tuesday November 14th as Harvey Kiwanis Day in the City of Harvey. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular September 19th, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
CVB MINUTES: CVB Minutes from the regular October 2nd, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
BOA MINUTES: M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to accept the Board of Adjustment’s recommendations. Upon VV, MC.
HARVEY PUBLIC LIBRARY MINUTES: Library minutes from the regular October 19th, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 5:30 pm
Wednesday, October 11th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, October 11th, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Kerry Susag, and Melissa Anderson. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Interim Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, and Terri Powers. Absent were JDA Director Spencer Marchand and Council Member Arnie Selzler.
VISITORS: Pastor Kevin Shumway, Fire Chief Ryan Schneibel, Kerry Bauerle, Cheryl Feickert, Shelley Chin, Marci Eckart, Inna Akhmetzhanov and family. Natalia Heck with Midwest Assistance Program and Josh Feil with Moore Engineering were present via Zoom.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Shumway performed the invocation.
Natalia Heck was at the meeting to present her rate study findings to the City Council. She explained what data she looked through to come to the final recommendation for the City Council to get to the 1.1 ratio that we need to be at to comply with the State of N.D. She stated that in 2022 we had lower revenue with higher expenses. She recommended raising our water and sewer rates by $1 per service or lowering our allotted gallons per month from 2000 gallons to 1000 gallons. She informed the Council that 20% of our treated water is non-billed water, for example, the swimming pool, football field, etc. The Council will review her report and discuss how they would like to proceed.
Ryan presented an invoice from Patriot Fire & Safety for $16,519.71 for the poly tank on the 1990 GMC Pumper. M by Baltrush, MS by Svoboda to approve the repair. Upon VV, MC. They also discussed the estimate from Magic City Garage Door Co. for $29,175 to replace the overhead doors at the firehall including installation and openers. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve. Upon RCV, MC.
Kerry Bauerle was there to ask the Council to forgive the grass bill for 313 Jackson Ave. As the property is in foreclosure, the consensus of the Council is to let the bill stand as is.
Cheryl Feickert was also looking for forgiveness on a grass bill for 409 and 413 Emerson as well as the 6th Street storage building that now belongs to her daughter, Alicia Lamm. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to forgive half of the bill provided Alicia continues to maintain the properties. Upon VV, MC.
Josh Feil went over his Engineer’s Report with the Council. Moore is requesting approval of an Agreement Between Owner & Engineer for Professional Services Task Order Edition. The Council tabled it until legal council could review the agreement. He informed them that Opdahl’s would be finished with the concrete in Centennial Park by the middle of the following week. The CDBG projects are moving forward at a very slow pace.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review.
POLICE REPORT: Mike Zuber’s letter of resignation was included in the packet. Due to familial obligations, he has decided to move back to Chicago. His resignation will take effect on October 10th, 2023.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Interim Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. They discussed replacing the tires on the payloader and the blade. The decision was tabled until they know what brand of tires are currently being used. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to purchase a pump and a sensor for the microclor unit at the Water Treatment Plant. The cost is $5317.72 from PSI Water Technologies. Plus have a representative from Vessco come to the plant to inspect the microclor unit. Upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve payment for the water heater from TJ Plumbing for $975. The current water heater had sprung a leak. Upon VV, MC. Jamey informed the Council that the Street Dept. has been preparing for winter. The materials for the shop roof have an estimated ship date of November 24th, 2023.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. She requested taking Friday, the day after Thanksgiving off for all City employees and using a vacation day. The consensus is to allow the City of Harvey employees to take the day off with vacation every year going forward. Auditor Nordby updated the Council on the nuisance properties. M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to approve the 12.77% increase to the 2024 BCBS Medical Policy. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the NDRW Apprentice Program for Dave O’Kelley to help prepare him for his Water Treatment Plant Operator tests. Upon VV, MC. They discussed parking on 9th Street between Alder and Lincoln and what can be done about the congestion. They will do some additional research and report to the council. M by Svoboda to approve GovCard for our debit/credit card payments. The Council would like to get more options before making a final decision. Motion was withdrawn. M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to purchase a 2023 black Chevrolet Tahoe for $41,232 plus $19,951.53 to outfit the Tahoe for the Harvey P.D from Karl Chevrolet. The PD is scheduled for a vehicle replacement in 2024. The new 2024 won’t be ready until the 1st of March 2024. Upon RCV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to put the 2017 Tahoe out for bid, with a minimum bid of $25K. Upon VV, MC. After consulting with our legal counsel, a motion was made. M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to allow the Engen wedding at the City’s gun range on May 11th, 2024, provided there is no alcohol, a special event permit is filled out, and they run an ad of its closure in the local paper. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on September 13th, and the Special Meetings on September 19th and 25th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with September revenue of $237,640.46. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to approve the vouchers with expenses of 4U Custom Apparel 90.45, Aramark 387.22, Arnie Selzler 148.03, AT&T Mobility 136.98, Black Mountain Software 100, Bullet Transmission 4390.23, City of Harvey 251.21, Cole Papers 1105.46, D&B Portables 500, Dacotah Paper Co. 554.15, Dave O’Kelley 10.14, Dean Klier 179.10, Demco Inc. 1019.25, Double M Sanitation 25433, Drive Chevrolet 232.26, Elite Spraying 6263.25, ES OPCO USA 4400, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 1694.70, Hach Co. 510.42, Harvey Oil Co. 3328.02, Harvey Park District 2278.26, HAV-IT Recycling 1664, HAV-IT Services 307, Hawkin’s Inc. 1667.02, Hinrich’s Super Value 882.91, Hometown Variety 87.08, Information Tech. 41.60, John Donarski 125, Karen Nordby 148.03, Kevin’s Landscaping 395, Kim Johnson 125, Kotaco 929.14, Lemer’s Ace 529.51, Little Mart 703.25, Martha Meranda 35.85, Michael Zuber 683.32, Mid Dakota Lumber 10.20, Midee Auto 1294.41, Moore Engineering 18736.74, Napa Auto Parts 579.30, ND Dept. of Health 18.54, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 150, ND League of Cities 1100, NDTC 1569.11, Nyhus Law Firm 1115, One Call Concepts 26, Opdahl Concrete 5000, Ottertail Power Co. 7439.73, Patzer Truck Repair 2833.68, Penny House 1191.63, Post Board 70, Radisson Hotel 96.30, Rough Rider Industries 334.90, Shelley Svoboda 148.03, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 582.17, Spencer Marchand 201.74, Tractor Supply Co. 121.95, Trifectah Solutions 946.46, Unum Life Insurance 206.88, USPS 293.57, Verendrye Electric Coop 141, Verizon 444.80, Visa 2761.80, Warehouse Grocery 298.92, Zions Bank 446138.50, and September Payroll $98,594.94. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Nothing to report.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Kevin Friedt to the Board of Adjustments. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Gil Steedsman to the Harvey City Council. Upon VV, MC. They discussed the letter from HWC School stating that they will not have a representative from the Harvey School Board on the Harvey Rec Board. The Council will investigate the best people for the boards and decide what changes to make.
POLICE CHIEF: The Council discussed the vacant Police Chief position. They have posted the position and have received some applicants.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the local event permit for Samuel Hanson Medical for a raffle provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular September 19th, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
CVB MINUTES: CVB Minutes from the regular October 2nd, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
BOA MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to accept the Board of Adjustment’s recommendations. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, September 13th, 2023 5:30 pm
Wednesday, September 13th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, September 13th, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Kerry Susag, Melissa Anderson, and Arnie Selzler. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Interim Public Works Director Jamey Weinmann, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, Chief Zuber, and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: Pastor Jeff Robison, Tim & Connie Loen, Brenda Finley, Dean Klier, Keith Holzer, Marci Eckart and Shelley Chin. Chip, Kaya, and Josh Feil with Moore Engineering were present via Zoom.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Jeff performed the invocation.
M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Melissa Anderson to the City Council. Upon VV, MC. The Oath of Office was recited, and Melissa Anderson was sworn in.
Visitors Chip & Kaya were present to request the use of the Harvey Gun Range for their wedding ceremony on May 11th, 2024. The consensus of the Council is to confer with the City’s legal counsel before deciding.
The Loen’s were there to ask for clarification on the ordinance regarding off-highway vehicles. The City of Harvey follows the same rules written in the Century Code.
Dean Klier and Keith Holzer were present to voice their concerns over the four-way stop on North St. and Alder Ave. Klier wanted to know what the purpose of the extra stop signs was. Council informed him that there have been numerous complaints about the high speed of drivers on North Street. The stop signs were installed for safety reasons.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING-BUDGET 2024: Auditor Nordby addressed the council on the budget for 2024.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the 2024 Final Budget as submitted. Upon RVC, MC.
FUND Amount Levied
General-Schedule B………………………. $384,000
Emergency……………………………… $2,000
Recreation………………………………. $15,000
Special Revenue Funds-Schedule C
Special Assessments-City Share…………. $17,000
Library…………………………………. $23,500
Economic Development………………… $3000
Airport…………………………………… $7500
Mayor Rick Eckart adjourned the Public Hearing.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Zuber’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed the Council that on September 23rd the kids will be going around collecting food for the food pantry. He updated the Council on the B-52 fire. Chief Zuber continues to work with Wells Co. Public Health on mental awareness.
Officer Gabriel Johnson will be starting the academy on September 25th. He will need to attend and complete the NDPOST academy to become a ND licensed Peace Officer. The academy is a 16-week course held in Bismarck. The only applicants allowed are required to be employed with a police or sheriff’s department. The Council discussed the promissory note for $19,200 for the wages paid to the officer during his time at the academy. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to enter in a promissory note for $19,200 for 3 years with Gabriel Johnson. If the officer completes 3 years with the Harvey PD the promissory note will be forgiven. Upon VV, MC. Gabriel Johnson’s pay schedule will be $40,000 per year while he is getting licensed. Once he completes the academy, the salary will increase to $45,000. Six months after his completion of the academy, his probationary period will be completed, and the salary will increase to $50,000. M by Baltursch, MS by Svoboda to approve request. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Interim Public Works Director Weinmann’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the proposal from DK Mechanical Contractors for $8680 to remove and install 15 butterfly valve actuators at the water treatment plant. Upon VV, MC. They discussed the need for more lighting between Grant Ave. and North St. Jamey will get some prices. M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to approve the estimate from Grainger for $2557.03 for 6 drum spill containment pallets that are required by the state for the water treatment plant. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to approve the estimate from Mid-Dakota Lumber for $3209.90 to replace the walk-in doors at the firehall and the supplies to renovate the front of the fire hall. Upon VV, MC. Shelley will get a bid for installing overhead doors. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the proposal from Northstar Steel Inc. for $116,800 to replace the roof at the City Shop. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the estimate from Northern Prairie Mechanical for $4397.60 to replace the air conditioner at the water treatment plant. Upon VV, MC with Svoboda abstaining. Karen informed the Council that there had been an inquiry about renting the garbage truck. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to advertise the garbage truck for bids in the paper and on-line to sell the garbage truck. Upon VV, MC. Jamey informed the Council that the hydrant on Kennedy and Second St. was fixed, however, it still needs a riser.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. Mayor Rick thanked Karen & Kenny for the work they did on the budget. Karen informed the Council that Natalia from MAPs has completed her rate study and will attend the October Council Meeting to discuss her findings. They discussed the complaints the office has received on nuisance properties and how they should handle the situation. Karen stated that she would take on the project with the help of the Harvey P.D.
MINUTES: M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on August 9th, and the Special Meeting on August 16th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with August revenue of $251,518.29. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 387.22, AT&T Mobility 193.72, Blacktrail Environmental 3620, City of Harvey 258.31, D&B Portables 100, D&R Flooring 5660, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 790, Daniel Miller 75, Dave O’Kelley 9.67, Delores Langseth 200, Demco Inc. 694.65, Double M Sanitation 28220, Gaffaney’s of Minot 397.44, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3500, Harvey Park District 2328.37, Harvey Sand & Gravel 57, HAV-IT Recycling 1664, HAV-IT Services 812, Hawkin’s Inc. 3906.61, Herald Press 1241.78, Highplains Equip. 82.24, Hinrich’s Super Value 1291.39, Hometown Variety 57.85, Information Tech. 41.60, Jamey Weinmann 68.75, Karen Nordby 68.75, Kevin’s Landscaping 790, Kotaco 1963.01, Lautt’s Autobody & Towing 316.86, Lemer’s Ace 346.35, Linda Joern 508.75, Little Mart 23.14, Mid-American Research Chemical 337.86, Mid Dakota Lumber 2453.58, Moore Engineering 205, Napa Auto Parts 46.52, ND Dept. of Health 37.08, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 50, ND Rural Water Systems 100, NDSU 250, NDTC 1551.85, Nyhus Law Firm 1955, One Call Concepts 23.40, Online Dakota Information 2568, Opdahl Body Shop 230, Ottertail Power Co. 7293.49, Patzer Truck Repair 773.86, Penguin Management 500, Penny House 1308.37, Pipe Detectives 79853.14, Pomp’s Tire Service 945.78, PSI Water Technologies 2820.59, Railroad Management Co. 344.67, Roadway Services Inc. 24580, Rough Rider Industries 100, RV Enterprises 16800, Spencer Marchand 641.90, System Technology 315, Terri Powers 68.75, Tom’s Home Furnishings 2000.16, Tractor Supply Co. 300.45, Trifectah Solutions 1365.24, Unum Life Insurance 223.43, USPS 291.31, Verendrye Electric Coop 153, Verizon 444.32, Visa 2066.21, Warehouse Grocery 460.46, Water Environment Federation 155, and August Payroll $134,098.39. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Nothing to report.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Mayor Rick informed the Council that he is still looking for volunteers to fill vacant spots on several committees.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: M by Anderson, MS by Selzler to reduce the monthly recycling fee to $1.50 and increase the garbage fee to $20.50 due to the rising costs of waste disposal and the decrease in recycling that is currently being picked up by Hav-It Recycling. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to inform Hav-It Recycling of the change. Upon VV, MC.
CONCRETE DISPOSAL FEES: M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to raise the concrete disposal fees to $25 per pickup load, $60 per dump truck load, and $90 per semi load effective November 1st, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
PROPERTY BID: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to accept the bid of $1000 from Melissa Faul to purchase Lot 1, Block 3 of the Mills Addition. Upon VV, MC.
PROPERTY BID: M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to deny the bid from Andrew Weisser to purchase 150 ft. by 40 ft. of the lot next to his property at 1011 Allen Ave. #7. Upon VV, MC.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the Local Event Permit for the Harvey Kiwanis Club for a raffle provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Special Event Permit for Lincoln & Nine to block off parking in front of their building for their BBQ and Blues event on October 7th, 2023, from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Special Event Permit for Ta Ahni to serve off premise beer and wine at Lincoln & Nine for their BBQ and Blues Event on October 7th, 2023, from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Upon VV, MC.
TAX ASSESSOR APPOINTMENT: M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Jana Mogren as the City of Harvey’s Tax Assessor. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular August 15th, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, August 9th, 2023 5:30pm
Wednesday, August 9th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, August 9th, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Kerry Susag, and Arnie Selzler. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, Chief Zuber, Officer Johnson, and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: Brandt Jenner, Brad Kline, Desjah Howe, Marci Eckart, and Shelley Chin.
Brandt Jenner from the Eagles Club and Brad Kline from the Park Board attended the meeting to request help from the City of Harvey to tear out and dispose of the fencing and asphalt from the tennis court located in Harvey’s Veteran’s Memorial Park. They are planning on installing a basketball and two pickleball courts in addition to new fencing and two cement pads for bleachers. M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to have the public works crew perform the work at no cost with the stipulation that the park board remove the vines from the fencing to be taken down. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed the Council of the meetings he has attended and how he has gotten new ideas from the South-Central Dakota Regional Board Meetings. He visited with multiple people on the housing shortage. They confirmed that it is an issue when trying to hire outside the community. He presented the Council with a Main Street ND Proclamation. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to accept the proclamation with the correction of the month. Upon VV, MC. He informed the Council that the Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce no longer wants to oversee the CVB. Spencer presented an updated Resolution for the Convention and Visitors Bureau. M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to accept the resolution with the names removed from the document. Upon VV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Zuber’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He introduced Officer Gabriel Johnson and Mayor Eckart performed his Oath of Office. Officer Johnson will be attending the P.O.S.T. Academy. The Chief continues to work with Public Health to improve the process of helping individuals with mental health issues. They received the speed bumps that were ordered. He asked the Council to let him know of any areas that come up where they are needed. They also received their new phones and got them activated. Officer Denning is doing great!
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the purchase of a MicroClor cell replacement for $4457 from Vessco Inc. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Susag to approve the purchase of a commercial water softener for the water plant for $3740 from TJ Plumbing. Upon VV, MC. The Council discussed replacing the City’s payloader. The consensus of the Council is to pass for now and focus on getting the City Shop roof repaired. They will put the roof repairs out for bid. The ad will be published in the paper for two consecutive weeks. They discussed the list of asphalt patch repair work that needs to be done. The consensus of the Council is to wait until next year when Hwy 52 is being worked on. M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the bid from Dale’s Radiator & Repair for $945.78 to replace and install the tires on the 2008 Chevy pickup. Upon VV, MC. Kenny informed the Council that the Brownfields program have secured a contractor for the removal of the asbestos from the Napa Building. Baltrusch discussed the condition of the flatbed for our 2008 Chevy one ton pickup. The consensus of the council is to investigate purchasing a new bed.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. She reminded the Council about the upcoming Annual Conference. She informed them that we received our 2023 RV Park/Campground license from the state of North Dakota. The next step will be installing signs and adding gravel where there are low spots. Nordby updated the Council on the Cent. Park West path. The dirt work has been completed. We are waiting for the concrete work. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the payment of $25,800 to Susag Sand & Gravel for the dirt work. Upon VV, MC with Susag abstaining. The City of Harvey received a donation from the Eagles for $10k to finish the cement work on Cent Park West.
MINUTES: M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on July 12th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with July revenue of $382,250.26. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of 4U Custom Apparel 1726.50, Axon Enterprises 959.96, Bank of North Dakota 134,118.03, City of Harvey 386.68, Cobblestone Inn & Suites 176.40, Dacotah Paper Co. 691.67, Diamond Vogel 625.50, Double M Sanitation 25492, Drake Anamoose Summer Rec 100, Elite Spraying 12170.75, ESS Brothers & Sons 711.10, Gabriel Johnson 758.48, Harvey Oil Co. 2753.55, Harvey Park District 2083.86, HAV-IT Recycling 1670, HAV-IT Services 392, Hinrich’s Super Value 883.14, Hometown Variety 58.40, Hunter Fletschock 128.46, Information Tech. 41.60, John Deere Financial 564.03, John Donarski 13.91, Just Good Barbeque 10000, Kevin’s Landscaping 395, KHND 200, Kotaco 187.69, Lemer’s Ace 797.22, Little Mart 278.36, Luke Hollenbeck 45, Luke Meranda 107.50, Mid-American Research Chemical 198.58, Mid Dakota Lumber 10912.94, Midwest RO/Home RO 1368, Minot Daily News 273, Moore Engineering 615, ND Dept. of Emergency Services 3122.12, ND Dept. of Health 116.52, NDTC 1561.95, Nyhus Law Firm 1450, One Call Concepts 53.30, Opdahl Concrete 15517.60, Ottertail Power Co. 7923.87, Powerplan 409.99, Rough Rider Industries 1765.40, Sanitation Products 1945.45, Shane Wallace 133.64, Sign Solutions 1979.80, Spencer Marchand 229.91, Susag Sand & Gravel 25800, Tim Swang 61, Tractor Supply Co. 252.59, Trista Zerr 75, Tyson Tipton 76, Unum Life Insurance 206.88, USPS 291.88, Verendrye Electric Coop 161, Verizon 444.32, Visa 5714.18, Vessco Inc. 24870, Warehouse Grocery 484.47, Zions Bank 101940.63, and July Payroll $99,368.12. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Nothing to report.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to accept the resignation of Ann Adams from City Council, JDA, Board of Adjustments, and the Finance Committee. They expressed their gratitude to Ann for her years of service to the City of Harvey. Upon VV, MC. M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Council member Shelley Svoboda to the JDA. Upon VV, MC with Svoboda abstaining.
WATER DEPOSITS/NEW ACCOUNTS: M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to increase the water deposit from $75 to $100. Upon VV, MC.
PROPANE BIDS: Mayor Eckart opened the propane bids from Kotaco for 22,000 gallons @ $1.25 no taxes, Farmers Union Oil Co of Fessenden/One Stop for 22,000 gallons @ $1.09 no taxes, Ferrell Gas for 22,000 gallons @ 1.29.9 no taxes, and Harvey Oil Co for 22,000 gallons @ $1.34 no taxes. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to accept the bid of $1.09 from Farmers Union Oil Co. of Fessenden/One Stop. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Special Event Permit for The Harvey Chamber of Commerce to block off five parking spots in front of Harvey Coin Laundry and five parking spots in front of Lincoln & Nine for the Crazy Days sidewalk sales on August 11th, 2023, from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Special Event Permit for The Harvey Chamber of Commerce to block off Lincoln Ave. between 8th and 9th St. for Crazy Days on August 11th, 2023, from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. Upon VV, MC.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Local Event Permit for the Harvey Senior Citizens Club for a calendar raffle provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
ARMORY KITCHEN: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to allow the Senior Citizens Club the use of the Armory kitchen during their transition from Lincoln Ave. to 8th St. except for the Kiwanis Room when the DMV is here. Upon VV, MC.
CITY LOT PURCHASE: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the purchase of Lot 14, Block 1 in the Ballpark Addition for $1 from Robbie & Jenn Lukens. Upon VV, MC.
OTHER: The Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce has resigned their relationship with the JDA. They will no longer take on the CVB. The CVB will revert back to the JDA.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular July 18th, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MINUTES: M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to accept the Personnel Committee’s recommendations. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES: The committee recommends the council accept the proposed budget. M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to approve the preliminary budget for 2024 as presented. Upon VV, MC. The preliminary budget is on file at the Auditor’s Office.
HARVEY PUBLIC LIBRARY: Library Minutes from the July 20th, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Airport Minutes from the regular August 1st, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, July 12th, 2023 5:30 PM
Wednesday, July 12th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, July 12th, 2023, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Kerry Susag, and Arnie Selzler. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, Chief Zuber, and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: Pastor Jeff Robison, Elizabeth Engelhart, Joe Yasenchack, Marci Eckart, and Shelley Chin.
Elizabeth Engelhart discussed her letter asking to purchase the lot at 506 Birch Ave. for $300. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to accept the bid with no structure requirement and with the exception that no surveying will be done by the City of Harvey. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed the Council that the Governor’s Office visit went great. He is still working on Harvey being recognized as a Main Street Champion City. The title would get Harvey bonus points for future grant opportunities. Marchand’s focus will be on new tenants and new industry for the City of Harvey. He invited all to attend the next JDA meeting.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Zuber’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He discussed the current mental health crisis and stated that there was no one in his department certified to deal with these situations. He has a new officer starting on August 5th, 2023. The officer will need to be POST trained. He will be attending the academy in Bismarck from September through December. Officer Volk will be attending training to become a certified taser instructor. M by Adams, MS by Susag to purchase four new phones through AT&T with no service contract for $101.96 per month. These phones will have push to talk and State Radio on speed dial. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve a training course for Chief Zuber to prepare law enforcement for command level positions for $795 plus the cost of four lunches. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the purchase of a set of portable speed bumps for the City to use in multiple areas as a deterrent to slow down drivers. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to make the intersections at North St. and Alder Ave. and Advent St. and Allen Ave. four way stops. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed the Council that the painting of the crosswalks and curbs should be done in the next couple of weeks. He is still working with the State to get approval to bury the old Napa building. The new lights on Lincoln Ave. have used 1/3 less energy than the old ones.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the Council to review. She discussed the Engineer’s report from Moore Engineering. She stated that there is enough grant money from ND Parks and Rec to cover Susag Construction’s earthwork with about 4K left over. M by Adams, MS by Selzler to finish concreting the remainder of the path. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to award the low bid to Opdahl Concrete for concreting the completed gravel Cent Park Path. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the invoice from Blacktrail Environmental Inc. for $3,620. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the purchase of two signs from Rough Rider for Highway 91, ND’s shortest highway. Upon VV, MC. Auditor Nordby informed the Council that we received $51,794.89 from the Office of the Adjutant General for the 2022/2023 snow emergency.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Selzler to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on June 14th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with June revenue of $266,963.19. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to approve the vouchers with expenses of 4U Custom Apparel 1093.90, Alec Meranda 352, Anna & Greg Axt 52, Aramark 387.22, Aqua-Pure Inc. 6297.50, B&B Service & Repair 1605.33, Black Mountain Software 100, C.P. Railway Co. 802.35, Central Dakota Family Physicians 208, Central Plains Water 200, City of Harvey 87.10, Cobblestone Inn & Suites 229.90, Cole Papers 2193.33, D&B Portables 200, Dale Pember 14.50, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 24, Dennis & Alice Faul 168, Diamond Vogel 480, Double M Sanitation 26887, ES Opco USA LLC 4400, Ferguson Waterworks 2971.71, Harvey Kiwanis 1000, Harvey Oil Co. 4487.29, Harvey Park District 2138.76, HAV-IT Recycling 1662, HAV-IT Services 440, Hawkins Inc. 5653.83, Heilman Electric 495, Herald Press 238, Hinrich’s Super Value 1085.72, Hits Inc. 350, Hometown Variety 34.66, Hunter Fletschock 130.27, Information Tech. 57.75, Interstate Engineering 22880, John Deere Financial 642.05, Justin Lematta 351.16, Kevin Coombs 144, Kevin’s Landscaping 1185, Kotaco 586.67, LaFragua 360, Lemer’s Ace 83.10, Little Mart 139.83, Mid-American Research Chemical 142.58, Mid Dakota Lumber 35.91, Midee Auto 90, Mike & Tami Alveshere 216, Mitch Strand 300, Napa Auto Parts 19.05, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 50, NDTC 2034.95, Nyhus Law Firm 825, One Call Concepts 24.15, Ottertail Power Co. 8947.11, Peace Officer Standards & Training 150, Post Board 45, PSI Water Technologies 5403.59, Radisson Hotel 88.20, Rough Rider Industries 3681.84, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 1841.93, Scott Raue 30.66, Sewer Equip. Co. of America 708.69, Shane Wallace 235, Spencer Marchand 387.92, State Historical Society ND 40, System Technology 415, The Saturday Evening Post 10, Tim Swang 244, Tractor Supply Co. 94.41, Trifectah Solutions 65.60, Ty Jenner 60, USPS 288.95, Verendrye Electric Coop 153, Verizon 444.26, Visa 4485.58, Warehouse Grocery 385.81, Waste Management 11091.87, and June Payroll $94,775.52. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Nothing to report.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to accept the resignation of Quincy Marchand from the City Council. He stated that outside pressure and his lack of physical presence at the monthly meetings contributed to his decision to resign. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Greg Christensen for citizen input to the Personnel Committee. Upon VV, MC. Svoboda stated the Rec Board will need to make changes soon. They are working on a citizen input member for the Board of Adjustments Committee.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Special Event Permit for Dana Fitzgerald to have a birthday party in Centennial Park on July 29th, 2023, from 12 p.m. until 3 p.m. Upon VV, MC.
CONCRETE DISPOSAL FEES: The consensus of the Council is to gather more information to see what other cities are charging.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the regular June 20th, 2023, and the special June 5th, 2023, meetings were included in the packet.
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to accept the Personnel Committee’s recommendations. Upon VV, MC.
HARVEY PUBLIC LIBRARY: Library Minutes from the May 19th, 2023, and the June 22nd, 2023, meetings were included in the packet.
M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 5:30 pm
Wednesday, June 14th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, June 14th, 2023, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Kerry Susag and Arnie Selzler. Also present were Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, Officer Spencer Volk, and Terri Powers. Auditor Karen Nordby and Council Member Quincy Marchand were present via Zoom. Chief Zuber was absent.
VISITORS: Pastor Paul Dyke, Debbie Richards, Vicki Peterson, Paul Lemar, David Kukowski, Marci Eckart, and Shelley Chin were present. Engineer Josh Feil was present via Zoom.
Vicki Peterson discussed her concerns with the Council on the rate of speed people drive on Advent St. She informed them that it’s not uncommon to see heavy equipment traveling on Advent. She shared ideas on how to remedy the situation, for example temporary speed bumps or a speed display. The Council thanked her for bringing the issue to their attention and they will work on some reasonable solution. Paul Lemar was present to discuss the new City garbage collection. The Council listened to his concerns and explained why they decided to go with Double M Sanitation. David Kukowski was in to discuss the intersection of Desmet and 4th St. The Council thought the temporary speed bumps would be a possible solution to slow down traffic at that spot.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He updated the Council on his meetings for the month. He spoke at the Kiwanis Meeting and was very impressed with our local chapter. He will be attending an Economic Development meeting in Bismarck.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Zuber’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He included a letter of thanks to Officer Volk from the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office for his involvement in an incident that occurred in southern Pierce Co. The Mayor read the letter and thanked Office Volk for his outstanding service.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. Mayor Eckart informed the Council that Kenny was offered the job of Water Treatment Plant Superintendent and that he accepted. He will perform a dual role until they can find a replacement for the Public Works Director. Kenny informed the Council that the streetlights on Lincoln Ave. have been converted to LED’s. The blinking light on Hwy. 3 is in the process of being replaced. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to purchase a water hydrant seat repair wrench to replace our broken one from Ferguson Waterworks for $2818. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to accept the quote from Tecta America in the amount of $2973 for the armory roof repair. Upon VV, MC. They recommend re-roofing the armory building. The council will take it under advisement.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Josh Feil went over Moore Engineering’s Engineers Report with the Council. They are waiting on a quote to cement the remainder of the Centennial Park path. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Blacktrail Environmental Inc. quotes for all environmental services. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve payment for the invoices submitted from Blacktrail Environmental Inc. and the invoice from Moore Engineering. Upon VV, MC. The Pipe Detectives are back in town. They were delayed due to a piece of broken equipment.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on May 10th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with May revenue of $219,319.15. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to approve the vouchers with expenses of 4U Custom Apparel 273, Alec Meranda 162, Aramark 521.55, Bank of ND 2628.23, BSC Student Finance 625, Cole Papers 949.48, Comfort Suites 176.40, Dave O’Kelley 168.15, Donarski Custom Contracting 25000, Eagles Club 1500, Electric Pump 18090.94, Gaffaney’s of Minot 778.74, Greater ND Chamber 540, Harvey City Band 840, Harvey Oil Co. 1987.50, Harvey Park District 1726.10, Harvey Public Library 25000, HAV-IT Recycling 1640, HAV-IT Services 392, Hawkins Inc. 4684.24, Herald Press 177.50, Highplains Equip. 300.21, Hinrich’s Super Value 998.12, Hometown Variety 44.63, Hunter Fletschock 142.96, Information Tech. 57.75, Jamey Weinmann 340.28, Jared Hanson 10000, Justin Lematta 93.27, Kevin’s Landscaping 790, Kotaco 4329.77, L & M Rentals 10000, Lemer’s Ace 695.88, Lexipol 494.40, Little Mart 111.28, Luke Meranda 15, Martha Meranda 278.91, Michael Zuber 191.38, Mid Dakota Lumber 310.56, MPLA 55, Moore Engineering 717.50, Napa Auto Parts 264.43, National Geographic 79, ND Dept. of Health 548.17, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 125, NDTC 1560.61, Nyhus Law Firm 290, One Call Concepts 48.10, Ottertail Power Co. 8911.49, Patzer’s Truck Repair 210.38, Paul’s Snow Removal 475, Penguin Management 972, Quality Inn 88.20, Shane Wallace 133.64, Spencer Marchand 144.10, Spencer Volk 82.04, System Technology 540, TJ Plumbing 1166, Tractor Supply Co. 65.97, Transcript Publishing 550, Trifectah Solutions 302.50, Turtle Mountain League 350, Ty Jenner 45, Unum Life Ins. Co. 413.76, USPS 297.44, Verendrye Electric Coop 134, Verizon 444.26, Vessco Inc. 225.38, Visa 6501.02, Warehouse Grocery 355.46, Waste Management 5584.97, and May Payroll $88,510.66. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: We are waiting for guidelines from South Central Regional Council and the Department of Commerce.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Mayor Eckart is replacing Q. Marchand with M. Baltrusch on the personnel committee.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: Tabled until next month.
HIGHWAY 91: Mayor Eckart gave his thanks to Mike Waldoch and Spencer Marchand for going to the capitol as representatives for the City of Harvey during the 68th Legislative session which passed SB 2146 to designate Highway 91 as North Dakota’s shortest Highway.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Svoboda, MS by Susag to deny the Special Event Permit for Cheryl Ryan to block off Lincoln Ave. for the 4th of July parade. Upon VV, MC. They will provide barricades to block off a few parking spots on each side of the street on Lincoln and 10th St.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Special Event Permit for the Harvey Fire Department to hold their annual picnic in Centennial Park on June 26th, 2023, from 5:30 p.m. until 10 p.m. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit for the Homemaker’s Club to meet in Centennial Park on June 27th, 2023, from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Upon VV, MC.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Local Event Permit for the Flatland Trailblazers provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: Krafty’s Bar & Grill is requesting to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue from the north side of Krafty’s to the north side of Pizza Ranch for a band/street dance on June 16th, 2023. They would like to extend their hours from 1:00a.m. to 2:00a.m. and are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue while the road is closed for this event. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit with stipulations to position the road barricade before Pizza Ranch property line and clean up to be completed by 8 a.m. Saturday. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: Krafty’s Bar & Grill is requesting to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue from the north side of Krafty’s to the north side of Pizza Ranch for a band/street dance on August 12th, 2023. They would like to extend their hours from 1:00a.m. to 2:00a.m. and are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue while the road is closed for this event. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit with stipulations to position the road barricade before Pizza Ranch property line and clean up to be completed by 8 a.m. Sunday. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR BOND: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the bond resolution for Karen Nordby, Auditor, in the amount of $2,000,000.00. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the May 16th, 2023, meeting was included in the packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the recommendations made by the Board of Adjustments from the May 10th, 2023, meeting. Upon VV, MC.
M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, May 10th, 2023 5:30 pm
Wednesday, May 10th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, May 10th, 2023, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Kerry Susag, and Arnie Selzler. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, Chief of Police Mike Zuber, and Terri Powers. Council Member Quincy Marchand was present via Zoom.
VISITORS: Anne Ehni, Karelynn Whitley, Pastor Jeff, Debbie Richards, Loretta Buchwitz, Marci Eckart, and Shelley Chin.
Anne Ehni was present to speak to the Council about the Wells Co. Soil Conservation District and what they could do to help with the situation at the Harvey Reservoir. There is assistance through the ND Dept. of Environmental Quality of Soil and Water that may be available. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to work with and support the Soil Conservation in a partnership. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He updated the Council on the meetings he attended during the month of April. Governor Burgum is planning to visit Harvey on July 11th, 2023. He is planning on taking him on a tour of Lincoln Ave and various other areas. He will have some other activities planned.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Zuber presented the Council with his report. Officer Denning will be graduating from LETA on June 9th. He plans to post a monthly editorial in the Herald Press titled “Be Aware” to keep the community informed on any pertinent information. He turned in a list of issues with curb painting and traffic signs that he would like to see resolved. Chief Zuber is looking at hiring another officer that will need to go to the academy. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve offering a promissory note for $19,200 for 3 years. If the officer completes 3 years with the Harvey PD the note will be forgiven. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He stated that Auditor Nordby and himself had filled out an application for financial assistance from the Brownfield Program to help with the demo and disposal of the Napa Building on Lincoln Ave. 512 East Brewster St. is still on track to be demolished soon. They discussed procedures on garbage issues that had not been resolved. The council discussed taking concrete at the landfill. The rates need to be increased due to the expense of crushing the concrete. The consensus of the council is to continue accepting concrete at the landfill. The consensus of the council is to accept appliances still. The public works department will create a plan to pick them up and charge $15.00 per item. The council discussed the rates of garbage. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve an increase of $1 per year for 5 consecutive years starting on June 1st, 2023, for residential garbage. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She went over Moore Engineering’s Engineers Report with the Council. The Pipe Detectives started on the sewer televising. They discussed relining the sewers with Prairie Dog Funds. M by Adams, MS by Selzler to proceed with the bathroom remodel for the P.D. Nordby informed the council of nuisance properties that we’ve received complaints about, and the steps being taken to resolve the problem. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Audit from Rath & Mehrer, P.C. as submitted. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to approve the City employees taking July 3rd, 2023, as a vacation day in observance of Independence Day. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Marchand, MS by Svoboda to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on April 12th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Marchand, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with April revenue of $339,318.44. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Marchand, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 315.94, B&B Service & Repair 645.27, Brock White Co. 6174, Cobblestone Inn & Suites 88.20, Dakotah Paper Co. 453.75, EDND 275, Grainger 7.32, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 150, Harvey Park District 1686.73, Harvey Public School 2500, Harvey Swat Wrestling 25000, HAV-IT Recycling 1622, HAV-IT Services 460, Hawkins Inc. 2751.39, Heilman Electric 5176.21, Herald Press 414.16, Hinrich’s Super Value 703.87, Hometown Variety 28.48, Hornbacher’s Café 148.85, Information Tech. 57.75, Interstate Power Systems 1925.84, John Deere Financial 13.99, John Donarski 8.76, Kenny Erickson 205.98, KHND 200, Lemer’s Ace 266.33, Little Mart 898.65, Mid-American Research Chemical 158.71, Mid Dakota Lumber 3885.91, Midee Auto 99.33, Midwest RO/Home RO 46874, Moore Engineering 2562.50, Napa Auto Parts 261.35, ND Dept. of Health 31.78, NDTC 1560.02, Nextgen Const. 3400, Nuline Ins. 32033, Nyhus Law Firm 60, One Call Concepts 6.50, Ottertail Power Co. 8619.54, Paul’s Snow Removal 495, Powerplan 3937.44, Rath & Mehrer P.C. 13500, The Library Store 76.40, TJ Plumbing 110, Tractor Supply Co. 337.38, Transunion Risk & Alternative 75, Trifectah Solutions 61, Tyler Denning 25, Unum Life Ins. Co. 196.12, USPS 297.28, Verendrye Electric Coop 198.64, Verizon 446.10, Visa 2216.45, Warehouse Grocery 238.06, Waste Management 7607.40, Wells Co. Treasurer 2300, Wells Co. Water Resource 10000, and April Payroll $94,923.37. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: We are waiting for the next step of the CBDG grant money. The Council would like to apply for a grant for the Armory along with the Fire Hall under USDA/Community Facilities parameters.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Arnie Selzler to the Planning & Zoning/Building & Grounds/Tree & ADA Committee. Upon VV, MC.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: Tabled until next month.
LEASE AGREEMENT: Circus Wonderland has cancelled their event in the Armory.
PROPERTY BIDDING PROCESS: The Council discussed ideas on how to improve the property bidding process.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit for the First Lutheran Church for the use of Centennial Park on June 7th, 2023, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. for church service and fellowship. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit for Faith Lutheran Church to block the street at the corner of Adams Ave. and 8th Street for Vacation Bible School from 6 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. on June 5th through June 8th. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit for First International Bank & Trust to block off parking on Lincoln Ave. in front of the bank for their customer appreciation event. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to designate the Herald Press as the official newspaper. Upon VV, MC.
SALES TAX CONTRACT: M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to approve the Sales Tax Contract as written. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, April 12th, 2023 5:30 pm
Wednesday, April 12th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, April 12th, 2023, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Kerry Susag, and Arnie Selzler. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, Chief of Police Mike Zuber, and Terri Powers. Council Member Quincy Marchand was present via Zoom.
VISITORS: County Assessor Jana Hopkins, Denise Harding, County Commissioner Stan Buxa, Fire Chief Ryan Schneibel, Scott Arends, Daniel Deck, Police Officer Spencer Volk, Pastor Harold Chin, Giovanni Chin, Trisha Zuber, Brian Argabright, Willy Schilling, and Shelley Chin.
Mayor Eckart called the Tax Equalization Meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Chin performed the invocation.
Assessor Hopkins went over the complications of assessing commercial properties. She expressed her frustration and asked if the Mayor and a City Council Member along with a County Commissioner would be willing to accompany her during an assessment of commercial property to better understand what she is dealing with. The Council said they would be open to going along. Jana answered questions from the visitors in attendance. She informed the Council of the properties that had their tax exemptions expire and where she valued them. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to accept the values as presented. Upon RCV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the increases and tax credits as submitted. Upon RCV, MC with Marchand voting nay. M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to keep commercial values the same as 2022. Upon RCV, MC with Marchand voting nay.
With no further business, Mayor Eckart adjourned the Board of Tax Equalization Meeting.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the appointment of Kerry Susag to the Harvey City Council. Upon VV, MC.
Fire Chief Ryan Schneibel was present to ask the Council about the budget for their department and any grant money that may be available. They discussed the needs of the department and their concerns about the current fire hall. They presented the Council with an estimate from Patriot Fire & Safety Inc. for $15,630.45 to replace the tank on the 1990 pumper truck. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the repair. Upon RCV, MC. They informed the Council of the $30K donation that they received from the Harvey Eagles Club. They used the money to purchase new extraction tools, thermal imaging, and a battery powered fan.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He updated the Council on the meetings he had in the month of March and the ongoing developments he is currently working on. He informed them of a USDA grant that could potentially benefit a single family that has been affected from damage due to this season’s large snow amounts.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Zuber presented the Council with his report. Officer Spencer Volk was sworn into office by Mayor Eckart. He informed the Council of potential hires to fill the last open position with the P.D. Officer Denning will graduate from LETA on June 9th, 2023.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to change the lights on Lincoln Ave. to LED. Upon VV, MC. He informed the Council that he is checking the status of the generator. He stated that a maintenance agreement on the generators would be $850/year. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to get a maintenance agreement on all the generators. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She went over Moore Engineering’s report with the Council. Susag Sand and Gravel will be starting construction on the Centennial Park Rec Trail when the ground dries. We received two proposals for an Environmental Assessment for the Control Panel Improvements. M by Marchand, MS by Svoboda to award Blacktrail Environmental Inc. the job for $3,350. Upon VV, MC. Pipe Detectives will be televising the sewers soon.
MINUTES: M by Marchand, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on March 8th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Marchand, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with March revenue of $548,712.39. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Marchand, MS by Baltrusch to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 315.94, Arnie Selzler 44.54, B&B Service & Repair 112.36, Black Mountain Software 100, Cherie Heisler 179.10, Cole Papers 52.36, Core & Main 1053.24, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 266.43, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 1176, Dave O’Kelley 206.65, Double E Designs 297.50, 4U Custom Apparel 25,000, Fire Equipment Co. 459.50, Fischer, Round & Associates 4837, Gaffaney’s of Minot 943, Geri Salisbury 75, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 2029.14, Hach Co. 32.18, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3500, Harvey Oil Co. 12,594.85, Harvey Park District 1761.30, Harvey Tax, Accounting, & Financial 125, HAV-IT Recycling 1620, HAV-IT Services 307, Herald Press 633.69, High Plains Equip. 2304.79, Hinrich’s Super Value 1037.58, Hometown Variety 135.28, Information Tech. 57.75, Jamey Weinmann 217.15, John Deere Financial 1086.25, Karen Nordby 234.18, Kenny Erickson 66.88, Kotaco 5547.10, Lemer’s Ace 747.68, Linda Joern 4000, Little Mart 682.79, Mid-American Research Chemical 572.41, Mid Dakota Lumber 243.71, Midee Auto 997.73, Miller Clothing 95, Moore Engineering 9717.50, Napa Auto Parts 235.63, ND Health & Human Services 90, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 100, ND Dept. of Health 55.62, ND League of Cities 400, NDTC 1503.96, Northern Prairie Mechanical 184.30, Nyhus Law Firm 1835, Ottertail Power Co. 17,268.49, Patriot Fire & Safety 837.55, Perfection Auto 165, Radisson Hotel Bismarck 345.60, Rick Eckart 22.27, Schultz Engine & Machine 342.74, Shelley Svoboda 22.27, Spencer Marchand 144.10, Tractor Supply Co. 80.51, Transunion Risk & Alternative 75, Trifectah Solutions 264.69, Tyler Denning 219.62, Unum Life Ins. Co. 250.74, USPS 297.41, Verendrye Electric Coop 137.36, Verizon 444.44, Vessco Inc. 268.67, Visa 8207.45, Warehouse Grocery 405.13, Waste Management 7623.30, Wells Co. Fair 100, Zions Bank 407,651.50, and March Payroll $143,911.35. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Moore Engineering has submitted more paperwork for the application. South Central Regional Council will be our fiscal sponsor.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Tabled until next month.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: Tabled until next month.
HARVEY DAM: Update for the Harvey dam is Wells Co. Water Board has tabled the project and will not be moving forward. The preliminary report is that it currently doesn’t meet any standards.
BID OPENING: M by Adams, MS by Marchand to accept the bid from Gil Steedsman in the amount of $101 for the purchase of Block 4, lot 1 of the Frueh’s Addition and the bid from Travis Olschlager in the amount of $10K for the purchase of Boyum Replat of Lot A & B Block 2 except pt of S Park Addition Lot 6 Block 1 .026 ac located on vacated cul-de-sac with the current specials paid in full. Upon VV, MC.
LIBRARY BOARD: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the appointment of Mary Jo Stafford to the Harvey Library Board. Upon VV, MC.
LEASE AGREEMENT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the lease agreement between the City of Harvey and Circus Wonderland for June 5th, 2023, with the stipulation that there are no animals involved. Upon VV, MC.
LEMER’S GREENHOUSE: Lemer’s Ace Hardware requested use of the parking lot at the corner of 10th Street and Lincoln Ave. to assemble a greenhouse. M by Adams, MS by Selzler to approve the rental of the lot from April 23rd, 2023, until June 11th, 2023. They will need to make sure the lot is cleaned once the greenhouse is taken down. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the special event permit for Diane Martin for the use of Centennial Park on July 2nd, 2023, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. for a family picnic. Upon VV, MC.
GAMING SITE AUTHORIZATION: M By Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Gaming Site Authorization for the Senior Community Club to conduct bingo at the Harvey Senior Center provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
GAMING SITE AUTHORIZATIONS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Site Authorizations for the Wells Aerie #3080 FOE to conduct games at B-52 Roadhouse & Lanes, Krafty’s Bar & Grill, and Harvey Eagles Club provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Local Event Permit for the Senior Community Club provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the renewal of the Conditional Use Permit for Amy Arnold to conduct massage therapy in her home at 312 Desmet Ave. Upon VV, MC.
ARBOR DAY PROCAMATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to dispense with the reading and approve the Arbor Day Proclamation for May 16th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 5:30 pm
Wednesday, March 8th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, March 8th, 2023, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, and Arnie Selzler. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Spencer Marchand, Chief of Police Mike Zuber, and Terri Powers. Council Member Quincy Marchand was present via Zoom.
VISITORS: Pastor Kevin Shumway, George Mickelson, Katherine Bibelheimer, Scarlett, Michael, Kirsten, Elaina, and Cain Helland, Karla Faul, Kynlie, Taryn and Troy Whetzel, Debbie Richards, Shelley Chin, and Marci Eckart. Visitors Josh Feil with Moore Engineering and Alex and Anthony Lavoy with Optima Development were present via Zoom.
Mayor for the Day Kynlie Whetzel opened the Regular Meeting.
Mayor for the Day Scarlett Helland led The Pledge of Allegiance.
Pastor Kevin Shumway led the invocation.
Mayor for the Day Scarlett Helland opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR CBDG APPLICATION: Moore Engineering asked for comments from the public on the CBGD Application. Hearing none, Mayor Eckart closed the Public Hearing and reopened the regular meeting.
Having already received the approval for the pre-application, the consensus of the Council is to have Moore Engineering move forward with the full application for the CBDG Grant. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to award the bid proposal for Grant Administrative Services to the South Central Regional Council in the amount of $10K which will be included in the grant. Upon VV, MC.
Alex and Anthony Lavoy with Optima Development were present to answer any questions the Council may have on how Optima can work with the City in getting housing options in the community. Svoboda asked if they could present a more detailed plan on their vision with some pictures of their previous projects. Optima expressed that they will be transparent in the plans/drawings and the understanding of our needs.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Marchand’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed the Council that Highway 91 has been designated the shortest highway in North Dakota by the Governor. He has had a very productive month and has many ongoing developments.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Zuber presented the Council with his report. He stated that he has established a policy for his department to eat lunch at one of the schools at least once a week since the City doesn’t have a School Resource Officer. The Council liked the idea. He is trying to get grant money for an on-line electronic fingerprint service. All departments will eventually be required to have one. He invited the Council to visit the PD to see the changes that have been made.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed Council that he has been spending most of his time working the Water Treatment Plant due to Keith’s absence.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. They discussed the City owned lots and what the Council would like to do with each lot. She is currently focusing on the camping project, the USDA audit, and the yearly audit.
MINUTES: M by Selzler, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on February 8th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Marchand, MS by Adams to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with February revenue of $1,209,848.36. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 315.94, American Library Association 175, Black Mountain Software 18260, Boiler Insp. Program 60, Central Cinema 40, Cole Papers 2303.84, Double E Designs 29, Hach Co. 640.20, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 395, Harvey Oil Co. 9404.41, Harvey Park District 2168.12, HAV-IT Recycling 1614, HAV-IT Services 392, Hawkins Inc. 2028.19, Heilman Elec. 22042.08, Herald Press 1088.37, High Plains Equip. 11884.54, Hinrich’s Super Value 668.27, Hometown Variety 197.12, Hornbacher’s Café 198.38, Information Tech. 57.75, Jamey Weinmann 332.62, John Deere Financial 638.34, Just Good BBQ 96, Kathy Horman 40.17, Keith Olson 10, Kotaco 3127.57, Lemer’s Ace 1740.17, Little Mart 150.41, Marci Eckart 1109.27, MFOA 60, Mid Dakota Lumber 5729.32, Napa Auto Parts 101.10, NASP 385, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 4, ND Living 2135, NDTC 1818.43, ND Youth Archery 385, Nextgen Const. 1265, Nyhus Law Firm 690, Ottertail Power Co. 7841.59, Patzer Truck Repair 5204.61, Paul’s Snow Removal 260, Powerplan 7639.03, Schock’s Safe & Lock 485, Spencer Marchand 154.82, Swanston Equip. 4260.06, TJ Plumbing 517, Tractor Supply Co. 338.92, Transunion Risk & Alternative 75, Trifectah Solutions 223.10, Unum Life Ins. Co. 201.09, USPS 588.28, Verendrye Electric Coop 186, Verizon 445.52, Visa 5095.07, Warehouse Grocery 468.39, Waste Management 9306.97, Westlie Motor Co. 16853.78, Wiest Associates 573, and February Payroll $89,128.31. Upon RCV, MC with Marchand abstaining.
ARMORY UPDATE: They discussed the next steps to take for the remodel. The Council would like her to submit an application to the Bank of ND to help with funding the project.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Tabled until next month.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: Tabled until next month.
GARBAGE: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to accept the contract from Double M Sanitation to provide the City of Harvey’s solid waste disposal for a five-year term beginning on June 1st, 2023. Upon RCV, MC.
LOCAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Local Event Permit for the Harvey Lions Club to conduct a raffle on April 10th, 2023, providing all gaming rules are followed. Upon VV, MC.
APPOINT COUNCIL MEMBER: Tabled until next month.
LINCOLN AVE. STREET LIGHTS: The Council would like Karen to research an Energy Efficiency Grant to switch the lights on Lincoln Ave. to LED’s. It would cost approximately $300 per light and there are 19 lights total.
OTTERTAIL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to discontinue the monthly Street Light Maintenance Fee from Ottertail Power Co., excluding the lights on Lincoln Ave. Upon VV, MC.
LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER: M By Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the appointment of Melissa Faul to the Harvey Library Board. Upon VV, MC.
OTHER: Selzler informed the Council that he attended the Wells Co. Commissioners Meeting and wanted to discuss his concerns about the Harvey Dam Spillway. It needs to be replaced and he expressed the importance of having it and the effect it has on the Harvey community. The consensus of the Council is that we need to stay on top of any developments and make our concerns known.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, February 8th, 2023 5:30 pm
Wednesday, February 8th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, February 8th, 2023, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Ann Adams, and Spencer Marchand. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Chief of Police Mike Zuber, Officer Tyler Denning, and Terri Powers. Council Member Quincy Marchand was present via Zoom. Council Members Milo Baltrusch and Arnie Selzler were absent.
VISITORS: Pastor Paul Dyke, Jerome Dyke, Alec Dyke, Steve Bachmeier, Corrine, Emery, and A.J. Denning, Ryan, Marissa, and Fitz Mickelsen, Courtney Lautt, Shelley Chin, and Marci Eckart.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Paul performed the invocation.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to deny the tax abatement for parcel #80628000 after the property was re-evaluated by the Wells Co. Tax Assessor. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart closed the Public Hearing.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to deny the tax abatement for parcel #80047000. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart closed the Public Hearing.
JDA REPORT: Spencer submitted a letter of resignation for his position on the City Council due to a conflict of interest with his newly appointed position as Director of Economic Development. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to accept his resignation. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to approve the appointment of Spencer Marchand as JDA Director. Upon VV, MC. He feels that he can better serve the citizens of the City of Harvey as the JDA Director. Spencer Marchand’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He updated the Council on the meetings he had including a developer that is interested in multi-family housing. He is helping La Fragua with a business plan, so they can move forward with their request for a JDA loan. There are many ongoing developments that he has been working on.
POLICE REPORT: Officer Denning was sworn in by Mayor Eckart. Chief Zuber briefed the Council on his activities for the month of January. With his two new officers, the City now has 24/7 coverage. He informed the Council that they have all four police cruisers running. M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to approve Officer Denning’s promissory note start date upon completion of his P.O.S.T. Training. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Q. Marchand to approve the purchase and installation of two framed, safety glass windows for Chief Zuber’s office in the new PD. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. M by Svoboda, MS by Q. Marchand to approve the purchase of a replacement pump for the lift station to pump the backwash water out of the backwash retention basin from Electric Pump for $10,419. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Q. Marchand to approve the repair estimate for the garbage truck from Westlie Truck Center in the amount of $17,020.13. Upon VV, MC. A grant from FEMA has been awarded to purchase a generator for the WTP. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve purchasing the generator and paying the additional cost that isn’t covered by the grant. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She reviewed Moore Engineering’s Engineer’s Report with the Council. M by Q. Marchand, MS by Adams to authorize Moore Engineering to move forward with the CBDG Grant. M by Q. Marchand, MS by Svoboda to approve the engineering agreement to evaluate sewer videos and write a report for a PAR Grant. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to apply for grant funds to identify and replace all lead lines by October 16th, 2024, from NDDEQ. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Q. Marchand to pass a resolution authorizing Moore Engineering to file an application with NDDEQ. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve Invoice #32466 from Moore for control panel replacement for $11,997.50. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Q. Marchand to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on January 11th, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with January revenue of $268,122.14. Upon RCV, MC with Q. Marchand abstaining.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 315.94, Bank of ND 9110, Central Cinema 6606.41, Central Dakota Family Physicians 122, Coast to Coast Solutions 361.07, Cobblestone Inn & Suites 176.40, Cole Papers 54.83, Dakota Heritage Bank 3100, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 404.89, Dakotah Paper Co. 555.05, Double E Designs 280.90, Drive Chevrolet Buick 2230.02, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 60, Harvey Oil Co. 9391.33, Harvey Park District 1816.47, HAV-IT Recycling 1618, HAV-IT Services 372, High Plains Equip. 3071.54, Hinrich’s Super Value 1273.93, Hometown Variety 44.10, Information Technology Dept. 55.05, Iris Wetsch 462.50, June Schauer 687.50, Kemper Construction 58300, Kenny Erickson 71.99, Kotaco 77.47, Lemer’s Ace 1172.45, Little Mart 577.49, Lubrication Engineers 462.57, Marci Eckart 450, Michael Zuber 507, Mid-American Research Chemical 565.45, Mid Dakota Lumber 2708.76, Moore Engineering 11997.50, Municipal Judges Assoc. 25, Myrna Marchand 843.60, Napa Auto Parts 101.97, ND Clerk’s Assoc. 100, ND Dept. of Health 18.54, NDTC 1397.02, Nextgen Const. 2835, Nyhus Law Firm 200, Office of the State Auditor 430, Ottertail Power Co. 578.60, Parson Elec. 5590, Patzer Truck Repair 338.27, Paul’s Snow Removal 350, Peaceful Valley Golf Course 183.75, Perfect Petals 110, Post Board 45, Rita Seidel 4006.25, Spencer Marchand 4320.35, System Technology 3520, The Glass Shop 664.56, TJ Plumbing 4158, Tom’s Home Furnishings 1098, Tractor Supply Co. 307.73, Trifectah Solutions 577, Unum Life Ins. Co. 167.99, USDA Rural Development 50264, USPS 301.33, Verendrye Electric Coop 198, Verizon 444.71, Visa 4385.46, Warehouse Grocery 360.22, Waste Management 7851.20, Winter Sams 2.30, Zions Bank 26940.63, and January Payroll $85,036.59. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Nothing to report.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Tabled until next month.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: Tabled until next month.
GARBAGE: The consensus of the Council is to table until they can schedule a special meeting to discuss.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the Special Event Permit for New Life on Main to block off parking on Lincoln Ave. between blocks 8th and 9th streets on February 10th, 2023, from 6p.m. to 10p.m. for their Night to Shine event. Upon VV, MC.
REC BOARD MEMBER: M by Adams, MS by Q. Marchand to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Caitlynn Roemmich to the Harvey Rec Board. Upon VV, MC. Shelley discussed programming for the Rec Board. The council would like to see activities for all ages not just children. Shelley talked about the Rec Board equipment. He was looking for the council’s opinion of letting other people use it. Courtney Lautt joined the meeting. She would like to use the small basketball back boards on Tuesday mornings. The council discussed the request. They have concerns over the equipment getting broke, the liability of participants in a Non-Rec program, and who qualifies to have a program. The purchases of the equipment are from the Rec Board’s budget. The consensus of the council is the equipment should be used for the programs that the Rec Board sponsors and manages.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the January 17th, 2023, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
HARVEY PUBLIC LIBRARY MINUTES: Minutes from the November 17th, 2022, meeting was in the packet for the Council to review.
M by Q. Marchand, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, January 11th, 2023 5:30 pm
Wednesday, January 11th, 2023, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, January 11th, 2023, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Arnie Selzler, Ann Adams, and Spencer Marchand. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Chief of Police Mike Zuber, and Terri Powers. Council Member Quincy Marchand was absent.
VISITORS: Pastor Jeff Robison, Shelley Chin, and Marci Eckart. Josh Feil and Jesse Berg with Moore Engineering were present via Zoom.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Jeff performed the invocation.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR CDBG APPLICATION: Josh Feil & Jesse Berg were present via Zoom to ask for any comments concerning the CBDG application to the State of ND. There was no one present for the Public Hearing. M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to close the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart closed the Public Hearing and Re-opened the Regular meeting.
Josh discussed the RFP he submitted to the 8 Regional Councils for a grant administrator of the CBDG dollars for Water Treatment Plant Updates. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to award the contract for the CBDG administration services to North Central Planning Council with the low bid for up to $10K which will be covered by the grant. Upon VV, MC. Jesse Berg discussed the grant application Paul had submitted for the Armory remodel. The state needed a PER to move forward with the request. Karen requested help from Moore Engineering. Karen, Josh and Jesse worked on moving the grant to the next step. Shelley was instrumental in providing helpful information to Moore Engineering to complete the report. M by S. Marchand, MS by Svoboda to approve the Preliminary Engineering Report prepared by Moore Engineering. Upon VV, MC. Josh discussed the PAR grant for televising sewers. M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the low bid from Pipe Detectives for televising sewer. Upon VV, MC. M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to approve the removal of obstructions or mineral deposits that may be discovered during televising for an additional fee of $300.00 per hour. Upon VV, MC. Josh updated the council on the raw water line It has been delayed due to the December weather.
JDA REPORT: Spencer Marchand’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council of his upcoming scheduled meetings. He is meeting with a Data Center from Virginia on January 18th, 2023. They are interested in purchasing 7 acres from our Industrial Park. The Housing Committee met on January 10th. He stated that he is making good progress working through Dr. Gunderson’s documents and that it has been a challenge without his guidance.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Zuber gave a verbal summary of his activities for the month of December. He informed the Council that he has a deputy that is going to start the police academy on February 6th, 2023. He will turn in his paperwork on January 12th, 2023. The academy will take 12 weeks to complete, and the officer will sign a 3-year contract. He asked Council for approval to spend up to $2K towards expenses of outfitting the new officer, with the most expensive being a bullet proof vest. They asked him to apply for a grant for the vest from the Department of Justice. M by S. Marchand, MS by Svoboda to approve the purchase of the equipment while working on obtaining grant money. Upon VV, MC. He updated the Council on the 2017 Tahoe. They put in a new engine; however, the engine light keeps coming on. They are still working on it.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He updated the Council on the old Napa building. He stated that the individual who does our asbestos removal has deemed the building unsafe with the current snow load. He will research other options. He updated the council on the installation of the air release values being installed by Kemper Construction. they finished yesterday. Kenny was having some difficulties moving the water through the lines. He didn’t remember a time that we had drained the raw water lines empty. He informed the council the new LED lights have been installed in Cent. Park. The contractor will come back in the spring to work on Cent Park West.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She informed the Council that 812 Birch had received new flooring in the top unit, it was currently being cleaned, and the painter should get started soon. They discussed declaring a snow emergency due to the amount of snow we received in the month of December. The consensus of the council is it was a snow emergency
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on December 14th, 2022, and Special Meeting on December 7th, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with December revenue of $227,697.51. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 315.94, Aqua Pure Inc. 4362.50, Central Plains Water District 200, Coast to Coast Solutions 349.75, Cobblestone Inn & Suites 88.20, Colby Christensen 23.80, Dakota Heritage Bank 3100, Dale’s Repair 754, Double E Designs 100, EDND 300, Electric Pump 2536.50, First International Bank 1875, First State Bank 3410, Gaffaney’s of Minot 1149.92, Harvey Ambulance Service 410, Harvey Oil Co. 6221.59, Harvey Park District 1950.69, HAV-IT Recycling 1614, Hawkins Inc. 2753.86, Herald Press 770.70, High Plains Equip. 101.50, Hinrich’s Super Value 775.79, Hometown Variety 12.56, Hornbacher’s Café 208.70, Information Technology Dept. 49.40, John Deere Financial 469.47, Just Good BBQ 475, Kotaco 9275.87, Lemer’s Ace 380.62, Little Mart 1483.85, Mid Dakota Lumber 37, Midee Auto 1020.64, Midwest Graphics & Signs 649.25, Napa Auto Parts 135.17, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 71, ND League of Cities 1633, NDTC 1443.48, Nyhus Law Firm 400, Ottertail Power Co. 8007.54, Patzer Truck Repair 60.48, Paul D. Gunderson 1750, Paul’s Snow Removal 735, Peace Officer Standards & Training 150, Sanitation Products 101.27, Sign Solutions 687.87, Spencer Marchand 2000, South Central Dakota Regional 4150, Swang Construction 715, Swanston Equip. Corp. 406.16, Sweeney Controls Co. 4558, Tom’s Home Furnishings 7937.32, Tractor Supply Co. 222.83, Unum Life Ins. Co. 167.99, USPS 281.80, Verendrye Electric Coop 207, Verizon 444.32, Visa 5095.90, Waste Management 5014.30, Wells Co. JDA 3750.34, Wells Co. Treasurer 41683.61, and December Payroll $82,092.83. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Discussed with Moore Engineering
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Tabled until next month.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: Tabled until next month.
GARBAGE: Tabled until next month.
DESIGNATE DEPOSITORIES OF PUBLIC FUNDS: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to designate the First State Bank, First International Bank, Dakota Heritage Bank and Bank of North Dakota as the depositories of public funds which meet pledge security requirements. Upon VV, MC.
APPROVE SALE OF ALL CITY PROPERTY: M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to approve the sale of all real property owned by the City of Harvey upon bid acceptance by the City Council. Upon RCV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Budget Amendments. Upon RCV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Transfers as submitted. Upon RCV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Gaming Site Authorization for the RMEF Minndak Inc. to conduct a raffle on March 11th, 2023, at the Harvey Eagles Club provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the December 20th, 2022, meeting was included in the packet for the Council to review.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Airport Authority Minutes from the December 13th, 2022, meeting was in the packet for the Council to review.
HOUSING COMMITTEE MINUTES: Housing Committee Minutes from the January 10th, 2023, meeting was in the packet for the Council to review.
M by Selzler, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, December 14th, 2022 5:30 pm
Wednesday, December 14th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, December 14th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Arnie Selzler, and Spencer Marchand. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby and Chief of Police Mike Zuber. Council Member Quincy Marchand, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, and Terri Powers were present via Zoom.
VISITORS: Brad Wolbert, Steve Bachmier, Hazel Faul, and Marci Eckart.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: Steve Bachmeier was present to request a tax abatement for Parcel #80628000. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to table the hearing until the Wells Co. Tax Assessor can re-evaluate his property. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart closed the Public Hearing.
Hazel Faul was present to express her concerns to the Council on the City’s snow removal. She feels that something needs to be done to make the process more efficient, so people’s driveways are no longer getting blocked by the blade. Mayor Eckart explained that there are fifty-five miles of streets and alleys in the City of Harvey and that the blade operator is doing what he needs to do. They discussed options. The mayor thanked her for bringing her concerns to the council meeting.
Brad Wolbert with Double M Sanitation was there for any questions that the Council may have had on his bid for the City of Harvey’s garbage services. He explained that his bid was for garbage and recycling. The bid was the same with or without recycling. He answered questions and discussed some of his plans for the future of his business. M by S. Marchand, MS by Q. Marchand to table the decision until they can look over his bid. Upon VV, MC.
The Council discussed Moore Engineering’s Engineer’s Report. Cent. Park West was granted a project end date extension to August 1st, 2023. ND Parks and Rec has granted Cent. Park West additional grant money of $13,433.59 which brings the total grant money to $250,000. M by S. Marchand, MS by Baltrusch to award the bid to finish the Centennial Park Nature Trail excluding any cement work to Susag Sand & Gravel for $25,800. Upon VV, MC. M by S. Marchand, MS by Svoboda to approve Moore Engineering to solicit RFP for CBDG administrative services. Upon VV, MC. M by S. Marchand, MS by Selzler to approve Invoice #31880 for $3922.50 from Moore Engineering for professional services for grant writing, soliciting quotes, coordination with contractors. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Zuber gave a verbal summation of his activities for the month of November. He has completed his NDPOST training and is now a licensed peace officer in the state of ND. He informed the Council that he received approval for the new officer to start the academy February 6th, 2023. He has started on his paperwork. He is requesting approval for a TLO subscription to perform background checks for $75/month. No decision was made.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the bid for $6485 from Parsons Electric to replace the regular lights plus four additional lights, a photo eye, and a timer in Centennial Park with LED bulbs. Upon VV, MC. M by S. Marchand, MS by Baltrusch to approve the purchase of 78 skid filter elements at $595 per element to be paid out of fund 5017. Upon RCV, MC. They discussed monitoring the elements on a more consistent, regular basis to prolong the life of the filters. M by Svoboda, MS by S. Marchand to approve the purchase of a rebuilt transmission for $4902.82 for the long box dump truck. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She informed the Council that we have closed on 812 Birch Ave. She is currently looking for someone to clean the property so it can be painted and have new flooring installed.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on November 9th, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with November revenue of $377,910.66. Upon RCV, MC with Q. Marchand abstaining.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 475.11, Arthur Companies 150, Aqua Pure Inc. 3210.50, B & B Service & Repair 80, B52 Roadhouse & Lanes 43.37, Billie Jo Reutter 1354.51, Central Valley Health Dist. 100, Cherie Heisler 180, Chrissy Hager 180, City of Harvey 463.91, Creative Product Source Inc. 603.56, D & B Portables LLC 75, Dakotah Paper Co. 596.16, Dave O’Kelley 180, Extreme Sales 148.01, Ferguson Waterworks LLC 916.53, Great Plains Directory 65, Hach Co. 590.75, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3000, Harvey Fire Dept. 7004, Harvey Oil Co. 6275.26, Harvey Park District 1947.58, HAV-IT Recycling 1620, HAV-IT Services 792, Hawkins Inc. 4079.96, Heilman Electric 543.91, Herald Press 1671.79, High Plains Equip. 57.75, Hinrich’s Super Value 756.47, Holzer Electric LLC 83.10, Hometown Variety 30.96, Information Technology Dept. 50.75, Jamey Weinmann 376, John Deere Financial 144.06, John Donarski 180, Karen Nordby 240, Keith Olson 330, KHND 375, Kim Johnson 125, Kotaco 8883.59, Land Surveying Services 1115, Lemer’s Ace 94.08, Little Mart 534.26, Martha Meranda 129.32, Matthew Pratt 45, Michael Zuber 87.72, Mid-American Research Chemical 349.38, Mid Dakota Lumber 105.71, Midee Auto 997.14, Miller Clothing 280, Moore Engineering 3922.50, Motorola Solutions Inc. 99077.34, Napa Auto Parts 295.37, ND Department of Health 18.54, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 46, ND League of Cities 560, ND Water Users 300, Northern Prairie Mechanical 4422.28, NDTC 1440.07, Nyhus Law Firm 1635, One Call Concepts Inc. 9.10, Ottertail Power Co. 14982.05, Patzer Truck Repair 779.60, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Paul’s Snow Removal 335, Post Board 25, Quality Inn 88.20, Roughrider Industries 1103.26, Scott Swang 237.88, Spencer Marchand 2000, Strata Corp. 10644.81, T’s Repair 80, Terri Powers 180, Tractor Supply Co. 349.56, Trifectah Solutions 134, Unum Life Ins. Co. 167.99, USPS 280.48, Verendrye Electric Coop 150, Verizon 444.56, Visa 9091.03, Warehouse Grocery 1258.73, Waste Management 8666.28, Wells Co. Abstract Co. 830, Wells Co. Recorder 240, Wells Co. Treasurer 12, and November Payroll $82,169.31. Upon RCV, MC with Q. Marchand abstaining.
ARMORY UPDATE: Paul is working on a grant.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Tabled until next month.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: Tabled until next month.
NATURAL GAS RESOLUTION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to accept the second reading and final passage of the Natural Gas Resolution. Upon VV, MC.
LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the Liquor License Renewals for B52 Roadhouse & Lanes, La Fragua LLC, Harvey Bottle Shop, Cobblestone Inn & Suites of Harvey, Harvey Eagles Club, Krafty’s Bar & Grill, Inc., Little Mart C-Store, and Ta Ahni, Inc. Upon VV, MC to approve the liquor license renewals for 2023. Upon VV, MC.
TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to accept tax foreclosed properties from Wells County: Block 2, Lot 6,7,8 – Original Townsite; Block 14, Lot 1,2,3,4,5,6 – Original Townsite; Block 4, S 151.79ft – Replat Frueh’s Addition; Block 2, Lot 1 –Harvey City Replat; Block 2, Lot 2,3,4,5 – Burkharts Add; L5- Outlot C, Hanchett’s Addition. Upon VV, MC.
HOUSING COMMITTEE: M by Svoboda, MS by S. Marchand to approve the appointments of Spencer Marchand, Billie Jo Reutter, Jared Hanson, Cayle Paulson, Marci Eckart, Nathan Donarski, and Crystal Hysjulien to the newly established Housing Committee. Upon VV, MC.
CHRISTMAS PARTY: Auditor Nordby informed the Council that the City of Harvey Christmas Party is scheduled for January 6th, 2023, at the Peaceful Valley Golf Course.
WATER/SEWER SUPERINTENDENT: M by Selzler, MS by S. Marchand to publish an ad for a Water/Sewer Superintendent as soon as possible as Keith Olson’s retirement will take place in March of 2023. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the October 18th and November 15th, 2022, meetings were included in the packet for the Council to review.
HARVEY AREA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION MINUTES: HACF Minutes from the November 30th, 2022, meeting was in the packet for the Council to review.
M by Selzler, MS by S. Marchand to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, November 9th, 2022 5:30 pm
Wednesday, November 9th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, November 9th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Arnie Selzler, and Spencer Marchand. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Chief of Police Mike Zuber, and Terri Powers. Council Member Quincy Marchand was present via Zoom.
VISITORS: Marci Eckart, Shelley Chin, and Josh Feil via Zoom.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Josh Feil with Moore Engineering joined via Zoom to discuss the opportunity for The City of Harvey to receive a grant of up to $50K to televise the city sewers. $50K would cover up to 30 blocks of televising. Josh will work with Kenny and Jamey to determine which streets would be included. M by S. Marchand, MS by Svoboda to move forward with applying for the grant money with the televising taking place in 2023. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council that Harvey was awarded a Placemaking Planning Grant for $55,350 to implement a 10-month planning activity focused on exploring how potentially available space located along or adjacent to its main street might be designed, managed, and utilized for public placemaking use. M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve a resolution authorizing the City of Harvey to apply for a CBDG Grant. Upon VV, MC. He continued discussion on natural gas.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Zuber gave a verbal synopsis of his activities for the month of October. He informed the Council that he has started issuing parking violations in the snow hauling area. He is also issuing tickets for parking closer than 15 ft. from a stop sign. He is doing nightly business checks and leaving stickers to inform local businesses of his presence. He will be gone November 28th through December 11th for Post Board Training. He has informed the Wells Co. Sheriff’s Dept. of his upcoming absence. Chief Zuber has been having problems with the handheld radios. Karen received a bid from Electronic Communications for the cost of new ones. The consensus of the Council is to have EC make a trip to Harvey to see if it is a programming error. M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve the purchase of two filing cabinets from Gaffaney’s of Minot in the amount of $1,200. Upon VV, MC. M by S. Marchand, MS by Baltrusch to approve the purchase of four doors for the P.D. in the amount of $2,500 plus labor to install. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He will be getting estimates on repairing/replacing the roof at the City Shop. He informed the Council that the last meter installation from the meter replacement project is complete. He inquired about disposal of the old light fixtures that were replaced from the energy efficiency project and the four basketball backboards. The consensus is to put them up for sale and if they don’t sell throw them away.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She updated the Council on 812 Birch Ave. We have a signed purchase agreement from CP Rail. The consensus of the Council is to allow the City of Harvey employees to take off Friday, November 25th, 2022, as a vacation day for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on October 10th, 2022, and the Special Council Meeting on October 17th, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with October revenue of $200,452.83. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 315.94, Bismarck Memorial 3672, Building Systems Corp. 2250, BW Ramkota Hotel 198, City of Harvey 11470.85, Cole Papers Inc. 2240.35, Core & Main 8891.94, D & B Portables LLC 150, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 122, Dave O’Kelley 204.25, David Krasivsky 75, Double E Designs 102, ES Opco USA LLC 2200, Farmer’s Union Oil Co. 9230.52, Farmer’s Union Oil Co. & C-Store 91.99, Ferguson Waterworks LLC 163.28, Harvey Oil Co. 1229.07, Harvey Park District 2126.59, Harvey Public School 1414, HAV-IT Recycling 1642, HAV-IT Services 352, Hawkins Inc. 2152.39, Herald Press 464.10, Hinrich’s Super Value 1235.56, Holzer Electric LLC 17636.31, Hometown Variety 185.64, Information Technology Dept. 50.75, Jamey Weinmann 142.85, Jessica Brown 425.59, Karen Nordby 190.13, Keith Olson 137.50, Kenny Erickson 188.13, Kevin’s Landscaping LLC 395, KHND 200, Kotaco 872.01, Lemer’s Ace 447.84, Little Mart 518.59, Martha Meranda 205, Michael Zuber 359.02, Midee Auto 4219.72, Napa Auto Parts 819.84, ND Department of Health 18.54, ND League of Cities 30, NDTC 1556.65, Nyhus Law Firm 121330, One Call Concepts Inc. 42.90, Opdahl Body Shop LLC 2957.14, Ottertail Power Co. 437.38, Patzer Truck Repair 175.77, Paul Goyne 53.80, Paul D. Gunderson 3643.75, Quality Inn 88.20, Rustyre’ 250, Sanitation Products 690.16, Sign Solutions 437.05, Spencer Marchand 2000, Susag Sand & Gravel 2838.70, Tractor Supply Co. 209.42, Trifectah Solutions 419.10, Unum Life Ins. Co. 201.09, USPS 285.73, Verendrye Electric Coop 131, Verizon 444.56, Visa 6112.66, Waste Management 8947.48, Zions Bank 400, and October Payroll $79,891.12. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Auditor Nordby met with Marci Eckart, Clinton Selzler, and a contractor about the remodel. After a few changes, Clinton will be ready to move forward finalizing the design.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Tabled until next month.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: Tabled until next month.
APPOINT REC BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBER: M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the appointment of Justin Heil to the Rec Board. Upon VV, MC.
CITY ORDINANCES: After discussing the suggestions from S. Marchand to update 6.0603, 6.0605, 6.0703, 6.60705, 6.0904, and 6.1301 of the City Ordinances; M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to leave the ordinances as they are and, in the future, if the issues arise, to present them to the Board of Adjustments. Upon VV, MC with Q. Marchand voting nay. Mayor Eckart thanked S. Marchand for taking the time to examine the ordinances.
FISHING PIER: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to accept the gifting of the fishing pier from the Harvey Park Board to the City of Harvey. The City of Harvey will release the Park Board from any responsibility relating to the pier. Upon VV, MC.
M by Selzler, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, October 17, 2022 5:30 pm
Wednesday, October 17, 2022
5:30 pm Harvey City Hall
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Spencer Marchand, Shelley Svoboda and Quincy Marchand via Zoom. Absent was Arnie Selzler. Present from Planning and Zoning was Jared Hanson. Also present was Auditor Karen Nordby and Public Works Director Kenny Erickson.
The meeting was called to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Mayor Eckart discussed the Planning and Zoning Committee. He approached a couple of people for the vacant position. Jared Hanson was willing to fill the position. M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve Mayor Eckart’s appointment of Jared Hanson to the Planning and Zoning Committee. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart opened discussion on Spencer Marchand’s proposed ordinance changes for 6:0603,
6:0605, 6:0703, 6:0705, 6:0904 and 6:1301. Spencer gave a brief description of each section and recommended action.
- 0603 – I would personally like to see this entire section struck out, however I believe the minimum we should do is raise story restriction to 3 and bring the height restriction to 40 feet.
- 0605 – We need to seriously look at the standards we are requiring, especially with building costs where they are. Expecting someone to have a minimum of 960 sq. ft. livable area on a single level dwelling is an overreach from government. We have no business telling people how big/small they can build their own home. I would like to see this entire section struck out, or at the minimum, bring that minimum way down to the extent that if someone were to want to build a small footprint home (500-800 sq ft), we should let them; 500 sq ft minimum would be my opinion of the bare minimum for single level homes and 800 sq ft for 2 story. These square foot restrictions are really just a barrier for people with lower income from becoming property/home owners; let’s let people with modest incomes build small footprint homes if they so please so they can get out of the cycle of rent and into an equity investment for themselves. Our city government should be about empowering people to better financial positions. That’s why the conservative tenant of “limited government” is so important, even at local levels, as it gives greater liberty to each person to mobilize their position in regards to wealth.
- 0703 – Another arbitrary height restriction. I would like the minimum change to be 5 stories and 60 feet.
- 0705 – Minimum square feet apartment should be lowered to bring in potential minimalist studio floorplans. 250 sq ft should be the minimum.
- 0904 – Height restrictions should be at least changed to reflect 5 stories and 70 feet.
- 1301 – Supplemental Ordinance for ballpark and millennium additions. I’m assuming height and other requirements are to standards of R-1 zoning as it isn’t specified here. However, minimum square footage is notated at 1200 sq ft. We should bring this down to 500 sq ft.
The council and P&Z committee discussed each recommended action. Some of the council had concerns with increasing the height. Would the fire department have equipment that could provide protection for a very tall structure? M by S. Marchand, MS by Svoboda to move forward with recommendations of 6.0705 minimum square feet of an apartment should be 250 sq ft and strike out the other requirement. 6.09.04 leave off height restrictions in the Lincoln Ave Business District. Upon VV, MC. The motion will be placed on the agenda of the next council meeting.
With no further business meeting adjourned.
___________________________ __________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 5:30 PM
Wednesday, October 12th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, October 12th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, and Spencer Marchand. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Chief of Police Mike Zuber, and Terri Powers. Council Members Arnie Selzler and Quincy Marchand were present via Zoom.
VISITORS: Senator Jerry Klein, Representatives Jon Nelson and Robin Weisz, Arthur Allmaras, Brad Wolbert, Neil Nelson, Shelley Chin, Marci Eckart, Radigan Neuhalfen, and Pastor Harold Chin. Josh Feil was present via Zoom.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Chin performed the invocation.
VISITORS: Senator Klein and Representatives Nelson and Weisz were present to discuss natural gas to Harvey and surrounding areas with the legislative session on the horizons. They informed the City of Harvey of what they have done in the past to work on Natural Gas. They discussed how they are looking to move forward with legislation to move Natural Gas to the rural areas including Harvey. The consensus of the Council is we need industry to grow and without natural gas, growth is very difficult.
Brad Wolbert attended the meeting to speak with the Council on the possibility of his company, Double M Sanitation, servicing the City of Harvey for garbage pick-up. M by S Marchand, MS by Adams to advertise daily sanitation services for bid. Upon VV, MC.
Josh Feil with Moore Engineering presented via Zoom to the Council the Engineer’s Report. Josh discussed path option #6. The consensus of the council is to approve this option for design. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve Strata’s Contractor’s Application for payment #4 of $10,644.81 contingent upon completion of the final corrections of installing the sign. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the Final Balancing Change Order No. 2 for Strata from $212,896.25 to $209,757.45. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to authorize Moore Engineering to solicit sewer televising quotes for approval at the December meeting. Upon VV, MC. He informed the Council that the City of Harvey was awarded an additional $13,433.59 from the Recreation Trail Program to continue with the Centennial Nature Park Trail West.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He updated the Council on Harvey’s housing situation along with Harvey’s Strategic Plan. He continues to work on natural gas. The consensus of the Council is to have Spencer work with the City’s attorney to create a resolution in a template to present our level of interest in Natural Gas.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Zuber gave a verbal synopsis of his activities for the month of September. He would like a spotlight installed on the Chief’s Tahoe. He informed the Council that he is planning to meet with the recruits that are graduating in December from Lake Region Law Enforcement Center to see if there are any potential candidates for the Harvey PD. Chief Zuber talked about contacting Chief Travis Tesch to potentially hire part-time officers from the Garrison PD. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve hiring part time officers for 10 to 12-hour shifts at $24/hour with no benefits. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. The bids were opened for the two properties that had been advertised. M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to accept the bid for $80K for the demolition of 1000 Lincoln Ave. from Sun Dog Construction. Work to be completed over winter of 2022- 2023. Upon RCV, MC. M by Q. Marchand, MS by Selzler to accept the bid for $16.5K for the demolition, removal of waste and restoration of the lot at 512 E. Brewster St. from RV Enterprises. Work to be completed in 30 days. Upon RCV, MC. Kenny informed the Council the asbestos inspector was here and will be sending a report within the next few weeks. The cost of the asbestos removal is not in the bids. The consensus of the Council is it will have to be paid as part of the demolition process. Once the report has been reviewed by Kenny the asbestos will need to be removed before the demolition can continue. The consensus of the Council is to award the job for the installation of new air release valves to Kemper Construction Co. for $57,300. The Council discussed the lighting in Centennial Park. They requested Kenny investigate new LED lights, adding two to three lights and a different timer system or another way to turn the lights on and off by the amount of darkness. They would also like to see an estimate for the West side of Centennial Park.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She presented the Council with the list of tax foreclosed properties. Spencer Marchand presented 6:0603,
6:0605, 6:0703, 6:0705, 6:0904 and 6:1301. He would have to have them be more relevant to what is happening in the market. He would also like 1:0201 and 1:0501 be updated. The consensus of the council is to table the discussion until they can spend more time looking through them. The changes should be presented to the Planning and Zoning Committee before council discusses them.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on September 14th, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with September revenue of $381,293.00 Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 315.94, BW Ramkota Hotel 132.35, Cole Papers Inc. 4042.18, D & B Portables LLC 150, Danyl Keller 35, Dean Klier 172.50, Double E Designs 206.67, Elite Spraying LLC 3320, Ferguson Waterworks LLC 96, Harvey Oil Co. 3514.47, Harvey Park District 2308.08, HAV-IT Recycling 1644, Hawkins Inc. 6639.98, Heimdal Events & Rec. 69.86, Herald Press 28.40, Hinrich’s Super Value 644.33, Hometown Variety 8.37, Information Technology Dept. 50.75, Kara Schulzetenberg 75, Karen Nordby 223.75, Kevin’s Landscaping LLC 3140, Kotaco 129.45, Lautt’s Autobody & Towing 17784, Lemer’s Ace 152.67, Little Mart 142.73, Michael Todd & Co. 477.85, Michael Zuber 487.44, Mid Dakota Lumber 584.45, Minot Daily News 100, ND Dept. of Health 137.70, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 57, ND League of Cities 635, ND Rural Water Systems 100, NDTC 1541.84, Nuline Ins. 6, Nyhus Law Firm 780.70, One Call Concepts Inc. 20.80, Ottertail Power Co. 8303.45, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Peace Officer Standards & Training BD 150, Pomp’s Tire Service 1689.08, Post Board 45, Pro Tech Integrations LLC 2019.40, Rick Eckart 223.75, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 410.33, Spencer Marchand 2000, TJ Plumbing 106.50, Tractor Supply Co. 65.94, Trifectah Solutions 173.50, USPS 282.96, Verendrye Electric Coop 159, Verizon 444.80, Vessco, Inc. 72.66, Visa 1954.72, Warehouse Grocery 555.92, Waste Management 4141.04, Zions Bank 454294, and September Payroll $72,390.79. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: No bids were received for the Armory remodel. Karen will continue working on plans and locating a contractor.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Tabled until next month.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to table until next month. Upon VV, MC.
CP RAIL DUPLEX: Auditor Nordby is still working with CP on the purchase of 812 Birch Ave. She is hoping to get something done by the 15th of October with closing by the end of 2022.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the September 20th, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the recommendations made by the Board of Adjustments from the October 4th, 2022, meeting. Upon VV, MC.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Airport Authority Minutes from the September 22nd, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
M by S. Marchand, MS by Baltrusch to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 5:30 pm
Wednesday, September 14th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, September 14th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Arnie Selzler, and Spencer Marchand. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Chief of Police Mike Zuber, and Terri Powers. Council Member Shelley Svoboda was present via Zoom. Council Member Quincy Marchand was absent.
VISITORS: Kevin Friedt, Delores Langseth, Adam Keller, Shelley Chin, Cheryl Ryan, Marci Eckart, and Pastor Kevin Shumway.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Kevin performed the invocation.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to accept the mayor’s appointment of Arnie Selzler to the City Council. Upon VV, MC. The Oath of Office was recited, and Arnie Selzler was sworn in.
PUBLIC HEARING-BUDGET 2023: Auditor Nordby addressed the council on the budget for 2023. VISITORS: Delores Langseth was present to ask how they determine the total mills for the year. Auditor Nordby explained that she bases it off historical data. Adam Keller discussed his concerns regarding property taxes.
M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve the 2023 Final Budget as submitted. Upon RVC MC.
FUND Amount Levied
General-Schedule B………………………. $376,000
Emergency……………………………… $2,000
Recreation………………………………. $15,000
Special Revenue Funds-Schedule C
Special Assessments-City Share…………. $17,000
Library…………………………………. $23,500
Economic Development………………… $3000
Airport…………………………………… $7500
Mayor Rick Eckart adjourned the Public Hearing.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Public Hearing for abatement of taxes.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT OF TAXES: M by S. Marchand to approve the Tax Abatement for parcel #80626000. Motion died due to lack of a second motion. M by Svoboda to deny the Abatement of Taxes for parcel #80626000, MS by Baltrusch. Upon VV, MC with Marchand voting nay.
Mayor Rick Eckart adjourned the Public Hearing.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed Council that the housing study was complete and of the situation developing with Harvey Manor. He stated that he had meetings discussing the need for additional housing in the greater Harvey area. He and Spencer had submitted the placemaking grant for public spaces.
POLICE REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to accept the mayor’s appointment of Michael Zuber as City of Harvey’s Chief of Police. Upon VV, MC. The Oath of Office was recited, and Mike Zuber was sworn in.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. He informed the Council the price for the generator for the Water Treatment Plant keeps increasing. He only received one bid from Interstate Energy Systems. M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to accept the bid for $137,578 from Interstate Energy Systems. Upon RCV, MC. They discussed the Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost for storm sewer construction in the Industrial Park. The cost was north of $1,000,000. The consensus of the council is it is not feasible currently. Erickson talked about the last two water meters that need to be installed from the project that was completed in 2017. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to send a certified letter to 817 Alder Ave. informing them they have 30 days to have a new meter installed to comply with our Water Meter Changeout Project. Upon VV, MC with S. Marchand voting nay to the 30 days. M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to refer to the City Attorney in the case of Little Mart’s non-compliance with our Water Meter Changeout Project. Upon VV, MV. M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to put the demolition of 512 E. Brewster St. out for bids. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve up to $1100 towards the purchase of new tools for the Public Works Department. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the purchase and installation of a “Slow/Blind Curve and Driveway” sign to be placed on Cherry Ave. and 6th St. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She had requested an extension for our RBDG grant. She informed the Council that we have granted the extension for one year to finish the remodel of the room on the South side of the Armory and install the tech. M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve the extension. Upon VV, MC. She presented a quote from Motorola Solutions to replace the radio system for the Harvey Fire Department. The state of ND will reimburse $1500 per radio. The HFD received a grant from Wells County for $20,000. The remainder of the purchase will be split 50/50 with the City and the Rural Fire Department. M by Adams, MS by Selzler to approve the purchase with the stipulation that the radios come with a guarantee that they will work once the towers are up which could take several years. Upon RCV, S. Marchand and Svoboda voting nay; Adams, Selzler and Baltrusch voting aye, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on August 10th, 2022, and the Special Meeting on August 17th, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with August revenue of $381,426.85. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 315.94, Black Mountain Software 260, Canadian Pacific Railway 1000, City of Harvey 31.81, Cobblestone Inn & Suites 86.40, Cole Papers Inc. 55.60, D & B Portables LLC 150, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 13.50, Dave O’Kelley 220.14, Diamond Vogel Inc. 1409.20, Frey Insurance Agency 50, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 230.33, Harvey Ambulance Service 50, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3000, Harvey Park District 1803.99, HAV-IT Recycling 1636, HAV-IT Services 792, Hawkins Inc. 6629.48, Heilman Electric 13292.32, Heimdal Events & Rec. 150, Herald Press 930.43, Hinrich’s Super Value 1341.27, Information Technology Dept. 80.10, Kevin’s Landscaping LLC 790, Kim Dietz 2.30, Kotaco 3520.45, Lemer’s Ace 97.56, Little Mart 262.51, Marci Eckart 365.50, Mariah Nitz 69.06, Michael Zuber 200.97, Napa Auto Parts 110.71, ND Dept. of Health 376.02, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 114, NDTC 1581.45, Nyhus Law Firm 1280, One Call Concepts Inc. 18.20, Online Dakota Information 2396, Ottertail Power Co. 9029.30, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Peace Officer Standards & Training BD 150, Perfection Autobody 275, Pizza Ranch 1575.83, Post Board 45, Railroad Management Co. 313.34, Rooster Repair 54.99, Schock’s Safe & Lock Inc. 400, Spencer Marchand 2000, System Technology 630, Team Laboratory Chemical Corp. 1876, Tecta America Greenberg Roofing 3973, Tractor Supply Co. 541.53, Unum Life Ins. Co. 248.26, USPS 283.53, Verendrye Electric Coop 362, Verizon 445.28, Visa 5761.41, Warehouse Grocery 760.56, Warren’s Locks & Keys 167.50, Waste Management 8421.51, Water Environment Federation 155, Workforce Safety & Insurance 220, and August Payroll $62,304.65. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Nothing to report.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Tabled until next month.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: Tabled until next month.
CP RAIL DUPLEX: Auditor Nordby informed the Council that the City Attorney wants a warranty deed and the abstract brought up to date as a condition of the purchase.
TAX ASSESSOR APPOINTMENT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the mayor’s appointment of Jana Hopkins as the City of Harvey’s Tax Assessor. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to approve the Special Event Permit for Wells County Community Cares Annual Lighting the Darkness event for Saturday, September 17th, 2022, from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. in Centennial Park. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Special Event Permit for the Cub Scouts Orientation/Recruitment for Sunday, September 18th, 2022, from 12 p.m. until 3 p.m. in Centennial Park. Upon VV, MC.
REC. BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBER: Tabled until next month.
OTHER: M by Adams, MS by S. Marchand to accept the bid of $10 for the S 50’ of lots 1 & 2 in the Low’s Addition from Arnie Selzler. Upon VV, MC with Selzler abstaining.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the recommendations made by the Board of Adjustments from the August 10th and August 16th, 2022, meetings. With S. Marchand voting nay, MC.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Airport Authority Minutes from the August 11th, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
M by S. Baltrusch, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, August 17, 2022 5:30 pm
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
5:30 pm Harvey City Hall
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Quincy Marchand, Spencer Marchand, and Shelley Svoboda. Also present was Auditor Karen Nordby.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson
The meeting was called to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Centennial Park Path West: Karen presented 3 options for the correction of the south end of the path from Josh at Moore Engineering. The council didn’t like any of the options. They would like to see another design. Karen will meet with Josh. Karen also informed the Council they have received another $13,000 of grant money from the ND Parks and Rec. The council would like to use the funds to continue to concrete the pathway.
POLICE DEPARTMENT: Mayor Eckart and the council discussed the Police Department. They discussed the pros of having our own police department. They discussed the cons of joining with the Wells County Sheriff’s Department. Mayor Eckart informed the Council that before the last council meeting an interview committee interviewed 2 possible candidates for the chief position. The 2 candidates have visited Harvey and the committee completed interview number 2. Mayor Eckart offered one of the candidates the Harvey PD Chief position. The mayor would like the council’s approval to hire the other candidate as a Sergeant. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to create a Sergeant position in the Harvey PD with the pay starting at $55,000 per year. Upon VV, MC. The council discussed the wage motion that was made in June. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to start new officers at a range from $45,000 to $50,000 depending upon experience and training. Upon VV, MC. The mayor discussed the difficulty in finding housing in Harvey for police officers. He proposed that the City or the JDA purchase a duplex that could give police officers a place to live. They would pay rent so the cost of acquiring the property could be recouped. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to authorize Mayor Eckart to negotiate to purchase the property for an amount of $100,000 to $125,000 for the City of Harvey to be used as essential housing. Anything over $125K, Mayor Eckart needs to discuss with the Council for approval. Upon RCV, MC.
With no further business meeting adjourned.
___________________________ __________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 5:30 pm
Wednesday, August 10th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, August 10th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Spencer Marchand, and Quincy Marchand. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, and Terri Powers. Council Member Chris Kara and JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson were absent.
VISITORS: Sheriff Chris Kluth, Wells Co. Commissioner Dennis Dockter, State’s Attorney Kathleen Murray, Attorney Nathan Stittleberg, Shelley Chin, and Pastor Jeff Robison.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Jeff performed the invocation.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR 512 E. BREWSTER ST.: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to accept the finding of facts that this is a dangerous building, therefore, continue with the process for 512 E. Brewster St. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if the property owner fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC. Nyhus Law will proceed with sending out the proper legal notices.
Mayor Eckart adjourned the public hearing at 5:50.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
VISITORS: Sheriff Kluth and Dennis Dockter were in attendance to discuss entering into a contract between the City of Harvey and Wells County Sheriff’s Department to provide 24/7 365 service to the City of Harvey. Sheriff Kluth presented the Council with a preliminary contract so they could get an idea of what the County would offer. The consensus of everyone involved is to set up a meeting to discuss it further.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
POLICE REPORT: Officer Adi’s resignation letter was included in the packet. His last day was July 20th, 2022. M by S. Marchand, MS by Q. Marchand to accept his resignation.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the Council to review. M by S. Marchand, MS by Baltrusch to advertise for bids for the generator for the water treatment plant. Upon RCV, MC. Keith Olson’s retirement letter was included in the packet. March 15th, 2023 is the date he plans on retiring. M by S. Marchand, MS by Q. Marchand to accept his letter with thanks for his 34 years of service. Upon VV, MC. Kenny presented the Council with a quote from Building Systems Corp. for $7200 for asbestos removal from 534 E. Brewster St. The council tabled the discussion until next month.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the Contractor’s Application for Payment from Strata for $2650. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve Moore Engineering’s invoice for $4380. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Q. Marchand to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on July 13th, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with July revenue of $477,966.47. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 271.30, Axon Enterprises 959.96, Bank Of ND 154752.95, Bret Dockter 750, Cindy Barnes 61.61, City of Harvey 36.17, Cole Papers Inc. 1234.17, D & B Portables LLC 225, Dakotah Paper Co. 654.98, Double E Designs 2792.51, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 736.05, Elite Spraying LLC 8988.75, ES OPCO USA LLC 4400, Farmer’s Union Oil Co. 12253.08, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 59.93, Ferguson Waterworks LLC 1213.40, Harvey Oil Co. 3613.94, Harvey Park District 1751.51, Harvey Ready Mix 302, HAV-IT Recycling 1644, HAV-IT Services 440, Hawkins Inc. 2440.40, Hinrich’s Super Value 1017.52, Information Technology Dept. 74.45, John Deere Financial 3093.52, Josh Prebble 2.63, KHND Radio 200, Kevin’s Landscaping LLC 1185, Kotaco 724.37, Land Surveying Services 814, Lemer’s Ace 157.27, Lexipol LLC 480, Little Mart 127.91, Macqueen Emergency 720.40, Melody Casserly 61.61, Mid-American Research Chemical 465.15, Mid Dakota Lumber 25, Minot Daily News 260, Moore Engineering 4963.66, NDTC 3909.40, ND Dept. of Health 368.10, Nuline Ins. 10464, Nyhus Law Firm 760, Ohnstad Twitchell PC 3000, One Call Concepts Inc. 16.90, Ottertail Power Co. 7691.86, Patzer’s Truck Repair 918.54, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Perfect Petals 54.99, Pizza Ranch 10924.17, Rooster Repair 102.98, Spencer Marchand 2000, State Historical Society 40, Strata Corp. 2650, Susag Sand & Gravel 239.88, TJ Plumbing 621.50, Tony Webb 70, Tractor Supply Co. 44.97, Trifectah Solutions 374.10, Unum Life Ins. Co. 173.78, USDA Rural Development 4475, USPS 288.51, Verizon 445.28, Visa 3844.08, Warehouse Grocery 450.79, Waste Management 4936.85, Water Smith Inc. 28952.56, Wendy Opp 628.08, Zions Bank 103,065.63 and July Payroll $95,255.09. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: M by Q. Marchand, MS by S. Marchand to advertise for bids for the remodel on the south side of the Armory building. Upon VV, MC.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Tabled until next month.
DEMO BID 1000 LINCOLN AVE.: M by S. Marchand, MS by Q. Marchand to reject the bid from RV Enterprises for $118,500. Upon VV, MC. The consensus of the Council is to research other options.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: Tabled until next month.
CP RAIL DUPLEX: Tabled until next month.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Q. Marchand to approve the Special Event Permit for First International Bank to block off ½ of the street in front of FIBT on Lincoln Ave. for their Customer Appreciation Event from 10:00am – 2:00pm on September 7th. Upon VV, MC.
CHRIS KARA RESIGNATION: M by Q. Marchand, MS by S. Marchand to accept Chris Kara’s resignation. Upon VV, MC.
OTHER: M by Q. Marchand, MS by S. Marchand to approve Josh Feil with Moore Engineering to move forward in seeking grant money for the purchase of a harvester for the Harvey Dam. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the July19th, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MINUTES: M by Svoboda, MS by S. Marchand to approve the recommendations made by the Personnel Committee. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES: The committee recommends the council accept the proposed budget. M by Q. Marchand, MS by S. Marchand to approve the preliminary budget for 2023 as presented. Upon VV, MC. The preliminary budget is on file at the Auditor’s Office.
M by S. Marchand, MS by Q. Marchand to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 5:30 pm
Wednesday, July 13th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, July 13th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Spencer Marchand, and Quincy Marchand. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Police Chief Tony Webb, and Terri Powers. Council Member Chris Kara was absent.
VISITORS: Josh Feil, Shelley Chin, Ann Ehni, Chelsey Marchand, Nicole Armstrong, and Marci Eckart.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
VISITORS: Ann Ehni was present to introduce Shelley Chin as the new reporter from the Herald Press and to hand out the Office of the Attorney General Open Meetings Guide and Open Records Guide for the Council to review.
Josh Feil with Moore Engineering presented the Council with the Engineer’s Report. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Contractor’s Application for Payment to Strata for $113,572.64. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve Moore Engineering’s invoice for $14,957.91. Upon RCV, MC. He also discussed the Centennial Park alley access. Consensus of the Council is to move forward with the redesign.
Chelsey Marchand and Nicole Armstrong spoke to the Council about Council on The Arts doing a mural in the City. Council requested to have them come back with more ideas focusing on something that represents Harvey.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council that the housing study is complete. He is currently looking into funding to connect the Centennial Park Walking Path with North Country Trail.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He discussed the need for a new lock for the evidence room and that there was still some clean up needed before it will be complete. The remainder of the glass for the front door of the PD will be in in the next couple of weeks. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Promissory Note draft drawn up by Nyhus Law Firm for the Harvey PD as a replacement for their current contract. Upon VV, MC. He expressed his gratitude to the Council for the opportunity to work for the Harvey Police Department. Chief Webb’s last day will be July 15.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to purchase a 72” Ferris Mower from Lautt’s Autobody & Towing for $16,999. Upon RCV, MC. He presented Council with a quote for a generator for the water treatment plant. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to order the generator. With Svoboda voting aye and S. Marchand and Q. Marchand voting nay, MC. After further discussion, a motion was made by S. Marchand to rescind the previous motion with Q. Marchand seconding. Upon VV, MC. The consensus of the Council is to see if Moore Engineering can get some grant money for the generator and to research the specs to make sure the generator is sized properly. M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to get bids for the generator making sure it meets our specifications and to have a special meeting on August 3rd, 2022. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve payment for $5317.72 to PSI Water Technologies for a brine pump and flow sensors. Upon VV, MC. He informed the Council that we had a request from a neighboring city to use our mosquito fogger. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to deny the request. Upon VV, MC. After some additional discussion, Adams made a motion to amend the first motion to approve with the stipulation that they use our operator. Due to a lack of a second motion, her motion to amend died. M by S. Marchand, MS by Q. Marchand to request bids for demolition, removal, and backfill for the building located at 1000 Lincoln Ave. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She informed Council that the new lighting was currently being installed in the Armory. She has been working on the 2023 budget and is in the process of setting up personnel and finance meetings.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Q. Marchand to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on June 8th and the Reorganization Meeting on June 28th, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with June revenue of $210,065.97. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aaron Loff 152, Alissa Ironboulder 182, Aramark 407.72, Brad Kline 61, Brandon Storbeck 237.45, Canadian Pacific Railway 778.98, Central Dakota Family Physicians 130, Central Plains Water 200, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 96, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 174.06, Eagles Club 750, Elite Spraying LLC 1316.05, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 27.50, Gaffaney’s of Minot 298.15, Garrett Tvinnereim 38.79, Grand Forks Fire Equip. LLC 1069.15, Greater ND Chamber 525, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3000, Harvey City Band 500, Harvey Oil Co. 4297.80, Harvey Park District 1791.21, HAV-IT Recycling 1648, HAV-IT Services 392, Hawkins Inc. 2024.65, Herald Press 458.03, Highplains Equip. 154, Hinrichs Super Value 1295.06, Hometown Variety 19.47, Hunter Schuh 304, Information Technology Dept. 172.20, Jenna Halverson 2.30, Keith Olson 209.27, Kevin’s Landscaping LLC 1580, Kotaco 5084.98, Lemer’s Ace 763.86, Little Mart 81.30, M & T Fire & Safety 659.50, Marvin Zerr 76, Matprint LP 190, Mid-American Research Chemical 123.10, Mid Dakota Lumber 32.25, Miller Clothing 87.50, Mitch Strand 945.50, Moore Engineering 14957.91, Napa Auto Parts 12.78, ND Dept. of Health 329.44, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 89, NDIRF 2005.36, NDTC 1571.49, Nyhus Law Firm 1203, One Call Concepts Inc. 57.20, Ottertail Power Co. 13805.29, Patzer’s Truck Repair 1196.67, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Peace Officer Standards 150, Pizza Ranch 12500, Rachel Olson 2.30, Rooster Repair 305.12, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 1419.95, Spencer Marchand 2000, St. Aloisius Medical Center 100, Strata Corp. 113572.64, Tim Swang 290.50, TJ Plumbing 98, Tractor Supply Co. 173.69, Turtle Mountain League 250, Unum Life Ins. Co. 173.78, USPS 265.18, Verendrye Electric Coop. 172, Verizon 444.80, Vessco Inc. 683.24 Visa 6968.58, Warehouse Grocery 710.24, Waste Management 8289.13, Wells Co. Abstract Co. 1020, and June Payroll $89,369.41. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Lighting is being installed.
SALES TAX EXTENSION RESOLUTION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to dispense with the second reading and approve the sales tax extension resolution until December 2027. Upon, VV, MC.
WHEREAS; The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF HARVEY, NORTH DAKOTA is aware of the need for an emphasis in the area of economic development and job creation, and
WHEREAS; financial resources are the key to successful and effective job creation and the limited availability of financial resources for economic development and job creation in the Harvey area require additional means of collection, and
WHEREAS; by Resolution dated July 13, 2022, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF HARVEY, NORTH DAKOTA passed a Resolution extending the one percent (1%) sales tax originally adopted and extended by ordinance dated August 5, 1991, to December 31, 2022.
NOW, THEREFORE; be it hereby resolved that the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF HARVEY, NORTH DAKOTA determines that the continuation of the one cent city sales tax is beneficial to the City and its residents for the purpose of community and economic development projects. Which projects may include, but are not limited to economic development and job creation, professional health care recruitment, general infrastructure development which will enhance job creation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; the City of Harvey JDA, upon approval of the City Council, will control the one cent city sales tax which will remain in effect from January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2027, to be reviewed by the CITY COUNCIL 90 days prior to its termination on December 31, 2022, unless otherwise amended or modified prior thereto.
ORDINANCE #2022-01 AMENDMENT CHAPTER 13.0403: M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the Second Reading and final passage of the ordinance amendment for Chapter 13 that was presented to the Council. Upon VV, MC.
Chapter 13 – Offenses Ordinance
Article 4 – Offenses Against Public Order, Health, Safety and Sensibilities
13.0403 Disorderly Conduct
- An individual is guilty of violating the ordinances of this City, if with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person or in reckless disregard of the fact that another is harassed, annoyed, or alarmed by the individual’s behavior, the individual:
- Engages in fighting or in violent, tumultuous or threatening behavior;
- Makes unreasonable noise;
- In a public place, uses abusive or obscene language, knowingly exposes that individual’s penis, vulva, or anus, or makes an obscene gesture;
- Obstructs vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or the use of a public facility;
- Persistently follows a person in or about a public place or places;
- While loitering in a public place for the purpose of soliciting sexual contact, the individual solicits the contact;
- Creates a hazardous, physically offensive, seriously alarming condition by any act that serves no legitimate purpose;
- Engages in harassing conduct by means of intrusive or unwanted acts, words, or gestures that are intended to adversely affect the safety, security, or privacy of another person;
- Uses a fixed optical device that enhances or records a visual occurrence to view through any window or another person’s property; or uses a surveillance camera to capture an image from the dwelling or accessory structure of another person; however, an individual using a surveillance camera has seven days from notice by a law enforcement officer to direct or shield the camera so as to not capture an image from another person’s dwelling or accessory structure before there is an offense. (Source: North Dakota Century Code Section 12.1-31-01);
- Not being a peace officer, discharges a firearm, paint balls, sling shot, BB gun, or air gun or displays a deadly weapon in a public place;
- Throws any missile in a public place or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby, although no injury to any person ensues;
- Creates, by chemical means, a noxious and unreasonable odor in a public place;
- Enters on the property of another for a lewd or unlawful purpose looks into a dwelling on the property through any window or other opening in the building;
- A registered sex offender loitering in a public place when children are present, regardless of the individual’s classification on the registry;
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by law. All Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
PROPANE BIDS: Mayor Eckart opened the propane bids from Kotaco for 22,000 gallons @ $1.83 no taxes, Farmers Union Oil Co of Fessenden/ One Stop for 21,000 gallons @ $1.69 no taxes, Ferrell Gas for 25,000 gallons @ 1.81 no taxes, and Harvey Oil Co for 22,000 gallons @ $1.59 no taxes. M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to accept the bid of $1.59 from Harvey Oil Co. Upon VV, MC.
SHED BIDS: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to accept the high bid of $1151 from Harold & Kathy Wohl for the storage shed located at 116 E. 6th St to be moved. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: The Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Ave. between 8th and 10th Streets for Crazy Days on August 4th from 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. and August 5th from 9:00 a.m. and 1 a.m. with the stipulation that cleanup is to be done by 8:00 a.m. Saturday. M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the Special Event Permit for The Chamber of Commerce. Upon VV, MC.
LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION: M by Q. Marchand, MS by S. Marchand to approve the liquor license application for La Fragua. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the June 21st, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the recommendations made by the BOA. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, June 8, 2022 5:30 PM
Wednesday, June 8th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, June 8th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, and Melissa Anderson. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, and Terri Powers. JDA Director Paul Gunderson, Police Chief Tony Webb, and Council Members Chris Kara and Quincy Marchand were absent.
VISITORS: Pastor Paul Dyck, Gerald Wilcox, Jeff Soberg, James Loupee, Cheryl Ryan, and Marci Eckart.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Dyck performed the Invocation.
VISITORS: Gerald Wilcox was present to ask the Council for permission to add a breakroom onto the Hav-it Recycling Building located at 1012 Allen Ave. He stated that they will be utilizing materials that are already there. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the addition of the breakroom to the City’s building if HAV-IT pays for the cost of the project. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Included in his packet was a Letter of Resignation from Spencer Volk effective May 28th, 2022.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to raise the rate for locating property pins from $50 to $100. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to raise the hourly rate for lawn mowing from $200 to $250 with a 1 hour minimum per mow. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve placing the 8’ x 8’ shed for bid that is located at 116 W. 6th St. Upon VV, MC. Kenny is requesting Council approval to survey 500 Pleasant Street and 125 W Brewster Street. M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve the surveying of both lots. Upon VV, MC. Erickson discussed the water meter project from 2017. There are 2 properties that are using services in the city that haven’t been changed out. The council agrees that the project needs to be completed. The issue should be forwarded to the attorney for resolution.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Moore Engineering asked the Council if the City of Harvey would be interested in concreting an additional 90 linear feet of path in Centennial Park with the cost savings from the original projections. The more finished path would cut down on future erosion. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the additional concrete work. Upon RCV, MC. She presented the Council with the Contractor’s Application for Payment from Strata for $82,890. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the payment. Upon RCV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on May 11th and the Special Meeting on June 1st, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with May revenue of $178,459.08. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the vouchers with expenses of Airport Assoc. of ND 75, Aramark 161.24, Bank of ND 6820.79, Brandon Storbeck 426, Cendak Co-op 20.08, City of Harvey 520, Coast to Coast Solutions 640.14, Cole Papers Inc. 495.81, Cosun 7460, D & B Portables 150, Dakotah Paper Co. 536.51, Double E Designs 28, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 46.04, Emma Wenzel 364, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 3947.84, Ferguson Waterworks LLC 497.28, Galls Inc. 3.08, Hach Co. 463.77, Harvey Park District 1454.13, HAV-IT Recycling 1642, Hawkins Inc. 2699.98, Heimdal Events & Rec. 25, Herald Press 1651.25, Hinrichs Super Value 785.91, Hometown Variety 95.76, Information Technology Dept. 86.45, Jackie Fix 320, John Deere Financial 908.37, Kenny Erickson 32.09, Kevin’s Landscaping LLC 790, Kotaco 4368.06, Lemer’s Ace 188.76, Lexipol LLC 470, Maggie Svoboda 50, Mid Dakota Lumber 4522.13, Miller Clothing 112, Mitch Strand 117.50, Napa Auto Parts 135.90, NDTC 1544.60, ND Dept. of Health 131.78, Nuline Insurance 8, Nyhus Law Firm 540, One Call Concepts Inc. 36.40, Ottertail Power Co. 354.61, Patzer’s Truck Repair 2039.09, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Penguin Management Inc 960, Scott Fronk 107.50, Sign Solutions 560.82, Spencer Marchand 2000, Swanston Equip. Corp. 96.96, Strata Corp. 89314.60, TJ Plumbing 1739, Tractor Supply Co. 430.25, Transcript Publishing 550, Unum Life Ins. Co. 173.78 USPS 263.22, Verendrye Electric Coop. 128, Verizon 444.80, Visa 7649.46, Warehouse Grocery 339.11, Waste Management 11351.65, Wells Co. District Health 125, and May Payroll $80,382.90. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Auditor Nordby has been working on the Energy Efficiency Grant for the lighting in the Armory. She informed the Council that we received preliminary approval; however, they need 3 bids because of the cost of the project. She is in the process of obtaining more.
SALES TAX EXTENSION RESOLUTION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the sales tax extension resolution until December 2027. Upon, VV, MC.
ORDINANCE #2022-01 AMENDMENT CHAPTER 13.0403: M by Svodoba, MS by Adams to approve the Introduction and first reading of the ordinance amendment for Chapter 13 that was presented to the Council. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR BOND: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve bond resolution for Karen Nordby, Auditor, in the amount of $2,000,000.00. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit for Wells-Sheridan Aging Council to conduct a walk-a-thon with Centennial Park being their starting point. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS: Krafty’s Bar & Grill has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets for an Independence Day Rally/Bike Show on July 1st from 6:00p.m. to 2:00a.m. and July 2nd from 8:00a.m. to 2:00a.m. They would like to extend their hours from 1:00a.m. to 2:00a.m. and are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets while the road is closed for this event. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit for Krafty’s Bar & Grill for their Independence Day Rally/Bike Show with stipulations to position the road barricade before Pizza Ranch Property Line and clean up to completed by 8 a.m. Sunday. Upon VV, MC. Krafty’s Bar & Grill has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets for a car show/street dance on August 13th from 12p.m. to 2a.m. They would like to extend their hours from 1:00a.m. to 2:00a.m. and are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets while the road is closed for this event. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit for Krafty’s Bar & Grill for August 13, 2022, for their 6th Annual Car Show with stipulations to position the road barricade before Pizza Ranch Property Line and clean up to completed by 8 a.m. Sunday. Upon VV, MC.
LOCAL CHARITY PERMIT: M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve the Local Charity Permit for First Lutheran Church LYO provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
OTHER: Mayor Eckart thanked Melissa Anderson for all her time on the council. Anderson did not seek re-election.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the May 17th, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, May 11, 2022 5:30 pm
Wednesday, May 11th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, May 11th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Milo Baltrusch, and Ann Adams. Council Members Shelley Svoboda and Quincy Marchand were present via Zoom. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson via Zoom, Chief Tony Webb, and Terri Powers. Council Members Chris Kara and Melissa Anderson were absent.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson and Marci Eckart. Sarah Wear and Josh Feil via Zoom.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR 1000 LINCOLN AVE: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to accept the finding of facts that this is a dangerous building, therefore, continue with the process for 1000 Lincoln Ave. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if the property owner fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC. Ohnstad Law will proceed with sending out the proper legal notices.
Mayor Eckart adjourned the public hearing at 5:50.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT OF TAXES: M by Adams, MS by Marchand to deny the Abatement of Taxes for Parcels 80066000, 80067000, and 80068000 for Terry Kemmet. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart closed the Public Hearing.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
VISITORS: Josh Feil was present to inform the Council that the City of Harvey was awarded a Wells County ARPA Grant for $100,000 to be used for water improvements. The only other restriction for the money is you may not use it with other Federal or State Funds. They discussed the various projects that the funds would be best allocated for. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to proceed with the replacement of the air release valves and the water well supply repair. Upon RCV, MC with Marchand abstaining. He also stated that Strata has broken ground on the walking path in Centennial Park West with a completion date of July 4th, 2022.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council that the Chief Operating Officer of the contracting company for the natural gas project has decided not to move forward with submitting a bid with the cost of construction so high. He stated that Governor Burgum has a couple of other options to bring natural gas to the area. They discussed the application to the N.D.D.O.T.’s “Alternatives (TA) Program” that could possibly fund the remainder of Centennial Park-West’s trailway as well as some additional trails. The deadline to submit the application is the end of May.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He updated the Council on the status of the 2017 Tahoe that has been out of commission waiting on a new engine. Chevrolet is shipping an engine on May 13th. The Tahoe should be back on patrol in June. He stated that the new window was installed at the Police Department and the door has been fixed. He is going to start searching for a sign for the building. The council requested it be a sign like Midee Auto. This is the type they would like to see throughout Lincoln Ave. Chief Webb discussed the old equipment that he has in his department. The West Fargo Museum would like to have some of it if we would donate it. The consensus of the council is to make the donation. Chief Webb also had equipment that has no purpose anymore it is too old and out of date. The consensus of the council is to take pictures and destroy.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. M by Baltrusch, MS by Marchand to approve the Audit Report from Rath & Mehrer. Upon VV, MC. They discussed taking the next steps on the camping project by the river.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on April 18th, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with April revenue of $178,146.34. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the vouchers with expenses of AKE Safety Equip. 866.70, Aramark 496.04, B52 Roadhouse & Lanes 265, Baymont 345.60, Bryce Masset 2.30, Capital City Restaurant Supply 114.65, Cendak Co-op 8, Cole Papers Inc. 495.81, D & B Portables 150, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 144.50, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 398, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 3396.50, For Goodness Sake 18.68, Galls Inc. 18.99, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 2188.80, Harvey Oil Co. 3759.59, Harvey Park District 1360.67, Harvey Tax, Accounting, & Financial 125, HAV-IT Recycling 1620, HAV-IT Services 862, Hawkins Inc. 4013.64, Herald Press 14, Highplains Equip. 246.75, Hinrichs Super Value 666.14, Hornbacher’s Café 104.33, Information Technology Dept. 86.45, John Deere Financial 199.27, KHND Radio 200, Karen Nordby 174.22, Kenny Erickson 45.37, Kotaco 3422.28, Lemer’s Ace 284.04, Little Mart 57.27, Moore Engineering 1567.50, Napa Auto Parts 310.34, NDTC 1615.95, ND Dept. of Health 118.54, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32, Nuline Insurance 29614, Nyhus Law Firm 888.36, One Call Concepts Inc. 5.20, Ottertail Power Co. 6639.62, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Paul’s Snow Removal 290, Peace Officer Standards & Training 135, Police Chief Assoc. of ND 110, Powerplan 2418.70, QBS Safeguard 471.56, Radisson Hotel 259.20, SD Police Chiefs’ Assoc. 85, Sanitation Products 2122.59, Spencer Marchand 2000, Spencer Volk 50.89, System Technology 1110, TJ Plumbing 7592, Tony Webb 444.60, Trifectah Solutions 74.50, USPS 262.25, Verendrye Electric Coop. 182, Verizon 444.80, Visa 2417.88, Warehouse Grocery 442.64, Waste Management 7869.29, Wells Co. Fair 100, Wells Co. Treasurer 4600, and April Payroll $92,840.73. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Auditor Nordby has been working on the Energy Efficiency Grant for the lighting in the Armory. She has submitted the grant and waiting on the approval.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: Sara Weidrich has requested a special event permit to have a graduation party at Centennial Park on Sunday, June 5th from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the special event permit for Sara Weidrich. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to designate the Herald Press as the official newspaper. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the April 19th, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
OPERATION COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP MINUTES: Operation Community Partnership minutes from the March 31st, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: BOA minutes from the May 3rd, 2022, meeting was included in the packet. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve all requested variances 1.) for 520 Pleasant St.: 6.5 feet to the east of their side property and 4 feet to the rear of their property 2.) for 625 Judy Blvd.: 3 feet on the west side property line and 3.) 320 Birch Ave.: 1-foot height variance for the front and side yard for a play area. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Marchand to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, April 18, 2022 5:30 pm
Monday April 18th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Monday, April 18th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, and Ann Adams. Council Member Melissa Anderson and Quincy Marchand were present via Zoom. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Officer Halle Khalifa, and Terri Powers. Council Member Chris Kara and Police Chief Tony Webb were absent.
VISITORS: Jana Hopkins, Jonathan Franklin, Mike Waldoch, Jay and Dolores Stoltz, Deb Kourajian, Steve Keller, Willy Schilling, Lynne Dick, Inna Akhmetzhanov, and Marcie Eckart.
Mayor Eckart called the Tax Equalization Meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Assessor Hopkins explained an appraisal vs. a mass appraisal method. She presented the information for Notices of Increase and Homestead Property Tax Credits to the Council. A few of the citizens voiced their concerns about their property taxes increasing. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the increases and tax credits as submitted. Upon RCV, MC.
With no further business, Mayor Eckart adjourned the Board of Tax Equalization Meeting.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
VISITORS: Mike Waldoch was present to update the Council on Highway 91. He stated that Representatives Jerry Klein and Robin Weisz are addressing it at the next legislative session to establish it as the shortest highway in ND. He also asked the Council for ideas and possible contacts to develop a Larry Fisher Art Gallery. The Council gave him some suggestions and stated that they were not opposed to the idea of a Gallery.
Jonathan Franklin was there to discuss the Renaissance Zone Project Application submitted by Casey and Courtney Lautt for lots 19 and 20 of the Low’s Addition to renovate nine of the rooms into apartment style, single occupant use. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve and move forward with the Renaissance Zone Project.
Inna Akhmetzhanov wanted clarification on the ordinance that prohibits chickens within City limits. Chapter 11.0107 states that it is unlawful to keep any live sheep, swine or pigs, cattle, chickens or other poultry, goats, or rabbit husbandry in the City. The consensus of the council is to uphold the ordinance currently.
Lynne Dick was present to request information about the process of Dangerous Buildings per Chapter 10.0401 regarding the old Napa building at 1000 Lincoln Ave.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He has been meeting with other cities regarding the upcoming construction on Hwy 52. He is working very hard on making Harvey a “Major Destination.” He stated that he has been working with various organizations on the city parks development/re-development. A great deal of work will be designated to those projects in the upcoming year.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Officer Khalifa was present to answer any questions. Her letter of resignation was included in Chief Webb’s report. Her last day will be April 21st, 2022. She expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to work for the Harvey Police Department. She stated that Officer Volk has passed the Academy and will be patrolling the City effective immediately.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve the purchase of a drum lifter for the water treatment plant from for $2485. Upon VV, MC. He informed the Council that the landfill was open for the summer on Monday and Wednesday from 5:00p.m. to 6:30p.m. They discussed a city-wide clean up by offering free dump days on May 23rd and 25th from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She reviewed Moore Engineering Engineer’s Report with the Council. She updated the Council on the progress of childcare grants and where the funds are being spent. She informed the Council on the 2021 NDIRF Conferment of Benefits. The Council discussed the lease between the City of Harvey and the Hav-it Recycling Center. The consensus of the Council is to renegotiate the lease.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on March 9th and the Special Meeting on March 31st, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with March revenue of $647,792.91. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to approve the vouchers with expenses of All American Trophies & Screen 36, Aramark 248.02, B52 Roadhouse & Lanes 137.03, Bek Sports Network 1500, Boiler Inspection Program 165, Brock White Co. 3330, Capital City Restaurant Supply 4459.50, Cherie Heisler 168.38, Coast to Coast Solutions 1420.60, Cole Papers Inc. 2985.26, Core & Main 1608.70, Dakota Fire Extinguishers Inc. 114.08, Dave O’Kelley 180.05, Driver’s License Guide Co. 108.50, ES Opco USA LLC 1925, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 2306.40, Ferguson Waterworks LLC 80.69, Fischer, Round, & Associates 4837, Flexible Pipe Tool Co. 1250.55, Gaffaney’s of Minot 2478.06, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 145.50, HACTC 159, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3000, Harvey Fire Dept. 349.53, Harvey Motor Service 17.78, Harvey Oil Co. 4191.50, Harvey Park District 1346.32, Harvey Public School 2500, HAV-IT Recycling 1626, HAV-IT Services 754, Hawkins Inc. 1821.60, Heilman Electric 125.58, Herald Press 1895.36, Hinrichs Super Value 901.27, Hometown Variety 33.52, Information Technology Dept. 86.45, Jamey Weinmann 211.56, John Donarski 10.50, Karen Nordby 168.38, Kenny Erickson 521, Kotaco 71.60, Lemer’s Ace 111.47, Little Mart 513.44, Mid Dakota Lumber 10.99, Napa Auto Parts 88.52, ND Clerks Assoc. 100, NDDHS 45, NDTC 1547.65, ND Dept. of Health 55.62, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 64, ND League of Cities 600, North Dakota Living 2135, Nyhus Law Firm 740, One Call Concepts Inc. 6.50, Ottertail Power Co. 8439.56, Patzer Truck Repair 243.78, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Paul’s Snow Removal 115, Perfection Autobody 220.15, Police Chief Assoc. of ND 150, Post Board 70, Quality Inn 432, Rath & Mehrer, P.C. 11500, Remote Systems Integration Inc. 2000, Rough Rider Industries 768, Rural Fire Dept. 3803.50, Sanitation Products 1009.80, System Technology 545, Tony Webb 69.75, Tractor Supply Co. 200.96, Traynor Law Firm 750, Uniform Center 308.35, Unum Life Ins. Co. 430.31, USDA Rural Development 50264, USPS 529.19, Verendrye Electric Coop. 191, Vessco Inc. 344.17, Verizon 444.86, Visa 5728.26, Warehouse Grocery 513.70, Waste Management 14013.58, Wiest Associates, LLC 5627.47, Zions Bank 404209, and March Payroll $131,312.52. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Auditor Nordby has been working on the Energy Efficiency Grant for the lighting in the Armory.
REC BOARD: Mayor Eckart presented Deb Kourajian with a plaque for her 30 years of dedication to the Harvey Rec Board.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the renewal of the Conditional Use Permit for Amy Arnold to conduct massage therapy in her home at 312 Desmet Ave. Upon VV, MC.
ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Arbor Day Proclamation for May 17th, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CITY COUNCIL BOARD MEMBER: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve Mayor Eckart’s appointment of Quincy Marchand to the City Council. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATE CITY HALL AS VOTING PLACE: M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to designate Harvey City Hall as the official voting place. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: Krafty’s Bar & Grill has requested a special event permit to have an off-premise event liquor license for the Spirit Walk to be held on Friday October 28, 2022, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. She is also requesting a street closure on Lincoln Ave from the beginning of 7th Street to 10th Street from the hours of 5:00pm-11:30pm. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit for Krafty’s Bar & Grill. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the March 15th, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
OPERATION COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP MINUTES: Operation Community Partnership minutes from the March 8th and March 17th, 2022, meetings were included in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
_______________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, March 9, 2022 5:30 pm
Wednesday March 9th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, March 9th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Chris Kara, and Ann Adams. Council Member Melissa Anderson was present via Zoom. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Police Chief Tony Webb, and Terri Powers. Council Member Susan Bartz was absent.
VISITORS: Pastor Jeff Blomquist, Tammy and Abby Shank, Robert Shank, Heidi, Robbie, and Karlie Luckau, Jess, Sarah, Grant, Carson, and Zoe Reimche, Rad Neuhalfen, Marcie Eckart, and Neil Nelson.
Mayor for the Day Abby Shank opened the Regular Council Meeting.
Mayor for the Day Grant Reimche led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Invocation was led by Pastor Jeff Blomquist.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Gunderson had a very busy February working with numerous entrepreneurs. He stated that the attendance for the first of three Operation Community Partnership meetings was low due to the weather and other activities going on. He’s optimistic about the next two meetings.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council of Officer Bryce Masset’s letter of resignation. March 25th, 2022 will be his last day. Webb updated the Council on the progress of Officer Volk’s employment. While waiting for his license, he has been riding along with Officer Khalifa and Officer Masset. The new computer for the PD was presented with the updated information from Wiest Associates. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the estimate for $1220 to replace the computer. Upon VV, MC. Tony has moved all of his department’s things to his new location on Lincoln Ave including the evidence room.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He presented the Council with a quote from Sweeney Controls Co. to do a Water Department Computer Controls Upgrade for $126,200. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to explore funding options for the upgrade. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to allow Karen and Kenny to work with Moore Engineering on the upgrades for the WTP. Upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to proceed with the grant application for the Energy Efficiency Grant to replace the lights in the Armory. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to purchase the lighting, even if the city doesn’t receive grant dollars and to approve any portion not covered by grant funds. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She reviewed Moore Engineering Engineer’s Report with the Council. The Council discussed the options for Highway 52 bypass presented by the NDDOT. The consensus of the Council is to write a letter of recommendation for Alternate C. They feel this will be the best option for the City of Harvey.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Kara to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on February 9th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with February revenue of $887,666.75. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the vouchers with expenses of Airside Solutions, Inc. 139.85, Aramark 257.74, Bank of ND 1464.68, Black Mountain Software 16651, Blue 360 Media 304.98, Central Cinema 34, Central Dakota Family Physicians 108, City of Harvey 350, Cobblestone Inn & Suites 50, Creative Product Source, Inc. 137.02, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 21, Double E Designs 27.80, Drive Chevrolet Buick 567.29, Expressway Suites 171.90, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 6361.20, Faul Excavating 6429.68, Ferguson Waterworks LLC. 1251.09, Galls Inc. 4.82, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 2723.25, Harvey Park District 2049.73, HAV-IT Recycling 1608, HAV-IT Services 754, Hawkins Inc. 2442.47, High Plains Equip. 956.87, Hinrichs Super Value 787.57, Hometown Variety 135.59, Information Technology Dept. 86.45, Interstate Engineering, Inc. 8878.60, Jeanna Thompson 116.69, John Deere Financial 211.68, Keith Olson 8.52, Kevin’s Landscaping LLC., 570, Kotaco 3799.84, Lemer’s Ace 163.24, Little Mart 533.15, Lori Keller 120, Martha Meranda 45, Napa Auto Parts 96.65, NASP 39, NDTC 3126.57, ND Dept. of Health 18.54, ND League of Cities 30, Nova Fire Protection Inc. 155, Nuline Insurance 50, Nyhus Law Firm 1040, Ottertail Power Co. 7853.62, Patzer Truck Repair 2172.17, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Paul’s Snow Removal 235, Rough Rider Industries 1374, St. Aloisius Medical Center 100, Spencer Volk 113.24, Streichers 1146, Subway 247.11, Swanston Equipment Corp. 780.96, The Radar Shop 401, Tony Webb 66.50, Tractor Supply Co. 158.44, Unum Life Ins. Co. 206.88, USPS 265.51, Verendrye Electric Coop. 393, Verizon 447.66, Visa 5210.20, Warehouse Grocery 204.02, Water Environment Federation 90, Wiest Associates, LLC 6700.68, Woody’s Service & Repair 20, Zions Bank 400, and February Payroll $98,582.16. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Nothing to report.
FARM LEASES: Kenny Schild was in the office earlier in the week and asked Karen to appeal to the Council to keep his farmland rent the same as last year. The Council stated that they are firm on the $60.00 per acre increase.
REC BOARD: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to accept Mayor Eckart’s appointment of Trista Zerr and Brad Birdsell to the Harvey Rec Board for three-year terms as at large members. Upon VV, MC.
BACKFLOW PREVENTION ORDINANCE: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to dispense of reading the second reading of the ordinance. Upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to adopt the 2nd reading of the Back Flow Preventor Ordinance as presented in the council pack. Upon VV, MC.
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Harvey has determined to amend Chapter 7 of the City Ordinances.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Harvey, that
CHAPTER 7, SECTION 7.02, Subsection 19-2;
shall hereby be amended to read as follows:
- Purpose
The purpose of this Ordinance is to protect the public water system from contaminants or pollutants that could enter the distribution system by backflow from a customer’s water supply system through the service connection.
- Authority
The authority to implement this program is contained in the following documents:
- North Dakota Administrative Code 1-17-01-19 Protection of Public Water Systems
- 2018 North Dakota Plumbing Code
- 2018 Uniform Plumbing Code
The public water system shall have the authority to survey all service connections within the distribution system to determine if the connection is a cross-connection.
The public water system shall have the authority to control all service connections within the distribution system if the connection is a cross-connection.
The public water system may control any service connections within the distribution system in lieu of a survey if the service connection is controlled with an air gap or reduced pressure zone backflow prevention assembly.
The public water system may collect fees for the administration of this program.
The public water system shall maintain records of cross-connection surveys and the installation, testing and repair of all backflow prevention assemblies installed for containment and containment by isolation purposes.
Except as otherwise provided herein, the public water system shall administer, implement and enforce the provisions of this Ordinance.
- Applicability
This Ordinance applies to all commercial, industrial and multi-family residential service connections within the public water system and to any persons outside the City who are, by contract or agreement with the public water system, users of the public water system. This Ordinance does not apply to single-family-residential service connections unless the public water system becomes aware of a cross connection at the single-family connection.
- Definitions
- “ACTIVE DATE” means the first day that a backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method is used to control a cross-connection in each calendar
- “AlR GAP” is a physical separation between the free-flowing discharge end of a potable water supply pipeline and an open or non-pressure receiving vessel installed in accordance with standard ASME 1.2.
- “BACKFLOW” means the undesirable reversal of flow of water or mixtures of water and other liquids, gases or other substances into the public water systems distribution system from any source or sources other than its intended
- “BACKFLOW CONTAMINATION EVENT” means backflow into a public water system from an uncontrolled cross connection such that the water quality no longer meets the North Dakota Primary Drinking Water Regulations or presents an immediate health and/or safety risk to the
- “BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY” means any mechanical assembly installed at a water service line or at a plumbing fixture to prevent a backflow contamination event, provided that the mechanical assembly is appropriate for the identified contaminant at the cross connection and is an in-line field-testable
- “BACKFLOW PREVENTION METHOD” means any method and/or non-testable device installed at a water service line or at a plumbing fixture to prevent a backflow contamination event, provided that the method or non-testable device is appropriate for the identified contaminant at the cross
- “CERTIFIED CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL TESTER OR REPAIRER” means a person who possesses a valid Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester certification from one of the following approved organizations: American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE) or the American Backflow Prevention Association (ABPA). If a certification has expired, the certification is
- “CONTAINMENT” means the installation of a backflow prevention assembly or a backflow prevention method at any connection to the public water system that supplies an auxiliary water system, location, facility, or area such that backflow from a cross connection into the public water system is
- “CONTAINMENT BY ISOLATION” means the installation of backflow prevention assemblies or backflow prevention methods at all cross connections identified within a customer’s water system such that backflow from a cross connection into the public water system is
- “CONTROLLED” means having a properly installed, maintained, and tested or inspected backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method that prevents backflow through a cross
- “CROSS CONNECTION” means any connection that could allow any water, fluid, or gas such that the water quality could present an unacceptable health and/or safety risk to the public, to flow from any pipe, plumbing fixture, or a customer’s water system into a public water system’s distribution system or any other part of the public water system through
- “MULTI-FAMILY” means a single residential connection to the public water system’s distribution system from which two or more separate dwelling units are supplied
- “SINGLE-FAMILY” means:
- A single dwelling which is occupied by a single family and is supplied by a separate service line; or
ii, A single dwelling comprised of multiple living units where each living unit is supplied by a separate service line.
- “UNCONTROLLED” means not having a properly installed and maintained and tested or inspected backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method, or the backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method does not prevent backflow through a cross
o, “WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM” means a water distribution system, piping, connection fittings, valves and appurtenances within a building, structure, or premises. Water supply systems are also referred to commonly as premise plumbing systems.
- Requirements
- Commercial, industrial and multi-family service connections shall be subject to a survey for cross connections. If a cross connection has been identified an appropriate backflow prevention assembly and or method shall be installed at the customer’s water service connection within 60 days of its discovery. The assembly shall be installed downstream of the water meter or as close to that location as deemed practical by the public water system. If the assembly or method cannot be installed within 60 days the public water system must take action to control or remove the cross connection, suspended service to the cross connection or receive an alternative compliance schedule from the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality,
- In no case shall it be permissible to have connections or tees between the meter and the containment backflow prevention
- In instances where a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer cannot be installed, the owner must install approved backflow prevention devices or methods at all cross-connections within the owner’s plumbing
- Backflow prevention assemblies and methods shall be installed in a location which provides access for maintenance, testing and
- Reduced pressure principle backflow preventers shall not be installed in a manner subject to
- Provisions shall be made to provide adequate drainage from the discharge of water from reduced pressure principle backflow prevention Such discharge shall be conveyed in a manner which does not impact waters of the state.
- All assemblies and methods shall be protected to prevent Those assemblies and methods used for seasonal services may be removed in lieu of being protected from freezing. The assemblies and methods must be reinstalled and then tested by a
certified cross-connection control technician upon reinstallation.
- Where a backflow prevention assembly or method is installed on a water supply system using storage water heating equipment such that thermal expansion causes an increase in pressure, a device for controlling pressure shall be
- All backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested at the time of installation and on an annual schedule Such tests must be conducted by a Certified Cross Connection Control tester or repairer.
- The public water system shall require inspection, testing, maintenance and as needed repairs and replacement of all backflow prevention assemblies and methods, and of all required installations within the owner’s plumbing system in the cases where containment assemblies and or methods cannot be
- All costs for design, installation, maintenance, testing and as needed repair and replacement are to be borne by the
- No grandfather clauses exist except for fire sprinkler systems where the installation of a backflow prevention assembly or method will compromise the integrity of the fire sprinkler
- For new buildings, all building plans must be submitted to the public water system and approved prior to the issuance of water Building plans must show:
- Water service type, size and location
- Meter size and location
- Backflow prevention assembly size, type and location
- Fire sprinkler system(s) service line, size and type of backflow prevention
- All fire sprinkling lines shall have a minimum protection of an approved double check valve assembly for containment of the
- All glycol (ethylene or propylene), or antifreeze systems shall have an approved reduced pressure principle backflow preventer for
- Dry fire systems shall have an approved double check valve assembly installed upstream of the air pressure
- In cases where the installation of a backflow prevention assembly or method will compromise the integrity of the fire sprinkler system the public water system can chose to not require the backflow The public water system will measure chlorine residual at location representative of the service connection once a month and perform periodic bacteriological testing at the site. If the public water system suspects water quality issues the public water system will evaluate the practicability of requiring that the fire sprinkler system be flushed periodically.
- Where a backflow prevention assembly or method is installed on a water supply system using storage water heating equipment such that thermal expansion causes an increase in pressure, a device for controlling pressure shall be
- All backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested at the time of installation and on an annual schedule Such tests must be conducted by a Certified Cross Connection Control tester or repairer.
- The public water system shall require inspection, testing, maintenance and as needed repairs and replacement of all backflow prevention assemblies and methods, and of all required installations within the owner’s plumbing system in the cases where containment assemblies and or methods cannot be
- All costs for design, installation, maintenance, testing and as needed repair and replacement are to be borne by the
- No grandfather clauses exist except for fire sprinkler systems where the installation of a backflow prevention assembly or method will compromise the integrity of the fire sprinkler
- For new buildings, all building plans must be submitted to the public water system and approved prior to the issuance of water Building plans must show:
- Water service type, size and location
- Meter size and location
- Backflow prevention assembly size, type and location
- Fire sprinkler system(s) service line, size and type of backflow prevention
- All fire sprinkling lines shall have a minimum protection of an approved double check valve assembly for containment of the
- All glycol (ethylene or propylene), or antifreeze systems shall have an approved reduced pressure principle backflow preventer for
- Dry fire systems shall have an approved double check valve assembly installed upstream of the air pressure
- In cases where the installation of a backflow prevention assembly or method will compromise the integrity of the fire sprinkler system the public water system can chose to not require the backflow The public water system will measure chlorine residual at location representative of the service connection once a month and perform periodic bacteriological testing at the site. If the public water system suspects water quality issues the public water system will evaluate the practicability of requiring that the fire sprinkler system be flushed periodically.
- Inspection, Testing and Repair
- Backflow prevention assemblies or methods shall be tested by a Certified Cross Connection Control Technician upon installation and tested at least annually, The tests shall be made at the expense of the customer.
- Any backflow prevention assemblies or methods that are non-testable, shall be inspected at least once annually by a certified cross-connection control The inspections shall be made at the expense of the customer.
- As necessary, backflow prevention assemblies or methods shall be repaired and retested or replaced and tested at the expense of the customer whenever the assemblies or methods are found to be
- Testing gauges shall be tested and calibrated for accuracy at least once
- Reporting and Recordkeeping
- Copies of records of test reports, repairs and retests, or replacements shall be kept by the customer for a minimum of three (3)
- Copies of records of test reports, repairs and retests shall be submitted to the public water system by mail, facsimile or e-mail by the testing company or testing
- Information on test reports shall include, but may not be limited to,
- Assembly or method type
- Assembly or method location
- Assembly make, model and serial number
- Assembly size
- Test date; and
- Test results including all results that would justify a pass or fail outcome
- Certified cross-connection control technician certification agency
- Technician’s certification number
- Technician’s certification expiration date
- Test kit manufacturer, model and serial number
- Test kit calibration date
- Right of entry
- A properly credentialed representative of the public water system shall have the right of entry to survey all buildings and premises for the presence of cross-connections for possible contamination risk and for determining compliance with this This right of entry shall be a condition of water service in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of customers throughout the public water system’s distribution system.
- Compliance
- Customers shall cooperate with the installation, inspection, testing, maintenance, and as needed repair and replacement of backflow prevention assemblies and with the survey process. For any identified uncontrolled cross-connections, the public water system shall complete one of the following actions within 120 days of its discovery:
- Control the cross connection
- Remove the cross connection
- Suspend service to the cross connection
- The public water system shall give notice in writing to any owner whose plumbing system has been found to present a risk to the public water system’s distribution system through an uncontrolled cross The notice and order shall state that the owner must install a backflow prevention assembly or method at each service connection to the owner’s premises to contain the water service. The notice and order will give a date by which the owner must comply.
- In instances where a backflow prevention assembly or method cannot be installed, the owner must install approved backflow prevention assemblies or methods at all cross-connections within the owner’s water supply The notice and order will give a date by which the owner must comply.
- Violations and Penalties.
- Any violation of the provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction be punishable as provided in all applicable statutes, laws, and
- Conflict with other
- If a dispute or conflict arises between the North Dakota Plumbing Code as adopted herein, and any plumbing, mechanical, building, electrical, fire or other code adopted by the State, then the most stringent provisions of each respective code shall
Introduction and first reading on: February 9, 2022
LETTER OF RESIGNATION for HARVEY CITY COUNCIL: Letter of Resignation from Council Member Susan Bartz was included in the packet, effective immediately. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to accept her resignation. Upon VV, MC.
LEMER’S GREENHOUSE: Lemer’s Ace Hardware requested use of the parking lot at the corner of 10th Street and Lincoln Ave to assembly a greenhouse. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the rental of the lot April 23rd, 2022, until June 11th, 2022. They will need to make sure the lot is cleaned, once the greenhouse is taken down. The deposit will be refunded with the daily rental subtracted. Upon VV, MC.
HARVEY AIRPORT AUTHORITY BOARD MEMBER: M by Adams, MS by Kara to accept the appointment of Dusty Buchmiller to the Harvey Airport Authority Board by Mayor Eckart. Upon VV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATIONS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the Site Authorizations for the Wells Aerie #3080 FOE to conduct games at B-52 Roadhouse & Lanes, Krafty’s Bar & Grill, and Harvey Eagles Club provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the February 22nd, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
HARVEY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Harvey Airport Authority Minutes from the March 3rd, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Kara to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
_______________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, February 9, 2022 5:30 pm
Wednesday February 9th, 2022, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, February 9th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Susan Bartz, and Ann Adams. Council Member Melissa Anderson was present via Zoom. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Police Chief Tony Webb, and Terri Powers. Council Member Chris Kara was absent.
VISITORS: Pastor Jeff Robison, Peter Varelas, Marcie Eckart, and Neil Nelson.
Mayor Rick Eckart led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Pastor Jeff Robison performed the Invocation.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
VISITORS: Peter Varelas was present to ask the Council to forgive a water bill that accumulated over the months of July 2021 through October 2021 at 103 E. Brewster St. There was no one living at the property during this time. The consensus of the Council was that he is responsible for the bill since he did not communicate his intentions or state that he wasn’t using services during the time he was charged.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council that he has been meeting with potential entrepreneurs that are looking at moving into the community. He acknowledged that he has been doing a lot of work with the South-Central Regional Council.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He confirmed that the Department had a bit of a breather due to the inclement weather. There was an increase in fender benders and motorist assists on US Hwy. 52 in the month of January. He informed the Council that he hired a new officer, Spencer Volk, out of Utah that recently moved to the area. The Council discussed some ideas that could potentially decrease the high rate of officer turnover. He presented the Council with an estimate from Wiest Associates for $1220 to update his computer at the police department. The decision was tabled until more research could be gathered on other options.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He discussed the potential need to update the long box truck used for snow hauling as the clutch was slipping which dramatically slowed down their progress. The trucks are 27 years old. Kenny informed the Council of a Backflow Prevention & Cross-connection Control Program that is being implemented by the State. The City’s first step is to pass an ordinance which is due by April 1st, 2022. Once the system is in place, someone certified will need to inspect it once a year. M by Adams, MS by Anderson to adopt the 1st reading of the Back Flow Preventor Ordinance as presented in the council pack. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She informed Council of the childcare grants that were awarded to Tot Spot Childcare and the plans for the money which will be used for many updates at the facility.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on January 12th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with January revenue of $196,943.78. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the vouchers with expenses of American Water Works Assoc. 77, Aramark 232.80, Aqua-Pure Inc. 149.50, B52 Roadhouse & Lanes 467, Bank of ND 11125, City of Beulah 16.10, Coast to Coast Solutions 376.36, Dakota Fire Extinguishers, Inc. 1186.03, Dakota Heritage Bank 2867.50, Drive Chevrolet Buick 257.93, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 11755.20, Ferguson Waterworks LLC. 4686.26, First International Bank 600, First State Bank 2480, Golden West Industrial Supply 190.30, Greg Saulis 33.34, HACTC 78, Harvey Motor Service 28.40, Harvey Oil Co. 1463.19, Harvey Park District 1493.07, HAV-IT Recycling 1608, HAV-IT Services 450, Hawkins Inc. 1826.72, Herald Press 728.20, High Plains Equip. 125, Hinrich’s Super Value 943.70, Hometown Variety 122.85, Hornbacher’s Café 108.76, Information Technology Dept. 74.45, John Deere Financial 206.31, Keith Olson 243.69, Kotaco 4876.04, Lemer’s Ace 102.68, Little Mart 444.92, Mid Dakota Lumber 118.56, Municipal Judges Assoc. 25, Napa Auto Parts 227.55, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32, ND League of Cities 770, Nyhus Law Firm 1720, Ottertail Power Co. 8102.60, Patzer Truck Repair 1278.39, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Paul’s Snow Removal 325, Perfect Petals 55, Post Board 45, Precision Tax Service 195, Street Cop Training 225, Susag Sand & Gravel 4380, Tony Webb 26.01, Tractor Supply Co. 180.41, Unum Life Ins. Co. 223.43, USPS 269.99, Verizon 444.86, Visa 3824.99, Warehouse Grocery 415.24, Waste Management 10084.20, Zions Bank 28065.63, and January Payroll $70,966.53. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Nothing to report.
AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN UPDATE: Auditor Nordby shared an update on the American Rescue Plan Act from the North Dakota League of Cities with the Council.
VANGUARD APPRAISALS: Consensus of the Council is to refrain from participating in the program.
WATER BOARD: Correspondence was included from the ND Water Resources to the Wells County Water Resource District for the Council to review.
LETTER OF RESIGNATION / HARVEY REC BOARD: Amy Lesmeister and Deb Kourajian submitted their resignations from the Rec. Board. Council President Svoboda informed the Council of a Rec. Board Public meeting on February 24th, 2021, at 6 p.m. at the Harvey Eagles Club that will be open to the public. Any decisions on the Rec. Board members will be tabled until the future.
FARM LEASES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to increase the rate per acre of farmland from $51 to at least $61 per tillable acre. Upon VV, MC. The Council would like to see the rent reviewed annually.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the January 18th, 2021, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
_______________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 5:30pm
Wednesday January 12th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, January 12th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, and Ann Adams. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Police Chief Tony Webb, and Terri Powers. Council Members Melissa Anderson, Susan Bartz, and Chris Kara and Public Works Director Kenny Erickson were absent.
VISITORS: Stan Buxa, Jana Hopkins, Gordy Schmidt, Steve Wangen, Scott Arends, Doug Kline, Ryan Schneibel, Kevin Bierman, Daniel Deck, Marcie Eckart, and Kat Peace.
Mayor Rick Eckart led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
VISITORS: Wells Co. Commissioner Stan Buxa and Wells Co. Tax Director Jana Hopkins were present to inform the City Council of their preliminary plans to hire Vanguard Appraisals, Inc. to do a county wide assessment of all commercial and residential properties. They are looking to get the Council’s blessing. They stated that the goal is to combine everything into one system and to make things more equitable and fairer across the board. The Council decided to table any further discussion until the February City Council meeting.
Members of the Harvey Volunteer Fire Department were present to open bids received for the 1988 Hummer. The Fire Department opened 21 bids with the low bid of $3000 and the high bid was $17,750. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to accept the high bid from David Olson of Richardton ND for $17,750.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed Council of the meetings he attended in the month of December. He has spent time researching for Harvey’s compliance for the Americans with Disabilities Act section 504 checklist and self-evaluation and transitions Plan.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He presented the Council with Officer Ryan Welsh’s letter of resignation. His last day was January 7th, 2022. He stated that he has had two applicants inquiring about employment with the department. He commended the Public Works Department on the great job they’ve been doing on keeping the City of Harvey streets clear of snow.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to approve hiring Susag Sand & Gravel to haul snow. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on December 8th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with December revenue of $251,241.81. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 233.18, B & B Service & Repair 10000, Cendak Co-op 2, City of Harvey 21501.53, Coast to Coast Solutions 1430.39, D & B Portables 150, Dacotah Paper Co. 794.03, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 70, Farmer’s Union Oil Co. 5775, Faul Excavating 1710, Galls Inc. 163.86, Hach Co. 209, Halle Khalifa 190.50, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3500, Harvey Kiwanis 2444, Harvey Motor Service 26.48, Harvey Oil Co. 5482.13, Harvey Park District 1846.08, Harvey Sand & Gravel 29.60, HAV-IT Recycling 1622, HAV-IT Services 784, Hawkins Inc. 5583.25, Herald Press 310.70, High Plains Equip. 841.53, Hinrich’s Super Value 831.28, Hometown Variety 134.97, Information Technology Dept. 74.45, Interoffice 3374.56, Jamey Weinmann 85.57, John Deere Financial 119.19, Keith Olson 155.40, Kotaco 2572.47, Lemer’s Ace 277.64, Lexipol LLC 2556.79, Little Mart 12.99, Martha Meranda 100, Mid-American Research Chemical 257.53, Mid Dakota Lumber 149.99, Miller Clothing 110, ND Dept. of Health 37.08, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 64, ND League of Cities 1585, NDTC 1608.04, ND Water Users 300, Nuline Ins. 206, Nyhus Law Firm 1665, O’Day Equip. 84, One Call Concepts 1.95, Ottertail Power Co. 14598.84, Patzer Truck Repair 262.88, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Paul’s Snow Removal 380, Rustyre’ 75, Sanitation Products 91.63, Share Corp. 560.52, T’s Repair 70, The Library Store 165.16, Tractor Supply Co. 227.28, Trifectah Solutions 337.30, Unum Life Ins. Co. 206.88, USPS 268.01, Verendrye Electric Co-op 307, Verizon 445.04, Visa 4691.25, Warehouse Grocery 590.63, Waste Management 7623.49, Wells Co. District Health 2270, Wells County JDA 4999.92, Wells Co. Treasurer 43353.39, Wiest Associates, LLC 1485.50, Willy Schilling 38.69, and December Payroll $70,966.53. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Nothing to report.
ORDINANCE #2021-02 AMENDMENT CHAPTER 6: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to adopt and approve the second reading of the ordinance amendment on Zoning that was presented to the Council. With Baltrusch and Adams voting yay and Svoboda voting nay, MC.
Chapter 6 – Zoning Ordinance
Article 6 – R-1 Single Family District Sections:
Uses permitted in this district shall include the following:
- One family dwellings.
- Home occupations as provided in this ordinance.
- Truck gardening and other horticultural uses where no building is involved, and when not operated for profit.
- Confidential uses, subject to the provisions of applicable sections of this ordinance.
- Temporary buildings and uses for construction purposes for a period not to exceed one
- Accessory buildings, provided they shall be located as required in applicable sections of this ordinance.
- One sign on each lot not exceeding twelve (12) sq. ft. in area, pertaining to the lease or sale of the building or premises upon which the sale is located.
- Automobile parking space to be provided as required in applicable sections of this ordinance.
- It is unlawful for any person to park a mobile home, travel trailer, camper, or recreational vehicle on any street, alley, highway, or public place or on any tract of land owned by any person, occupied or unoccupied, within the city except as provided below.
- Emergency or temporary stopping or parking is permitted on any street, alley or highway for no longer than seventy-two (72) hours, subject to any other or further traffic or parking limits imposed on such streets, alleys, or highways. The seventy- two (72) hour limit shall not apply between May 1st and October 15th if the mobile home, travel trailer, camper, or recreational vehicle is currently licensed and insured and such parking does not impede traffic and conforms with any other or further traffic or parking limits imposed on such street, alley, or highway.
- Mobile homes, travel trailers, campers, or recreational vehicles may be used for temporary construction offices and sales rooms when a special use permit is first secured as required by zoning ordinances.
- Mobile homes, travel trailers, campers, or recreational vehicles may be parked upon private premises, if vacant and not used for human habitation. A mobile home, travel trailer, camper, or recreational vehicle may not be occupied or used for human habitation unless located in a licensed recreational vehicle park, or except for special events at designated locations approved by the building official.
- Mobile homes, travel trailers, campers, or recreational vehicles may be allowed on parcels of land that are properly zoned and platted for such use as allowed in the city’s zoning ordinances.
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by law.
All Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by law.
All Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed
LIQUOR LICENSE ADDITION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the addition of Sunday sales to CW Industries, LLC.’s liquor license. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATE DEPOSITORIES OF PUBLIC FUNDS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to designate the First State Bank, First International Bank, Dakota Heritage Bank and Bank of North Dakota as the depositories of public funds which meet pledge security requirements. Upon VV, MC.
APPROVE SALE OF ALL CITY PROPERTY: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the sale of all real property owned by the City of Harvey upon bid acceptance by the City Council. Upon RCV, MC.
BUDGET AMENDMENTS & TRANSFERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Transfers as submitted. Upon RCV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Budget Amendments. Upon RCV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the December 21st, 2021, meeting was included in the packet.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Airport Authority Minutes from the December 2nd, 2021, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
_______________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday December 8th, 2021, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, December 8th, 2021, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Susan Bartz, Chris Kara, and Ann Adams. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Officer Halle Khalifa, and Terri Powers. Council Member Melissa Anderson and Chief of Police Tony Webb were absent.
VISITORS: Josh Nannenga, Collette Hertz, Donna English, Marcie Eckart, Katherine Peace, and Pastor Jason Arthur.
Mayor Rick Eckart led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Pastor Jason Arthur performed the Invocation.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
VISITORS: Collette Hertz and Donna English were present to discuss the future of the Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce along with the Convention and Visitors Bureau with the City Council. They have not been able to find a replacement for the position of the Chamber Director. After some discussion, the City Council asked them both to attend the upcoming JDA Meeting on December 21st, 2021, to discuss it further.
Josh Nannenga was present to inquire about the Conditional Use Permit he filled out. He stated that it has been three months since he turned the permit in. The Council informed him that they were in the process of updating the ordinance and until completion, no decisions would be made.
ORDINANCE #2021-02 AMENDMENT CHAPTER 6: M by Adams to approve the Introduction and first reading of the ordinance amendment. Adams rescinded her motion. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Introduction and first reading of the ordinance amendment for Zoning with the following changes: amending Article 7, section 9 to include R-2 Multi-Family District and changing the 72-hour rule from May1st through October 15th to 21 days. With Baltrusch, Adams, and Bartz voting yay and Kara and Svoboda voting nay, MC.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Officer Khalifa was present to review his report and answer any questions. Officer Rau has resigned from the department and Officer Ryan Welsh has accepted a full-time position. M by Svoboda, MS by Kara to approve an invoice from Lexipol for $2556.79 for Annual Policy Manual and Daily Training Bulletins. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve two invoices from Knudtson Construction totaling $2888.09 for insulation and siding materials plus labor. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. M by Svoboda, MS by Bartz to approve the purchase of a generator for the water treatment plant. There is grant money available to apply for with a deadline of December 17th, 2021. Upon VV, MC. He presented the Council with a quote from O’Day Equipment for a fuel tank for $13,515.54. Consensus of the Council is to not purchase the 1000 gallon tank.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She informed the Council of the final approval from the North Dakota Department of Commerce for project 6-HAR/Rehabilitation by Mosaic Company Properties, LLC at 907 Lincoln Ave.
MINUTES: M by Bartz, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on November 10th and the Special Meeting on November 29th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with November revenue of $336,141.80. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the vouchers with expenses of Airport Assoc. of ND 75, Aramark 233.08, Center for Ed. and Employment Law 278, Central Valley Health Dist. 75, Cherie Heisler 180, City of Harvey 2909.33, Creative Product Source 363.69, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 29, Dave O’Kelley 150, Dooley Enterprises 225.55, Double E Designs 158.80, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 97.30, EDND 275, Emery-Pratt Co. 38.68, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 2627, Hach Co. 91.26, HACTC 156, Harvey Country Club 25, Harvey Fire Dept. 31896, Harvey Kiwanis 12500, Harvey Motor Service 100.42, Harvey Park District 1529.12, HAV-IT Recycling 1632, Herald Press 1160.10, Hinrich’s Super Value 567.80, Hometown Variety 296.50, Information Technology Dept. 74.45, Jamey Weinmann 180, John Deere Financial 1690.13, John Donarski 180, Karen Nordby 240, Keith Olson 150, Kenny Erickson 61.60, Kim Johnson 125, KHND 375, Knudtson Construction 3108.09, Kotaco 2968.37, Lemer’s Ace 71.63, Little Mart 329.12, Martha Meranda 144.76, Miller Clothing 115, Napa Auto Parts 201.02, ND Sheriff’s & Deputies Assoc. 100, NDTC 1505.62, Nyhus Law Firm 680, One Call Concepts 2.50, Opdahl Concrete 42212, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Public Agency Training Council 350, St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation 5000, Susag Sand & Gravel 19200, Terri Powers 190.64, The Radar Shop 226, Tractor Supply Co. 191.43, Unum Life Ins. Co. 239.98, USPS 268.95, Verizon 445.04, Visa 8532.09, Warehouse Grocery 595.71, Waste Management 14281.01, Wells Co. Auditor 5, Wells County Recorder 100, Woody’s Service & Repair 50, and November Payroll $92,931.54. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Nothing to report.
Chapter 3 – Places and Property
Article 2 – Use and Care of Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places Sections:
From and after the time fixed by such notice as published, broadcasted or posted pursuant to sections 3.0209 and 3.0210, it shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave standing on any street, alley, or public way in the city, identified in the public notice, any automobile, truck, trailer, conveyance or other vehicle between the hours set forth in the notice as published or in the event an emergency has been declared, until such emergency has been terminated by any one of the City Auditor, Public Works Director, Mayor, Police Chief or their designees. Violation of this section is a nonmoving violation and subject to a Twenty Dollar ($20.00) fine.
(c) The owner may reclaim such impounded vehicle upon payment to the city of any outstanding fines and fees due to the city. Upon payment to the city, the city shall provide the owner with a receipt of payment which shall be presented to the garage, company or person removing the impounded vehicle. The owner shall then pay the garage, company or person removing the impounded vehicle the costs necessarily incurred in the removal and impoundment of such vehicle.
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repeal
This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by law.
All Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to adopt the second and final reading of the ordinance amendment for Places and Property that was presented to the council. Upon VV, MC.
Chapter 9 – Traffic
Article 11 – Off-highway Vehicles (OHV) Regulations Sections:
9.1101 Definitions (NDCC 39-29-01)
Words and phrases used in this chapter shall have the meaning and be defined as provided in the North Dakota Century Code in Title 39, and NDCC including Section 39-01-01and all subsequent amendments shall be and are hereby incorporated by reference in this ordinance.
For the purpose of this article, the following definitions are hereby adopted:
- Dealer: Any persons who advertises or holds out to the public his or her engagement in the buying, selling, resale, or exchange of off- highway
- Off-highway vehicles (OHV): A motor-driven, off-road,
Recreational vehicle capable of cross-country travel on land, snow, ice, marsh, swampland, or other natural terrain. This includes, but is not limited to, multi-track vehicles, multi-wheel or low pressure tire vehicles, belt- driven vehicles, and amphibious machines (dirt bikes, 3-wheelers, 4- wheelers, off-road utility vehicles, etc)
Class I: off-highway vehicle has two low pressure tires, a saddle seat designed to be straddled by the operator, and it is steered by the use of handlebars.
Class II: off-highway vehicle has three or more low pressure tires, a saddle seat designed to be straddled by the operator, and it is steered by the use of handlebars.
Class III: off-highway vehicle has three or more low pressure tires, a seat designed for the operator, and a wheel for steering control.
- Operate: To ride in or on an off-highway vehicle and control it’s
- Operator: A person who operates or is in physical control of an off- highway
5. | Owner: A person, other than a lien holder, having the property in, or title to, an off-highway vehicle and is entitled to its use of possessions. | ||
6. | Register: The act of assigning a registration number to an off highway vehicle. | ||
7. | Motor Vehicle: Any vehicle that is self-propelled, or any vehicle that is | ||
propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wire and does | |||
not operated upon rails. Motorized bicycles are considered motor vehicles | |||
for purposes of motor vehicle registration, title registration, and operator’s | |||
licenses. | |||
9.1102 | Registration (NDCC 39-29-03) | ||
1. |
The application for registration of each off-highway vehicle is made by the |
North Dakota Department of Transportation at any licensing office | |||
statewide. | |||
2. |
The off-highway vehicle application should state each owner’s name and |
address, and it should be signed by at least one owner. | |||
3. |
A copy of the off-highway vehicle application is evidence of registration up |
to 30 days following the date of application. | |||
4. |
Upon receipt of the application and fees, the North Dakota Department of |
Transportation will register the off highway vehicle and assign it a | |||
registration number. Also, a certificate of registrations will be issued and | |||
will include information regarding the make, year, and serial number of the | |||
off-highway vehicle, along with the name and address of the owner. | |||
9.1103 |
Fees (NDCC 39-29-03) |
1. | The registration fee of each off-highway vehicle is five dollars. This fee covers a registration period of two years. | |
9.1104 | Display (NDCC 39-29) | |
1. |
Class I OHV – The license sticker should be displayed on the upper left tube |
of the forks just below the handle bars. | ||
2. |
Class II OHV – The license sticker should be displayed on the rear of the |
left front fender unless covering warning stickers. In this case place it on | ||
the left rear fender. | ||
3. |
Class III OHV – The license sticker should be displayed on the left rear quadrant of the vehicle visible from the rear. |
9.1105 | Expiration & Renewal (NDCC 39-29-03) | |
1. |
Off-highway vehicle registration fees must be paid every two years. The |
owner of an off-highway vehicle can renew his or her vehicle registration | ||
by paying the five dollar registration fee and five dollar off-highway trail | ||
tax to the North Dakota Department of Transportation. | ||
9.1106 |
Replacement (NDCC 39-29-03) |
1. | There is a five-dollar fee for the duplication or replacement of a registration number or registration card which is lost, mutilated, or becomes illegible. | |
9.1107 | Transfer of Ownership (NDCC 39-29-06) | |
1. | A new application for registration must be submitted to the North Dakota | |
Department of Transportation within 15 days of | ||
transferring ownership. |
9.1108 General Operations
- Must have the following in order to operate a Class II or Class III OHV in the city limits of Harvey
- A valid motor vehicle driver’s license or permit, and current liability
- Required OHV Equipment (NDCC 39-29-09)
An individual may operate a Class II and Class III off-highway vehicle on the streets, alleys and maintained roadways of Harvey only if it is equipped with the following equipment, all of which must be in working order:
- One headlamp
- One horn
- One tail lamp
- Speedometer
- One brake light
- One mirror
- Motor with a minimum of 200 cubic centimeters for Class II
- Motor with a minimum of 352 cubic centimeters for Class III
- Class I off-highway vehicle cannot be operated with in the city limits of Harvey.
- Where You May NOT Ride (NDCC 39-29-09)
- Public lands that are not designated as trails or riding areas (this includes state parks and wild life management areas).
- Any tree nursery or planting area
- United States, state, or interstate highways or right of
- You may not ride ON railroad tracks, but you may directly cross
- An off-highway vehicle may not be operated in the right of way of any highway when towing a sled, skid, or any other vehicle, unless the object is connected to the off-highway vehicle by hinged swivel or a secure
- Liability Insurance (NDCC 39-08-20)
- A person may not operate an OHV without liability insurance while on public lands. The liability insurance insures the OHV owner named on the policy and any operator of that OHV, with permission of the Upon request of a law enforcement officer, a person operating an OHV shall provide proof of liability insurance.
- Other Prohibitions (NDCC 39-29-09)
An individual may not operate an off-highway vehicle in the following of ways, which are declared to be unsafe and a public nuisance:
- At an unreasonable rate of speed in relation to surrounding
- In a careless, reckless, or negligent manner that endangers the rider or property of another, or causes injury or damage to other persons or their property.
- While under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled
- Without a manufacturer-installed or equivalent muffler that is in good working order and connected to the off-highway vehicle’s exhaust
- No person may kill, chase, or harass any protected or unprotected wild animal or bird while operating an off-highway vehicle.
- On any private land that is posted as prohibiting trespassing. The name and address of the person posting the land and the date of posting must appear on each sign in legible characters. The posted signs must be readable from outside the land and be placed conspicuously at a distance of no more than 880 yards apart. Land entirely enclosed by a fence or other enclosure is sufficiently posted by posting of these signs at or on all gates through the fence or
- Speed (NDCC 39-29-09)
- If operating on public roads, the right of way or on public trails, you must obey the posted speed limit. Otherwise, you must maintain a reasonable and proper rate of speed in accordance with terrain conditions.
- Crossing Public Roads (NDCC 39-29-09)
The operator of an off-highway vehicle may make a direct crossing of a street or highway only if:
- The crossing is made at an angle approximately 90 degrees to the direction of the highway and at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and safe
- The off-highway vehicle is brought to a complete stop before crossing the shoulder or main traveled way of the highway.
- The operator yields the right of way to all oncoming traffic which constitutes an immediate hazard.
- In crossing a divided highway, the crossing is made only at an intersection of the highway with another public street or
- Youth Operators (NDCC 39-29-10)
- Any person under the age of 16 without a valid driver’s license may not operate an off highway vehicle.
- No person under the age of 18 may ride or otherwise be propelled by an off-highway vehicle without a safety helmet, meeting the United States Department of Transportation standards.
- No operator of an off-highway vehicle may carry a passenger unless the off-highway vehicle is designed with an appropriate passenger
- Riding with Passengers (NDCC 39-29-09)
- Riding with passengers is limited to those off-highway vehicles that are equipped with a passenger seat.
- Children under six years of age should never ride as passengers
All traffic ordinances shall apply to the operation of OHV upon streets, except for those relating to required equipment, and except for those, which by their nature have no application.
9.1109 Golf Carts
- The provisions of North Dakota Century Code Section 40-05-22 and all subsequent amendments shall be and are hereby incorporated by reference in this ordinance. Golf carts may be allowed to operate on the city streets for daytime travel between the owner’s place of residence and a golf course. This ordinance does not allow a golf cart on federal, state, or county highways, except for the perpendicular crossing of these highways.
9.1110 Penalties
- Violation of 9.1108(5)(b), (c) or (f) is a class B misdemeanor. Violation of 9.1108(1), (2), (3), (5)(a), (d), and (e), (6), (7), and (9) is an infraction for which a fee of twenty dollars must be assessed. Unless otherwise provided, violations of any other provisions of Article 11 is an infraction, for which a fee of ten dollars must be assessed.
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by law.
All Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to adopt the second and final reading of the ordinance amendment for Traffic that was presented to the Council. Upon VV, MC.
Chapter 11 – Animals and Fowl
Chapter 11.40 – PENALTIES
11.40.010 PENALTIES
The penalty for violating any of the above provisions for which a penalty shall not otherwise be given shall be as follows:
- A first offense within a one-year period of time shall be an infraction and a fine of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
- A second offense within a one-year period of time shall be an infraction and a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00).
- A third offense within a one-year period of time shall be an infraction and in the discretion of the Harvey Municipal Court, a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00).
- Any additional offenses within a one-year period of time shall be an infraction and in the discretion of the Harvey Municipal Court, may include any or all of the following:
- A fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00).
- Removal of any animals of the person convicted of this
- An order prohibiting the person convicted of this offense from owning or caring for any animal in the City of Harvey. This prohibition, for good cause, may be
removed by the Harvey Municipal Court, with any conditions the Court deems appropriate.
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by law.
All Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
M by Adams, MS by Bartz to adopt the second and final reading of the ordinance amendment for Animals and Fowl that was presented to the Council. Upon VV, MC.
VACATING ALLEY ON JUDY BLVD.: M by Baltrusch, MS by Kara to deny the request to vacate the alley behind The Seventh Day Adventist Church at 737 Judy Blvd. Upon VV, MC.
SCHOOL CHOICE WEEK PROCLAMATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to recognize and approve January 23rd through the 29th, 2022 as School Choice Week in Harvey. Upon VV, MC.
LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS: M. by Bartz, MS by Adams to approve the Liquor License Renewals for B52 Roadhouse & Lanes, CW Industries/Spectator’s Bar & Grill, Harvey Bottle Shop, Cobblestone Inn & Suites of Harvey, Harvey Eagles Club, Krafty’s Bar & Grill, Inc., Little Mart C-Store, and Ta Ahni, Inc. Upon VV, MC.
GAMING SITE AUTHORIZATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Gaming Site Authorization for the RMEF Minndak Inc. to conduct a raffle on 3/12/2022. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the November 16th, 2021, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
_______________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Monday, November 29, 2021 5:30 pm
Monday, November 29th, 2021 at 5:30pm
Veterans Room
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV-Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried.
The Harvey City Council met in the Veterans Room on Monday, November 29th, 2021
at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Shelley Svoboda, Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Susan Bartz, Chris Kara and Milo Baltrusch. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Chief Tony Webb and City Attorney Chris Nyhus via Zoom.
Mayor Eckart called the meeting to order.
Mayor Eckart led the Pledge of Allegiance.
According to Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2 & 44-04-19.1 to discuss Police Department Procedures.
M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to go into Executive session to discuss Police Department Procedures. Upon VV, MC.
Executive session started at 5:31pm and was recorded. In attendance were Mayor Eckart, Kara, Adams, Baltrusch, Anderson, Bartz, Svoboda, Nordby, Webb, and Nyhus via Zoom.
M by Adams, MS by Bartz, to adjourn executive session. Upon VV, MC.
Executive session closed by Mayor Eckart at 6:25pm.
Mayor opened the meeting to the public.
With no further business meeting adjourned.
___________________________ __________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday November 10th, 2021, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, November 10th, 2021, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Council President Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz, Chris Kara, and Ann Adams. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Officer Halle Khalifa, and Terri Powers. Council Members Milo Baltrusch and Melissa Anderson were present via Zoom. Absent was Mayor Rick Eckart and Chief of Police Tony Webb.
VISITORS: Officer Ryan Welsh, Josh Nannenga, Steve Bachmeier, Delvin Hanson, Brian Argabright, Jody Schanhals, Cory Schimelfenig, Neil Nelson, and Katherine Peace.
Council President Svoboda led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council President Svoboda opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT OF TAXES: M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Abatement of Taxes for Parcel 80691000 for Desiree Schilling from $30,340 to $4600 as there are no buildings on the property due to a structure fire. Upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Kara to approve the Abatement of Taxes for Parcel 80630000 for Josh Nannenga from $101,870 to $90,000 in conjunction with the recommendation of the Wells County Tax Assessor. Upon VV, MC with Bartz abstaining.
Council President Svoboda closed the Public Hearing.
Council President Svoboda opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
VISITORS: Steve Bachmeier was present to request the Council to repeal the decision of The Board of Adjustments to deny his request for three separate variances that would allow him to move a storage container onto his property at 505 Alder Ave. M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the decision of the Board of Adjustments to deny the variances. Upon VV, MC.
Cory Schimelfenig was in attendance to ask the Council for clarification on the letters that were sent out concerning nuisance vehicles and Jody Schanhals was concerned about the deadline. Council answered their questions and informed them they were welcome at any time to stop by the City Offices.
Delvin Hanson was present to request that the alley behind the Seventh Day Adventist church on 737 Judy Blvd. be vacated. Svoboda recommended to table the request until further research can be done.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He attended numerous meetings throughout the month of October.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Chief Webb was in Bismarck attending a conference. Officer Khalifa was present to review his report and answer any questions. She invited the Council Members to participate in a ride along at any time to get a better idea of what happens during their shifts.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve the purchase of a manhole cover lift with magnet for $1776. Upon VV, Adams, Anderson, Bartz, and Kara voting aye and Baltrusch voting nay, MC. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the purchase of a new 1000-gallon fuel tank. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Karen presented the Council with Moore Engineering’s Engineer’s Report as Josh Feil was unable to attend. M by Adams, MS by Bartz to purchase the list of tax foreclosed properties from the Wells County Auditor that are coming back to the City of Harvey. Upon VV, MC. Auditor Nordby requested the approval of the Council to continue to work on an Energy Efficiency Grant to replace the lighting in the Armory. M by Bartz, MS by Adams to approve. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Bartz to allow the City of Harvey employees to take off Friday, November 26th, 2021, for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Kara to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on October 13th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Kara, MS by Adams to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with October revenue of $276,861.92. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Kara, MS by Adams to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 236.33, Axon Enterprises 380, Central Plains Water 180, Chief Frank Senn 150, City of Harvey 42202.63, Coast to Coast 1185.85, Cole Papers 385.53, D&B Portables 300, Donarski Lawn Service 1200, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 208.76, Elite Spraying 3447.50, Galls Inc. 187.76, Hach Co. 569.10, Harvey Chamber of Commerce 555.00, Harvey Country Club 50000, Harvey Kiwanis 5000, Harvey Oil Co. 2785.98, Harvey Park District 1575.27, HAV-IT Recycling 1644, HAV-IT Services 400, Hawkins Inc. 2163.15, Herald Press 763.84, Hinrich’s Super Value 826.95, Holiday Inn 366.40, Hometown Variety 147.61, Information Technology Dept. 74.45, Interstate Engineering 5934.46, John Deere Financial 11.34, Justin Stanley 35, Karen Nordby 61.60, Keith Olson 533.40, Kenny Erickson 224, KHND 200, Kotaco 176.99, Lemer’s Ace 102.67, Little Mart 108.73, Martha Meranda 77.50, Midee Auto 622.41, Napa Auto Parts 463.52, ND Department of Health 18.54, ND Department of Health/Microbiology 32, ND Rural Water 290, NDTC 1560.60, Nuline Ins. 322, Nyhus Law Firm 2190, Office Of The State Auditor 320, One Call Concepts 16.95, Otter Tail Power Co. 6862.21, Patzer Truck Repair 1251.02, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Powerplan 3029.87, Roughrider Industries 42.98, Strata Corp. 57821.40, Susag Sand & Gravel 521.38, T’s Repair 135, The Library Store 346.24, Tony Webb 270.20, Tractor Supply Co. 46.98, Two Rivers Printing 21.34, Unum Life Ins. Co. 206.88, USPS 268.01, Verendrye Electric Co-op 156, Verizon 445.04, Visa 2173.61, Waste Management 5934.95, Wells Co. District Health 150, and October Payroll $91,589.70. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Nothing to report.
COMPLAINT ADAMS AVE.: M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve our Sanitation Department to clean up 512 Adams Ave and assess the charges to the property. Upon VV, MC.
ORDINANCE #2021-01 AMENDMENT CHAPTER 3: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the Introduction and first reading of the ordinance amendment for Places and Property that was presented to the council. Upon VV, MC.
ORDINANCE #2021-02 AMENDMENT CHAPTER 6: Recommended by President of the Council Svoboda to table until next City Council Meeting.
ORDINANCE #2021-03 AMENDMENT CHAPTER 9: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the Introduction and first reading of the ordinance amendment for Traffic that was presented to the Council. Upon VV, MC.
ORDINANCE #2021-04 AMENDMENT CHAPTER 11: M by Bartz, MS by Kara to approve the Introduction and first reading of the ordinance amendment for Animals and Fowl that was presented to the Council. Upon VV, MC.
BID FOR DESMET LOTS: M by Kara, MS by Baltrusch to approve the bid from Melissa Faul for the purchase of Lots 3, 4, and 5 of Block 2 of the Mills Addition for $1 per lot plus closing costs.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the October 19th, 2021, meeting was included in the packet.
PLANNING & ZONING MINUTES: Planning and Zoning minutes from the October 13th, 2021, meeting was included in the packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: BOA Minutes from the November 2nd, 2021, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Bartz, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
_____________________ _____________________________
Shelley Svoboda, Council President Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, October 13, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday October 13th, 2021, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, October 13th, 2021, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Council President Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, and Ann Adams. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Chief of Police Tony Webb, and Terri Powers. Absent was Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Member Susan Bartz, Council Member Chris Kara, and Public Works Director Kenny Erickson.
VISITORS: Jereme Buchmiller, Greg Rime, Nancy Rime, Neil Nelson, Carl Snedaker, Halle Khalifa, Bryce Masset, Ryan Welsh, Radigan Neuhalfen, and Katherine Peace.
Council President Svoboda led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council President Svoboda opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ZONING AMENDMENT: Jereme Buchmiller was present to request a Zoning Amendment for Block 3, Lot 4 of the Hanchetts Addition that he recently purchased from the Harvey Park Board. The Lot is currently zoned Public, and he would like it to be zoned Commercial to match his connecting property. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Zoning Amendment. Upon VV, MC.
Council President Svoboda closed the Public Hearing.
Council President Svoboda opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
VISITORS: Carl Snedaker requested the Council consider discounting his current water bill from the City of Harvey due to an underground water leak that was discovered on his farm east of Harvey. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to accept a payment plan to pay for the entire bill over a six-month period as the amount billed is the same as the cost for the City of Harvey to produce it. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He introduced the department’s two newest officers: Officer Bryce Masset and Officer Ryan Welsh. Both officers were sworn in by Council President Svoboda. He also informed the Council that he was elected the 2nd Vice President of the North Dakota Chiefs of Police Association at their last meeting, and he will be installed at the next meeting.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He included proposals for a new paint sprayer, the armory roof repairs, and a manhole cover lift. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve the purchase of the paint sprayer from Diamond Vogel for $1390. Upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve the roof repairs from Tecta America for $3973. Upon VV, MC. The consensus of the Council was to table the purchase of the manhole cover lift until further research can be done. Director Erickson also included in his report the cost of tearing down and disposing of the dangerous properties. 1005 Coulee Avenue: $22,376.31, 716 Custer Avenue: $13,354.04, 504 Birch Avenue: $13,946.28, and 1000 Alder Avenue: $8,425.50. These amounts will be assessed to the property.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Karen presented the Council with Moore Engineering’s Engineer’s Report as Josh Feil was unable to attend. They had a Preconstruction Meeting scheduled for October 20th, earthwork to begin in November, and a completion of concrete work in the spring/summer of 2021 for Centennial Park West. She informed the Council that the PAPI’s project at the Harvey Municipal Airport was starting soon and would be completed within a couple of weeks of the start date.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on September 8th and the Special Meeting on September 20th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with September revenue of $358,379.22. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 459.37, BW Ramkota Hotel 763, Carson Industries 134.95, City of Harvey 51.60, Core & Main 2437.42, Dacotah Paper Co. 479.87, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 75, Davis & Associates 200, Dean Klier 158.20, Diamond Vogel 989.59, Double E Designs 64, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 637.21, ES Opco USA LLC 1650, Galls Inc. 877.73, Gerrells & Co. Inc. 731.52, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 3910, Hach Co. 56.55, Harvey Chamber of Commerce 3500, Harvey Kiwanis 500, Harvey Park District 1759.95, HAV-IT Recycling 1644, HAV-IT Services 392, Heilman Electric 1200.46, Herald Press 212, Hinrich’s Super Value 760.36, Hometown Variety 163.62, Information Technology Dept. 73.10, Interstate Engineering 28088.98, JP Hager Enterprises 1000, John Deere Financial 81.52, Karen Nordby 238.20, Kotaco 3203.67, Lemer’s Ace 700.37, Little Mart 92.49, Lori Schroeder 75, Martha Meranda 104.82, Midee Auto 120.79, Mid Dakota Lumber 24.80, Minot Daily News 100, Motorola Solutions 5748.37, Napa Auto Parts 124.46, National Geographic 67, ND Department of Health 18.54, ND Department of Health/Microbiology 32, ND League of Cities 825, NDTC 1554.25, Nyhus Law Firm 220, One Call Concepts 21.25, Otter Tail Power Co. 15337.86, Patzer Truck Repair 1110.34, Paul D. Gunderson 3927.72, Post Board 45, Roadway Services Inc. 13077.50, Roughrider Industries 952, Schock’s Safe & Lock 889.95, Stanley Public Library 17, Star Business Forms 938.17, Terri Powers 61.60, Tony Webb 35, Tractor Supply Co. 373.86, Trifectah Solutions 109, Uniform Center 76.98, Unum Life Ins. Co. 223.43, USPS 265.34, Verendrye Electric Co-op 168, Verizon 445.22, Visa 15019.35, Warehouse Grocery 1368.23, Waste Management 16219.12, Zion’s Bank 460188.76, and September Payroll $126,439.84. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Auditor Nordby requested the Council to move forward with the Armory remodel and prioritize it accordingly. The Council agreed with her statements and the consensus is to continue with the plans for the remodel.
RAFFLE PERMIT: Harvey Kiwanis Club requested Raffle Permit #21-06. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve raffle permit #21-06 providing all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit for Anna Shorey for the use of the Gazebo in Centennial Park for a wedding. Upon VV, MC.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RENEWAL: M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve the renewal of the Conditional Use Permit for Amy Arnold to conduct massage therapy in her home at 312 Desmet Ave. Upon VV, MC.
NAPA AUTO BUILDING: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to start the process of condemning the old Napa Building at 1000 Lincoln Ave. Upon VV, MC
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the September 21st, 2021, meeting was included in the packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: BOA Minutes from the September 28th, 2021, meeting was included in the packet. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the variance request from Tyler Lang for a 5.5’ side variance on the SE corner of his property for a 16×8 storage shed. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Shelley Svoboda, Council President Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, September 8, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday September 8th, 2021, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, September 8th, 2021, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz, Chris Kara, and Ann Adams. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Chief of Police Tony Webb, and Terri Powers. Absent was Council Member Melissa Anderson.
VISITORS: Pastor Paul Dyck, Duane Sand, John Stober, Mike Waldoch, Sharon Haugen, Marlene Ripplinger, Marci Eckart, Radigan Neuhalfen, Katherine Peace, and Josh Feil Via Zoom.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Dyck led the invocation.
PUBLIC HEARING-BUDGET 2022: Auditor Nordby addressed the council on the budget for 2022. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the 2022 Final Budget as submitted. Upon RVC MC.
FUND Amount Levied
General-Schedule B………………………. $350,000
Emergency……………………………… $2,000
Recreation………………………………. $15,000
Special Revenue Funds-Schedule C
Special Assessments-City Share…………. $17,000
Library…………………………………. $24,000
Economic Development………………… $3000
Airport…………………………………… $7500
Mayor Eckart closed the public hearing.
Mayor Eckart opened the public hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: M by Svoboda, MS by Kara to deny the conditional use permit for Hippocampus Holdings to temporarily change the zoning of his property from commercial to agricultural to graze horses. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart closed the Public Hearing.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
Duane Sand was present to express his feelings about renaming or adding Al Sauter’s name to The Harvey Municipal Airport. The Council stated that they would pass along his request to the Airport Authority Board Members.
Josh Feil reviewed the Engineer’s Report with the Council via Zoom. He informed the council the contracts for the Centennial Park Recreation Trail have been reviewed and are ready for City signatures. He also stated that there is more funding available through the American Rescue Plan Act and Prairie Dog Fund and the possible improvements the City of Harvey could use the grant funds for. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the DWSRF and CWSRF Questionnaires that are due in September and October. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve Moore Engineering’s Invoice for $4000 for Cent Park West Engineering services. Upon VV, MC.
Mike Waldoch was present to talk to the Council about purchasing an Eco Harvester for the Sheyenne River to pull weeds. He stated that he is working on grants and fundraising to raise the $91,498 to purchase the machine. He is working with the Harvey Wildlife Club on putting in a new dock west of Hwy. 3 to bring in the machine and larger boats. Mike sent a request to several people in the Federal Government to ask them to renegotiate with Canada to allow water to be distributed to Lake Ashtabula and from there to the Sheyenne and Coal Mine Lakes to rejuvenate and restore the reservoir. He is also working on a way to promote Highway 91 as the shortest highway in North Dakota. The Council asked him to provide a sample of what the sign would look like at the next Council Meeting.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He continues to work on natural gas. He has completed 50% of a city-wide survey of LP gas usage and stated that the natural gas company is happy with the results so far. He discussed with the Council the need for HUD housing and the steps he has taken to see what can be done.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He asked that the Council review the fines we currently have in place as he would like to see an increase in the fines of the City of Harvey’s citations. The Council agreed to have a Special Meeting on September 20th, 2021, to discuss the matter further. He also presented the Council with Officer Cory’s letter of resignation. His last day with the department was on August 27th, 2021.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He updated the Council on the demolished houses and Council member Adams expressed her “thanks for a job well done” to him and his department. He stated that the Spillway RV Parking is a work in progress. We received a $1000 donation from the Sheyenne River Development to help with the costs.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on August 11th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Kara, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with August revenue of $336,911.20. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Kara, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 339.58, Axon Enterprises, Inc. 402, Bank of ND 154278.01, Black Mountain Software 100, City of Harvey 75, Cole Papers 3007.24, D&B Portables LLC 150, Dacotah Paper Co. 1033.66, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 117.06, Electric Pump 1365, Electronic Communications 874, Galls Inc. 119.40, Hach Co. 144.71, Harvey Ambulance Service 52, Harvey Oil Co. 2566.46, Harvey Park District 1792.63, HAV-IT Recycling 1638, Hawkins Inc. 5197.66, Herald Press 375.05, Hinrich’s Super Value 1137.13, Hometown Variety 57.74, Information Technology Dept. 49.15, Interstate Engineering 4400, John Deere Financial 35.84, Kotaco 164.35, Lemer’s Ace 50.34, Mark Anhorn 107.37, Martha Meranda 245.29, Melanie Baughman 6.63, Mid Dakota Lumber 9436.24, Minitex 73, Moore Engineering 4000, NDTC 1593.50, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32, Nyhus Law Firm 760, One Call Concepts 40.80, Online Dakota Information 2255, Otter Tail Power Co. 587.70, Patzer Truck Repair 65.84, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Railroad Management Co. 284.85, Tony Webb 61, Tractor Supply Co. 157.42, Trifectah Solutions 147.50, Uniform Center 219.99, Unum Life Ins. Co. 209.36, USPS 265.29, USA Blue Book 479.07, Verendrye Electric Co-op 181, Verizon 445.58, Visa 4413.32, Waste Management 20426.14, Water Environment Federation 155, Woody’s Service & Repair 17.50, and August Payroll $90,439.44. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: Work in Progress.
GOLF COURSE ROAD: The Joint Powers Agreement between Wells Township, City of Harvey, Harvey Country Club and Wells County, complete with signatures, was included in the packet. Work on the road started on September 7th.
GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE: A copy of the project blueprint was included in the packet. Nordby presented a resolution of support for the project to the council. The council discussed the project they are in full support of a new clubhouse built at the golf course, but they will not financially participate. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the resolution. Upon VV, MC.
TAX ASSESSOR APPOINTMENT: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to appoint Jana Hopkins as the City of Harvey’s Tax assessor. Upon VV, MC.
COMPLAINT ADAMS AVE: The City of Harvey received a complaint about the garbage accumulating in the yard at 512 Adams Ave. The consensus of the council is to send a letter per the ordinance and have them clean-up the area.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the August 17th, 2021, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, August 11, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday August 11th, 2021, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, August 11th, 2021, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz, Chris Kara, and Melissa Anderson. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, and Terri Powers. Absent was Council Member Ann Adams and Chief of Police Tony Webb.
VISITORS: Josh Reiner, Marci Eckart, Jonathan Franklin, and Katherine Peace.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
VISITORS: Jonathan Franklin was present to apply for a Conditional Use Permit to temporarily graze horses on his property located at the old power plant on Business Hwy 52. M by Svoboda, MS by Kara to table until his neighbors are notified. Upon VV, MC.
Josh Reiner presented the Council with Moore Engineering’s Engineer’s Report. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to award the bid for the Centennial Park West Pedestrian Pathway to Strata Corporation for $212,896.25. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to pay invoice from Moore Engineering for $1800 for engineering services for Centennial Park West. Upon VV, MC. Josh presented the Council with three options for Construction Engineering Services for the Cent. Park West Project. M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to approve Moore Engineering provide Construction Contract Administration with an estimated fee of $10,500 plus a part time Resident Project Representative for an additional estimated fee of $6000 and detailed construction staking for an estimated fee of $7000. Upon VV, MC. He shared a timeline for work to be performed with an estimated completion date of July 2022. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to accept additional grant money in the amount of $36,566.41 from the ND Parks and Recreational Trails Program. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He stated that he has had a busy month. He informed the council the footbridge has been built in Centennial Park. We are now waiting on a concrete contractor to complete the project. He updated the council on playground expansion for Centennial Park. The Kiwanis have raised ¾ of the funds for the project. The equipment will be ordered yet this fall with a 2022 completion date.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He updated the Council on the progress of demolishing the dangerous buildings. He stated that they had started on 716 Custer Ave. and would begin on 504 Birch on the following Monday.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby informed the council on the American Rescue Plan Act. It is proposed the City of Harvey will receive $258,435.82 over the next two years to be used on improving infrastructure. M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve the terms and conditions of the ARPA grant funds. Upon VV, MC. Nordby discussed with the council selling lots on Desmet Ave. in the 500 block that belong to the City of Harvey. Nordby visited with someone interested in purchasing 1 of the lots. The consensus of the council is to table until Kenny can mark the lots and the council can review.
MINUTES: M by Bartz, MS by Svoboda to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on July 14th, 2021, and Special Meeting on June 28th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Bartz, MS by Anderson to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with July revenue of $405,012.39. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Bartz, MS by Anderson to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 222.97, Axon Enterprises, Inc. 959.96, Bank of ND 154278.01, Better Homes & Gardens 18, Building Systems Corp. 3200, Chip Brandt 75, City of Harvey 200, Coast to Coast Solutions 801.88, Cole Papers 2041.49, Core & Main 1812, D&B Portables LLC 150, Dakota Fence 5675, Dale’s Repair 60, Donarski Lawn Service 975, Double E Designs 1188.50, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 1234.44, Electric Pump 1511.90, Elite Spraying 6341.97, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 2131.58, Harvey Motor Service 89.64, Harvey Park District 4860.28, Harvey Tax & Accounting 250, HAV-IT Recycling 1636, HAV-IT Services 392, Hawkins Inc. 4009.15, Herald Press 480, Highplains Equipment 274.25, Hinrich’s Super Value 583.48, Hometown Variety 94.93, Information Technology Dept. 74.95, John Deere Financial 395.38, Keller Plumbing & Heating 147, KHND 200, Kotaco 5364.10, Law’s Lighting 672.85, Lemer’s Ace 233.56, Lincoln & Nine 25.22, Little Mart 476.90, Mariah Nitz 41.94, Martha Meranda 155.29, Mid-American Research Chemical 255.44, Mid Dakota Lumber 126.62, Midee Auto 140, Minot Daily News 318.24, Moore Engineering 1800, National Geographic 67, Nextgen Construction 10624.70, ND League of Cities 30, NDTC 1567.68, ND Dept. of Environmental Quality 300, ND Dept. of Health 288.66, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32, Northern Prairie Mechanical 9850.47, Nyhus Law Firm 1483.20, One Call Concepts 34.80, Otter Tail Power Co. 8784.64, Patzer Truck Repair 306, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Police One.Com 470, Protech Integrations 292.50, Susan Alen 2.30, Swanston Equip. Corp. 346.47, Symbolarts LLC 125, Terri Powers 42, Tony Webb 71.97, Tractor Supply Co. 81.71, Tyson Tipton 100, Uniform Center 103.98, Unum Life Ins. Co. 209.36, USPS 236.35, Verendrye Electric Co-op 189, Verizon 445.58, Vessco 178.03, Visa 1606.59, Warehouse Grocery 579.17, Waste Management 19827.89, Wiest Associates 4741, Zions Bank 114340.63, and July Payroll $97,319.05. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: Work in Progress.
GOLF COURSE ROAD: An updated Joint Powers Agreement between Wells Township, City of Harvey, Harvey Country Club and Wells County was in the packet for the Council to review. Nordby is still working with the Township and the states attorney on the proper wording and getting the document signed.
BID FOR 504 CHERRY AVE: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to accept bid of $1025 from Ron Schall. Upon VV, MC.
PROPANE BIDS: Mayor Eckart opened the propane bids from Kotaco for 21,000 gallons @ $1.69 no taxes, Farmers Union Oil Co of Fessenden/ One Stop for 21,000 gallons @ $1.24 no taxes, and Harvey Oil Co for 21,000 gallons @ $1.52 no taxes. M by Kara, MS by Svoboda to accept the bid of $1.24 from Farmers Union Oil/One Stop. Upon VV, MC.
LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS: M by Anderson, MS By Kara to approve the appointments of Susan Bartz, Katrina Schilling, Spencer Marchand, Peggy Lemer and Linda Knudtson for the Library Board Members. Upon VV, MC.
RECREATION BOARD: The council received a letter of concern from a parent regarding the Harvey Summer Recreation Baseball program. The consensus of the council is to have a committee of Rick, Chris, Susan and Melissa meet with the Rec. Board to review the issues.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the July 20th, 2021, meeting was included in the packet.
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the personnel committee’s recommendation from the meeting held Wednesday July 28th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: The committee recommends the council accept the proposed budget. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the preliminary budget for 2022 as presented. Upon RCV, MC. The preliminary budget is on file at the Auditor’s Office.
M by Bartz, MS by Kara to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, July 14, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday July 14th, 2021, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, July 14th, 2021, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz, and Ann Adams. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Police Chief Tony Webb, Police Officer Joshua Rau, and Terri Powers. Absent were Council Members Chis Kara and Melissa Anderson.
VISITORS: Pastor Jason Arthur and Katherine Peace.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Jason Arthur guided the Invocation.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council that he is working on three major proposals for economic development. He also continues to work on natural gas.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He thanked First State Bank of Harvey and First International Bank & Trust for their donations towards the purchase of two new tasers for the department. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the purchase of two additional tasers. Upon VV, MC. He informed Council that ambulance calls were up 20% and they had three cases where the tasers were used. He introduced Joshua Rau as the new part time officer and Officer Rau was then sworn in by Mayor Eckart. Chief Webb shared with the council that Officer Khalifa has been nominated for Mobile Operator of the Year from ND State Radio Dispatchers. She wasn’t selected but they appreciate her professionalism on the radio. Chief Webb and the City of Harvey appreciate it as well.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed Council that the demolition of 1005 Coulee Ave. was complete. M by Bartz, MS by Adams to approve using tanks from Waste Management at a cost of approx $2400 each to tear down and remove the household contents at 504 Birch Ave and 716 Custer Ave. Upon VV, MC. Bids were opened for the Well House Project. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve low bid from Northern Prairie Mechanical for a heating and cooling system for both well pump houses, $9732.80 plus the cost of electrical installation. No other bids were received. Upon RCV, MC with Council Member Svoboda abstaining.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve invoice from Moore Engineering for $4300 for Centennial Park West engineering services. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve invoice from Moore Engineering for $560 for street improvement engineering services. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on June 9th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with June revenue of $192,968.56. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the vouchers with expenses of Andrew St. Vincent 150, Aramark 213, Axon Enterprises, Inc. 4800, Brian Casserly 270, Canadian Pacific Railway 756.29, Chrissy Hager 212.50, Coast to Coast Solutions 622.22, Connie Loen 30.01, D&B Portables LLC 150, Dale’s Repair 291, Davis & Associates 100, Donarski Lawn Service 600, Double E Designs 2074.32, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 1267.76, Elite Spraying 2397.50, Eric Eckart 100, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 52.33, Gall’s Inc. 109.67, Gerrells & Co. 3044.90, Good Housekeeping 34.97, Hach Co. 62.09, Harvey Ambulance Service 100, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3500, Harvey Kiwanis 1000, Harvey Motor Service 222.47, Harvey Oil Co. 2033.16, HAV-IT Recycling 1626, HAV-IT Services 812, Hawkins Inc. 1522.91, Heilman Electric 1924.34, Herald Press 877.20, Highplains Equipment 250.75, Hinrich’s Super Value 910.83, Hometown Variety 98.17, Information Technology Dept. 73.60, Jamey Weinmann 163.52, John Deere Financial 59.99, Karen Nordby 100, Kotaco 187.55, Kristen Kelly 1, Lemer’s Ace 981.64, Little Mart 482.70, MFOA 60, Mid Dakota Lumber 99.29, Miller Clothing 53, Mitch Strand 150, Moore Engineering 4860, Napa Auto 19.57, NDPOA 40, NDTC 1557.11, ND Dept. of Health 47.08, Nova Fire Protection Inc. 155, Nuline Ins. 10249, Nyhus Law Firm 594.25, O’Day Equip. Inc. 435, One Call Concepts 39.60, Otter Tail Power Co. 8904.12, Owen Mckinven 135, Patzer Truck Repair 310.80, Paul D. Gunderson 3521.39, Peace Officer Standards 135, Perfection Auto 1600, Pomp’s Tire Service 956, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 2207.20, Scott Fronk 471.40, St. Aloisius Medical Center 602.50, Steve Lien 149.25, System Technology 540, TJ Plumbing 88, Tractor Supply Co. 306.73, Uniform Center 103.98, Unum Life Ins. Co. 192.81, USPS 233.45, Verendrye Electric Co-op 163, Verizon 445.91, Vessco 290.12, Visa 2037.41, Warehouse Grocery 935.71, Waste Management 5724.16, Water Smith Inc. 19168.52, and June Payroll $96,846.02. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: Work in Progress.
GOLF COURSE ROAD: A Joint Powers Agreement between Wells Township, City of Harvey, Harvey Country Club and Wells County was in the packet for the Council to review.
DANGEROUS BUILDINGS: Copies of the Order to Demolish Dangerous Building were in the packet for 716 Custer Ave., 504 Birch Ave., and 1000 Alder Ave. for the Council’s information.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: Krafty’s Bar & Grill has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets for Crazy Days on August 6th from 8:00p.m. to 1:00a.m. They are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets while the road is closed for this event. M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve the Special Event Permit for Krafty’s Bar & Grill for their Crazy Days event with the stipulation that cleanup is to be done by 8:00a.m. Saturday. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: The Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Ave. between 7th and 10th Streets for Crazy Days on August 6th from 8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve the Special Event Permit for The Chamber of Commerce. Upon VV, MC with Adams abstaining.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: Spectator’s Bar & Grill has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on 8th Street between the alley and Lincoln Ave. for Crazy Days on August 6th from 8:00p.m. to 1:00a.m. They are requesting to have off premise beer sales on the corner of 8th Street and Lincoln Ave. M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve the Special Event Permit for Spectator’s with the stipulation that cleanup is to be done by 8:00a.m. Saturday. Upon VV, MC.
According to Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2.
M by Svoboda, MS by Bartz to open Executive session regarding the empty property located on 1017 Lincoln Ave. Upon VV, MC.
Executive session starts at 6:46 p.m. and was recorded. In attendance were Mayor Eckart, Adams, Bartz, Svoboda, Nordby, and Erickson.
M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to adjourn executive session. Upon VV, MC.
Executive session closed by Mayor Rick Eckart at 6.59 p.m.
Mayor Eckart opened the regular meeting. M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to seek legal counsel with an outside firm regarding the clean-up of the property on Lincoln Ave. Upon VV, MC. With Baltrusch abstaining.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the June 15th, 2021, meeting was included in the packet.
M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, June 28, 2021 5:30 pm
Monday, June 28, 2021 at 7:00pm
Veterans Room
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV-Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried.
The Harvey City Council met in the Veterans Room on Monday June 28, 2021 at 7:00pm
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Ann Adams, Shelley Svoboda, Chris Kara, Susan Bartz and Milo Baltrusch. Absent was Melissa Anderson. Also present was Auditor Karen Nordby.
VISITORS: Kelly Muscha, Paul Anderson and Chris Billings from Wells Township, Dennis Dockter from Wells County, Chad Reimche and Eric Tuenge from the Harvey Country Club.
Mayor Eckart called the meeting to order.
Mayor Eckart led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Golf Course Road agreement was discussed. Wells County will repair the last 1 mile of 26th Street so it is just like the rest of the road. The County will chip seal all of the projects including the other 2 miles in 2022 at no cost to the other parties. The County will require Wells Township, the City of Harvey and the Harvey Golf Course enter a maintenance agreement for the next 20 years. Wells Township would agree to the maintenance agreement if their conditions were met. 1. The speed limit would stay at trucks at 20 mph and other vehicles at 40 mph. 2. The agreement will be for 20 years starting in 2027 with the Townships fiscal cap at $37,500 for the total chip sealing projects. 3. The agreement will be signed by all parties and recorded in the courthouse. 4. Any other maintenance that needs to be done on this road will be split 50/50 between the city and the Township. The Harvey Country Club agrees to pay $1000 per year for the next 20 years for the chip seals. M by Baltrusch, MS by Kara to approve the townships and golf course request. Upon RCV, MC.
Mayor Eckart talked about the Well Pump Houses. They are under great stress with the extreme heat. They only have small portable air conditioners to keep them cool. The temp inside the pump houses is at 100 plus degrees. The consensus of the council is to place the project out for bid with notice in the Herald Press.
The council discussed FIREWORKS. Gordie Schmidt the Harvey Fire Chief has recommended that the City of Harvey follow the Wells County Burn Ban which is evaluated every day. If Wells County declares it is high or above, no fireworks would be allowed that day.
The council discussed the Special Event Permit request from the Harvey Fire Department to have a Picnic in Cent. Park with alcohol involved. M by Kara, MS by Svoboda to approve the special event permit with the stipulation they clean up the park when they are done. Upon VV, MC.
With no further business meeting adjourned.
_________________________ __________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, July 13th, 2022 5:30 pm
Wednesday, July 13th, 2022, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, July 13th, 2022, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Council Members Shelley Svoboda, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Spencer Marchand, and Quincy Marchand. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Police Chief Tony Webb, and Terri Powers. Council Member Chris Kara was absent.
VISITORS: Josh Feil, Shelley Chin, Ann Ehni, Chelsey Marchand, Nicole Armstrong, and Marci Eckart.
Mayor Rick Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
VISITORS: Ann Ehni was present to introduce Shelley Chin as the new reporter from the Herald Press and to hand out the Office of the Attorney General Open Meetings Guide and Open Records Guide for the Council to review.
Josh Feil with Moore Engineering presented the Council with the Engineer’s Report. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Contractor’s Application for Payment to Strata for $113,572.64. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve Moore Engineering’s invoice for $14,957.91. Upon RCV, MC. He also discussed the Centennial Park alley access. Consensus of the Council is to move forward with the redesign.
Chelsey Marchand and Nicole Armstrong spoke to the Council about Council on The Arts doing a mural in the City. Council requested to have them come back with more ideas focusing on something that represents Harvey.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council that the housing study is complete. He is currently looking into funding to connect the Centennial Park Walking Path with North Country Trail.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He discussed the need for a new lock for the evidence room and that there was still some clean up needed before it will be complete. The remainder of the glass for the front door of the PD will be in in the next couple of weeks. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Promissory Note draft drawn up by Nyhus Law Firm for the Harvey PD as a replacement for their current contract. Upon VV, MC. He expressed his gratitude to the Council for the opportunity to work for the Harvey Police Department. Chief Webb’s last day will be July 15.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to purchase a 72” Ferris Mower from Lautt’s Autobody & Towing for $16,999. Upon RCV, MC. He presented Council with a quote for a generator for the water treatment plant. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to order the generator. With Svoboda voting aye and S. Marchand and Q. Marchand voting nay, MC. After further discussion, a motion was made by S. Marchand to rescind the previous motion with Q. Marchand seconding. Upon VV, MC. The consensus of the Council is to see if Moore Engineering can get some grant money for the generator and to research the specs to make sure the generator is sized properly. M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to get bids for the generator making sure it meets our specifications and to have a special meeting on August 3rd, 2022. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve payment for $5317.72 to PSI Water Technologies for a brine pump and flow sensors. Upon VV, MC. He informed the Council that we had a request from a neighboring city to use our mosquito fogger. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to deny the request. Upon VV, MC. After some additional discussion, Adams made a motion to amend the first motion to approve with the stipulation that they use our operator. Due to a lack of a second motion, her motion to amend died. M by S. Marchand, MS by Q. Marchand to request bids for demolition, removal, and backfill for the building located at 1000 Lincoln Ave. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She informed Council that the new lighting was currently being installed in the Armory. She has been working on the 2023 budget and is in the process of setting up personnel and finance meetings.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Q. Marchand to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on June 8th and the Reorganization Meeting on June 28th, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with June revenue of $210,065.97. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aaron Loff 152, Alissa Ironboulder 182, Aramark 407.72, Brad Kline 61, Brandon Storbeck 237.45, Canadian Pacific Railway 778.98, Central Dakota Family Physicians 130, Central Plains Water 200, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 96, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 174.06, Eagles Club 750, Elite Spraying LLC 1316.05, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 27.50, Gaffaney’s of Minot 298.15, Garrett Tvinnereim 38.79, Grand Forks Fire Equip. LLC 1069.15, Greater ND Chamber 525, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3000, Harvey City Band 500, Harvey Oil Co. 4297.80, Harvey Park District 1791.21, HAV-IT Recycling 1648, HAV-IT Services 392, Hawkins Inc. 2024.65, Herald Press 458.03, Highplains Equip. 154, Hinrichs Super Value 1295.06, Hometown Variety 19.47, Hunter Schuh 304, Information Technology Dept. 172.20, Jenna Halverson 2.30, Keith Olson 209.27, Kevin’s Landscaping LLC 1580, Kotaco 5084.98, Lemer’s Ace 763.86, Little Mart 81.30, M & T Fire & Safety 659.50, Marvin Zerr 76, Matprint LP 190, Mid-American Research Chemical 123.10, Mid Dakota Lumber 32.25, Miller Clothing 87.50, Mitch Strand 945.50, Moore Engineering 14957.91, Napa Auto Parts 12.78, ND Dept. of Health 329.44, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 89, NDIRF 2005.36, NDTC 1571.49, Nyhus Law Firm 1203, One Call Concepts Inc. 57.20, Ottertail Power Co. 13805.29, Patzer’s Truck Repair 1196.67, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Peace Officer Standards 150, Pizza Ranch 12500, Rachel Olson 2.30, Rooster Repair 305.12, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 1419.95, Spencer Marchand 2000, St. Aloisius Medical Center 100, Strata Corp. 113572.64, Tim Swang 290.50, TJ Plumbing 98, Tractor Supply Co. 173.69, Turtle Mountain League 250, Unum Life Ins. Co. 173.78, USPS 265.18, Verendrye Electric Coop. 172, Verizon 444.80, Vessco Inc. 683.24 Visa 6968.58, Warehouse Grocery 710.24, Waste Management 8289.13, Wells Co. Abstract Co. 1020, and June Payroll $89,369.41. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY UPDATE: Lighting is being installed.
SALES TAX EXTENSION RESOLUTION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to dispense with the second reading and approve the sales tax extension resolution until December 2027. Upon, VV, MC.
WHEREAS; The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF HARVEY, NORTH DAKOTA is aware of the need for an emphasis in the area of economic development and job creation, and
WHEREAS; financial resources are the key to successful and effective job creation and the limited availability of financial resources for economic development and job creation in the Harvey area require additional means of collection, and
WHEREAS; by Resolution dated July 13, 2022, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF HARVEY, NORTH DAKOTA passed a Resolution extending the one percent (1%) sales tax originally adopted and extended by ordinance dated August 5, 1991, to December 31, 2022.
NOW, THEREFORE; be it hereby resolved that the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF HARVEY, NORTH DAKOTA determines that the continuation of the one cent city sales tax is beneficial to the City and its residents for the purpose of community and economic development projects. Which projects may include, but are not limited to economic development and job creation, professional health care recruitment, general infrastructure development which will enhance job creation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; the City of Harvey JDA, upon approval of the City Council, will control the one cent city sales tax which will remain in effect from January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2027, to be reviewed by the CITY COUNCIL 90 days prior to its termination on December 31, 2022, unless otherwise amended or modified prior thereto.
ORDINANCE #2022-01 AMENDMENT CHAPTER 13.0403: M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the Second Reading and final passage of the ordinance amendment for Chapter 13 that was presented to the Council. Upon VV, MC.
Chapter 13 – Offenses Ordinance
Article 4 – Offenses Against Public Order, Health, Safety and Sensibilities
13.0403 Disorderly Conduct
- An individual is guilty of violating the ordinances of this City, if with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person or in reckless disregard of the fact that another is harassed, annoyed, or alarmed by the individual’s behavior, the individual:
- Engages in fighting or in violent, tumultuous or threatening behavior;
- Makes unreasonable noise;
- In a public place, uses abusive or obscene language, knowingly exposes that individual’s penis, vulva, or anus, or makes an obscene gesture;
- Obstructs vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or the use of a public facility;
- Persistently follows a person in or about a public place or places;
- While loitering in a public place for the purpose of soliciting sexual contact, the individual solicits the contact;
- Creates a hazardous, physically offensive, seriously alarming condition by any act that serves no legitimate purpose;
- Engages in harassing conduct by means of intrusive or unwanted acts, words, or gestures that are intended to adversely affect the safety, security, or privacy of another person;
- Uses a fixed optical device that enhances or records a visual occurrence to view through any window or another person’s property; or uses a surveillance camera to capture an image from the dwelling or accessory structure of another person; however, an individual using a surveillance camera has seven days from notice by a law enforcement officer to direct or shield the camera so as to not capture an image from another person’s dwelling or accessory structure before there is an offense. (Source: North Dakota Century Code Section 12.1-31-01);
- Not being a peace officer, discharges a firearm, paint balls, sling shot, BB gun, or air gun or displays a deadly weapon in a public place;
- Throws any missile in a public place or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby, although no injury to any person ensues;
- Creates, by chemical means, a noxious and unreasonable odor in a public place;
- Enters on the property of another for a lewd or unlawful purpose looks into a dwelling on the property through any window or other opening in the building;
- A registered sex offender loitering in a public place when children are present, regardless of the individual’s classification on the registry;
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by law. All Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
PROPANE BIDS: Mayor Eckart opened the propane bids from Kotaco for 22,000 gallons @ $1.83 no taxes, Farmers Union Oil Co of Fessenden/ One Stop for 21,000 gallons @ $1.69 no taxes, Ferrell Gas for 25,000 gallons @ 1.81 no taxes, and Harvey Oil Co for 22,000 gallons @ $1.59 no taxes. M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to accept the bid of $1.59 from Harvey Oil Co. Upon VV, MC.
SHED BIDS: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to accept the high bid of $1151 from Harold & Kathy Wohl for the storage shed located at 116 E. 6th St to be moved. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: The Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Ave. between 8th and 10th Streets for Crazy Days on August 4th from 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. and August 5th from 9:00 a.m. and 1 a.m. with the stipulation that cleanup is to be done by 8:00 a.m. Saturday. M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to approve the Special Event Permit for The Chamber of Commerce. Upon VV, MC.
LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION: M by Q. Marchand, MS by S. Marchand to approve the liquor license application for La Fragua. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the June 21st, 2022, meeting was included in the packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the recommendations made by the BOA. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by S. Marchand to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
________________________ ____________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, June 9th, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday June 9th, 2021, 5:30p.m.
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, June 9th, 2021, at 5:30p.m.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz, Ann Adams, and Melissa Anderson.
Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Police Chief Tony Webb, City Attorney Nathan Stittleburg and Terri Powers. Absent was Council Member Chis Kara.
VISITORS: Pastor Kevin Shumway, Scott Wiest, Radigan Neuhalfen, Katherine Peace, Maria Hieb and Neil Nelson via Zoom.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR 504 BIRCH AVE: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to accept the finding of facts that this is a dangerous building, therefore, continue with the process for 504 Birch Ave. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if the property owner fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC. Nyhus Law will proceed with sending out the proper legal notices. Mayor Eckart adjourned the public hearing at 5:40.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR 1000 ALDER AVE: M by Svoboda, MS by Bartz to accept the finding of facts that this is a dangerous building, therefore, continue with the process for 1000 Alder Ave. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if the homeowner fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC. Nyhus Law will proceed with sending out the proper legal notices. Mayor Eckart adjourned the public hearing at 5:50.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR 716 CUSTER AVE: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to accept the finding of facts that this is a dangerous building, therefore, continue with the process for 716 Custer Ave. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if the property owner fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to give the property owner 60 days to clean out their personal property. Upon VV, MC. Nyhus Law will proceed with sending out the proper legal notices. Mayor Eckart adjourned the public hearing at 6:15.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Kevin Shumway guided the Invocation.
VISITORS: Scott Wiest of Wiest Associates was present to introduce himself. He assured the Council that Wiest Associates would continue to provide service and are in the process of filling the position. In the meantime, he has several people filling in.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council he is working on the concept of transforming Harvey into a “destination” by providing more weekend activities. Also, his work with Dakota Natural Gas, LLC. continues.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He stated that more people are calling for service. He presented the Council with Officer Paul Emmett’s resignation letter. He stated that he has had two people already apply for the PD officer position. The council discussed the policy manual that Chief Webb has completed. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to have Nyhus Law Firm review the new Harvey Police Department Policy Manual. Upon VV, MC. Chief Webb discussed the construction of the evidence room at the new PD. He has been requesting proposals for enclosing the area. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Dakota Fence proposal for $5,000 for a 10ft high fenced area with a gate as per specs. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the annual Audit as presented from Rath & Mehrer. Upon VV, MC. Nordby updated the council on Cent. Park West. Moore has completed the design and are ready to bid the project. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to authorize advertisements for bids for Cent. Park West. Upon VV, MC. She presented the invoices for the Cent. Park West project. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve payment for $3943.60 to Braun Intec for soil testing. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Bartz to approve Moore Engineering’s invoice for $12,000. Upon VV, MC. The Auditor informed the council the City of Harvey will be closed on July 5th to observe the 4th of July which falls on a Sunday.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on May 12th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with May revenue of $300,946.83. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 213, Arbor Day Foundation 125.70, Bank of ND 7153.33, Braun Intertec Corp. 3943.60, Charles Culver 7, City of Harvey 275, Coast to Coast Solutions 622.20, Cole Papers, Inc. 1086.75, D&B Portables LLC 150, Dacotah Paper Co. 321.19, Dakota Awards Inc. 464.95, Dale’s Repair 2192, Dave O’Kelley 145.13, Devil’s Lake Park Board 125, Discovery Benefits LLC 25, Donarski Lawn Service 600, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 367.24, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 2030.40, Farmer’s Union Oil Co. 2747.50, Gall’s Inc. 467.68, Gerrells & Co. 13.98, Greater ND Chamber 500, HR Collaborative 50, Harvey Park District 8820.44, HAV-IT Recycling 1632, HAV-IT Services 392, Hawkins Inc. 312.12, Herald Press 328.36, Hinrich’s Super Value 716.33, Hometown Variety 84.90, Information Technology Dept. 73.60, Jamey Weinmann 169.52, John Deere Financial 48.94, Kotaco 2679.32, Lemer’s Ace 235.01, Little Mart 50.60, Martha Meranda 153.02, Minitex 73, Moore Engineering 12000, NDTC 1580.48, ND Dept. of Health 40, ND Dept Health/Microbiology 96, Nyhus Law Firm 2220, One Call Concepts 24, Ottertail 6705.60, Patzer Truck Repair 115.50, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Penguin Management Inc. 948, Roughrider Industries 695, Steve Lien 197.75, Sweeney Controls Co. 2890, Tractor Supply 895.87, Unum Life Ins. Co. 242.46, Uniform Center 236.99, USPS 289.71, Verendrye Electric Coop 176, Verizon 445.64, Visa 3638.36, Warehouse Grocery 580.95, Waste Management 12342.27, Wiest Assoc. 2849, and May Payroll $90,777.94. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: Work in Progress.
GOLF COURSE ROAD: M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve 50% participation in chip sealing the road out to the Peaceful Valley Golf Course contingent upon a signed agreement by all parties involved for 3 cycles which will cover 15 to 20 years. Upon RCV, MC.
LOCAL CHARITY PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve the Local Charity Permit for First Lutheran Church LYO provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS: Krafty’s Bar & Grill has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets for an Independence Day Rally/Bike Show on July 2nd from 7:00p.m. to 2:00a.m. and July 3 from 8:00a.m. to 2:00a.m. They would like to extend their hours from 1:00a.m. to 2:00a.m. and are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets while the road is closed for this event. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the Special Event Permit for Krafty’s Bar & Grill for their Independence Day Rally/Bike Show with stipulations to position the road barricade before Pizza Ranch Property Line and clean up to be done by 10:00a.m. Sunday. Upon VV, MC. Krafty’s Bar & Grill has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets for a car show/street dance on August 14th from 12p.m. to 2a.m. They would like to extend their hours from 1:00a.m. to 2:00a.m. and are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets while the road is closed for this event. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Special Event Permit for Krafty’s Bar & Grill for August 14, 2021, for 5th Annual Car Show with stipulations to position the road barricade before Pizza Ranch Property Line and clean up to be done by 10:00a.m. Sunday. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR BONDING: M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve the Auditor Bonding bond resolution for Karen Nordby, Auditor, in the amount of $2,000,000.00. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the May 18th,2021 meeting was included in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, May 12th, 2021 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, and Chris Kara.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson, Chief Tony Webb, and Terri Powers. Absent were Council Members Shelley Svoboda and Susan Bartz.
VISITORS: Pastor Steve Slaamot, Kim and Wendy Opp, Michelle and Jasmine Kukowski, Courtney, Klay and Archer Lemer, Chad Reimche, Kelly Muscha, Stan Buxa, Dennis Dockter, Brent Keller, Chris Billings, Damon Finley, Jonathan Franklin, Arnie Selzler, Radigan Neuhalfen, Katherine Peace, Marci Eckart, and Neil Nelson.
Mayor for the Day Klay Kukowski opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
Mayor for the Day Kolt Lemer led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Pastor Steve Slaamot guided the Invocation.
Chad Reimche along with other members of the community were present to ask the Council to discuss the road leading out to the Harvey Golf Course. Brent Keller, Wells Co. Road Foreman, has some ideas he would like to present to them to improve the condition of the road. They agreed to meet on a later date.
Kim and Wendy Opp presented the Council with a letter of complaint from several concerned citizens about the lot on the southeast side of Lincoln Ave. where there are parked vehicles that are unlicensed and in nonworking order. After some discussion, Mayor Eckart, Kenny Erickson, and Milo Baltrusch stated they would come up with a solution that would work for all parties involved.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council that a grant pertaining to the remodel of the south wall and entrance to the Armory is now under review from the USDA/RD. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve a modified resolution to apply for a RBDG Grant. Upon VV, MC. M by Kara, MS by Baltrusch to approve resolution authorizing the City of Harvey to apply for a Communities Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Resource Program. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve resolution authorizing the City of Harvey to apply for a Distance Learning & Telemedicine Grant Opportunity. Upon VV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He stated that the department was starting to get busy with the warmer weather. He informed the Council that Officer Cory was doing a good job. He also stated that he and his officers are enforcing the new stop signs. The first stop is a warning and thereafter will be a citation.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He presented the council with two quotes for a new 12” Tri-deck mower. After some discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to not purchase the mower at this time. They discussed the land behind the Tot Spot. Several ideas were brought up and PWD Erickson is going to do some research to see which idea would be most beneficial. He also presented an estimate to repair well pump #2 for $19,002 from Water Smith Inc. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to move forward with the repairs. Upon RCV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the invoice from 3-D Specialties for $16,258.04 for the new street signs along with installation. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the invoice from Moore Engineering for $6695 for engineering services for the street project. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Kara to approve the invoice from Moore Engineering for $2387.10 for engineering services for the street project. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Kara to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on April 14th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Anderson, MS by Kara to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with April revenue of $428,572.17. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Anderson, MS by Kara to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 196.72, Braun Intertec Corp. 6017.50, Central Cinema Theatre 16, Central Plains Water 180, Cherie Heisler 164.70, City of Harvey 35552.67, D&B Portables LLC 225, Discovery Benefits LLC 25, Double E Designs 26.80, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 279.54, Emery-Pratt Co. 19.34, ES Opco USA LLC 1650, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 705, For Goodness Sake 23.88, Gamber Johnson LLC 246.93, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 116.08, GT Distributors of Georgia 1656.34, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 30, Harvey Oil Co. 1856.69, HAV-IT Recycling 1602, HAV-IT Services 460, Hawkins Inc. 1642.41, Heart of America Medical Center 529.66, Herald Press 391.67, High Plains Equip. 1481, Hinrich’s Super Value 581.77, Hometown Variety 79.26, Information Technology Dept. 78.60, John Deere Financial 71.02, Karen Nordby 164.70, Keith Olson 20, KHND Radio 200, Kotaco 219.35, Law’s Lighting 550, Lemer’s Ace 158.52, Little Mart 138.81, Martha Meranda 346.04, Midee Auto 593.58, Minot Daily News 100, Moore Engineering 17900, Napa Auto 101.74, NDTC 1526.68, ND Dept. of Environmental Quality 200, ND Dept. of Health 13.24, ND League of Cities 510, Northern Prairie Mechanical 172.09, Nyhus Law Firm 370, One Call Concepts 84, Ottertail 6635.06, Patzer Truck Repair 81.65, Paul D. Gunderson 3664.70, Paul’s Snow Removal 70, Powerplan 1061.40, Ramkota Hotel 654, Rath & Mehrer P.C. 10600, Sanitation Products 2317.04, TJ Plumbing 987, Tractor Supply 43.27, USPS 232.09, Verendrye Electric Coop 214, Verizon 445.64, Visa 1706.26, Warehouse Grocery 695.25, Waste Management 11281.45, Woody’s Service & Repair 67.24, and April Payroll $87,772.28. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: Work in Progress.
LOCAL CHARITY PERMITS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the Local Charity Permit for Jaci Williams and Krysten McKinven to conduct bingo from 5/14/21 through 6/16/21 at the Harvey Eagles Club to raise money for weight equipment at Harvey High School. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve a Local Charity Permit for St. Aloisius Hospital to sell raffle tickets from 5/15/21 through 6/16/21 to raise money for a new bladder scanner. Upon VV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATION: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve Site Authorization for the Aggie Foundation to conduct gaming at Spectator’s Bar and Grill providing all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER: M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Herald Press as the official newspaper. Upon RCV, MC.
FREE DUMP DAY: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to designate one free dump day, to be determined, to clean up the City of Harvey. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the April 27th, 2021 meeting were in the packet.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Minutes from the April 26th, 2021 Airport Authority meeting were in the packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
_____________________________ ________________________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Susan Bartz, Shelley Svoboda, Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, and Chris Kara.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Chief Tony Webb, Officer Khalifa, Officer Emmett, Officer Cory, and Terri Powers. Absent was JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson.
VISITORS: Jana Hopkins, Josh Feil, Rose Deck, Tim Huseth, Delvin Hanson, Dave Voeller, Marci Eckart, Amy Dale, and Neil Nelson.
Mayor Eckart called the Tax Equalization Meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Assessor Hopkins presented the information for Notices of Increase and Homestead Property Tax Credits to the Council. M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve the increases and tax credits as submitted. Upon RCV, MC.
With no further business, Mayor Eckart adjourned the Board of Tax Equalization Meeting.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: M. by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the requested abatement for parcel number 81076000 for the property tax abatement of $48,000 for 2020 and the abatement of $17,224 for 2021 due to upgrades that have been done to the property in the year. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart adjourned the Public Meeting and opened the Regular Meeting.
Delvin Hanson, Tim Huseth, and Dave Voeller with The Kiwanis Club requested permission to add on to the playground equipment in Centennial Park for kids 2 to 5 years of age. They will be fundraising the approx. $60,000 to purchase the equipment. M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve playground addition in Centennial Park. Upon VV, MC.
Josh Feil with Moore Engineering informed the Council that 3-D Specialties would be installing the new street signs starting the week of April 19th, 2021. He also stated that geotechnical exploration is scheduled for the end of April for the recreation trail in Cent. Park West. He discussed the changes in design to remove the retaining wall and handrail to reduce the cost of the path. Josh has been in contact with ND Parks and Rec. They are in support of the design change. Moore’s next step will be to complete the final design. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve proposal from Moore Engineering to finish the final design, bidding, and negotiation for Centennial Park West Project. Upon RCV, MC. Josh discussed the Harvey Dam. He offered help if the City of Harvey needs it.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson was absent. His report was in the packet for the council to review. He included numerous resolutions for the council to approve. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve the resolution authorizing the City of Harvey to apply for a RBDG Grant. Upon RCV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve Certification of Significant Community Support. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve resolution authorizing the City of Harvey to apply for a Communities Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Resource Program. Upon RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He introduced Officer Kevin Cory as the newest addition to the Harvey Police Department. Officer Cory was sworn in by Mayor Eckart. Chief Webb then presented an official commendation to Officer Khalifa for her heroic actions on December 11th, 2020 in which she performed CPR. She also received a letter from North Dakota State Radio Dispatchers stating that she has been nominated for the North Dakota State Radio Mobile Operator of the Year Award. Tony discussed moving the antenna to the new PD for the radio and purchasing a new radio since the old one is approx. 15 years old. He believes the state has a grant of $1500 per radio. The council reviewed the proposal from Electronic Communication. M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve purchase of a new digital, dual band, 800megawatt base radio and new antenna for $5643.97. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He presented the council with a quote for an extended warranty on the Case IH 55C utility tractor. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve purchasing warranty. Upon VV, MC. He discussed the old beach camping project. Susag Sand and Gravel submitted a quote to create the pads and road using the City of Harvey’s materials. The council and the JDA believe it would be a great way to create tourism for the City of Harvey. M by Adams, MS by Kara to approve project using the JDA funds in 2130 for the project. Upon VV, MC. Once the project is completed the JDA will receive the revenue the camping generates. Public Works Director Erickson has inspected 4 houses to start the dilapidated properties process. He will be working with Chris Nyhus and Nathan Sittleburg. He has requested the council’s permission to tear down the house at 401 Burke Ave. since the City of Harvey owns it. M by Bartz, MS by Adams to approve the demolition. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She informed the Council and the JDA that CP Rail will have the trailers removed and the land restored to original by May 31, 2021. They have notified the JDA that they are terminating the lease in the Industrial Park. She distributed the completed Audit for the council to review and approve at next meeting.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Kara to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on March 10th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with March revenue of $1,639,935.50. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Agency Mabu 775, Aramark 295.08, Asphalt Surface Tech. 45327.55, Brock White Co. 6341, City of Harvey 225454.77, Coast to Coast Solutions 1327.44, Dacotah Paper Co. 72.45, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 87.95, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 1212.54, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 2709.20, Fire Equip. Co. 747, Fischer, Round & Assoc. 4814, Gerrells & Co. 342, Golden West Industrial Supply 708.41, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 989.40, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3500, Harvey Country Club 25000, Harvey Motor Service 47.67, HAV-IT Recycling 1594, HAV-IT Services 392, Hawkins Inc. 2155.56, Heilman Electric 19764.56, Hinrich’s Super Value 1100.61, Hometown Variety 202.34, Hornbacher’s Café 55.57, Information Technology Dept. 78.60, John Deere Financial 123.28, John Donarski 30.68, Kotaco 2334.53, Law’s Lighting 75, Lemer’s Ace 1345.46, Little Mart 435.62, Mid Dakota Lumber 365.71, Napa Auto 96.76, NDTC 1651.54, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32, ND Dept. of Health 37.08, ND Dept. of Human Services 45, Nuline Ins. 29246, Nyhus Law Firm 900, One Call Concepts 10.80, Ottertail 7236.78, Paul D. Gunderson 3500, Post Board 45, Sanitation Products 2698.46, Share Corp. 198.68, Starion Bond Services 700416.25, Tactical Advantage LLC 436, Tractor Supply 53.64, Unum Life Ins. Co. 418.72, USDA Rural Development 50264, USPS 231.37, Verendrye Electric Coop 231, Verizon 442.58, Visa 1001.29, Warehouse Grocery 794.85, Waste Management 9248.10, Wells Co. District Health 25000, Wells Co. Fair 100, and March Payroll $124,068.23. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: Work in Progress.
HARVEY DAM: Svoboda informed the council of the updates from the Wells County Water Board. They were informed that the boards would have to be removed because of a building permit never being issued for them to be in place. The Water Board can submit a new building permit but will need a hydrology study completed. The ND Water Board will be willing to cover 40% of the cost. The City of Harvey discussed the remaining cost. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve up to $10,000 to spend on a hydrology study for the Harvey Dam Spillway. The cost will be paid out of Fund 2130. Upon RCV, MC.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: M by Anderson, MS by Bartz to approve the renewal of the Conditional Use Permit for Amy Arnold to conduct massage therapy in her home at 312 Desmet Ave. Upon VV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve Site Authorizations for Wells Aerie #3080 FOE to conduct games at the Harvey Eagles Club, B-52 Roadhouse Lanes, Bar & Grill, and Krafty’s Bar & Grill providing all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve the Special Event Permit for Faith Lutheran Church to block the street at the corner of Adams Ave. and 8th Street for Vacation Bible School from 5:00pm – 9:00pm on June 7th through June 10th. Upon VV, MC.
ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION: M by Adams, MS by Kara to approve the Arbor Day Proclamation for May 18th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the March 16th, 2021 meeting were in the packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: Minutes were included in the packet. M by Svoboda, MS by Kara to approve both requested variances 1.) for 706 Judy Blvd: 2 foot to the west of their side property and 2.) for 348 Kennedy Ave. 2.5 ft. on the north side property line and 2.5 ft. towards the alley for the overhang on the accessory building. Upon VV, MC.
M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, March 10th, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday March 10th, 2021 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, March 10th, 2021 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Susan Bartz, Shelley Svoboda, Ann Adams, and Chris Kara. Absent – Council member Melissa Anderson and Public Works Director Kenny Erickson.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Chief Tony Webb, JDA Director Paul Gunderson and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: Brian Oskowski, Josh Feil, Chad Reimche, Marci Eckart, and Neil Nelson.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Brian Oskowski with AMKO Advisors discussed the final details and approvals regarding the Bond refinancing closing on March 16th, 2021. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve a Resolution authorizing the issuance and establishing the terms and conditions of $8,302,000 refunding improvement bonds, series 2021. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to accept the high bids for $8,302,000. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to accept the Resolution authorizing the assignment of paying agent and bond registrar designation to AMKO Bond Services, LLC and authorizing the execution of the paying agent/registrar agreement with AMKO Bond Services, LLC. Upon RCV, MC.
Josh Feil with Moore Engineering updated the Council Members on the walking/bike path in Centennial Park West. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda approve Resolution to Direct the Engineer to Prepare the Plans & Specifications. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve Braun Intertec for soil testing. Upon VV, MC. Once the soil testing results are reported Moore will continue with the design.
Chad Reimche presented the Council with two estimates to re-do the floors in the armory. The project has been tabled awaiting further information.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted to the Council.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council that he was in the process of getting a bid to frame out the backroom to get the property room done and install shelving, the gun safe, and an evidence locker. He also presented them with a fine survey and would continue to research.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: PWD Erickson was absent. There was a letter from him concerning an interest from a nearby town that would like to receive garbage service from The City of Harvey. The Council unanimously agreed that they would not be interested in providing them service.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She presented the Council with a request from Kevin Bierman to annual assess his property demolition from 413 Clark Ave. M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to deny the request since the total was already assessed in 2020. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on February 10th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with February revenue of $726,636.25. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve the vouchers with expenses of Aramark 196.72, Bank of ND 1554.15, Black Mtn. Software 16333, City of Harvey 408702.65, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 529.86, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 27, Discovery Benefits, LLC 25, Desiree Schilling 347.41, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 406.21, Emery-Pratt Co. 19.34, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 3431, Fred & Sara Weidrich 75, Galls Inc. 293.91, Gooseneck Imp. 45.27, Grace Johnson 2.30, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 1062.79, Halle Kahlifa 122.50, Harvey Motor Service 28.90, Harvey Oil Co. 1949.24, Harvey Sand & Gravel 5002.59, HAV-IT Recycling 1590, HAV-IT Services 392, Hawkins Inc. 3622.52, Herald Press 884.65, Hinrich’s Super Value 782.72, Hometown Variety 83.99, Information Technology Dept. 78.60, Kotaco 2010.35, Lemer’s Ace 275.13, Macqueen Emergency 735.19, Martha Meranda 94.19, Mid Dakota Lumber 304.40, Midwest Ro/Home Ro 106, Moore Engineering 8747.50, Napa Auto 172.59, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32, NDTC 1634.94, Northern Prairie Mechanical 3284, Nyhus Law Firm 1220, O’Day Equip. Inc. 435, One Call Concepts 4.80, Ottertail 7104.24, Paul D. Gunderson 7000, Paul’s Snow Removal 245, Perfection Auto Body 260, Samantha Kopseng 75.12, Sanitation Products 2464.91, Tractor Supply 9.99, Unum Life Ins. Co. 192.81, USPS 475.99, Verendrye Electric Coop 246, Verizon 443.38, Visa 3750.66, Waste Management 5377.14, Westlie Motor Co. 532.28, Wiest Assoc. LLC 2592.50, Woody’s Service & Repair 161.40, and February Payroll $83,522.03. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to approve to continue moving forward with the Armory Remodel and Roof Project. Upon VV, MC.
M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the rental of the city parking lot for Lemer’s Greenhouse from April 26th until June 13th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the purchase of two used I-phone 7’s for $50 each for Paul Emmett. Upon VV, MC.
The Council discussed the foreclosed property list from Wells County and decided to table the discussion until the April Council Meeting.
Adams and Svoboda discussed the development of the property by the river into primitive campsites and installing a dock. M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to have PWD Erickson to get an estimate of the cost of development. Upon VV, MC.
M by Bartz, MS by Svoboda to place No Parking signs along Advent and Divine during Beach Blast due to the increase in traffic during that time from the Stella Lewis property to the Cent Park Path Crosswalk. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the February 16th, 2021 meeting were in the packet for the Council to
AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Minutes from the March 2nd, 2021 Airport Authority meeting were in the packet for review.
M by Bartz, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday February 10th, 2021 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, February 10th, 2021 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Susan Bartz, Shelley Svoboda, Melissa Anderson and Chris Kara. Absent – Council member Ann Adams.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Chief Tony Webb, JDA Director Paul Gunderson and Terri Powers.
VISITORS: Joy Stolz, Joey Almaras, Marci Eckart, and Pastor Jeff Blomquist. Neil Nelson, Marcel Bourgois, and Brian Osowski were present via Zoom.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Jeff performed the invocation.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Kara to approve reducing the fair market value for parcel numbers 80765000 from $258,040 to $235,216 and 81258000 from $342,660 to $216,184 for 2020 due to the purchase price and appraisal of the property. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart adjourned the Public Meeting.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting.
Joy Stoltz with District Health was there to update the council on the status of Covid-19 in Wells County. She reported that 17.4% of the population have been vaccinated for the virus. She also stated that they will have a Prevention Coordinator report to the council on a regular basis.
Marcel Bourgois with Fireside Office Solutions presented the council with a demonstration on how their records management would benefit the City of Harvey. They are going to send a link so Council Members can try it. It was tabled for a later date.
Brian Osowski with AMKO Advisors discussed with the Council Members the Refunding Improvement Bonds for $8.3 million and the savings of approx. $425,000 it would create for the City of Harvey. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Authorization Resolution, Issuance, and Refunding with a March 2021 closing. Upon RCV, MC
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted to the Council. He stated that the majority of his time is being spent on the Harvey Armory post-fire remodel. He continues to work on several other projects.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the Council that he has been in contact with a couple of candidates for the Harvey Police Department. The council discussed the need to have a special meeting to go over the new Police Policy Manual before it gets ratified. Chief Webb also stated that he needs to add a section on Use of Force before the manual can be finalized.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Included in his packet was an estimate from Sanitation Products Inc. for $2971.62 for street sweeper parts that need to be replaced. M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve the parts. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on January 13th, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Svoboda, MS by Bartz to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with January revenue of $253,387.32. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Svoboda, MS by Bartz to approve the vouchers with expenses of: American Water Works Assoc. 75, Aramark 196.72, Bank of ND 13112, BSN Sports 5668, Code 2 K-9 299.99, Creative Product Source 172.19, Dacotah Paper Co. 557.07, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 58.97, Dakota Heritage Bank 1705, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 938, Drive Chevrolet Buick Harvey 575.40, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 3158.40, First State Bank 2170, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 1258.35, Harvey Ambulance Service 250, Harvey Fire Dept. 15253.37, Harvey Motor Service 18.95, Harvey Oil Co. 1917.22, HAV-IT Recycling 1590, HAV-IT Services 372, Heiman Fire Equip. 104.81, Herald Press 199.06, Hinrich’s Super Value 561.74, Hometown Variety 106.76, Hornbacher’s Café 58.94, Information Technology Dept. 78.60, Joleen Swang 180, KHND Radio 200, Kotaco 2078.07, Lemer’s Ace 83.77, Little Mart 74.61, Midee Auto 397.52, Michael Houim 75, Mosaic Co. Properties 15000, Napa Auto 190.43, NDTC 1632.85, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32, ND Dept. of Human Services 45, Northwestern Equip. 362.98, Nyhus Law Firm 800, One Call Concepts 1.20, Ottertail 6688.50, Paul’s Snow Removal 115, Pomp’s Tire Service 1340, Roughrider Industries 1628, Sanitation Products 284.30, Tony Webb 100, Tractor Supply 308.12, Uniform Center 1024.99, Unum Life Ins. Co. 225.91, USPS 235.96, Verendrye Electric Coop 271, Verizon 442.58, Visa 5207.23, Warehouse Groc. 649.32, Waste Management 9665.39, Water Environment Federation 90, Wells Co. Treasurer 39669.78, Woody’s Service & Repair 17.50, Zions Bank 17767.38, and January Payroll $104,462.90. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: A work in progress.
SITE AUTHORIZATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Kara to approve the site authorization requested for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Minndak Inc. on March 6, 2021 at the Harvey Eagles Club. Upon VV, MC.
HAV-IT RECYCLING CENTER: The council reviewed the lease from the Recycling Center. On the terms and condition line 15. TAXES states As the City owns the real property, there will be no charge to the lessee for special assessments to the property. M by Svoboda, MS by Anderson to approve reimbursing for the paid special assessments from Hav-it Recycling for what they have paid. Upon VV, MC.
OTHER: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the sale of a used I-phone 7 to Terri Powers for $50. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: JDA Minutes from the January 19th, 2021 meeting were in the packet for the Council to review.
M by Bartz, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 5:30 pm
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Shelley Svoboda, Melissa Anderson and Chris Kara.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Chief Webb, Officer Dvorak, JDA Director Paul Gunderson and Terri Powers. Absent – Council member Susan Bartz.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Chad Reimche, Chad Friese, Pastor Jeff Robison, and Josh Feil via Zoom.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Pastor Jeff performed the invocation.
Chad Reimche returned to present the council with the quote he received to replace the basketball hoops in the Armory. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to contribute $4000 from the City Rec. Fund with the remaining balance being donated along with the installation costs from the members of the community. Upon VV, MC. There was also some discussion on updating the lines on the court. Chad is going to look further into this process. The request was tabled until a future meeting.
Josh Feil from Moore Engineering presented the council with three estimates for new traffic signs. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to accept the low bid of $16,558.20 from 3D Specialties pending approval from the Street Project financing. Upon RCV, MC
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted to the Council. He stated that he is going to focus more of his energy on the Armory remodel. He has several other projects that he continues to work on.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He informed the council that he had finished the Harvey Police Department Policy Manual and will be getting a copy to everyone for review. Providing there are no issues, he hopes to have it ratified at the February Council Meeting. He announced to the council that Officer Dvorak has submitted her resignation and that January 23rd will be her final day with the Harvey Police Department.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He discussed the lots that the City of Harvey owns behind Judy Blvd. He has an individual that is interested in purchasing a lot. The consensus of the Council is to retain ownership of the land until it is able to be developed.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on December 9th, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with December revenue of $417,398.63. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Airport Assoc. of ND 225, Aramark 196.72, Brock Lemer 104.83, Coast to Coast Solutions 1113.48, Carol Kraft 75, Cole Papers 950.91, Cordell Schmitz 60.37, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 614.50, EDND 275, Emery-Pratt Co. 35.32, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 3355.80, Fireside Office Solutions 1152.16, First International Bank 750, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 240.25, Hach Co. 435.30, Harvey Chamber of Commerce 3900, Harvey Oil Co. 1681.27, Harvey Park District 4253.48, HWC Stingers 800, HAV-IT Recycling 1592, Herald Press 224.12, High Plains Equip. 51.75, Hinrich’s Super Value 631.30, Hometown Variety 114.72, Information Technology Dept 78.60, John Deere Financial 64.29, Keller’s Plumbing & Heating 804.73, Kotaco 38.48, Laws Lighting 60, Lemer’s Ace 319.77, Little Mart 190.82, Midwest Graphics & Signs 75, Miller Clothing 150, Napa Auto 2.76, National Geographic 39, NDPHIT 16691.69, NDTC 1629.95, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32, ND Dept. Of Health 37.08, ND League of Cities 1539, ND Sheriff’s & Deputies 50, ND Water Users 300, Northwestern Equip. 71.07, One Call Concepts 2.40, Ottertail 8144.48, Patzer Truck Repair 1032.65, Paul Gunderson 3500, Perfection Auto Body 168, Powerplan 5378.95, Ripplinger Motors 141.74, The Library Store 94.58, Tractor Supply 249.96, Unum Life Ins. Co. 225.91, USPS 229.17, Verendrye Electric Coop 278, Verizon 442.28, Visa 1897.70, Warehouse Groc. 707.01, Waste Management 4389.11, Wells Co. JDA 4999.92, Wells Co. Treasurer 326.23, Wiest Assoc. 2597, and December Payroll $80,150.94. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: Blueprints for the additional renovation was presented to the council for review. It was the consensus of the council to move forward with the project and to present them with numbers at the next City Council Meeting.
COVID-19: The council discussed the need to continue to monitor the pandemic. The council will continue to allow the public access to the Armory for basketball, birthday parties, etc. at this time with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the public to follow the mask recommendations. The council reserves the right to change this decision at any time they deem it necessary.
LIQUOR LICENSE: M. by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve an on and off-sale Liquor License for Catherine Wagner for 2021. Upon VV, MC.
CVB/HARVEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Ann Adams reviewed the expenses from the CVB account with the council. She expressed her gratitude to the City of Harvey/CVB for their support.
DESIGNATE DEPOSITORIES OF PUBLIC FUNDS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to designate the First State Bank, First International Bank, Dakota Heritage Bank and Bank of North Dakota as the depositories of public funds which meet pledge security requirements. Upon VV, MC.
APPROVE SALE OF ALL CITY PROPERTY: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the sale of all real property owned by the City of Harvey upon bid acceptance by the City Council. Upon RCV, MC.
BUDGET AMENDMENTS & TRANSFERS: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Transfers as submitted. Upon RCV, MC.
M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Budget Amendments. Upon RCV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: The December JDA Meeting was cancelled.
M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, December 9th, 2020 5:30 pm
Wednesday December 9th, 2020 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, December 9th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz and Chris Kara.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Officer Dvorak and Terri Powers. Present via Zoom were JDA Director Paul Gunderson and Council Member Melissa Anderson
VISITORS: Neil Nelson Via Zoom, Chad Reimche, Josh Feil and Josh Renner
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Chad Reimche was present to discuss the need to replace the basketball hoops in the Armory. He stated that there has been some interest from some people in the community that would like to see them updated and would be willing to help with the cost. The council decided to table the issue until Chad could present them with more information.
Josh Feil and Josh Renner from Moore Engineering discussed the estimate that was presented to replace/add stop/yield signs in certain areas within the city. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to switch out yield signs for stop signs on all cross streets coming onto 6th Street and North Street. Upon VV, MC. M by Batrusch, MS by Adams to add stop signs on Allen Ave. coming onto Advent and to leave the yield sign on Allen coming onto Brewster. Upon VV, MC. Josh also stated that he would get quotes on replacing all of the wood poles into break-away poles. Feil requested payment of invoice #25479 for engineering services for the Street Improvement Project 2016 for $2052.50. M by Svoboda, MS by Bartz to approve payment. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted to the Council. He has several projects that he continues to work on.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Officer Dvorak was present to summarize Chief Webb’s report and to answer any questions. She informed the council the new door locking system has been installed.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. The new snow removal equipment has been delivered to the Airport it was funded by the FAA entitlement money.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on November 18th, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with November revenue of $217,918.13. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Aramark 196.72, Boiler Insp. 60, Braun Intertec 3500, Central Valley Health Dist. 75, Cherie Heisler 180, City of Harvey 9264, Cole Papers 2691.35, D&B Portables 75, Dacotah Paper 70.86, Dave O’Kelley 180, Emery-Pratt Co. 19.34, Farmer’s Union Oil & C-Store 1851.80, H&H Coatings 4800, Harvey Chamber of Commerce 100, Harvey Fire Dept. 9498.50, Harvey Oil Co. 428.69, HAV-IT Recycling 1594, HAV-IT Services 422, Hawkins Inc 3235.71, High Plains Equip. 259500, Hinrich’s Super Value 387.63, Hometown Variety 155.73, Indelco Plastics 115, Information Technology Dept 78.60, Jamey Weinmann 164.50, Jennifer Bierman 52.50, John Deere Financial 180.54, John Donarski 180, Karen Nordby 240, Keith Olson 180, Kotaco 2442.19, Lemer’s Ace 70.49, Lexipol LLC 2403, Mid Dakota Lumber 282.12, Miller Clothing 325, Minot Daily News 239.20, Napa Auto 475.29, NDTC 1618.51, Nyhus Law 1545, One Call Concepts 2.40, Ottertail 6423.18, Paul Gunderson 3500, Paul’s Snow Removal 56, Post Board 90, Productivity Plus 268, Rhett Joseph 206.92, Ripplinger Motors 685.07, Schock’s Safe & Lock 5032, Share Corp. 560.76, Steve Lien 180, Ted Mertz 4.80, Terri Powers 75, The Library Store 213.99, Tony Webb 47.46, Tractor Supply 2285.51, Uniform Center 205.99, US Bank 500, USPS 229.85, Vaaler Ins. 258, Verendrye Electric Coop 244, Verizon 780.97, Visa 2657.26, Waste Management 13278.08, Woody’s Service and Repair 20, and November Payroll $76,372.72. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: A design for the new section is a work in progress.
COVID-19: The council discussed the need to continue to monitor the pandemic. It was decided by the council to continue to allow the public access to the Armory for basketball, birthday parties, etc. at this time with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the public to follow the mask mandate. The council reserves the right to change this decision at any time they deem it necessary.
LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS: M. by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the Liquor License Renewals for B52 Roadhouse & Lanes, Harvey Bottle Shop, Cobblestone Inn & Suites of Harvey, Harvey Eagles Club, Krafty’s Bar & Grill, Inc., Little Mart C-Store, and Ta Ahni, Inc. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: Minutes from the November 17th, 2020 meeting were included in the council packet.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY: Minutes from the November 19th, 2020 meeting were included in the council packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, November 18, 2020 5:30 pm
Wednesday November 18th, 2020 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, November 18th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Shelley Svoboda, and Chris Kara.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Chief Webb and Terri Powers. Present via Zoom were JDA Director Paul Gunderson and Council Member Melissa Anderson. Absent was Council Member Susan Bartz.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Marci Eckart
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted to the Council. He has several projects that he continues to work on.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Chief Webb extended his gratitude to the Harvey Eagles Club for their generous donation to the police department. He also sent a shout out to Mr. D’s 2019/2020 6th grade class for the generous donation for vest for his department. He informed the Council that himself along with his deputies will all be certified to run the Intoxilyzer 8000 by mid-December. There was also discussion on the ratification of the Harvey Police Department Policy Manual by the City Council. Chief Webb will distribute a copy to the council members before the January meeting for their review.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She presented the council with an invoice from Moore Engineering for work on the Street Improvement Project. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to pay invoice #25185 to Moore Engineering for $904. Upon VV MC. She also presented them with an invoice from JP Hager for replacing sidewalk from the Street Improvement Project. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve payment of invoice for $20,800. Upon RCV, MC. Wiest Associates submitted an estimate to replace the Access Point in the Armory. As well as the Owl conference system and a Microsoft package with Cyber Security. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve replacing End Of Life Access Point in armory. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve estimate for Meeting Owl Pro along with cyber security. Upon VV, MC. Nordby also had a list from the Wells County Auditor of properties that have been tax foreclosed and will be coming back to the City of Harvey. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to accept the properties. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on October 14th, 2020 and Special Meeting October 28th, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with October revenue of $192,129.39. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Aramark 196.72, Axon Enterprises 2924, Central Plains Water 180, City of Harvey 3833.44, Coast to Coast Solutions 1175.85, Dave O’Kelley 24.15, Farmer’s Union C-Store 1607.40, Farmer’s Union Oil Co. 4287.51, Ferguson Waterworks LLC 836.87, For Goodness Sake 23.17, Friedt’s Yard Service 700, Galls Inc. 132.88, Halle Kahlifa 177.75, Harvey Chamber of Commerce 55, Harvey Oil Co. 4599.96, Harvey Park District 4675.52, HAV-IT Recycling 1596, HAV-IT Services 430, Hawkins Inc 1933.05, Herald Press 882.76, Hinrich’s Super Value 688.70, Hometown Variety 78.24, Information Technology Dept 78.60, Interstate Engineering 15600, Jennifer Bierman 132.25, John Donarski 9.93, JP Hager 23000, KHND 575, Kotaco 157.89, Lautt’s Feed & Supply 73.90, Lemer’s Ace 105.90, Little Mart 34.51, Lisa Miller 75, Michael Todd & Co. 491.43, Mid Dakota Lumber 45.04, Midee Auto 1380.58, Napa Auto 91.29, ND Dept of Health 213.42, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 64, ND League of Cities 875, NDTC 1638.25, Northern Prairie Mechanical 1888.69, Nyhus Law 3975, One Call Concepts 26.40, Ottertail 6551.18, Patzer Truck Repair 417.44, Paul Emmett 184.75, Paul Gunderson 3500, Perfection Autobody 50, Radisson Hotel 709.24, Ripplinger Motors 93.58, Roughrider Industries 662.78, Susag Sand & Gravel 39848, The Radar Shop 172, TJ Plumbing 635.50, Tom Staples 75, Tractor Supply 89.96, Uniform Center 59.99, United Accts., Inc. 72, UNUM Life Insurance Co. 393.73, USPS 231.34, Verendrye Electric Coop 216, Verizon 442.28, Visa 3155.09,Warehouse Grocery 1228.45, Waste Management 3311.68, Wells Co. Recorder 100, Wiest Associates 170, Woody’s Service and Repair 250.61, and October Payroll $85,684.15. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: A design for the new section is a work in progress. The remodel of the kitchen is temporarily on hold.
COVID-19: The council discussed the need to continue to monitor the pandemic. It was decided by the council to continue to allow the public access to the Armory for basketball, birthday parties, etc. at this time with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the public to follow the mask mandate. The council reserves the right to change this decision at any time they deem it necessary.
Library Board Member: M by Baltrusch, MS By Kara to appoint Katrina Shilling to the library board to fill the position opened by the resignation of Kathy Flagen. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: Minutes from the October 20th, 2020 meeting were included in the council packet.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 5:30 pm
Wednesday October 14th, 2020 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz and Chris Kara.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Terri Powers, Chief Webb, and JDA Director Paul Gunderson. Absent – Council member Melissa Anderson.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Marci Eckart, Gordy Schmidt, Kevin Bierman, Ryan Schneibel, Doug Kline, Steve Wangen, Tom Marchand, and Jason Hager.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Harvey Volunteer Fire Department: Gordy Schmidt, along with additional members of the Harvey Fire Department presented the council with an opportunity to purchase a used heavyduty rescue unit from the City of Tioga. They discussed the need Harvey has for an additional fire truck and all of the benefits such a unit would provide the City. They were requesting a donation of $25K to help with the purchase of the truck. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to grant the $25K to the Fire Department. Upon RCV, MC.
WILDLIFE CLUB: Tom Marchand requested a Memorandum of Understanding from the City of Harvey to continue with their process to obtain grant money for the restoration of the rifle range. M by Adams, MS by Bartz with the stipulation that the Wildlife Club pay the attorney fee to draw up the document. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT- PETRINA KRENZEL and AMY ARNOLD Mayor Eckart called for a motion to renew the Conditional Use Permits for Petrina Krenzel and Amy Arnold. M by Batrusch, MS by Bartz to renew both permits for 2020/2021. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart closed the public hearing and opened the City Council Meeting.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted for the Council. He has several projects that he continues to work on.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He included two quotes for a new gun safe that were reviewed by the council members. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to purchase the safe from Tractor Supply Co. the expenses would be paid for from the Reserve for Building Fund. Upon VV, MC. There was also discussion on the need for new body cameras to be purchased from Axon Enterprise, Inc. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to purchase the cameras. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Jason Hager was at the council meeting to present his proposal for re-doing the sidewalks on the north and south sides of the viaduct and a concrete generator pad. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to approve the proposal. Upon VV, MC. The need for repairing and/or replacing the sidewalk by the High School was also discussed. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to move forward with the projects. Upon VV, MC. His crew has been working on demolishing the properties. Erickson has a requested from the Harvey Park Board to waive the Building Permit for the Project at the Pool. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to grant request. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packed for the council to review. Nordby discussed the Street Improvement Project. She presented the council with invoices from Moore Engineering and Bituminous Paving. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve Bituminous Pay Application for $38,849.60. Upon RCV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve invoice #24822 to Moore Engineering for $4528.46. Upon VV MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on September 9th, 2020 and Special Meeting September 21st, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Kara, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with September revenue of $429,486.72. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Kara, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 291.75, Bank of ND 306125.15, Building Systems Corp. 1850, City of Harvey 48.92, Core & Main 848.09, Cosun Biobased Products 6660, D & B Portables 150, Dacotah Paper Co. 614.92, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 31, Devan Hafner 75, Dyllan Ovitt 75, Eggers Elec. Motor Co. 21.12, Elite Spraying 4000, Emery-Pratt Co. 19.34, Farmer’s Union Oil Co. 159.80, Ferguson Waterworks LLC 1499.49, For Goodness Sake 23.17, Friedt’s Yard Service 1050, Grand Forks Fire Equip. 201.10, Harvey Chamber of Commerce 3500, HAV-IT Recycling 1610, HAV-IT Services 362, Hawkins Inc 1675.31, Hinrich’s Super Value 838.27, Information Technology Dept 78.60, Interstate Engineering 5501.29, John Deer Financial 179.87, Kotaco 1596.21, Lemer’s Ace 124.02, Lexie Reynolds 2.30, Little Mart 96.17, Lori Schroeder 75, Main Elec. Construction 8984.11, Martha Meranda 59.04, Minot Daily News 100, ND Dept. of Environmental Quality 300, ND Dept of Health 298.66, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32, ND Surplus Property 170, NDTC 1606.16, Nyhus Law 1925, O’Day Equipment 66.68, Office of the State Auditor 260, One Call Concepts 22.80, Ottertail 7676.83, Patzer Truck Repair 268.84, Paul Gunderson 3500, Ripplinger Motors 348.55, RV Enterprises 1500, Sharon Schmidt 44.51, Starion Bond Services 11396.25, Susag Sand & Gravel 220, Tony Webb 70, Tractor Supply 317.84, TJ Plumbing 85, Uniform Center 125, UNUM Life Insurance Co. 214.90, US Bank 147106.25, USA Blue Book 329.72, USPS 231.78, Verendrye Electric Coop 183, Verizon 442.22, Visa 2224.71,Warehouse Grocery 615.70, Waste Management 6733.10, Wiest Associates 403.75, Woody’s Service and Repair 47.15, and September Payroll $120,936.35. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: A design for the new section is a work in progress. Erickson and Nordby picked up the documents that were being cleaned in Bismarck from Arrow Service Team.
COVID-19: The council discussed the need to continue to monitor the pandemic.
GAMING SITE AUTHORIZATION: The Rugby Amateur Hockey Association is requesting authorization to conduct Blackjack gaming at Spectator’s Bar and Grill. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda approve Site Authorizations for Rugby Amateur Hockey Association to conduct games at Spectator’s Bar & Grill provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: Minutes from the September 15th, 2020 meeting were included in the council packet.
M by Adams, MS by Bartz to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 5:30 pm
Wednesday September 9th, 2020 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz and Chris Kara.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Terri Powers, Officer Dvorak, and JDA Director Paul Gunderson. Absent – Council member Melissa Anderson.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Marci Eckart, Chad Reimche, Brian D. Osowski, and Jonathan Franklin.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
PUBLIC HEARING-BUDGET 2021: Auditor Nordby addressed the council on the budget for 2021. M by Adams, MS by Kara to approve the 2021 Final Budget as submitted. Upon RVC MC.
FUND Amount Levied
General-Schedule B………………………. $350,000
Emergency……………………………… $2,000
Recreation………………………………. $15,000
Special Revenue Funds-Schedule C
Special Assessments-City Share………….. $17,000
Library………………………………….. $24,000
Economic Development………………… $3000
Airport…………………………………… $7500
Mayor Eckart closed the public hearing and opened the City Council Meeting.
Chad Reimche presented some concerns regarding the future of the Harvey Dam spillway. After some discussion, Mayor Eckart stated he would like the City of Harvey to lend their support. Council member Svoboda volunteered to attend the upcoming County Commissioners meeting on October 6th, 2020. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to issue a letter of support. Upon VV, MC.
Brian D. Osowski with AMKO Advisors requested authorization to present the City of Harvey with bids to refinance Water Main I Debt Service. The City would be under no obligation to accept the bids if they do not save the City enough money. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve moving forward with the project. Upon VV, MC.
Jonathan Franklin was present to ask for approval of his Renaissance Zone Project Application. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve and move forward with his Lincoln Ave Project. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: M by Svoboda, MS by Kara to deny abatement or refund of taxes for parcel 80849000 for 2018. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart adjourned the public hearing and re-opened the Regular Council Meeting.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted for the Council. He is very busy working on several projects.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Officer Dvorak stated that the camera system was installed and operating. They received a grant from Homeland Security for the system. The new computer and back-up system have been installed. The council discussed concerns regarding patrolling the school zones five days a week twice a day. The consensus of the council is to have police presence before and after school.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. The Edith Drive rehabilitation was discussed and decided to forward to the JDA since it creates Economic Development. He updated the council on the 6th Street patching. Bituminous has completed the work. The consensus of the council is to enforce the truck route ordinance and keep trucks off 6th Street. Kenny is working on purchasing the water tower legs from Anamoose for the Cent Park Bridge Project.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packed for the council to review. M by Svoboda, MS by Adams to deny request for 1005 E Coulee Avenue to be gifted to the City of Harvey by the executor of the estate, Amanda Seeberg. Upon VV, MC. The property owner of 413 Clark Avenue requested to tear down his property. The council discussed the issue. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to deny request. The City has given the property owner 2 years to tear down the property. The City will demolish the property with-in 60 days. Upon VV, MC. Nordby informed the council that the Armory will be a voting center for the General Election to be held on Nov 3, 2020. Anyone in Wells County can vote in Harvey.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on August 12th, 2020 with the correction. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Kara, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with August Revenue of $142,232.35. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Kara, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 194.50, Armor Interactive 82.37, Black Mountain Software 100, Core & Main 2931.90, D & B Portables 150, Diamond Vogel 541, Elite Spraying 5495, For Goodness Sake 15.72, Friedt’s Yard Service 1400, Gerrells & Co. 406.97, Harvey Motor Service 35.94, Harvey Oil Co. 1766.22, HAV-IT Recycling 1600.26, HAV-IT Services 246, Hawkins Inc 3354.71, Herald Press 1491.34, Hinrich’s Super Value 818.92, Hometown Variety 2.99, Information Technology Dept 78.60, Interstate Engineering 6823.60, John Donarski 79.53, Kotaco 187.45, Knudtson Construction 12000 Law Enforcement Seminars 385, Lemer’s Ace 234.75, Little Mart 226.98, Michael Frederick 48, Mid Dakota Lumber 55.35, Midee Auto 2880, NAPA 153.60, ND Dept. of Environmental Quality 300, ND Dept of Health 64, NDDOT 100, NDTC 8031.65, Nyhus Law 3870.75, O’Day Equipment 66.68, Online Dakota Information 2132, One Call Concepts 22.80, Opdahl Concrete 990, Ottertail 5834.68, Paul Gunderson 3500, Railroad Management Co. 813.66, Ripplinger Motors 813.66, Susag Sand & Gravel 336.95, Tractor Supply 43.83, UNUM Life Insurance Co. 214.90, USA Blue Book 288.36, USPS 229.90, Verendrye Electric Coop 176, Verizon 442.48, Visa 1745.30,Warehouse Grocery 482.71,Waste Management 12945.01, Wells Co. Treasurer 230.25, Wiest Associates 9430.73, Woody’s Service and Repair 17.50, and August Payroll $100,672.30. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: No new information.
COVID-19: The council discussed the need to continue to monitor the pandemic.
BID FOR 1200 ELM AVE: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to accept bid of $1.00 from Andy Givens with City Council permission to continue using the existing septic system. Upon VV, MC.
BID FOR 700 BURKE AVE: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to accept bid of $2832 from Michael Hase. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT YOUTH FOOTBALL SEPTEMBER 26TH, 2020: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to allow them to change the start time of the event from 2 p.m. to 11:30 a.m. Upon VV, MC.
CHAPTER 11/ANIMALS & FOWL: The Ordinance was reviewed after it was brought to the attention of the City of Harvey that there were chickens within city limits. The Police Department shall follow through with enforcing the ordinance.
COMPLAINT ALLEN AVE: The City of Harvey received a complaint about the garbage blowing around at the recycling center on Allen Ave. The consensus of the council is to send a letter per the ordinance and have them clean-up the area.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY: Minutes from the September 2nd, 2020 meeting were included in the council packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: M by Bartz, MS by Adams to approve the variances from the August 19th meeting of the Board of Adjustments. Upon VV, MC.
M by Adams, MS by Bartz to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, August 12th, 2020 5:30 pm
Wednesday August 12th, 2020 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, August 12th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz and Chris Kara.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Terri Powers, Chief Tony Webb, and JDA Director Paul Gunderson
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Nathan Stittleburg, Susan Shearer, Marcie Eckart
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Susan Shearer requested a special event permit for a fundraiser for youth football on Saturday, September 26th, 2020 from 2 P.M. until 9 P.M. She requested 8th St. to be closed between Lincoln Avenue and Alder Avenue for tailgating. M by Adams, MS by Kara to approve the request for tailgating with alcohol in the street. Clean up must be done by 8am Sunday morning. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to deny abatement of taxes for parcel 81430000 for 2019. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart adjourned the public hearing.
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: M by Svoboda, MS by Bartz to accept the abatement of taxes for parcel 80849000 for 2019. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart adjourned the public hearing.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted for the Council. He is very busy working on several projects.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s call report was in the packet for the council to review. Chief Webb discussed the need for a new computer and storage/backup. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve computer purchase and back-up storage $5900 from Wiest Associates. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. The retaining wall project was studied. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to schedule work on south side of the underpass contingent upon approval from Bank Of North Dakota of funds to be used from the Street Improvement Project. RCV MC. M by Bartz, MS by Svoboda to approve removal of asbestos at 504 Cherry Avenue. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Karen introduced the new utility billing specialist, Terri Powers. M by Anderson, MS by Kara to pay Moore Engineering invoice 24291for work on the Street Improvement Project for $1702.50. Upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to purchase a laptop for $899 from Wiest Associates. Council reviewed the title opinion for 1012 Lincoln Ave. The property will close on August 19. Nordby discussed NDPHIT information with the council. She will forward the requested information to the council. The Council will revisit at Special Meeting on August 18th at 5:00.
MINUTES: M by Bartz, MS by Baltrusch, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on July 15th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Adams, MS by Kara, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with July Revenue of $713,319.66. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Adams, MS by Kara, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Aljets Flooring 2689.38, Ameripride 194.50, Asphalt Surface Tech 362947.95, Bank of ND 172789.03, Central Cinema 5000, Cherie Heisler 12.50, Creative Product Source 97.43, D & B Portables 150, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 35, Double E Design 98, Eggers Electric Motor Co. 105.77, Electronic Communications 829, Galls Inc. 101.04, Harvey Motor Service 63.58, Harvey Oil Co. 1761.69, HAV-IT Recycling 1604, HAV-IT Services 531, Hawkins Inc 1585.31, Heilman Elec. 11689.58, Herald Press 36, Hinrich’s Super Value 648.69, Holzer Elec. 973.75, Hometown Variety 9.18, Information Technology Dept 78.60, Interstate Power Systems 35690, KHND 200, Keith Olson 5.40, Keller Plumbing 140.30, Kotaco 1904.61, Laws Lighting 269.50, Lemer’s Ace 232.43, Little Mart 179.10, Mid-American Research 107.03, Mid Dakota Lumber 1360.60, NAPA 68.86, NDTC 1578.28, ND Dept of Health 37.08, NuLine Ins 10436, Nyhus Law 34040, One Call Concepts 30, Ottertail 9570.70, Paul Gunderson 3500, Perfection Auto 865, Powerplan 330.47, Ripplinger Motors 952.65, Scott Fronk 336.85, Symbolarts 115, Tractor Supply 261.31, Univar 3162.50, USPS 232.37, Verendrye Electric Coop 161, Verizon 456.32, Visa 2974.75,Warehouse Grocery 495.01,Waste Management 4366.01, Water Environment Federation 155, Wiest Associates 170, Woody’s Service and Repair 47.70, and July Payroll $97,351.05. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: No new information.
COVID-19: No new information.
BID FOR 504 CHERRY AVE: M by Kara, MS by Svoboda to reject bid. Upon VV, MC, Anderson voting no.
KELLEY PROPERTY 513 BURKE: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to put notice in the paper for bids to tear down the house at 513 Burke Ave. Upon VV, MC.
BURGARD PROPERTY 509 BURKE: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to put notice in the paper for bids to tear down the house at 509 Burke Ave. Upon VV, MC.
BIERMAN PROPERTY 413 CLARK: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to deny request for extension to put notice in the paper for bids to tear down the house at 413 Clark Ave. Upon VV, MC.
PROPANE BIDS: Mayor Eckart opened the propane bids from Kotaco for 21,000 gal @ $1.05 no taxes, Farmers Union Oil Co of Fessenden/ One Stop for 21,000 gal @$.94 no taxes and Harvey Oil Co for 21,000 gallons @ $1.09 no taxes. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to accept the bid of $.94 from Farmers Union/One Stop. Upon VV, MC.
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve the personnel committee’s recommendation from the meeting held Monday August 10th, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: The committee recommends the council accept the proposed budget. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the preliminary budget for 2021 as presented. Upon RCV, MC. The preliminary budget is on file at the Auditor’s Office.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, July 15th, 2020 5:30 pm
Wednesday July 15th, 2020 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, July 15th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Ann Adams, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz and Chris Kara.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Carol Danks, Chief Tony Webb, and JDA Director Paul Gunderson
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Nathan Stittleburg, Con Ziegler, Arnie Selzler, Marcie Eckart, Radigan Neuhalfen
Mayor Eckart opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to table discussion of abatement of taxes for parcel 81430000. They would like to see past tax statements. Upon VV, MC.
M by Adams, MS by Anderson to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR 413 CLARK AVE: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to accept the finding of facts and continue with the process for 413 Clark Ave. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if the property owner fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC. Nyhus Law will proceed with sending out the proper legal notices. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to adjourn public hearing at 5:54. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR 509 BURKE AVE: M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to accept the finding of facts and continue with the process for 509 Burke Ave. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if the home owner fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC. Nyhus Law will proceed with sending out the proper legal notices. M by Adams, MS by Svoboda to adjourn public hearing at 6:00. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR 513 BURKE AVE: M by Bartz, MS by Adams to accept the finding of facts and continue with the process for 513 Burke Ave. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if the property owner fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC. Nyhus Law will proceed with sending out the proper legal notices. M by Bartz, MS by Adams to adjourn public hearing at 6:06. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart opened the Regular Council Meeting
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted for the Council.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s call report was in the packet. Officer Dvorak is back from maternity leave. Officer Kahlifa has moved to Harvey. The police offices are moving to the building at 1012 Lincoln Ave. Chief has been in contact with Wells County Emergency Manager Tammy Roerich. He is interested in grant money for a security system for their new location. Tammy has grant money left that can be used for a new security system.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. There were two bids for the retaining walls for the underpass for the council to review. It was decided to table until more information could be gathered. Bid opening for demo of property at 1005 Coulee Ave. M by Adams, MS by Bartz to reject the bid. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review.
M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to pay Moore Engineering invoice 24092 for $5800.45. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrush, MS by Anderson to pay final invoice to Bituminous Paving for $3601.26. Upon VV, MC. M by Bartz, MS by Svoboda to accept bid from Bituminous Paving for $38,000 to make repairs on 6th St. Upon RCV, MC. Open House for the new offices in the Armory is planned for July 30th from 2pm-4pm.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on June 10th and organizational meeting June 23th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with June Revenue of $152,477.96. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Weninger, MS by Eckart, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Agency Mabu 4025, Alec Meranda 105. Ameripride 196.34, Andrew St. Vincent 70, Canadian Pacific Railway 1026.08, Cole Papers 1310.48, D & B Portables 150, D & E Supply 87.48, Dacotah Paper 519.06, Dakota Johnson 135, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 13.50, Donna English 125, Elite Spraying 2125, Emery-Pratt 19.34, Ferguson Waterworks 527.99, Friedt’s Yard Service 1050, Gerrells & Co 1932.50, Gooseneck Implement 70.90, Grand Forks Fire Equipment 482.30, Halle Kahlifa 236.35, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3500, Harvey Motor Service 222.87, Harvey Oil Co 843.48, Harvey Steam Locomotive Fund 2500, HAV-IT Recycling 1594, HAV-IT Services 144, Hawkins Inc 1910.05, Herald Press 1522.49, Hinrichs 916.16, Hometown Variety 93.39, Howard Nelson 2, Information Technology Dept 78.60, Interstate Engineering 14750.13 John Ripplinger 75, Karen Nordby 303.26, Karl Chevrolet 46609.89, Kelly Wetzel 550, Kenny Erickson 63.25, Knudtson Construction 15000, Kotaco 1772.02, Lemer’s Ace 100.79, Little Mart 99.52, Macqueen Emergency 979.50, Mid Dakota Lumber 19245.61, Midee Auto 387.50, Miller Clothing 83.98, Monte Knudtson 1350, NAPA 349.80, NDTC 1646.54, ND Dept of Health 107.08, ND Dept of Health Microbiology 32, Northern Prairie Mechanical 6200, NuLine Ins 26562, Nyhus Law 3052.80, Olsen Zerr 202.72, One Call Concepts 39.60, Ottertail 7706.95, Patzer Truck Repair 1132.64, Paul Emmett 524.49, Paul Gunderson 3500, Payton Aljets 120, Productivity Plus Account 182.97, Rath & Mehrer 9600, Ripplinger Motors 462.78, RV Enterprises 1600, Sal Rodriguez 135, Savanna Anderson 75, Scott Fronk 250, Steve Lien 400, Tecta America Greenberg Roofing 6297.26, Tim Wagner Construction 2500, Titan 875, Tony Webb 35, UNUM Life Ins 429.80, USPS 230.54, Verendrye Electric Coop 186, Verizon 452.48, Vessco 396, Visa 3416.11, Ward County 300, Warehouse Grocery 463.13, Waste Management 7995.76, Wells County Treasurer 1260, Wiest Associates 857.50 and June Payroll $87,424.95. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: Nordby updated the council on the Armory Fire. They have received a Grant for the kitchen remodel for $47,000 from SCDRC CDBG funds. The documents from the vault are not back from cleaning yet. The staff are now back in renovated offices at 120 8th Street W.
Bid for 504 Cherry, tabled until legal council has an opinion on the asbestos in the property.
Bid for 917 Divine Ave, M by Baltrush, MS by Bartz to reject bid. Upon VV, MC.
Bid for 516 Clark Ave M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to accept bid. Upon VV, MC.
Bid for 1224 Elm Ave M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept bid. Upon VV, MC.
BID FOR GARAGE ON 700 BURKE AVE: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to accept the bid. The purchaser has 30 days to move the garage off the property. Upon VV, MC.
COVID-19: The council reviewed re-opening the Armory to the public. Armory will be open to the public, but will be closed by 9pm.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve Special Event Permit for Krafty’s Bar & Grill for July 31, 2020 for a beer garden and August 15, 2020 for a beer garden. Clean up must be done by 8am Sunday morning. Upon VV, MC.
RAFFLE PERMIT: First Lutheran Church LYO requested Raffle Permit #20-04. M by Adams, MS Anderson to approve calendar raffle permit #20-04 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC
COMPLAINTS: A complaint received for the property at 401 Burke Ave was reviewed.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve Board of Adjustment minutes from June 7, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT: M by Adams, MS by Bartz to approve Memorandum of Agreement between Wells County and City of Harvey. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to adjourn meeting. Upon VV, MC
___________________ _____________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 5:30 pm
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 5:00pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV-Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 5:00 pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Melissa Anderson, and Susan Bartz. Also present was Karen Nordby, Kenny Erickson, Paul Gunderson, Carol Danks, Tony Webb and Chris Kara.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Joyce Eckart, Marci, Brady Eckart, and Steve Kourajian
Mayor Ann Adams called the Organizational Meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
COUNCIL ORGANIZATION: Mayor Adams thanked the council for their dedication and work on serving the community. The Oaths of Office from the June 9th election were read and elected officials Susan Bartz, Chris Kara, and Rick Eckart were sworn in. Gavel was turned over to Mayor Rick Eckart. The Oath of Office from the June 9th election were read and elected official Ann Adams was sworn in.
COUNCIL PRESIDENT: M by Anderson, MS by Bartz to nominate Shelley Svoboda as Council President, that nominations cease and to unanimously cast ballot for Shelley Svoboda as Council President. Upon VV, MC.
VICE PRESIDENT: M by Anderson, MS by Bartz to nominate Milo Baltrusch as Vice President, that nominations cease and to unanimously cast ballot for Milo Baltrusch as Vice President. Upon VV, MC.
CITY AUDITOR: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Karen Nordby as City Auditor. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Kenny Erickson as Public Works Director. Upon VV, MC.
CHIEF OF POLICE: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Tony Webb as Chief of Police. Upon VV, MC.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Paul Gunderson as Economic Development Director. Upon VV, MC.
CITY ASSESSOR: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Jana Schimelfenig as City Assessor. Upon VV, MC.
CITY ATTORNEY: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Chris Nyhus as City Attorney. Upon VV, MC.
ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Nathan Stittleberg as Assistant City Attorney. Upon VV, MC.
CITY ENGINEER: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Moore Engineering as City Engineer. Upon VV, MC.
HARVEY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ENGINEER: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Interstate Engineering as Harvey Municipal Airport Engineer. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS: Two permits for Crazy Days July 30th & 31. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve permits. Upon VV, MC. Adams Abstained
RESIGNATION OF UTILITY BILLING SPECIALIST: Carol Danks resigned because family is moving out of town.
UPDATE COMMITTEE LIST: Committee list was updated with new mayor information. See attachement. M by Bartz, MS by Svoboda to accept changes. Upon VV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Bartz to ask Jonathan Franklin to join the Planning and Zoning/Building & Grounds/Tree & ADA Committee. Upon VV, MC.
STREET CLOSING FOR 4TH OF JULY PARADE: Dr. Steve Kourajian asked the Council to consider closing Lincoln Ave to parking during the 4th of July parade. He said it’s difficult for come of the bigger vehicles to turn at the corner of Lincoln Ave and 10th St. It’s dangerous because kids come running out from between vehicles to get treats that are thrown, or handed out. People sitting on the sidewalks can’t see through or around the vehicles parked on the street. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to block off 3 parking spots on the east and west sides of the corner of Lincoln Ave and 10th. Upon VV, MC. Adams abstained.
With no further business meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be July 15th.
__________________________ __________________________
Rick Eckart, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, June 10th, 2020 5:30 pm
Wednesday June 10th, 2020 5:30pm
City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at City Hall on Wednesday, June 10th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Carol Danks, Chief Tony Webb, and JDA Director Paul Gunderson (on phone)
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Josh Feil (on phone), Ralph Muchsa, Susan Wagner, Lacy Cantleberry
Mayor Adams opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR ABATEMENT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve abatement of taxes for parcels 80313000 and 80312000. Upon VV, MC.
M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams opened the Regular Council Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Ralph Muscha: Ralph requested funds to help repaint the locomotive in the park. He was asked to present at the JDA meeting on Tuesday, June 16th.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil asked for the council to approve the certificate of substantial completion for May 18, 2020 contingent on walk-through. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to approve the date. Upon VV, MC with 1 nay vote. M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approval final balance change order #15. Upon VV, MC. Final contractor’s application of payment was tabled. Quotes for patchwork on 6th St from Bechtold and Bituminus Paving were reviewed. It was decided to do larger patches and to use fabric to make the patches last longer. M by Weninger, MS by Baltrush to accept Bituminous Paving’s Proposal. Upon RCV, MC. Josh presented Moore Engineering invoice 23755 for $5,965.45. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve pay request. Upon VV, MC. Additional traffic signs were discussed. A list of intersections is being worked on by the Police Chief that he would like stop signs placed at.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted for the Council. He discussed the kitchen area in the Armory.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb said there were 180 calls in May. Officer Dvorak is on maternity leave. She hopes to be back June 29, 2020. He stated the policy manual is coming along, hopes the first part will be done in the next couple weeks. The new police Tahoe is here. Invoice from Karl Chevrolet was reviewed.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson had a letter from Kevin Bierman asking for an extension to tear down the house at 413 Clark Ave. M by Bartz, MS by Anderson to give Mr. Bierman 30 days to get the house torn down. Upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Eckart to put notice in the paper for bids to tear down the house at 1005 Coulee Ave. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on May 13th and special meeting May 26th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with May Revenue of $157,329.21. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Weninger, MS by Eckart, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 198.18, Altru Health Systems 165.60, Bank of ND 7204.48, Chase Lee 200, Connie Loen 39.87, Creative Product Source 527.98, D & B Portables 75, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 27, Desert Snow 599, Devils Lake Park Board 125, Friedt’s Yard Service 1050, Gaffaney’s 736.86, Galls 63.64, Greater ND Chamber 500, Harvey Oil Co 843.48, HAV-IT Recycling 1595.29, Hawkins Inc 2171.66, Herald Press 34, Hinrichs 770.48, Hometown Variety 121.82, Information Technology Dept 78.60, John Deere Financial 924.89, Jonathan Woolsey 20, Kotaco 1447.85, Lautt’s Auto Body & Towing 150, Lemer’s Ace 550.97, Les Lee 125, Little Mart 23.98, Mid-American Research Chemical 135.31, Midee Auto 660, Mid Dakota Lumber 38726.07, Midwest RO/Home 45, Monte Knudtson 850, NDTC 1651.33, ND Dept of Health Microbiology 32, Nova Fire Protection 155, Nyhus Law 2480, Olsen Zerr 315, One Call Concepts 34.80, Ottertail 6048.58, Paul Gunderson 3500, Penguin Management 948, Powerplan 488.16, Productivity Plus Account 687.50, Ripplinger Motors 186.19, Rustyre’ 400, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 1759.04, Smart Apple Media 163.73, Tractor Supply Co 205.90, Uniform Center 67.98, UNUM Life Ins 199.55, USPS 231.01, Verendrye Electric Coop 199, Verizon 422.48, Visa 3790.62, Wallwork Truck Center 264.94, Waste Management 13756.69, Wells County Sheriff’s Dept 160, and May Payroll $77,253.83. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: Nordby updated the council on the Armory Fire. Reconstruction of the Armory is continuing. M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to approval proposal from NDTC for a new phone system. Upon VV, MC. M by Eckart, MS by Weninger to purchase 1012 Lincoln Ave building for $32,000 to move the Police Department. Upon RCV, MC.
COVID-19: The council reviewed re-opening the Armory to the public. With all the construction it was deemed safer to keep it closed.
AUDITOR BOND: M by Anderson, MS by Bartz to approve bond resolution for Karen Nordby, Auditor, in the amount of $2,000,000.00 . Upon VV, MC.
BID FOR PARCEL 80786000: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to accept bid from Josh Preble. Upon VV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATIONS: M by Eckart, MS by Svoboda to approve Site Authorizations for Rugby Amateur Hocky Association to conduct games at Spectators Bar & Grill (Lang Enterprises) provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon RCV, MC.
PURCHASE OF JDA/COUNCIL IPADS: iPads cannot be purchased by outgoing members as they are needed for the new member joining the JDA or Council.
COMPLAINTS: Several complaints received for the properties at 509 and 513 Burke Ave were reviewed.
CHANGE OF DATE FOR JULY COUNCIL MEETING: Meeting will be Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at City Hall.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, May 13th, 2020 5:30 pm
Wednesday May 13th, 2020 5:30pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met via Zoom Conferencing on Wednesday, May 13th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Carol Danks, Chief Tony Webb, and JDA Director Paul Gunderson.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Nathan Stittleburg, Josh Feil
Mayor Adams opened the Public Hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING FOR NOTICE OF DANGEROUS BUILDING: The Dangerous building located at 1005 Coulee Ave due to the condition left after a fire in Sept of 2019. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson accept documentation from the Public works Director’s inspections to support the fact of the written findings this property requires demolition. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to continue with the next step, a 30-day notice will be issued to tear down 1005 Coulee Ave. Upon RCV, MC. Attorney Stittleburg discussed the cost of demolish with the council. He will file a notice of assessment if the City of Harvey has to demolish the property.
M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams opened the Regular Council Meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil gave the engineer’s report. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrush to submit application for a grant from US Army Corp of Engineers section 594 grant for sewer system rehabilitation. Upon RCV MC. He discussed eligible work for street improvement in District no 2016-1. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to move forward with patchwork on 6th Street. Upon RCV MC. M by Eckart MS by Baltrush to complete sidewalk on Clark to North St. Upon VV, MC. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrush to rescind motion. Upon VV, MC. The council discussed the remaining funds left over from the project. Chief Webb feels there should be more stop signs at intersections. He will provide a map at the next meeting. M by Eckart, MS by Anderson to approve pay request from Moore Engineering for $11,957.50. Upon RCV, MC.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted for the Council. He discussed the kitchen area in the Armory. He presented a resolution directing submission of a proposal to create a community commercial kitchen within the Harvey Armory. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda, to approve the resolution. Upon RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb said there were 86 calls in April. Officer Dvorak is on maternity leave. She hopes to be back June 26, 2020. He stated the policy manual is coming along, hopes the first part will be done in the next couple weeks. The new police Tahoe should be here in the end of May. He has been attending several webinars.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson discussed the need for spare parts for the Microclor System at the WTP. M by Baltrush, MS by Weninger to approve ordering the requested spare pump. RCV, MC. Erickson discussed clarification of the Lincoln Ave Business District. He would like to redefine the description better than it was written. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to approve the Lincoln Ave Business District is ORIGINAL TOWNSITE: Block 1 Lots 7-18, Block 2 Lots 1-12, Block 3 Lots 1-12, Block 4 Lots 7-18, Block 10 Lots 1-12, Block 11 Lots 7-18, Block 14 Lots 1-12, Block 15 Lot 1. Upon RCV, MC. Erickson requested to purchase a back-up generator for the Armory/Firehall with grant money. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve the purchase of the generator. Upon RCV, MC. City wide clean-up will be held during regular landfill hours when the roads are drier, information will follow in the paper prior to the dates. The landfill will accept garbage for no charge for the two days.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby discussed working on a community garden (interest, land, water, how much area/person).
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on April 8th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Weninger, MS by Eckart, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with April Revenue of $291,914.73. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Weninger, MS by Eckart, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 297.27, Aqua-Pure Inc 2392.50, Central Plains Water District 180, Cherie Heisler 150, City of Harvey 100, Cole Papers 2711.78, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 244.05, Dacotah Paper 177.92, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 385, Display Sales Co 652, Evan Nitz 75, For Goodness Sake 36.02, Grand Forks Fire Equip 539.36, Harvey Motor Service 11.90, Harvey Oil Co 2880.47, Harvey Park District 10361.89, Harvey Sand & Gravel 67.54, HAV-IT Recycling 1573.74, HAV-IT Services 209, Hawkins Inc 3242.95, Herald Press 445.14, Hinrichs 436.43, Hometown Variety 237.06, Information Technology Dept 74.55, John Henry Foster Minnesota Inc 315.47, Jonathan Franklin 1140, Keith Olson 5.40, Keller Plumbing Htg, Air 2150, KHND Radio 200, Knudtson Construction 20000, Kotaco 1206.87, Leier Drywall 7000, Lemer’s Ace 55.18, Little Mart 23.88, Lookout Books 230.56, Macqueen Emergency 716.69, Martha Meranda 151.30, Mid-American Research Chemical 99, Midamerica Books 83.80, MidDakota Lumber 21022.19, Midee Auto 206, Midwest RO/Home 920, Minot Daily News 730.24, Monte Knudtson 850, Moore Engineering 5611.30, Napa Auto Parts 396.08, NDTC 1731.86, ND Dept of Health 209.20, ND Dept of Health Microbiology 32, ND League of Cities 100, Northern Prairie Mechanical 18350, Nyhus Law 4000, One Call Concepts 13.20, Ottertail 12661, Patzer Truck Repair 1411.04, Paul Gunderson 3500, Pomp’s Tire Service 2358.44, Ripplinger Motors 165.49, Service Drug & Gift 18.01, System Technology 540, The Library Store 374.87, Titan 5703.15, Tom’s Home Furnishings 5487.99, Transcript Publishing 250, Univar 3162.50, UNUM Life Ins 230.25, USPS 229.01, Verendrye Electric Coop 225, Verizon 422.48, Vessco Inc 2460, Visa 581.29, Warehouse Grocery 2719.22, Waste Management 8625.63, Wells County District Health 45, Wells County Treasurer 2312 Wiest Assoc 127.50, and April Payroll $116,167.03. Upon RCV, MC
ARMORY FIRE: Nordby updated the council on the Armory Fire. Reconstruction of the office space has begun. Flooring, painting, and installation of cabinets has started.
DELIVERY OF OFFSALE: M by Eckart, MS by Svoboda to discontinue the temporary suspension of Ordinance 8.0429 and expanding the definitions in Ordinance 8.0401 dated April 9, 2020 as of May 14, 2020. Upon RCV, MC.
COVID-19: The council reviewed re-opening the Armory to the public. With all the construction it was deemed safer to keep it closed. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrush to send Top Hat notice to remove their items by July 1, 2020. Upon RCV, MC
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: Wedding on June 27, 2020 requested barricades for road closure or 45 minutes for ceremony. M by Anderson, MS by Weninger for barricades to be put up by property owner during the ceremony. They are responsible to put up and take down, they are to let their neighbors know, police will not be enforcing the road closure. M by Baltrush, MS by Eckart to allow the dance/music until midnight. RCV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATIONS: M by Anderson, MS by Weninger to approve Site Authorizations for Wells Aerie #3080 FOE to conduct games at the Harvey Eagles Club, Krafty’s Bar & Grill and B52 Roadhouse & Lanes provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon RCV, MC.
ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the Arbor Day Proclamation. Upon RCV, MC.
DESIGNATE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the Herald Press as the official newspaper. Upon RCV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 5:30 pm
Wednesday April 8th, 2020 5:30pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met via Zoom Conferencing on Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Carol Danks, Chief Tony Webb, and JDA Director Paul Gunderson.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Jana Schimelfenig, Janell Rudell
Mayor Adams called the Tax Equalization Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Assessor Schimelfenig presented the information for 2 parcels of change in Harvey to the Council. 80313000/80312000 requested a reduction on the 2019 valuation. M by Baltrush, MS by Svoboda to approve a reduction in value. Upon RCV, MC. 80257000 asked for a re-assessment M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to reduce the assessed value. Upon RCV, MC.
M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to recess the Board of Tax Equalization Meeting until May 13th City Council Meeting. Upon RCV, MC.
Mayor Adams opened the Regular Council Meeting.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson reviewed his report submitted for the Council. He discussed the kitchen area in the Armory. He presented a resolution directing submission of a proposal to create a community commercial kitchen within the Harvey Armory. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson, to approve the resolution. Upon RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb said there were 7 calls in March. Officer Dvorak is on maternity leave. Officer Halle Khalifa was hired and started 4-13-20. He stated the policy manual is coming along. The new police Tahoe should be here in early May.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson discussed the need for Sweeney Controls to fix the water elevation reading in the water tower and to pull one well pump for inspection at cost of approximately $7,000. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve both items. Upon RCV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She presented an invoice for Moore Engineering the Street Project. M by Baltrush, MS by Eckart to pay invoice #23265 for $5787.50. Upon RCV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on March 11th and Special Meeting March 17th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Bartz, MS by Weninger, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with March Revenue of $617,138.52. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Bartz, MS by Weninger, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 198.18, Bank of ND 306125.15, Brase Drilling LLC 1650, Broad Reach 98.95, Brock White Co 2610, Coast To Coast Solutions 598.46, Curt Benson 80, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 87.95, Eric Tuenge 36.64, Expressway Suites 172.80, Farmers Union Oil 5727.58, Faul Excavating 1069.23, Fire Equipment Co 969.36, Fisher Round & Assoc 4814, Gaffaney’s 1911.75, Hach Company 486.48, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3500, Harvey Motor Service 131.33, Harvey Oil Co 4036.63, HAV-IT Recycling 1560.32, HAV-IT Services 178, Hawkins Inc 5317.93, Herald Press 966.45, Highplains Equipment 2.70, Hinrichs 337.26, Hometown Variety 77.62, Information Technology Dept 68.20, John Deere Financial 1.38, Karen Nordby 59.92, Knowbuddy 64.89, Knudtson Construction 30000, Kotaco 1088.77, Lemer’s Ace 295.27, Little Mart 29.98, MABU 3570, Medit 56.90, Midamerica Books 297.30, Mid-America Research Chemical 365.42, MidDakota Lumber 1094.55, Midwest Graphics & Signs 158, Miller Clothing 100, Monte Knudtson 850, NDTC 4827.82, ND Dept of Health 32, Nuline Insurance 1599, Nyhus Law 3240, One Call Concepts 3.05, Ottertail 674.62, Patzer Truck Repair 288, Paul Gunderson 3730, PowerPlan 374.92, Ripplinger Motors 110.53, Sherrie Maxwell/Linda Lamm 147.35, Smart Apple Media 62.85, Starion Bond Service 87542.50, Stroh Architects 6029.20, Tractor Supply Co 277.58, UNUM Life Ins 199.55, US Bank 12106.25, USPS 228.07, Verendrye Electric Coop 282, Verizon 453.20, Visa 1400.76, Warehouse Grocery 675.02, Waste Management 8901.64, Wiest Assoc 680, Woody’s 48.40, and March Payroll $69,602.51. Upon RCV, MC.
ARMORY FIRE: Nordby updated the council on the Armory Fire. Reconstruction of the office space has begun. The walls are up and windows will be in the next week. Cabinet layout and cost were presented to the Council. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to accept the change in cabinets and the increase of cost. Upon RCV, MC.
2020 SPRING WORKSHOP: Cherie or Karen will attend. Nordby wanted to know if any other council members would like to attend. This will be by webinar.
Website for City of Harvey has been updated and is live.
AMY ARNOLD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to renew the Conditional Use Permit to have Amy Arnold’s business out of her home. Upon RCV, MC.
COVID-19: The council reviewed the Wells County COVID-19 Emergency Declaration. The council discussed the Nyhus Law letter about open offices and open meeting requirements during COVID-19. HAV-IT Recycling has informed the City of Harvey they will suspend services for monthly curbside pick-up and their building will be closed during COVID-19. The City offices will remain open with limited contact. The rest of the City Departments will be business as usual.
DELIVERY OF OFFSALE: The City Council discussed temporarily suspending Ordinance 8.0429 and expanding the definitions in Ordinance 8.0401 from April 9, 2020 the existing ordinances and definitions will again take full effect on June 15,2020. Therefore, allowing off-sale to be delivered to an adult. M by Svoboda MS by Bartz to approve with the dates discussed. Upon RCV, MC.
BACKGROUND CHECKS: Letter from Nyhus Law clarifying PI license for background checks. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve continuing to use Curt Benson for background checks as needed. Upon RCV, MC. Anderson and Svoboda voting No.
RAFFLE PERMIT FOR LASH LOUNGE & BEAUTY BAR: The council discussed the rules for a local charity permit from the ND Attorney Generals. M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to deny permit. Upon RCV, MC
FORCLOSED PROPERTY LIST: Karen and Kenny have inspected most of the properties. They recommend 504 Cherry Ave and 700 Burke Ave be torn down. M by Eckart, MS by Svoboda to have asbestos report on these properties then tear down. Upon RCV, MC. Properties at 1224 Elm Ave and 516 Clark should be cleaned up and put up for sale.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, March 11th, 2020 5:30 pm
Wednesday March 11th, 2020 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at Harvey City Hall in the Veteran’s room on Wednesday, March 11th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Carol Danks and Chief Tony Webb. Absent – JDA Director Paul Gunderson.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Steve Eckart, Brenda Finley, Chris Nyhus, and Nathan Stittleburg
Mayor for the day Josie Finley called the Regular Meeting to order.
Mayor for the day Crew Martinson lead The Pledge of Allegiance.
BID OPENING: Mayor Adams opened and reviewed with the council the two bids submitted for the construction phase of the Armory fire 2019. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to table awarding the bids until further clarification. Upon VV, MC.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson was absent; his report was in the packet.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb said there were 35 calls in February. Officer Dvorak will be on maternity leave soon. He requested overtime be paid while she is gone. M by Svoboda, MS by Eckart to table the OT request until further information can be gathered. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson discussed the need for a ground storage pump house check valve at the cost of $2,062.50. Keith is checking on the warranty status. M by Baltusch, MS by Weninger to purchase the value. Upon VV, MC. Keith is requesting the approval for the purchase and installation of a motor saver for the water plant sewer lift station. M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda to table until next month, Upon VV, MC. The council would like Keith to check with a local electrician to see if it is work they can do and report back to the council. A proposal for a new front-end loader was reviewed, it was the consensus of the Council to keep the old one and revisit if the old loader starts to have problems.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on Feb 12th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with February Revenue of $729,063.70. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 188.18, Andrew St Vincent 65, Bank of ND 1637.31, Benson Cty Farmers Press 52, Black Mountain Software 15,771 Central Cinema 32, Cobblestone Inn & Suites 575, Cole Papers 959.38, Courtney Miskell 200, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 245.92, Dave O’Kelley 156.93, Double E Design 63.30, Expressway Suites 172.80, Forum Communications Co 400, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 20, Harvey Motor Service 249.17, Harvey Oil Co 2554.30, HAV-IT Recycling 1562.69, Hawkins Inc 206215, Herald Press 35, Highplains Equipment 420.20, Hinrichs 636.65, Hippocampus Holdings 10000, Holzer Electric 263.30, HR Collaborative 200, Hunter Schuh 65, Information Technology Dept 68.20, John Deere Financial 312.25, Jonathan Franklin 30, Keith Olson 226.55, Keller Plumbing 1585.79, Kotaco 2409.02, Lemer’s Ace 796.38, Little Mart 133.42, Logan Jenner 195, MABU 3570, Main Electric 12068.78, Martha Meranda 127, Matt Kittleson 65, MidDakota Lumber 184.05, Midee Auto 1129.55, Midwest RO/Home 4260, Minot Daily News 125, Monte Knudtson 850, NAPA 35.84, NDTC 1625.98, ND Dept of Environmental Quality 10, ND Dept of Health 18.54, ND League of Cities 30, Nyhus Law 682.50, Ottertail 6805.58, Patzer Truck Repair 1389.02, Paul Gunderson 3500, PowerPlan 2417.99, Ripplinger Motors 231.50, Star Business Forms 819.84, Steve Aljets 65, Swanston Equipment 294.08, Symbolarts 120, TJ Plumbing 326.50, Tractor Supply Co 64.59, Tyson Tipton 65, UNUM Life Ins 184.20, USPS 282.01, Verendrye Electric Coop 299, Verizon 453.20, Visa 2548.88, Waste Management 2358.38, Wiest Assoc 1313, Woody’s 28.35, and February Payroll $79,055.23. Upon RCV, MC.
AMORY FIRE: Nordby updated the council on the Armory Fire. Offices are ready to be reconstructed. There is still an odor in the entryway and gym.
2020 SPRING WORKSHOP: Cherie or Karen will attend. Nordby wanted to know if any other council members would like to attend.
ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: Chris Nyhus with Nyhus Law Firm introduced Mr Stittleburg. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to appoint NATHAN STITTLEBURG as the assistant City Attorney. Upon VV, MC.
BACKGROUND CHECKS: The council discussed having Chris check to see if a person has to be a Private Investigator to perform background checks or what are the requirements. M by Baltrusch, MS by Bartz to approve Chris reviewing. Upon VV, MC.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION: Mr Stittleburg has presented language to the council for the property tax exemption to be placed on the ballot for the June 2020 Election. “Shall the governing body of the City of Harvey be empowered to Grant property tax exemptions upon application of new or Expanding retail sector businesses.” M by Anderson, MS by Eckart to approve the language as presented. Upon VV, MC.
FORCLOSED PROPERTY LIST: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to have properties inspected before placing them up for bids. Upon VV, MC.
FM TRANSLATOR ANTENNA: Your Catholic Radio Station has requested to place their antenna on the water tower. M by Baltrush to approve, motion died due to no Second.
LEMER’S TRUE VALUE: Lemer’s True Value has requested use of the parking lot at the Corner of 10th Street and Lincoln Avenue to set-up a greenhouse. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve this request with a deposit of $250. Lemer’s will need to make sure the lot is cleaned up properly once the greenhouse is taken down. The deposit will be refunded with the daily rental rate subtracted. Upon VV, MC.
CITY CLEAN UP PROJECT: The council discussed a city-wide cleanup day. M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda, to approve. Upon VV, MC.
ARMORY POLLING PLACE: County Commissioners voted to allow the City of Harvey to be a Polling Place for the election on June 9, 2020.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 5:30 pm
Wednesday February 12th, 2020 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at Harvey City Hall in the Veteran’s room on Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Shelley Svoboda, Susan Bartz and Bob Weninger. Absent none.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Paul Gunderson, Carol Danks and Chief Tony Webb.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Joy Stoltz, Beth Huseth, Ted Mertz, Chad Friese and Marci Eckart
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
RECOVERY HOUSE: Joy Stoltz and Beth Huseth updated the council on the Recovery House project. They are searching for a property to use. Adam Martin with F5 is looking to expand his program and would like to see if they are a good fit to help with this project. No sex offenders or violent felons will be accepted to the program. Participants will have to be employed. Currently, F5 is offering peer support and care coordination in the Harvey Area.
ATHLETIC BUBBLE PROJECT: Chad Friese summarized the Athletic Bubble Project. He explained what the bubble was, where it could be located and what it could be used for. He is trying to get support and see if the community is even interested before he gets further into the project.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson informed the council he is working on grant applications. He presented the MABU version of the new Harvey website. He is working on a ½ day conference for February 26, 2020 at the Cobblestone Inn. Kathryn Burgum will be the key speaker. They are expecting 60 people. He is keeping himself very busy with Economic Development.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb did not have a report. He could not pull up stats because of a power outage. He has 4 referrals for a new hire. The new vehicle is supposed to be here the middle of April. He has been having problems with the bodycams.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson discussed the need for a hanging furnace at the water treatment plant at a cost of $2,630.00 M by Weninger, MS by Eckart, to approve the purchase. Upon VV, MC. 6 more skid filter replacements are needed at the WTP for $4,170.00, as well as a scale which will cost $1,000.00. M by Eckart, MS by Anderson, to approve the purchase. Upon VV, MC. WTP valve replacements are needed. M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to purchase 3 plus one extra for each size. Plus pay training to install valves for $5,500-$6,000.00, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Security cameras are being installed 2-13-20 to be paid for by a homeland security grant. M by Eckart, MS by Weninger, to approve payment to Moore Engineering for invoice #22970 for $16,357.60. Upon RCV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrush, MS by Anderson, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on Jan 8th. Upon RCV, MC
CASH REPORT: M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with January Revenue of $291,914.73. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Airside Solutions 614.58, American Water Works Assoc 75, Ameripride 188.18, Arrow Service Team 110035.60, Bank of ND 15084, Bismarck Tribune 91, Black Mountain Software 100, Cendak Cooperative 15, Central Business Systems 116, City of Harvey 112, Coast to Coast Solutions 157.47, Cole Papers 53.99, Core & Main 480.09, Cosun Biobased Products 5160, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 102.96, Dales Radiator & Repair 224, Faul Excavating 1430, Ferguson Waterworks LLC 686.99, First Lutheran Church 180, For Goodness Sakes 54.15, Galls Inc 119.98, Hannah Tuenge 86.25, Harvey Motor Service 34.31, Harvey Oil Co 5974.77, Harvey Public School 1867, HAV-IT Recycling 2825.80, HAV-IT Services 195, Hawkins Inc 391.34, Herald Press 205.69, Hinrichs 431.75, Hometown Variety 27.46, Hornbacher’s 58.94, Information Technology Dept 68.20, KHND Radio 200, Kotaco 2321.98, Krafty’s Bar & Grill 414.50, Lautts Feed & Supply 8.75, Lemer’s Ace 261.41, Little Mart 100.57, MFOA 60, Midamerica Books 259.40, Midee Auto 156, Monte Knudtson 850, Municipal Government Academy 30, Municipal Judges Assoc 25, NAPA 115.34, NDTC 3320.95, NDWPCC 40, ND Depart of Health/Microbiology 64, ND Dept of Environmental Quality 120, ND Dept of Health 260.71, ND League of Cities 1539, North Dakota Living 2875, North Dakota Rural Water Systems 270, North Dakota State Library 35, Nyhus Law 925, Office of the State Auditor 280, One Call Concepts 4.90, Ottertail 15475.87, Patzer Truck Repair 82.11, Paul Gunderson 3732, Rough Rider Industries 468.02, Syn-Tech Systems 44.5, Tractor Supply Co 547.36, UNUM Life Ins 214.90, USPS 475.22, Verendrye Electric Coop 636, Verizon 453.20, Visa 614.85, Warehouse 542.25, Waste Management 9880.66, Water Environment Federation 90, Wells County Treasurer 453.89, Wiest Assoc 340, Woody’s 67.14, and January Payroll $102,529.41. Upon RCV, MC.
AMORY FIRE: Nordby updated the council on the Armory Fire. We are waiting on plans from the architect for the reconstruction of the offices. The Gym, Kitchen and Kiwanis areas have been available to the public since the beginning of February except for the offices. The DOT plans to be here February 19th for driver licenses.
PROPERTY TAX CREDIT AND ABATEMENT: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrush to approve the application for the Veterans Tax Credit for parcel #80484000.
2020 SPRING WORKSHOP: Cherie or Karen will attend. Nordby wanted to know if any other council members would like to attend.
PROPERTY AT 1005 COULEE AVE: M by Eckart, MS by Anderson to proceed per ordinance regarding clean up after fire. Upon VV, MC.
BUSINESS TAX EXEMPTIONS: The consensus of the council is to explore the legality of adding to the June ballot.
VOTING: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger, to proceed with approaching the Wells County Commissioner to have the Armory in Harvey as a voting venue in the 2020 elections. Upon RCV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, January 8th, 2020
Wednesday January 8th, 2020 5:30pm
409 Brewster St W Harvey, ND 58341
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at HAV-IT Services conference room on Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Shelley Svoboda and Bob Weninger. Absent was Susan Nannenga.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Paul Gunderson, Carol Danks and Chief Tony Webb.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson and Marci Eckart
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s informed the council he is busy working on grant applications. He is working on a one-day conference on February 7, 2020. They are expecting 60-100 people. He is keeping himself very busy with Economic Development.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb went over his year-end report. He has experienced low number of calls, not much crime. The new crew is doing well.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson discussed the power outage in January, he needed to hook the portable generator up to the Coulee Lift Station. He has been in contact with Tammy Roerich the Wells County Emergency Manager to see if she knew of any grants for a generator. She may have some available. The consensus of the council is to get more information and prices. The WTP needs a booster pump for $1,700. M by Baltrush, MS by Weninger to approve request. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. The updated BCBS premium was reviewed.
MINUTES: M by Baltrush, MS by Svoboda, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on Dec 11th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Svoboda, MS by Weninger, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with December Revenue of $219,073.07. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Svoboda, MS by Weninger, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 188.18, Arrow Service Team 65000, Coast to Coast Solutions 415.82, Cole Papers 207.82, Core & Main 10247.25, Display Sales Co 354, Dacotah Paper 768.91, DHB 1300, Emery-Pratt 49.32, First International Bank 400, First State Bank 610, Gaffaney’s 9824.31, Grant Eisenzimmer $255.20, Harvey Ambulance Service 100 Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 3900, Harvey Chemical Health 500, Harvey Oil Co 3452.31, Hav-it Services 178, Herald Press 413.03, Hinrichs 772.14, Hometown Variety 67.25, Hornbacher’s 116.76, Information Technology Dept 68.20, John Deere Fin 1051.36, Karen Nordby 95, Kotaco 2073.60, Lemer’s Ace 91.16, Lexipol 2333, Little Mart 144.97, Monte Knudtson 850, NAPA 38.99, ND Clerk’s Assoc 100, ND League of Cities 600, NDWPCC 20, Nyhus Law 686.25, Ottertail 383.01, Paul Gunderson 3627.60, Perfect Petals 54.99, Post Board 45, Powerplan 1736.52, QBS Safeguard 352.85, Ripplinger Motors 706.73, Smart Apple Media 132.68, Sweeney Controls 390, Symbolarts 150, Syn-Tech Systems 44.55, The Library Store 259.87, Uniform Center 1004.99, UNUM Life Ins 214.90, USPS 231.30, Verizon 454.52,Visa 14087.91, Warehouse 308, Waste Management 3570.72, Wells Cty JDA 4999.92, Wells County Treasurer 38223.51, Wiest Assoc 2082.50, Woody’s 108, and December Payroll $86,292.67. Upon RCV, MC.
AMORY FIRE: Nordby updated the council on the Armory Fire. The building will hopefully be available to the public by the end of January except for the offices. The DOT plans to be here January 15th for driver licenses.
LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrush to approve the Liquor License Renewals for the Cobblestone Inn for 2020. Upon VV, MC.
CVB/HARVEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: M by Eckart, MS by Anderson to give to the CVB/COC to $3500 per quarter. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to accept Chris Kara (CSK Ventures, LLC) request on a special event permit to have a private sales event at Tom’s Home Furnishings on January 24th from 3:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATE DEPOSITORIES OF PUBLIC FUNDS: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to designate the First State Bank, First International Bank, Dakota Heritage Bank and Bank of North Dakota as the depositories of public funds which meet pledge security requirements. Upon VV, MC.
APPROVE SALE OF ALL CITY PROPERTY: M by Anderson, MS by Svoboda to approve the sale of all real property owned by the City of Harvey upon bid acceptance by the City Council. Upon RCV, MC.
BUDGET AMENDMENTS & TRANSFERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Budget Amendments. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weningers to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Transfers as submitted. Upon RCV, MC.
RAFFLE PERMIT: Harvey Wildlife Club requested Raffle Permit #20-01. M by Baltrusch, MS Weninger by to approve raffle permit #20-01 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the site authorization requested for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation on March 7, 2020 at the Harvey Eagles Club. Upon VV, MC.
According to Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2 & 44-04-19.1.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to open Executive session regarding Armory Building. Upon VV, MC.
Executive session starts at 6:38 pm and was recorded. In attendance were Mayor Adams, Weninger, Eckart, Baltrusch, Anderson, Svoboda, Nordby, Erickson, and Danks.
M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to adjourn executive session. Upon VV, MC.
Executive session closed by Mayor Ann at 7:26pm.
Mayor Adams opened the meeting to the public
M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda, to hire an architect. Upon VV, MC
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, December 11th, 2019
Wednesday December 11th, 2019 5:30pm
900 Lincoln Ave Harvey, ND 58341
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met at Lincoln & 9 on Wednesday, December 11th, 2019 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Susan Nannenga, Shelley Svoboda and Bob Weninger. Absent were Rick Eckart and Melissa Anderson.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Paul Gunderson, Carol Danks and Chief Tony Webb. Police Officers Jennifer Dvorak Bierman and Officer Paul Emmett
VISITORS: Neil Nelson and Kevin Bierman
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s informed the council he is busy working on grant applications. He has completed an RFP for a business that would like to locate in ND. He continues to work with MABU on the new Website. He is keeping himself very busy with Economic Development.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb recited the Oath of Office for Officer Jennifer Dvorak and Officer Paul Emmett to complete the installation. He informed the council the new Tahoe will arrive in the spring of 2020. He talked about the policy manual for the PD that was completed a few years ago using the LEXIPOL. He would like to purchase a subscription to update the manual. M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve $2300 for one year. Upon VV, MC. The Chief discussed the blockage of the Rail Crossing on Highway 3 for long periods. He has been receiving several complaints. He has had a conversation with the Public Service Commission on the possible danger it could cause. If anyone has issues the Chief is requesting our citizens call 1-800-716-9132 to report the blockage.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson discussed the old Christmas Decorations. He would like to get the rest of them revamped with LED bulbs. He will get some prices and let the council know before the next holiday season. He has been working on the Airport lights. His department continues to work on keeping our streets clean from the snow.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She requested approval for the pay request of a Moore Engineering Invoice for $4037.95. It will be paid from the 2016 Street Improvement Project. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve pay request. Upon VV, MC. Karen discussed the Annual Christmas party to be held on Jan11, 2020 at Krafty’s.
MINUTES: M by Svoboda, MS by Weninger, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on Nov 13th and Special Meeting Nov 20th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Svoboda, MS by Weninger, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with November Revenue of $242,824.63. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Svoboda, MS by Weninger, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Agency Mabu 5570, Ameripride 188.18, Axon Enterprises 699, Barr 12,000, Carol Danks 45, Central Valley Health 75, Cherie Heisler 180, City of Harvey 7998, Coast to Coast Solutions 271.90, Cole Papers 959.38, Dales 31, Emery-Pratt 19.34, First International Bank 400, Hach 659.63, HFD 7472, Harvey Motor Service 100.57, Harvey Oil Co 5094.40, Hav-it Services 435.00, Hawkins Inc. 1595.80, Herald Press 623.38, Highplains Equip 330.95, Jamey Weinmann 180, John Deere Fin 81.76, John Donarski 180, JW’s 55.44, Karen Nordby 383.28, Keith Olson 133.00, Kotaco 1874.35, Lemer’s Ace 737.91, Lynette Mertz 75, MidAmerica Books 151.60, Miller Clothing 155, Minitex 71, Minot Daily 239.20, Monte Knudtson 850, Moore Engineering 2640, NAPA 59.87, NDTC 1666.40, NDRWS 245, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology 32, NDWU 300, Nyhus Law 1540.25, One Call Concepts 2.40, Ottertail 6876.33, Patzer Truck Repair 578.83, Paul Gunderson 3500, Ripplinger Motors 671.49, Rocky Mountain Print Sol 103.20, Sanitation Products 922.51, Steve Lien 180, Swanston 116.75, TSC 268.35, Uniform Center 533.97, US Bank 500, USPS 231.02, Verendrye Electric 305,Verizon 454.52,Visa 1724.17, Waste Management 15,101.11, Westlie Motor 2056.57, Wiest Assoc 7311 and November Payroll $85,371.36. Upon RCV, MC.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: The City Council discussed the recycling center’s request for a rate increase. The council support’s the efforts of the recycling center and wants to continue in the partnership. After many months and hours of discussion. The council has decided to increase the recycling rate to $2.00 on the utility bill not to be reviewed or increased again until after 2021. The City Council discussed all the recycling products being stored outside. As stated in the city’s ordinances, the material needs to be stored inside or sold due to health reasons such as rodent harboring. M by Weninger, MS by Nannenga to approve the increase as long as the conditions are met. Upon VV,MC.
AMORY FIRE: Nordby updated the council on the Armory Fire. The building is closed to the public until the demolition and the cleaning has been completed. The office has been moved to the temporary location at 1012 Lincoln Ave. Business hours will be the same Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Friday 8:00AM to 12:00PM.
LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the Liquor License Renewals for the Harvey Bottle Shop, Eagles Club, Little Mart, JW’s, Ta Ahni’s, Krafty’s Bar & Grill and Spectator’s for 2020. Upon VV, MC.
TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to accept tax foreclosed properties from Wells County: Block 1, Lot 5 –Mill’s Addition; Block C – Frueh’s Addition; Block 6, Lot 1 – Original Townsite; Block 1, Lot 3 – Sheards Sub Div Outlot B, Hanchett’s Addition. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, November 13th, 2019
Wednesday, November 13th, 2019 at 5:30pm
Lincoln Ave
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV-Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried.
The Harvey City Council met in Harvey Chamber of Commerce Conference on Wednesday, November 13th, 2019
at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Shelley Svoboda, Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Bob Weninger, Susan Nannenga and Milo Baltrusch. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Kenny Erickson, Dr Paul Gunderson and Chief Tony Webb.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson, Radigan Neuhalfen and Chad Friese.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ARMORY FIRE: Chad Friese updated the Council on the Fire at the Armory on Nov 10, 2019 at approx. 12:45. One of the office areas was severely damaged with flames where the fire started. The main office was heavily damaged by smoke. The other offices had smoke damage as well as the rest of the facility. The fire department responded to the fire with in minutes of the call. The Fire Marshal has investigated the fire. She felt it had been smoldering for several hours before the flames broke out the office window. He has submitted claims to State Fire and Tornado Fund and NDIRF. He will work closely with the Funds, Arrow Cleaning and Restoration and Karen on the claim. The City of Harvey is very thankful for an awesome fire department. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to show appreciation for the FD by providing them with a meal. Upon VV, MC.
The council discussed relocation of the offices. The Police Department can use the Airport Terminal since it is vacant. Dr. Gunderson will be working from home and at First Luthran Church. Mayor Ann, Karen and Kenny looked at several locations to move to until the Armory is ready. One of the locations is empty and ready to be moved into ASAP. The consensus of the council is to move into 1012 Lincoln Ave for as long as it takes. The location has enough space for the office girls, the Auditor, the Public Works Director and the JDA Director. The insurance policy will cover leasing a new place until we are able to move back to the Armory. The consensus of the council is for Karen and Kenny to purchase what the City needs to be operational.
The council decide to postpone the Regular Council Meeting to November 18, 2019 at a location to be determined.
M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to accept E.J. Parks resignation. Upon VV, MC.
With no further business meeting adjourned.
___________________________ __________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, October 9th, 2019
Wednesday October 9th, 2019 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, October 9th, 2019 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Susan Nannenga and Rick Eckart. Absent were Shelley Svoboda and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Paul Gunderson and Chief Tony Webb.
VISITORS: Marci Eckart, Josh Feil, Tim Huseth, Gerald Wilcox and Dale Muscha.
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil with Moore Engineering updated the council on the questionnaire from DWSRF. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the drinking water requests. Upon VV, MC. Josh talked about the status of the street project. He presented change order #13 for $16,880 to repair 7th Street in between Hwy 3 and Park Ave. The chip sealing will be finished in 2020 for the patches. M by Anderson, MS by Nannenga to approve Charge Order. Upon VV, MC. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve Bituminous Pay Application 10 for $94,909.79. Upon RCV, MC. M by Eckart, MS by Anderson to approve invoice #21771 to Moore Engineering for $10,774.10. Upon VV MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve pay request to Susag Sand and Gravel for $1,144, City of Harvey for bulk water $63.38 and Braun Intertec for $1,315.75. Upon VV, MC. He talked about the truck route. He does not recommend allowing trucks to use the underpass and change the truck route. The Street was not build for it and it will decrease the life of the street.
Mayor Adams called the Public Meeting to order.
PUBLIC HEARING-BUDGET 2020: Auditor Nordby addressed the council on the budget for 2020. M by Anderson MS by Nannenga to approve the 2020 Final Budget. Upon RVC MC.
FUND Amount Levied
1000 General-Schedule B………………………. $340,000
2060 Emergency……………………………… $2,000
Recreation………………………………. $15,000
Special Revenue Funds-Schedule C
Special Assessments-City Share………….. $17,000
Library………………………………….. $23,970
Economic Development………………… $3000
7050 Airport…………………………………… $7500
300 Debt Service Funds-Schedule D
SID 31A………………………………… $
SID 32………………………………….. $
Sidewalk 34…………………………….. $
Water Tower……………………………. $
Water Treatment Plant………………….. $
Water Sewer & Ext……..………………. $
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and Re-opened the City Council Meeting.
Josh from Moore Engineering continued with the changes in Street Project Improvement 2016-1 special assessments to fix errors. The council reviewed an email from City Attorney Chris Nyhus. He cited the provision cited below requires a new assessment imposed in the same manner as the first. “Such reassessment or new assessment shall comply as closely as possible with the making of the assessment in the first instance and may bear interest from the date of the approval of the assessment so set aside, When the reassessment or new assessment shall have been made and confirmed by the governing body, it shall be enforced and collected in the same manner that other special assessments are enforced and collected.”
PER N.D.C.C. 40-26-02. Correcting errors, mistakes and deficiencies in special assessments.
If errors or mistakes occur in making an assessment in respect to the total cost of the improvement or otherwise, or if there was a deficiency in any assessment, the governing body shall cause additional assessments to be made in the manner provided in section 40-26-03 to supply such deficiencies or correct such errors or mistakes. The total of all special assessments for an improvement shall not exceed the benefits to the property derived from such improvement, An additional assessment shall be a lien upon the lots and lands on which it is levied, shall be payable in the same manner and in the same installments, shall draw interest at the same rate and shall be enforced through the same procedure as the original assessment.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: Tim Huseth and Gerald Wilcox discussed the need for another increase for the recycling center. They would like the City Council to think about the increase until next month when they come back.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s activity report was in the pack for council to review. He informed the council the Renaissance Zone with the added blocks was accepted by the State of ND for renewal for 5 years. He has continued to work on the Opportunity Zone applications. He has completed the grant application for the new clubhouse at the golf course from the Garrison Diversion Conservancy.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. He reported citations this month have decreased due to small staff. He will have a new officer starting Sept 24. He has been working with Sheridan Animal Hospital to find a way to house animals if they are picked up. The Vet would have to have a separate small building to house the animals. Chief Webb will look into cost and present to the council in Oct.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson discussed an invoice for Electric pump to repair one of the lift station pumps. M by Baltrusch, MS by Nannenaga to approve repairing the pumps. Upon VV, MC. He talked about the new Micro Chlor system at the WTP. They will need new feed pumps. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve purchasing new pumps. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review.
MINUTES: M by Anderson, MS by Eckart, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on 8/14 and Special Meetings 8/28 and 9/4. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Anderson, MS by Eckart, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with August Revenue of $156,421.25. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Anderson, MS by Eckart, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Agency Mabu 3570, AAOND 75, Airside Solutions 63.84, Ameripride 89.66, BMS 100, Blue 360 Media 261.64, City of Harvey 426.83, Cole Papers 1645.27, Dales 187, EJ Parks 139.20, Electric Pump 1685.95, Emery-Pratt 41.35, Ferguson Waterworks 484.14, Friedt’s Yard Service 700, Galls 600.36, Golden West Ind Suppply 487.86, Grand Forks Fire Equip 33,000, Guardian Fleet Safety 1530.33, Hach Company 60.98, HACTC 78, Harvey Motor Service 100.29, Harvey Oil Co 2174.24, Hav-It Recycling 1345.21, Hav-it Services 714.50, Hawkins Inc. 1445.80, Herald Press 317.74, Hinrichs Super Valu 523.15, Hometown Variety 32.73, ITD 197.85, Karen Nordby 87, Kotaco 2656.69, Lemer’s Ace 1847.50, Little Mart 11.99, Martha Meranda 50.42, Mid Dakota Lumber 148.23, Moore Eng 4117.50, MGA 55, NAPA 177.58, NDTC 1661.35, NDDOH 157.72, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology 32, One Call Concepts 20.40, Ottertail 7829.12, Patzer Truck Repair 120.02, Paul Gunderson 3500.00, Pennworthy 16.56, Perfect Petals 80, Railroad Management Co 235.41, Ripplinger Motors 45, Rooster Repair 10.84, Rough Rider 1078, Smart Apple Medie 163.86, Susag Sand & Gravel 1144, State Fire&Tornado 8219.88, Tony Webb 329.23, Towner County 500, Uniform Center 59.98, Unum Life Insurance 329.23, US Postal Service 281.28, Verendrye Electric 212, Verizon 469.78,Visa 1966.55, Waste Management 5617.4 and August Payroll 83,653.95. Upon RCV, MC.
BANK PROPOSAL: Mayor Ann discussed the Motion from the previous meeting. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to rescind the motion to move funds to First International Bank at 2% interest rate for 1 year. Upon RCV, MC. Anderson abstained from voting. The consensus of the council is to advertise in the official newspaper for sealed bids to be opened at the next council meeting.
RAFFLE PERMITS: Harvey Wildlife Club requested Raffle Permit #19-08. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve raffle permit #19-08 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC. Harvey Music requested Raffle Permit #19-09. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve raffle permit #17-13 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
APPOINTMENT OF CITY ASSESSOR: M by Anderson, MS by Eckart to appoint Jana Schimelfenig to the position of City Assessor. Upon VV, MC.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: the minutes were included in the packet. M by Baltrusch, MS by Nannenga to approve the variances. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 5:30pm
Veterans Room
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV-Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried.
The Harvey City Council met in the Veterans Room on Wednesday, September 4, 2019
at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Shelley Svoboda, Rick Eckart, Susan Nannenga, Melissa Anderson, Bob Weninger and Milo Baltrusch. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby and City Attorney Chris Nyhus via tele-conference.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
POLICE DEPARTMENT- The council meet to discuss the police department. The council talked about Officer Head’s resignation. The consensus of the council is to follow the Personnel Policy Manual regarding Officer Heads request to be paid out 50% of his sick leave upon his resignation. The policy states that persons leaving employment after ten continuous years of service will receive payment for one-tenth of accrued sick leave at current rate of pay at termination. His vacation pay will be paid out as per the policy as well. M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to accept Officer Head’s resignation with his last day of employment 9/4/2019. Upon VV, MC. The council discussed the police committee. The consensus of the council is we need to develop a strong police department to increase our retention of officers. One way to improve the department is to decrease the micro management and increasing the functionality of the Chief. M by Svoboda, MS by Weninger to temporarily disband the police committee. Once a functional PD is established, it would be recreated. The city council will be the decision makers. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS Eckart to appoint police hiring committee which would include the Mayor, the Police Chief and one council member per Personnel Policy manual. Milo Baltrusch will represent the city council on the next round of interviews. Upon VV, MC.
Officer EJ Parks was discussed. He has been placed on unpaid administrative leave for 30 days. M by Eckart, MS by Svoboda to extend Office Parks probationary period for an additional 6 months. Upon VV, MC.
With no further business meeting adjourned.
___________________________ __________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, August 14th, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14th, 2019 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, August 14th, 2019 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Susan Nannenga, Rick Eckart and Bob Weninger. Absent Shelley Svoboda.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Paul Gunderson, Chief Tony Webb, and Kelli Tipton.
VISITORS: Marci Eckart, Eric Tuenge, Neil Nelson, Officer Henry Head, Doug Fike and City Attorney Chris Nyhus.
Mayor Adams called the Public Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
DOUG FIKE – HARVEY READY MIX: Doug Fike discussed his concerns with how the train and truck route are hindering his ability to run his business. He asked the council if the use of the underpass is possible. Mayor Ann informed him the city would talk to its Engineers and review options.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s activity report was in the pack for council to review. He informed the council there have been 4 new businesses open since Jan 1st, 2019 with several others looking to locate to the area. He notified them that the Renaissance Zone Application needs to be completed this month. There will be a public hearing Aug 28th at 5:30pm on the matter. The Governor has asked the City and Paul to do 5 presentations at the Main Street Initiative Meeting.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. He reported that there were not many calls or citations this month. Chief Webb submitted a quote from Dakota Fence for the impound lot as requested. M by Eckart, MS by Weninger to deny the request for an impound lot. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson discussed the complaints he has received. He informed the council a letter has been sent to have them clean up the property. Mayor Ann proceeded to open bids on 58’ IH 460 Tractor from, Jim Lelm $1600, Lowell Anderson $500, Mike Prom $950, David Loess $1200, Mick Black $576 and Midee Auto $1763. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson, to accept the highest bid from Midee Auto. Upon VV, MC. Baltrusch abstained from voting. Mayor Ann opened bids for 1996 Ford XL 150 from David Loess $750 and Brad $352. M by Anderson, MS by Weninger, to accept the highest bid from David Loess. Upon VV, MC. Erickson updated the council on the dilapidated houses asbestos report. Attorney Chris Nyhus added that letters are complete. He will be reviewing them and plans to have them out in 7-10 days. Erickson brought forth a potential project of a park model home, sun room and garage into Meadow Lane. The consensus of the Council is to have the Board of Adjustments review the park model questions and concerns.
RESIGNATION/APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL MEMBER: Mayor Adams updated the council on the resignation of council member Donny Hoepfer. Adams requested the council appoint a new member. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson, to appoint Susan Nannenga as City Council Member. Upon VV, MC. Susan joined council at the table.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She has been busy working on the budget. She requested an account fund to be moved. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart, to move account #3181000 fund 2130 to fund 4050. Upon RCV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on 7/10 and 7/31. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with June Revenue of $193,730.64. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Agency Mabu 3570, Albert Vanriper III 25, Armor Interactive 1100, Bank of ND 152,510.07, CenDak 113.93, City of Harvey 412.69, Cliff Grosz Estate C/O A Sundahl 107.60, Cole Papers 3432.30, D&B Portables LLC 150, Dakota Fire Extingushers, Inc 237.50, Dales Radiator & Repair 1059.50, Diamond Vogel 894.30, Elite Spraying 2493.10, Emery-Pratt 46.79, Farmers Union Oil Company 5932.85, Farmers Union Oil & C-Store 283.50, Friedt’s Yard Service 750, GCR Tire Centers 635.48, Hach Company 450.41, HACTC 156, Harvey Motor Service 510.88, Harvey Oil Co 2460.60, Harvey Park District 9050.80, Hav-It Recycling 1290.60, Hav-it Services 334.50, Hawkins Inc. 1918.62, Herald Press 248.49, Hinrichs Super Valu 732.83, Information Technology Dept 66.85, John Deere Financial 96.07, Keller Plbg. HGT. Air Cond 186.50, KHND 200, Kotaco 969.28, Layne & Rochelle Opstedal 75, L.A.W.S. Emergency Vehicle 16400.94, Lemer’s Ace 3435.07, Little Mart 110.37, MidAmerican Research Chemical 61.07, Mid Dakota Lumber 64.01, Midee Auto 162.42, NDAREC 25, NAPA 605.34, NDTC 1681.71, ND Dept of Environmental Quality 25.00, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology 32, Nyhus Law Firm 2775, Olson Zerr 315.53, One Call Concepts 18,Oleksandr Yehorov 6, Online Dakota Information 2742, Ottertail 8775.10, Paul Gunderson 3500.00, Paul Hanson 90, Police 440, Powerplan 1633, Ripplinger Motors 45, Rooster Repair 3251.92, Rough Rider 1078, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 56.97, Share Corporation 195.57, Sweeney Controls Company 681.55, Symbolarts, LLC 506.25, TJ Plumbing 5570, Tony Webb 348.96, Tractor Supply Co 270.42, Trev Zerr 178, Turtle Mountain League 400, Uniform Center 219.99, Univar 1471.25, Unum Life Insurance 185.25, US Postal Service 229.89, Verendrye Electric 254, Verizon 294.18, Vessco 260.98, Visa 901.75, Wallwork Truck Center 225.38 Warehouse 815.89, Waste Management 6163.72, Water Environment Fed 155, Wells County Clerk of Court 500, Woody’s 49.80 and July Payroll 90,030.29 Upon RCV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to accept all changes and correction to The City of Harvey Special Event Permit. Upon VV, MC.
HARVEY COUNTRY CLUB: Information for the Harvey Golf Course and City of Harvey Lease was discussed. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to keep The City of Harvey as loss payee on the lease. Upon VV, MC.
BANK PROPOSAL: Auditor Nordby brought forth the offer to transfer funds to First International Bank. M by Baltrusch, MS by Nannenga to move funds to First International Bank at 2% interest rate for 1 year. Upon RCV, MC. Anderson abstained from voting.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Erickson noted that the PSI is installed and running. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch, to approve final payment on PSI equipment start up and training for $13,970. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve TJ Plumbing invoice for $5348 for work at WTP. Upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Eckart to approve Sweeney Invoice for $681.55. Upon VV, MC. Erickson noted that all crosswalks have been painted. He asked the council if they had any other requests for mudjacking on Garfield St. The council had no areas to add. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve Bituminous Invoice #9 for $80,516.68. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve Pace Invoice for $8,506.71 for sewer televising and jetting. Upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Eckart to approve Moore Engineering invoice for $18,674.10. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: Specials were discussed. It was tabled until next meeting.
According to Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2 & 44-04-19.1 to discuss police department.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to go into Executive session to discuss Police Department. Upon VV, MC.
Executive session started at 7:00pm and was recorded. In attendance were Mayor Adams, Weninger, Eckart, Baltrusch, Nannenga, Anderson, Nordby, Webb, and Nyhus.
M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to adjourn executive session. Upon VV, MC.
Executive session closed by Mayor Ann at 8:45pm.
Mayor Adams opened the meeting to the public
M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to have Chris Nyhus find an investigator. Upon VV, MC.
ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Auditor Nordby informed the council of Annual Conference on September 19-21st in Bismarck.
NEW COMPUTERS: Auditor Nordby discussed some of the office computers that need to be replaced. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the purchase of a new Deputy Auditor computer for $1270. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the purchase of a new JDA Director computer and projector for $2129. Upon VV, MC.
JOHNSON LETTER: Verna Johnson had written a letter regarding her yard at 908 Alder. M by Anderson, MS by Weninger, to deny the request to discount her grass mowing bill. Upon VV, MC.
PROPANE BIDS: Mayor Adams opened the propane bids from Kotaco for 21,000 gal @ $1.07 no taxes, and Harvey Oil Co for 21,000 gallons @ $.89 no taxes. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to accept the bid from Harvey Oil. Upon VV, MC.
M by Weninger, MS by Batrusch to appoint Delores Stolz to Emergency Committee and to appoint Susan Nannenga to Library and Police Committee. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to approve the preliminary budget for 2020 as presented. Upon RCV, MC. The preliminary budget is on file at the Auditor’s office.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, July 31st, 2019
Monday, July 31, 2019
Veterans Room
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV-Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried.
The Harvey City Council met in the Veterans Room on Monday June 24, 2019 at 5:00pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Bob Weninger and Milo Baltrusch. Absent was Shelley Svoboda. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby and Public Works Director Kenny Erickson.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order.
STREET PROJECT- Public Works Director Erickson discussed the area on 8th Street around Adams Ave. The sewer has been televised and area of concern has been identified. The pipe is shifted or is collapsed. He is recommending hiring a contractor to dig, repair, patch and chip seal it. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to repair the sewer. The cost would be paid for from the Street Project. Upon VV, MC.
With no further business meeting adjourned.
___________________________ __________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, July 10th, 2019
Wednesday July 10, 2019 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Bob Weninger, Donnie Hoepfer, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, and Shelley Svoboda.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Paul Gunderson, Chief Tony Webb, and Kelli Tipton.
VISITORS: Cayle Paulson, Radigan Neuhalfen, Marci Eckart and Josh Feil.
Mayor Adams called the regular meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Cayle Paulson with the Harvey Country Club approached the council regarding the lease agreement with the City. He asked for several of the requirements in the lease to be removed. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart, to remove the following requirements from the lease 1. To give notice to the City any improvements over $100,000 2. To provide the City written notice of any damages 3. Name the City as loss payee. Upon VV, MC with 4 ayes and 2 opposed.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil from Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. Feil informed the council that the street project is just about completed. He clarified that chip/seal is done with the exception of areas where cars were parked. He stated that substantial completion will be August 3rd. A few areas still need to be finished. M by Hoepfer, MS by Weninger, to approve of Change Order #12 for $5,500. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer, to approve of Bituminous invoice for $555,973.66. Upon RCV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart, to approve of Moore Engineering invoice for $24,105.50. Upon RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Webb’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. He reported to the council about the 4th of July weekend festivities. He requested council look at changing the security price for events. After much discussion, M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch, to raise security rate to $200 for first four hours. Upon RCV, MC. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson, to amend original motion to $200 for first four hours, and $50 per hour for any additional hours. Upon VV, MC. Chief Webb continued to inform council on dog cage installation and possible new employees. He stated that he and Police Officer Parks will be leaving for academy in August to obtain their ND POST license. He discussed the out dated shotguns and rifles that are being used by the department. He feels they are unsafe since they are so old. He would like the City of Harvey to purchase 4 AR-15 and 4 shotguns. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson, to approve the request. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. The council asked Erickson about the dilapidated properties. The residence at 513 Burke Ave has been sent a letter to clean up the property. The inspection information at the residence at 908 Alder Ave is at the City Attorney’s Office. The attorney should be sending out a letter soon.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Paul Gunderson’s activity report was in the pack for council to view. He informed the council on all the meetings he has attended. He also noted about a natural gas pipeline project he is looking into. He asked council to review the map for the Renaissance Zone. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson, to approve the resolution for renewing the Established Renaissance Zone in the City of Harvey for 5 more years. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Karen updated the council on the budget timeline.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger, to approve of changes and corrections to the minutes of the Regular Meeting on June 12th and June 25th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with June Revenue of $67040.40. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger, to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Agrey Bosire 500, Ameripride 159.62, Bank of ND 6130.02, Bob Herrington 40.02, Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 712.87, City of Harvey 13.96, Cole Papers 1832.82, Cordell Schmitz 60.37, Core & Main 665.24, D&B Portables LLC 150, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 33.99, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 15, Double E Designs 114, Electronic Communication 796, Emery-Pratt Co 220.88, Farmers Union Oil 43.72, Ferguson Waterworks 1841.65, First State Bank 5, Friedt’s Yard Service 1250, Gaffaney’s 305.21, Gerrells & Company, Inc 319.95, Grand Forks Fire Equip. LLC 1292.98, Harvey Chamber of Commerce 4050, Harvey Farmers Elevator 4814, Harvey Motor Service 66.99, Hav-It Recycling 1287.40, Hav-it Services 342, Hawkins Inc. 3298.76, Herald Press 471.14, Highplains Equipment 424.95, Hinrichs Super Valu 927.04, Hometown Variety 5.97, HR Collaborative 50, Jason Bambenek 135, Karen Nordby 168.40, Kotaco 2705.38, Lautt’s Feed and Supply Co 33.20, Lemer’s Ace 378.53, Les Lee 200, Little Mart 512.94, Mary Ziola 300, Midamerica Books 119.70, Mid Dakota Lumber 150.63, Midee Auto 341.50, Mid States Organized Crime Info, 100, Moore Engineering 10892.50, NAPA Auto Parts 143.66, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 82, ND Dept. of Health 70, ND Dept of Envirnmental Quality 300, NDTC 2303.90, Nyhus Law Firm 5060, Olsen Zerr 84.79, One Call Concepts 62.40, Ottertail 7421.66, Patty Hager 80, Paul Gunderson 3500.00, Penworthy 103.32, Perfection Auto Body 450, Powerplan 649.17, Ripplinger Motors Inc 646.77, Rooster Repair 16, Rough Rider Industries 492.78, Star Business Forms 806.78, Steven Pittman 6, Symbolarts, LLC 150, Syn-Tech Systems 179.55, Tanner Bickford 295, Titan 9441.61, TJ Plumbing 1144.50, Tractor Supply Co 535.50, Tyrell Erickson 160, Uniform Center 100.31, Univar 1471.25, Unum Life Insurance 171, USA Blue Book 150.90, Verendrye Electric 234, Verizon 291.84, Visa 3137.83, Warren’s Locks and Keys 102 Waste Management 15,482.55, Wells County Fair 100, Wiest Associates 255, Wyatt Smith 200, and June Payroll 89,537.37. Upon RCV, MC.
Mike Prom submitted a letter pertaining to the property at 908 Alder Ave. It was the consensus of the council to have this item be a priority for the City Attorney.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: Krafty’s Bar & Grill has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Street for a car show/street dance on August 17th from 12:00 noon – 2:00 a.m. They would like to extend their hours from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. and are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Street while the road is closed for this event. M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch, to approve the request with stipulations to position the road barricade before Pizza Ranch Property Line and clean up to be done by 10AM Sunday. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby,Auditor
Wednesday, June 12th, 2019
Wednesday, June 12th, 2019 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, June 12th, 2019 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Bob Weninger, Donnie Hoepfer, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, and Shelley Svoboda. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Paul Gunderson, Police Chief Tony Webb, and Kelli Tipton.
Visitors: Josh Feil, Doug Heil, Gordy Schmidt, Hannah Tuenge, Shelby Schields, Chris Nyhus, Robert and Mary Prouty, Pat Gannon, Marci Eckart and Radigan Nuehalfen.
Mayor Adams called the Public Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING – ABATEMENT 8143000: M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to deny the abatement for Parcel 8143000. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
Mayor Adams asked City Attorney Chris Nyhus to introduce Shelby Schields to the council. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer, to appoint Shelby Schields as Assistant City Attorney. Upon VV, MC.
Fire Chief Doug Heil and Assistant Fire Chief Gordy Schmidt requested the purchase of new air packs. The City Fire Department is fundraising and grant writing to purchase some of the air packs. The Rural Fire Department will pay for some of the packs. M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda, to approve the City of Harvey pay no more than $30,850 for the purchase of new air packs. Upon RCV, MC. Heil and Schmidt informed council of their family picnic in West Side Park June 24th and requested to block off the road between 7th and 8th Street if weather is not permittable for the park. M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch, to approve Special Event Permit. Upon VV, MC.
Hannah Tuenge, with the Harvey Public Library, requested gravel for the parking lot when they replace the library parking lot. Council agreed to allow the library to use the crushed concrete and gravel the city has on hand. The consensus of the council is to not charge the library for the disposal of the concrete.
Josh Feil with Moore Engineering approached the council with updates on several of the city projects. He updated them on the installation of the Micro-cholor system for Water Treatment Plant. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch, to approve invoice 21099 for $1,401.40 to Moore Engineering for the design work at the WTP. Upon VV, MC. Feil informed the council of the funds remaining from the street project. The council had questions on the chip seal and if we were to get a fog seal on top. Feil said he could get quotes on a fog seal. The consensus of the council was to table the issue until quotes were received. Feil went over drainage problems by Judy Blvd. The council requires Bituminous to come back and fix the area. M by Eckart, MS by Hoepfer, to accept Change Order 11 for concrete work to be done around town for $6,400. Upon VV, MC. Pat Gannon and Robert Prouty were present to voice their concerns on the drainage issue on Garfield Street. Feil will look into the situation and recommend a fix to the council. M by Hoepfer, MS by Weninger, to approve Moore Engineering invoice 21115 for $12,076.25. Upon RCV, MC.
JDA Report: JDA Director Paul Gunderson’s report was in the pack for council to review. Paul has been working on the completion of the Industrial Park and informed the council of grants that could help with infrastructure expenses. He has been busy with several possibilities in his office. Council asked about the grant that was submitted for Centennial Park and Gunderson stated we didn’t receive it. He will reapply during the next application period.
Police Report: The Police report was in the pack for council to view. Resignation of Police Officer John Gallagher was in the pack to review. New Police Chief Tony Webb was introduced to the council. He shared his vision for the Police Department. He is requesting to purchase new radios, computers, ammunition, and a CAD system. Quotes on some of the devices were in the pack for review. M by Hoepfer, to accept the quote submitted by NRG for police computers. Motion died due to lack of a second. Council will discuss when they have all the information. Webb notified the council that Officer Parks would be leaving in October for K-9 training. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer, to purchase K-9 cage for the police Tahoe in the amount of $5,585.48. Upon VV, MC. The council discussed purchasing a patrol vehicle. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve purchasing a 2019 Tahoe at state bid price in January 2020. Upon RCV, MC.
Public Works: Public Works Director Kenny Erickson’s report was in the pack for council to review. Erickson talked about resurfacing the whole roof of the armory. The consensus of the council is to work with JDA Director Gunderson to see if any grants are available. M by Eckart, MS by Svoboda, to approve patching to the armory roof for $5323. Upon RCV, MC. Erickson will advertise the 1996 Ford pick-up and the 4060 tractor on Bisman as well as the Herald Press to be sold on Bid. Erickson informed the council he will be working with the building inspector and the City Attorney on inspections of dilapidated homes in town. His crew will be demolishing 2 properties. Erickson stated the houses must be inspected for asbestos before any demolition. Kenny talked about repairs to the city’s backhoe. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart, to have the backhoe hydraulic fluid distribution block fixed at $3,000/block. Upon VV, MC.
Auditors Report: Auditor Nordby’s report was in the pack for council to review. M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart, to have city offices closed July 5th employees will need to use vacation time. Upon VV, MC.
Minutes: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on May 8th. Upon RCV, MC.
Cash Report: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with May Revenue of $258,921.68. Upon RCV, MC.
Vouchers: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to approve vouchers; Ameripride $239.43, Ann Adams $191.40, Bank of ND $1625.83, Chief Frank Senn $30, City of Harvey $1.82, Cole Papers Inc $7, Dale’s Radiator & Repair $109.75, Delvin Hansen $2895, Eagles Club $950, EJ Parks $56, Emery-Pratt Co $24.62, Electric Pump $250, Grand Forks Fire and Equipment $ 92.99, Greater ND Chamber $500, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce $100, Harvey City Band $960, Harvey Motor Service $5.75, Harvey Oil Co. $2488.30, Harvey Sand and Gravel $5175, Hav-It Recycling $1288.59, Hav-It Services $380, Hawkins Inc. $1830.21, Heilman Electric $208.98, Henry Head $122.50, Herald Press $989.47, HHS Yearbook $50, Highplains Equipment $34939.65, Hinrichs Super Valu $384.28, Hometown Variety $11.96, Information Technology Dept $66.85, John Deere Financial $11.98, Karen Nordby $69.60, Kenny Erickson $ 127.60, Know Buddy $171.60, Kotako $3373.01, Lemer’s Ace $157.25, Little Mart $56.96, Martha Meranda $30, Mid- American Research Chemical $218.72, MidAmerica Books $221.45, Mid-Dakota Lumber $5473.60, Midee Auto $597.84, Minot Daily News $320.46, Monte Knudtson $42.80, Moore Engineering $ $2145, Motorola Solutions Inc $2630.40, NDTC $1676.15, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology $64, North Dakota Dept of Health $612.03, Nuline Insurance $1599, Nyhus Law Firm $4118.75, Olson Zerr $421, O’Day Equipment Inc $333, One Call Concepts, Inc $40.80, Ottertail Power Company $12220.37, Paul Gunderson $3,500, Peace Officer Standards and Training BD $270, Penguin Management, Inc $948, Penworthy $95.32, Powerplan 189.94, Productivity Plus Account $127.42, Redwood Toxicology Lab $10, Ripplinger Motors Inc $2133.45, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse $ 1503.26, Susag Sand & Gravel $3240, Swanston Equipment Corp $76.21, The Library Store $285.85, Tony Webb $56, Tractor Supply Co $26.84, UNUM Life Insurance Company $242.25, Uniform Center $53.96, US Postal Service $227.59 Verendrye Electric Cooperative $267, Verizon $292.08, Visa $3912.63, Warehouse Grocery $391.40, Waste Management of ND $12787.88, Wells County Clerk of Court $100, Wiest Associates, LLC $1122.50, Woody’s Service and Repair $60, and May Payroll $131641.29. Upon RCV, MC.
New Business:
BOND RESOLUTION FOR CITY AUDITOR: M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer, to approve the bond resolution for Karen Nordby, Auditor, in the amount of $1,580,000.00. Upon RCV, MC
SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart, to approve special event permit submitted by Eric Bergeson to host a Gardening Expo in the Centennial Park Gazebo on Tuesday June 18th at 4:30-6. Upon VV, MC.
Adjournment: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch, to adjourn regular city council meeting. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, May 8th, 2019 5:30pm
Wednesday, May 8th, 2019 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, May 8th, 2019 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Bob Weninger, Donnie Hoepfer, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, and Shelley Svoboda. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Paul Gunderson, Police Officer Henry Head, and Kelli Tipton
Vistors: Josh Feil, Peter Varelas, Radigan Neuhalfen, Robin Arnold, Delvin Hansen and Marci Eckart.
Mayor for the day Mia Arnold opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
Mayor for the day Mia Arnold led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Josh Feil with Moore Engineering approached the council with updates on several of the city projects. He informed them of the installation of Water Treatment Plant equipment that will begin May 13th. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson, to approve invoice 20882 in the amount of $1085 for work done at the Water Treatment Plant, upon VV, MC. He notified the council that truck route signage is done. Concerns with trucks using the underpass were raised. Josh clarified that any vehicle weighing 10 tons or less can use the underpass road. He discussed concrete work. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart, to approve of curb and gutter work to be done on Judy Blvd in the amount of $1850, upon VV, MC. Many other concerns were brought forth to Josh on other area’s in town. He will investigate them and report to the council. Josh explained the sewer televising bids he received. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer, to approve the bid submitted by Pace for $11,803 for sewer televising, upon RCV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Svoboda, to approve of Moore Engineering invoice 20885 for $9096.15, upon RCV, MC. Josh asked the council if they would be interested in Aerial pictures of towns. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to deny the request for aerial pictures to be done, upon VV, MC.
Delvin Hansen came to the council with bills accrued from his frozen water line. M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch, to pay for costs accrued by Hansen for $2895, upon VV, MC.
Peter Varelas approached the council to request purchasing an abandoned bike in the police department. M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch, to give the bike to Peter Varelas, upon VV, MC.
JDA Report: JDA Director Paul Gunderson’s report was in the pack for council to review. Paul has been working with the Engineers on the expansion of the Industrial Park and informed the council of many other projects he has been working on.
Police Report: Police Officer Henry Head stated to the council that it has calmed down around town. The new Chief’s temporary license will be here soon. Officer Head included in his pack quotes for new tires for the police Tahoe. M by Hoepfer, MS by Weninger, to approve of the quote submitted by MiDee Auto for all season tires and to re-celebrate the Tahoe at Ripplinger’s after new tires are on, upon VV, MC, Baltrusch abstained from voting. Officer Head requested to purchase 2 used cell phones from the city. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart, to approve of the sale of used phones for $50/phone, upon VV, MC. The council was notified of new radios installed in the Colorado and the Tahoe. 2 new portables were purchased with grant money.
Police Officer Gallagher- According to Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to go into executive session, Upon RCV, MC.
Executive session started at 6:32 PM and was recorded. In attendance were Mayor Adams, Auditor Nordby Council members; Weninger, Hoepfer, Eckart, Baltrusch, Anderson, and Svoboda.
Executive session closed by Mayor Adams at 6:58 PM
Mayor Adams opened the meeting to the public
Public Works: Public Works Director Kenny Erickson’s report was in the pack for council to review. Erickson had several used tractor’s in his pack that were for sale, as requested by the council last month. M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda, to approve purchase of a new Case IH tractor without loader at discounted price if possible, if discount lost, add loader to purchase, upon RCV, MC. A new Frozen Water Line Ordinance was discussed. The Council needs to review and report back. Council has asked the City Offices to inform the residents by post card or other means yearly in mid-November about possible frozen lines. The council continued to move on to rental dumpster cost. M by Eckart, MS by Svoboda, to change cost immediately on city rented dumpsters to $.10/lb for construction waste or household cleanup, upon VV, MC. Concerns about Edith Dr were brought up. It was agreed on by the council to block off the worst part of the street and have the flour mill employees park on North St until it dries and is drivable. The old 4060 tractor and attachable loader will be advertised for bids. There was much discussion on houses needed to be torn down or condemned. Erickson informed the council he has been in contact with the city lawyer but nothing has come of it yet. The council agrees in asking Dr. Nyhus to do Health Inspection.
Auditors Report: Auditor Nordby’s report was in the pack for council to review. Auditor Nordby informed the council on the Homeland Security Grant for the Fire Dept. Update on the childcare facility. It is almost ready to open. The office is working hard to get more meters done. Tobacco Ordinance was discussed and tabled until later.
Minutes: Council member Anderson made corrections to the Wells County District Health Motion from the Regular Meeting Minutes from April 10th. M by Anderson, MS by Weninger, to gather information and debate the issue, upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Hoepfer, to approve of changes and corrections to the minutes of the Regular Meeting on April 10th. Upon RCV, MC.
Cash Report: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with February Revenue of $739,645.84. Upon RCV, MC.
Vouchers: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to approve vouchers; Airside Solutions, Inc $238.76, Ameripride $159.62, Central Cinema Theatre $10, Central Dakota Family Physicians $104, Central Valley Health Dist $188.68, Center Point Large Print $161, Dakota Paper Co $433.24, Double E Designs $13, EJ Parks $24.36, Emery-Pratt Co $51.24, Electronic Communications $4559, Gerald Wilcox $2340, Grand Forks Fire Equip LLC $544.12, Hannah Swanson $2.70, HK Design $195, Harvey Ambulance Services $50, Harvey Motor Service $107.87, Harvey Park District $4797.67, Harvey Tax & Accounting $125, Hav-It Recycling $1336.38, Hawkins Inc. $1675.55, Hinrich’s Super Valu $99.54, Hometown Variety $104.64, Information Technology Dept $ 66.85, John Deere Financial $682.68, KHND Radio $200, Kotako $3938.79, Lemer’s Ace $772.16, Little Mart $11.99, Michael Todd & Co $4439.31, Mid-Dakota Lumber $1725, Minot Daily News $1000, Motorola Solutions, Inc $3175.50, NAPA Auto Parts $523.71, NDTC $1667.68, Northern Improvement $510, Nuline Insurance $26609, Nyhus Law Firm $2738.75, Ottertail Power Company $487.77, Paul Gunderson $3,500, Patzer Truck Repair $193.83, Penworthy $226.80, Post Board $45, Puchlich Chevrolet Inc $28549, Ripplinger Motors Inc $90.96, Rough Rider Industries $600, Share Corporation $197.73, State Fire and Tornado $554.40, Tastee Freez $74.90, TJ Plumbing $693, Tractor Supply Co $151.59, UNUM Management $171, US Postal Services $226.18, Verendrye Electric Cooperative $172.33, Verizon $291.84, Visa $54.66, Waste Management of ND $9252.92, Wells County Clerk of Court $100, Wells County Recorder $20, Wells County Treasurer $2532, Wiest Associates, LLC $917.50, Woody’s Service and Repair $25, and April Payroll $54652.63. Upon RCV, MC.
Unfinished Business:
Tobacco ordinance was presented. The council agreed to leave it up to individual businesses to decide whether to sell the e-cigarettes and joules or go to the state level with the issue.
New Business:
SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to accept Krafty’s Bar and Grill request on a special event permit to have the road closed between 7th and 8th Street for a bike show/vendors/street dance from 12:00 noon – 2:00 a.m. Friday July 5th and 8:00 a.m.-2:00 a.m. Saturday July 6th. They would like to extend their hours from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. and are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Street while the road is closed for this event, upon VV, MC.
AMY ARNOLD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: M by Eckart, MS by Hoepfer, to accept the Conditional Use Permit to have Amy Arnold’s business out of her home. Upon VV, MC.
ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION:M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Arbor Day Proclamation. Upon VV, MC.
THRIVENT FINANCIAL: M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda, to accept Lisa Goodwin’s special event permit request to block off parking spots on Lincoln in front of Thrivent Financial for her business opening, June 11, 2019 from 3:00 to 7:00. Upon VV, MC.
Adjournment: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch, to adjourn regular city council meeting. Upon VV, MC.
Wednesday April 10, 2019 5:30pm
Wednesday April 10, 2019 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, April 10th, 2019 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Bob Weninger,
Rick Eckart and Donnie Hoepfer.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Kelli Tipton, Police Officer Henry Head, and JDA Director Paul Gunderson.
VISITORS: Jana Schimelfenig, Josh Feil, Gerald Wilcox, Rob and Donna Marthe, Rod Marchand, EJ Parks, Ann Ehni, Joy Stoltz, Tim and Beth Huseth, Radigan Neuhalfen and several Students from the Harvey FCCLA Chapter.
Mayor Adams called the Tax Equalization Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Assessor Schimelfenig presented the information for Notices of Increases and Decreases to properties in Harvey to the Council. No one attended the meeting to protest their assessment.
NOTICE OF INCREASES/DECREASE: M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to approve the increases and decreases as submitted. Upon RCV, MC.
With no further business, Mayor Adams closed the Board of Tax Equalization Meeting and the Regular Council Meeting opened.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil from Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the payment for the Miox unit for the water treatment plant in the amount of $139,700. Upon RCV, MC. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve the electrical installation of Miox unit costing $5,903.04 Upon VV, MC. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the engineering invoice of $505. Upon VV, MC. Josh updated the council on dates that truck route signage and road work would be done. Concerns on the severity of street cracks was brought to the Engineers attention. He reassured all would be assessed and dealt with correctly. M by Hoepfer, MS by Weninger, to approve Change Order 10, increase in the oil cost for chip seal, costing $30,978. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson, to approve invoice #60260-1 from HydroKlean for $5,086.16. The additional work needed be rebid. Upon VV, MC. M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer, to approve Moore Engineering Invoice 20330 for $23,060.90 and Invoice 20651 for $7,187.50. Upon RCV, MC
WELLS COUNTY DISTRICT HEALTH: Joy Stolz with the Wells County District Health returned to the council to raise the tobacco age to 21 years old. She informed the council she attended the Wells County Commissioner’s meeting on the issue. She stated a motion was made to raise the age of tobacco use contingent on the decision of the City of Harvey. M by Anderson, MS Weninger, to move forward and agree with the county in the raise of tobacco use age. Upon VV, MC due to votes in Favor – 4, Opposed – 2.
GERALD WILCOX: Gerald was asked to return to the council with concerns on his frozen water line. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart, to pay for costs accrued by Wilcox on this issue totaling $2,340. Upon VV, MC.
HAV- IT RECYCLING: Tim Huseth with Hav-It Recycling was asked to return to the council to discuss the payment of the special assessment on the recycling building used by Hav-It. Tim requested the city pay the special assessment on the building. After discussion M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer, to deny the request to pay the special assessment on the recycling building property. Upon VV, MC.
TOM’S HOME FURNISHING: Rod Marchand owner of Tom’s Home Furnishing approached the council on the commercial garbage rate increase. He presented information of his own findings and asked the council to revisit how the motion was made on how to increase the rates. M by Svoboda, MS by Hoepfer, that all commercial garbage weights will be charged on the total weight per month not an annual average. Charges will be a $25 minimum and $.05/lb up to 3000lbs and increasing to $.10/lb over 3000lbs. Amount to be billed out the following month. Upon VV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Police Officer Henry Head’s report was in the pack for council to view along with the resignation of part time police officer Benjamin Kothrade. Head introduced the city’s new officer EJ Parks and informed the council the new chief will be starting April 15. He stated that 2 new radio’s were purchased and installed in the police vehicles and the purchase of 2 new portable radios.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He updated the council on the current projects that he has been busy working with. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart, to accept rewards from; St. Joseph’s Foundation for $19,950 to add onto Centennial Park-East, ND Department of Commerce for $18,445 to help rebuild the city website, Garrison Conservatory for $5,503 on the expansion of Centennial Park-West, and the requested $200,000 from ND Department of Transportation for the expansion of Centennial Park-West. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda, to continue with Dr. Paul Gunderson in Economic Development in development, submission, and receipt of all extramural awards for the City of Harvey. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Kenny asked the council to start thinking about how they would like to handle the old tractor situation. M by Eckart, MS by Weninger, for Kenny to search for used tractor in 50-60 hp range to replace IH mower tractor and bring results back to council. Upon VV, MC. Kenny noted that until a different tractor is purchased, he does not want responsibility for any injuries ensued to employees on the old tractor as he feels it is unsafe for Industrial use. Conversation was then directed to the landfill road maintenance and the need for new gravel. Kenny discussed the increased usage of the road during the street construction project in 2017 & 2018. The consensus of the council is no maintenance agreement is needed. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to add gravel on 25th Street NE (dump ground road) to the landfill entrance at 300yd/mile using our own gravel and we will pay for the trucking at $1170 (appox). Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby notified the council of letters sent to her from First International Bank and Trust and Dakota Heritage Bank on keeping or transferring our business. Upon the consensus of the Council to also get a bid from First State Bank. M by Hoepfer, MS by Svoboda to accept the bid that offers the best interest rate. Upon VV, MC. Anderson abstained from voting.
MINUTES: M by Anderson, MS by Weninger to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on March 13th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Anderson, MS by Weninger to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with March Revenue of $618,553.03. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Anderson, MS by Weninger to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ann Adams 120.70 Ameripride 154.30, Applied Concepts Inc 140, Bank of ND 306,125.15, Boiler Inspection Program 110, Brent Buchmiller 23.70, Brock White Company 1607.50, BW Ramkota Hotel 846, Central Dakota Family Physicians 104, Cherie Heisler 173.10, City of Harvey 1105, Cole Papers 1645.27, Curt Benson 120, Double E Designs 161.90, Electric Pump 7913.87, Emert-Pratt Co 107.93, Fire Equipment Co. 426, Gaffaney’s of Minot 272.75, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 4000, Harvey Chemical Health 600, Harvey Motor Service 362.32, Harvey Oil Co. 1079.16, Hav-It Recycling 1250, Hav-It Services 337, Hawkins Inc. 1800.54, Herald Press 873.52, Highplains Equipment 1762.01, Hinrich’s Super Valu 23.06, Hometown Variety 7.47, Hornbacher’s Café 64.07, Information Technology Dept. 64.15, Jim Anderson 15, John Deere Financial 401.72, Karen Nordby 173.10, Keith Olson 127.60, Kenny Erickson 213.84, Knowbuddy Resources 143.60, Kotaco 4819.27, Lemer’s Ace 76.52, Little Mart 50.95, Marcy Eckart 50.35, Melissa Anderson 173.10 Mid-American Research Chemical 107.24, Mid Dakota Lumber 316.81, Municipal Government Academy 850.00, Napa Auto Parts 199.81, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology 32, NDTC 1650.79, ND Surplus Property 600, Nyhus Law Firm 670, Ottertail Power 10,222.33, Paul Gunderson 3500, Quality Inn 169.20, Rick Eckart 173.10, Shelley Svoboda 173.10, Starion Bond Services 88,500.75, System Technology 540, Uniform Center 312.43, Unum Life Insurance Co. 171, US Bank 12,916.25, US Postal Service 224.51, Verendrye Electric 301, Verizon 292.32, Visa 2080.27, Warehouse Grocery 46.72, Waste Management of ND 7172.62, Wells County Recorder 80, and March Payroll 69,295.22. Upon RCV, MC.
LORENZ HOUSE: Greg Lorenz presented a letter for the council to take over ownership of Ruth Lorenz’s home that was damaged in a house fire. After some discussion, M by Hoepfer, MS by Svoboda to deny the request to transfer ownership to the city. Upon VV, MC.
BID WITHDRAWAL: Arnie and Nancy Selzer requested the city accept the bid withdrawal of the S 50’ of Lot 1 & 2- Low’s Addition for $222. The consensus of the council was to accept the withdrawal and take back ownership of the property.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS: M by Eckart, MS by Hoepfer to accept Faith Lutheran Church’s request on a special event permit to have the road closed on Adams Ave. from 8th Street to the end of their property and the City Parking Lot closed on June 3rd – June 6th from 5 pm – 9 pm during vacation bible school. Upon VV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATIONS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve Site Authorizations for Wells Aerie #3080 FOE to conduct games at the Harvey Eagles Club and Krafty’s Bar & Grill provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 5:30pm
Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Bob Weninger, Donnie Hoepfer, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, and Shelley Svoboda. Also, present Police Officer Henry Head, and Kelli Tipton. Absent were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, and JDA Director Paul Gunderson.
Vistors: Joye Stolz, Tim & Beth Huseth, Paul Kalibabky, Caitlyn Roemmich, Brian Friedt, Gerald Wilcox, Nathan Friedt, Lanae Strand, Steve & Kathy Eckart, MacKenna Arnold, Zoe McKinven, Delvin & JoAnn Hansen, Jeff and Amanda Schimke, and Marci Eckart.
Mayor for the day Ava Kara called the Public Hearing to order.
Mayor for the day Rebekah Schimke led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING- ABATEMENT 807690000: Abatement was discussed, M by Weninger, MS by Anderson, to deny the abatement for $2217, by VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
Zoey McKinven and Nathan Friedt, students of the Harvey FCCLA chapter, and Joye Stolz with County District Health, brought forth concerns with student use of E-Cigarettes and jules in the Harvey School District. They made a recommendation to raise the tobacco use age to 21 years old. After much discussion amongst the council, request was denied, and council recommended going to the county for this issue.
Delvin Hansen came to the council with concerns on his frozen water line. He requested the city’s help with the expenses accrued during this issue. Council unanimously decided to table the request until all expenses were equated.
Gerald Wilcox also came to the council with concerns on his frozen water line. He believes the freeze up is somewhere in the main and would like help with the issue. Council unanimously decided to table his request until more information is attained.
Paul Kalibabky with waste management came to the council upon their request. He brought forth many idea’s for garbage services. Council reviewed all information, but no decision was made at this time.
Tim Huseth with Hav-It Recycling came to the council to talk about raising the price on the recycling services on the utility bill $.80. After discussion and review of information, M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda, to raise the recycling price $.30, which would raise the over- all recycling charge from $1.30 to $1.60 on the utility bill, upon VV, MC.
Josh Fiel with Moore Engineering requested council’s permission to raise the cost in the chip seal as oil prices have risen. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson, to approve the raise in chip seal of $31,948.20, upon RCV, MC.
JDA Report: JDA Director Paul Gunderson’s report was in the pack for council to review.
Police Report: Police Officer Henry stated to the council that all was going well. Chief Dave Heibert’s resignation was in the pack for Council to review. Head reported the hire of 2 new police. Baltrusch stated that a new chief was hired along with a fellow officer. Both are expected to be here by the end of the month.
Public Works: Public Works Director Kenny Erickson’s report was in the pack for council to review. Concerns were discussed on fixing the current tractor we have over the purchase of a new one. M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer, to table the issue until next meeting, upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch, on the purchase of .23” Water Line Inspection Camera in the price of $1,750, by VV, MC. M by Eckart, MS by Hoepfer, on the cost of repair to 2 of the water lift stations in the price of $4,874, upon VV, MC.
Auditors Report: Auditor Nordby’s report was in the pack for council to review.
Minutes: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on February 13th. Upon RCV, MC.
Cash Report: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with February Revenue of $739,645.84. Upon RCV, MC.
Vouchers: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to approve vouchers; Airside Solutions, Inc $242.36, Ameripride $154.30, Applied Concepts, Inc $136, Bank of ND $1714.74, Black Mountains Software, Inc, $15,137, Broad Reach $179.55, BW Ramkota Hotel $188, Central Cinema Theatre $32, Charles Merrill Estate $1830.76, Cosun Biobased Products $6660, Dakota Fire Extinguishers, Inc $226.86, Dakota Paper Co $182.05, Dale’s Radiator & Repair $77.25, EDND $275, Emery-Pratt Co $59.76, Gilbert Schmidt $1, Grand Forks Fire Equip LLC $412.03, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce $20, Harvey Motor Service $12.50, Harvey Oil Co. $2052.91, Hav-It Recycling $1,250, Hav-It Services $779.50, Hawkins Inc. $3013.77, Herald Press $35, Hometown Variety $268.10, Hornbacher’s Café $252.41, Jamey Weinmann $143.78, John Deere Financial $109.46, John Donarski $153.68, Keith Olson $129.92, Kotaco $7489.34, Lemer’s Ace $93.21, Little Mart $44, Lookout Books $ 115.86, M & T Fire and Safety $572.50, Marshall Erickson $41.57, MFOA $60, Mid-Dakota Lumber $318.29, Moore Engineering, Inc $5005, Minot Daily News $239.20, NAPA Auto Parts $65.56, North Dakota Living $2840, North Dakota Dept of Health $28.25, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology $32, NDTC $1590.27, Nova Fire Protection Inc $155, Nyhus Law Firm $1320, Ottertail Power Company $9424.41, Patzer Truck Repair $85.29, Paul Gunderson $3,500, Penworthy $107.93, Police $495, Powerplan 2387.08, Rath & Meyer $8400, Smart Apple Media $143.68, Steve Lien $400, Swanston Equipment Corp 254.34, Transcript Publishing $500, US Bank $ 12916.25, US Postal Service $516.43, Verendrye Electric Cooperative $350, Verizon $292.32, Visa $54.66, Waste Management of ND $7308.29, Wells County Abstract Co $680, and February Payroll $67,049.75. Upon RCV, MC.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Lot Bids were discussed, and all bids are contingent on the payment of all current specials and demolition to any building the city feels as unlivable.
LOT BID: Don & Lindy Fuglem has requested to purchase Lot 4-South Side Addition for $4,000. M by Anderson, MS by Hoepfer to approve the purchase. Upon VV, MC.
LOT BID: Shilista Soberg has requested to purchase Lot 3, 4, & 5 in Block 2 of the Mills Addition for $300. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to deny the purchase. Upon VV, MC.
LOT BID: David Loess has requested to purchase Lot 7 & 8 in Block 3 of the Mills Addition for $2,500.00. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the purchase. Upon VV, MC due to votes in Favor -4, Opposed – 2.
LOT BID: Jodi Soberg has requested to purchase Lot 2 Out lot C Hanchett’s Addition for $100. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve the purchase. Upon VV, MC.
LOT BID: Steve and Kathy Eckart have requested to purchase Lot 2 in Block 2 of the Mills Addition for $2,000. M by Baltrusch, to deny the purchase, due to no MS, M denied. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson, to approve the purchase, upon VV, MC due to votes in Favor- 5, Opposed- 1.
LOT BID: Scott Nitz has requested to purchase Lot 7 in Block 3 and Lot 6 in Block 4 of the Gruamann/Roble Addition for $6,700. M by Hoepfer, MS by Svoboda to approve the purchase, upon VV, MC.
LOT BID: Arnie & Nancy Selzler have requested to purchase S 50’ of Lot 1 & 2- Low’s Addition for $222. M by Svoboda, MS by Weninger to approve the purchase upon contingency the building be demolished. Upon VV, MC.
Lemer’s Ace Hardware: M by Hoepfer, MS by Svoboda, to accept the request from Lemer’s Ace Hardware to use the city parking lot for their green house in the sping. Upon VV, MC.
Chamber Annual Meeting: M by Anderson MS by Hoepfer, to invite all city employees to attend the Chamber Annual Meeting at $13/person. Upon VV, MC.
City of Harvey Insurance Committee: An insurance committee was set to interview new agents for the City of Harvey. Committee will be Ann Adams, Karen Nordby, Shelley Svoboda, and Bob Weninger.
Greg Lorenz came in with a letter for the council to take over ownership of Ruth Lorenz’s home that was damaged in a house fire. Lorenz described the situation and the council tabled the request to obtain more information about the home and its condition.
Adjournment: M by Weninger, MS by Eckart, to adjourn regular city council meeting. Upon VV, MC.
Wednesday, February 13th, 2019 5:30pm
Wednesday, February 13th, 2019 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, February 13th, 2019 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Bob Weninger, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Rick Eckart, Donnie Hoepfer and Shelley Svoboda. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Police Officer Henry Head, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson and Kelli Tipton.
Vistors: Jana Schimelfenig, Farrell Helm and Nadine Tedford
Mayor Adams called the Public Hearing to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING – ABATEMENT 81804000: Farrel Helm approached the council on behalf of his assessed value for Parcel 81804000. County Assessor Jana Schimelfenig was present to clarify on the issue. M Hoepfer, MS Anderson, approved the abatement for a reduction of $19,052 from his assessed value for 2017 and 2018, by VV, MC.
PUBLIC HEARING- ABATEMENT 81211000: Abatement was discussed, M Baltrusch, MS Eckart, to approve the abatement for $568.15, by VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
Sheridan Animal Hospital’s Dr. Nadine Tedford came to the council in search of housing options for new employees. Council informed her of some options but were unable to help.
Milo Baltrusch came to the council with concerns on his property Special Assessments. The consensus of the council is to investigate the information.
JDA Report: JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson updated the council of his activities. He informed them of the St. Joseph’s Foundation Grant of $9950 for Cent. Park. He also expressed gratitude towards Minot Daily News for the publicity they have given the city and notified the council of some of the business’ coming into town.
Police Report: Police Officer Henry Head addressed the council with the Police Report. He noted that it has been hard with two officers’, but they are getting it done. Mayor Ann Adams asked about the absence of new Police Chief David Heibert. Milo Baltrusch informed her that he has been in contact with him but as of now there is no set date of his return and added looking for 2 new officers would benefit the city. Officer Head made known his concerns with the radio systems. Recommendations were given, Officer Head will continue to research it.
Public Works: Public Works Director Kenny Erickson informed the council that he had been in contact with Waste Management. They are working on a quote for garbage services but they would stop once a week to pick up garbage for the city. Council discussed commercial garbage weights, M Anderson, MS Wenninger, increase the base rate to a $25 minimum fee for commercial rates, increase commercial accounts with up to 3000lbs $.05 per pound and $.10 per pound for commercial accounts over 3000lbs. Increase $10 out of town pick-up. All increases effective for February billing cycle. Upon VV, MC.
Auditors Report: Auditor Nordby discussed the truck route signage is postponed until spring when weather is nicer.
Minutes: M by Hoepfer, MS by Weninger to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on January 9th. Upon RCV, MC.
Cash Report: M by Hoepfer, MS by Weninger, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with January Revenue of $160,332.35. Upon RCV, MC.
Vouchers: M by Hoepfer, MS by Weninger, to approve vouchers; Airside Solutions, Inc $646.16, American Water Works Association $75, Ameripride $154.30, Bank of ND $16,979.50, Broad Reach $179.55, Cengage Learning $10, Central Dakota Family Physicians $92, Dakota Fire Extinguishers, Inc $194.82, Double E Designs $1,065.05, Electric Pump $2,937.35, Emery-Pratt Co $19.34, Farmers Union Oil & C-Store $5,432.20, Gaffaney’s of Minot, Inc. $327.73, Gerrells & Company, Inc $194, Gooseneck Implement $25, Hach Company $364.90, Harvey Motor Service $110.72, Harvey Oil Co. $2,991.35, Harvey Park District $5,733.68, Harvey Sand and Gravel $30.00, Hav-It Recycling $1,250, Hav-It Services $332, Hawkins Inc. $1475.80, Henry Head $438.18, Herald Press $824.69, Hinrichs Super Valu $20.24, Hometown Variety $26.53, Hornbacher’s Café $105.91, Information Technology Dept $64.15, James Jabara $45, Jonathan Gallagher $29.63, John Deere Financial $115.74, KHND Radio $200, Kotaco $9,443.57, Lautt’s Feed & Supply Co $643.90, Lemer’s Ace $513.64, Michael Frederick $24, Michelle Jensen Design $200, McKinven Farms $75.00, MidAmerica Books $143.60, Mid-Dakota Lumber $76.48, Miller Clothing $310, Moore Engineering, Inc $24,325, Municipal Government Academy $30, Municipal Judges Association $25, NAPA Auto Parts $306.70, ND Dept of Health $49.44, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology $32, NDTC $1,595.98, Nyhus Law Firm $987.25, One Call Concepts Inc $1.20, Ottertail Energy Services $233.95, Ottertail Power Company $7,957.61, Patzer Truck Repair $96.58, Paul Gunderson $3,500, Peace Officer Standards $135, Post Board $100, Powerplan $963.38, Ripplingers $71, Schock’s Safe & Lock Inc $450, TJ Plumbing $970.50, Two Rivers Printing $977.20, Uniform Center $299.20, UNUM Life Insurance Company $299.25, US Postal Service $224.56, Verendrye Electric Cooperative $263.85, Verizon $292.58, Visa $3,701.03, Water Environment Federation $90, Waste Management of ND $9,216.69, Wells County Recorder $60, Woody’s Service & Repair $803.69, and January Payroll $85,107.17 Upon RCV, MC.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
PROPERTY TAX CREDIT AND ABATEMENT: M by Eckart, MS by Anderson to approve the application for the Veterans Tax Credit for parcel #80484000. Upon VV, MC.
RAFFLE PERMIT: Multiple Sclerosis Society requested a raffle permit #19-04. M by Wenninger, MS by Baltrusch, to approve raffle permit #19-04 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
RAFFLE PERMIT: Kathy Keller requested a raffle permit #19-03. M by Eckart, MS by Hoepfer, to approve raffle permit 19-03 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
APPROVE SALE OF ALL CITY PROPERTY: The disposal of the Tax Foreclosed properties was discussed. The properties will be advertised in the Herald Press. The City will accept sealed bids until March 12 at 4:00pm. The bids will be open and accepted at the March 13 council meeting. 521 Desmet Ave: Block 3, Lot 7 – Mill’s Addition/including Property and Structure, Block 3, Lot 8 – Mill’s Addition/ including Property and Structure. 516 Desmet Ave: Block 2, Lot 3 –Mill’s Addition, Block 2, Lot 4 – Mill’s Addition / House to be demolished, Block 2, Lot 5 – Mill’s Addition /House to be demolished. 422 Birch Ave Lot-2 Outlot C Hanchetts Addition, Stahofskis Sub- Div. 129 Brewster Street E Lot 4 – South Side Addition/ including Property and Structure. 809 Divine Ave/ Garage not included, Lot-10 Cookes 1ST Addition. 915 Divine Ave, S 50’ of Lot 1 – Low’s Addition/ including Property and Structure, S 50’ of Lot 2 – Low’s Addition. 917 Divine Ave, Block 1, N 60’of Lot 1- Dolen’s Addition. 500 Pleasant Street, Block 1, S 89’ of Lot 1 – Dolen’s Addition, Rear Lot of 1222 Elm Ave, B – D – Frueh’s Addition. 1200 Elm Ave, N 60’ of B-A – Frueh’s Addition/ including Property and Structure.
Property on Advent, Block -3, Lot 7 -Graumann/Roble Addition, Block -4, Lot 6 – Graumann/Roble Addition.
COUNCIL MEETINGS: M by Anderson, MS by Hoepfer, to provide meals for all city council meetings effective immediately. Upon VV, MC.
Adjournment: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch, to adjourn regular city council meeting. Upon VV, MC.
Wednesday, January 9th, 2019 5:30pm
Wednesday, January 9th, 2019 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, January 9th, 2019 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Bob Weninger, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Rick Eckart, Donnie Hoepfer. Absent was Shelley Svoboda. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Police Chief David Hiebert, JDA Director Paul Gunderson and Kelli Tipton.
Vistors: Cayle Paulson, Marci Eckart, Farrel Helm, Eric Tuenge and Police Officer Henry Head,
Mayor Adams called the Public Hearing to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING – ABATEMENT 81804000: Farrel Helm approached the council on behalf of his airport hangar and most recent tax statement for Parcel 81804000. He discussed his feelings of injustice to the council members. M by Baltrusch, MS bv Hoepfer, to table decision until the county can reassess all the hangars. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC HEARING- ABATEMENT 80309000: Steve Aljets has requested to the council that his assessed property should be changed from $27,680 to $5,750 due to a fire that happened on March 17, 2018. After some discussion, M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer, to approve of the change in assessment. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
Cayle Paulson, Harvey Country Club, discussed the benefits of having a municipal golf course. They are requesting the City of Harvey buy the Harvey Country Club land without annexing it in to the city for the price of $1. The country club would lease the land back for $1/year for 99 years. Paulson stated they would oversee all operations during the time of lease. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to purchase the Country Club land for $1 and lease it back to the Harvey Country Club Board. The Harvey Country Club will pay all costs associated with the land sale. The sale is contingent to having the City of Harvey’s legal representation review the legality of the agreement. The Harvey Country Club will have the right to purchase the land back at any time during the 99year agreement at $1.00. Upon VV, MC.
Collette Hertz, Harvey Chamber requested to continue with the relationship between the CVB and the Chamber. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to continue to use the CVB agreement of $4,000 per quarter for 2019. Upon VV, MC.
JDA Report: JDA Director Paul Gunderson informed the council of his current and future activities. He completed several grants and press releases in 2018. He is proud to state that in 2018 Harvey opened 10 new businesses. He thanked the council for the most enjoyable year with the council, JDA, citizens and the local businesses and he is looking forward to 2019.
Police Report: Mayor Adams introduced the new Chief of Police David Hiebert. He stated he is excited to be here. It was noted that he will be returning to the academy to update his police license for 12 weeks starting in February, but he is ready to take on the challenge. Officer Henry Head was present with the police report. The council discussed the pay for the police officers. The consensus of the council is to continue to pay the officers for their additional hours worked until the Chief has completed the academy. The next scheduled police committee meeting will be Jan 28 at 5:30.
Public Works: Public Works Director Kenny Erickson requested to purchase new tables for the Kiwanis Room. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to purchase 12 new plastic 8 ft tables. Upon VV, MC. He discussed improving the front Armory doors by adding the handicap accessibility. M by Anderson, MS by Eckart to approve the purchase and installation of the handicap door system. Upon VV, MC. The council reviewed the commercial garbage rates. Increases were tabled until next meeting for further discussion.
Auditors Report: Auditor Nordby’s discussed the properties returned to the city from tax foreclosure will be discussed at February’s meeting.
Minutes: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on December 12th. Upon RCV, MC.
Cash Report: M by Baltrusch, MS Hoepfer by, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with December Revenue of $112,886.09. Upon RCV, MC.
Vouchers: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer, to approve vouchers; Ameripride $154.30,Carson Industries Inc, $65.95, Cengage Learning $70, Cole Papers Inc $1,645.27, Connie Loen $20.00, Dakota Fire Extinguishers, Inc $37.99, Electric Pump $3,702.05, Emery- Pratt Co $96.93, Farmers Union Oil & C-Store $20.77, GALLS Incoporated $78.94, Gooseneck Implement $535.32, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce $4,000, Hav-It Recycling $1,250, Hav-It Services $334.50, Hinrichs Super Valu $74.30, Hornbacher’s Café $43.87, Information Technology Dept $64.15, John Deere Financial $633.70, Kenny Erickson $30, Kotaco $4,023.77, Lemer’s True Value $188.50, Little Mart $74.04, Mid-American Research Chemical $136.86, Mid Dakota Lumber $143.78, NAPA Auto Parts $73.22, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology $32, NDTC $1646.53, North Dakota League of Cities $2,095, North Dakota Rural Water Systems Assoc $545, Nyhus Law Firm $2014.76, One Call Concepts, Inc $1.20, Ottertail Power Company $230.56, Patzer Truck Repair $3767.53, Paul Gunderson $3712.62, Redwood Toxicology Lab $100.61, Ripplingers $42.52, Secretary of State $10, St Aloisius Medical Center $400, St Joseph’s Community Health Foundation $2450, Tractor Supply Co $293.92, UNIM Life Insurance Company $185.25, US Postal Service $224.09, Valler Insurance, Inc $250, Verendrye Electric Cooperative $337, Verizon $292.02, Visa $748.41, Waste Management of ND $6451.01, Wells County JDA $4,999.92, Wells County Treasurer $35,322.87 and December Payroll $ 53,562.78, Upon RCV, MC.
Unfinished Business:
TRUCK ROUTE: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart, to adopt the 2nd and final reading of the truck route ordinance amendment. Upon VV, MC.
Section 9.1404 of Chapter 9 Article 14 is amended to read:
“9.1404 – Weight, Load and Cargo Restrictions
All streets within the City limits are restricted from travel by trucks, truck-tractors, trailers, semitrailers, commercial buses, delivery vehicles or any other commercial vehicles, whether loaded or unloaded except on the following roads:
All of North Street;
All of 7th Street;
700 Block of Custer Avenue – from 8th Street to Business 52;
All of Jackson Avenue;
East Brewster – from Business 52 to Jackson Avenue;
West Brewster – from Elm Avenue to Frontage Road;
All of Edith Dr. West – gravel;
All of Industrial Park Frontage Road – gravel;
Third Street – from Highway 3 to Alder Avenue – gravel;
Elm Avenue from Business 52 to West Brewster;
All of Frontage Road.
See these roadway restrictions appearing on the map referenced in Section 9.1405.
This section shall not apply to vehicles and equipment of the city’s public works department and fire department. For the purposes of this section, the word “street” shall mean any street, avenue, land, alley, drive or any other title that indicates a street.”
City of Harvey Ordinance:
Chapter 9 – Traffic
Article 14 – Regulating the Kinds and Classes of Traffic on Certain Roads
9.1401 – Load Restrictions upon Vehicles Using Certain Roadways
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate any vehicle with a gross weight in excess of the maximum indicated weight at any time upon any street or part of a street so designated.
9.1402 – Commercial Vehicles Prohibited from Using Certain Streets
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate any commercial vehicle exceeding the maximum indicated gross weight at any time upon any street or part of a street so designated except that such vehicles may be operated thereon for the purpose of delivering or picking up materials or merchandise and then only by entering such street at the intersection nearest the designation of the vehicle and proceeding thereon no farther than the nearest intersection thereafter.
9.1403 – Size Restrictions upon Vehicles Using Certain Highways
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate any vehicle exceeding the dimensions specified by such sign or signs at any time upon any street or part of a street so designated.
9.1404 – Weight, Load and Cargo Restrictions
All streets within the City limits are restricted from travel by trucks, truck-tractors, trailers, semitrailers, commercial buses, delivery vehicles or any other commercial vehicles, whether loaded or unloaded except on the following roads:
All of North Street;
All of 7th Street;
700 Block of Custer Avenue – from 8th Street to Business 52;
All of Jackson Avenue;
East Brewster – from Business 52 to Jackson Avenue;
West Brewster – from Elm Avenue to Frontage Road;
All of Edith Dr. West – gravel;
All of Industrial Park Frontage Road – gravel;
Third Street – from Highway 3 to Alder Avenue – gravel;
Elm Avenue from Business 52 to West Brewster;
All of Frontage Road.
See these roadway restrictions appearing on the map referenced in Section 9.1405.
This section shall not apply to vehicles and equipment of the city’s public works department and fire department. For the purposes of this section, the word “street” shall mean any street, avenue, land, alley, drive or any other title that indicates a street.
9.1405 Maps. The city auditor shall keep and maintain accurate maps setting out truck routes and streets upon which truck traffic is permitted. The maps shall be kept on file in the office of the city auditor and shall be available to the public.
9.1406 – Exceptions
This article shall not prohibit:
- Detoured trucks. The operation of trucks upon any officially established detour in any case where such truck could lawfully be operated upon the street for which such detour is established.
- Service or repair. The operation of a truck for the purpose of having such truck serviced or repaired at a business that services or repairs trucks for profit.
- Fueling. The operation of a truck for the purpose of fueling at a business primarily engaged in the business of selling fuel.
- Deliveries. The operation of trucks on all city streets when necessary to conduct business at the destination point.
- All trucks traveling off of the streets excepted in Section 9.1406 (01) – (04) for the purposes of service or repair, fueling, or delivers must travel in a manner to ensure that the non-excepted streets are used the least amount possible. Trucks making more than one (1) delivery on any one (1) trip may take the most direct route between one (1) delivery and the next.
9.1407 – Definitions
Truck is any motor vehicle designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of property and, for the purposes of this Article, whose body weight or whose combined body and load weight exceeds twenty thousand (20,000) pounds registered gross weight. For the purposes of this section, if a motor vehicle is attached to a trailer which exceeds the stated gross vehicle weight, it shall be included in the definition of a truck and subject to the restrictions of Chapter 9 Article 14.
9.1408 – Compression Braking Prohibited
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle driven upon any public or private street or right-of-way within the city to use, or employ the use of, a compression or “jake” brake. For the purpose of this section, a compression or “jake” brake shall mean any device effectively muffled and which, when employed, reduces engine speed and causes the vehicle to slow without the use of the vehicle’s braking system. This section shall not apply to emergency driving situations requiring the use of all vehicle braking systems, including compression or “jake” brakes, when necessary to protect persons or property.Persons who knowingly or recklessly violate Section 9.1408 are guilty of a noncriminal offense punishable by fine of $25 for the first offense in a 12 month period and $50 for the second offense in a 12 month period.
9.1409 – Overnight Parking Prohibited
No commercial vehicle or truck as defined in this section shall park along the truck route or elsewhere on the public street or right-of-way within the city for a period of longer than four consecutive hours, and shall not park along the truck route between the hours of 5:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m.
9.1410 Enforcement: Penalty: Local Law enforcement is responsible for enforcement of moving violations. The penalty for violation of any of these sections, unless otherwise specified therein, shall be two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the first offense and five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the second offense within a one-year period.
New Business:
PROCLAMATION: Mayor Adams read the Main Street North Dakota Proclamation, resolving Wednesday January 8, 2019 as a celebratory date that acknowledges City of Harvey’s completion of its first year as a participant in Governor Burgum’s Main Street ND Initiative. M by Eckart, MS by Anderson to approve the proclamation. Upon VV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve the site authorization requested for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation on February 1, 2019 at the Harvey Eagles Club. Upon VV, MC.
RAFFLE PERMIT: Harvey Wildlife Club requested Raffle Permit #19-01. M by Hoepfer, MS Weninger by to approve raffle permit #19-01 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATE DEPOSITORIES OF PUBLIC FUNDS: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to designate the First State Bank, First International Bank, Dakota Heritage Bank and Bank of North Dakota as the depositories of public funds which meet pledge security requirements. Upon VV, MC.
APPROVE SALE OF ALL CITY PROPERTY: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the sale of all real property owned by the City of Harvey upon bid acceptance by the City Council. Upon RCV, MC.
BUDGET AMENDMENTS & TRANSFERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Budget Amendments. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weningers to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Transfers as submitted. Upon RCV, MC.
Adjournment: M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to adjourn regular city council meeting. Upon VV, MC
Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Shelley Svoboda, Donnie Hoepfer. Absent was Rick Eckart. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby and Public Works Director Kenny Erickson.
VISITORS: Job Development Director Paul Gunderson and Police Officer Henry Head.
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Auditor Nordby updated the progress on the meter project/Water Treatment Plant. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to submit plumbing invoice from TJ Plumbing for $813. Upon VV, MC. Nordby inform the council that the water treatment plant equipment is on its way. The truck route signage was discussed. M by Wenninger, MS by Baltrusch to approve change order 9 for the truck route signage in the amount of $10,192.60. Upon RCV, MC. Nordby discussed the pay requests for the street improvement project. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve paying invoice #19953 for $3,305 to Moore Engineering. Upon VV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Anderson to approve reimbursing the City of Harvey for legal fees paid to Nyhus Law and Ted Seibel in the amount $2433. Upon VV, MC.
JDA: Dr. Paul Gunderson described his activities over the last month. He has been very busy working with several businesses. He has been working on writing grants for a new City of Harvey website as well as more walking paths for the City of Harvey.
POLICE REPORT: Officer Head presented the police department’s activity report. He stated the new Police Chief will start in Jan of 2019.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson informed the council he has hired a new sanitation worker. He discussed the truck route. A portion was omitted in error which should read: extending from 7th Street East onto the 700 block of Custer Avenue continuing east on 8th Street to Business 52. The map was correct. M by Wenninger, MS by Anderson to amend truck route. Upon VV, MC. Erickson reviewed commercial garbage rates. He and Nordby have been working on increases for 2019. Garbage weights have been collected since we received the new printer for the truck for commercial users. The council tabled the rate increase until Jan 2019 for further research.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby informed the council the childcare has closed. They are looking for a director so they can reopen the center. Nordby has been busy giving out payoff requests for the old and new special assessments.
MINUTES: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on November 14th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with November Revenue of $150,209.57. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch, to approve vouchers, Airside Solutions $509.45, Ameripride $150.91, Aqua-Pure Inc $907.50, Broad Reach 163.70, Cherie Heisler $180.00, City of Harvey $1550.40, Curt Benson $270, Dacotah Paper Co $207.87, Dakota Fire Extinguishers, Inc $1,029.58, Dale’s Radiator and Repair $436, Dennis Dockter $.42, Emery-Pratt Co $97.35, Frey Insurance $65, Grand Forks Fire Equip $6471.58, Hannah Tuenge $147.84, Harvey Fire Department 6,519.92, Harvey Motor Service $8.79, Harvey Oil Co. $1804.15, Harvey Sand & Gravel $28.13, Hav-It Services $317.50, Hav-It Recycling $1,250, Hawkins Inc $1,830.54, Henry Head $86.34, Heilman Electric $60, Herald Press $727.45, Hinrichs Super Valu $13.58, HK Designs $100, Hornbachers $81.57, Information Technology Dept $126.95, Jeff’s Key and Lock Repair $270, Jamey Weinmann $180, John Deere Financial $17.98, Jonathan Gallagher $79.56, Karen Nordby $240, Keith Olson $340.73, Kelli Tipton $75, Knowbuddy Resources $378.81, Kotako $5170.32, Lemers True Value $84.15, Midamerica Books $37.90, Midee Auto $448.17, Minot Daily News $239.20, NAPA Auto Parts $158.25, NDDOH $16.48, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology $32, NDLC $140, NDRWS $240, NDTC $1,652.18, NDWU $300, Nyhus Law Firm $938.75, One Call Concepts, Inc $4.80, Ottertail Power Company $7112.84, Patzer Truck Repair $369.73. Paul Gunderson $3,500, Postboard $45, PowerPlan $111.38, Radison $91.65, Rough Rider $550, RV Enterprises $500, Sharon Seehafer $2100.69, Shelley Svoboda $119.90, Smart Apple Media $103.80, Steve Lien $180, Swanston Equipment $299.55, the Library Store $134.61, TJ Plumbing $813, Tractor Supply Co $224.76, Uniform Center $119.99, USBank $500, US Postal Service $275.28, Verendrye Electric Cooperative $297, Verizon $292.28, Visa $2,815.20, Warehouse Grocery $30.52, Waste Management of ND $3,340.40, Wells County Treasurer $196.72, Wells County Recorder $140, Woody’s $178.03 and Nov payroll $63,778.81. Upon RCV, MC
HOLIDAY SCHEDULE- The consensus of the council is to allow the City Office to be CLOSED on Dec 24 and 25, as well as Dec 31 and Jan 1. The employees will have to use vacation time to cover the time off and holiday pay.
LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS – M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda to approve the Liquor License Renewals as presented for the Harvey Bottle Shop, Eagles Club, Little Mart, JW’s, Ta Ahni, Krafty’s Bar & Grill, Spectators and the Harvey Hotel Group for 2019. Upon VV, MC. Hoepfer abstained from voting.
TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to accept tax foreclosed properties from Wells County: Roerick’s Property, Block 2, Lot 3 –Mill’s Addition,Block 2, Lot 4 – Mill’s Addition, Block 2, Lot 5 – Mill’s Addition; Luhman’s Property Lot 4 – South Side Addition; Montgomery’s Property, S 50’ of Lots 1 & 2 – Low’s Addition; Eckart’s Property B – D – Frueh’s Addition; Cendroski Property’s, Block 1, S 89’ of Lot 1 – Dolen’s Addition; Lankford’s Property, Block 3, Lot 7 – Mill’s Addition – Block 3, Lot 8 – Mill’s Addition; Eckert’s Property, N 60’ of B-A – Frueh’s Addition. Upon VV, MC.
RECYLING CENTER: The recycling center is requesting permission to replace 5 fluorescent light fixtures on the south half of the building plus add 3 electrical outlets on the south & west wall of the heated side of the building. The cost would be approx. $500. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the project. Upon VV, MC.
SUPPORT FOR DOT APPLICATION: Dr. Gunderson is completing the grant application for the DOT TAP. He is requesting funding to continue the walking path. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to support the request. Upon VV, MC.
REQUEST FROM JANE ISAAK: Jane Isaak requested to be reimbursed the interest for her first payment on her street improvement special assessment. She paid her street special assessment in full in December. The council appreciates her paying off her specials early but if they reimburse one individual, they would have to reimburse everyone that pays their specials off this year. M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer to deny request. Upon VV, MC.
ADJOURNMENT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson for adjournment, upon VV, MC. The next meeting will be January 9, 2019.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Shelley Svoboda, Donnie Hoepfer. Also, present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, and Kelli Tipton
VISITORS: Job Development Director Paul Gunderson, Radigan Neuhalfen, Police Officer Henry Head, Moore Engineering’s Brandon Oye and Josh Feil.
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Auditor Nordby updated the progress on the meter project. There are 12 meters left to replace; 8 of them need plumber assistance and 4 are refusing entry. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart, to send customers that are refusing entry a letter stating they have 30 days to get in contact with the city to replace their meter or water will be shut off. Upon VV, MC. Josh Feil inform the council that the water treatment plant equipment is on its way. Feil updated the council on the street project. The truck route signage was discussed. There will be 41 signs, expected cost is between $15,000-$20,000. The consensus of the council is Alder will not be used as alternate truck route. M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to approve Moore Invoice of $6,658.75. Upon RCV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Anderson to have Moore Engineering assist Auditor Nordby on the Refinance of USDA debt service. Upon VV, MC. M Baltrusch, MS Eckart to approve projects for CWSRF grants 2019. Upon RCV, MC. Moore brought forth many gifts and a congratulation on becoming North Dakota City of the Year. They look forward to working more with us in the future. The City of Harvey would like to thank Moore Engineering for all their work and for the great pictures and video. They will be tools to use for the future.
JDA: Paul Gunderson’s report was in the pack for council to view. He stated they announced 4 new business at the “Business After 5” event they hosted. He has been working on many press releases for the new businesses. He explained to the council that Harvey had received another award from the St. Joseph’s Foundation that will grant us money to add another foot bridge and walking path to Centennial Park.
POLICE REPORT: Officer Head brought his report for council to view. He stated things are going smoothly with only 3 police staff. He has been busy working on setting up many things for when a new chief start. He informed the council that we will have a new part time officer training in. He has been looking into First Net, which is a Government created and controlled cell phone service. He noted it is only for First Responder and Emergency service use.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson informed the council of a termination in the sanitation department. We are looking for someone to fill the open position. Erickson has been informed from the State of ND that all houses torn down must be asbestos inspected. This would add approx. $500 per building. Auditor Nordby discussed with the council that Erickson’s work vehicle is in need of being replaced. M by Hoepfer, MS by Anderson to purchase a new public work’s vehicle. Upon RCV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby informed the council that she has been very busy with childcare. The Learning Circle has decided they no longer want to operate the center in Harvey. The JDA will be looking into other options or hiring staff to reopen the center. Nordby told council that the first year of the street assessments were certified to the county. Interviews for the new police chief will be starting after Thanksgiving.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on October 10th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with October Revenue of $219,638.45. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart, to approve vouchers, All American Trophies and Screen $36.00, Ameripride $359.90, Aqua-Pure Inc $3410, Canadinn $198, Central Cinema Theatre $79.49, City of Harvey $4199, Cobblestone Inn and Suites $1,264.50, Cole Papers Inc $6100.92, Dacotah Paper Co $378.81, Dakota Fire Extinguishers, Inc $54.99, Dale’s Radiator and Repair $2,700.96, Display Sales Company $427.80, Emery-Pratt Co $10.67, Farmtastic Heritage Foods $410.50, Ferguson Waterworks $419.07, Friedt’s Yard Service $250, Gaffaney’s of Minot, Inc $364.48, Glock Professional Inc $250, Grain Bin Coffee $28.00, Grand Forks Fire Equip. Inc $106.48, Hager Excavating $500, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce $705, Harvey City Band $450, Harvey Motor Service $27.20, Harvey Oil Co. $1807.42, Harvey Park Board $5,612.50, Hav-It Services $267, Hav-It Recycling $1,250, Hawkins Inc $1,830.54, Heilman Electric $1,237.59, Herald Press $598.88, Hinrichs Super Valu $86.79, Hometown Variety $50.06, Information Technology Dept $64.15, Jeff’s Key and Lock Repair $110.50, James Jabara $193.99, John Deere Financial $626.59, Karen Nordby $54.68, Keith Olson $182.03, KHND Radio $200, Kotako $2,990.85, Kyle Kukowski $573.25, Lautt’s Auto Body and Towing $170, Lautt’s Feed and Supply Co. $1,995, Lemers True Value $213.73, Little Mart $132.66, Midee Auto $262.44, Miller Clothing $175, NAPA Auto Parts $30.95, Nathan Griffan $375, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology $32, NDTC $1,656.94, North Dakota Dept of Health $16.48, Nyhus Law Firm $2,338.75, One Call Concepts, Inc $20.40, Ottertail Power Company $6756.62 Patzer Truck Repair $369.73. Paul Gunderson $3,500, Perfect Petals $85.96, Productivity Plus Account $311.98, Redwood Toxicology Lab $10, Ripplinger Motors Inc $416.68, Syn-Tech Systems $67.50, Ted Seibel, PC $408.50, The Learning Circle $2,817.25, Transcript Publishing $250, UNUM Life Insurance Company $370.50, US Postal Service $227.21, Verendrye Electric Cooperative $206, Verizon $292.02, Visa $778.04, Warehouse Grocery $49.38, Waste Management of ND $12,303.22, Wiest Associates, LLC $2,702.25 and Oct payroll $93,600.22. Upon RCV, MC
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Invoice to Wells County for election M Baltrusch, MS Eckart to not pay anymore to Wells County for election expenses. Upon RCV, MC.
NEW BUSINESS: A patron of the city wished to return parcel’s 80326000 and 80333000 back to the city. The consensus of the council is to deny the request to take back these properties after discussion. Auditor Nordby discussed with the council to add Black Mountain time card system, request was tabled until next meeting. Nordby asked council for city offices to be closed the days of Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The employees would need to use vacation time, request was granted. Council Member Shelley Svoboda requested to use the armory for a youth archery class. He has been working with Dan Stutlien at the school and the North Dakota Games and Fish but still had some information to obtain. Svoboda would need the armory for storage and practice space. The consensus of the council is to support his request. They would like to see if Top Hat’s costumes could go to the school.
JDA Minutes: Included in the packet.
Personnel Committee Minutes: Included in the packet.
Harvey Municipal Clerk of Court Report: Included in the packet.
Water Treatment Plant Report: Included in the Packet.
Rath and Mehrer PC Audit Letter: Included in the Packet.
ADJOURNMENT: M by Eckart, MS by Anderson for adjournment, upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, October 10th, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday, October 10th, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, October 10th, 2018 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Bob Weninger, Shelley Svoboda and Donnie Hoepfer. Absent was Melissa Anderson.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Dr. Paul Gunderson and Kelli Tipton
VISITORS: Radigan Neuhalfen, Officer James Jabara and Joel Schmike
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Brandon Oye with Moore Engineering updated the council on many of the projects via conference call. A few more meters have been updated for the meter replacement project. M by Baltrusch MS by Weninger to approve the invoice for Sweeney’s in the amount of $431.25 for updates at the water treatment plant. Upon VV, MC. M by Weninger, MS Hoepfer to approve the invoice to Golden Eye for the new elements for the WTP in the amount of $35,763. Upon RCV, MC. M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda, to approve Moore Engineering invoice #19495 for the Ground Storage Project/Meter Replacement in the amount of $4,795.35, upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the Milestone Met by Oct, 5th, 2018 on the Street Improvement Project. Upon VV, MC. Brandon from Moore asked the council to think about what they would like to do with the remainder of the street budget. Council would like the truck route signage completed. The Engineers will complete a walk through in the spring to look for any defective work that needs to be fixed. Brandon stated, “Aug 3rd, 2019 will be the substantial completion date and Aug 30th,2019 is the final date of project.” Oye requested approval of the Balancing Change Order #8 in the amount of $263,570.93 M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart, to approve the change order and agree on quantities. Upon RCV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the contractor’s Application #7 in the amount of $313,792.68. Upon RCV MC. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve Moore Engineering Invoice #19519 in amount of $23,071.45. Upon RCV, MC. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve of paying 50% of HydroClean’s Invoice in the amount of $10,172.33. Upon RCV, MC. M by Eckart, MS by Milo, to proceed with SRF application for Refinancing some of the debt that qualifies at 2% interest. Upon RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: The resignation of Chief Shaine Towe was in the packet for the council to review. Personnel Committee met Tuesday, Oct 9th, 2018 regarding police scheduling issues. Joel Schimke was present to represent the personnel committee. Joel explained that the committee decided to refer to the policy manual. Discussion continued about the scheduling issues and many council members believed the police should be compensated for their overtime hours. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch, to pay present police officers’ current hourly rate for worked on call time dating back to when the chief resigned and effective until a new Chief is hired. Upon VV, MC. Auditor Karen Nordby informed the council the police had received a grant for new portable and in car radios. The council agreed to table the discussion until a new police chief was hired. Nordby also noted that packets will be sent to some of the applicants applying for the chief position.
JDA: Paul Gunderson brought his activity report for the council to review. He is very busy. He has received a couple grants and hopes for more. Main Street Initiative dead line is approaching, Oct 31, 2018, Gunderson explained different ways this grant could help Lincoln Ave. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve of Resolution of Sponsorship for application of “Harvey Mainstreet Initiative-2018”. Upon VV, MC. Mayor Ann Adams noted that DOT is coming out with new grants for help with underpasses and walk way work. It is due end of December. Mayor Adams also stated that we need to be proud and use our new title “2018 Small Town City of the Year.” She suggested any businesses in town may use this name to represent Harvey. Adams thanked Paul Gunderson for all his hard work put in to make this possible.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson informed the council that Fessenden asked Harvey to pick up their garbage route. The consensus of the council was to deny the request. M by Weninger, MS Svoboda, to waive the daycare building permit fee. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer, to approve request to increase the rental rates for the sewer vac and jetter to $100 per hour each. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. M by Hoepfer, MS by Svoboda, to have the city offices closed the Friday after Thanksgiving with employees using vacation time. Upon VV, MC. M by Svoboda, MS by Weninger, to purchase a TV 65”-72” for the Veterans Room for conference calling and other IT uses. Upon RCV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on September 12th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with September Revenue of $121,666.22. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M Hoepfer by MS Eckart by to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ann Adams $177.13, Bank of North Dakota $950.81, Bituminous Paving, Inc $600, Brittney Schmaltz $3, Candainns $807.10, City of Harvey $109.31, Cobblestone Inn & Suites $481.50, Cole’s Papers Inc $1645.27, Dale’s Radiator and Repair $250.50, Dean Klier $154.90, Emery-Pratt Co $88.24, Ferguson Waterworks $108.54, Frey Insurance Agency $13, Gaffaney’s of Minot, Inc $ 158.65, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce $4,000, Harvey Motor Service 62.23, Harvey Oil Co. $2328.39, Hav-It Recycling $1250, Hawkins Inc $1475.80, Herald Press $87.58, Hinrichs Super Valu $134.28, HWC Little Stingers $1000.00, Information Technology Dept. $64.15, James Jabara $62.50, John Deere Financial $56.20, Karen Nordby $214.85, Kenny Erickson $42.99, Kotaco $886.71, Lemer’s True Value $101.99, Little Mart $125.18, Lookout Books $146.65, Maguire Iron, Inc. $1843.50, Michael Frederick $24, Mid-American Research Chemical $108.17, Midee Auto $9,222.46, NAPA $305.95, NDTC $1537.71, Nick Hertz $189.81, North Dakota Department of Health $48.48, North Dakota League of Cities $855, Nyhus Law Firm $1817.96, One Call Concepts, Inc $35.45, Ottertail Power Company $7,054.46, Patzer Truck Repair $95.57, Paul Gunderson $2,804.38, Perfection Auto Body $495.00, Roosevelt Inn & Suites $199.90, Starion Bond Services $13,270.75, Tractor Supply Co. $17.85, Verendry Electric Coop $174, Visa $1688.83, QBS Safeguard 321.02, Rad’s Tree Service $20,000, UNUM Life Insurance Company $199.50, Verizon $205.35, Waste Management of ND $11,617.19, Wells County JDA $1249.98, Wells County Recorder $6, Woody’s $88.22, US Postal Service $230.75 and Sept payroll of $79,096.26. Upon RCV, MC.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: City Auction revenue was $2500 after the Auctioneer was paid.
NEW BUSINESS: The council discussed the childcare project.
JDA Minutes: Included in the packet.
Personnel Committee Minutes: Included in the packet.
ADJOURNMENT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Donny for adjournment, upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried.
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, Sept 12th, 2018 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Donnie Hoepfer, Shelley Svoboda and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, JDA Director Paul Gunderson, Police Chief Shaine Towe. City Attorney Chis Nyhus, and Kelli Tipton
VISITORS: Josh Feil, Radigan Neuhalfen, James Jabara, Jon Gallagher, Adolph Lorz, Alice Lorz, Brad Kline, Tami Feist, Marci Eckart, Bruce Synder, Steve Aljets and Brice Wakefield.
Mayor Adams called the Public Hearing to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING-BUDGET 2019: Auditor Karen Nordby addressed the council on the budget for 2019
M by Weninger MS by Baltrusch to approve the 2019 Budget. Upon RVC MC.
PUBLIC HEARING-SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS- STREET IMPROVEMENT 2016-1: Alice Lorz addressed the council on confusion she had with how her property was being assessed. Josh Feil of Moore Engineering informed her of the process. Her assessment was correct per the special assessment committee. Park Board President Brad Kline expressed his concerns with the assessment and noted he thought they were exempt from the specials. The Park Board can’t afford what they are being assessed. They asked the city for help. After the council gave them other options such as; asking for grants, fund raising, and going to the JDA, they felt the city is not responsible for paying for the Park’s assessments. Dennis Hauser submitted a written letter correcting his assessed footage from 70ft to 65ft. After talking with Moore Engineering and Chris Nyhus, the council felt that Hauser’s lot should actually only be assessed 50ft. M by Baltrusch MS by Hoepfer to change the assessed footage to 50ft. Upon VV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to add 20ft to the City Shop legal description Hornbacher’s 2nd Addition Lot 3 Block 6. Upon VV, MC. Linda Johnson had previously written a letter to the council stating she should not be assessed for a portion of her lot because the neighboring apartment building maintains a portion. Her request was denied. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve the Special Assessment Committee’s Recommendation with the 2 exceptions. Upon RCV, MC.
M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil with Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. Brandon Oye and Josh have completed a walk thru, “the project is substantially complete.” The concerns at this point were man hole casts and landscaping issues. Josh ensured that Bill Berg will stay until all work is done. M by Eckart, MS by Anderson to approve the Certificated of Substantial Completion date as of August 28, 2018 for the Street Project 2016-1, upon VV, MC. Josh presented change order #7 for top soil totaling $842.50. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve Change Order 7, upon VV, MC. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve invoice #19303 to Moore Engineering for $92,665.04, upon RCV MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve Bituminous Pay Application 6 for $101,478.64, upon RCV MC. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve pay request to the City of Harvey for reimbursement of Herald Press bills for publishing Special Assessments for $3077.38, Upon VV, MC. Feil asked about an update on meters to be replaced, Auditor Nordby had nothing new at the time. M by Eckart MS by Hoepfer to approve Moore Engineering invoice 19043 for $8,246.90 for the ground storage project, upon RCV, MC. Fiel discussed the State Drinking Water Fund. It is planning time for their budget we can put projects on the list such as help with water treatment plant improvements, well improvement and other water improvement needs. Council agreed place projects on the list.
JDA REPORT: JDA Director Paul Gunderson stated there are many new things in the works for Harvey. Sheyenne Valley Food Hub formerly referred to as Farmers Market are looking to move to Pioneer Park for 2019. Paul will be working with them for some added buissnesses. ND Department of Commerce will be coming Oct 3rd, as Harvey is 1 of 25 towns in the Governor’s Main Street Development Initiative. Gunderson will arrange for a tour of the city, have lunch in town with the council and other committee’s and have a public forum.
POLICE REPORT: Police Chief Shaine Towe’s report was in pack. He has been working on getting a grant for new body camera’s with better audio and video and also new portable radio’s to keep in better contact with dispatch. M by Baltrusch, and MS by Hoepfer to appoint Nikki Svoboda as new police committee member upon VV, MC. Officer Jabara noted to council that it is legal for an officer to issue a ticket next day if offence is seen while off duty.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Kenny Erickson’s report was printed for council to view. He thanked the city for the new purchase of the man lift cage. The employees appreciate it. First International Bank and Trust has asked the city to help share in some of the cost to redo the alley behind the bank. Erickson noted that it cost $10,500 for the mobilization of the milling machine, $2500 for the cost of milling and $2000 for the paving. The alley didn’t allow the water to flow after the contractor paved it the first time. M by Hoepfer, MS by Weninger to pay $4,000 of the bill. Upon RCV, MC.
AUDITOR’S REPORT: Auditor Karen Nordby’s report was in the packet. Nordby requested the council review the funds that may be left over from the street project and determine how we can continue to improve the city.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch MS by Eckart to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with August revenue of $220,908.68, upon RCV, MC
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: M by Baltrusch MS by Eckart to approve minutes, upon RCV MC
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch MS by Eckart to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 136.48, Atlantis Global LLC 78.58, Bank of ND 17,304.95, Black Mountain Software, Inc 100, Cherie Heisler 92.25, City of Harvey 21.88, Computer Projects of IL, Inc 400, Dakota Paper Co 196.10, Dakota Fire Extinguishers, Inc 170, Diamond Vogel 699.85, Eberline Analytical Corp 245.90, Electric Pump 52499.65, Elite Spraying LLC 2102.50, Emert Pratt Co 63.55, Ferguson Waterworks 473.06, Frey Insurance Agency 118, Friedt’s Yard Services 500, Hach Company 1696.54, Harrison Sales and Service Inc 372.93, Harvey Motor Service 72.67, Harvey Park District 2000, Hav-It Recycling 1250, Hav-It Services 317.50, Hawkins Inc 1475.80, Herald Press 3553.51, Hinrichs Super Valu 9, Hometown Variety 183.68, Information Technology Dept 64.15, Judy Longtin 10, Kali Weinmann 144.45, Kotaco 3955.23, Lautt Roofing and Repair Inc 1995, Lemers True Value 123.61, Little Mart 41.16, Mid Dakota Lumber 27.74, Moore Engineering Inc 1330, Napa Auto Parts 15.99, ND Department of Health 304.11, NDTC 1476.95, Northern Prairie Mechanical 1244.86, Nyhus Law Firm 2952.50, One Call Concepts Inc 31.20, Online Dakota Information Network 2267, Opdahl Concrete LLC 5659.59, Otter Tail Power Company 8203.38, Patzer Truck Repair 459.71, Paul Gunderson 2500, Railroad Management Company III LLC 214.01, Ripplinger Motors 441.22, Rough Rider Industries 2492, Share Corporation 383.62, The Radar Shop 129, Tractor Supply Co 33.97, UNIVAR 1292.50, UNUM Life Insurance Company 213.75, USA Blue Book 32.59, US Postal Service 281.46, USDA Rural Development 122,916.17, Verendrye Electric Cooperative 173, Verizon 394.76, Vessco Inc 157.30, VISA 2116.98, Waste Management of ND 3591.51, Welcome Wagon 10. Upon RCV, MC
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Chapter 9 Article 14: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to adopt the second and final reading of the ordinance amendment to Chapter 9 Article 14 updating the Truck Route Ordinance. Upon RCV, MC.
City of Harvey Ordinance:
Chapter 9 – Traffic
Article 14 – Regulating the Kinds and Classes of Traffic on Certain Roads
9.1401 – Load Restrictions upon Vehicles Using Certain Roadways
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate any vehicle with a gross weight in excess of the maximum indicated weight at any time upon any street or part of a street so designated.
9.1402 – Commercial Vehicles Prohibited from Using Certain Streets
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate any commercial vehicle exceeding the maximum indicated gross weight at any time upon any street or part of a street so designated except that such vehicles may be operated thereon for the purpose of delivering or picking up materials or merchandise and then only by entering such street at the intersection nearest the designation of the vehicle and proceeding thereon no farther than the nearest intersection thereafter.
9.1403 – Size Restrictions upon Vehicles Using Certain Highways
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate any vehicle exceeding the dimensions specified by such sign or signs at any time upon any street or part of a street so designated.
9.1404 – Weight, Load and Cargo Restrictions
All streets within the City limits are restricted from travel by trucks, truck-tractors, trailers, semitrailers, commercial buses, delivery vehicles or any other commercial vehicles, whether loaded or unloaded except on the following roads:
All of North Street;
All of 7th Street;
All of Jackson Avenue;
East Brewster – from Business 52 to Jackson Avenue;
West Brewster – from Elm Avenue to Frontage Road;
All of Edith Dr. West – gravel;
All of Industrial Park Frontage Road – gravel;
Third Street – from Highway 3 to Alder Avenue – gravel;
Elm Avenue from Business 52 to West Brewster;
All of Frontage Road.
See these roadway restrictions appearing on the map referenced in Section 9.1405.
This section shall not apply to vehicles and equipment of the city’s public works department and fire department. For the purposes of this section, the word “street” shall mean any street, avenue, land, alley, drive or any other title that indicates a street.
9.1405 Maps. The city auditor shall keep and maintain accurate maps setting out truck routes and streets upon which truck traffic is permitted. The maps shall be kept on file in the office of the city auditor and shall be available to the public.
9.1406 – Exceptions
This article shall not prohibit:
- Detoured trucks. The operation of trucks upon any officially established detour in any case where such truck could lawfully be operated upon the street for which such detour is established.
- Service or repair. The operation of a truck for the purpose of having such truck serviced or repaired at a business that services or repairs trucks for profit.
- Fueling. The operation of a truck for the purpose of fueling at a business primarily engaged in the business of selling fuel.
- Deliveries. The operation of trucks on all city streets when necessary to conduct business at the destination point.
- All trucks traveling off of the streets excepted in Section 9.1406 (01) – (04) for the purposes of service or repair, fueling, or delivers must travel in a manner to ensure that the non-excepted streets are used the least amount possible. Trucks making more than one (1) delivery on any one (1) trip may take the most direct route between one (1) delivery and the next.
9.1407 – Definitions
Truck is any motor vehicle designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of property and, for the purposes of this Article, whose body weight or whose combined body and load weight exceeds twenty thousand (20,000) pounds registered gross weight. For the purposes of this section, if a motor vehicle is attached to a trailer which exceeds the stated gross vehicle weight, it shall be included in the definition of a truck and subject to the restrictions of Chapter 9 Article 14.
9.1408 – Compression Braking Prohibited
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle driven upon any public or private street or right-of-way within the city to use, or employ the use of, a compression or “jake” brake. For the purpose of this section, a compression or “jake” brake shall mean any device effectively muffled and which, when employed, reduces engine speed and causes the vehicle to slow without the use of the vehicle’s braking system. This section shall not apply to emergency driving situations requiring the use of all vehicle braking systems, including compression or “jake” brakes, when necessary to protect persons or property.
Persons who knowingly or recklessly violate Section 9.1408 are guilty of a noncriminal offense punishable by fine of $25 for the first offense in a 12 month period and $50 for the second offense in a 12 month period.
9.1409 – Overnight Parking Prohibited
No commercial vehicle or truck as defined in this section shall park along the truck route or elsewhere on the public street or right-of-way within the city for a period of longer than four consecutive hours, and shall not park along the truck route between the hours of 5:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m.
9.1410 Enforcement: Penalty: Local Law enforcement is responsible for enforcement of moving violations. The penalty for violation of any of these sections, unless otherwise specified therein, shall be two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the first offense and five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the second offense within a one-year period.
RAFFLE PERMIT: Allie Schell/Brooke Loen Raffle requested Raffle Permit #18-10. M by Weninger, MS Baltrusch by to approve raffle permit #18-10 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
RAFFLE PERMIT: Harvey Wildlife Club requested Raffle Permit #18-09. M Eckart by, MS Baltrusch by to approve raffle permit #18-09 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
UTILITY BILLING COMPUTER: M by Eckart MS by Baltrusch to approve the purchase of a new computer for the Utility Billing department. Upon a VV, MC.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: M by Weninger MS by Svoboda to approved variances for Gary Troftgruben at 820 E. 4th Street to build a garage with 16ft side walls and a 4ft variance for the rear of his property. As well as a variance for Ryan Schneibel at 506 Judy Blvd for 4 foot from the rear property line to build a new shed. Upon VV,MC.
According to Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2.
M by Wenninger, MS by Baltrusch to go into Executive Session, Upon RCV, MC.
Executive session started at 8:00 pm and was recorded. In attendance were Mayor Adams, Svoboda, Anderson, Weninger, Hoepfer, Eckart, Baltrusch, Nordby and Erickson.
Executive session closed by Mayor Adams at 8:37pm.
Mayor Adams opened the meeting to the public.
M by Weninger MS by Baltrusch to adjourn executive session, upon VV, MC.
With no further business meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be October 10, 2018.
____________________ _____________________________
Ann M Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday Aug 8th, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday Aug 8th, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, August 8th, 2018 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Donnie Hoepfer, Shelley Svoboda and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson and Chief Shaine Towe.
VISITORS: Lynn Dick, Jim Weinmann, Peter Varelas, Marci Eckart, Josh Feil, Radigan Neuhalfen, Lisa and Joey Miller.
Mayor Adams called the Public Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING – ABATEMENT 80259000 & 8076900: Lynn Dick addressed the council property regarding the parcels. She expressed her concerns for the taxable value of the property due to the condition. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the application for the abatement/refund of taxes for parcel #80259000 value should be $17,500 and parcel #80769000 value should be $38,500. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
JIM WEINMANN: Jim expressed his concern with the street project.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil from Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. Feil discussed the Ground Storage Project the balance of the funds. He presented the costs of the chlorine disinfectant generator systems. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to approve purchasing the Microcolor System for $135,000. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the reimbursement to the City of Harvey for the Decorative Concrete invoice for $3276, Postage, Envelopes and Stationary for the water meter mailing of $549.32 and TJ Plumbing invoice for meter replacements for $4,254.50. Upon VV, MC. Josh discussed the Street Improvement District No. 2016-1. The public hearing will be held on Sept 12 at 5:30 in the Veterans Room as the final process on the special assessment. The street work is completed for the 2018 season. The crew will be here after August 15 to complete the final grade and hydro seeding. Josh feels the Substantial Completion date will be around Sept 1, 2018. The council discussed the chip sealing which will be completed in 2019. M by Hoepfer, MS by Anderson to approve Change order #6 as presented. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve payment for HydroKlean for invoice #60260 in the amount of $21,249.41. Upon RCV, MC. The contractor’s pay application #5 was submitted in the amount of $1,289,911.40. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the payment for Bituminous Paving. Upon RCV, MC. Feil submitted a pay request for Moore Engineering in the amount of $86,028.70. M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to approve invoice #19050. Upon RCV, MC.
LISA MILLER: Lisa is requesting the City Council put automatic opening doors on the armory. She has researched grants to help pay for the project. She didn’t find anyone that would qualify but she would be willing to help fund raise if needed to complete the project. The consensus of the council is the project is very needed. Kenny will look into prices and see what would be needed to complete the project.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s reported to the council he was working on many projects. He has been busy submitting articles to the press. He has been appointed to the Red River Corridor Fund Board.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. He reported to the council calls are up but that is not unusual for this time of the year. He informed the council about the hail damage the PD vehicles received from the storm on June 28. He has been working with the insurance adjuster. The police committee received a resignation letter from Bridget Meranda. They will look for a replacement for this position.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson informed the council that the golf course road project has been completed. He discussed the speed of the road which is 40 mph for vehicles and 25mph for loaded trucks. “We have so much money invested into the road we need to protect it.” Comment Hoepfer. The house at 717 Park Ave has been demolished. The WTP needs a new water tester for approx. $1300. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve purchase. Upon VV, MC. The council discussed the truck route.
ORDINANCE FIRST READING TRUCK ROUTE: M by Svoboda, MS by Weninger to adopt First reading of the ordinance amendment for the truck route presented to the council. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. She has been busy working on the budget.
MINUTES: M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on 6/13 and 6/26. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with June Revenue of $69,705.75. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to approve the vouchers with expenses of: All American Trophies 35, Ameripride 125.80, Andrew St Vincent 325, Bank of ND 170,801.49, Brad Kline 130, Brock Hagemeister 65, City of Harvey 10,000, Cengage Learning 54.57, Cole Papers 1832.82, Diagnostic Imaging Systems 27,718.32Double E Designs 20.00, Evan Nitz 65, Emery-Pratt 175.57, Elite Spraying 2580, Extreme Sales 8420, Friedt’s Yard 1425, Faul Excavating 2043.16, Greater ND Chamber 500, Harvey Oil Co 2,345.39, Harvey Park District 4939.08, Hav-It Recycling 1250.00, Hav-it Services 211.50, Hawkins Inc. 1535.80, Hinrichs Super Valu 37.04, Hometown Variety 277.64, Joe Volk 130, JP Hager Enter 4000, Julie Rademacher 45, Keller Plbg Htg Air 30.90, Kenny Erickson 129.17, KHND 200, Kotaco 4596.81, Lautts Feed & Supply 275, Lemer’s True Value 327.90, Lisa Steedsman 31.80, Little Mart 87.31, Logan Sieg 45, MARC 207.75, Mark Nyhus 65, Matt Kittelson 65, Mid AmericanBooks 194.50, Mid Dakota Lumber 702.75, Midwest Graphics 328, NAPA 27.34, ND Dept. of Health 25, NDTC 1523.75, NDInsurance 300, ND State Library1327.11, Olson Zerr 315.53, One Call Concepts 79.20, Ottertail 8663.06, Paul Gunderson 2500.00, Rick Swenson 130, Ripplinger Motors 189.14, Rooster Repair 13.14, Rough Rider 58.85, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 188.98, Steve Aljets 260, System Technology 540, Thomas Moravec 3, Tecta America 747.92, Tractor Supply Co. 282.46, Trista Zerr 85.97, Univar 1292.50, Unum Life Insurance 185.25, US Postal Service 230.56, Verendrye Electric 178, Verizon 394.28, Vessco 79.41, Visa 3181.45, Warehouse 134.46, Waste Management 13,112.14, Water Environment Fed 155, Wells County Treasure 52,047.49 74.10 and July Payroll $80,015.41. Upon RCV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: Brian Galvin has requested a special event permit to have music in Pioneer Park on August 12th from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the request. Upon VV, MC. Krafty’s Bar & Grill, Harvey Area Chamber and Spectators have requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Street and the ½ Block of 8th Street to the Alley in front of Spectators for a street dance on Sept 1st from 7:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m. They would like to extend their hours from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. and are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Street while the road is closed for this event. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the request. Upon VV, MC.
PROPANE BIDS: Mayor Adams opened the propane bids from Kotaco 21,000 gal @ $1.19 no taxes, Ferrellgas 21,000 gal @ $1.19 no taxes and Harvey Oil Co 21,000 gallons @ $1.21 no taxes and M by Svoboda, MS by Wenninger to accept the bid from Kotaco. Hoepfer Abstained from voting. Upon VV, MC.
EQUIPMENT: Erickson discussed the need to purchase a man lift or a cage for the payloader or a new piece of equipment. The council agreed with the Public Works Director to purchasing something to keep the employees safe. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve purchasing a piece of equipment to keep the employees safe such as a man lift. Upon VV, MC.
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: M by Wenninger, MS by Eckart to accept the committee’s recommendation of a salary increase of 3% increase. Monthly Salary: Kenny Erickson $5428.47, Shaine Towe $4243.66, Karen Nordby $4653.46, Jon Gallagher $3310.60, James Jabara $3310.60, Henry Head $3583.57; Hourly: Cherie Heisler $18.12, Steve Lien $18.60, Hannah Nyberg $17.37, Keith Olson $25.22, Jamey Weinmann $23.00, John Donarski $21.58 and Myron Volk $16.55. Upon RCV, MC
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Recommends the council accept the budget proposed by the Auditor. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve the preliminary budget for January-December 2019 as submitted. Upon RCV, MC. The preliminary budget is on file at the Auditor’s office.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: Minutes included in the packet. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the variance. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday July 11, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday July 11, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Donnie Hoepfer, Shelley Svoboda and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Past Council Member Linda Knudtson and Chief Shaine Towe.
VISITORS: Julie Knudtson, Dan Stutlien, Marci Eckart and Josh Feil.
Mayor Adams called the regular meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
LINDA KNUDTSON: Mayor Ann presented Linda Knudtson a plaque with the key to the City of Harvey. She thanked her for her many years on the City Council and recognized her as the first female mayor of the city.
DAN STUTLIEN: Mr. Stutlien informed the City Council of the water damage to his basement in April of 2017. He repaired his basement as well as added drain tile and a sump pump to continue to remove the water that kept coming in. He noticed in April of 2018 when a water break was fixed at his neighbor’s house above the hill from him. His sump pump hole dried up and is still dry even though we had lots of rain in June of 2018. Which lead him to the conclusion that the water in his basement was from the City of Harvey’s watermain. He requested the City help him pain for his damage. M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to support Mr. Stutlien. Upon VV, MC. Karen will submit the damage to NDIRF.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil from Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. Feil discussed the Ground Storage Project and the importance of using up the grant money before it disappears. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve purchasing a portable generator, membranes for the filters at the WTP, and a new filtration system for the WTP. Upon RCV, MC. M by Eckart, MS by Svoboda to approve the amended preliminary engineering report. Upon VV, MC. Josh discussed the Street Improvement District No. 2016-1. Most of the streets have been milled and paved. The construction crews are finishing the reconstructs of Kennedy, Meadow, and North Street. The concrete crew is in town this week to finish up the concrete work to be done. The contractor’s pay application #4 was submitted in the amount of $1,509,645.45. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the payment for Bituminous Paving. Upon RCV, MC. Feil submitted a pay request for Moore Engineering in the amount of $103,289.50. M by Hoepfer, MS by Anderson to approve invoice #18724. Upon RCV, MC. Josh discussed Lincoln Ave. The council discussed milling and paving Lincoln Ave, the City Parking Lots located on 8th Street and Adams Ave and 10th Street and Lincoln Ave plus the City Shop Parking Lot. The cost will never be cheaper than it is with this project. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve edge milling and paving the locations, RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. The council discussed the truck route. They would like the changes discussed to be updated. Next monthe they will have the 2nd reading of the ordinance. Kenny asked the council’s for clarification of the Lincoln Ave Business district. The council feels it is south of the tracks on Lincoln Ave to Brewster Street and ½ block to the north and south. The council would like the ordinance update to reflect the change. Erickson informed the council on the golf course road project. Melvin Southard, Wells County Road Forman has started working on the project. They have added more base one after removing the 6 inches of washboard gravel. He is very pleased with the base. His crew will be working with Kenny and his crew to finish the chip seal in July.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s reported to the council he was working on a new website for the City of Harvey. He has helped Karen arrange the painting and new flooring for the office space. He has a company that is interested in leasing the space from the airport authority. He is working on hosting the next business after hours. He will inform the council of the date at the next meeting.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Karen informed the council the daycare is finally open. Nordby informed the council she was not ready for the ZBS Auction in July. Gill will work on another date. She reported the City has hired Kelli Tipton for the full time Utility Billing Position. She will start July 16. She informed the council of NDIRF denying the claims for 512 Judy Blvd and 1021 Divine Ave M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to approve waiving the building permit fee for the new equipment building for the Little Stinger football program at the ballpark. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on 6/13 and 6/26. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with June Revenue of $69,705.75. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 125.80, Andrew St Vincent 65, Aqua-Pure 3000, Barbie Weisser 45, Cam Johnson 137, CPRail Co 692.11, Cengage Learning 37.08, Chase Lee 143, City of Harvey 57.45, Cole Papers 182.34, Cosun Biobased Products 6660, Dacotah Paper Co 372.56, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 921.49, Dale’s Radiator 11, Double E Designs 42.50, Eddy Co SO 595, Emery-Pratt 59.39, Elite Sparying 2611, Farmers Union Oil 11.70, Gaffaney’s 186.58, Gerrells 898.83, Hager Excavating 1950, HACOC 4000, Harvey Motor Service 77.36, Hav-It Recycling 1250.00, Hav-it Services 382.50, Hawkins Inc. 3413.31, Herald Press 1015.49, Hinrichs Super Valu 77.49, Hometown Variety 103.50, Jay Borseth 208, Information Technology Dept. 62.80, John Deere Financial 1234.98, Kenny Erickson 59.95, Kotaco 503.81, Lemer’s True Value 322.07, Mark Nyhus 65, Mid Dakota Lumber 1964.56, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 82, ND Dept. of Health 407.67, NDTC 2213.49, NDInsurance 25, Nyhus Law Firm 1204.00, One Call Concepts 222.65, Ottertail 8145.39, Paul Gunderson 2500.00, Paul Hanson 121, Penworthy 114, Sanitation Products 101.04, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 337.75, Scott Arends 65, State Fire & Tornado 7452.50, Steve Aljets 65, Susag Sand & Gravel 290, The Library Store 188.28, TJ Plumbing 4255, Ted D Seibel 528, Toms Home Furnishing 2102.76, Tractor Supply Co. 279.37, Trev Zerr 214, Trevor Schmike 65, Unum Life Insurance 185.25, US Postal Service 230.09, Verendrye Electric 168, Verizon 402.88, Visa 887.09, Warehouse 48.99, Waste Management 8576.30, Wiest Associates 457.50, Woody’s Service 74.10 and June Payroll $85,053.79. Upon RCV, MC.
EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN INSURANCE COVERAGE: Nordby informed the council the coverage would be for all of the buildings. The council could not delete certain buildings off. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve purchasing Mechanical Breakdown Insurance for the City of Harvey from ND Insurance Reserve Fund. Upon VV, MC.
APPOINT COMMITTEE MEMBERS: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to approve appointment of all committee members to their respective committees. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: Krafty’s Bar & Grill has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Street for a car show/pig roast/street dance on August 18th from 12:00 noon – 2:00 a.m. They would like to extend their hours from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. and are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Street while the road is closed for this event. M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to approve the request. Upon VV, MC.
WELLS COUNTY ELECTION INVOICE: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the payment for ballots on the Wells County Election Invoice, not pay for Election Board since on election in the City of Harvey. Upon VV, MC.
WIC REQUEST: M by Hoepfer, MS by Anderson to approve the request to use the Kiwanis Room once a month at no charge for their services. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby,Auditor
Wednesday June 13, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday June 13, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Donnie Hoepfer, Linda Knudtson, and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Karissa Dockter, and Chief Shaine Towe.
VISITORS: Kathy Davis, Kathy Flagen and Josh Feil.
Mayor Adams called the regular meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
KATHY DAVIS/KATHY FLAGEN: Kathy Davis and Kathy Flagen were visitors on behalf of the Harvey Public Library. They expressed their concern with the condition of the library parking lot and thought the council should be aware of it. The council informed them that the cost would be up to the library and advised them to get some bids. The council said they would be willing to help them out by supplying the back fill and waiving the concrete disposal fee.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil from Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. Nordby updated the current status on the meter replacement project. They discussed the number of meters that are left to install, along with those that aren’t responding or not letting us into the home to have them replaced. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to send letters giving property owners 10 days to get meters changed out or water will be shutoff. Upon VV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Anderson to approve invoice # 13947 from Sweeney Controls in the amount of $1516.96 for the water treatment plant updates. Upon VV, MC. M by Knudtson, MS by Hoepfer to pay invoice 18444 to Moore Engineering for the street improvement project in the amount of $41,509.00. Upon RCV, MC. Josh discussed the Street Improvement District No. 2016-1. A large portion of the south side of town has been milled and paved. They are now working on the north side of town. The contractor’s pay application #3 was submitted in the amount of $638,388.50. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the payment of $638,388.50. Upon RCV, MC. Feil explained the change order #5 which resulted in a credit of $32,853.00. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve change order #5. Upon VV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson got the estimate for the armory roof repair, after discussion they have decided to look into some grants to help with this project before moving forward on it. Kenny asked the council’s permission to purchase a rock bucket with grapple forks for the skid steer that would be used for taking down trees and demolishing houses. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve this purchase in the amount up to $1844.00. Upon VV, MC. A dump trailer was discussed that would be used for hauling the skid steer and also for residents to rent for shingling projects. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the purchase of a dump trailer. Upon RCV, MC. The first reading of the truck route ordinance was tabled until next month’s meeting. The council discussed 808 Divine Avenue where the fire occurred. The consensus of the council is to proceed by enforcing Chapter 12 regarding a nuisance property. Nordby will send out a letter after the police take pictures.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Karen informed the council that the daycare is in the final stages and that they are just waiting on the license in order to open. Karissa Dockter’s resignation was included in the packet. Her last day with the City of Harvey will be on Friday, June 15th. There will be an organizational meeting held on June 26th at 5:30 p.m. Nordby requested that ZBS Auction sell the household items for 500 Pleasant Street and 717 Park Avenue on July 7th, 2018. She would also like to sell some of the City of Harvey’s properties. The requested properties are 300 Adams Ave, 809 Divine Ave, 717 Park Ave,573 Brewster Street E and 422 Birch Street. M by Eckart, MS by Weninger to approve auctioning the property with a $.25 per sq ft minimum lot reserve. If the reserves are not met the lots will not be sold. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Weninger, MS by Knudtson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on May 9th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Weninger, MS by Knudtson to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with May Revenue of $93,360.08. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Weninger, MS by Knudtson to approve the vouchers with expenses of: All American Trophies 30.00, America’s Best Value Inn 128.00, Ameripride 188.70, Ann Adams 75.27, Bank of ND 1750.97, Cendak Farmers Union 22.70, City of Harvey 91.61, Cobblestone Inn 60.00, Cole Papers 1645.27, Dakota Fence 825.00, Decorative Concrete & Design 3276.00, Delvin Hansen 122.78, Eagles Club 495.00, Emery-Pratt 68.33, Farmers Union Oil 4482.50, Frey Insurance 39.00, Friedt’s Yard Service 500.00, Harvey City Band 500.00, Harvey Motor Service 290.80, Harvey Oil Co. 2669.35, Hav-It Recycling 1250.00, Hawkins Inc. 3301.62, Herald Press 445.38, HighPlains Equipment 158.10, Hinrichs Super Valu 11.02, Hometown Variety 207.59, Information Technology Dept. 62.80, Joe McGuire 1072.85, John Deere Financial 396.11, John Donarski 375.00, Kenny Erickson 8.80, Knudtson Construction 1260.00, Kotaco 3864.52, Kyron Tarmann 3.00, Lautt’s Feed & Supply 502.31, Little Mart 196.00, Mid America Books 107.70, Mid Dakota Lumber 4632.90, Moore Engineering 1995.00, Napa Auto 115.46, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 199.13, ND Dept. of Health 16.48, NDTC 1669.57, Nova Fire 1850.00, Nyhus Law Firm 200.00, One Call Concepts 3.00, Ottertail 7754.09, Patzer Truck Repair 179.42, Paul Gunderson 2500.00, Penguin Management 948.00, Rochelle Vandegrift 225.00, Rubbercycle 11,660.00, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 275.13, Service Drug 5.34, Share Corporation 200.25, State Fire & Tornado 28.26, Susag Sand & Gravel 3000.00, Tanya Wieler 200.00, Tractor Supply Co. 208.93, Turtle Mountain League 250.00, Univar 1196.25, Unum Life Insurance 199.50, US Postal Service 229.53, Verendrye Electric 185.00, Verizon 384.82, Visa 9728.45, Waste Management 7766.91, Wells County Recorder 4.00, Wells County Treasurer 3614.00, Wiest Associates 915.00, Woody’s Service 559.54, and May Payroll $102,362.36. Upon RCV, MC.
EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN INSURANCE COVERAGE: The council advised Nordby to check if there was an option to delete certain buildings off of the estimate provided from the ND Insurance Department.
FIRST READING OF RESOLUTION-2018 EDDY/WELLS MULTI HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN: M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to adopt the first reading of the resolution-2018 Eddy/Wells Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan. Upon VV, MC.
BOND RESOLUTION FOR CITY AUDITOR: M by Baltrusch, MS by Knudtson to approve the bond resolution for Karen Nordby, Auditor, in the amount of $1,718,000.00. Upon RCV, MC.
IMPOUND LOT REQUEST: Judge Dean Klier had a letter in the packet regarding an Impound Lot. He feels this would give the police department some leverage against unpaid parking tickets and abandoned vehicles. The consensus of the council was to decline his request because of the cost involved. The council would like to look into increasing the fines for parking tickets.
APPOINT COMMITTEE MEMBER: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to appoint Floyd Wangen to the special assessments committee. Upon VV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATIONS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve Site Authorizations for Wells Sheridan Gaming to conduct games at JW’s Bar & Grill, Spectator’s Bar & Grill and the Harvey Senior Center provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
809 DIVINE AVE SHED: Kenny Erickson has put in a bid of $100 for the shed located at 809 Divine Avenue that was left on the lot after the house was torn down. It is in need of a lot of work and is located too close to the lot lines. It would be moved off the lot. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the bid of $100.00 for the shed. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby,Auditor
Wednesday May 9, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday May 9, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, May 9th, 2018 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Donnie Hoepfer, Linda Knudtson, and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Karissa Dockter, Chief Shaine Towe, and Interim Economic Development Director Paul Gunderson.
VISITORS: Jana Schimelfenig, Barry Buechler, Rod Marchand, Chad Ziegler, Marci Eckart and Josh Feil.
Mayor Adams reconvened the Board of Tax Equalization Meeting.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Assessor Schimelfenig presented the information for the additional Notices of Increase and Homestead Tax Credits to the Council. The council reviewed the information regarding the protested parcels.
NOTICE OF INCREASES/HOMESTEAD TAX CREDITS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the additional increases and tax credits as submitted. Upon RCV, MC.
With no further business, Mayor Adams closed the Board of Tax Equalization Meeting and the Regular Council Meeting opened at 5:45 p.m.
BARRY BUECHLER: Barry explained to the council that he did not feel the reading for 1260 Frontage Rd. was correct back in May 2017. He had paid it but after researching his water usage history it did not seem correct. Since the water meter has been replaced with the water meter replacement project, the council reviewed his meter reading history and agreed with him. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve credit to his account for the water overage amount of $367.35. Upon VV, MC.
ROD MARCHAND/CHAD ZIEGLER: Rod and Chad approached the council about a bill they had received from the City of Harvey for snow removal. They did not feel this bill was fair. The council explained that a letter went out regarding the snow hauling in the business district. A compromise was made between Rod, Chad and the council to allow them to put a pile of snow in the City’s parking lot behind Tom’s Home Furnishings. If this snow pile gets too large, they will have to hire someone to remove it. Rod also voiced his concern for the City landfill fees. The council discussed the cost of disposing trash. The City of Harvey pays to haul all waste to McDaniel Landfill, and pays to dispose of the waste. The city has not increased commercial garbage rates since 2009. The garbage truck has been weighing trash for the last several months and rates will be increasing by usage.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil from Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. M by Weninger, MS by Knudtson to approve the invoice from Sweeney Controls in the amount of $4,388.33 for the water treatment plant updates. Upon VV, MC. M by Anderson, MS by Hoepfer to pay invoice 18313 to Moore Engineering for the ground storage tank project in the amount of $42,872.90. Upon RCV, MC. Josh discussed the Street Improvement District No. 2016-1. The milling of asphalt began on May 8th along with the concrete crew on site. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to direct Commission to levy special assessments. Upon VV, MC. The first special assessment meeting will be held on May 30th at 5:30 p.m. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the proposal from Hydro Klean for additional sewer main cleaning and televising in the amount of $16,366.50. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve curb, gutter, and paving of Birch Avenue. Upon RCV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Knudtson to accept change order #4 reducing the contract by $19,550.25. Upon VV, MC. Moore Engineering submitted Invoice # 18314 for the street project. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to pay invoice #18314 in the amount of $22,619.80. Upon RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. Shaine said the call volume is normal for this time of year. He reported that the ATV traffic is picking up again and said they will be watching for that.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Kenny informed the council that there was a water leak on the main line that feeds the water plant and it has been repaired. Erickson said the garage door on the back of the shop is broken and they don’t believe they can get parts for it. M by Knudtson, MS by Anderson to approve the purchase of a new garage door for the shop. Upon VV, MC. M by Knudtson, MS by Hoepfer to purchase skid cells for the water treatment plant with additional loan money. Upon RCV, MC. The purchase request for an additional pump was discussed and the council would like it to be investigated further before purchasing a new pump.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He updated the council on the current projects that he has been busy working on.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. The council would like to move to a purchase order system. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to move forward on this. Upon VV, MC. Karen will work on getting it set up.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on April 11th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with April Revenue of $109,334.08. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 122.80, Black Mountain Software 100.00, Bob Weninger 137.40, Central Plains Water District 808.00, Cherie Heisler 137.40, Chief Frank Senn 10.00, City of Harvey 180.00, Cobblestone Inn & Suites 160.00, Dacotah Paper 243.98, Dakota Fence 3000.00, Eckroth Music 547.00, Electric Pump 960.00, Emery-Pratt Co. 26.08, Faul Excavating 1200.00, Frey Insurance 27,175.00, Hach Company 183.00, Harvey City Band 450.00, Harvey Motor Service 13.95, Harvey Oil 2558.89, Harvey Park District 4296.10, Hav-It Recycling 1250.00, Hav-It Services 536.50, Hawkins Inc. 1790.36, Heilman Electric 2296.76, Herald Press 454.44, HighPlains Equipment 707.22, Hinrichs Super Valu 45.09, Hometown Variety 148.49, HTA Construction 26,587.73, Information Technology Dept. 62.80, JP Hager Enterprises 13,825.00, Karen Nordby 17.50, KHND Radio 200.00, Kotaco 1604.81, Lemer’s True Value 85.82, Lookout Books 224.30, Minot Daily News 100.00, ND Community Foundation 46,500.00, ND Dept of Health 134.17, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 64.00, ND League of Cities 40.00, NDTC 1482.60, North Country Trail Association 50.00, Nova Fire Protection 4200.00, One Call Concepts 7.85, Ottertail Power Co. 7414.31, Patzer Truck Repair 223.00, Paul Gunderson 2794.30, Ramkota Hotel 167.40, Sanitation Products 606.76, Sewer Equip Co. of America 968.25, Share Corporation 196.46, Steve Lien 53.23, Susag Sand & Gravel 5120.00, TJ Plumbing 1893.75, Tom’s Home Furnishings 7430.68, Uniform Center 444.96, Unum Life Ins. 199.50, US Postal Service 225.61, Verendrye Electric 269.00, Verizon 384.82, Visa 10,041.79, Waste Management of ND 10,114.57, Wiest Associates 2779.75, Yoast Mast 3.00 and April Payroll $75,396.84. Upon RCV, MC.
RESOLUTION TO UPDATE FLOOD PLAN ORDINANCE: M by Anderson, MS by Hoepfer to adopt the 2nd and Final Reading of the resolution to update the flood plan ordinance. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER: M by Knudtson, MS by Weninger to approve the Herald Press as the official newspaper. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday April 11, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday April 11, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, April 11th, 2018 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Linda Knudtson, and Bob Weninger.
Absent were: Rick Eckart and Donnie Hoepfer.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Karissa Dockter, Chief Shaine Towe, and Interim Economic Development Director Paul Gunderson.
VISITORS: Jana Schimelfenig, Eileen Dockter, Jenn Mertz, Christian Mertz, Jerry & Lara Schuh, Easton Schuh, Chris Nyhus, Brandon Oye, Josh Feil, Dale Muscha, Gerald & Joann Wiertzema and Deb Kourajian.
Mayor for the day Christian Mertz called the Board of Tax Equalization Meeting to order.
Mayor for the day Easton Schuh led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Assessor Schimelfenig presented the information for Notices of Increase and Homestead Tax Credits to the Council.
Dale Muscha voiced his concerns on why his property went up the last couple of years. Assessor Schimelfenig addressed his concerns. Eileen Dockter was told her year built was incorrect along with the condition of the home so she will see an adjustment made. Jerry Wiertzema informed Jana that his property was listed as a 2 story home but a portion is one story. Deb Kourajian voiced her concerns and the differences she saw with a professional assessment that she had done about 1 ½ years ago. Assessor Schimelfenig will compare the two assessments. Linda Knudtson got her questions answered regarding her property.
NOTICE OF INCREASES/HOMESTEAD TAX CREDITS: M by Weninger, MS by Knudtson to approve the increases and tax credits as submitted that were not protested. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to recess the tax equalization meeting to continue to discuss the protested properties and additional notices of increase until the May 2018 meeting. Upon VV, MC.
With no further business, Mayor Adams closed the Board of Tax Equalization Meeting and the Regular Council Meeting opened at 6:10 p.m.
CHRIS NYHUS: Mayor Adams introduced Chris Nyhus and welcomed him as the new City Attorney.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Brandon Oye from Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve the plumbing expenses for the water meter replacement project to date. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve the engineering amendment for assisting with additional improvements and funding for the Ground Storage Reservoir. Upon VV, MC. Brandon discussed the Street Improvement District No. 2016-1. A pre-construction meeting is set for April 17th and they will decide when construction will start back up.
DANIEL SCHWARTZ: Daniel was here on behalf of Mid-America Planning and Consulting. He discussed with the council his ideas for grant programs through FEMA and asked the council to approve him as a grant writer. The consensus of the council was to just wait on this topic.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. Shaine said they have been busy training Officer Jabara and things are going very well.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Kenny asked the council to start thinking about how they would like to handle trucks in town and specific truck routes so they can get an ordinance set before the new roads are complete. They advised him to check with neighboring cities to see what their procedure is. Erickson included a list of dilapidated properties and wanted input from the council to know which 3 they should inspect. Kenny informed the council that there was a water leak that was repaired to the service line at 1011 Jill Avenue.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. He updated the council on the current projects that he has been busy working on.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby notified the council that the lift station is in need of 2 new pumps at the water treatment plant. M by Knudtson, MS by Weninger to approve the purchase of the pumps in the amount of $48,898.00. Upon RCV, MC. Nordby updated the council on the Deannexation. It has not been recorded in the County Recorder’s office.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Knudtson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on March 14th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Knudtson to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with March Revenue of $306,329.13. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Knudtson to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 122.80, Central Cinema 48.00, Cherie Heisler 10.50, City of Harvey 550.36, Cobblestone Inn 290.00, Cole Papers 1816.10, Curt Benson 180.00, Double E Designs 76.00, Doug’s Auto Body 75.00, Electric Pump 2452.21, Emery-Pratt Co. 19.34, Expressway Suites 83.70, Fire Equipment Co. 483.50, Gaffaney’s of Minot 126.37, Gooseneck Implement 3750.00, Grainger 161.83, Hach Company 236.88, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 4120.00, Harvey Motor Service 29.99, Harvey Park District 4614.74, Hav-It Recycling 1250.00, Hawkins Inc. 1517.99, Heilman Electric 3863.45, Herald Press 821.51, Hometown Variety 310.48, Hornbacher’s Café 89.79, HR Collaborative 400.00, HTA Construction 13,466.24, Information Technology Dept. 62.80, Jamestown Communications 15.00, Jamey Weinmann 206.94, Karissa Dockter 10.50, Kotaco 3387.93, Lemer’s True Value 157.07, Little Mart 5.34, Mid America Books 75.80, Mid Dakota Lumber 10,864.25, Mid-States Organized Crime Info 75.00, Midee Auto 175.89, Municipal Government Academy 475.00, Napa Auto 18.94, NDTC 1467.19, Nice Recovre’ 133.75, Northern Prairie Mechanical 3600.00, O’Day Equipment 819.36, Office of the State Auditor 165.00, One Call Concepts 6.10, Ottertail Power 7396.50, Paul Gunderson 2500.00, Praxair Distribution 150.00, Radisson Hotel 251.10, Ramkota Hotel 167.40, Shaine Towe 165.99, Tom’s Home Furnishings 4600.00, Tractor Supply 202.53, Turtle Mountain League 275.00, Unum Life Insurance Co. 185.25, US Bank 13,756.25, US Postal Service 231.16, Verendrye Electric 300.00, Verizon 385.30, Visa 818.62, Warehouse Grocery 29.50, Waste Management of ND 8042.35, Woody’s Service & Repair 102.90 and March Payroll $77,091.76. Upon RCV, MC.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (Renewal): M by Knudtson, MS by Anderson to approve the renewal of the Conditional Use Permit for Amy Arnold to conduct massage therapy in her home at 312 Desmet Ave. Upon VV, MC.
EARTH DAY PROCLAMATION: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to approve April 22nd as Harvey’s Earth Day. Upon VV, MC.
ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to approve the Arbor Day Proclamation for May 15th. Upon VV, MC.
RESOLUTION TO UPDATE FLOOD PLAN ORDINANCE: M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to approve the resolution to update the flood plan ordinance. Upon VV, MC.
CHILDCARE WATER BILL: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to forgive the new child care center water bill for one year. Upon VV, MC.
EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN INSURANCE: The council discussed the idea of adding a policy to their insurance for equipment breakdown. The consensus of the council was to table this topic until more research can be done on it.
SITE AUTHORIZATIONS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve Site Authorizations for Wells Aerie #3080 FOE to conduct games at the Harvey Eagles Club and Krafty’s Bar & Grill provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, March 14th, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday, March 14th, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, March 14th, 2018 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Donnie Hoepfer,
Linda Knudtson, and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, and Karissa Dockter.
VISITORS: Jeff Soberg
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. Shaine informed the council that police officer Tom Burr has resigned. They have hired Jon Gallagher and James Jabara.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Kenny informed the council that the armory roof has been leaking again. The council discussed the idea of putting a metal peaked roof on the Harvey City Hall. They asked Erickson to get some bids on the project to see what the cost would be. The city crew has been busy trying to maintain the areas that were dug up during construction. The process is failing because the water is washing all the material away.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. The council reviewed the annual Audit. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to accept the 2017 audit as submitted by Rath and Mehrer. Upon VV, MC. Karen reminded the council that the Tax Equalization Meeting will be on Wednesday, April 11th, 2018 at the next council meeting. A computer quote was submitted from Joel at Wiest Associates regarding Karen’s office computer. M by Eckart, MS Knudtson to purchase the Dell Precision Tower 3420 model in the amount of $1455.00. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Knudtson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on February 14th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with February Revenue of $657,170.78. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 122.80, Ann Adams 142.85, Applied Concepts 209.00, BND 1786.73, Black Mountain Software 14,006.00, Cengage Learning 39.55, Cherie Heisler 317.50, Cobblestone Inn and Suites 540.00, Cole Papers Inc. 190.47, Dacotah Paper 347.97, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 355.85, Dale’s Radiator 74.00, Dr. Mary Ellen Erickson 15.45, Emery Pratt Co. 77.01, Expressway Suites 418.50, Harvey Motor Service 159.20, Harvey Oil 1656.10, Harvey Tax 125.00, Hav It Recycling 1250.00, Hav It Services 267.00, Hawkins 1782.80, Heilman Electric 8534.27, Herald Press 435.21, High Plains Equipment 279.52, Hinrichs Super Valu 21.64, Hometown Variety 111.08, Hornbacher’s Café 89.15, HTA Construction 18,171.44, Information Technology Dept. 62.80, John Deere Financial 41.85, JW’s Restaurant 45.59, Karissa Dockter 17.50, Keith Olson 239.00, Keller Plumbing and Heating 1653.72, Kenny Erickson 369.80, Kotaco 8282.91, Lautt Construction 3600.00, Lemer’s True Value 290.44, Little Mart 85.28, Lookout Books 134.80, Mid Dakota Lumber 12,016.54, Napa Auto 53.80, Municipal Government Academy 25.00, ND Dept. of Health & Microbiology 32.00, ND Dept. of Health 28.25, NDTC 1621.02, North Dakota Living 2050.00, Northern Prairie Mechanical 21,600.90, Otter Tail Power Co. 8440.62, Patzer Truck Repair 439.61, Paul Gunderson 2674.06, Rath & Mehrer PC 8000.00, Ripplinger Motors 289.99, Shawn’s Electric 351.55, Starion Bond Services 89,421.00, Steve Lien 202.33, Tecta America Greenberg Roofing 1188.44, TJ Plumbing 6624.75, Tractor Supply 198.89, US Postal Service 455.81, Verendrye Electric Co-op 295.00, Verizon 385.30, Visa 7926.13, Waste Management of ND 3290.48, Wells County Clerk of Court 20.00, and February Payroll $83,592.28. Upon RCV, MC.
ELECTION: June 12, 2018 will be the next election date for the City of Harvey. Positions to be filled: 1 Municipal Judge Position for 4 Year Term, City Council positions 3 people for 4 Year Terms plus Harvey Park Board 3 people for 4 year terms. Petitions may be picked up at the Auditor’s Office. You may begin collecting signatures now. They must be turned in by 4pm on Monday, April 9th, 2018. We were informed by the Wells County Auditor’s office that the voting will not be held at the Harvey Armory. It will be done by mail or in person at the KTL Building in Fessenden. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Wells County Auditor’s Office.
CITY ATTORNEY: Chris Nyhus with Nyhus Law Firm included his City Attorney Proposal in the packet for the council to review. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to appoint Chris Nyhus as the City Attorney and Ted Seibel as the assistant City Attorney. Upon VV, MC.
LEMER’S TRUE VALUE: Lemer’s True Value has requested use of the parking lot at the Corner of 10th Street and Lincoln Avenue to set-up a greenhouse. M by Hoepfer, MS by Knudtson to approve this request with a deposit of $250. Lemer’s will need to make sure the lot is cleaned up properly once the greenhouse is taken down. The deposit will be refunded with the daily rental rate subtracted. Upon VV, MC.
OPPORTUNITY ZONE: Opportunity Zone is a federal program. Our governor will pick 25 communities to participate in the program. The application needs to be in by March 19th, 2018. M by Weninger, MS by Knudtson to approve submitting the application. Upon VV, MC.
MAIN STREET INITIATIVE: The City of Harvey has completed the application. This program focuses on improving what you have on your Main Street instead of constructing in new areas.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, February 14th, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday, February 14th, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, February 14th, 2018 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Donnie Hoepfer,
Linda Knudtson, and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby and Karissa Dockter.
VISITORS: Steve Bachmeier, Mark, Brian & Nathan Friedt, Tammy Roehrich, and Collette Hertz.
Mayor Adams called the Public Hearing to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING – ABATEMENT 80628000: Steve Bachmeier approached the council on behalf of his property and most recent tax increase for Parcel #80628000. Steve compared his home to his neighbors and in his opinion he believes his increase is out of line. The council explained that a formula from the state is used to come up with the numbers. They also explained that they will continue to assess homes in the area but can only do about 40 parcels each year. M by Eckart, MS by Weninger to deny the application for the abatement/refund of taxes for parcel #80628000. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
MARK, BRIAN & NATHAN FRIEDT: Mark, Brian and Nathan with Friedt’s Lawn Service explained their hydroseeding business. They have noticed that there has been some hydroseeding jobs done with the City of Harvey and they did not get the chance to bid on these projects. They reminded the council that they should use local contractors and would like a chance to bid on any upcoming projects. The council informed the Friedts’ that there is a bid process that they follow for hiring a general contractor. The City of Harvey will encourage future general contractors to get bids from local contractors. The council will give contact information to the Friedts’ on the awarded company to see if they could get some subcontract work from them.
TAMMY ROEHRICH: Tammy Roehrich with Wells County Emergency Management worked with the National Weather Service to make our county Storm Ready. This program gives communities the skills and education needed to survive severe weather before and during the event. This is a positive point for the community and they encourage people to sign up for Code Red which is a great tool to be prepared. If interested in signing up for Code Red, visit
RENEWAL OF CVB AGREEMENT: Collette Hertz approached the council on behalf of the CVB and their agreement with the chamber. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to continue to pay $4000 per quarter out of the CVB fund to the chamber for performing the CVB duties. Upon VV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. Shaine informed the council that the taser training that was held at the armory went very well. They had 25 in class and some as far as SD, MN, and MT were here utilizing our motels and restaurants.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson was not in attendance for the council meeting as he was away at training.
JDA REPORT: Dr. Paul Gunderson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Paul is working hard and has been doing very well with his new position.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. The Auditors were here on January 29th and everything went well. Nordby informed the council that March Madness Training with the League of Cities will be held on March 6th and March 7th in Bismarck. She asked if Rita Weninger could watch the office during that time so the office employees could attend. M by Knudtson, MS by Baltrusch to allow this request. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on January 10th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with January Revenue of $108,984.76. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Aerzen USA Corp. 287.48, American Water Works 75.00, Ameripride 122.80, Ann Adams 124.26, BND 18,858.50, Chief Frank Senn 20.00, City of Harvey 50.00, Eagles Club 565.00, Emery-Pratt Co 158.46, G & J’s Bar 65.65, Gaffaney’s of Minot 689.12, Harvey FFA 100.00, Harvey Motor Service 283.19, Harvey Public School 1780.53, Hav-It Recycling 2250.00, Hav-It Services 488.20, Hawkins 3298.88, Heiman Fire Equipment 109.18, Herald Press 1699.23, Hinrichs Super Valu 107.95, Hometown Variety 188.40, Hornbacher’s Café 46.88, HTA Construction 7421.48, Information Technology Dept. 62.80, Jamey Weinmann 286.03, John Deere Financial 882.11, Karen Nordby 87.20, Keller Plmg. & Heating 2389.93, KHND Radio 200.00, Kotaco 10,384.39, Lemer’s True Value 219.66, MFOA 90.00, Michael Frederick 20.00, Mid America Books 107.70, Midee Auto 556.57, Municipal Government Academy 25.00, Municipal Judges Association 25.00, Napa Auto 168.71, ND Living 765.00, ND Clerk’s Association 100.00, NDTC 1395.69, ND Dept. of Health 107.96, ND Dept of Health Microbiology 32.00, NDWPCC 60.00, Nova Fire Protection 4200.00, Nova Fire & Security 1850.00, Online Dakota Information 2182.00, Ottertail Power Co. 7477.53, Patzer Truck Repair 1588.93, Paul Gunderson 2500.00, Penworthy 269.66, Perfection Auto 110.00, Powerplan 1030.96, Praetorian Digital 400.00, Ripplinger Motors 841.71, Rooster Repair 2791.98, Sewer Equip Co. of America 416.01, Share Corporation 197.44, Swanston Equipment Corp. 408.07, Ted Seibel PC 350.00, The Library Store 265.16, TJ Plumbing 118.50, Tom’s Home Furnishings 11,172.00, Tractor Supply Co. 398.41, Unum Life Ins. 370.50, US Postal Service 231.57, Verendrye Electric 388.00, Verizon 385.30, Visa 2016.28, Waste Management of ND 8912.04, Wells County Treasurer 3874.00, Water Environment Federation 90.00, Wiest Associates 85.00, Woody’s Service & Repair 70.00 and January Payroll $72,745.00. Upon RCV, MC.
CITY ATTORNEY RESIGNATION: M by Eckart, MS by Knudtson to accept the resignation Ted Seibel PC as the City Attorney. Upon VV, MC. The council appreciates all the years of service Ted has put in for them and wishes him well. The council was informed that Chris Nyhus will be taking over the office as of March 1st, 2018. The consensus of the council was to invite Chris to the next council meeting.
RAFFLE PERMITS: The Penny House requested Raffle Permit #18-02. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve raffle permit #18-02 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC. BM Hansen Elem. School requested Raffle Permit #18-03. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to approve raffle permit #18-03 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC. First Lutheran LYO requested Raffle Permit #18-04. M by Hoepfer, MS by Knudtson to approve raffle permit #18-04 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
ABATEMENT/PROPERTY TAX CREDIT: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to approve the application for the Veterans Tax Credit for parcel #80484000. Upon VV, MC.
ELECTION: June 12, 2018 will be the next election date for the City of Harvey. Positions to be filled: 1 Municipal Judge Position for 4 Year Term, City Council positions 3 people for 4 Year Terms plus Harvey Park Board 3 people for 4 year terms. Petitions may be picked up at the Auditor’s Office. You may begin collecting signatures now. They must be turned in by 4pm on Monday, April 9th, 2018. We were informed by the Wells County Auditor’s office that the voting will not be held at the Harvey Armory. It will be done by mail or in person at the KTL Building in Fessenden. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Wells County Auditor’s Office.
RENEWAL OF RED RIVER CORRIDOR AGREEMENT: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to renew the agreement with Red River Corridor. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES/JDA OCP MINUTES: Included in the packet.
FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES: Included in the packet.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, January 10th, 2018 5:30pm
Wednesday, January 10th, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, January 10th, 2018 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Donnie Hoepfer, Linda Knudtson, and Bob Weninger.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, and Karissa Dockter.
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
JANA SCHIMELFENIG/WELLS CO. DIRECTOR OF TAX EQUALIZATION: Jana was on the agenda as a visitor but could not attend because of weather conditions. She included a letter in the packet requesting that a City Assessment Committee be set up which could consist of 2 or more Councilman, herself, and her deputy Brittany McIntosh. The purpose of this committee would be to review the City Assessments prior to notices being sent out the end of March of each year and to make any additional changes that may need to be considered. Mayor Adams appointed Councilman Rick Eckart and Councilman Bob Weninger to the committee.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. M by Hoepfer, MS by Anderson to approve the purchase of tires for the 2014 Impala police car in the amount of $468.08 to Midee Auto. Upon VV, MC. Baltrusch abstained from voting.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Invoice # 79066 to Medora Corporation was submitted for the submersible Electric Powered Mixer for the ground storage tank in the amount of $6960.00. M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to approve this pay request. Upon VV, MC. Erickson discussed the new water meters and the fees involved if the homeowner would need a replacement because they let their meter freeze. M by Knudtson, MS by Weninger to charge for the cost of the meter and also $40 for the labor involved. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on December 13th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with December Revenue of $123,983.94. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 122.80, Ann Adams 153.97, Black Mountain Software 17.00, Cengage Learning 108.15, Central Dakota Enterprises 15.00, Central Plains Water District 230.00, Dacotah Paper 359.48, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 58.97, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 135.25, EDND 275.00, Emery-Pratt 11.69, Faul Excavating 780.00, Ferguson Waterworks 2610.94, Galls Incorporated 81.65, Gerrells & Co. 277.20, Great Plains Fire 139.00, Hannah Tuenge 96.55, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 4000.00, Harvey Chemical Health 600.00, Harvey Motor Service 85.41, Harvey Oil Co. 2057.26, Harvey Wildlife Club 1100.00, Herald Press 392.54, High Plains Equipment 97.00, Hinrichs Super Valu 105.46, Hometown Variety 133.44, Hornbacher’s Café 45.38, HTA Construction 24,167.40, Information Technology Dept. 62.80, Ketrick Technical Services 2180.54, Kotaco 2076.45, Lemer’s True Value 29.96, Little Mart 222.30, Mid Dakota Lumber 17,000.00, Midwest Graphics & Signs 899.00, Miller Clothing 150.00, Napa Auto 135.16, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32.00, NDTC 1490.12, ND League of Cities 1451.00, ND Rural Water Systems 595.00, Northern Prairie Mechanical 802.00, One Call Concepts 1.00, Ottertail Power 8473.61, Patricia Fortney 20.00, Patzer Truck Repair 262.61, Radisson Hotel Bismarck 83.70, Ripplinger Motors 71.75, Secretary of State 20.00, Shawn’s Electric 144.00, Star Business Forms 790.54, Swanston Equipment Corp. 855.00, Ted D. Seibel, PC 655.00, TJ Plumbing 2990.50, Tractor Supply Co. 167.67, Unum Life Ins. 199.50, US Postal Service 227.32, Verendrye Electric 263.05, Verizon 384.76, Visa 3439.10, Warehouse Grocery 29.26, Waste Management of ND 9451.24, Wells Co. Treasurer 3941.35, and December Payroll $70,585.72. Upon RCV, MC.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-02 SECOND READING PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS: M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to adopt the 2nd and Final Reading of Ordinance #2017-02 relating to Portable Storage Containers. Upon VV, MC.
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Harvey, upon recommendation of the Planningand Zoning Commission, has determined to amend Chapter 6 of the City Ordinances to adoptregulations for use and maintenance of portable storage containers within the City of Harveyand all areas subject to the jurisdiction of the City of Harvey ordinances, providing penaltiesfor the violation thereof and repealing all ordinances in conflict therewith.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED by the City Council of the City ofHarvey, that CHAPTER 6 of the city ordinances be amended as follows:
80-APortable Storage Containers: Containers that are used for storage purposes andare also known as shipping containers, cargo containers, cargo-trailercontainers, metal freight containers, metal containers designed for freight andcargo. This definition also includes semi-trailers, buses, vans, and other typesof non-permanent containers used for storage purposes hereafter referred to as”container(s).” This definition does not include the following: dumpstersactively used for solid waste or recycling collections, contractors’ constructiontrailers or containers being used at active job sites, or trailers normallyassociated with private use such as stock car trailers, boat trailers, utilitytrailers, campers or other similar equipment.
88-ASight Triangle: An area of unobstructed vision at the intersections of streets,alleys and driveways. The purpose of the sight triangle is to ensure visibilityfor operators of motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians on intersectingstreets, driveways and alleys.
For any use on a corner lot, the sight triangle is the triangle formed by measuringfrom the point of intersection of the two (2) property lines a distance of twenty-five(25) feet in both directions along the street right-of-way lines and connecting thepoints to form a sight triangle on the area of the lot adjacent to the street intersection.
For a commercial, industrial, institutional or multi-family use on a lot at theintersection of a street and an alley, the sight triangle is the triangle formed bymeasuring from the point of intersection of the two (2) property lines a distance offifteen (15) feet along the street right-of-way line and a distance of fifteen (15) feetalong the alley right-of-way line and connecting the points to form a sight triangle onthe area of the lot adjacent to the intersection of the street and alley.
For a commercial, industrial, institutional or multi-family use with a driveway, thesight triangle is the triangle formed by measuring from the point of intersection of theproperty line adjacent to a street and the edge of the driveway a distance of fifteen(15) feet along the street right-of-way line and a distance of fifteen (15) feet along theedge of the driveway and connecting the points to form a sight triangle on the areaof the lot adjacent to the intersection of the street and the driveway.
For commercial, industrial, institutional or multi-family uses, the City engineer mayrequire a greater sight triangle than indicated above on a case-by-case basis when itis warranted based on the posted speed and traffic volumes on the adjacent roadway,topography, sight distances or any other engineering concern.
20.Portable Storage Containers.
a.General Requirements. Container usage in all zoning districts as allowed in thissection is subject to the following requirements:
1.Containers shall not occupy any required building setback area, landscapedarea or buffer yard.
2.Containers shall not be placed within a sight triangle as defined in Article 6,Section 6.0301.
3.Containers shall be included in lot coverage computations.
4.Containers shall be subject to the provisions Section 10 of the City of HarveyCode of Ordinances concerning Health and specifically rodent control.
5.Containers shall be subject to the provisions of the Fire Code concerning firedepartment access and hydrant blockage.
6.Containers shall not be stacked and shall be placed at ground level in amanner to facilitate inspection of the containers by the City.
7.Containers shall not be used for the storage of hazardous substances as suchterm is defined by NDCC 19-21-01.
8.Containers may not be used as a dwelling or living quarters, nor for camping,cooking or recreation purposes for any amount of time. Furthermore,containers may not be used for the maintenance of animals of any kind.
9.The maximum allowable size of a container shall be 130 square feet with amaximum length of said unit not to exceed 53 feet.
10.Containers must be kept in good repair, be secured against unauthorizedentry, comply with health regulations, and be stored on a hard surface. Acontainer is not in a state of good repair when it is incapable of being movedintact, holes in the container exist due to damage or rust, it is not maintainedwith a solid coat of paint with no advertising or it has been infested withvermin or other pests.
11.Unless otherwise approved , only one container shall be permitted per parcelupon proper application and approval of a permit from the city in the samemanner as a building permit. All applications shall be accompanied bypictures of the proposed container(s). Under no circumstances shall there bemore that three (3) containers per parcel.
12.Containers may be serviced by electricity but no other utilities are permitted.
b.Portable storage containers in industrial zoning districts.
1.Portage storage containers are allowed in Industrial/Heavy CommercialDistrict, provided that they are not stored on public rights-of-way, in fireaccess lanes, in landscaped or front setback areas or in an area visiblefrom the property’s primary street.
2.A container that is not temporary in nature may only be used in amanner that would result in the container being subject to taxation asreal property and subject to all applicable provisions of the BuildingCode and Zoning Ordinance.
c.Portable storage containers in commercial zoning districts.
1.The use of temporary portable storage containers in a commercial zoneis prohibited, except for the following uses:
(a). shipping and receiving merchandise and goods, provided thatthe temporary portable storage container does not remainstationary for more than thirty (30) days;
(b). storing merchandise or goods, including long-term storage,provided that the temporary portable storage container is notkept in the front setback area, designated parking areas, fire
access lanes, public rights-of-way, landscaping, in an areavisible from the property’s primary street or on parcels that areadjacent to a residential zone;
©. storage for construction or remodeling purposes, so long as theperiod of that use does not exceed one hundred eighty (180)days. The Building Inspector may extend the 180-dayrequirement when a project is ongoing and a building permitremains valid;
(d). use associated with a licensed fireworks stand, but such use islimited to the times during which the stand may lawfully occupya space under state and local law.
d.Portable storage containers – other requirements in non-industrial zoningdistricts. Container usage in any non-industrial and non-commercial zoningdistricts is allowed only as follows:
1.Residential moving. Containers may be used for a period not to exceed30 days for the purpose of loading or unloading furniture and otherhousehold goods associated with a residential relocation.
2.Loading and unloading. Semi-trailers in the process of transferringgoods may occupy a site for up to 48 hours for loading and unloadingpurposes.
3.Parking lot truckload sales, fund raising activities or similarpromotional or charitable events which utilize containers are permittedfor a period of not to exceed 30 days within any 90-day period.
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by law.
Penalties for the violation of this ordinance are set out in Section 6.2504 which reads asfollows:
Penalties for Violation: Violation of the provisions of this ordinance or failure to complywith any of its requirements (including violations of conditions and safeguards establishedin connection with grants of variances or conditional permits) shall constitute a misdemeanor. Any person who violates this ordinance or fails to comply with any of its requirements shallupon conviction thereof be fined not more than $500.00 or imprisoned for no more than 30days, or both, in addition shall pay all costs and expenses involved in the case. Each daysuch violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.
The owner or tenant of any building, structure, premises, or part thereof, and any architect,builder, contractor, agent, or other person who commits participates in, assists in, ormaintains such violation maybe found guilty of a separate offense and suffer the penaltiesherein provided.
Nothing herein contained shall prevent the city from taking such other lawful action as isnecessary to prevent or remedy any violation.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-03 SECOND READING AMENDING CHAPTER 11: ANIMALS & FOWL: – M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer to adopt the 2nd and Final Reading of the amendment of Chapter 11 of the Ordinances relating to animals and fowl . Upon VV, MC.
Chapter 11- Animals and Fowl
11.04.010 – Definition.
The animal control officer(s) shall be all officers of the Harvey police department.
11.04.020 – General duties.
The animal control officer shall have the following general duties:
- He shall perform the services customarily done by animal control officers, including
the destruction of impounded animals.
- He shall also serve as city pound master and receive into his custody any animal to
be impounded under the provisions of city ordinances, and shall be responsible for
providing sufficient and suitable food and drink for the animals so impounded.
11.04.030 – Authority.
The animal control officer shall have the authority to carry out all the provisions of and
enforce all city ordinances relating to animals. He shall have full authority to take all action
pertaining to animals as provided in the ordinances, including the issuance of citations for
violations of the provisions therein.
11.08.010 – Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words will have the following meanings:
- “At large” means any dog not in an enclosure or under control of the owner or
person authorized by the owner, either by leash, cord, chain or other physical
restraint of a maximum of six feet in length.
- “Dog” means either a male or female dog.
- “Owner” means any person or persons, firm, association or corporation owning,
keeping or harboring a dog.
11.08.020 – License requirements and fees.
- Dog License Required. No person, firm, association or corporation shall own, keep,
or harbor a dog which is over six months of age without first having obtained a license
therefor as provided in this section; provided, however, the city shall not be required to
obtain a license for any dogs used for law enforcement purposes.
- Dog License Fee. The owner, keeper or harborer of any dog required to be licensed
pursuant to this chapter shall pay a license fee and penalty for failure to obtain a license
thereon, the amounts of which shall be determined from time to time by resolution of the City
Council, to the city at its police department, for each male, female, altered or neutered male
cat and each spayed female cat, in such amount as may be established from time to time by
resolution of the board of city councilmen. The burden of establishing that any male dog has
been altered or neutered or that any female dog has been spayed shall be upon the owner
thereof and the owner shall furnish evidence to the chief of police in the form of a certificate
of a veterinarian at the time the application is applied for.
- Disposition of Fees. All money collected by the chief of police for dog licenses,
penalties, delinquencies and duplicate tags shall be paid by him to the city treasurer, as part
of the general fund of the city.
- Rabies Vaccination Required. Before any license shall be issued pursuant to this
chapter, the applicant shall furnish a certificate of rabies vaccination issued by a veterinarian,
licensed to practice within this state, evidencing vaccination of the dog for which the license
is desired; and, that such vaccination will be good for the license year(s).
- Term of Dog License. The license provided for in this chapter shall be in force a
period of one year.
11.08.030 – Tag and collar.
- Upon payment of the license fee to the city at its police department and compliance
with the provisions in this chapter, the chief of police shall issue to the owner a license
certificate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon
the number corresponding with the number on the certificate.
- Each owner shall be required to provide each dog with a collar to which the license
tag must be affixed and shall see that the collar and tag are constantly worn. In case a tag is
lost or destroyed, a duplicate will be issued by the chief of police upon presentation of a
receipt showing payment of a fee for such license fee for the current year and the payment
of a fee for such duplicate. Tags shall not be transferable from one animal to another and no
refunds shall be made on any license fee because of death of the animal or the owner’s
leaving the city before expiration of the license period. The metal rabies inoculation tag shall
also be affixed to the animal’s collar at all times.
11.08.040 – Running at large prohibited.
No owner or keeper of a dog shall knowingly or unknowingly allow the dog to run at
large at any time upon the streets, public places, public ways, school grounds or upon the
private premises of any person other than the owner or keeper of the dog without being
effectively restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six feet in length and under the control
of a competent person. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any dog used for law
enforcement purposes under the command and control of a peace officer.
11.08.050 – Nuisances.
Any person who owns, keeps or maintains any animal shall be responsible for the
behavior of the animal and shall not permit the animal to become a nuisance as defined in
this section.
Any animal is considered a nuisance which:
- Frightens, annoys, barks at or chases any person, domestic animal, or vehicle; or
- By loud and frequent yelping, barking, howling, or otherwise creating substantial
noise, annoys any person; or
- Damages or destroys any property not the property of the owner or keeper of the
animal; or
- Has not been inoculated against rabies, or other diseases as required, if over six
months of age; or
- Creates an offensive odor; or
- Creates an alarming or offensive condition against the peace and dignity of the city
of Harvey or its citizens; or
- Shall not have a collar with license and rabies tags attached as required under
Section 11.08.030.
- It defecates on property, other than the property of the owner of the animal, and the
owner of the animal fails to clean up after the animal.
11.08.060 – Impoundment.
It shall be the duty of every police officer to apprehend any dog found running at large
contrary to the provisions of Section 11.08.040, or any dog found to be a public nuisance as
provided in Section 11.08.050 and to impound the dog in the city pound or other suitable
11.08.070 – Notice to owner and redemption.
Not later than two days after the impounding of any dog, the owner if known, shall be
notified. The owner of any dog so impounded may reclaim such animal upon payment of the
license fee, if unpaid, the costs of impoundment and maintenance, all costs incurred in giving
any needed rabies inoculations, together with an administrative penalty in the amount
approved by resolution of the board of city councilmen.
11.08.080 – Disposition of unclaimed dogs.
If a dog which is impounded is not redeemed by the owner within three days after
placing the dog in the dog pound, the city animal control officer shall offer the dog up for
adoption to any other person, who, upon complying with the provisions of this chapter, will
become the lawful owner of such dog thereafter. If the dog is not adopted, the city animal
control officer shall cause the dog to be destroyed in as painless and humane a manner as
11.08.090 – Breeding kennels prohibited.
A kennel for breeding dogs shall be construed to mean any place where a female dog is
kept for breeding purposes where the enterprise of breeding dogs is carried on for
commercial purposes or profit, and the maintaining within the city of a kennel is prohibited.
11.08.100 – Dangerous animals.
- Definitions.
- “Dangerous animal” as the term is used in this section means:
- Any animal known to its owner or harborer to have a propensity, tendency, or
disposition to attack, bite, cause injury to or to otherwise endanger the safety of
or menace human beings or domestic animals; or
- Any animal which attacks, bites, or injures a human being or another domestic
animal one or more times without provocation; or
- Any animal which, when unprovoked, in a malicious, vicious or terrorizing
manner approaches any person in an apparent attitude of attack upon the streets,
sidewalks, or any public grounds or places; or any place where such person may
lawfully be, public or private; or
- Any animal owned or harbored primarily or in part for purposes of fighting or
attacking or any animal trained for fighting or attacking; or
- Any animal not licensed according to state and/or city law; or
- Any animal certified by a doctor of veterinary medicine licensed within the state
of North Dakota, after observation thereof, as posing a danger to human life or
property if not kept in the manner required by this section; or
- Any animal which has been determined to be dangerous by the city council or
municipal court pursuant to any state statute or the ordinance codified in this
section; or
- Any animal which has been deemed dangerous or vicious by any government
agency or entity; or
- Any animal which is owned, harbored, or trained primarily or in part for the
purposes of fighting or making unprovoked attacks.
- Notwithstanding the foregoing, no animal may be found or declared dangerous if an
injury or damage is sustained by a person who, at the time such injury or damage
was sustained, was committing a wilful trespass or other tort upon premises
occupied by the owner or keeper of the animal, or was teasing, abusing, or assaulting
the animal or was committing or attempting to commit a crime.
- No animal may be found or declared dangerous if an injury or damage was sustained
by a domestic animal which at the time such injury or damage was sustained was
taunting, abusing or assaulting the animal. No animal may be declared dangerous if
the animal was protecting or defending a human being within the immediate vicinity
of the animal from an illegal or nonconsensual attack or assault. No animal may be
deemed dangerous if the animal was protecting or defending its young offspring.
- Prohibition and Control of Dangerous Animals. Except as permitted hereinafter, it
shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, or harbor a dangerous animal within the city
limits and no person shall own or harbor any animal for the purpose of attacking, fighting,
or training, tormenting, badgering, baiting, or use any animal for the purpose of causing or
encouraging said animal to unprovoked attacks upon human beings or domestic animals
except as hereinafter provided.
- The police department and animal warden are empowered to make whatever inquiry
is deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section, and
any such animal warden is empowered to seize and impound any dangerous animal
whose owner or keeper fails to comply with the provisions hereof.
- Upon such attack or assault, the animal warden or the police department is
empowered to confiscate and destroy such dangerous animal if the conduct of such
dangerous animal or its owner or keeper constitutes a violation of the provisions of
this article, punishable by the confiscation and destruction of the animal. However,
notwithstanding the foregoing, no animal shall be destroyed within five days of
being impounded, exclusive of Sundays and holidays.
- If the owner or keeper of an animal impounded for an alleged violation of this
section believes that there has not been a violation of this section, the owner or
keeper may petition the municipal court that the impounded animal not be destroyed.
The impounded animal shall not be destroyed pending resolution of such owner’s or
keeper’s petition, if the petition shall have been filed within five days of
impoundment of such animal and notice shall have been served within five days of
impoundment of such animal upon the police department.
- In the event that the animal warden or police department has a reasonable and
articulable suspicion to believe that an animal is dangerous, the animal warden or
police or the designee, shall be empowered to issue a citation in order to appear
before the municipal court for the purposes of determining whether or not the animal
in question shall be declared dangerous. The animal warden or chief of police shall
conduct or cause to be conducted an investigation and shall notify the owner or
keeper of the animal that a hearing will be held, at which time he or she may have
the opportunity to present evidence why the animal shall not be declared dangerous.
- In the event that the animal warden or police department has probable cause to
believe that the animal in question is dangerous and may pose a threat of serious
harm to human beings or other domestic animals, the animal warden or police
department may seize and impound the animal pending the aforesaid hearings. The
owner or keeper of the animal shall be liable to the city for the costs and expenses
of impounding such animal.
- It is unlawful for the owner, keeper, or harborer of a dangerous animal to fail to
comply with the requirements and conditions set forth in this section. Any animal
found to be the subject of the violation of this section shall be subject to immediate
seizure and impoundment as hereinbefore provided. In addition, failure to comply
shall be an offense punishable with a fine as hereinafter provided.
- In addition to those persons specified herein, any person may file a petition with the
city council or a complaint with the municipal court to determine, declare, or find
an animal dangerous as defined herein.
- Exemptions. The provision of this section shall not apply to K-9 or other dogs owned
by any police department or any law enforcement agency or officer which are used in the
performance of police work.
- Violations.
- Any person violating or permitting the violation of any provision of this section
shall, upon conviction in municipal court, be found guilty of an infraction and fined
a sum not more than five hundred dollars. In addition to the foregoing penalty, any
person who violates this section shall pay all expenses, including shelter, food,
handling, veterinary care and testimony necessitated by the enforcement of this
- If any animal shall previously have been declared dangerous pursuant to any of the
provisions above, and after having been ordered removed from city limits; if such
animal shall at any time be brought back into the city limits in violation of court
order or the provisions of this section, such animal shall immediately be taken by the
animal control officer and destroyed. A separate penalty including fine shall be
assessed as indicated in the paragraph above against the violator.
- At any time, if a dangerous animal cannot be taken up and caught by an animal
control officer or police officer without exposing such officer to danger of personal
injury from such animal, or without exposing other persons to danger of personal
injury from such animal, it shall be lawful for the animal control or police officer to
forthwith destroy such animal.
- If any person is found to be in violation of this section three times, said person may
be prevented from owning animals within the city limits for a reasonable amount of
time as determined by a municipal judge.
11.08.110 – Disposition of infected dogs.
Any impounded dog which appears to be suffering from rabies or infected with
hydrophobia, mange or other infectious or dangerous disease shall not be released, but may
be forthwith destroyed.
11.08.120 – Solid waste.
Every person having custody or control of a leashed dog on property other than his own
shall be equipped to, and collect the dog’s solid waste when eliminated.
11.08.130 – Setting of dogs at large-Prohibited when.
It shall be unlawful for any person to open any door or gate of any private premises for
the purpose of setting any dog or dogs at large, or otherwise enticing or enabling any dog to
leave any private premises, within which the same may be, for the purpose of setting such
dog at large.
11.08.140 – Breaking into dog pound-Hindering officer.
It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to break upon the city dog pound or any
other enclosure in which the police department has impounded any dog or dogs or to attempt
to do so, or to take or let out any dog therefrom, or to take or attempt to take from any animal
control officer or police officer any dog taken up by him in compliance with this title or in
any manner to interfere with or hinder such officer in the discharge of his duties under this
11.12.010 – Definitions.
Unless the context otherwise indicates:
- “At large” means off the premises of the owner, and not in the immediate presence
and under the control of the owner or a member of his immediate family either by
leash, cord, chain or otherwise.
- “Cat” means either a male or a female cat.
- “Owner” means any person or persons, firm, association or corporation owning,
keeping or harboring a cat.
11.12.020 – License requirements and fees.
- Cat License Required. No person, firm, association or corporation shall own, keep or
harbor a cat which is over six months of age without first having obtained a license therefor
as provided in this chapter.
- Cat License Fee. The owner, keeper or harborer of any cat required to be licensed
pursuant to this chapter shall pay a license fee and penalty for failure to obtain a license
thereon, the amounts of which shall be determined from time to time by resolution of the City
Council, to the city at its police department, for each male, female, altered or neutered male
cat and each spayed female cat, in such amount as may be established from time to time by
resolution of the board of city councilmen. The burden of establishing that any male cat has
been altered or neutered or that any female cat has been spayed shall be upon the owner
thereof and the owner shall furnish evidence to the chief of police in the form of a certificate
of a veterinarian at the time the application is applied for.
- Disposition of Fees. All money collected by the chief of police for cat licenses,
penalties, delinquencies and duplicate tags shall be paid by him to the city treasurer as part
of the general fund of the city.
- Rabies Vaccination Required. Before any license shall be issued pursuant to this
chapter, the applicant shall furnish a certificate of rabies vaccination issued by a veterinarian,
licensed to practice within this state, evidencing vaccination of the cat for which the license
is desired; and, that such vaccination will be good for the license year(s).
- Term of Cat Licenses. The license provided for in this chapter shall be in force a
period of one year.
11.12.030 – Tag and collar.
- Upon payment of the license fee to the city at its police department and compliance
with the provisions in this chapter, the chief of police shall issue to the owner a license
certificate and a metallic tag for each cat so licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon the
number corresponding with the number of the certificate.
- Each owner shall be required to provide each cat with a collar to which the license tag
must be affixed and shall see that the collar and tag are constantly worn. In case a tag is lost
or destroyed, a duplicate will be issued by the chief of police upon presentation of a receipt
showing the payment of the license fee for the current year and the payment of a fee for such
duplicate. Tags shall not be transferable from one animal to another and no refunds shall be
made on any license fee because of death of the cat or the owner’s leaving the city before
expiration of the license period. The metal rabies inoculation tag shall also be affixed to the
cat’s collar at all times.
11.12.040 – Cats running at large.
It shall be the duty of each police officer or animal control officer to apprehend each and
every cat running or being at large without the required license tag attached as provided in
Section 11.12.030, and to cause such cat to be impounded for a period of three days, after
which, if it remains unclaimed, the city animal control officer shall offer the cat up for
adoption to any other person, who, upon complying with the provisions of this chapter, will
become the lawful owner of such cat thereafter. If the cat is not adopted, the city animal
control officer shall cause the cat to be destroyed in as painless and humane a manner as
11.12.050 – Vicious cats.
It is declared unlawful for the owner or keeper of any vicious cat within the city to refuse to
deliver it up to any police officer or city animal control officer, whenever requested by the
police officer or city animal control officer for the purpose of being destroyed.
11.12.060 – Interfering with policeman or city animal control officer.
It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to break open any enclosure in which the
police department has impounded any cat or cats or to attempt to do so, or to take from any
police officer or city animal control officer any cat taken up by him in compliance with this
chapter, or in any manner to interfere with or hinder the officer in the discharge of his duties
under this chapter.
11.16.010 – Keeping of certain animals prohibited—Exceptions.
- It is unlawful for any person to keep, own or possess within the platted portion of the
city, any horses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats or swine. However saddle/ driven horses may be
ridden/driven during hours of daylight, within the platted portion of the city.
- Any horse being ridden within the platted portions of the city will not be ridden on
boulevards or sidewalks, but on city streets and alleys. These animals shall be under the
control of the rider/driver at all times.
- Riders/drivers of horses shall obey all traffic regulations affecting the movement of
traffic and will not engage in such activities which might cause damage to private/city owned
- Any horse left unattended for a period of two hours shall be considered abandoned
and shall be impounded by the police department, with assistance provided by the North
Dakota brand inspector, located in this region. Owners of such horses shall be responsible
for all costs incurred due to the impoundment process.
11.16.020 – Keeping of fowl prohibited—Exception.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, own, possess or have under their control,
within the limits of the city, fowl of any kind, with the exception of commercial poultry
hatcheries if otherwise allowed by law.
11.16.030 – Rabies control.
If any dog, cat or other animal is believed to have rabies, such animal shall be placed
under the observation of a veterinarian, at the expense of the owner, for a period of ten days.
The owner shall notify the chief of police of the fact that his/her animal has been exposed to
rabies and at his discretion the chief of police is empowered to have such animal removed
from the owner’s premises to a veterinary clinic and there placed under observation for a
period of ten days at the expense of the owner. It shall be unlawful for any person knowing
or suspecting that a dog, cat or other animal has rabies to allow such dog, cat or other animal
to be taken off his/her premises or beyond the limits of the city (other than a veterinarian
clinic) without the written permission of the chief of police. Every owner, or other person,
upon ascertaining that a dog, cat or other animal is rabid shall immediately notify the animal
control officer or a policeman who shall either remove the animal for observation or
summarily destroy it.
11.16.040 – Animals at large—Duties of police.
Any animal mentioned in Section 11.16.010 that is found at large within the city may be
taken up by any police officer and he may dispose of it in the manner provided by state law
for strays or livestock running at large.
11.20.010 – Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words will have the following meanings:
- “Animal” includes every living animal except the human race.
- “Cruelty” or “torture” includes every act, omission, or neglect whereby unnecessary
or unjustifiable pain, suffering, or death shall be caused or permitted.
11.20.020 – Mistreating animals.
- No person shall torture, cruelly beat, neglect, or unjustifiably injure, maim, mutilate,
or kill any animal.
- No person shall deprive any animal over which he has charge or control of necessary
food, water, or shelter.
- No person shall keep any animal in any enclosure without exercise and wholesome
change of air.
- No person shall abandon any animal.
- No person shall wilfully instigate, or in any way further, any act of cruelty to any
animal or animals, or any act tending to produce such cruelty.
11.20.030 – Cruelty in transportation.
No person shall carry, or cause to be carried, any live animals upon any vehicle or
otherwise, without providing suitable racks, cars, crates, or cages, or other proper carrying
container, nor shall he carry an animal, or cause an animal to be carried, in any other cruel
11.20.040 – Poisoning animals.
No person shall unjustifiably administer or expose any known poisonous substance or
noxious drug, whether mixed with meat or other food or not, which may be eaten by any
domestic animal.
11.20.050 – Animal with infectious disease.
No person owning or having charge of any animal, knowing the animal to have any
infectious or contagious disease, or to have recently been exposed thereto, shall knowingly
permit such animal to run at large or come into contact with another animal, or with another
person without his knowledge and permission.
11.20.060 – Exposure of animals-Authority of officers.
Any animal control officer or police officer of the city may take custody of, and care for
any animal found abandoned, unjustifiably exposed to cold or inclement weather, or not
properly fed and watered. It shall be a responsibility of such animal control officer or police
officer to care for the same until it is redeemed by the owner, and when necessary may
deliver the animal to a licensed veterinarian to be sheltered, cared for, and furnished suitable
food and drink at the expense of the owner. In all cases the owner, if known, shall be
immediately notified that if the animal is not redeemed within three days after placing the
animal in the city pound or veterinarian clinic, the city animal control officer shall offer the
animal up for adoption to any other person, who, upon complying with the provisions of this
chapter and paying all necessary expenses incurred, will become the lawful owner of such
animal thereafter. If the animal is not adopted, the city animal control officer shall cause the
animal to be destroyed in as painless and humane a manner as possible.
Chapter 11.24 – POLICE DOGS
11.24.010 – Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions are adopted:
- “Bomb detection dog” means a dog trained to locate bombs or explosives by scent.
- “Firearms detection dog” means a dog trained to locate firearms by scent.
- “Narcotic detection dog” means a dog trained to locate narcotics by scent.
- “Patrol dog” means a dog trained to protect a peace officer and to apprehend or hold
a person in violation of the laws of this city, the state of North Dakota and the
United States of America.
- “Tracking dog” means a dog trained to track and locate people by scent.
- “Police dog” means a bomb detection dog, a firearms detection dog, a narcotic
detection dog, a patrol dog, or a tracking dog used by a law enforcement agency.
- “Narcotics” means any controlled substance as defined in paragraph 15, Section 19-
03.1-01 of the North Dakota Century Code and shall include marijuana as defined
in paragraph fourteen Section 19-03.1-01 of the North Dakota Century Code.
- “Harass” means to intentionally tease, excite, worry or annoy a police dog.
11.24.020 – Prohibition.
It shall be unlawful for any person to harass, destroy or cause physical injury to a police
dog whether on official duty or in the custody of its handler.
11.28.010 – Designated.
An individual who wishes to sign a complaint regarding violation of any section of this
title must contact the police department and state his/her name, address, nature and
circumstances of the violation. This individual must appear before the city attorney and sign
the complaint. An order of impoundment pending trial may be issued at the discretion of the
court and served upon the owner.
11.32.010 – Number of allowable pets.
- The number of dogs and cats, six months of age or older, in one home is limited at
four. This can be four dogs, four cats, or any combination of the two adding up to four.. If
there are more than four dogs or cats in one home a kennel permit for that home must be
obtained, as provided below.
- If any home has more than four dogs or cats at the time of the passage and adoption
of this chapter, that home will be allowed to have dogs and/or cats exceeding four six. All
of these dogs and/or cats will need to have current licenses issued by the Harvey police
department on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. As the number of
dogs and/or cats decrease, the home will not replace those dogs and/or cats, until the number
of dogs and/or cats in the home is four or less.
- The city council may issue a kennel permit to allow a home to have more than four
dogs and/or cats in the city of Harvey upon the following, any of which may be waived by
the city council:
- The application for a permit will be on a form approved by the city council.
- The permit application will be available in the office of the city auditor.
- The fee for the permit application will be set by the fees and rates of the city of
- In issuing the permit, the city council may include any restrictions or conditions it
deems appropriate.
- The application must be accompanied with documentation that all of the dogs and/or
cats have current licenses issued by the city of Harvey police department.
- The permit can be revoked, without cause, at any time by action of the city council.
The holder of the permit will be sent written notice of the hearing seven days prior
to the hearing in which revocation of the permit will be heard by the city council.
The permit can be revoked by the city council, without notice and a hearing, if the
city council determines a health and safety issue does exist.
- A permit issued under this section cannot be assigned or transferred by the holder
of the permit.
- The applicant for the permit and holder of the permit must be the owner of the dogs
and cats, and the owner of the home.
- The application for a permit must be accompanied by written documentation that all
residents and landowners within three hundred feet of the proposed kennel received notice
of the day and time when the city council will consider the application.
- In determining whether to issue a kennel permit, the city council will consider the
following factors:
- The area in square footage of the premises to which the permit relates.
- The proposed facilities to house and exercise the animals.
- The proposed sanitation measures to be used.
- The size and customary habits of each type of breed of animal to be kept in the
- The proximity, type, and configuration of residences surrounding the place where
the animals will be housed.
- The past history of the applicant with regard to animal violations, including
providing sanitary and humane care for animals.
- Responses of residents and landowners.
- Any other factor reasonably likely to affect the persons who live, work, visit or
transact business in close proximity to the proposed permit area.
11.36.010 – General requirements for animal care and treatment.
Every owner and keeper of an animal in the city of Harvey shall see that such
- Is kept in a clean, sanitary and healthy manner and is not confined so as to be forced
to stand, sit or lie in its own excrement. The person(s) responsible for the animal
shall regularly, and as often as necessary to prevent odor or health and sanitation
problems, maintain all animal areas or areas of animal contact.
- Has food that is appropriate for the species in adequate amounts to maintain good
health, fresh potable drinking water where appropriate, shelter and ventilation,
including quarters that are protected from excessive heat and cold and are of
sufficient size to permit the animal to exercise and move about freely.
- Shall not be tethered by use of a choke collar, or on any collar too small for the size
and age of the animal, nor by any rope, chain or cord directly attached to the animal’s
neck, nor by a leash less than twelve feet in length or five times the body length of
the animal, or of such unreasonable weight as to prevent the animal from moving
about freely.
- Is protected against abuse, cruelty, neglect, torment, torture, overload, overwork, or
any other inhumane treatment.
- Is provided the reasonably necessary medical care, in addition to the required rabies
vaccination which shall include recommended vaccinations as required by accepted
veterinary standards, and if diseased or injured, or exhibiting symptoms of disease,
received proper care and is segregated from other animals so as to prevent
transmittal of the disease, be kept free of flea infestations.
- It shall be unlawful for any person to beat, starve or otherwise mistreat any animal
in the city of Harvey, or fail to comply with subsections A through E above,
including neglect, inhumane treatment, or torture of an animal.
- No owner of or person in charge of an animal shall confine the animal in a motor
vehicle in such a manner that places the animal in a life or health threatening
situation by exposure to a prolonged period of extreme heat or cold, without proper
ventilation or other protection from such heat or cold. In order to protect the health
and safety of an animal, a law enforcement officer who has probable cause to
believe that this subsection is being violated shall have authority to enter such motor
vehicle by any reasonable means under the circumstances, after making a reasonable
effort to locate the owner or person in charge of the animal.
- A person who violates any provision of this section for the first time may be given
written notice of the practice or conditions which constitute the violation and a
period of not more than thirty days to correct the violation(s). The failure to correct
the violation(s) within the time period shall constitute prima facie evidence of this
- A law enforcement officer has the authority to remove the animal immediately if the
animal is in imminent danger.
Chapter 11.40 – PENALTIES
11.40.010 – Penalties.
The penalty for violating any of the above provisions for which a penalty shall not
otherwise be given shall be the following:
- A first and second offense within a one year period of time shall be an infraction and
be fined a sum not to exceed $500.00..
- A third offense within a two year period of time shall be a misdemeanor and may be
punished by a fine of not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or by
imprisonment not to exceed thirty days (30), or both.
- Any additional offenses within a two-year period, in the discretion of the Harvey
Municipal Court, may include any of the following:
- A misdemeanor with the penalties as provided herein.
- Removal of any animals of the person convicted of this offense.
- An order prohibiting the person convicted of this offense from owning or caring
for any animal in the city of Harvey. This prohibition, for good cause, may be
removed by the Harvey Municipal Court, with any conditions the court deems
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by
law. All Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
CITY ATTORNEY RESIGNATION: The consensus of the council was to table this topic.
DESIGNATE DEPOSITORIES OF PUBLIC FUNDS: M by Knudtson, MS by Eckart to designate the First State Bank, First International Bank, Dakota Heritage Bank and Bank of North Dakota as the depositories of public funds which meet pledge security requirements. Upon VV, MC.
APPROVE SALE OF ALL CITY PROPERTY: M by Knudtson, MS by Weninger to approve the sale of all real property owned by the City of Harvey upon bid acceptance by the City Council. Upon VV, MC.
2017 AUDIT: Karen informed the Council that Rath & Mehrer will be here January 29th, 2018 for the annual audit. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve Rath & Mehrer to complete the audit. Upon VV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATION: M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger, to approve the site authorization requested for the RMEF-Harvey Chapter on February 17, 2018 at the Harvey Eagles Club. Upon VV, MC.
CORNER OF DIVINE AVE/ADVENT ST: Councilman Baltrusch informed the council that he has had some residents address him about the corner of Divine Avenue and Advent Street. Their concern was how narrow it was and maybe it could be corrected with the street project. The council discussed the area of concern. The city does not own the property to make that intersection wider, therefore no construction changes will occur.
LIQUOR LICENSE – M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the addition of Sunday openings to the previously approved Liquor License for Lang Enterprises, LLC. Upon VV, MC.
BUDGET AMENDMENTS & TRANSFERS: M by Weninger, MS by Knudtson to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the Budget Amendments & Transfers. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: Included in the packet.
POLICE COMMITTEE MINUTES: Included in the packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: Minutes included in the packet. 816 Alder Avenue is requesting an 11 foot variance from his rear property line. He wants to move in a 20 ft. Storage Container between his garage and sidewalk. M by Weninger, MS by Anderson to deny the variances. Upon VV, MC.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 5:30pm
Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Donnie Hoepfer, Linda Knudtson, and Melissa Anderson.
Absent was: Bob Weninger. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson,
Karissa Dockter, and Chief Shaine Towe.
VISITORS: Josh Feil and Tim Huseth
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh with Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to accept the final balancing change order of -$105,556.05 for the water meter replacement project. Upon RCV, MC. Dakota Supply Group submitted the final contractor’s application for payment No. 2 in the amount of $91,358.21. M by Knudtson, MS by Hoepfer to approve the payment. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the certificate of substantial completion date of November 8, 2017. Upon VV, MC. M by Eckart, MS by Hoepfer to approve the pay request to reimburse the City of Harvey $1050.00 for software and $75.00 for electrical work. Upon VV, MC. Milestone 2 for the Street Improvement District No. 2016-1 Project was completed on October 16, 2017. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to accept the Certificate of Substantial Completion for Milestone 2. Upon VV, MC. Public Works Director Kenny Erickson was asked to maintain the streets over the winter months and they will be reimbursed for their work by the contractor. Moore Engineering submitted Invoice #17391 in the amount of $15,279.10. M by Baltrusch, MS by Knudtson to approve the payment. Upon RCV, MC. The council would like to thank Moore Engineering for donating the lot survey for the childcare.
M by Hoepfer, MS by Anderson to pay Braun Intertech Invoice # B110994 in the amount of $2596.25. Upon VV, MC.
TIM HUSETH/RECYCLING: Tim Huseth discussed the Hav-It Recycling program in Harvey and how it is running short on funds each month. He asked if the council would consider increasing the water bill by 30 cents each month to cover some of the shortage. M by Hoepfer, MS by Anderson to agree to the increase and revisit it annually. Upon VV, Baltrusch, Eckart, Hoepfer, and Anderson with an aye vote and Knudtson with a nay vote. MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. Shaine said the police department received some calls regarding a group that has been bell ringing outside local businesses. He addressed the situation and confirmed that this group called Red Cross of Americas are registered as nonprofit in the state of ND.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Kenny informed the council that the WD tractor with attached mower sold for $750.00 and the pickup box sander sold for $675.00. Erickson asked the council’s approval to sell the Old International Garbage Truck for $35,000. M by Knudtson, MS by Eckart to approve the sale. Upon VV, MC. Erickson reminded the council that the base rate on the water bill will increase $1.00 on January 1st, 2018 according to the five year plan.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby has been busy with Operation Community Partnership members regarding the railroad leaving Harvey. She has notified the Harvey JDA that they should look for a JDA Director. Nordby has filled in to this point since the full time Economic Developer resigned. The position of Economic Director will require more time than Nordby has.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on November 8th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with November Revenue of $128,615.50. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 184.20, Carson Industries 65.95, Cherie Heisler 180.00, City of Harvey 8108.01, Cole Papers Inc. 1645.27, Dacotah Paper 64.38, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 935.84, Duane Doll 95.91, Emery Pratt Co. 79.37, Farmers Union Oil 5111.25, Federal Warning Systems 3936.53, Fire Safety USA 344.11, Frey Insurance 67.00, Grand Forks Fire Equipment 5401.94, Harvey Fire Dept. 5021.60, Harvey Kiwanis 750.00, Harvey Motor Service 166.85, Harvey Oil Co. 2004.41, Harvey Wildlife Club 400.00, Hav-It Recycling 1000.00, Hav-It Services 592.00, Hawkins Inc. 4955.09, Herald Press 212.52, Hinrichs Super Valu 55.91, Holzer Electric 459.95, Hometown Variety 441.69, Hornbacher’s Café 42.24, Information Technology Dept. 62.80, Jamey Weinmann 180.00, John Deere Financial 652.33, John Donarski 180.00, Karen Nordby 240.00, Karissa Dockter 180.00, Keith Olson 330.00, Kenny Erickson 53.74, Kotaco 5142.54, Lance Ewert 1.00, Lemer’s True Value 88.51, Little Mart 34.00, Melissa Brass 29.37, Mid Dakota Lumber 206.80, Minot Daily News 239.20, Myron Volk 45.00, Napa Auto 737.80, ND Dept. of Health 32.96, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32.00, NDTC 1515.94, ND League of Cities 720.00, ND Rural Water Systems 235.00, ND Water Users 300.00, One Call Concepts 7.00, Ottertail Power Co. 7403.01, Perfection Auto 53.00, Radisson Hotel 251.10, Rocky Mountain Print Solutions 57.21, Senior Center 1400.00, Sewer Equip. Co of America 125.03, Share Corporation 375.65, Swanston Equipment 63,689.73, Steve Lien 180.00, Tastee Freeze 27.93, Ted Seibel PC 942.09, TJ Plumbing 2952.00, Tractor Supply Co. 123.02, Unum Life Ins. 171.00, US Bank 450.00, US Postal Service 230.77, Verendrye Electric 274.00, Verizon 385.02, Visa 1591.99, Waste Mgmt. of ND 8991.99, Wells County Recorder 316.93, West Shore Services 658.50, Windfall 93.28, Woody’s Service and Repair 101.30, Zoll 110.25 and November Payroll $95,242.11. Upon RCV, MC.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-02 FIRST READING PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS: M by Knudtson, MS by Anderson to move forward with the changes and adopt the first reading of Ordinance #2017-02 relating to Portable Storage Containers. Upon VV, MC.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-03 FIRST READING AMENDING CHAPTER 11: ANIMALS & FOWL: – M by Hoepfer, MS by Knudtson to move forward with the changes and adopt the first reading of the amendment of Chapter 11 of the Ordinances relating to animals and fowl . Upon VV, MC.
TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY: Nordby was notified by the Wells County Auditor that the soonest they could get the foreclosed properties would be November of 2018.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-04: M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to adopt the 2nd and Final Reading of the de-annexation from the property owners of the West Side Annexation. Justin and Deann Stanley, Robert and Kathy Flach, Rod and Corene Buxa, Stanley Buxa, Michael and Candace Thompson & Arvadell Leard have requested to have their property returned to Hillsdale Township. Upon VV, MC.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017- 04
WHEREAS, Arvadell M. Leard, Rodney Buxa, Corene Buxa, Stanley Buxa, Robert
- Flach, Kathy M. Flach, Michael Thompson, Candace Thompson, Justin Stanley and
Deann Stanley having duly petitioned the Board of City Council of the City of Harvey, North
Dakota to be excluded from the annexation referred to as West Side Acres to the City of
Harvey, North Dakota, said real property being described on the attached map; and
WHEREAS, the said Petition has been signed by not less than 3/4 of the qualified
electors or persons living in any portion of said property; and
WHEREAS, said Petition has been signed by owners of not less than 3/4 of the
assessed value of said property; and
WHEREAS, the said property is contiguous or adjacent to the incorporated
municipality of the City of Harvey, North Dakota, has not been platted and no municipal
improvements have been made or constructed therein or adjacent thereto; and
WHEREAS, said Petition was duly received by the City Auditor and filed with the
City Council of the City of Harvey, North Dakota; and
WHEREAS, the petitioners, by publication in The Herald Press on the 30th day of
September, 2017 gave due notice of the presentation of said Petition to the Board of City
Council of the City of Harvey, North Dakota; and
WHEREAS, no protests or objections to said annexation have been made;
NOW THEREFORE, all of the real estate described in Wells County North Dakota
described as follows:
All of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter, All of the Southeast Quarter
lying and being Westerly of the Westerly right of way line of US Highway No.
52 and All of the Northeast Quarter lying and being Westerly of the Westerly
right of way line of said US Highway No. 52 and Southerly of the Northerly
760.78 feet of said Northeast Quarter as measured at a right angle to, and
parallel with, the North line of said Northeast Quarter, all being in Section 36,
Township 150 North, Range 73 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Wells
County, North Dakota.
Said tract contains 281.43 acres, more or less
is hereby disconnected and excluded from the annexation referred to as Westside Acres to
the City of Harvey, North Dakota and is hereby excluded from the corporate limits of the
City of Harvey, North Dakota.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its second reading and
final passage.
LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS – M by Anderson, MS by Knudtson to approve the Liquor License Renewals for the Harvey Bottle Shop, Eagles Club, Little Mart, JW’s, Ta Ahni, Krafty’s Bar & Grill, and the Harvey Hotel Group for 2018. Upon VV, MC. Hoepfer abstained from voting.
CITY ATTORNEY RESIGNATION: The consensus of the council was to table this topic.
DESIGNATE VOTING PLACE: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to adopt the City Hall as the designated voting place. Upon VV, MC.
RAFFLE PERMITS: Harvey Public Library requested Raffle Permit #17-12. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve raffle permit #17-12 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC. Brice Wakefield requested Raffle Permit #17-13. M by Eckart, MS by Hoepfer to approve raffle permit #17-13 provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
LIQUOR LICENSE – M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve an on and off sale Liquor License to Tyler Lang. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: Included in the packet.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, November 8th, 2017 5:30pm
Wednesday, November 8th, 2017 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, November 8th, 2017 at 5:30pm.
Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Bob Weninger, Linda Knudtson, and Melissa Anderson.
Absent was: Donnie Hoepfer. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Karissa Dockter, and Chief Shaine Towe.
VISITORS: Josh Feil, Eleanor Sieglock, Tim Huseth and Brice Wakefield.
Mayor Adams called the Public Hearing to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING – ABATEMENT 80460000: Eleanor Sieglock approached the council on behalf of her property and most recent tax increase for Parcel #80460000. The council compared similar homes and in their opinion her increase is not out of line. M by Knudtson, MS by Weninger to deny the application for the abatement/refund of taxes for parcel #80460000. Upon VV, MC.
The Harvey JDA has requested a Conditional Use Permit to allow a group 30 childcare in Lot 7, Block 9 of the Lonetree Estates. No one attended the hearing to protest. Tim Huseth was a visitor in support of the daycare. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve the Conditional Use Permit and renew annually. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh with Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. Total Backflow will be finishing up the Water Meter Replacement Project this week. The properties that did not respond were discussed. Construction has been postponed until spring for the Street Improvement District No. 2016-1 Project. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the amended Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $36,459.00. Upon RCV, MC. Moore Engineering submitted invoice #17124 in the amount of $72,491.40. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the payment. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve the contractor’s Payment Application No. 2 in the amount of $837,920.38 to Bituminous Paving. Upon RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. Shaine said the police department received a grant from Midcontinent Communications in the amount of $1000.00 that will be used for radios.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson asked the council’s opinion on out of town sewage dumping. The consensus of the council was to table it until more information is gathered.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby informed the council that the new child care has been started and the poles are in the ground. Bryce Frame with HTA is the contractor. Karen announced they received a grant for $25,000 and a loan of $25,000 from the Wells County JDA for the child care project. The water billing department is now able to offer the option of electronic payments from customer bank accounts to pay their water bills. Contact the office for more details.
MINUTES: M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on October 11th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with October Revenue of $137,003.07. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 122.80, Aqua Pure Inc. 3135.00, Black Mountain Software 53.00, Central Plains Water District 775.00, Cherie Heisler 45.50, City of Harvey 7.70, Cosun Biobased Products 6660.00, Dacotah Paper Co. 193.44, Delta Hotels 476.00, Double E Designs 160.00, Elite Spraying 2253.50, Emery-Pratt Co. 65.05, Faul Excavating 4481.56, Ferguson Waterworks 1225.92, Friedt’s Yard Service 250.00, Hager Excavating 425.00, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 455.00, Harvey City Band 450.00, Harvey Kiwanis 5000.00, Harvey Motor Service 308.59, Harvey Oil Co. 1948.87, Harvey Park District 4797.81, Hav It Recycling 1000.00, Hawkins Inc. 1455.49, Heiman Fire Equip. 1959.00, Henry Head 70.00, Herald Press 322.48, Hinrichs Super Valu 33.67, Holiday Inn 163.80, HTA Construction 15,000.00, Information Tech. Dept. 62.80, Karen Nordby 173.90, Karissa Dockter 45.50, Keith Olson 209.72, Kenny Erickson 128.20, KHND Radio 200.00, Kotaco 2515.88, Lemer’s True Value 150.65, Lincoln & Nine Café & Coffee 2500.00, Little Mart 155.91, Mid American Research Chemical 265.80, Moore Engineering 9448.35, Napa Auto Parts 151.80, ND League of Cities 225.00, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32.00, Northern Prairie Mechanical 167.70, NSC Minerals 4919.24, NDTC 1412.84, O’Day Equipment 32.52, One Call Concepts 45.00, Ottertail 6951.18, Patzer Truck Repair 2618.06, Productivity Plus 2450.00, Radisson Hotel 167.40, Rough Rider Ind. 508.28, Susag Sand & Gravel 2492.30, Ted D. Seibel PC 1473.00, The Library Store 160.72, Tractor Supply Co. 174.89, Uniform Center 356.95, Unum Life Ins. Co. 171.00, US Postal Service 233.74, Verendrye Electric 270.00, Verizon 385.98, Visa 5591.41, Waste Mgmt. of ND 8637.22, Wells Co. District Health 89.00, Wells County Recorder 1129.60, Woody’s Service & Repair 485.82, and October Payroll $68,211.38. Upon RCV, MC.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-02 FIRST READING PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS: The consensus of the council was to have Ted Seibel, PC make the changes as discussed and table this first reading until all changes have been made.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-03 FIRST READING CHAPTER 11: ANIMALS & FOWL: The consensus of the council was to have Ted Seibel, PC make the changes as discussed and table this first reading until all changes have been made.
VACATED COUNCIL POSITION: M by Knudtson, MS by Weninger to appoint Melissa Anderson to the Vacated Council Position of Ron Volk. Upon VV, MC.
APPOINT COMMITTEE MEMBER: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to appoint Arnie Selzler to the vacated positions of the Board of Adjustments and Planning & Zoning Committees. Upon VV, MC.
JACOB KRAMER REQUEST: Included in the packet was a letter from Kramer explaining all the work he has done to clean up 421 Emerson Avenue. He is asking for some forgiveness in his dumpster fees. The council has been pleased with his progress. M by Weninger, MS by Knudtson to give him a $500 credit for his disposal fees. Upon VV, MC.
DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING: The auditor has requested the City of Harvey offices be closed the Friday after Thanksgiving. M by Knudtson, MS by Eckart to close the office and have the employees use vacation time. Upon VV, MC.
DELIQUENT TAX PROPERTY: The County has acquired Parcels 80516, 80517, 80518, 80536, 80537, 80635, 80675, and 80995 for delinquent taxes. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to purchase parcels for $1.00 upon the 3 month waiting period. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: Included in the packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: Minutes included in the packet. 509 Lincoln Avenue is requesting a 5 ½ foot variance on her side property to move in a new shed. 508 Cherry Avenue would like a lean to his existing garage. He is requesting a 5 ½ foot variance on his side property. M by Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve the variances. Upon VV, MC.
PLANNING & ZONING MINUTES: Included in the packet.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, October 11th, 2017 5:30pm
Wednesday, October 11th, 2017 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, October 11th, 2017 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Bob Weninger, Linda Knudtson, Donnie Hoepfer and Ronald Volk.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Karissa Dockter, and Chief Shaine Towe.
VISITORS: Josh Feil, Luke Arnold, Edie Schell, Colleen Wipf, Jeff Kukowski, Brandon Kukowski, Gerard Grad, Eleanor Sieglock and Brice Wakefield.
Mayor Adams called the Public Hearing to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING – ABATEMENT 80840000 & 80460000: Edie Schell and Colleen Wipf addressed the council on behalf of MJ Bell’s property regarding the most recent tax increase for Parcel #80840000. They expressed their concerns on the condition of the property. M by Hoepfer, MS by Knudtson to approve the application for the abatement/refund of taxes for parcel #80840000. Upon VV, MC. Eleanor Sieglock approached the council on behalf of her property and most recent tax increase for Parcel #80460000. M by Hoepfer, MS by Volk to table the application for the abatement/refund of taxes for parcel #80460000 until next meeting when more information is gathered. Upon VV, MC.
M by Volk, MS by Eckart to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh with Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. Total Backflow will be coming back to finish installing around 100 meters left in the Water Meter Replacement Project. Most of the underground work is completed or near completion for the Street Improvement District No. 2016-1 Project. Next week they will be working on curb and gutter. M by Hoepfer, MS by Volk to accept Change Order No. 2 and the amount of $85,092.00. Upon RCV, MC. Moore Engineering submitted invoice #16841 in the amount of $68,517.00. M by Eckart, MS by Knudtson to approve the payment. Upon RCV, MC. M by Volk, MS by Weninger to approve the contractor’s Payment Application No. 1 in the amount of $609,663.83 to Bituminous Paving. Upon RCV, MC. Preliminary plans are ready for the Third Street Design-Temporary Gravel Road. Luke explained that Intertech was supposed to test the intersection of Alder Avenue and 7th Street for contamination of soil. M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to have them return for a fee of $2500.00 to test that soil. Upon VV, MC.
JEFF KUKOWSKI: Jeff asked the council if they would be willing to reduce some of his landfill expenses that he incurred while cleaning up his property at 512 Burke Avenue. The council told him the property is looking good. M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to reduce his cost in half. Upon VV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. Shaine stated the police department received a grant from Verendrye Electric in the amount of $412 that will be used for cameras. The ND Community Foundation also gave them a grant for $3500 that will be used for radio upgrades. The police department and Harvey Public Schools have been working together on Emergency Procedures and policies. The council voiced their concerns regarding loud vehicles in town and excessive speed.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson informed the council that we did not receive any bids for the garbage truck that we have up for sale. The consensus of the council was to keep the garbage truck. The house at 517 E. 5th St. has been torn down and the basement dug up and filled in. The garage at the Hanson property located at 508 Burke Avenue is down and the house will be next. We are waiting for David Wrape to sign the deed over for the property located at 717 Park Avenue. Included in the packet were skid steer prices. M by Volk, MS by Weninger to purchase the Bobcat T770 T4 w/tracks, the total price w/attachments = $64,362.00. Upon RCV, MC. Harvey Park Board is asking we waive their building permit fee for their 12×24 storage building. M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to waive the $10.00 building permit fee. The business district snow hauling was discussed. The consensus of the council was to send a letter to businesses explaining they need to take care of their own snow removal behind their businesses. M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to sell the old sander. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby discussed the lots that the city has that will be going up for sale. M by Volk, MS by Knudtson to list the properties with a realtor. Upon VV, MC. Karen updated the council on the childcare project and informed them they did not receive the $250,000 Community Block Grant. The other grants they have requested have been denied as well. The JDA has decided to notify the contractor to have him start the project. They will continue to look into other grants that may be available. Mayor Adams addressed the council about becoming paperless for their meetings. She attended a conference and found out we are one of the last ones to convert over. M by Volk, MS by Weninger to purchase electronic devices to move forward with paperless packets and meetings. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on September 13th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with September Revenue of $95,686.51. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 111.84, Ann Adams 238.30, Bank Of ND 1127.77, Black Mountain Software 100.00, Cengage Learning 188.94, Cole Papers Inc. 1099.49, Curt Benson 500.00, Cynthia Rae 38.52, Dacotah Paper Co. 359.48, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 28.50, David Wrape 2500.00, Dean Klier 152.70, Emery-Pratt Co 81.09, Farroh Roof Truss Co. 4660.00, Faul Excavating 959.54, Ferguson Waterworks 82.35, Fire Safety USA 698.26, Friedt’s Yard Service 250.00, Gaffaney’s of Minot 507.83, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 4000.00, Harvey Motor Service 71.85, Harvey Oil Co. 1876.00, Hav It Recycling 1000.00, Hav It Services 272.00, Hawkins Inc. 3277.56, Herald Press 596.57, Hinrich’s Super Valu 48.25, Information Technology Dept. 62.80, Karen Nordby 243.65, Keller Plmb. & Heating 1990.66, Kotaco 1865.60, Lemer’s True Value 41.63, Little Mart 69.44, Michael Frederick 25.00, Mid American Research Chemical 104.35, Mid Dakota Lumber 10,197.54, Minitex 71.00, Minot Daily News 100.00, ND Dept. of Health/Microbiology 32.00, ND League of Cities 140.00, NDTC 1425.78, One Call Concepts 28.00, Ottertail 7396.66, Patricia Pfahlert 37.31, Penworthy 55.56, Radisson Hotel Bismarck 83.70, Rough Rider Ind. 64.28, Shawn’s Electric 1380.90, Skillpath/NST Seminars 447.00, Ted D. Seibel PC 2669.44, TJ Plumbing 941.50, Tractor Supply Co. 18.99, Unum Life Ins. Co. 171.00, US Bank 154,456.25, US Postal Service 233.89, Verendrye Electric 201.00, Verizon 384.10, Waste Management of ND 4286.82, Visa 641.41, and September Payroll $72,857.14. Upon RCV, MC.
2017 IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY LIST: Included in the packet was a letter from Ted Seibel, PC to Stephen Kelly regarding his property being in violation of various city ordinances.
DANGEROUS DOGS: Information was given in the packet from Ted Seibel, PC regarding dangerous dogs and how the City might address problems posed by dogs that harass individuals and other animals. The current dog ordinance was included in the packet and the council discussed changes they would like to see in the ordinance such as a limit to how many dogs a property can have. The consensus of the council was to have Ted Seibel, PC make the changes as discussed and table it until all changes have been made.
DEANNEXATION: M by Knudtson, MS by Hoepfer to adopt the first reading of the Ordinance excluding certain tracts from the annexation of Westside Acres being a part of Section 36, Township 150 North, Range 73 West, Wells County, North Dakota. Upon RCV, MC.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-02 FIRST READING PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS: The consensus of the council was to have Ted Seibel, PC make the changes as discussed and table this first reading until all changes have been made.
BALL PARK ADDITION PAVEMENT: A letter from Ted Seibel, PC to Brian Julius with Moore Engineering was included in the packet to gather information and investigate what steps may be taken to correct the defective cement work that was done on Ball Park Addition.
CITY ASSESSOR: M by Volk, MS by Baltrusch to appoint Jana Schimelfenig as the City Assessor. Upon VV, MC.
LEAD LOCAL: The Wells County Extension Office is holding a training for aspiring, elected and appointed leaders serving on boards, councils and committees. Mayor Adams suggested the Harvey City Council attend if possible on November 16th.
RON VOLK RESIGNATION: Council member Ron Volk announced he will be resigning as of October 31st, 2017 from the Harvey City Council. The council thanked Ron for all his years of service.
JDA MINUTES: Included in the packet.
CHILDCARE COMMITTEE MINUTES: Included in the packet.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, September 13th, 2017 5:30pm
Wednesday, September 13th, 2017 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, September 13th, 2017 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Bob Weninger, Linda Knudtson, Donnie Hoepfer and Ronald Volk.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Karissa Dockter, and Chief Shaine Towe.
VISITORS: Josh Feil, Jim Weinmann, Peter Varelas, Robert Prouty, and Brice Wakefield.
Mayor Adams called the Public Hearing to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING – PROUTY ABATEMENT 81157000: Robert Prouty addressed his concerns to the council regarding his most recent tax increase for Parcel #81157000. The council reviewed similar homes in the area and in their opinion his increase is not out of line. M by Volk, MS by Weninger to deny the application for the abatement/refund of taxes for parcel #81157000. Upon VV, MC.
M by Volk, MS by Eckart to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Helland has not appealed to the District Court within the 30 days. M by Volk, MS by Eckart to proceed with demolition of 517 5th Street E. per ordinance. Upon VV, MC.
Hanson has not appealed to the District Court within the 30 days. M by Volk, MS by Eckart to proceed with demolition of 508 Burke Avenue per ordinance. Upon VV, MC. The consensus of the council was to allow extra time to get the belongings out of the property.
M by Eckart, MS by Volk to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
JIM WEINMANN: Jim explained to the council that he will be moving a house in on North Street and was inquiring about the sewer in that area. They visited about the sewer locations and informed Weinmann that it would be his responsibility to have his own sewer installed and hooked to the city’s sewer mains.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh with Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. The breaker at the ground storage tank has been tripping so this has been replaced. M by Volk, MS by Eckart to approve Invoice #13427 for $143.75 and # 13411 for $29,500.00 to Sweeney Controls. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Knudtson to approve payment to ModTech in the amount of $390.00 for the water plant printer. Upon VV, MC. M by Eckart, MS by Volk to approve payment to Ted Seibel PC in the amount of $125.00 for the title opinion. Upon VV, MC. Josh updated the council on the meter replacement project. He said there are less than 100 meters still needing replacement but they were unable to get in touch with the residents. Total Backflow will be coming back the third week of October to finish those installs. M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to approve the contractor’s application for payment in the amount of $213,570.94 to DSG. Upon RCV, MC. Moore Engineering is checking if project funds can cover the plumbing costs associated with the project. Feil informed the council of the Street Improvement District No. 2016-1 project. They have started putting in a box culvert and storm sewer on Advent Street. They are also working on mud jacking curbs. The concrete crew will be on site September 18th to work on curb, gutter, and ramps. Moore Engineering submitted invoice #16501 in the amount of $34,744.60. M by Hoepfer, MS by Knudtson to approve the payment. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to accept change order 1, which refers to the contract language regarding milestones. Upon VV, MC. The sanitary sewer extension on Birch Ave. between North St. and 3rd St was discussed. M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to approve the top two portions of the design. Upon RCV, MC. The steep corner by Elm Ave and 11th St was reviewed. M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to proceed with the plans for a storm sewer on the north side of 11th, and running a pipe to the south, across Elm into the ditch. Upon VV, MC. Nordby presented invoices for Ted Seibel PC, Herald Press, and Braun InterTech regarding project fees. M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to pay $18,198.25 for these fees. Upon RCV, MC. Invoice B098101 was submitted for Braun InterTech for soil observation, and the engineer report in the amount of $1345.40. M by Knudtson, MS by Volk to approve this pay request. Upon RCV, MC. M by Weninger, MS by Knudtson to approve the pay request to Arntson, Stewart, Wegner PC for professional services in the amount of $5600.25. Upon VV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. Shaine has been reviewing the police applications for the open position and has one certified applicant that has matched all requirements and is currently in the background check process. Towe said he has been receiving positive feedback from the businesses regarding the officers doing security checks on businesses after hours. Chief Towe expressed an area of concern on Brewster Street by the Elementary School and Hospital especially after school. People are driving too fast and not paying attention to the crosswalks. Officer Head has asked to purchase an older Nokia Smartphone that the department has had in storage as they no longer use. M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to approve the purchase in the amount of $20.00. Upon VV, MC.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson updated the council on the water tower paint peeling. The company is reviewing what the next step will be. The golf course road will not be chip sealed this year due to the computer on the county’s chipping machine going out. The county has billed the city $13,500.00 for the project. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve this pay request. Upon RCV, MC. The timer equipment to synchronize the emergency sirens has arrived and Kenny has been in contact with the siren rep to get them hooked up. The International 460 tractor’s clutch is going out. There was a discussion if we should keep putting money to repair this tractor or look into a new tractor. M by Volk, MS Baltrusch to fix the tractor. Upon VV, MC. The council feels a skid steer would be more beneficial to the city. M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to have Kenny look into pricing and options of a skid steer. Upon VV, MC. The old garbage truck has been placed up for sale. The commercial garbage rates have not been raised for quite some time, but we may need to look at increasing rates of the larger users. We now have the onboard scale and can charge accordingly. Ron Volk, Kenny and Karen have been working on a new rate. M by Volk, MS by Weninger to accept this new rate starting November 1st. Upon VV, MC. The council discussed the intersection of Brewster St. and 10th St. They would like to see signage warning the oncoming traffic. Kenny will look into this matter.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby asked the council if she could attend the NDPERS Benefits Education along with Cherie, Karissa and Kenny on November 1st. Karen, Karissa, and Cherie would also like to attend the Woman’s Professional Conference that will be held the day before on October 31st and is $140.00 per person. M by Volk, MS by Eckart to allow this request and to ask Rita Weninger to watch over the office during those days. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on August 9th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with August Revenue of $98,981.28. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Weninger, MS by Volk to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 111.84, Black Mountain Software 1000.00, Cengage Learning 66.00, Cherie Heisler 245.00, City of Harvey 10,721.86, Computer Projects of IL 1,005.60, Deb Kourajian 124.93, Double E Designs 2,500.00, Elite Spraying 3,421.14, Emery-Pratt Co. 187.73, Friedt’s Yard Service 500.00, Harvey Ben Franklin 182.55, Harvey Motor Service 192.42, Harvey Park District 15,707.59, Hav It Recycling 1,000.00, Hav-It Services 267.00, Hawkins Inc. 1,329.75, Herald Press 680.28, High Plains Equipment 202.26, Hornbacher’s Café 54.04, Information Technology 77.80, Kotaco 2,993.48, Law Enforcement Systems 304.00, Lautt’s Feed & Supply 84.75, Lemer’s True Value 154.53, Little Mart 91.72, Mid Dakota Lumber 4,129.91, Miller Clothing 307.00, Municipal Government Academy 25.00, Napa Auto 14.29, NDPERS 40.00, NDTC 1,701.66, Jamey Weinmann 118.80, ND Dept. of Health 718.17, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology 32.00, NDWPCC 200.00, One Call Concepts 19.00, Ottertail Power Co. 8,395.13, Railroad Mgmt. Co. 194.55, Ripplinger Motors 86.75, Rooster Repair 237.22, Rough Rider Industries 1,245.00, Shaine Towe 119.22, Starion Bond Services 14,193.00, Tecta America Greenberg Roofing 527.08, Ted D. Seibel PC 2,478.95, The Library Store 282.45, TJ Plumbing 799.50, Tractor Supply Co. 175.92, Univar 1,196.25, Unum Life Insurance 199.50, USDA Rural Development 122,909.07, US Postal Service 234.45, Verendrye Electric 199.00, Verizon 384.10, Vern Helm 70.70, Visa 24,336.86, Waste Mgmt. of ND 10,703.48, Western Lighting Technology 256.65, Zep Sales & Service 61.51 and August Payroll $76,581.97. Upon RCV, MC.
2017 Improvement Property List: Included in the packet was a letter from David Wrape, property owner of 717 Park Avenue. Wrape is asking the council if the city would purchase the new materials that are in the home that were intended to be used for remodeling the home prior. Wrape feels the expense would be too great to come back for these items as he lives out of state. M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to agree to purchase the materials for $2500.00 in hopes that the JDA can use the materials in the new daycare. Upon VV, MC. Wrape said he would like to proceed with the Quit Claim Deed. The Nancy Kukowski property was discussed and progress has been made. In the agreement, they have until October 9th to finish their improvements.
DANGEROUS DOGS: Information was given in the packet from Ted Seibel PC regarding dangerous dogs and how the City might address problems posed by dogs that harass individuals and other animals. The council also discussed other changes they would like to see changed in the ordinance such as a limit to how many dogs a property can have. The consensus of the council is to table this topic until the changes have been made.
APPROVE FINAL BUDGET: M by Volk, MS by Weninger to approve the final budget for January-December 2018 as submitted. Upon RCV, MC.
HAV-IT RECYCLING: The council reviewed Hav-It Recycling’s request that the City increase its monthly payment for recycling services. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to deny the increase and leave the amount as is. Upon VV, MC. The council feels the garbage fund does not have enough revenue for the increase.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-02 FIRST READING PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS: The consensus of the council was to table this first reading until all changes have been made.
FREY INSURANCE SIDEWALK: Kenneth Frey had a letter in the packet regarding the curb stop in the sidewalk in front of his business. The Lincoln Avenue sidewalk project was completed over 10 years ago. The consensus of the council is that it is up to the owner to repair the curb stop.
HARVEY PARK DISTRICT: The Harvey Park District is requesting the building permit fee of $85.00 for their Concession/Bathroom Facility Project be waived. M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer to approve this request. Upon VV, MC.
BOYUM DEED REGARDING CENTENNIAL PARK: Information was included in the packet between Ted D. Seibel PC and Peter Boyum as it relates to the deed given by Dr. Lowell Boyum to the City of Harvey dated June 6, 2001. The deed cannot be recorded because the document was not notarized. Instruction was given on how to correct this issue. M by Volk, MS by Baltrusch to proceed with the process to get this resolved. Upon VV, MC.
APPOINTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER: M by Hoepfer, MS by Volk to appoint Dr. Charles Nyhus to the position of Public Health Officer. Upon VV, MC.
POLICE DEPARTMENT—Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2.
M by Weninger, MS by Volk to go into executive session, Upon RCV, MC.
Executive session started at 7:50 p.m. and was recorded. In attendance were Mayor Adams, Knudtson, Weninger, Volk, Hoepfer, Eckart, Baltrusch, Nordby, Erickson, and Dockter.
Executive session closed by Mayor Adams at 8:10 p.m.
Mayor Adams opened the meeting to the public.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to extend the probation period for Chief Shaine Towe to January 25th, 2018. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: Included in the packet.
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MINUTES: Included in the packet.
Myron Volk has requested a leave of absence from August 28, 2017 to November 27, 2017. The consensus of the council was to accept the Personnel Committee’s recommendation to approve his request with the condition he uses all his vacation time. If he would like to continue with the city’s health insurance plan he would have to pay all costs associated with it.
POLICE COMMITTEE MINUTES: Included in the packet.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, August 9th, 2017 5:30pm
Wednesday, August 9th, 2017 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, August 9th, 2017 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Bob Weninger, Linda Knudtson, Donnie Hoepfer and Ronald Volk.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Karissa Dockter, Ted Seibel, P.C. and Chief Shaine Towe.
VISITORS: Josh Feil, Luke Arnold, Brandon Oye, Bill Berg, Justin Moline, Frances Grossman, Jeff Kukowski, and Arnie Selzler.
Mayor Adams called the Public Hearing to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jeff Kukowski was there on behalf of the Nancy Kukowski property located at 512 Burke Avenue. He agreed the house should be torn down but asked the council for some more time to get his property out from inside. M by Volk, MS by Knudtson to give him 60 days from today to remove his property and if the property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances it shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if Kukowski fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 60 days. Upon VV, MC.
M by Volk, MS by Weninger to continue with the process for 572 E 5th Street. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if Helland fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC.
M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer to continue with the process for 508 Burke Ave. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if Hanson fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC.
M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Brandon with Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. He addressed the ground storage tank pump that wasn’t pumping lower than 15 feet that was brought up last meeting. They increased the VFD percentage that it was running at and now that it is balanced, both are running at 85%. M by Volk, MS by Eckart to approve invoice #16103 for engineering services for the ground storage project in the amount of $5,179.71. Upon VV, MC. Brandon informed the council that the water meter replacement project will be underway and that they will separate the project in four sections, starting with the area north of Brewster Street and south of the railroad tracks. M by Knudtson, MS by Weninger to pay $2500.00 for the loan closing of the meter project to Ohnstad Twichell. Upon VV, MC. There was a pre-construction meeting held today to discuss the upcoming street project that will begin later this month. They will hold weekly construction meetings every Tuesday morning as the work begins. No major asphalt work will begin this year. M by Volk, MS by Eckart to accept the commitment from the Bank of ND for funds from the infrastructure revolving loan program. Upon VV, MC. The resolution authorizes issuance of a Definitive Improvement Warrant against Street Improvement District No. 2016-1 in the amount of $7,500,000.00. The interest rate is fixed at 2.00%, and payments start May 1, 2019 with a final maturity of May 1, 2033. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to accept this resolution. Upon RCV, MC. Moore Engineering submitted invoice #16278 in the amount of $16,778.45. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the payment. Upon RCV, MC. M by Knudtson, MS by Volk to pay Invoice # 15730 to Moore Engineering for the amount of $424,421.05. Upon RCV, MC. The contract amendment for construction engineering services was discussed. M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to approve the $803,635.00 contract amendment for Moore Engineering. Upon RCV, MC. Third Street Design – Temporary Gravel Road was reviewed as Public Works Director Erickson would like Moore Engineering to provide some elevation work so he could build the temporary gravel road off of the manhole. M by Baltrusch, MS by Weninger to approve the Engineering proposal. Upon RCV, MC. Millenium Addition-gravel alley was discussed and the consensus of the council was not to go ahead with this project at this time.
PROPANE BIDS: Mayor Adams opened the propane bids from Harvey Oil Company 21,000 gal @ $1.18 no taxes, Ferrellgas 21,000 gal @ $1.09 no taxes, and Kotaco 21,000 gal @ $1.04 no taxes. M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to accept the bid from Kotaco. Hoepfer Abstained from voting. Upon RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. Shaine informed the council that police officer Jon Gallagher has resigned. This position has been advertised and they have received some applications to be reviewed. Hoepfer approached Towe on why there was a discussion held with the county regarding the Harvey Police Department. Towe explained that he was just gathering information to see if it was even a possibility before bringing it up to the council. Mayor Adams also voiced her concerns. The council informed Chief Towe that it will not be a possibility and that they are against this idea.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Tilt steering has been installed on the new garbage truck. MaGuire Iron was scheduled to do warranty work on the water tower paint the weekend of July 29th but during the transport they ran into issues and had to postpone. The golf course road has been reclaimed with gravel and the Base One mixed in with it. The next step is to put the 2 chip seals on the road. Erickson asked the council if he could purchase a mechanical thumb for the backhoe bucket. M by Volk, MS by Baltrusch to approve this purchase. Upon VV, MC. The emergency sirens were discussed because some residents have asked to be able to hear the 6pm whistle again. This daily routine would also ensure that all sirens continue to work properly. M by Volk, MS by Knudtson to approve the purchase of a program clock for each siren. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby has been busy working on the budget and has the preliminary budget ready for approval. She also has held a personnel and finance committee meeting. Karen, Cherie, Mayor Adams and the JDA continue to work on childcare. The JDA terminated their offer on the house at 518 Harvey Avenue because the purchase was not supported by a number of neighbors in the surrounding area. Our office has sent letters out informing our residents that we have a meter project approaching. Total Backflow Resources will be sending out postcards for residents to schedule their installs.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on July 12th and Special Meeting on June 28th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Hoepfer, MS by Knudtson to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with July Revenue of $250,103.88. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Volk, MS by Eckart to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 112.68, BND 170,744.19, Black Mountain Software 1050.00, Bruce Hirchert 438.60, CenDak Farmers Union 38.80, Uniform Center 12.99, Little Mart 114.16, Chief/Law Enforcement Supply 25.00, City of Harvey 31.55, Diamond Vogel 691.10, Electronic Communications 300.00, Emery-Pratt Co. 103.63, Farmers Union Oil 23.81, Friedt’s Yard Service 500.00, Gerrells & Company Inc. 77.00, Hach Company 438.16, Harvey Ben Franklin 76.11, Harvey Motor Service 37.48, Harvey Oil Co. 1912.64, Harvey Sand & Gravel 117.95, Hav It Recycling 1000.00, Hav It Services 269.50, Hawkins 3041.70, Herald Press 466.20, Hinrichs Super Valu 17.97, Information Tech Dept. 62.80, Jamey Weinmann 9.48, Jon Johnson 151.20, Karen Nordby 18.19, KHND Radio 200.00, Kiwanis Club 320.00, Kotaco 214.09, Lemer’s True Value 345.29, Little Mart 58.14, Mid Dakota Lumber 26.40, Midee Auto 317.39, Midwest Graphics & Signs 444.00, Napa Auto 55.59, NDTC 1422.43, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology 32.00, ND Dept of Health 354.50, ND State Library 1303.28, One Call Concepts Inc. 11.00, Online Dakota Information 234.65, Ottertail Power Co. 9147.65, Penworthy 59.03, Rick Swenson 726.00, Ripplinger Motors 243.66, Rough Rider Industries 1142.00, State Fire & Tornado 7492.17, Susag Sand & Gravel 62,975.89, Tecta America Greenberg Roofing 3323.00, Ted D. Seibel PC 2103.18, Tractor Supply Co 345.52, Trista Zerr 85.19, Unum Life Ins. Comp. 199.50, US Postal Service 234.78, Verendrye Electric Coop 179.00, Verizon 384.10, Visa 601.53, Waste Mgmt of ND 8652.94, Water Environment Foundation 155.00, Welcome Wagon 20.00, Wells County Treasurer 161.24, Western Lighting Technology 1579.32, Westlie Motor Company 1157.50, Woody’s Service & Repair 559.30, Zep Sales & Service 625.94 and July Payroll $89,341.89. Upon RCV, MC.
2017 Improvement Property List: Included in the packet was a letter from David Wrape, property owner of 717 Park Avenue. Wrape is asking the council for 60 days before any type of demolition. He would like the city to provide him with a cost analysis to demolish the building, and time to remove the remodeling materials inside the home. After reviewing this bid, he will then decide if he should demolish the building himself or have the city do it. M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to approve his 60 day request as long as he deeds the property over to the city right away. Upon VV, MC.
ABATEMENT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the application for the abatement/refund of taxes for parcel #81274000. Upon VV, MC.
ACH MODULE-BLACK MOUNTAIN SOFTWARE: Included in the packet was information on an ACH module which would allow billed amounts to be collected electronically from a customer’s bank account for their water billings each month. M by Volk, MS by Eckart to purchase the module which would allow electronic payments to those who wish to pay that way. Upon VV, MC.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-02 FIRST READING PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS: The consensus of the council was to table this first reading until all changes have been made.
ANNUAL CONFERENCE: The council is encouraged to attend NDLC Fall conference in Fargo on Sept 28-30. Please contact the office if you would like to attend.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS: JW’s Bar and Grill has requested a special event permit to have a car show on their property on September 3rd from 1:00pm-6:00pm. Alcohol will be dispensed inside but they would like to allow it to be carried in the parking lot. M by Volk, MS by Baltrusch to approve the request at no charge due to it not being held on City property. Upon VV, MC.
DANGEROUS DOGS: Information was given in the packet from Ted Seibel PC regarding dangerous dogs and how the City might address problems posed by dogs that harass individuals and other animals. The consensus of the council was to table this topic until they could research the information a little further.
APPOINT COMMITTEE MEMBER: M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer to appoint Melissa Anderson to the Harvey JDA Committee. Upon VV, MC.
CHILDCARE: M by Weninger, MS by Volk to sell Lot 7, Block 9 of the Lonetree Estates to the Harvey JDA for $1.00 to house a childcare facility. Upon VV, MC.
PERSONNEL: Nordby requested a $.50 per hour increase for Karissa Dockter on her 1 year anniversary. M by Hoepfer, MS by Volk to approve this request. Upon VV, MC. Nordby would like to change Cherie Heisler’s title to Deputy Auditor. M by Volk, MS by Knudtson to approve this request. Upon VV, MC.
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: M by Volk, MS by Knudtson to accept the committee’s recommendation of a salary increase of 3%. Monthly Salary-Kenny Erickson $5270.36, Karen Nordby $4517.92, Shaine Towe 4240.48, Tom Burr $3216.19, Henry Head $3479.19; Hourly – Cherie Heisler $17.59, Steve Lien $18.06, Hannah Nyberg $16.71, Karissa Dockter 16.43, Keith Olson $24.48, Jamey Weinmann $22.33, John Donarski $20.95, and Myron Volk $16.07. Upon RCV, MC
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Recommends the council accept the budget proposed by the Auditor. M by Weninger, MS by Baltrusch to approve the preliminary budget for January-December 2018 as submitted. Upon RCV, MC. The preliminary budget is on file at the Auditor’s office.
EXCLUSION FROM ANNEXATION: The City having received a petition from a number of landowners in West Side Acres and said petition contains the required signatures of 75% of the owners and 75% of the assessed value of the property in the territory, it is hereby moved by Weninger and seconded by Knudtson the landowners proceed with publication and service of notice as required by statute. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: Included in the packet.
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MINUTES: Included in the packet.
FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES: Included in the packet.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, July 12th, 2017 5:30pm
Wednesday, July 12th, 2017 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, July 12th, 2017 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Bob Weninger, Linda Knudtson, Donnie Hoepfer and Ronald Volk.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Karissa Dockter, and Chief Shaine Towe.
VISITORS: Josh Feil, Luke Arnold, Robert & Shirley Leintz, Larry & Myrna Fike, Delores Langseth, Marvin Dales, Delores Stolz, Daryl Flagen, Bridget Felchle, Brandon Storbeck, Dean Klier, Adam & Sara Hinrichs, Dale Muscha, Amy Felchle, Francis & Mary Grossman, Susan Shearer, Kathy Walsh and Marci Eckart.
Mayor Adams called the Public Hearing to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Harvey JDA has requested a Conditional Use Permit to allow a group 30 childcare in Lot 4, Block 4 of the Hornbacher’s 2nd Addition. Mayor Adams explained the urgent need for childcare in our community. M by Volk, MS by Eckart to approve the conditional use permit for childcare located at Lot 4, Block 4 of the Hornbacher’s 2nd Addition. Visitors then voiced their concerns and/or support for the project. Upon RCV, Baltrusch, Eckart, Weninger, Knudtson, and Volk with an aye vote and Hoepfer with a nay vote. MC.
M by Volk, MS by Eckart to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the Conditional Use Permit Hearing.
Mayor Ann Adams called the noncompliance hearing for the property located at 717 Park Avenue to order.
M by Volk, MS by Weninger to continue with the process for 717 Park Avenue. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if Wrape fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC.
M by Volk, MS by Weninger to adjourn the public hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil with Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to pay Invoice #6030-COE-1 to Hi-Line Electric, Inc for the telemetry upgrade in the amount of $24,936.54. Upon RCV, MC. The grass is growing at the ground storage reservoir so Josh advised paying the final $2000.00 to Swanberg Construction. Public Works Director Erickson questioned Moore Engineering regarding the pumps in the ground storage tank. They won’t pump lower than 15 feet. Josh and Luke will look into the problem with the pump suppliers and the Engineer. M by Hoepfer, MS by Knudtson to approve the resolution authorizing an undertaking to the municipal water utility and authorizing the issuance of a $110,000.00 Revenue Bond to finance the undertaking. Upon RCV, MC. The estimated start date for the water meter replacement project is August 10th. Letters will be sent out this week informing the city residents. Feil discussed the Street Improvement District No. 2016-1 recommendation of award. M by Volk, MS by Weninger to accept the bid and award contract to Bituminous Paving Inc. for Base Bid of $4,832,405.00, Alternate 2-Storm Sewer North Street of $89,828.00, Alternate 3-Storm Sewer Advent Street of $64,994.00, Alternate 4-Grant Avenue Paving of $50,429.80, Alternate 5-Kennedy Avenue Paving & Storm Sewer of $406, 178.50, and Alternate 6-Meadow Lane Paving of $93,166.50. The Contract Price of the Awarded Contract is $5,537,001.80 subject to unit prices. Upon RCV, MC. The project with construction, engineering, contingencies and other costs is estimated at $7,490,000.00. Invoice # B096760 was presented from Braun Intertec in the amount of $9570.75. M by Volk, MS by Knudtson to approve payment for geotechnical evaluation. Upon RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. The council would like the police department to patrol the well-traveled streets more often and enforce the speed limits as speeding has been an issue. They also would like to see them take more time and check out the businesses after hours to make sure doors are locked and things are safe.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson explained that on Monday, July 10th, the county road crew and the city put down gravel on the golf course road for when the reclaimer comes to grind up the gravel and old asphalt. The garbage truck will have the tilt steering put in on July 12th. The international 460 tractor has been looked at and will need a repair of roughly $500.00 regarding the oil leak and starter. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the repairs. Upon VV, MC. Kenny explained the foxtail issue behind some of our residents’ homes. M by Hoepfer, MS by Knudtson to approve the purchase of a Rough Cut Mower. Upon VV, MC. Erickson also suggested we raise the City grass mowing fees from $150.00 to $200.00 because of the cost of blades and the wear and tear put on our equipment. M by Knudtson, MS by Eckart to approve the increase. Upon VV, MC. Kenny will be marking trees with an orange X that are affected with Dutch elm disease.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Karen, Cherie, Mayor Adams and the JDA continue to work on childcare. Nordby discussed the new water meter project and how the residents will be getting a letter explaining the procedure of this project. Bank of ND approved us for the requested loan for the Street Improvement Project 2016-1. Karen commented on how beautiful the City flowers look. Thank you to Hav-It for doing such a good job watering them. Nordby will be busy working on the budget for the next couple weeks.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on June 14th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with June Revenue of $146,823.21. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Hoepfer, MS by Volk to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 167.76, Amy Lesmeister 100.00, Aqua-Pure Inc. 3793.18, Braun Intertec Corp. 9570.75, BSN Sports 465.00, CP Railway 671.95, Cengage Learning 56.50, Central Valley Health Dist. 65.00, City of Harvey 18.43, Cole Papers Inc. 1645.27, Comfort Inn 81.90, Dakota Fire Extinguishers Inc. 436.50, Deb Kourajian 199.99, Devils Lake Park Board 150.00, Elite Spraying LLC 3587.50, Emery-Pratt Co 89.88, Farmers Union Oil & C-Store 24.72, Ferguson Waterworks 2341.68, Friedt’s Yard Service 500.00, Gaffaney’s of Minot 180.38, Galls Inc. 212.97, Gerrells & Co. Inc. 304.40, Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce 4000.00, Harvey Ben Franklin 336.28, Harvey City Band 500.00, Harvey Motor Service 6.95, Harvey Oil Co. 2007.36, Harvey Park District 5000.00, Hav-It Recycling 1000.00, Hav-It Services 741.00, Hawkins Inc. 4568.15, HighPlains Equip. 314.51, Hinrich’s Super Valu 22.76, Herald Press 688.44, Information Technology Dept 62.80, Jamey Weinmann 27.66, Keith Olson 6.85, Kenny Erickson 128.20, Kotaco 369.83, Lemer’s True Value 230.01, Little Mart 71.89, Mid America Books 253.30, Mid-American Research Chemical 537.56, Mid Dakota Lumber 28.52, Napa Auto Parts 130.31, ND Dept. of Health 223.30, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology 32.00, ND Insurance 300.00, ND State Library 34.95, NDTC 2033.06, One Call Concepts Inc. 13.00, Ottertail Power Co. 8119.05, Penworthy 28.80, Redwood Toxicology Lab 10.00, Ripplinger Motors 81.25, Rooster Repair 50.97, State Fire & Tornado 80.41, Ted Seibel PC 888.94, The Library Store 280.83, Third Watch Communications 138.00, Tractor Supply Co. 325.09, Trista Zerr 212.98, Uniform Center 28.98, US Postal Service 284.19, Verendrye Electric Coop 168.00, Verizon 380.92, Visa 1215.52, Waste Mgmt of ND 2336.10, 1st Mechanical Construction LLC 28.98, and June Payroll $87,268.77. Upon RCV, MC.
West Side De-annexation Request: The council discussed the recommendation from the Planning & Zoning committee for de-annexation from the property owners of the West Side Annexation. Justin & Deann Stanley, Robert and Kathy Flach, Rod & Corene Buxa, Stanley Buxa, Michael Thompson and Arvadell Leard have requested to have their property returned to Hillsdale Township. They feel they have not received all the benefits that were promised to them. M by Eckart, MS by Knudtson to accept the Planning & Zoning Committee’s recommendation to de-annex the properties listed above and to start the legal process with all expenses paid by the property owners. Upon VV, MC.
2017 Improvement Property List: Included in the packet were 3 new noncompliance properties that were presented to the council. The addresses are 572 East 5th Street, 508 Burke Avenue, and 512 Burke Avenue. Hearings will be set up for the August Council Meeting. Ted Seibel has sent a Notice of Lien for $8672.50 for the property located at 500 Pleasant Street.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS: : Lemer’s True Value has requested a Special Event Permit for the closure of Lincoln Ave south of 10Th Street in front of Lemer’s True Value and Rental Store on August 5th from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. They have requested to place a Tent on Lincoln Ave for Customer Appreciation and Anniversary Sale. M by Volk, MS by Eckart to approve the request. Upon VV, MC.
Krafty’s Bar & Grill has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Street for a car show/pig roast/street dance on August 19th from 12:00 noon – 2:00 a.m. They would like to extend their hours from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. and are requesting to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th Street while the road is closed for this event. M by Hoepfer, MS by Weninger to approve the request. Upon VV, MC.
SALES TAX EXTENSION RESOLUTION: M by Volk, MS by Knudtson to approve the sales tax extension resolution that has been used for the past several extensions. Upon, VV, MC.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-02 FIRST READING PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS: The draft for the proposed portable storage container Ordinance No. 2017-02 was in the packet for review. Suggestions were given and the consensus of the council was to table this first reading until all changes have been made.
BOND RESOLUTION FOR CITY AUDITOR: M by Volk, MS by Eckart to approve the bond resolution for Karen Nordby, Auditor, in the amount of $1,718,000.00. Upon RCV, MC.
COMMITTEE MEMBER RESIGNATIONS: The consensus of the council was to accept the resignation of Kevin Tuenge from the JDA Committee, and Steve Eckart from the Planning & Zoning Committee and the Board of Adjustments Committee.
APPOINT COMMITTEE MEMBER: M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to appoint Arnie Selzler to the Planning and Zoning Committee and the Board of Adjustments Committee. Upon VV, MC.
CHILDCARE FACILITY PURCHASE: M by Volk, MS by Weninger to approve the JDA’s purchase of Lot 4, Block 4 of the Hornbacher’s 2nd Addition using $50,000 from JDA fund 2130 and the remainder will be paid out of JDA fund 4050. Upon RCV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: Included in the packet.
PLANNING & ZONING MINUTES: Included in the packet.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, June 14th, 2017 5:30pm
Wednesday, June 14th, 2017 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, June 14th, 2017 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Bob Weninger, Linda Knudtson, Donnie Hoepfer and Ronald Volk.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, and Karissa Dockter. Officer Jon Gallagher entered the meeting before the Police Report.
VISITORS: Josh Feil, Brice Wakefield, Marci Eckart, Bob Flach, Justin Stanley and Mick Thompson.
Mayor Adams called the Public Hearing to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
M by Volk, MS by Knudtson to continue with the process for the property at 717 Park Avenue. The property cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the ordinances and shall be demolished by the City through its officers and employees if Wrape fails to comply with this Order or fails to appeal to the District Court within 30 days. Upon VV, MC.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to adjourn the Public Hearing. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Adams closed the public hearing and opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
DEANNEXATION REQUEST: Bob Flach approached the council on behalf of himself and other landowners who were previously annexed into the City of Harvey. They are now requesting deannexation so they can go back to Hillsdale Township. The council understood and advised them that the first step would be to take it to the Planning and Zoning Committee. The city council also informed them that any fees involved would be their responsibility.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh with Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. Moore inspected the warranty work that needs to be completed in the Ballpark Addition. They have recommended that we contact our attorney to help us solve the issues. M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to proceed with Seibel’s help. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to pay Swanberg Construction $71,692.00 for pay application #8 less $2000.00 until seed establishment. Upon RCV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the final balancing change order No. 2. Upon VV, MC. The water meter replacement project should be starting in August. Moore completed the final inspection on the North Street & Jackson Avenue project. The contractor has completed the final punch list. Braun Intertec performed more core samples for the proposed street project. M by Volk, MS by Weninger to pay $12,450.00 for work performed. Upon VV, MC. The consensus of the council is that they are not interested in the ground penetration test. The bid opening for the proposed street project will be June 28th at 3pm. M by Weninger, MS by Volk to pay Moore Engineering Invoice #15730 in the amount of $424,421.05 for the design, study and report phase for the proposed street project. Upon RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. The department cell phones were recently updated and the Employee Assistance Program was reviewed.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson stated that the lot has been leveled off and the hydro-seeding is done at the new water ground storage tank. They are still waiting on the antennas to be installed so they can control everything from the water plant. Kenny has not heard back from MaGuire Iron regarding the water tower paint peeling. He will have Attorney Ted Seibel follow up on it. The golf course road was discussed. The Wells County Road Crew and the City of Harvey will begin the work in early July. Erickson mentioned that Tecta America was here and did a free roof inspection and had some recommendations for repairs. M by Knudtson, MS by Weninger to approve the repairs in the amount of $3,323.00 to Tecta America. Upon VV, MC. Portable storage containers were addressed and a proposed ordinance was in the packet for review. The consensus of the council was in agreement with the proposed ordinance but it has to go to planning and zoning first. The new garbage truck has arrived and some modifications need to be completed. M by Hoepfer, MS by Knudtson to have tilt added to the garbage truck. Upon VV, MC.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Karen, Cherie, Mayor Adams and the JDA have been busy working on childcare. The need is great and they are looking for a location for a group 30 childcare. Nordby has consulted Attorney Ted Seibel about salons serving wine to clients. Ted advised that it is unlawful and the consensus of the council was to not make any changes. M by Volk, MS by Baltrusch to have Ted Seibel update the ordinance book. Upon VV, MC. Nordby attended the MFOA training in Bismarck and has started the budget process.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on May 10th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Volk, MS by Weninger to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with May Revenue of $75,679.86. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Volk, MS by Weninger to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 111.84, BND 1869.23, Braun Intertec Corp. 566.00, Carrington Rec Dept. 150.00, Center Point Large Print 86.56, Cherie Heisler 118.75, City of Harvey 1.88, Cosun Biobased Products 6660.00, Dacotah Paper 265.97, Dakota Fire Extinguishers 504.80, Dale’s Radiator & Repair 604.50, Deb Kourajian 447.00, Eldridge Publishing Co. 27.50, Emery-Pratt Co. 366.57, Farmers Union Oil Co. 2493.75, Federal Signal Corporation 25,136.00, Ferguson Waterworks 535.05, Frey Ins. Agency 2999.00, Friedt’s Yard Service 500.00, Gaffaney’s of Minot 171.90, Galls Inc. 133.57, Harvey Ben Franklin 27.80, Harvey Motor Service 510.00, Harvey Oil Co. 2436.79, Harvey Park District 2000.00, Harvey Sand & Gravel 53.58, Hav-It Recycling 1000.00, Hawkins Inc. 1850.78, Herald Press 424.12, Hinrich’s Super Valu 39.03, HR Collaborative 50.00, Information Technology Dept. 62.80, Karen Nordby 174.79, Keith Olson 11.29, Kotaco 117.04, Lautt’s Feed & Supply 58.14, Lemer’s True Value 196.82, Little Mart 106.06, Mid Dakota Lumber 149.74, Midee Auto 437.10, ND Dept of Health 1120.15, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology 32.00, NDTC 1420.65, One Call Concepts 50.00, Ottertail Power Co. 14,602.09, Penquin Mgmt. Inc. 948.00, Pipe Detectives Inc. 1430.46, Rooster Repair 412.95, Rough Rider Ind. 302.66, Sanitation Products 159,886.00, Schmaltz’s Greenhouse 1654.57, Share Corporation 195.68, Shawn’s Electric 1222.31, Ted D. Seibel PC 1543.20, Smart Apple Media 146.70, The Library Store 242.79, Tractor Supply Co. 95.78, Trista Zerr 251.83, Uniform Center 279.95, Unum Life Ins. Co. 399.00, US Postal Service 235.73, Verendrye Electric Cooperative 188.81, Verizon 381.18, Visa 2246.54, Warehouse Grocery 48.23, Waste Management of ND 4750.16, West Shore Services Inc. 1600.00, and May Payroll $98,731.82. Upon RCV, MC.
2017 Improvement Property List: Kenny, Karen, Arnie and Ted continue to work on this list and address the concerns. ORDINANCE #2017-01 CHANGE CHAPTER 6: M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to adopt the second and final reading of the ordinance amendment for lot coverage and sidewalls that was presented to the council. Upon RCV, MC.
CENTENNIAL PARK STABBUR: The stabbur located in Centennial Park was discussed because of the vandalism that has been occurring. The consensus of the council was to replace the windows and leave the door unlocked. They will revisit the topic as needed.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS: Faith Lutheran Church has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Adams Ave. from 8th Street to the end of their property and the City Parking Lot closed on June 4th-June 8th from 5:30pm-8:30pm during vacation bible school. Mayor Adams, Auditor Nordby and Chief Towe approved the request prior. Norsemen Motorcycle Club has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th street for their Bikers Fighting Diabetes Run on June 24th from 6:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m. M by Baltrusch, MS by Hoepfer to approve the request. Upon VV, MC. Krafty’s Bar & Grill is requesting a special event permit to extend their hours from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. and to have off premise beer sales on Lincoln Avenue between 7th and 8th street while the road is closed for the Norsemen Motorcycle Club event. M by Eckart, MS by Hoepfer to approve the request. Upon VV, MC. The Harvey Fire Department has requested a special event permit to have the road closed on Alder Avenue between 7th and 8th Street for their annual family picnic. M by Eckart, MS by Weninger to approve the request. Upon VV, MC.
SITE AUTHORIZATIONS: M by Weninger, MS by Volk to approve Site Authorizations for Wells Aerie #3080 FOE to conduct games at the Harvey Eagles Club and Krafty’s Bar & Grill provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to approve Site Authorizations for Wells Sheridan Gaming to conduct games at JW’s Bar & Grill, Spectator’s Bar & Grill and the Harvey Senior Center provided all gaming rules and regulations are followed. Upon VV, MC.
APPOINT COMMITTEE MEMBER: M by Volk, MS by Eckart to appoint Josh Nannenga to the Planning and Zoning Committee. Upon VV, MC.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: Minutes included in the packet. 621 5th Street East is requesting a variance of 6 foot on the North side and a 11 foot variance on the East side of his property to build a garage. M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer to approve the variance. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: Included in the packet.
AIRPORT MINUTES: Included in the packet.
POLICE COMMITTEE MINUTES: Included in the packet.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
Wednesday, May 10th, 2017 5:30pm
Wednesday, May 10th, 2017 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, May 10th, 2017 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Bob Weninger, Linda Knudtson, Donnie Hoepfer and Ronald Volk.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Public Works Director Kenny Erickson, Karissa Dockter and Chief Shane Towe.
VISITORS: Brandon Oye, Josh Feil, and Brice Wakefield
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MOORE ENGINEERING: Brandon with Moore Engineering updated the council on the status of the current projects. The ground storage reservoir’s substantial completion date was October 12, 2016. M by Volk, MS by Weninger to accept the completion date for the Ground Storage Reservoir. Upon VV, MC. Oye presented Engineering Invoice # 15456 in the amount of $18,144.08. M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to approve payment to Moore Engineering. Upon RCV, MC. He went on to discuss the water meter replacements. Mayor Adams signed the notice of award letter and execute contract with DSG for the electronic water meters. Brandon addressed the council regarding the Street Improvement District No. 2016-1. Moore Engineering has submitted the loan application to BND. Nordby provided BND with financial information. Liquidated damages calculations were discussed. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve Oye’s recommendation. Upon VV, MC. M by Volk, MS by Weninger to authorize the Auditor to advertise for bids. Upon VV, MC. M by Weninger, MS by Volk to approve the Engineering Agreement for study, design, bidding, assessments and funding phases for the street project. Upon RCV, MC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Towe’s police report was in the packet for the council to review. The new police chief Shane Towe was introduced. Towe reported to the council that the 2017 Tahoe has arrived. Proper ATV rules were discussed. All Class II & III off-highway vehicles can be on city streets only if they are equipped with the following equipment, all of which must be in working order: one headlamp, one horn, one tail lamp, speedometer, one brake light, one mirror. Class I off-highway vehicles cannot be operated with in the city limits of Harvey. An individual may not operate an off-highway vehicle in the following ways, which are declared to be unsafe and a public nuisance: At an unreasonable rate of speed in relation to surrounding circumstances and in a careless, reckless, or negligent manner that endangers the rider or property of another, or causes injury or damage to other persons or their property.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson’s report was in the packet for the council to review. Erickson stated that the new emergency sirens have been installed. He asked the council if we should keep the old emergency siren on 7th St. because it is on a timer. M by Knudtson, MS by Eckart to keep the old emergency siren for the 6:00 pm whistle. Upon VV, MC. Erickson asked for the approval to have Moore Engineering survey 3rd St. and Millenium Addition for elevation. M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to approve the request. Upon VV, MC. Erickson also mentioned that the 460 IH Tractor has been leaking fluid and the council asked him to have someone look into the issue. Kenny has noticed paint chipping on the recently painted water tower. He has been in contact with MaGuire Iron to inspect.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Karen reported to the council that she has been busy working with the mayor regarding childcare.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Volk to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on April 12th, and Special Meetings April 6th & 19th. Upon VV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Knudtson, MS by Weninger to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with April Revenue of $85,142.96. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to approve the vouchers with expenses of: Ameripride 111.65, Chief Frank Senn 30.00, City of Harvey 5000.00, Cole Papers Inc. 126.98, Curt Benson 340.00, Double E Designs 89.00, Efraimson Electric 6331.44, Emery-Pratt Co 274.54, Ferguson Waterworks 52.19, First International Bank 5147.41, Frey Ins. Agency 12.00, Gaffaney’s of Minot 87.98, Galls Inc. 209.94, Harvey Ben Franklin 481.55, Harvey City Band 450.00, Harvey Motor Service 269.06, Harvey Oil Co. 3844.70, Harvey Sand & Gravel 2070.00, Harvey Steam Locomotive 500.00, Hav It Recycling 1000.00, Hav It Services 272.00, Hawkins Inc. 1516.31, Herald Press 840.03, Hinrichs Super Valu 94.51, Information Tech Dept 62.80, JP Cooke Co 72.26, John Deere Financial 564.00, Keith Olson 11.29, KHND Radio 200.00, Kotaco 1859.27, Lemer’s True Value 203.31, Little Mart 339.46, Mid Dakota Lumber 154.91, Midee Auto 105.00, Miller Clothing 20.63, Minot Daily News 100.00, Napa Auto 4.69, ModTech IT Services 133.00, North Country Trail Assoc. 50.00, ND Clerk’s Association 100.00, ND Dept of Transportation 5.00, NDTC 1393.62, Northern Appraisal 1000.00, One Call Concepts 18.00, Ottertail Power Co. 389.77, Penworthy 284.19, Post Board 90.00, Praxair Distribution Inc. 99.90, Quad County Babe Ruth 600.00, Redwood Toxicology Lab 114.91, Sewer Equip Co of America 193.16, Shawn’s Electric 327.25, Ted Seibel PC 3369.50, The Library Store 297.21, Third Watch Communications 1929.86, Tractor Supply Co. 8.78, Uniform Center 133.97, Unum Life Ins. 199.50, US Postal Service 458.86, Verendrye Electric 237.00, Verizon 380.92, Visa 864.19, Warehouse Grocery 19.09, Waste Management of ND 21393.56, Wendelin Fettig 18.44, Woody’s Service & Repair 519.82, and April Payroll $78,823.31. Upon RCV, MC.
2017 Improvement Property List: Kenny, Karen, Arnie and Ted continue to work on this list and address the concerns.
ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION: M by Volk, MS by Eckart to approve the Arbor Day Proclamation for May 16th. Upon VV, MC.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: Relay for Life has requested a Special Event Permit for the closure of 8th Street from Alder Ave to the alley before Adams Ave on June 16th, 2017 from 4:00 PM to 1:00 AM. They have requested to have a DJ on Lincoln Ave. M by Weninger, MS by Volk to approve the request. Upon VV, MC. They also requested the City of Harvey support the American Cancer Society Relay for Life project of Painting the Town Purple to promote cancer awareness and gives the community the opportunity to fight back against cancer by decorating the town with Purple. M by Eckart, MS by Volk to approve the Paint the Town Purple Proclamation for June 12- June 16. Upon VV, MC.
APPOINT COMMITTEE MEMBERS: M by Volk, MS by Baltrusch, to accept the committee’s appointment of Jereme Buchmiller to the Airport Committee. Upon VV, MC. The council would like to thank Mark Demory for all his years of service to the airport committee. M by Baltrusch, MS by Knudtson, to accept the committee’s appointment of Daryl Flagen to the Planning & Zoning Committee. Upon VV, MC.
DESIGNATE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER: M by Hoepfer, MS by Eckart to approve the Herald Press as the official newspaper. Upon VV, MC.
WORKPLACE SAFETY: The council reviewed NDCC 62.1-02-05.
OFFICE HOURS: Baltrusch addressed the council regarding the City Office Hours. He feels it should be changed to Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The consensus of the council was to continue with the current hours and table it until the August Council Meeting.
ORDINANCE #2017-01 CHANGE CHAPTER 6: M by Volk, MS by Hoepfer to adopt First reading of the ordinance amendment for lot coverage and sidewalls that was presented to the council. Upon VV, MC.
JDA MINUTES: Included in the packet.
AIRPORT MINUTES: Included in the packet.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: Included in the packet.
POLICE COMMITTEE MINUTES: Included in the packet.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor