JDA Board Minutes
January 21st, 2025
Harvey Job Development Authority
January 21, 2025
7:30 am
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Dean Klier, Gary Kennedy, Chad Friese, Billie Jo Reutter, Gil Steedsman, Milo Baltrusch, Jared Hanson
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Erin Wagner
Chairman Klier called the meeting to order at 7:30am.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Kennedy, MS by Reutter to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on December 17, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Reutter, MS Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Erin Wagner presented her application to purchase the Sheridan Animal Dog Kennel on the outskirts of town. She shared a business plan and some ideas on business expansion. Ultimately, because she is technically outside of city limits, it was recommended by the board to refer her to the county level job development authority for resources.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on the robust housing discussions that have been had in the last month. Marchand then asked if there were any questions.
Development Update – Marchand has a meeting with Nyhus Law in the coming weeks.
Slum/Blight Removal Grant – RV Enterprises hadn’t gotten to the demolition. Marchand is reaching out to any other potential contractors to get the job done. The board recommended pressing on the issue.
Christmas Cash – $61,850 in principal was out this year, highest year in history with 66 total loans.
MorningStartup – Marchand updated with an idea to have a school setting in the next round; showcasing what the youth leaders are doing in the community. This is slated for next year.
Scott Kramer/Adam Kasowfsky – Marchand updated the board that they are finishing a project in Rugby first.
Grant Opportunities – Marchand noted that grants are in line to be reappropriated in the next legislative session and would be open to any ideas to chase funds for projects. Marchand touched on the energy efficiency grant for city hall being worked on in conjunction with MidDakota Lumber.
MAK Capital – Marchand touched on the work being done to see if a package with community buy in could be put together to utilize the OurWish program administered by the Bank of North Dakota.
Legislative Drafting – Marchand updated the board on SB 2018 which is the Commerce budget, also outlining the Governor’s housing address. There was no update on childcare legislation as of yet.
Tree Grants – Marchand touched on his meeting with Joel Allen from NDSU and gave insight on available grants coming up in the spring. There will be some preliminary planning ahead.
Childcare – the letters went out as planned and all details were executed on time.
Ongoing Updates – 3 new potential applications have been in the city office for some activity.
Industrial Park – Nyhus Law updated with a remedy on the title issues.
Creamery Demolition – a report was given on total expenses. M Kennedy, MS Baltrusch to postpone the item of business definitely to be on the next meeting agenda. Upon VV, MC.
Without any new business, M Friese, MS Hanson to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Adjournment at 8:29am.
December 17, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
December 17, 2024
7:30 am
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Dean Klier, Gary Kennedy, Chad Friese, Billie Jo Reutter, Gil Steedsman, Milo Baltrusch, Jared Hanson
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Neil O. Nelson, Michael Leier, Brad Kline, and Michelle Swang
Chairman Friese called the meeting to order at 7:30am.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Klier, MS by Kennedy to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on November 20, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Kennedy, MS Reutter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Childcare – M Hanson, MS Baltrusch to approve Martha’s new proposed daily rates with a 30 day notice to begin February 1st along with transitioning Martha from salaried to hourly to comply with new federal labor laws and raises for employees. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Members of the Harvey Park Board, Michael Leier, Brad Kline, and Michelle Swang came in to talk about their new pool proposal that has been in the works for some time. The new plan had a splash pad along with a pool of similar size to what is currently being used. This new construction would bear a lot of future cost savings with upgraded facilities. M Klier, MS Hanson to approve a $25,000 appropriation annually for 10 years specified for the new pool project. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting in the affirmative. Motion was passed unanimously.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on the robust housing discussions that have been had in the last month. Marchand then asked if there were any questions.
Development Update – Marchand updated that documentation has bene delivered to Nyhus Law and the city is waiting to hear back.
Slum/Blight Removal Grant – RV Enterprises hadn’t gotten to the demolition. Marchand is reaching out to any other potential contractors to get the job done.
Christmas Cash – Christmas Cash was getting along well. Marchand is publishing a list of all participating businesses.
MorningStartup – Marchand updated with an idea to have a school setting in the next round; showcasing what the youth leaders are doing in the community. This is slated for next year.
Scott Kramer/Adam Kasowfsky – Marchand updated the board that the next step was the completion of a Wells County application.
Grant Opportunities – Marchand noted that grants are in line to be reappropriated in the next legislative session and would be open to any ideas to chase funds for projects. Marchand touched on the energy efficiency grant for city hall being worked on in conjunction with MidDakota Lumber.
MAK Capital – Marchand touched on the work being done to see if a package with community buy in could be put together to utilize the OurWish program administered by the Bank of North Dakota.
Legislative Drafting – Marchand was elected to the North Dakota Economic Foundation executive committee. The Commerce budget drafting is beginning along with other ideas in regard to childcare, housing, etc.
Tree Grants – Marchand touched on his meeting with Joel Allen from NDSU and gave insight on available grants coming up in the spring. There will be some preliminary planning ahead.
Without any new business, M Steedsman, MS Kennedy to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Adjournment at 8:53am.
November 19, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
November 19, 2024
7:30 am
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Dean Klier, Gary Kennedy, Chad Friese , Billie Jo Reutter, Gil Steedsman
Absent:. Milo Baltrusch, Jared Hanson
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor:, Neil O. Nelson
Chairman Friese called the meeting to order at 7:30am.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Kennedy, MS by Steedsman to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on October 22, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Kennedy, MS Reutter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on the robust housing discussions that have been had in the last month. Marchand then asked if there were any questions.
Development Update – Marchand updated that documentation has bene delivered to Nyhus Law and the city is waiting to hear back.
Harvey Manor – Marchand updated that work was being done in the newly acquired building.
Slum/Blight Removal Grant – RV Enterprises hadn’t gotten to the demolition. Marchand was told to move forward with a new contractor if work is still not done.
Christmas Cash – Christmas Cash was getting along well. Marchand is publishing a list of all participating businesses.
MorningStartup – Marchand updated with an idea to have a school setting in the next round; showcasing what the youth leaders are doing in the community. This is slated for next year.
Scott Kramer/Adam Kasowfsky – Marchand updated the board that the next step was the completion of a Wells County application.
Grant Opportunities – Marchand noted that grants are in line to be reappropriated in the next legislative session and would be open to any ideas to chase funds for projects.
Community Christmas Tree – Marchand talked about the Chamber’s idea to do this. The board agreed to some help for the celebration on the 17th.
MAK Capital – Marchand updated the committee on some talks he has had with a new real estate developer that broke ground in Grafton. This will take creativity and cooperation with numerous stakeholders.
Legislative Priorities – Marchand updated more on the Governor’s housing goals. The board discussed their priorities and guided Marchand where he should put his testimonial energy.
Trees – It was discussed to pursue grants with the Forest Service for a tree area in the mosquito bound areas as well as a possible riparian buffer in Centennial Park.
With no other business, M Kennedy, MS Reutter to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 8:23am.
October 22, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
October 22, 2024
7:30 am
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Dean Klier, Gary Kennedy, Milo Baltrusch, Billie Jo Reutter, Jared Hanson
Absent:. Chad Friese, Gil Steedsman
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor:, Neil O. Nelson
Chair Hanson called the meeting to order at 7:30am.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Klier, MS by Reutter to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on September 17, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Kennedy, MS Reutter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on the robust housing discussions that have been had in the last month. Marchand then asked if there were any questions.
Development Update – Marchand updated with working on an operating document requested from the city attorney. After completion the plan is to pursue further counsel with the Attorney General’s office. Marchand noted that documents would be completed in the next week or so.
Harvey Manor – It was reported that Harvey Manor had finally been sold to Brad Wolbert. Marchand indicated that he will play a role in helping the units become filled.
Slum/Blight Removal Grant – RV Enterprises hadn’t gotten to the demolition. Marchand will keep reaching out to find an updated timeline.
Christmas Cash – Christmas Cash was getting along well. Marchand had been touching base with businesses and getting the new signage out to them. He discussed wanting to market to other towns for customers.
MorningStartup – Marchand updated with an idea to have a school setting in the next round; showcasing what the youth leaders are doing in the community.
Scott Kramer/Adam Kasowfsky – Marchand updated the board on their visit to Harvey with the interest of developing real estate on vacant lots within the city. The goal is to bring in single level modular homes for some vacant lots.
Grant Opportunities – Marchand noted that grants are in line to be reappropriated in the next legislative session and would be open to any ideas to chase funds for projects.
With no other business, M Baltrusch, MS Reutter to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 8:12am.
September 17, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
September 17, 2024
7:15 am
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chad Friese, Dean Klier, Gary Kennedy, Gil Steedsman, Milo Baltrusch, Billie Jo Reutter, Jared Hanson
Absent:. None
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Neil O. Nelson
Chairman Friese called the meeting to order at 7:15am.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Hanson, MS by Kennedy to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on August 20, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Baltrusch, MS Reutter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month. This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on the slum/blight removal grant in which he returned the grant agreement while waiting on timelines and also touched on some upcoming meetings. Marchand then asked if there were any questions.
Development Update – Marchand updated with working on an operating document requested from the city attorney. After completion the plan is to pursue further counsel with the Attorney General’s office.
Harvey Manor – Nothing new to report.
Slum/Blight Removal Grant – Marchand was updated by RV Enterprises. The timeline was looking to be around the end of September for demolition.
Christmas Cash – Christmas Cash was discussed as the time of year is approaching again. Marchand indicated he would be asking businesses for participation again. M Klier, MS Reutter to approve the Christmas Cash program for the year 2024 with 10% bonus cash, up to $100/person, and 2 loans/household. Also, covering the 5% retailer obligation. Upon VV, MC.
MorningStartup – MorningStartup is scheduled for today, featuring Lisa Steedsman as a speaker.
EDF Updates – Marchand gave a short update on legislative work.
With no other business, M Hanson, MS Baltrusch to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 7:48am.
August 20, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
August 20, 2024
7:30 am
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chad Friese, Dean Klier, Gary Kennedy, Gil Steedsman, Milo Baltrusch, Billie Jo Reutter, Jared Hanson
Absent:. None
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor:, Neil O. Nelson
Chairman Friese called the meeting to order at 7:31am.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Hanson, MS by Reutter to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on June 18, 2024 and special meeting from June 27th. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Klier, MS Hanson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on the slum/blight removal grant in which he returned the grant agreement while waiting on timelines and also touched on some upcoming meetings. Marchand then asked if there were any questions.
Development Update – Marchand updated on a meeting with city attorney. We are going to pursue further legal counsel on the issue.
Harvey Manor – Nothing new to report.
Slum/Blight Removal Grant – Marchand updated the committee on the grant award and will await a timeline of demolition of the Brewster/8th Street blighted house. Grant agreement is signed; now just awaiting RV Enterprises.
Daycare – Daycare was talked about extensively. It was requested that Marchand talk with other childcare centers in the area and request copies of their operating statements.
CenDak/Dyck – Nyhus Law is taking the lead on this. There are some title issues to clean up.
Governor’s Housing Roundtable – Marchand touched on this meeting and some of the policy ideas that arose during the discussion to bolster housing development.
MorningStartup – Next MorningStartup will be scheduled for September 17th.
Subway – Chairman Friese updated the board on the situation with Subway. He stated that there may be a plan to have a new franchisee take over the chain.
With no other business, M Hanson, MS Baltrusch to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 8:38am.
July 16, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
July 16, 2024
7:30 am
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chad Friese, Dean Klier, Gary Kennedy, Gil Steedsman, Milo Baltrusch, Billie Jo Reutter, Jared Hanson
Absent:. None
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor:, Marci Eckart, Shelley Simpson
Chairman Friese called the meeting to order at 7:30am.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrsuch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on June 18, 2024 and special meeting from June 27th. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Klier, MS Hanson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Election of Chairman: Baltrusch nominated Friese as chairman, MS Steedsman to nominate and cease nomination and vote. Upon VV, MC. Friese elected chairman
Election of Vice Chairman: M Klier, MS Baltrusch to nominate Hanson as vice chairman and to cease nomination and vote. Upon VV, MC. Hanson elected vice chairman.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on the slum/blight removal grant in which he returned the grant agreement while waiting on timelines and also touched on some upcoming meetings. Marchand then asked if there were any questions.
Development Update – Discussion was had about our housing LLC idea. After some discussion it was decided to continue consulting with the city attorney on the matter.
Harvey Manor – Marchand updated the committee on a private individual seeking out a sale of the property. An appraisal was done and the result was well below value anyone predicted, putting a wrench in the process.
Slum/Blight Removal Grant – Marchand updated the committee on the grant award and will await a timeline of demolition of the Brewster/8th Street blighted house. Grant agreement is signed; now just awaiting RV Enterprises.
Don Fugel Housing Grant – Don Fugel’s housing grant was again tabled as the board requested more information on labor.
Daycare – Nothing new to report
No New Business
With no other business, M Baltrusch, MS Kennedy to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 8:38am.
June 18, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
June 18, 2024
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Jared Hanson, Milo Baltrusch (Baltrusch arrived at 5:45pm), Billie Jo Reutter
Absent: Arnie Selzler
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Shelley Simpson, Natalie and Dennis Hase, Martha Meranda
Chairman Friese called the meeting to order at 5:40pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrsuch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on May 21, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Reutter, MS Hanson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Natalie Hase came to discuss her application for Hase Realty. She wants to open her own brokerage in Harvey by purchasing Northern Appraisal and Realty’s location. The committee notated they liked her plan and would discuss further.
Martha Meranda, childcare director, came in to discuss employee attraction and retention. The discussion revolved around wages, shifts, and being competitive in the employment market for Harvey. The committee asked some questions about each employee and what their wages were and would take the information into advisement. The committee also wanted Martha to do some more digging into information.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on the slum/blight removal grant in which he returned the grant agreement while waiting on timelines. Marchand then asked if there were any questions.
Development Update – Needing to have viable property.
Harvey Manor – Marchand updated the committee on a private individual seeking out a sale of the property. An appraisal was done and the result was well below value anyone predicted, putting a wrench in the process.
Slum/Blight Removal Grant – Marchand updated the committee on the grant award and will await a timeline of demolition of the Brewster/8th Street blighted house. Grant agreement is signed; now just awaiting RV Enterprises.
RWIP Discussion – Marchand touched on his intent to seek RWIP funds for marketing in the future.
Real Estate Development – Marchand noted that he is looking to meet with the Housing Authority to discuss ARPA funds for development.
With no other business, M Hanson, MS Eckart to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 6:58pm.
May 21, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
May 21, 2024
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Shelley Svoboda, Jared Hanson, Milo Baltrusch, Billie Jo Reutter (Reutter arrived at 6:50pm).
Absent:. Arnie Selzler
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor:, Marci Eckart, Shelley Simpson, Loretta Buchwitz, Judy Heilman, Teresa and Steve Schwarz
Chairman Friese called the meeting to order at 5:40pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrsuch, MS by Svoboda to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on April 16, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Svoboda, MS Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Teresa and Steve Schwarz came into visit about their business plan and loan application for their acquisition of Marsai’s Bean and Boutique. They have some plans to ergonomically enhance the space with the purchase of the real estate. Their request was for $21,585.90. M Svoboda, MS Baltrusch to approve a $21,585.90 loan at 0.0% interest, amortized over 60 months with the first payment starting August 1. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on MorningStartup happening within the next week as well as touched on announcing the approval of the Slum/Blight Removal Grant for $36,500.
Development Update – Marchand attached a letter explaining opinion from Nyhus Law Firm stating the JDA would have to show the housing LLC falls specifically under the purview of job development authorities as defined by NDCC.
Harvey Manor – Marchand updated the committee on a private individual seeking out a sale of the property.
Slum/Blight Removal Grant – Marchand updated the committee on the grant award and will await a timeline of demolition of the Brewster/8th Street blighted house.
MorningStartup – May 30th, Roxi Pfliger with Dakota Business Lending will be presenting at 8:30am in the Kiwanis Room at City Hall. Fork2Field will provide breakfast with Marsai’s providing coffee.
TopNotch Quote – Quote from TopNotch Outdoor Services, LLC showed they would water the flowers over the summer for $2995.00. M Svoboda, MS Baltrusch. Upon VV, MC.
Real Estate Development – Marchand noted that he is looking to meet with the Housing Authority to discuss ARPA funds for development.
Childcare – Talked about a potential shift differential for solutions on hiring staff.
With no other business, M Baltrusch, MS Hanson to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 6:59pm.
April 16, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
April 16, 2024
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Shelley Svoboda, Jared Hanson, Billie Jo Reutter
Absent: Arnie Selzler, Milo Baltrusch
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Shelley Simpson, Loretta Buchwitz, Judy Heilman
Chairman Friese called the meeting to order at 5:35pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Svoboda to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on February 20, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Svoboda, MS Reutter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Judy Heilman and Loretta Buchwitz with the Harvey Senior Citizen’s Center came in to discuss a grant application to help fund some HVAC projects within the center totaling $13,672. They mentioned that there is about $25,000 more in renovations needed. They showed their financials which contained noticeable efforts to fundraise as they have expended over $50,000 in renovations to the building. M Eckart, MS Svoboda to grant the Senior Citizens Center $15,000. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on meetings with the Economic Development Foundation, as well as some CVB activities. There were also updates pertaining to old business.
Development Update – Nyhus Law is still looking into this project to update us on any specific nuances to the idea.
Paul Dyck Loan Application – After review of the Dyck’s application to build a new shop on a newly obtained parcel of land, the committee discussed its wishes. The plan is to build an insolated shop for Top Notch Outdoor Services, LLC. M Reutter, MS Hanson to approve a $25,000 loan, at 0.0% interest, over 60 months, with annual payments. First payment will be June 1, 2025, payable to construction lender. Upon VV, MC.
Rural Workforce Housing Grant – Marchand noted that he was nearly done with the application, ready for submittal on the 18th of April.
Maddock Ranch Supply – Awaiting opinion of counsel.
USDA Rural Development – A roundtable discussion was held on Friday, April 12 to discuss community needs.
Flowers – The CVB discussed the flower orders. It was discussed needing regular watering to make sure the pots look great all summer. M Eckart, MS Hanson to seek someone to water flowers for up to $1000/season. Upon VV, MC.
Painting the crosswalks was also discussed. It is agreeable for the City, JDA, and CVB to contribute 1/3 for expenses.
MorningStartup was discussed for the new season and Marchand indicated that he would seek Dakota Business Lending to speak.
With no other business, M Hanson, MS Reutter to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 6:53pm.
March 26, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
March 26, 2024
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Jared Hanson, Billie Jo Reutter
Absent:. Arnie Selzler
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Paul Dyck, Anna McDonald, Marci Eckart, Shelley Simpson
Chairperson Eckart called the meeting to order at 5:31pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Svoboda, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on February 20, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Reutter, MS Friese to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Paul Dyck came in to discuss further his offer for parcel 81463005 in the industrial park owned by the JDA. His offer was to purchase the 200×300 lot for $12,000 given current easements to the property. He intends to build a heated shop for his business: Top Notch Services. M Baltrusch, MS Reutter to approve the transaction. Upon VV, MC (Friese abstained from the vote out of conflict of interest).
Anna McDonald came in with a loan application to purchase a new manicure table for her Nails Now business. Her request was $6500. M Svoboda, MS Hanson to approve a $6500 loan at 0.0% interest, over 60 months. Upon VV, MC (Reutter and Friese abstained due to conflict of interest).
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on meetings with the Economic Development Foundation, as well as some CVB activities. There were also updates pertaining to old business.
Development Update – Nyhus Law is still looking into this project to update us on any specific nuances to the idea.
Harvey Manor – Mayor Eckart had gotten ahold of Michael Sullivan to figure out more details about the property including $750,000 in principal plus interest still owed on the building to USHUD. It was discussed to look further to see if a private sale could take place.
Rural Workforce Housing Grant – Harvey was not awarded due to the attorney general’s opinion. There is a new window, so it was the consensus of the board to chase a new application for the next round.
Maddock Ranch Supply – All documents were handed over for a request of a FlexPACE buydown on a $175,000 loan. M Hanson, MS Baltrusch to approve the FlexPACE buydown up to the $25,000 bylaw cap, contingent upon the city attorney completing the ‘opinion of counsel.’ Upon VV, MC (Friese abstained due to conflict of interest).
Survey – Marchand touched on staying mainly for contact information in the business survey to get a newsletter going.
Chad left the meeting at 7:05pm
Christmas Cash – Marchand showed the new updated design for this year’s Christmas Cash program.
With no other business. M Baltrusch, MS Svoboda to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 7:14pm.
February 20, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
February 20, 2024
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Arnie Selzler, Jared Hanson, Billie Jo Reutter
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Shelley Chin, Paul Dyck, Melissa Faul, Terri Powers, Bret Dockter, Mr. Dockter’s 6th Grade Class
Chairperson Friese called the meeting to order at 5:28pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on January 16, 2024. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M Selzler, MS Hanson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Mr. Bret Dockter’s 6th Grade Class gave a presentation on their community project to help fund a splash pad at the swimming pool in union with the Park Board. Their goal had raised to $15,000. M Eckart, MS Baltrusch to help fund the project with a $2500 grant. Upon VV, MC.
Paul Dyck came to the board with an offer to buy an industrial lot for his growing service business. It was discussed among the board and Mr. Dyck to get more info on survey data to look at how much fill is needed, etc. It will be taken under advisement and revisited.
Melissa Faul came in to discuss two separate applications. First she submitted a housing grant for her rehabilitation project to an abandoned home on Birch Ave. The abandoned home is now on the market and in livable condition once again. M Baltrusch, MS Selzler to approve a $10,000 housing grant. Upon VV, MC.
Faul then presented for Hometown Tavern. She was asking for a $25,000 loan to help with real estate, inventory, and maintenance. There had been problems with achieving title on the building so the board had reservations when it came to the real estate side of the loan. It was discussed to help fund inventory for the time being and revisit when title is achieved. M Eckart, MS Reutter to approve a $12,500 loan at 0.0% interest over a 60 month amortization schedule with the first payment due May 1. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on the meetings with David Mendoza and others in bringing new restaurants into Harvey. There were no questions on his report.
Development Update – Nyhus Law is still looking into this project to update us on any specific nuances to the idea.
Harvey Manor – Marchand got in touch with Joel Manske, state director for USHUD, and will see if he can get more information on the status of foreclosure.
Rural Workforce Housing Grant – There has been no awards yet due to language problems pointed out by the Attorney General’s office about the bill as written.
Maddock Ranch Supply – WCJDA approved $70,000 loan and lender is coming to an agreement.
New Restaurant Update – David Mendoza, a restauranteur, has had multiple meetings with Marchand, Reutter, and others over the last month and has decided to move forward with a new Mexican restaurant option in Harvey. Melissa Faul is also moving forward with Hometown Tavern quickly once again.
It was discussed by the board to compensate Terri Powers for some administrative work she does for the JDA with phone calls and appointment setting. M Eckart, MS Svoboda to compensate Powers $250/month for her services to the JDA board. Upon VV, MC.
With no other business. M Selzler, MS Hanson to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 7:08pm.
January 16th, 2024
Harvey Job Development Authority
January 16, 2024
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Arnie Selzler, Jared Hanson
Absent: Billie Jo Reutter.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Shelley Chin
Chairperson Friese called the meeting to order at 5:36pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on December 19, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: YEAR END TRANSFER TO REVOLVING LOAN FUND: M by Svoboda, MS by Selzler to transfer $100,000 from fund 4045 to 4050. Upon VV, MC.
M by Eckart, MS by Svoboda to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Grant application for the Rural Workforce Housing Grant was completed and submitted. There was also a recap on Christmas Cash and handing out business surveys.
Maddock Ranch Supply – Marchand updated the committee on Bank of North Dakota working out a structure.
Mr. Bret Dockter’s class will be attending next month’s meeting to present their project.
Director’s request was discussed and after discussion, it was decided that the JDA director position will drop to 20 hours a week as a subcontractor. Compensation will be set at $2500/month. Director shall submit notated hours to be paid the following month. M Eckart, MS Baltrusch to move forward with the proposition. Upon VV, MC.
With no other business. M Baltrusch, MS Svoboda to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 6:40pm.
December 19, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
December 19, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Arnie Selzler, Jared Hanson
Absent: Billie Jo Reutter.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Harold Chin, Travis Maddock, Linsey Maddock
Chairperson Friese called the meeting to order at 5:35pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on November 21, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Selzler, MS by Svoboda to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Monte Knudtson came to visit with the board about housing and the lack thereof. Topics of discussion included potential tax incentives to provide housing. After some more discussion, it was indicated that the topic of discussion would continue as Knudtson expressed potential interest in developing real estate if an incentive made it make sense.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand made a huge note on the Rural Workforce Housing Grant which has been a huge amount of time commitment. Much of the narrative had been drafted already and the project budget was next to complete.
Childcare – Raises were discussed. M Baltrusch, MS Selzler to give a raise of up to $1.00/hr on the discretion of the childcare director. Upon VV, MC.
Harvey Manor – More was discussed about the foreclosure as Marchand and Friese went through the recording documents on the property. More information will be awaited.
Rural Workforce Housing Grant – Marchand touched on the narrative drafted. Completing a project budget was the next step.
A monthly rate was discussed for the duplex for partial stays from part time police officers. M Baltrusch, MS Svoboda to set a $250/month rate for the police to have that service. Upon VV, MC.
Marchand discussed a potential desire to run for the North Dakota legislature. Some different options were discussed on how to make that possible such as going back to a subcontractor relationship for economic development.
With no other business. M Baltrusch, MS Eckart to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm.
December 14, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
December 14, 2023
12:10 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Billie Jo Reutter, Jared Hanson, Arnie Selzler
Absent: None.
Other: Director Spencer Marchand.
A text message went out from economic development director Marchand at 12:10 asking for direction from the board about the Rural Workforce Housing Grant.
Board members Eckart, Svoboda, Baltrusch, Reutter, Hanson, and Friese responded to the text, constituting a quorum over text message, giving the direction with Eckart’s response first at 12:18pm and Reutter’s response last at 12:28pm.
The consensus was unanimous in the direction that Marchand pursue the grant to rehabilitate two houses owned by the city rather than 3.
No other business was discussed.
November 21, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
November 21, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Billie Jo Reutter, Jared Hanson
Absent: Arnie Selzler.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Harold Chin, Travis Maddock, Linsey Maddock
Chairperson Friese called the meeting to order at 5:35pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on October 17, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Svoboda to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Travis and Linsey Maddock came to talk about their acquisition of Lautt’s Feed business. They submitted an application for JDA assistance via a direct loan or a FlexPace buydown. They went through the business plan for Maddock Ranch Supply and shared their vision to grow. After some question and answer the committee consensus was to reach more detail on the potential FlexPace program and take care of it in December’s meeting.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand met with the Maddock’s about their business plan, facilitated the first MorningStartup program, received renderings for a potential building plan in the Ballpark Addition, and found out more about the Harvey Manor situation. With no questions on the report, the committee moved on.
Childcare – It is time to get ready for employee reviews and wage increases for December.
Natural Gas – none.
Real Estate Development – Renderings from Christianson Companies was presented to the board. Numbers were shared on apartment complexes and rowhomes. After discussion, Marchand indicated that there was more detail to present in the future. The redevelopment LLC came back into discussion. Marchand will work to gather more information on other communities who have done the same.
MorningStartup – Marchand updated the committee on attendance and progress. His plan is to put together a calendar for the next events, as well as push the marketing.
Christmas Cash – It was discussed how to make the opt in process more efficient.
The Rural Workforce Housing Grant, administered by the Department of Commerce, was discussed as Harvey’s City Council made decisions to work on 3 houses owned via delinquent taxes. M Baltrusch, MS Hanson to assist as the project manager for the city’s effort to pursue the grant program. Upon VV, MC.
Mr. Dockter’s 6th grade class sent a letter asking for donations for their fundraising project for a splashpad. There were some questions the committee had, so it was directed for Marchand to reach out and have them potentially present like the last couple years.
Marchand presented his self-evaluation of employee performance to the board. His request was for the board members to also fill this out to evaluate his performance for next meeting.
With no other new business, M Eckart, MS Baltrusch to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 7:26pm.
October 17, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
October 17, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Billie Jo Reutter, Arnie Selzler
Absent: Melissa Anderson.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Shelley Chin, Jared Hanson
Chairperson Friese called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on September 19, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Svoboda to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. A number of things went on this month with North Dakota League of Cities’ annual conference. There were a lot of informative engagements throughout the time there. Marchand also noted on some more business visits in town and their discussions.
OLD BUSINESS: No update with Centennial Park
Childcare – It is time to get ready for employee reviews.
Natural Gas – there is a scheduled committee meeting for October 24.
Real Estate Development – updated developers with special assessment balances.
NEW BUSINESS: Marchand brought up that MorningStartup was becoming organized and is scheduled for November 7, 2023, at 7:30am. The guest speaker will be Impact Dakota.
Marchand and Chairman Friese talked about the idea of formulating a real estate development LLC, where the JDA could potentially use its resources to put up the first amounts of capital to incentivize private investment. The committee said to look into this further.
Marchand updated the committee on Christmas Cash. The banks are on board and businesses have been opting in. There was discussion on how to market it better.
The committee discussed a personal request from Marchand, it was consensus that it will be discussed later after Marchand gives more details
With no other new business, M Selzler, MS Eckart to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 6:47pm.
September 19, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
September 19, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Billie Jo Reutter, Arnie Selzler
Absent: Melissa Anderson.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Shelley Chin, Jeff Ritzinger.
Chairperson Eckart called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on August 15, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Svoboda to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Jeff Ritzinger came to discuss purchasing parcel 81463005. He talked about his Bitcoin mining operation and how it worked. Consensus was to figure out fill and electrical details before moving forward with the land purchase.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. A number of things went on this month with EDND’s annual conference in Bowman, ND. There are also new discussions in the real estate development realm, as well as other regular business visits. Marchand noted on the ordered material for Morning Startup. Marchand also noted that Main Street Champion City status is approved!
OLD BUSINESS: No update with Centennial Park
Sheyenne Motor Park has received its permit.
CVB – first meeting October 2.
Childcare – Grant finished and ready for rollout.
CenDak Land Offer – CenDak cooperative offered $30,000 for parcel 81463002 with removal of their first rights of refusal. M Baltrusch, MS Friese to approve the land purchase. Upon VV, MC.
Chairman Election – M Reutter, MS Svoboda to elect Chad Friese as chairman. With no other nominations, the ballot was uncontested. Upon VV, MC.
NEW BUSINESS: Marchand mentioned the BDO Zone and using RBDG funding to secure a biomass rating. Consensus was to not move on with this.
Marchand also mentioned the Harvey Area Community Foundation and their want to be more active.
With no other new business, M Selzler, MS Eckart to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 7:11pm.
August 15, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
August 15, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Melissa Anderson.
Absent: Billie Jo Reutter, Arnie Selzler.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Shelley Chin, Tyler Larson.
Chairperson Eckart called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Friese to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on July 18, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: It was discussed to write off bad debts for Lincoln and Nine Café. M Friese, MS Anderson, upon VV, MC.
M by Anderson, MS by Friese to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Tyler Larson came to talk about the Penny House and the reopening of the new area. He asked for a $2,500 grant to help install camera systems and a keypad lock for the doors. M Friese, MS Svoboda to grant $2500 to the project. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. Marchand touched on the business visits of the month – they have been very open-ended, but very fruitful as the conversations have been going on. Svoboda mentioned that businesses have been liking this activity.
OLD BUSINESS: No update with Centennial Park
Sheyenne Motor Park has received its permit.
CVB – committee formed via resolution.
Childcare – Grant finished and ready for rollout.
Marchand touched on the ND Destination Development Grant and a project that he is helping on with a local community member.
Marchand also touched on working with the ND Small Business Development Centers about having some more local presence in Harvey.
Bylaws are in review with Nyhus Law Firm.
Marchand touched on CRM software, the board will have him look into more.
Marchand touched on a “morning startup” concept. It was highly viewed and there were directives to go forward with this idea.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: M Friese, MS Baltrusch to go into executive session in accordance with NDCC 44-04-19.2. Upon VV, MC. Executive session began at 6:41pm.
M Baltrusch, MS Svoboda to exit executive session. Upon VV, MC. Executive session adjourned at 7:04pm
With no other new business, M Baltrusch, MS Anderson to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 7:07pm.
July 18, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
July 18, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Arnie Selzler, Billie Jo Reutter, Melissa Anderson.
Absent: None
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Director Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Shelley Chin, Terri Powers, Chelsey Rygg, Jenna Frueh, Jenna Thompson, Haylea Faul.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Friese to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on June 20, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Reutter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Terri Powers, from Just Good Barbecue came to discuss a loan application for her business. She requested $10,000 to acquire a food trailer to expand her current business and find more revenue opportunities. M Eckart, MS Reuttter to approve a $10,000 lending package at 5 years and 0.0% interest with a UCC Filing. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a number of meetings with folks from Commerce, South Central Dakota Regional Council, and others. There were a couple larger events this month, being the collaborative meeting held by the Wells County Soil Conservation District talking about what can be done to help get the Harvey Reservoir back to better status. Harvey also held its Main Street Initiative tour with the North Dakota Department of Commerce. Marchand also touched on some pending grant work and administration on those.
OLD BUSINESS: No update with Centennial Park
Sheyenne Motor Park is on its way but is in need of a safety plan submitted to the State of North Dakota.
CVB – A letter was received by the Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce notating their dissolution with the Harvey Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Childcare – Marchand touched on some business leaders coming together to collaboratively talk about childcare solutions together.
Main Street Initiative (MSI) – With the completion of the MSI visit, Marchand touched on the other parts necessary to be designated as a “Main Street Champion City.” This would give the City of Harvey extra bonus points when writing grants to state agencies.
NEW BUSINESS: Marchand put together and proposed 2 new grant programs to be administered by the Harvey Job Development Authority.
The Home Based Childcare Assistance Grant was designed to help home based childcare facilities receive funds to help with startup costs, purchase new equipment, or renovate facilities. Marchand touched that a random sample survey was done with the community and it came back with a 100% approval rating. There were a number of guests that were at the meeting to show their support. M Anderson, MS Friese to accept and move ahead with the grant. Upon VV, MC 4-2. Anderson, Baltrusch, Selzler, Reutter voting aye. Eckart and Friese voting nay.
Marchand also developed a Professional Development Assistance Grant to help cover the costs of professional development services for the local business community. It was the consensus of the board that this was not necessary.
Marchand touched on the ND Destination Development Grant and a project that he is helping on with a local community member.
Marchand also touched on working the ND Small Business Development Centers about having some more local presence in Harvey.
Bylaws were submitted for approval, but were tabled.
With no other new business, M Eckart, MS Friese to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 7:37pm.
June 20, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
June 20, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Arnie Selzler, Billie Jo Reutter.
Absent: Melissa Anderson.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Shelley Chin, Ryan Mickelson.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on May 16, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Selzler, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Ryan Mickelson came in to talk about the childcare dilemma. The hospital is understaffed as well and has trouble meeting their needs. JDA board members noted their tough time with staff as well. It was mentioned by Marchand that the reason he brought Mickelson in, was to continue the discussion forward, as childcare is a big issue that will take a lot of time and a lot of community involvement. It is important to have all stakeholders at the table. Mickelson optimistically agreed to be at the discussion table.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a lot of meetings with folks from the Department of Commerce on the MSI initiative, a lot of introduction to grant writings including the CBDG, Destination Development, and APUC. Marchand also talked a little about the BDO Zone initiative which is a designation on what type of biofuel capacity a region has. North Dakota could see some advantage here, no action was necessary.
OLD BUSINESS: There was a quick update on Centennial Park.
Sheyenne Motor Park is on its way but is in need of a safety plan submitted to the State of North Dakota. Nordby is completing that in the later week.
Marchand touched on natural gas with his visit to legislative management this last month. SB 2366, or the study on natural gas accessibility in rural areas was selected by management. This was a big win for the 68th legislative assembly.
Marchand mentioned BitFrontier and their progress. It is just awaiting some details.
Marchand made a request for $3,500 for a match in the APUC program. It was discussed that since Marchand is the prime sponsor the JDA wanted to make sure it was being correct in perception. Marchand assured that the work for APUC was done on personal time and no JDA work time was contributed to the program. M Friese, MS Reutter to award $3,000 prorated on request for payment, with a further stipulation that no JDA time or resources are to be used on the project. Upon VV, MC.
CVB – Adams requested a follow up on a letter from the Chamber.
NEW BUSINESS: Marchand made a request for CRM software to do his job. He will look further in it.
With no other business, meeting adjourned at 7:11pm.
June 5, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority – Special Meeting
June 5, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Arnie Selzler, Billie Jo Reutter, Chad Friese.
Absent: Chairperson Ann Adams
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Floyd “Butch” Keller
Vice chairperson Eckart called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Floyd Keller gave an update about Patzer Truck Repair’s rebuild and the application for a PACE Buydown program with the JDA as the community fiscal sponsor.
M Baltrusch, MS Selzler to approve participating in a PACE buydown for Patzer Truck Repair in accordance with Bank of North Dakota policy to the extent of what the Harvey Job Development Authority bylaws authorize. Upon VV, MC.
With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 6:14pm.
May 16, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
May 16, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Arnie Selzler, Billie Jo Reutter.
Absent: Chad Friese.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Harold Chin, Debbie Richards, Nathaniel Donarski, Jared Hanson, Brentt Roberts, Jenna Knutson, Chelsey Marchand, Monte and Lanette Knudtson.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Selzler to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on April 18, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Selzler to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Jared Hanson came to discuss his application for a housing grant. His application was applauded and looked good in regards to intent on the grant. He has put $110,000 of his own money into it. He plans to sell or rent after completion. M Eckart, MS Reutter to approve a housing grant of $10,000. Upon VV, MC.
Monte and Lanette Knudston also came to discuss their housing grant application. Their application was exactly what the committee was looking for and another project to bring a house back into the current housing stock. M Eckart, MS by Selzler to approve a housing grant of $10,000. Upon VV, MC.
Brentt Roberts and Jenna Knutson from the Arthur Companies came to discuss childcare problems in the city. They made it known that the Arthur Companies will do whatever they can to be apart of a solution in making childcare services more accessible and affordable. The committee thanked them for thinking of the city and commended their pledge to help. The consensus was to continue conversations.
Nathaniel Donarski came to discuss his business loan application to acquire equipment to start his own contracting business. He has been working for 6 years, and is looking to take on his own work permanently. He is licensed and registered with the State of North Dakota. M Baltrusch, MS Anderson to approve a $25,000 loan over 5 years at 0% interest, upon the purchase of equipment with a 60 day grace period. Upon VV, MC.
Baltrusch spoke about the library’s project and fundraising. He went over what has been done and what is still to be done. The committee talked about improving city owned property. M Anderson, MS Selzler to approve a $25,000 grant to Harvey Public Library for renovations. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
This included a lot about two grants he is pursuing at the moment: the Outdoor Heritage Fund Grant and the APUC Grant. Updates were given on the status with North Dakota commerce and CBDG. It was updated that BitFrontier is looking to write an offer to acquire two lots in the light industrial park. Tax abatement discussion was talked about at length in regard to Optima Development. The committee members from the council discussed the possible need to go more robust.
Election of Officers – no update here.
Marchand updated the committee on the MSI Champion City request. After presenting the 5 year strategic plan, M Reutter, MS Anderson to make a recommendation to the city council to adopt said five year strategic plan. Upon VV, MC.
More about the Tot Spot daycare was discussed strategically.
An update was given to chairperson Adams on the CBDG process happening with the Armory remodel, and why the process is so slow.
The Chamber of Commerce has let the JDA know that they will be voluntarily denying CVB funds at the start of the third quarter.
Reutter left the meeting at 7:16pm.
It was the general consensus that Marchand wait on the completion of the Outdoor Heritage Fund grant until the next deadline to get more clarity on the project.
Upon no other new business, M by Friese, MS by Anderson to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 8:16pm.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is June 20, 2023, at 5:30pm.
April 18, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
April 18, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Chad Friese, Billie Jo Reutter.
Absent: Arnie Selzler.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Shelley Chin, Bill Tresenriter, Kelly Hase, Bret Dockter and students Crew Martinson, Trynity Schimke, Collin Schaan, and Carson Reimche.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on March 21, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Mr. Dockter’s 6th graders came in with a presentation on their community project to help with the beach. They went over why they chose the project and how they raised $18,000. They are requesting more funds to reach their goal of $20,000. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to award Mr. Dockter’s 6th grade class with $2,500.00. Upon VV, MC.
Kelly Hase with Harvey SWAT Wrestling came in to talk about their program and its mission. He made a request to the JDA for $25,000 to help with the acquisition of a building for their services for the youth in the program. M by Freise, MS by Baltrusch to award Harvey SWAT a $25,000 grant for their project. Upon VV, MC.
Bill Tresenriter came in with a housing grant application and updated on his project. He was given more detailed information to come back when more completed.
Milo talked about Harvey Public Library’s renovation project, but made it known for housekeeping needing to be done. M by Baltrusch, MS By Anderson to table action until next meeting. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
He gave information on the status between Northern Immersion and OtterTail Power Company on how they are stalled negotiating rates. He also gave an update regarding Optima development and how the city is working on coming up with a tax incentive program. In regards to the APUC grant, Marchand detailed his meeting with John Schneider with ND Ag Commissioner’s office about completing this; his goal is by July 1. An update on Harvey Manor was given, with HUD extending until April 22. Marchand went over the Main Street Champion City proclamation and the procedure with getting this notation; which would mean extra points for the city when writing grants to state agencies. The JDA Board is going to take one more month to look into the economic plan before adoption from the city.
More activity was around the new USDA Grant for single family housing, the new JDA grant getting more traction, and other meetings.
The committee was given regular updates on each item within old business, there was no consideration of business with any of these points.
It was under consensus that the JDA board takes one more month to look at acting upon MSI proclamations before giving a recommendation to the council.
We talked about a payment application for the Sheyenne Motor Park. This would cost an initial plugin of $2000, plus $80-100 annually for maintenance. M by Reutter, MS by Friese to accept this offer. Upon VV, MC.
The JDA board had discussion about the CVB lodging tax income and how it should be spent vs how it is being spent by the Chamber of Commerce, who took that role over in 2015 in the absence of a full time director. There was discussion about how tax revenue needs to be spent in the manner in which it’s intended. There was no decision made, but there should be action in the near future on whether the CVB board should be reinstituted or to continue giving that responsibility to the Chamber of Commerce.
Upon no other new business, M by Friese, MS by Anderson to adjourn. Upon VV, MC. Meeting adjourned at 8:01pm.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is May 20, 2023, at 5:30pm.
March 21, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
March 21, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Chad Friese, Billie Jo Reutter and Arnie Selzler.
Absent: None.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Shelley Chin, Michelle Eckart.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Selzler, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on February 28, 2023. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Selzler to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Michelle Eckart was in to ask for financial help for the acquisition of Double E Designs in Harvey. After going over her business plan and financials, the board asked some questions of Michelle on strategy. When questions concluded, M by Anderson, MS by Reutter to lend Ms. Eckart $25,000 on a 0% interest, 5 year note. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month. He has been in contact with Data Mining Company. They will be visiting with Spencer this week to look at the Industrial Park. He has bee in contact with the property manager of one of the apartment complexes in Harvey. They are looking for a buyer. Spencer is willing to help do what he can. The complex is no longer considered section 8 housing.
He was busy with natural gas lobbying and getting legislation to the governor. He also had meetings with the SCDRC and David Klein from the Great Plains Housing Authority.
More activity was around the new USDA Grant for single family housing, the new JDA grant getting more traction, and other meetings.
The committee was given regular updates on each item within old business, there was no consideration of business with any of these points.
It was discussed that a new potential tenant was going to visit Harvey, this meeting was scheduled for March 22. This could be another employment opportunity. Also discussed was Operation: Community Partnership II and other plans to get economic activity condensed for members.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is April 18, 2023, at 5:30pm.
February 28, 2023
The Harvey Job Development Authority meeting was called to order by Mayor Eckart at 5:32pm CST.
The pledge and invocation were dispensed.
Members Present: Mayor Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Chad Freise, Milo Baltrusch
Others: Director Spencer Marchand, Auditor Karen Nordby, Alex and Anthony Lavoy via Zoom.
The minutes of the past meeting were read and reviewed and with no corrections or objections MM Chad, MS Milo to approve the minutes. Upon VV, motion carried.
Financials were reviewed and with no objections, MM Milo, MS Billie Jo to approve the minutes. Upon VV, motion carried.
The JDA then met with Alex and Anthony Lavoy from Optima Construction about housing in Harvey, North Dakota. Most notably, the possible plan of constructing a building in the area for multifamily use. Many details were shared about their preplanned construction and about $120,000/key on facility. It was talked that we could be around $850/mo for a 2 bedroom unit. They agreed to speak to the council.
Chad Freise left the meeting at 6:39pm.
More discussion was had about current business and the director’s report. Without a quorum, no business was further conducted.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm.
February 1, 2023
Wednesday, February 1, 2023 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
The Harvey JDA met in the Veterans Room on Wednesday February 1st at 5:30pm. Present were Chairman Ann Adams, Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Billie Jo Reutter, Milo Baltrusch, Arnie Selzler and Melissa Anderson.
Also present were Spencer Marchand and Auditor Karen Nordby.
Chairperson Adams called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Spencer discussed the EDA Placemaking Grant. He has had a few meetings regarding the grant with the grant administrators. He has learned that 90% of the grant needs to be completed by June 1, 2023. He has learned that we may not use any grant money for architect drawings, plans or renderings. He doesn’t feel he can get the work completed by the deadline. The consensus of the JDA is to de-commit the placemaking grant dollars.
Karen presented the JDA with the lease agreement for 812 Birch Ave. Motion by Friese, seconded by Eckart to accept the lease as presented and amended. Upon VV, MC.
Mayor Eckart discussed the JDA Director Position. The hiring committee recommended hiring Spencer Marchand for the JDA Director as a full-time, benefited position. The committee discussed the wages. Motion by Selzler, seconded by Baltrusch to offer Spencer Marchand $58,000 a year plus benefits. The committee will not increase the wages until Jan. 2024. Upon VV, MC.
The meeting adjourned.
January 17, 2023
Harvey Job Development Authority
January 17, 2023
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Chad Friese and Arnie Selzler.
Absent: Billie Jo Reutter.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Cheryl Ryan, Marci Eckart, Shelley Chin and Radigan Neuhalfen.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on December 20, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Selzler, MS by Anderson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: One on the owners of La Fragua was present to update the JDA. They have not completed their business plan. Spencer will work with them on it. Next month they will be back to discuss their application. Cheryl Ryan from the Harvey Area Chamber discussed the Convention and Visitors money with the JDA. She would like the chamber to continue receiving the quarterly funds. She presented her worksheet with the expenses for 2022. The JDA discussed continuing the relationship. M by Friese, MS by Selzler to approve paying the Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce $3500 from the CVB funds for 2 Quarters in 2023. The director will need to come back and report how the funds were used in June before any other quarters will be paid. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month.
He has been in contact with Data Mining Company. They will be visiting with Spencer this week to look at the industrial park. He has been in contact with the property manager of one of the apartments in Harvey. They are looking for a buyer. Spencer is willing to help do what he can. The complex is no longer section 8 housing.
He has been working on the Placemaking grant. He is trying to get the details together so he can move forward. He has continued to work on Natural Gas. Spencer has worked on updating the Strategic Plan with his vision. He has been reviewing legislative activities and focusing his attention on what would help us.
The committee discussed the Tot Spot. Melissa recommended having a staff meeting with Karen and all the childcare employees.
Karen updated the committee on Christmas Cash. The program finished with 56 loans. The JDA’s participation was $8385 and advertising costs.
The Armory remodel was discussed. Karen has been working with Moore Engineering on moving the CBDG forward.
Spencer reported on the 1st Housing Commission meeting. He included the minutes in the packet for review. He is looking forward to continuing to work with the commission.
Karen updated the JDA on 812 Birch Ave. The flooring has been completed in the upper unit, a new washer and dryer were purchased for the upper unit, the property has been cleaned and the painting has been started. The Authority discussed rental rates and conditions. They want to include in the rent the water, sewer and garbage bill, the electricity bill and the internet bill. They want a standard lease with the essential worker and will require the renter to have a security deposit, one month rent and renter’s insurance. The rental rates will be $850 for the upper unit and $750 for the lower unit. The JDA will give a discount of $150 per month per unit up to12 months. The units need to be rented to essential workers such as police, city employees, teachers and health care workers. The lower unit will be furnished to give a good option for temporary housing. The JDA will be flexible on lease termination if the tenant purchases a home in Harvey. M by Friese, MS by Selzler to approve lease conditions as stated above. Upon VV, MC.
Karen presented a request from Central Cinema. They need to replace some equipment for $6,606.41. M by Anderson, MS by Friese to approve the grant request for the theater. Upon VV, MC.
The JDA discussed hiring a fulltime director. Karen reported we have received 2 resumes to date. The consensus of the JDA is to have Melissa, Chad, Rick and Karen on the interview committee. Karen will set up interviews.
Spencer requested the JDA increase his pay for the month of Jan 2023 to $4000. He has been working twice as much as he had previously. M by Friese, MS by Anderson approve his request. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is February 21, 2023, at 5:30pm.
December 20, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
December 20, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Billie Jo Reutter, Chad Friese and Arnie Selzler.
Absent: None
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on November 15, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Anderson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: A moment of silence and reflection was observed for the passing of Dr. Paul Gunderson. Chairman Adams said a few words of his loss. Dr. Gunderson’s funeral will be Thursday December 22 at 2:00 pm.
According to Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2. The JDA entered executive session to discuss the JDA Director Position.
Motion by Eckart, Motion Seconded by Friese to go into executive session, Upon RCV, MC.
Executive session started at 5:34 pm and was recorded.
In attendance were Adams, Eckart, Anderson, Baltrusch, Reutter, Friese, Selzler and Nordby.
Executive session closed by Adams at 6:00 pm.
Chairperson Adams opened the meeting to the public.
Motion by Eckart, Motion Seconded by Baltrusch to advertise for a fulltime JDA Director. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORTS: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month. He has reached out to Representative Kelli Armstrong to see what he can do to help with the natural gas. He has reached out to the Governor’s office to invite them to visit the City of Harvey.
He has been in contact with a developer that may be interested in building some housing in Harvey.
He has been working with a group that is interested in opening a gym in Harvey.
He has tentatively scheduled a meeting for the Housing Committee. Mayor Rick appointed at the committee.
Spencer informed the JDA of his interest in becoming the fulltime economic developer for the City of Harvey. The JDA values Spencer’s time and will accept help from him in the transition of Dr. Gunderson’s passing.
The committee discussed the Tot Spot. Martha has completed evaluations of the staff. The JDA has requested a formal evaluation of Martha as well. Karen presented increase per Martha’s recommendations. M by Friese, MS by Reutter to approve salary increases as discussed for the Tot Spot employees. Upon VV, MC.
Karen updated the committee on Christmas Cash. The program is in full swing with Cheryl Ryan leading the program. She will present the numbers at the January meeting. Anderson reported FIBT has given 11 loans.
Spencer and Karen informed the JDA that they are not sure if a Business Plan for La Fragua LLC has been received. Spencer will work on getting the information for the next meeting.
Billie Jo updated the committee on the lights in Cent. Park. ND wind and winter is very hard on the lights. She will continue to work on finding lights that will work for our climate.
Spencer informed the JDA that the Harvey City Council has approved the natural gas resolution. He will continue to work on gathering the data of energy usage and load demand to share with the legislators.
Armory remodel was discussed. Dr Gunderson applied at the beginning of December for a CDBG- Cares Act grant that would be for renovating the Armory. We will continue to update the committee.
Spencer will investigate the high-speed data center. Dr. Gunderson hadn’t shared any of the information with him.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is January 17, 2023, at 5:30pm.
November 15, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
November 15, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch and Arnie Selzler.
Absent: Billie Jo Reutter and Chad Friese.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby, Dr. Paul Gunderson and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart and Shelley Chin.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Anderson, MS by Selzler to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on October 18, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORTS: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month. He planned and attended the “Rural Natural Gas Coalition” where they discussed the possibilities of a natural gas pipeline for our rural communities in ND and how it could be paid for. The meeting was held in Rugby. It was attended by city officials from Harvey and Rugby, the Turtle Mountain Chairman, Indian Affairs Commissioner, Representative Jon Nelson, Rep Paul Thomas and Senator Curt Kreun. He has also been in contact with Representative Kelli Armstrong to see what he can do to help with the natural gas. He has met with Josh Teigan on an intermodal facility. Josh feels the next step would be a study for the project. Spencer has made the changes to the Harvey Housing Grants per the previous meeting. M by Anderson, MS by Eckart to approve the housing grant with the requested change of removing IRS W-9 form and wording. Upon VV, MC. The program will start in January of 2023.
He has reached out to the members of the Housing Committee. They are Jared Hanson, Crystal Hysjulien, Cayle Paulson, Nate Donarski, Marci Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter and Spencer. They will be meeting quarterly. Mayor Rick will appoint at the next council meeting.
Dr Gunderson updated the committee on his activities for the month. He has been working with the NDDOT on charging stations for the central part on ND which will be the 2nd phase. He is recommending having one in Harvey, Carrington and Velva. Dr. Gunderson reported the 504 has been completed. He has a copy if anyone would like to review it. He announced Harvey has been awarded the Placemaking grant from the ND Dept of Commerce. He and Karen received the award at the Main Street Conference in Bismarck at the beginning of the month. He has been working with Dave Klein of the Great Plains Housing Authority on a project in town. He has also been working with USDA Rural Housing on some ideas for projects. He continues to complete grant applications. He has been very busy with several economic development activities underway.
Karen updated the committee on Christmas Cash. The program is in full swing with Cheryl Ryan leading the program.
Dr Gunderson informed the JDA that he hasn’t received a Business Plan for La Fragua LLC. The consensus of the committee is to table until he receives the information.
Billie Jo has been working on the lights in Cent. Park.
NEW BUSINESS: The JDA discussed the quarterly CVB payment of $3000 to the Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce. They would like to see the annual report for 2022 at the January 2023 meeting of the JDA. Karen will contact Cheryl Ryan. M by Anderson, MS by Selzler to make the payment for the 4th quarter of 2022 to the HACC. Upon VV, MC.
Dr Gunderson reported he has been in contact with a moderated-sized High Speed Data Center that is looking to locate in Harvey. He will keep working on and keep the JDA informed.
Dr. Gunderson reported on the Harvey Armory remodel. He has been advised of the rules and requirements of the CDBG-CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Assistance) application that could qualify to help with the remodel. It would be available for the bathrooms, gym, kitchen and some of the Kiwanis room. It is due at the end of the month. Paul will be requesting around $500,000.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is December 20, 2022, at 5:30pm.
October 18, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
October 18, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch and Arnie Selzler.
Absent: Billie Jo Reutter and Chad Friese.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby, Dr. Paul Gunderson and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Cheryl Ryan, Marci Eckart and Shelley Chin.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on September 20, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Spencer and Paul have organized a Central ND Natural Gas Access Planning Meeting at City Hall in Rugby on Friday, Oct 21 @ 7:00. They would like everyone to attend. Paul encouraged the JDA to attend the Main Street Summit Oct 24-26 in Bismarck at the Event Center.
ACTIVITY REPORTS: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month. He has worked diligently on communicating with our local legislators on Natural Gas. He has been working with Chris Nyhus on creating a resolution for supporting Natural Gas. He has visited with USDA on housing to be used for single family units. He has been vising with CP Rail on the possibility of an Intermodal facility in Harvey. He has continued to work on Harvey Housing Grants.
Dr Gunderson Updated the committee on his activities for the month. He has been working with the ND Housing Authority. He has been working with Dave Klein of the Great Plains Housing Authority on a project in town. He has also been working with USDA Rural Housing on some ideas for projects. He continues to complete grant applications. He has been very busy with several economic development activities underway.
VISITOR: Cheryl Ryan from the Harvey Area Chamber discussed Christmas Cash with the JDA. She would like to work on the project. She will be taking care of the advertising and communicating with the businesses. The consensus of the JDA is to use the $1500 budgeted for Christmas Cash with the Chamber promoting the project. The stipulation is all business may participate. It is not just for Chamber Members.
OLD BUSINESS: Dr Gunderson presented the loan application for La Fragua LLC. The consensus of the committee is to table until Dr. Gunderson gets a Business Plan from them.
Karen updated the committee on the Tot Spot. Everything is going great. We are thankful for all the grant money they have received from the State of ND.
Paul talked about Centennial Park Developments. He updated the committee indicating the alley has been filled in and the path has been redesigned.
The JDA discussed the Sheyenne Reservoir Motor Park. The committee discussed various names. M by Anderson, MS by Selzler to approve the suggested name of HaRVey Park. Upon VV, MC. Karen will work on finding an app developer so we can get ready for spring rentals. We will also need to work on a sign for the area.
Dr. Gunderson reported on the proposed Harvey Armory remodel. The City of Harvey did not receive any bid so we will be working through that process.
Dr Gunderson presented a power point for the placemaking planning grant application he submitted.
Billie Jo will be putting up the lights in Cent. Park.
Dr Gunderson discussed the proposed Central Dakota Natural Gas Pipeline with a handout for the committee to review.
NEW BUSINESS: The JDA discussed the Hunting and Fishing Guide/ Be Legendary Advertisement. M by Anderson, MS by Selzler to approve the same size advertisement as last year. Upon VV, MC.
According to Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2.
M by Eckart, MS by Selzler to go into executive session, Upon RCV, MC.
Executive session started at 7:55pm and was recorded. In attendance were Chairman Adams, Mayor Eckart, Baltrusch, Anderson, Selzler, Nordby, Gunderson and Marchand.
Executive session closed by Chairman Adams at 8:35pm.
Chairman Adams opened the meeting to the public.
The JDA discussed the purchase of 812 Birch Ave for essential housing. The purchase price is $120,000 plus closing costs and a few renovations. It is a duplex so it has two units that could be rented out to police officers, city employees, hospital employees or school employees. M by Selzler, MS by Eckart to approve purchasing 812 Birch Ave and all additional costs. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is November 15, 2022, at 5:30pm.
September 20, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
September 20, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda and Arnie Selzler.
Absent: Melissa Anderson and Chad Friese.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby, Dr. Paul Gunderson and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart and Shelley Chin.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Svoboda, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on August 16, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORTS: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month. He has continued to work on writing a charter for the housing committee. He presented a proposed charter. The Authority would like to see it move forward. The JDA visions the committee would be an advisory one. It would help the JDA and City’s policy making for the industry’s future. M by Eckart, MS by Reutter to approve the Harvey Housing Commission, a subcommittee under the JDA. Upon VV, MC. Spencer discussed the example included in the packet of a grant application for the new housing/remodel grant. The council discussed a few changes. Spencer reported he has been visiting with Representative Jon Nelson about the need for Natural Gas to Rural ND, including Harvey and the importance of the ND Legislators to support it financially. He continues to work on the Live Local App. Ann would like to see some advertising for the app. Dr. Gunderson discussed areas of his report. He informed the Authority of his increased activity working with entrepreneurs. He stated that the opening of new the Mexican restaurant will not happen for about 3 weeks. He has attended many meetings over the last month in person and via zoom. Dr Gunderson updated the committee on the Region VI housing. He is looking into options for the City of Harvey to increase our supply.
Dr. Gunderson reported on the Harvey Armory remodel. Paul presented the contract for South Central Dakota’s Regional Council “Handicap Accessibility Analysis of City-Owned Structures”. They were here and completed the assessment. They will have the report completed in a few weeks.
Karen updated the JDA on the installation of the outdoor sign by Prairie Towers. Carrie from Opdahl Body Shop has received the artwork. They will build the new sign and install.
Dr Gunderson discussed the Natural Gas Pipeline with a PowerPoint presentation. He is working diligently on ideas to bring Natural Gas to our community.
Billie Jo is working on the lights for Cent. Park. She has ordered them.
Karen updated the committee on the Tot Spot. Everything is going well.
Paul talked about Harvey City Park Developments. He updated the committee on the 6th grade class project to work on the beach improvements.
Spencer discussed some of the ordinances for the City of Harvey that he would like to modernize. The committee supports his changes.
Dr Gunderson submitted the placemaking planning grant for $55,350. It can only be used as a planning grant for “sticky spaces”. He will keep the committee updated on the status.
Dr. Gunderson talked about Christmas Cash. The program is moving forward.
Karen informed the JDA that the Industrial Park lot has finally been sold to Cendak. They have applied for a building permit and construction is ready to begin.
Karen updated the JDA on the one-year extension from USDA/RD on the Armory grant for technology and furniture for the Kiwanis Room and Old PD renovation.
Mayor Eckart updated the committee on the Harvey Dam Boards. The hydrology study has been completed. They will be updating some concrete work and the catwalk.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is October 18, 2022, at 5:30pm.
August 16, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
August 16, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda, Chad Friese, Melissa Anderson and Arnie Selzler.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby, Dr. Paul Gunderson and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart and Shelley Chin.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Anderson, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on
July 19, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORTS: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month. He continues to work on the housing committee. He is working on the charter for the committee. Spencer and Paul attended a meeting with the Lt. Governor. They discussed the need for Natural Gas to Rural ND including Harvey and the importance of the ND Legislators to support it financially. He discussed the upcoming legislative session and will register to be a lobbyist. He has continued to work on the Live Local App with Karen. He demonstrated the App and where to get it.
Dr. Gunderson reported on the Harvey Armory remodel. Paul presented the contract for South Central Dakota’s Regional Council “Handicap Accessibility Analysis of City-Owned Structures”. They will start
Mayor Eckart updated the JDA on the lighting has been installed at the outdoor sign by Prairie Towers. Karen discussed replacing the sign after the storm damage. Carrie from Opdahl Body Shop is working on replacing the sign. They are planning to complete the project by Oct. 2022.
Dr Gunderson discussed the Natural Gas Pipeline with a PowerPoint presentation. He is working diligently on ideas to bring Natural Gas to our community.
Billie Jo updated the JDA on the lighting for Cent Park. She requested $2000 to start purchasing lights for the Gazebos and Bridges for Thanksgiving through Christmas. M by Friese, MS by Anderson to approve the request for lights. Upon VV, MC.
Karen updated the committee on the Tot Spot. Their enrollment has stayed consistent at approx. 27 kids. Once school starts, they will be at 12 to 15 kids with an additional 7 after school children. The state grant money continues to help the revenue stream of the childcare. The playground improvements are moving still in the planning stages with hopes of construction starting in the spring.
Paul talked about Harvey City Park Developments. The dock looks good in the new campground area. Paul has seen several fisher people using it.
Dr Gunderson discussed the placemaking planning grant. He and Spencer have been writing and working on getting it ready for submission.
Dr Gunderson updated the committee on the Region VI housing study with a power point. It has been finalized. One of the concerns Paul has reviewed from the housing study is the need for senior housing. The study predicts Wells County will need 370 new housing units by 2030 with 274 for senior housing.
Chad Friese and Mayor Rick Eckart discussed the pool repairs. The JDA is willing to help the Park Board with some of the costs of the pool repairs. The JDA will wait for more information from the park board.
Dr. Gunderson talked about Christmas Cash. The JDA is in full support. They would like to repeat what they did last year giving the addition 10% to the consumer and paying the banks the 1% fee for the program. M by Friese, MS by Reutter to approve the Christmas Cash Program. Upon VV, MC. Chad visited with Cindy from Tractor Supply Company. She would like to participate in the CC program, but she needs some help to make it work. The JDA discussed different ideas to make it work. The Authority will try to think of a way to make it work.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is September 20, 2022 at 5:30pm.
July 19, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
July 19, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Milo Baltrusch, Shelley Svoboda and Chad Friese.
Absent: Melissa Anderson and Arnie Selzler.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby, Dr. Paul Gunderson and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Radigan Neuhalfen and Shelley Chin.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Friese, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on June 21, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Reutter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
ACTIVITY REPORTS: Spencer Marchand updated the committee on his activities during the month. He would like to assemble a housing committee for an advisory board to help with the housing shortage. The consensus of the committee is to have Spencer draft a charter and bring suggestions of members to the next meeting. Spencer informed the committee of the meeting he has scheduled with the Lt. Governor on July 29. He has been working on the Live Local App with Karen. Dr Gunderson updated the committee on his activities for the month.
Dr. Gunderson reported on the Harvey Armory remodel. South Central Dakota’s Regional Council revised their bid for “Handicap Accessibility Analysis of City-Owned Structures”. The bid is $4150 for 2 buildings. M by Eckart, MS by Reutter to accept the bid from SCDRC. Upon VV, MC.
Dr Gunderson discussed the Natural Gas Pipeline. He continues to look for ways or opportunities to get it to Harvey.
Karen updated the committee on the Tot Spot. Their enrollment has stayed consistent. The grant money continues. The playground improvements are moving slow.
Paul talked about Cent Park. It looks great. We need to add a sign stating no motorized vehicles in the middle of the new path and on the new bridge. Karen has identified that the east path entrance on Allen Ave is not handicap accessible. She would like to change that. The consensus of the JDA is to discuss it with the council.
Dr Gunderson updated the committee on the Region VI housing study. It is in the final stages and should be ready for review in August. He thinks it will be very useful once it is complete.
Chad Friese discussed the pool. He would like the JDA to help the Park Board with some of the costs of the pool. He suggested some of the JDA members should attend the next park board meeting to discuss what the board needs from the JDA.
Dr Gunderson discussed several grant opportunities that he will be writing including Placemaking Planning Grant, Community Block Grant, Transportation Alternatives Program, Mainstreet Tourism Grant and ND Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan. The consensus of the committee is to move forward applying for grants that will improve the City.
Karen requested the JDA’s support of ND’s Teacher of the Year Brett Dockter. She was approached to help with ideas for assembling gifts for each state’s Teacher of the Year. She would like the JDA to cover the costs for the gifts. The total was $628. M by Eckart, MS by Friese to approve the expenditure. Upon VV, MC. M by Friese, MS by Eckart to gift Brett Dockter $750 for his expense as ND Teacher of the Year as a token of our appreciation for all he does of our community. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is August 16, 2022 at 5:30pm.
June 21, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
June 21, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Milo Baltrusch, Chad Friese and Arnie Selzler.
Absent: Melissa Anderson
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby, Dr. Paul Gunderson and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Marci Eckart and Neil Nelson attended via Zoom.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Friese to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on May 17, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson reported on the Harvey Armory remodel. He has been trying to contact USDA/RD to see if we could get an extension on the grant. He has not been able to reach anyone.
Mayor Eckart discussed with the committee the lighting project for the outdoor signs. The cost would be $1700 to $2000 for two lights powered from Prairie Towers. M by Friese, MS by Eckart to move forward with the 2 lights for the sign. Upon VV, MC. The outdoor sign was damaged in one of the storms and needs to be replaced. The committee discussed new artwork or just using the same artwork as previously. M by Selzler, MS by Friese to replace both sides of the sign with the same artwork. Upon VV, MC.
Paul has asked South Central Dakota’s Regional Council to revise the bid for “Handicap Accessibility Analysis of City-Owned Structures”. He will reduce the quote to include the Armory only.
Billie Jo reported about the LED Lighting for Cent. Park. The committee would like her and Chad to get bids for the bridges to start the lighting project.
Dr Gunderson discussed the Natural Gas Pipeline. He has been working on finding a way to get it here. He will keep working on it.
Karen updated the committee on Tot Spot. They talked about the grant money the State of ND is still awarding. The committee discussed the outdoor playground improvements. The consensus of the committee is to bid out the work.
The committee discussed the CVB staying in with the Chamber of Commerce now that they have hired Cheryl Ryan. The committee has been making quarterly payments since the end of 2015. M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to continue quarterly payments of $3000 to the Chamber for the next two quarters. Upon VV, MC.
Chairman Adams inquired about the Opp’s Bodyshop water issue. Karen is working with Kenny and Moore Engineering to discover some solutions.
The committee consensus is to move forward gathering information for the building project.
Spencer talked about some of the things he has been working on. He discussed the importance of reducing special assessments for new building projects. He informed the committee of the importance of tax exemptions for multifamily housing, waving building permit fees, affordable housing incentive programs and a 10-year property tax freeze. He discussed a few other ideas he has been working on.
Chad Friese discussed the pool and all the repairs they have had to make this year. He would like the JDA to help them with some of the costs. The consensus of the committee is to have Chad and Rick attend a park board meeting and gather information.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is July 19, 2022 at 5:30pm.
May 17, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
May 17, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter and Milo Baltrusch. Chad Friese and Melissa Anderson attended via Zoom.
Absent: Arnie Selzler
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby. Dr. Paul Gunderson and Spencer Marchand.
Visitor: Neil Nelson, Marci Eckart, Jim Weinmann, Brandon Kukowski and Kim Opp.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on April 19, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Kim Opp discussed the water situation on his property in the Industrial Park. He would like to fill in the low spot on the property next to him. He believes this will fix his water problem. The consensus of the committee is to work with the Public Works Director and Moore Engineering to determine the best solution to the water problem and not create a new water problem for someone else.
Brandon Kukowski requested the JDA participate in his purchase of the Pizza Ranch with a $12,500 loan and a $12,500 grant. He presented his business plan and loan application. He answered questions for the JDA. Jim Weinmann was present with Brandon to answer more questions for the JDA, as he is the seller of the Pizza Ranch. The award is contingent upon Brandon providing reasonable cash flow projections that would indicate that the business could support all future payments and expenses. The award is also contingent upon receiving either 2019 Pizza Ranch tax returns or income and expense numbers that show that the business had enough cash flow to support new payments during a more conventional business year other than the COVID-19 cycle. A subcommittee of Anderson and Friese was created by the JDA to review the requested information from Kukowski. M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to loan $12,500 for 5 years at 0% interest for Brandon to purchase a new Broaster and commercial coffee pot payable upon presented receipts. The JDA will place a Uniform Commercial Code which is a Financing Statement that indicates the JDA has a lien on the equipment until the loan is paid; to grant $12,500 to Brandon for his Pizza Ranch purchase to make building improvements or to purchase more new equipment payable upon presented receipts. Upon RCV, MC. The grant and loan are contingent upon the passing Pizza Ranch franchisee requirements and bank financing.
Dr. Gunderson reported there are no developments on the Harvey Armory remodel. Chairperson Ann and Paul haven’t connected to review the South Central Dakota’s Regional Council bid for “Handicap Accessibility Analysis of City-Owned Structures”. This will need to be completed before more grant money is applied for.
Dr Gunderson discussed the housing study that SCDRC is working on. He has spent numerous hours providing data to the project. The JDA is very interested in reviewing the final report.
Mayor Eckart updated the committee on the lighting project for the outdoor signs. He has been in contact with Prairie Towers. They would be willing to let us tap into their electricity to light the sign. The JDA would reimburse for the electricity it uses. M by Eckart, MS by Friese to move forward with lighting the sign. Upon VV, MC.
Billie Jo informed the JDA that her and Chad have set a meeting for later in the week to look at options and prices for LED lights in Cent. Park. Karen reminded the committee Cent Park West will need lights as well.
Dr. Gunderson discussed the Impact Workforce Initiatives grant money. He has spent the last several weeks working on writing the grant application with Region 6. The consensus of the JDA is they need more information before entering the grant for the cost of $13,500 to the Harvey JDA.
Dr Gunderson discussed the need for new economic development program brochures. The consensus from the JDA is they are not currently interested in printing new program brochures. They would rather see more digital information.
Spencer talked about some of the things he has been working on. He provided the committee with some documents regarding special assessments and how that creates difficulty in cash flowing an apartment building. He would like to work on a project to reduce them. He talked about the importance of tax exemptions for multifamily housing, waving building permits, affordable housing incentive programs and a 10 year property tax freeze. The JDA is interested in all of Spencer’s topics. The City Council has several of these in affect already.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is June 21 at 5:30pm.
April 19, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
April 19, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Billie Jo Reutter, Arnie Selzler and Milo Baltrusch. Chad Friese attended via Zoom.
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby. Spencer Marchand attended via Zoom.
Visitor: Neil Nelson, Marci Eckart, Cheryl Ryan and Radigan Neuhalfen.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on March 15, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Selzler to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson updated the JDA on Operation Community Partnership. He completed the three meetings. His suggested Harvey City focus areas are 1. Creating a Post K-12 Academy targeted toward local job need. 2. Developing a Local Foods Strategy. 3. Marketing Harvey as both a Retail/Clinical Center and a destination. 4. Adding Transformative events and retail space. 5. Moving toward additional industrial capacity.
Dr. Gunderson reported that the Harvey Armory remodel is in a holding pattern until the “Handicap Accessibility Analysis of City-Owned Structures” has been completed. Chairperson Ann will look into South Central Dakota’s Regional Council bid if it will still be honored and when they could start on the project.
Mayor Eckart filled the committee in on the lighting the signs project. The cost of solar lights is extremely high. He will continue to work with Ottertail and Verendrye to see what other options are out there.
Billie Jo informed the JDA that her and Chad are working on getting prices for LED lights in Cent. Park.
Karen updated the committee on all the improvements that Tot Spot has received with the grant money. They have gotten the security cameras installed. The dishwasher and additional sinks have been installed and are ready to use.
Dr. Gunderson discussed the Impact Workforce Initiatives announced by the ND Dept of Commerce. There is grant money available to respond to the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and to assist businesses in their quests to find workers. Paul will continue to work on the “Learning Center” which should qualify under this program.
Chairperson Ann welcomed Spencer Marchand. Spencer is incredibly excited about working with the JDA. His project he would like to devote time and energy to would be the housing crisis. He would like to look at ways of creating quality affordable housing.
According to Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to go into executive session. Upon RCV, MC.
Executive session started at 7:10pm and was recorded. In attendance were Chairperson Adams, Mayor Eckart, Baltrusch, Reutter, Nordby, Friese, Gunderson, Marchand, Selzler and Anderson. Executive session closed by Chairperson Adams at 8:09pm.
Chairperson Adams opened the meeting to the public.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to accept the land bid from Cendak for Industrial Park Lot 1 Block 2 with a 40 ft easement for the Frontage Road. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is May19th at 5:30pm.
March 15, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
March 15, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Billie Jo Reutter, Chad Friese, Arnie Selzler and Milo Baltrusch.
Other: Dr Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Tony Jochim, Tony Gratton, Tory Martin, Spencer Marchand, Quincy Marchand, Patti Armstrong, Mary Graner and Shelley Svoboda
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
Patti Armstrong and Mary Graner with BEK TV joined the JDA VIA Zoom. They are producing a 1-hour segment of Harvey, ND on their Ladies of Another View. They will interview 4 community members for their show. They have spent several hours visiting with the people promoting our small-town encouraging people to take day trips with-in the state of ND. They are offering sponsorship possibilities for the JDA. M by Friese, MS by Reutter to approve purchasing the $1500.00 advertising package that includes a .30 second commercial to be made for the JDA that we will own to re-use any way we would like. The commercial will air 2X during the show. Upon VV, MC.
Tony Gratton with CenDak discussed purchasing some of the JDA land to build a new 4 million dollare fertilizer plant. This would be an additional facility from what they have on North Street. They would hope to add up to 3 employees. M by Friese, MS by Anderson to approve Dr. Paul Gunderson, Mayor Rick Eckart and Chairperson Ann Adams to negotiate a land sale with CenDak on behalf of the JDA, minimum price per acre of $10,000. Upon VV, MC.
Spencer Marchand introduced himself to the JDA. He highlighted his credentials plus his qualifications. He gave a summary of his economic development philosophies. He presented the JDA a plan to offer his contracted services to join Paul as an economic development team. M by Friese, MS by Selzler to offer a contracted employee position to Spencer Marchand for duties and task to create economic development including marketing, grant writing and other various responsibilities. The compensation will be $2000 a month for 16 hours minimum per week and no other benefit. The JDA would like to review the agreement monthly. Upon VV, MC.
Quincy Marchand presented himself to the JDA. He would be interested in the Chamber Director position. The JDA was interested in Quincy, but the Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce would be in charge of hiring a director and he should be visiting with them.
Shelley Svoboda discussed the shared position with the Chamber and the JDA. The JDA is willing to work with the Chamber Board but if they have options to hire a director. The JDA feels like it would be better for the community to stay separate. They are willing to continue to support the CVB staying with the Chamber on a quarterly agreement and a quarterly review. M by Friese, MS by Eckart to approve quarterly payments of $3000 upon fulfillment of the agreement. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Reutter to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on February 22, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr Gunderson discussed Operation Community Partnership. His first meeting on March 8, 2022 was at the Cobblestone and he had 9 people attend. The next meetings will be March 17, 2022 @ 12:00 and March 31, 2022 @ 12:00 at B 52’s. Paul continues to work on the housing study with South Central Regional Council. Karen and Rick are working on lighting for the outdoor signs. Rick is looking into another company that may be willing to complete the Handicap Accessibility Analysis.
Dr Gunderson discussed the proposed 2022 annual Chamber meeting. The JDA feels Paul has too many things on his plate to take on this project. Karen discussed the Harvey App from Living Local with Kat & Company. The first 2 years are free. It is a grant the state is offering. The JDA will need to work with their team to create it and then we will have to keep updating events. M by Baltrusch, MS by Friese to approve Spencer to work with the Living Local App with KAT & Company. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is April 19th at 5:30pm.
February 22, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
February 22, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson, Billie Jo Reutter, Chad Friese and Milo Baltrusch.
Absent: Chairperson Ann Adams and Arnie Selzler.
Other: Dr Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Brett Dockter, Braxton and Cherie Heisler, Brayden Smith, Chris Marchand, Shane Morehouse, Marci Eckart and Neil Nelson.
Mayor Rick Eckart called the meeting to order.
6th grade community project proposal presented by Chris Marchand, Braxton Heisler, Brayden Smith and Shane Morehouse. The project is to fix up Veterans Memorial Park Playground and improve the tennis courts. They have partnered with the Eagles Club with the goal of raising $8,000.00. They are selling t-shirts. They have held a penny war. They have hosted a bake sale. They have done several other fundraisers this year. The final fundraiser of the year will be B.M. Hanson Idol in May. They requested the JDA donate to their cause, “Leave a Legacy, Make a Mark, Help us Build a Better Park!” M by Anderson, MS by Reutter to approve a donation of $2500.00 to the 6th grade class project. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Reutter to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on Jan 18, 2022. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson updated the Authority on the Tot Spot Childcare. Dr Gunderson discussed restarting operation community partnership for March 8, 2022 @ 5:30, March 17, 2022 @ 12:00 and March 31, 2022 @ 12:00. The Governor has requested Paul to encourage youth to attend hence the noon meetings. Dr Gunderson discussed USDA opportunities for grants. He is looking for the best match for the Armory Remodel Project. The JDA discussed the joint position between the JDA and Chamber of Commerce. The consensus of the JDA is to have the Chamber join the JDA at the March meeting. Karen is still looking into lighting for the outdoor signs.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is March 15th at 5:30pm.
January 18, 2022
Harvey Job Development Authority
January 18, 2022
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter and Milo Baltrusch.
Present via Zoom: Dr. Paul Gunderson, Melissa Anderson, Arnie Selzler, and Chad Friese.
Absent: None
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Radigan Neuhalfen and Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on December 21, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Selzler to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson updated the Authority on the Tot Spot Childcare. Dr Gunderson updated the committee on the Natural Gas Project. He participated in an informational meeting with Dakota Gas on Jan 11, 2022. They updated the City of Harvey on the proposed project. Dakota Gas is waiting to see who the ND Industrial Council will award the bid for the proposed new pipeline from Western ND to Eastern ND. They will work on partnering with the awarded contractor on the City of Harvey’s natural gas pipeline. This plan will help with the affordability of the natural gas project for the City of Harvey. The timeline for natural gas may be pushed until 2026. Dr Gunderson discussed restarting operation community partnership for the end of January. Paul has been working with South Central Dakota Regional Council on the housing study for our region. The Highway #52 outdoor sign lighting project is being investigated. Karen will update the committee at the next meeting. Paul discussed the Armory Remodel and various funding options. The JDA will work on the joint position between the JDA and Chamber of Commerce next month.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is February 15th at 5:30pm.
December 21, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
December 21, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Melissa Anderson and Milo Baltrusch.
Absent: Arnie Selzler, Billie Jo Reutter and Chad Friese
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Collette Hertz, Donna English, Shelley Svodoba and Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on November 16, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Shelley, Donna and Collette attended on behalf of the Harvey Area Chamber. Their director has retired. They have been looking for a replacement for 90 days and haven’t filled the position. They would like the JDA to consider sharing a position for the CVB/CHAMBER/JDA assistant. The Chamber would be willing to relocate to the City Offices. The JDA discussed different options. They have been looking for an intern for Dr. Gunderson for the last couple of summers but they haven’t fill the position. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to hire a combined position for the CVB/CHAMBER/JDA assistant fulltime with Benefits. The Chamber will participate in paying the JDA for the individual and the JDA will use the CVB funds no longer giving the Chamber $3500 per quarter. Upon VV, MC. Karen and Collette will work on an ad and accept applications. The Chamber will stay in its location until the JDA is able to complete an area for the Chamber. M by Anderson, MS by Eckart to approve paying one more quarter of CVB money to the Chamber of $3500. Upon VV, MC. The JDA discussed creating an additional office in the back storeroom of the city offices. There should be enough room to have an office and storeroom. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve paying for construction of the additional office. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson updated the Authority on the Tot Spot Childcare. The Authority discussed the importance of a generator for the childcare. They would like to see one purchased with the grant money the childcare is receiving. Karen will work with Kenny on getting the cost for one. The committee discussed the Christmas Cash Program. Dr Gunderson updated the committee on the Natural Gas Project. He has a proposed meeting scheduled for Jan 11, 2022 @4:00 with Dakota Gas on our project. Dr Gunderson discussed restarting operation community partnership. South Central Dakota Regional Council had a housing survey meeting for our region, and it was the most attended. Dr. Gunderson discussed the Building Accessibility Compliance Check List. Karen and Paul will work on getting a RFP into the paper to hire someone. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve paying for the study. Upon VV, MC. The Authority discussed old pace buy down loans. The JDA has granted the funds for all of the Pace Buy Downs they have completed except for Reutter/Lincoln & Nine LLC. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to grant the Reutter/Lincoln & Nine LLC project their PACE Interest Buy Down, forgiving the loan portion. Upon VV, MC. Nordby discussed the Cent. Park walking Bridge. The total cost was $71,126.52. Dr. Gunderson wrote a grant for $10,000 from St Joseph’s Community Foundation. Mr. Dockter’s 6th grade class project donated $13,035.03. The project received additional donations of $5,256. The project was under funded by $42,835.49. Karen requested the JDA fund the shortfall. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to donate $21,500 to Cent Park Bridge. Upon VV, MC.
Dr Gunderson discussed some possible projects that may be interested in Harvey. He also discussed a possible Highway 52 Corridor Workforce Development Academy. Chairman Adams discussed the lighting of the signs on the edge of town. The solar lights that were installed several years ago are not working properly. The committee would like to have Karen investigate lighting options.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is January 18th at 5:30pm.
November 16, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
November 16, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Chad Friese, Arnie Selzler and Milo Baltrusch. Melissa Anderson attended VIA Zoom.
Absent: None
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Bo and Beth Lemer, Marci Eckart, Rad Neuhalfen and Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on October 19, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Friese to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Bo and Beth Lemer presented their business plan for the building they are purchasing on Lincoln Ave. Bo will be offering a one stop automotive service and repair facility. They will be updating equipment and improving the exterior of the building by removing the pumps and tanks from the former gas station. M by Friese, MS by Eckart to approve lending B&B Service and Repair $10,000 with repayment starting in 6 months at 0% interest, terms will be for 60 months. Upon VV, MC. M by Friese, MS by Eckart to grant $10,000 for exterior improvements upon completion and submittal of receipts. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson updated the Authority on the Tot Spot Childcare. They have been awarded a grant from State of ND for up to $3000 a month for operating costs. The committee discussed the Christmas Cash Program. The campground project on the Sheyenne River was talked about. The committee would like to see some lighting installed. Dr. Gunderson reported the new bridge and walking path in Centennial Park has been completed. The committee would like to see some parking stops installed. He has continued to work endless hours on the Natural Gas Project. The Governor has signed the bill to Allocate the $150 million for the pipeline following HWY 2. Paul will continue to work with Dakota Gas on our project. Dr Gunderson discussed restarting operation community partnership. The committee suggests waiting until Feb 2022. South Central Dakota Regional Council will have a meeting in Harvey on Nov 30 at 5:30 for the housing survey for our region. Dr. Gunderson discussed the importance of the Building Accessibility Compliance Check List. The consensus of the committee is to hire someone to complete the project as previously decided on. Dr Gunderson attended the public meeting held in Harvey on the HWY 52 project. Paul shared some of the proposed changes with the committee.
Dr Gunderson reviewed an idea for Business Facade Improvements. He would like to see a forgivable program. He would like the JDA to fund improvements up to $25,000 for businesses in the business district. Dr Gunderson and Mrs. Reutter discussed an idea of lighting up Centennial Park for the Holidays. The committee would like to have a sub-committee responsible for working on the lighting project which would consist of Friese and Reutter. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to support the project financially. Nordby discussed advertising in the ND travel guide for 2022. The committee would like to see the ad changed for 2022. M by Selzler, MS by Baltrusch to purchase a 1/3-page ad in the travel guide. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is December 21st at 5:30pm.
October 19, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
October 19, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Melissa Anderson and Milo Baltrusch. Chad Friese attended VIA Zoom.
Absent: Arnie Selzler
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Scott Sigett, Dave Voller, Katheryn Gardner, Alecia Ranum, Marci Eckart, Donna Edinger and Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on September 21,2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Scott and Dave from Ottertail Power Company were present to discuss the lighting on Hwy 52 that belongs to the JDA. They are working on a proposal to install LED’s instead of the current lighting. They will be attending further meeting when they have the finished proposal.
Dr. Gunderson discussed some of the projects he has been working on. He updated the Authority on the Tot Spot Childcare. He updated the committee on the Christmas Cash Program. Dr Gunderson discussed the campground project on the Sheyenne River. Paul reported construction should start this fall on the Centennial Park West Pathway. Paul attended the ND Main Street Summit in Fargo, ND on Oct 12, 2021. He has continued to work endless hours on the Natural Gas Project.
South Central Dakota Regional Council is working on a new housing survey for our region. Paul has advised them of the necessity of the project. He has meet with 3 different construction companies that are interested in building some multi-family projects. Dr Gunderson discussed the proposal for statewide expenditures of NDCARES dollars. The Governor has created his list of how to spend the money: 1.) Technical Skills Training Program $3.2 million for local area workforce development. 2.) $25.5 million grants for regional workforce development 3.) $10 million workforce innovation grant. 4.) $10 million regional & community attractions grants. 5.) $10 million for nonresident workforce. 6.) $21 million workforce housing redevelopment program. The Legislature will have a special session to make a definitive plan for the money.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is November 16th at 5:30pm.
September 21, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
September 21, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Arnie Selzler, Chad Friese and Milo Baltrusch.
Absent: Melissa Anderson
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Katheryn Gardner, Alecia Ranum, Marci Eckart and Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Ann Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Friese, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on August 17, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Reutter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson discussed some of the projects he has been working on. Karen updated the Authority on the Childcare. The committee discussed security at the childcare. They would like to see a proposal for a system for the childcare. Karen will work with Wiest Associates on it. Karen updated the committee on the Christmas Cash Program. Several of our business have signed up to participate. In Oct/Nov we will advertise the promotion to get our borrowers signed up. The Authority discussed the campground project on the Sheyenne River. Karen reported that Susag Sand and Gravel is working on it when they have time. Paul reported construction should start this fall on the Centennial Park West Pathway. The Kiwanis are $3000 from their fund-raising goal for the addition to the playground in Cent Park. They will start construction in 2022. The Golf Course Road project is started. Paul will be attending the ND Main Street Summit in Fargo, ND on Oct 12, 2021. Karen will attend virtual and has invited the Authority to join her in the Veterans Room. Dr Gunderson reported to the committee that he has been working on grooming the North Country Trail, making it more usable. He has spent most of his time working on Natural Gas. He has largely completed a survey on how much propane is used in our community. He has provided this information to his partners from the Private company from the Natural Gas Industry. Dr Gunderson discussed Operation Community Partnership. He will make it his top priority for this winter with 3 meetings. He will want to include some youth and younger business owners to give us some good insight to where Harvey should focus on in the future.
Dr Gunderson discussed the projections of ND to have 100Billions in GDP by 2030. He is wondering if the JDA should develop a new marketing campaign. He has also been looking into the possibilities of a grant program of storefront façade for Lincoln Ave. If he has any new developments before the next meeting he will email the Authority.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is October 19th at 5:30pm.
August 17, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
August 17, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Melissa Anderson, Chad Friese and Milo Baltrusch.
Absent: Chairperson Ann Adams and Arnie Selzler
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Marci Eckart and Neil Nelson.
Mayor Eckart called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on July 20, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Reutter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson discussed some of the projects he has been working on. Karen updated the Authority on the Childcare. The Authority discussed the campground project on the Sheyenne River. The consensus of the committee is to gravel the pads at this time and if the campground gets a lot of use the pads can be improved. Paul reported on the Centennial Park West Project bids which were opened on July 28, 2021. The low bidder was Strata Corp for $212,896.25. ND Parks and Rec awarded an additional $36,566.41 for the project. The Golf Course Road agreement hasn’t been signed but it is close. The Authority discussed the pool improved project. They would like the Park Board to come back and give the committee a proposed plan for the next ten years. Plus update on all the repairs and improvements it completed this year. Dr Gunderson informed the committee that he has been working with the North Dakota Women’s Business Center on a lunch and learn in Harvey. It will be 8/24/2021 at the Cobblestone. The event is free for all. Karen updated the committee on the Christmas Cash Program. The letter has been sent out to all the businesses. Paul is going to the ND Main Street Summit in Fargo, ND on Oct 12, 2021. He would like more people to join him. Karen will attend virtual and would be willing to set it up in the Veterans Room if anyone would want to join here.
Dr Gunderson will restart Operation Community Partnership later this fall with two or three meetings. This time he would like to invite some of our youth to get their input. He provided a power point on Natural Gas. Dr. Gunderson is reaching out to large adventures through RFP’s with the Dept of Commerence.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is September 21st at 5:30pm.
July 20, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
July 20, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Arnie Selzler, Chad Friese and Milo Baltrusch.
Absent: Billie Jo Reutter and Melissa Anderson
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Kat Peace, Radigan Neuhalfen, Marci Eckart and Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Friese to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on June 15, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson discussed some of the projects he has been working on. Karen updated and answer questions regarding the Childcare. The enrollment numbers have stayed consistent. Martha has a few families looking to enroll this fall. The childcare is still operating in the red but that was predicted when the project started. Dr Gunderson informed the committee that there would be a public meeting on the Hwy 52 improvement project on August 5 at 6:00pm at the Harvey Eagles, if anyone wanted to attend. The Authority discussed the campground project on the Sheyenne River. Susag Sand and Gravel has been working on it. Paul reported that the City of Harvey has been awarded the $23,000 grant from USDA/RD for the Learning Center. It will cover all the technology and equipment for the renovation of the Kiwana’s Room. The Centennial Park West Project bids will be opened July 28, 2021. Josh our engineer with Moore Engineering will be writing a letter to request an additional $50,000 from the ND Parks and Rec after we open the bids, since the project price has escalated. The Golf Course Road agreement is waiting for the other parties to sign. Dr Gunderson presented a power point presentation on the Harvey Natural Gas Developments.
The Authority discussed the Christmas Cash Program. They would like to have the businesses sign up by September 15, 2021 and be able to have the consumers start using by October 15, 2021. M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the JDA participation in the Christmas Cash Program for 2021. The JDA will pay the 5% cost per loan to the banks and give the additional $100 per loan to the consumer.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is August 17th at 5:30pm.
June 15, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
June 15, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams Mayor Rick Eckart, Arnie Selzler, Billie Jo Reutter, Chad Friese, Melissa Anderson and Milo Baltrusch.
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Kat Peace, Radigan Neuhalfen and Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on May 18, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson discussed some of the projects he has been working on. He has resubmitted the grant to SCDRC. In researching the project, they reviewed the last assessment the City of Harvey submitted for Architect Barriers. At the time of submission in 1995 the City of Harvey did not identify any. Therefore, the grant will need to be withdrawn. Paul has worked on this kind of document in the past. He believes it would take approximately 120-man hours to complete the report. The Authority believes Paul is too valuable to work on this project. They would rather hire an outside contractor that could complete the work. The Authority discussed the campground project on the Sheyenne River. Susag Sand and Gravel will be working on it as they have time. Dr. Gunderson updated the committee on the Hwy 52 project. The NDDOT has projected the super two to be completed in 3 phases. Harvey will be in the third phase. The completion for the project will be 2024. Dr. Gunderson presented a power point presentation on the Harvey Natural Gas Developments.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is July 20th at 5:30pm.
May 18, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
May 18, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Arnie Selzler, Billie Jo Reutter, Melissa Anderson and Milo Baltrusch. Chad Friese VIA zoom.
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Kat Peace, Radigan Neuhalfen, Neil Nelson, Jared Hanson and Dr. Delvin Hanson.
Chairperson Adams called the meeting to order.
VISITOR: Jared Hanson attended the meeting on behalf of the Kiwanis Centennial Park Playground Expansion. They have been fundraising for more playground equipment for younger children. The cost of their project is $55,000. They are hoping to break ground in the spring of 2022. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve granting the playground expansion $15,000. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on March 16, 2021 and April 27, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson discussed some of the projects he has been working on. He has discovered that Harvey is not in a USDA/REAP Zone which limits some of the grants we can receive. The Authority discussed the renovation project. They feel the project is so important for Economic Development. They are willing to support the project and feel it needs to move forward. The JDA would like to see the roof project be a priority. The JDA discussed the Harvey Park Board’s request from last meeting for a grant. They tabled the request until next meeting. The JDA would like to meet with the Park Board and work on a long-term plan for the pool’s updates. Dr Gunderson, Chad Friese, Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter and Arnie Selzler will be on a committee to meet with the Park Board to discuss the plan. Friese will schedule the meeting and inform the rest of the committee. Harvey Natural Gas Developments power point presentation rescheduled until next meeting.
The JDA discussed the Golf Course Road which needs improvement. The JDA supports the Golf Course and wants to support the road project. M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to grant $10,000 to the Golf Course Road Project plus loan the township $15,000 to repay over 10 years at 0% interest if needed. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is June 15th at 5:30pm.
April 27, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
April 27, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Mayor Rick Eckart and Milo Baltrusch.
Absent: Chairperson Ann Adams, Arnie Selzler, Billie Jo Reutter, Chad Friese and Melissa Anderson.
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson and S Auditor Karen Nordby.
Visitor: Marcie Eckart and Michelle Swang.
Mayor Eckart called the meeting to order.
VISITOR: Marcie Eckart and Michelle Swang attended the meeting on behalf of the Park Board. They have been working on updates at the pool. They enclosed the concrete building with tin at a cost of $58,000 in the fall of 2020. Now they are renovating the changing rooms/bathrooms and the lifeguard station. They are redoing the floor, so it does not continue to deteriorate and flake the concrete off. The cost is $14,850 from Opdahl Concrete. They need to rebuild areas in the changing rooms and replace the toilets and showers. They will have two working showers and toilets in both locker rooms at a cost of approx. $11,700. The last update they are doing is painting the inside of the new enclosure and the pool for the cost of approx. $8380. They would like the JDA to grant them money to help pay for the repairs. Mayor Rick thanked the Park Board for attending the meeting and will place the request on next month’s agenda.
The meeting was adjourned due to lack of a quorum.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is May 18th at 5:30pm.
March 16, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
March 16, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch, Chad Friese and Melissa Anderson.
Present VIA ZOOM: Auditor Karen Nordby and.
Absent: Arnie Selzler
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson and Shelley Svoboda.
Visitor: Greg Palmer and Cody Chilson, Cayle Paulson, Valerie Jensen and Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Adams called the meeting to order.
VISITOR: Greg Palmer and Cody Chilson from Greater Minnesota Gas, Inc.; Greater Minnesota Transmission, LLC; Dakota Natural Gas, LLC discussed the possibilities of bringing natural gas to Harvey Industrial Park. Their specialty is bringing natural gas into smaller markets that big utility companies feel are not feasible. The next step in the process is for Dakota Natural Gas to complete a feasibility study to determine cost and users. The consensus of the committee is to proceed and report the finding. Cayle Paulson updated the committee on the Golf Course Clubhouse Project. They will be starting construction in the spring of 2021. The building materials are ordered since the price continues to increase. He requested the $25,000 grant pledged from the JDA at the October of 2019 be issued. The consensus of the committee is to issue the check since construction is starting. Valerie Jensen requested the JDA honor redeeming the Christmas Cash that the One Stop received. She was out of work due to COVID-19 and was not able to submit the cash with-in the deadline. The consensus of the JDA is to redeem the Christmas cash due to the COVID-19 circumstance.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on February 16, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Reutter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson discussed some of the projects he is working on. He has continued to work on the grants for the Harvey Learning Center and the Harvey Armory Building Remodel. He completed gathering letters of support for the Highway 52 project and submitted to the NDDOT. The childcare enrollment has stayed the same. The Childcare Director is out on Maternity leave. The JDA has received notice that The Jeneral Store has decided not to proceed with their project in Harvey.
The committee discussed the Sheyenne River Reservoir Campground Development project. They would like a proposal on the cost to discuss at the next meeting. The committee talked about the April JDA meeting. Paul and Karen will be at the NDLC Spring Conference on April 20 so they would like to move it a week later. The consensus of the council is that would be fine.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is April 27th at 5:30pm.
February 16, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
February 16, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Mayor Rick Eckart, Milo Baltrusch and Melissa Anderson
Present VIA ZOOM: Billie Jo Reutter, Arnie Selzler and Chad Friese.
Absent: Chairperson Ann Adams.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Joy Stolz, Cheryl Flick and Neil Nelson.
Mayor Eckart called the meeting to order.
VISITOR: Joy and Cheryl presented the Wells County District Health Unit #1 application for a $45,000 grant. They are purchasing 1008 Adams Ave for a permanent office for their 6 employees. They will have to renovate the building and abate some mold issues. M by Anderson, MS by Baltrusch to approve a grant for $25,000 and a loan of $20,000 with an interest rate of 2.5%, a term of 5 years with annual payments. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on Jan 19, 2021. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Reutter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson discussed some of the projects he is working on. He has continued to work on the possibility of LNG with the increase of oil production. He has been working on the Armory remodel. He is 2 ½ weeks away from submitting a funding application. He has been pushing hard to achieve his grant application. He believes the grant should cover somewhere between 40% to 60% of the project. Karen updated the committee on the childcare. They are no longer receiving the grant from State of ND. The enrollment numbers have stayed consistent. They have had a good year retaining staff. The committee wants the childcare to continue to update the committee.
Paul is working on the Learning Academy. He has meet with the CEO of the hospital. As a community we need to be more willing to help with the nursing shortage. He will look for ways to support and promote the hospitals programs and encourage participation. He is working on a legislative “meet & greet” with our local senators and representatives. The committee is looking forward to the meeting they are hoping Paul can arrange it.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is March 16th at 5:30pm.
January 19, 2021
Harvey Job Development Authority
January 19, 2021
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson and VIA ZOOM Arnie Selzler.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Jon Franklin and VIA ZOOM Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Adams called the meeting to order.
VISITOR: Jon Franklin attended the meeting to update the JDA on his Lincoln Ave Project. They have torn down 909 Lincoln Ave, filled in, landscaped and built a fence for the pocket park that will be completed in the spring. They have replaced all the windows, installed a new roof, installed new doors, new wiring, new plumbing and installed siding on the side of the building. They have finished the AirBnB/Apartment on the top floor of 907 Lincoln Ave. They are working on completing the build out of the office space on the main floor which is where the mental health clinic will be. He has completed the Opportunity Zone process for anyone to use in the City of Harvey. He requested the JDA grant $15,000 for the demolish and clean-up of 909 Lincoln Ave. M by Friese, MS by Anderson to approve the request. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on November 17, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson discussed some of the projects he is working on. He has continued to work on the possibility of LNG with the increase of oil production. He has been working on the Armory remodel. Clint from Mid Dakota is working on plans and specs. Dr Gunderson will work on the Removing Architectural Barriers grant for the kitchen and restrooms. Karen updated the committee on the childcare. The committee was given an update on the Christmas Cash Program. There were 50 Harvey businesses that participated. The Banks loaned out $30,000 to 31 consumers. The JDA will pay out $3000 for the 10% and $1500 for the additional 5%. The committee felt it was successful for the 2nd year of the program and they would recommend undertaking the program in 2021.
Dr Gunderson discussed the email from Canadian Pacific regarding the leased property in the Industrial Park. They are inquiring about removing the trailers and what the expectation would be for them to restore the property to original condition. M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to move forward with CP. The trailers all need to be removed or they can continue to stay on the property for the agreed leased amount of $1200. If the trailers are removed the water and sewer need to be capped. The concrete needs to be removed and the land regraded. If they don’t remove the concrete the JDA will charge $6000. Upon VV, MC. Chairperson Adams discussed the CVB’s support for the Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce. She presented a list of expenses for the 2020 year as requested. M by Friese, MS by Anderson to continue to support the Harvey Area Chamber of Commerce with quarterly payments of $3500 from the CVB Fund. Upon VV, MC. Friese discussed the internship program that the JDA discussed two years ago. He would like to see the JDA find someone. The consensus of the committee is it is very important to continue the growth and move forward finding an intern.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is February 16th at 5:30pm.
November 17, 2020
Harvey Job Development Authority
November 17, 2020
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Milo Baltrusch and VIA ZOOM Chad Friese.
Absent: Arnie Selzler and Melissa Anderson .
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Marci Eckart and VIA ZOOM Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Ruetter to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on October 20, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson discussed some of the projects he is working on. He has continued to work on the possibility of LNG with the increase of oil production. He is working on a CARES grant with the Denver office. Karen updated the committee on the childcare. Karen updated the committee on the Christmas Cash Program. We have approx. 24 business signed up at this time. Dr Gunderson has continued working on the grant application for the Armory.
The committee discussed the Pace Buy Down request from The Jeneral Store. M by Baltrusch, MS by Friese to approve request with the partnership of a local bank and BND. Upon VV, MC. The committee discussed the rail spur. Karen had received a request from someone that was interested in purchasing the rail material that had been removed from the East side of Edith Drive. M by Friese, MS by Eckart to keep the rail spur material for future development. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is December 21th at 5:30pm.
October 20, 2020
Harvey Job Development Authority
October 20, 2020
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Chad Friese, Milo Baltrusch and VIA ZOOM Melissa Anderson.
Absent: Arnie Selzler.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and VIA ZOOM Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Neil Nelson, Rad Rue and Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Friese to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on September 15, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson discussed some of the projects he is working on. He has continued to work on the possibility of LNG with the increase of oil production. Karen updated the committee on the childcare. She requested an outside source for snow removal. It should be done before the children arrive and the City can’t. M by Baltrusch, MS by Friese to hire a snow contractor to take care of the snow. Upon VV, MC. The JDA discussed the PTO for the childcare. M by Eckart, MS by Reutter to increase the PTO for the Tot Spot: Beginning year one 1.67 hours for 24 pay periods, Beginning year two 2.5 hours for 24 pay periods. Beginning year three 3.07 hours for 24 pay periods, Beginning year four 4.16 hours for 24 pay periods. Capping at 15 days with 2 days carry over per year. Upon VV, MC. Karen updated the committee on the Christmas Cash Program. We have approx. 6 business signed up at this time. We will follow up with the rest to see if anyone else wants to participate. The Cent Park Footbridge is progressing. Paul indicated that the legs/ the footbridge’s span trusses have been delivered. He has continued working on the grant application for the front side of the Armory.
The committee discussed the movie theater and how could the JDA assist them with declining attendance. The committee would like to discuss ideas with the theater committee. Karen informed the JDA that Paul was nominated Economic Developer of the year for small Cities. He didn’t win this year but I am sure he will in the future.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is November 17th at 5:30pm.
September 15, 2020
Harvey Job Development Authority
September 15, 2020 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adam, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson and Arnie Selzler.
Absent: Chad Friese.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Neil Nelson and Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch by to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on August 18, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Selzler to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr Gunderson informed the board he has been appointed to the SCDRC Executive Board. He his looking forward to cultivating the relationship. Karen updated the committee on the childcare. The numbers have continued to stay steady at 20 plus. They are still receiving grant money from the State of ND due to COVID-19. The Grant has decreased but will continue through December 2020. Paul talked about some of the projects he is working on. He has continued to work on the possibility of LNG with the increase of oil production. The Cent Park Footbridge is progressing. Opdahl Concrete has completed the pilings for the Cent Walking Bridge project. They will start the sidewalk when the bridge is built. He has started working on the grant application for the front side of the Armory. He has been very busy working with new business wanting to relocate to Harvey. He also has spent time trying to help some of the current business come up with a successor program.
The JDA discussed the Christmas Cash Program. The committee decided with the COVID 19 pandemic the JDA will pay the 5% fee that the business had to pay last year and will continue to offer the $100 additional bonus for the $1000 loan. Karen and staff will work on sending out letters to the businesses and advertising the program. M by Eckart, MS by Selzler to approve the Christmas Program with the 5% change being paid by the JDA. Upon, VC, MC. The committee discussed the road condition of Edith Drive and Third Street. This spring it was a large mud hole with traffic not being able to use it without issues. The roads were not improved during the 2016 street project. The JDA feels the roads lead into the Industrial Park and have great economic impact. Susag Sand and Gravel built the Industrial Park Frontage Road and Dakota Drive Road. Kerry submitted a proposal to removal old road and re-build Edith Drive and Third Street for approximately $50,000 with the City of Harvey providing the gravel. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the project. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is October 20th at 5:30pm.
August 18, 2020
Harvey Job Development Authority
August 18, 2020
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Ann Adams, Mayor Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Reutter, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Arnie Selzler and Chad Friese.
Absent: none.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Neil Nelson and Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch by to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on July 21st, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr Gunderson updated the committee on the kitchen grant from USDA/RD. The grant was denied because of too much commercial activity. He will work with Karen on other grant applications for the Armory. Karen updated the committee on the childcare. The numbers have continued to stay steady at 20 plus. They are still receiving grant money from the State of ND due to COVID-19. He is trying to work on other grants that were created by the Cares ACT. He will continue to look for the right business to work with and enhance with the Cares ACT. Paul talked about some of the projects he is working on. He has continued to work on the possibility of LNG with the increase of oil production. He has continued working with Nyhus Law on the confidentiality agreement. Dr Gunderson discussed the grant opportunity from the ND Department of Commence for ND Economic Resiliency Grants. They are offering up to $50,000 for investments with the purpose of reducing the spread of COVID-19. The dates have been changed but it is available for all business to use for Direct Expenditures to a business. Dr Gunderson talked about the Opportunity Zone in the Industrial Park. We are fortunate that we created the zone and it will be very useful in the future when attracting business. Paul informed the committee he is still working with St Joseph’s Community Health Foundation for the Cent Park Footbridge. He is waiting for Opdahl Concrete to start working on the project.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is September 16th at 5:30pm.
June 16, 2020
Harvey Job Development Authority
June 16, 2020
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Mayor Ann Adams, Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Ruetter, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson and Chad Friese attended.
Absent: none.
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Neil Nelson and Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Linda Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Ruetter by to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on May 19th, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Adams to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Ralph Muscha approached the committee regarding painting of the Locomotive #440. He is requesting $2500 to repaint the train that was rehabbed in 2004. M by Friese, MS by Adams to approve the request. Upon VV, MC.
Dr Gunderson updated the committee on the Public Hearing for the commercial kitchen for the Armory on June 8 at 5:30 via Zoom. No one attended. Dr Gunderson discussed the commercial kitchen for the Armory. Karen updated the committee on the childcare. They have 26 children enrolled. We have had to purchase a few large items for the childcare such as 8 more cots, 5 more cubbies and another table. Rick Eckart updated the committee on the 10ft by 30ft shade structure. Tim Wagner will be building it as soon as the supplies come in. The committee discussed adding vinyl wrap to the posts which could be done later. Paul talked about some of the projects he is working on. He has been very busy working on grants and RFPs. Paul has continued to work on the possibility of LNG.
Dr Gunderson talked about the front entry and the roof renovations with the JDA. He is looking into USDA/RD grant options. He will need some architecture work done first. M by Friese, MS by Eckart to approve engaging TL Stroh’s to continue with the architecture work on the south side of the building up to $10,000 to be paid for from FUND 2130 Economic Development. Upon VV, MC. He discussed the NON-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The consensus of the committee is to have a sub-committee appointed to explore NDA facets. The committee would consist of JDA Director, one committee member and the auditor.
The committee thanked Linda Knudtson for her time and commitment to the JDA and for her leadership. She has decided to retire from the committee.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is July 21st at 5:30pm.
May 19, 2020
Harvey Job Development Authority
May 19, 2020
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Ruetter, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson and Chad Friese attend via zoom.
Absent: none
Other: Auditor Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Neil Nelson
Chairperson Linda Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on April 21, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr Gunderson updated the committee on The Power Plant Project. They have begun clean up on the facility. They have a website started that people can watch the progress of the project. The F5 project has been put on hold during the COVID-19 time. Harvey Creamery has had some interest. Paul has been working on trying to get the property sold. Harvey Motor Service has asked Paul for help trying to find a buyer for their business. Karen updated the committee on the childcare. They have been experiencing some growth. They are projecting to have 21 children in June. The committee discussed the playground and the need for shade. Rick Eckart offered to work on the project. M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to approve a shade option for the playground at the Tot Spot not to exceed $4000. Upon VV, MC. Paul has continued to work on the possibility of LNG. Dr Gunderson discussed the commercial kitchen for the Armory. He has finished writing a CBD Grant for the kitchen project. He will be having a public hearing on the Kitchen project June 9 at 5:30 for the USDA/RD grant opportunities.
Dr Gunderson informed the committee he has been working on a grant application for Cent Park West from the North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department “Recreation Trails Program”. The deadline is May 29,2020.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is June 16th at 5:30.
April 21, 2020
Harvey Job Development Authority
April 21, 2020
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Rick Eckart, Billie Jo Ruetter, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson and Chad Friese attend via zoom.
Absent: none
Other: Councilman Shelley Svoboda, Auditor Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Neil Nelson
Chairperson Linda Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting on February 18th, 2020. Upon VV, MC. M by Friese, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes from the special meeting on March 2nd, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
GUEST: Svoboda presented a quote for a Power Post to be installed at the Beach for Beach Blast scheduled for July 4, 2020. The total cost would be $1,699.32. He would like the JDA to make a donation to Beach Blast to cover the cost. M by Friese, MS by Ruetter to approve the Power Post Project. Upon VV, MC. Adams abstained.
Dr Gunderson updated the JDA on the new website. It has been completed and it is up and running. Cherie worked many hours to make all the changes to get the new website launched. The JDA would like to thank her for her dedication. Paul will keep working on getting the Operation Community Partnership group together after the COVID-19 is under control. Paul has continued to work on the possibility of Liquified Natural Gas.
Dr Gunderson discussed the commercial kitchen for the Armory. He is working on a USDA/RD grant application. M by Eckart, MS by Adams approve resolution directing submission of a proposal to create a community commercial kitchen within the Harvey Armory. Upon RCV, MC. Friese- Nay vote. The next step will be for Paul to setup a community meeting to discuss it. He will be working on an application for the Armory roof and the front entry from USDA/RD as well. He continues to work with ND Department of Commerce on projects that would work for Harvey. Friese approached the committee with an idea to bring good will to our Business Community that have been closed due to COVID-19 executive orders from the Governor of ND. He would like to gift each affected local employee a $50 gift card to Warehouse Grocery or Hinrichs’ Super Value to show we value them during this very difficult time. M by Friese, MS by Ruetter to approve the gift cards with maximum expenditure to be $5000. Upon VV, MC. Dr. Gunderson will look into other ways to help the local businesses during this time.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is May 19th at 5:30.
March 2, 2020
Monday March 2nd, 2020 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
The Harvey JDA met in the Veterans Room on Monday March 2nd at 5:30pm. Present were Chairman Linda Knudtson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Chad Friese, Billie Jo Ruetter and Melissa Anderson attending via tele-i-conference.
Absent was Mayor Ann Adams.
Also present were Dr. Paul Gunderson and Auditor Karen Nordby.
VISITORS: Neil Nelson
Chairperson Knudtson called the meeting to order.
Bids opened for 68.69 acres tillable, located in Wells County, North Dakota. Wells Township 150
North and Range 72 west, section 30: Fractional SW ¼ except tracts previously conveyed and further excepting Lonetree Estates First Addition with limited crops to be planted. Motion by Baltrusch, seconded by Eckart to accept high bid from Brandon Seibel 508 Irving Ave Harvey, ND 58341of $83.64 per acre per year. Upon VV, MC. Abstaining from voting was Friese and Ruetter. Agreement will be renewed annually unless tenant notifies the Harvey Job Authority.
The meeting adjourned.
February 18, 2020
Harvey Job Development Authority
Feb 18, 2020
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Billie Jo Ruetter, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson and Chad Friese attend via tele conference.
Absent: Rick Eckart
Other: Councilman Shelley Svoboda, Councilman Bob Weninger, Auditor Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Neil Nelson and
Chairperson Linda Knudtson called the meeting to order in the Veteran’s Room at the Armory.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the meeting on Jan 21st, 2020. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
GUEST: Ryan Blazei from Alkane Midstream discussed the possibilities of Liquified Natural Gas for Harvey with the JDA.
Dr Gunderson updated the JDA on the new website. He reviled the first phase of it. It still needs lots of work which he will do with the offices help. Paul updated the committee on the Harvey’s Summit: Energizing ND Mainstreet Initiative on the Local Level. Paul asked for the JDA’s direction on the importance of grant writing for the Armory Project. The consensus of the committee is to put it at the top of the priority list. He is looking to reconvene the Operation Community Partnership group in March or April 2020.
Harvey’s Summit- Legal Authority NDCC 44-04-19.2.
M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to go into executive session, Upon RCV, MC.
Executive session started at 8:00pm and was recorded. In attendance were Chairman Knudtson, Mayor Adams, Baltrusch, Ruetter, Nordby, Gunderson and Anderson.
Executive session closed by Chairman Knudtson at 8:09pm.
Chairman Knudtson opened the meeting to the public.
Dr Gunderson discussed his latest conference, “Helping Our Neighbors… A Focus on Addiction”. It will be at the Cobblestone Inn in Harvey, ND on Feb 26 at 9:00-1:00. The keynote speaker will be First Lady Kathryn Burgum. Bill Ongstad notified the City Auditor he will no longer farm the 68.69 acres tillable located in Wells County, ND in Wells Township 150 North and Range 72 west, section 30: Fractional SW1/4 except tracts previously conveyed and further excepting the Lonetree Estates First Addition. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to Advertise for Bid with a minimum bid of $50.00 per acre. Due and Bid Opening March 2. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is March 17th at 5:30.
January 21st, 2020
Harvey Job Development Authority
January 21, 2020
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Billie Jo Ruetter, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Rick Eckart and Chad Friese.
Absent: None
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Neil Nelson, Jonathan Franklin, Larry Oswald, Courtney Feil and Scott Volk.
Chairperson Linda Knudtson called the meeting to order at the Conference Room at IntelliFarms Northern Division Home Office at 2971 25th Street NE, Suite C.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Ruetter to approve the minutes from the meeting on December 17th, 2019. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Friese to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC. M by Eckart, MS by Friese to submit bad debt to collections for Smith and Ritz. Upon VV, MC.
GUESTS: Larry Oswald and Scott Volk from MDU along with Courtney Feil from Barr Engineering discussed the possibilities of Natural Gas for Harvey with the JDA. Jonathan Franklin updated the committee on his power house project. He shared some drone footage of the inside of the building. He will continue to update the committee on his progress.
The final update of the Christmas Cash Program was reviewed. 29 loans were distributed. The committee thought it was a great start and would like to continue with the program for 2020. The committee discussed the childcare facility. The consensus of the committee is to complete an annual performance review of the director by a few members of the committee. Paul updated the JDA on his progress of the new website. We should be able to view and work with it within the next two weeks. He has submitted the Cent. Park West grant application. Dr. Gunderson has started the process of looking for an intern for the summer.
Dr Gunderson discussed reactivating Operation Community Partnership for a follow-up meeting. The committee would like a supper meeting in March. Paul has been working on arranging a meeting with NDDOT to discuss transportation activities, issues and future needs. Paul updated the committee on the Harvey’s Summit: Energizing ND Mainstreet Initiative on the Local Level to be held on Friday Feb 7 at 8:45-3:30 at First Lutheran Church. M by Adams, MS by Friese to pay for any JDA members registration to the conference. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is February 18th at 5:30.
December 17th, 2019
Harvey Job Development Authority
December 17th, 2019
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Billie Jo Ruetter, Milo Baltrusch and Chad Friese.
Absent: Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart.
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Linda Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Friese to approve the minutes from the meeting on November 19th, 2019. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Ruetter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson continues to work on the opportunity zone application for natural gas. He has requested the Engineering firm meet with the JDA to discuss the natural gas project. The JDA talked about the Christmas Cash. They have issued a check for $400 to FIBT for it’s portion of the loan. The committee chatted about the childcare facility. The numbers of children have stayed constant. Martha is looking forward to 2020 to increase the enrollment. Paul update the JDA on his progress for the Cent Park Expansion grant application. The new website is still under construction. The committee discussed the CVB. They reviewed the revenue to the Harvey Chamber and the cash balance over the last several years. M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to recommend to the City Council to decrease the quarterly payment to $3500 for the CVB. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is January 21th at 5:30.
November 19th, 2019
Harvey Job Development Authority
November 19th, 2019
5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Billie Jo Ruetter, Milo Baltrusch, Chad Friese, Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart.
Absent: None
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Jonathan Franklin and Neil Nelson.
Chairperson Linda Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Friese to approve the minutes from the meeting on October 15th, 2019. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Jonathan Franklin attended the meeting to discuss his project. He continues to work on the next steps. He also discussed attending the MainStreet Summit. He was very happy he attended. He is looking forward to helping our community.
Dr. Gunderson continues to work on the opportunity zone applications: He has been working with the Engineering firm to bring natural gas to the Industrial Park. The proposal is moving along. The JDA talked about the Christmas Cash. A few businesses have responded to be involved. The childcare facility continues to improve in numbers of children. Paul has been updating the proposal he has been working on for the Cent Park Expansion. He has continued working with MABU on the new website. Dr Gunderson was very impressed with Main Street ND Summit in Bismarck on Oct 29-31. He feels he has been spot-on with his vision for the future of Harvey. He presented on three different topics at the conference. Mayor Ann and Karen attended the conference as well. Next year Paul would like to have more from our community attend the conference.
Dr Gunderson discussed his highway 52 activity. He has been working on a proposal for a new business in town. He is working with the State on hosting a regional meeting. The committee talked about the mission of the JDA. They would like to see more ways of helping out our downtown community. They would like to see some social media outlets used. Dr. Gunderson will continue to work on the mission. The JDA is willing to hire help if Dr. Gunderson needs it. The committee discussed the CVB. Nordby pointed out the revenue has been decreasing. They reviewed the commitment to the Harvey Chamber. They would like to see some information from the Chamber on what will happen if the JDA lowers its quarterly payments.
M by Friese, MS by Eckart to move forward with the conference with the Historical Expert and the Architect. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is December 17th at 5:30.
October 15th, 2019
Harvey Job Development Authority
October 15th, 2019
Veteran’s Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Billie Jo Ruetter, Milo Baltrusch, Chad Friese, Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart.
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Jonathon Franklin, Neil Nelson and Cayle Paulson.
Chairperson Linda Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the meeting on September 17th, 2019. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson continues to work on the opportunity zone applications: He has been working with the Engineering firm to bring natural gas to the Industrial Park. The Harvey Country Club grant received a grant for $50,000 from the Garrision Diversion Conservancy for the new club house Cayle Paulson informed the committee. The Country Club has received a interest free loan from the Wells County JDA for $100,000 for the Club House. M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to grant $25,000 to the Harvey Country Club Project. Upon VV, MC. The JDA talked about the Christmas Cash. The letter for the businesses was sent out. A few business have responded to be involved. He is looked into the grant opportunity with the NDDEQ for the Volkswagen settlement. He feels it is not worth the work and time he would put into it. He has been working on grant applications for the Cent. Park West expansion. The office has met with MABU to continue to work on the new website.
Dr Gunderson discussed a few other new businesses he has been working with. Jonathon Franklin attended the meeting to discuss his project. M by Friese, MS by Eckart to move forward with the conference with the Historical Expert and the Architect. Upon VV, MC. Dr Gunderson is looking forward to the Main Street ND Summit in Bismarck Oct 29-31 where he was asked to speak.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is November 19th at 5:30.
September 20th, 2019
Harvey Job Development Authority
September 20th, 2019
Veteran’s Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Billie Jo Ruetter, Milo Baltrusch, and Rick Eckart.
Absent: Chad Friese and Melissa Anderson.
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Eric Tuenge, Neil Nelson, Chief Tony Webb and Rad Neuhalfen.
Chairperson Linda Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Ruetter to approve the minutes from the meeting on August 19th, 2019. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson reported on the completion of the Renaissance Zone. The NDDoC has approved it for 5 more years with the additional blocks. He will use it in his tool belt for helping improve our community. Dr. Gunderson continues to work on the opportunity zone applications: The Engineering firm he has been working with has revised its proposal to bring natural gas to the industrial park. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve to pay Barr Engineering $12,000 for the study and design for the natural gas pipeline. The JDA would like to use funds from 2130 for the pay request. Upon VV, MC. He discussed the advantages for taxpayers to use the opportunity zone. He will continue to work with the newspaper on getting information out to the public. He has completed the Harvey Country Club grant application for the Garrision Diversion Conservancy. The JDA talked about the Christmas Cash Project. Billie Jo and Linda will work on the letter for the businesses. Ann will print the Christmas Cash. The newspaper will help to promote the program.
Dr Gunderson discussed a few other new businesses he has been working with. He is looking into a grant opportunity with the NDDEQ for the Volkswagen settlement. He also informed the committee the old Powerhouse has been sold. He is looking forward to working with the individuals on their project.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is October 15th at 5:30.
August 20th, 2019
Harvey Job Development Authority
August 20th, 2019
Veteran’s Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Billie Jo Ruetter, Milo Baltrusch, Chad Friese, Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart.
Absent: None
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Eric Tuenge, Jason Beck, Cayle Paulson, Mike Zwicker, Neil Nelson, Butch Keller and Rad Neuhalfen.
Chairperson Linda Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes from the meeting on July 16th, 2019. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Adams, MS by Ruetter to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC. M by Friese, MS by Eckart to file a claim in ND Small Claims Court against Brittany Smith for $1,150 and Tracie Ritz for $1,250 in Wells County. Upon VV, MC.
VISITORS: Cayle Paulson approached the committee on behalf of Dakota Heritage Bank. He requested the JDA participate in Christmas Cash. He has visited with First State Bank and several of our local business. They would like to participate in the program. He is proposing for the JDA to contribute $100 for every $1000 loan that a bank lends. He would like the JDA and the Harvey Area Chamber to get the business community involved. He will develop and work with all the local banks. M by Adams, MS by Friese to grant $100 per $1000 loan. Upon VV, MC. Eckart -opposed.
Mike Zwicker, CEO from St Aloisius Medical Center updated the committee on all the growth activities at the clinic plus some of the exciting hospital growth.
Butch Keller thanked the JDA for their involvement in the two PACE buydowns they have received. Patzer Truck repair is expanding more and needs to purchase a semi-tractor to pull a larger service trailer to put equipment on to bring back to the shop for repair. They inquired if the JDA had any grant money available. The JDA discussed the matter and would like them to utilize the Wells County JDA.
Dr. Gunderson reported on the progress on the Renaissance Zone. He has been working on the zone. There will be a public hearing on August 28 at 5:30 in the Veteran’s room.
Dr. Gunderson continues to work on opportunity zone applications: 1. Natural gas to the industrial park- The firm he has been working with has submitted a proposal for the work he has requested. The cost to the JDA would be $51,000 to provide conceptual drawings and information needed to prepare the application. The consensus of the committee is to look into other avenues to find the information needed. 2. Bringing the armory up to date to meet the community’s needs- He has met with an architect firm. Their preliminary information has determined the building would not be capable of holding a second story. Paul will investigate other options. 3. Building out the industrial park- Moore Engineering has provided him with the information he needs to move forward.
He has been busy working on the Harvey Country Club grant app. He will complete it next week.
Dr. Gunderson updated the committee on the Website design. MABU has been working on the backside of the new site. One question asked was could it be turned into an app. Paul will discuss it with MABU. They discussed new pictures for the website. M by Adams, MS by Eckart to have Hailey Edinger take new photos. Upon VV, MC.
Dr Gunderson discussed a few other new businesses he has been working with. The 2020 budget was discussed. M by Friese, MS by Adams to approve the 2020 budget as presented. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is September 17th at 5:30.
July 16th, 2019
Harvey Job Development Authority
July 16th, 2019
Veteran’s Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Chad Friese, Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart.
Absent: Chairperson Linda Knudtson and Billie Jo Ruetter.
Other: Martha Meranda, Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Marci Eckart, Mike Seibel, Lisa Goodwin and Tami Feist.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Friese to approve the minutes from the meeting on June 21st, 2019. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISTORS: Tami Feist approached the council on behalf of the Harvey Park Board. It has had several repairs at the pool this year, including repair pipes, replace concrete and replaced a pump. They had several other projects planned but they don’t have the money to do them. M by Friese, MS by Eckart to grant the Park Board $4000 for the pump repair. Upon VV, MC. The JDA requested the Harvey Park Board put together a list of projects it’s members would like to work on and the cost of the projects. The JDA is willing to work with them and a long-term plan.
Martha Meranda updated the committee on the TOT SPOT Childcare. She has 9 children regularly. She has had several calls from people that are looking to obtain childcare in the future. She is very pleased with progress at the center.
Dr. Gunderson reported on the progress of the Website. He is working with MABU on the new site.
He discussed the proposed internship. He has not had any candidates but he will continue to look and repost in Sept. Mayor Ann is concerned. She feels Paul needs help to complete all the projects he is working on. She would like to add a staff member that could take the burden off him.
Dr. Gunderson continues to work on opportunity zone applications:
1. Natural gas to the industrial park- He is working with a firm. They are proposing the cost to be approx. $7.5 million.
2. Bringing the armory up to date to meet the community’s needs- He has met with an architect firm to see what the possibilities are and presenting a concept.
3. Building out the industrial park- He is working with Moore Engineering on an engineering proposal.
Dr Gunderson shared a power point. He discussed several projects that he has been working on.
He met with the millennial group. They are requesting more information regarding the JDA and activities. The JDA committee discussed ways to communicate better. They are going to work on plans, programs, implantation for moving forward. They will look into the old HAED Betterment Group and see if they can revitalize it.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is August 20th at 5:30.
May 21st, 2019
Harvey Job Development Authority
May 21st, 2019
Veteran’s Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Billie Jo Ruetter, Chad Friese, Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart.
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M Friese by, MS Adams to approve the minutes from the meeting on May 21st, 2019. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson hasn’t had any applicants for the summer intern. He will continue to work on it for the fall and spring. The Childcare project was discussed. The Secretary of State registered the name for the childcare as Tot Spot Childcare. They had an open house on May 16. Martha handed out about 20 packets to interested families. The Childcare opened for business May 20. They had 6 children. They are hoping to have 12 to 14 once school is out for the summer. Karen will look for shade options and prices and report back.
Dr. Gunderson shared a power point pertaining to opportunity zone funding areas with the committee. The committee prioritized the projects for Dr. Gunderson to work on 1. Natural gas to the industrial park, 2. Bringing the armory up to date to meet the communities needs, 3. Building out the industrial park. M by Friese, MS by Ruetter to approve paying Moore Engineering to provide an engineering research on the cost to developer the Industrial Park with storm sewer, curb and streets and hiring an firm that could help with the armory update. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is June 18th at 5:30.
April 16th, 2019
Harvey Job Development Authority
April 16th, 2019
Veteran’s Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Billie Jo Ruetter, Chad Friese, Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart.
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes from the meeting on March 19th, 2019. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Dr. Gunderson updated the committee where the website project is at. He is reviewing the RFP’s from last year and will see if the vendors will still honor their proposals. Paul has continued to work on the Harvey Learning Center. He is working on an intern for the summer. The Childcare project was discussed. A director has been hired. Martha Meranda started on April 1 getting the childcare ready to reopen. The JDA discussed benefits for the childcare employees. No health insurance or retirement will be offered at this time. M by Friese, MS by Ruetter to award 40 hours of PTO per year and 8 hours holiday paid for New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Upon VV, MC. Karen informed the board about the playground and the need for shade. The consensus of the committee is to look for options and prices and report back. Karen and Cherie will help Martha with the Childcare logo and other needs as they emerge.
Dr. Gunderson shared a power point of pending projects he is working on pertaining to opportunity zone funding with the committee.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is May 21st at 5:30.
March 19th, 2019
Harvey Job Development Authority
March 19th, 2019
Veteran’s Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Billie Jo Ruetter, Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart. Chad Friese attended via telephone conference.
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Butch Keller and Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Knudtson called the meeting to order. She thanked Cherie Heisler for the delicious meal.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the meeting on February 19, 2019. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Friese to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Butch Keller from Patzer Truck Repair discussed their project. The JDA is willing to do another project but the application process would need to be completed again. Butch also requested the JDA finish Edith Drive so they can use it for their business. The JDA directed Paul look into the cost of this project and report back.
OLD BUSINESS: The Childcare project was discussed. 3 candidates have been interviewed for a director. The committee is waiting for the backgrounds to be processed before they offer the position. They did not receive any names for the childcare from the newspaper ad. The JDA discussed names. M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to submit the name choices to the Secretary of the State of ND to register for a trade name in the following order, 1st choice is Tot Spot Childcare, 2nd choice is Lil’ Rascals Childcare and 3rd choice is Happy Feet Childcare. Upon VV, MC. Karen will work with Cherie on the needs of the Childcare.
Dr. Gunderson informed the committee he has received a grant to develop the new website.
Dr. Gunderson discussed all the projects he has been working on. He has several deadlines approaching. He included a job description for hiring an intern. The committee discussed wages. M by Adams, MS by Eckart to pay $15 per hour for a fulltime intern plus provide housing for them. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is April 16th at 5:30.
February 19, 2019
Harvey Job Development Authority
February 19, 2019
Veteran’s Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Chad Friese, Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart.
Absent: Billie Jo Ruetter.
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Harvey Park Broad Members-Brad Kline, Steve Aljets and Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Knudtson called the meeting to order. She thanked Cherie Heisler for cooking a delicious meal.
VISITORS: The Harvey Park Board Members addressed the JDA. They are looking for permission to use Dr. Gunderson’s help with grant writing for a new pool. The JDA at this time feels Dr. Gunderson is only in the office ½ time he doesn’t have any extra time. If he has extra time in the future they would be willing to allow it.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS Friese by to approve the minutes from the meeting on January 22nd, 2019. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Friese to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: The Childcare project was discussed. They are still looking for a director that meets the requirements. They would still like the public’s help on naming the child care. Public Health will be moving out of the facility in March.
Dr. GUNDERSON discussed all the projects he has been working on. He is enjoying his position and would like to continue as the JDA Director. The JDA committee discussed options for moving forward. They would like to see Dr Gunderson work with an intern for a few semesters starting in June of 2019. The JDA would be willing to pay the position hoping one of the candidates would like to stay on fulltime when Dr Gunderson decides to retire.
PACE BUYDOWN for Beil/Subway has been paid off. When the JDA approved his pace buydown originally it was a loan that the borrower would start paying back after the pace was completed. The JDA discussed the pay back. It was decided the loan would be granted to Beil and no payback was required. The JDA has not required any of the other pace participants to pay back their loans. M by Eckart, MS by Friese to approve the grant and payback will not be required. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is March 19that 5:30.
December 12th, 2018
Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
The Harvey City Council met in Council Chambers on Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Shelley Svoboda, Donnie Hoepfer. Absent was Rick Eckart. Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby and Public Works Director Kenny Erickson.
VISITORS: Job Development Director Paul Gunderson and Police Officer Henry Head.
Mayor Adams called the Regular Meeting to order.
Mayor Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Auditor Nordby updated the progress on the meter project/Water Treatment Plant. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to submit plumbing invoice from TJ Plumbing for $813. Upon VV, MC. Nordby inform the council that the water treatment plant equipment is on its way. The truck route signage was discussed. M by Wenninger, MS by Baltrusch to approve change order 9 for the truck route signage in the amount of $10,192.60. Upon RCV, MC. Nordby discussed the pay requests for the street improvement project. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to approve paying invoice #19953 for $3,305 to Moore Engineering. Upon VV, MC. M by Hoepfer, MS by Anderson to approve reimbursing the City of Harvey for legal fees paid to Nyhus Law and Ted Seibel in the amount $2433. Upon VV, MC.
JDA: Dr. Paul Gunderson described his activities over the last month. He has been very busy working with several businesses. He has been working on writing grants for a new City of Harvey website as well as more walking paths for the City of Harvey.
POLICE REPORT: Officer Head presented the police department’s activity report. He stated the new Police Chief will start in Jan of 2019.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Public Works Director Erickson informed the council he has hired a new sanitation worker. He discussed the truck route. A portion was omitted in error which should read: extending from 7th Street East onto the 700 block of Custer Avenue continuing east on 8th Street to Business 52. The map was correct. M by Wenninger, MS by Anderson to amend truck route. Upon VV, MC. Erickson reviewed commercial garbage rates. He and Nordby have been working on increases for 2019. Garbage weights have been collected since we received the new printer for the truck for commercial users. The council tabled the rate increase until Jan 2019 for further research.
AUDITOR REPORT: Nordby’s report and the financials were in the packet for the council to review. Nordby informed the council the childcare has closed. They are looking for a director so they can reopen the center. Nordby has been busy giving out payoff requests for the old and new special assessments.
MINUTES: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on November 14th. Upon RCV, MC.
CASH REPORT: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch, to approve the Auditor’s Cash Report as submitted with November Revenue of $150,209.57. Upon RCV, MC.
VOUCHERS: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch, to approve vouchers, Airside Solutions $509.45, Ameripride $150.91, Aqua-Pure Inc $907.50, Broad Reach 163.70, Cherie Heisler $180.00, City of Harvey $1550.40, Curt Benson $270, Dacotah Paper Co $207.87, Dakota Fire Extinguishers, Inc $1,029.58, Dale’s Radiator and Repair $436, Dennis Dockter $.42, Emery-Pratt Co $97.35, Frey Insurance $65, Grand Forks Fire Equip $6471.58, Hannah Tuenge $147.84, Harvey Fire Department 6,519.92, Harvey Motor Service $8.79, Harvey Oil Co. $1804.15, Harvey Sand & Gravel $28.13, Hav-It Services $317.50, Hav-It Recycling $1,250, Hawkins Inc $1,830.54, Henry Head $86.34, Heilman Electric $60, Herald Press $727.45, Hinrichs Super Valu $13.58, HK Designs $100, Hornbachers $81.57, Information Technology Dept $126.95, Jeff’s Key and Lock Repair $270, Jamey Weinmann $180, John Deere Financial $17.98, Jonathan Gallagher $79.56, Karen Nordby $240, Keith Olson $340.73, Kelli Tipton $75, Knowbuddy Resources $378.81, Kotako $5170.32, Lemers True Value $84.15, Midamerica Books $37.90, Midee Auto $448.17, Minot Daily News $239.20, NAPA Auto Parts $158.25, NDDOH $16.48, ND Dept of Health/Microbiology $32, NDLC $140, NDRWS $240, NDTC $1,652.18, NDWU $300, Nyhus Law Firm $938.75, One Call Concepts, Inc $4.80, Ottertail Power Company $7112.84, Patzer Truck Repair $369.73. Paul Gunderson $3,500, Postboard $45, PowerPlan $111.38, Radison $91.65, Rough Rider $550, RV Enterprises $500, Sharon Seehafer $2100.69, Shelley Svoboda $119.90, Smart Apple Media $103.80, Steve Lien $180, Swanston Equipment $299.55, the Library Store $134.61, TJ Plumbing $813, Tractor Supply Co $224.76, Uniform Center $119.99, USBank $500, US Postal Service $275.28, Verendrye Electric Cooperative $297, Verizon $292.28, Visa $2,815.20, Warehouse Grocery $30.52, Waste Management of ND $3,340.40, Wells County Treasurer $196.72, Wells County Recorder $140, Woody’s $178.03 and Nov payroll $63,778.81. Upon RCV, MC
HOLIDAY SCHEDULE- The consensus of the council is to allow the City Office to be CLOSED on Dec 24 and 25, as well as Dec 31 and Jan 1. The employees will have to use vacation time to cover the time off and holiday pay.
LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS – M by Weninger, MS by Svoboda to approve the Liquor License Renewals as presented for the Harvey Bottle Shop, Eagles Club, Little Mart, JW’s, Ta Ahni, Krafty’s Bar & Grill, Spectators and the Harvey Hotel Group for 2019. Upon VV, MC. Hoepfer abstained from voting.
TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY: M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to accept tax foreclosed properties from Wells County: Roerick’s Property, Block 2, Lot 3 –Mill’s Addition,Block 2, Lot 4 – Mill’s Addition, Block 2, Lot 5 – Mill’s Addition; Luhman’s Property Lot 4 – South Side Addition; Montgomery’s Property, S 50’ of Lots 1 & 2 – Low’s Addition; Eckart’s Property B – D – Frueh’s Addition; Cendroski Property’s, Block 1, S 89’ of Lot 1 – Dolen’s Addition; Lankford’s Property, Block 3, Lot 7 – Mill’s Addition – Block 3, Lot 8 – Mill’s Addition; Eckert’s Property, N 60’ of B-A – Frueh’s Addition. Upon VV, MC.
RECYLING CENTER: The recycling center is requesting permission to replace 5 fluorescent light fixtures on the south half of the building plus add 3 electrical outlets on the south & west wall of the heated side of the building. The cost would be approx. $500. M by Hoepfer, MS by Baltrusch to approve the project. Upon VV, MC.
SUPPORT FOR DOT APPLICATION: Dr. Gunderson is completing the grant application for the DOT TAP. He is requesting funding to continue the walking path. M by Baltrusch, MS by Svoboda to support the request. Upon VV, MC.
REQUEST FROM JANE ISAAK: Jane Isaak requested to be reimbursed the interest for her first payment on her street improvement special assessment. She paid her street special assessment in full in December. The council appreciates her paying off her specials early but if they reimburse one individual, they would have to reimburse everyone that pays their specials off this year. M by Weninger, MS by Hoepfer to deny request. Upon VV, MC.
ADJOURNMENT: M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson for adjournment, upon VV, MC. The next meeting will be January 9, 2019.
___________________ _____________________________
Ann Adams, Mayor Karen Nordby, Auditor
October 16, 2018
Harvey Job Development Authority
October 16, 2018
Lonetree Wildlife Management Headquarters – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Billie Jo Ruetter, Chad Friese and Rick Eckart.
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Dennis Rodin, Clare Carlson, Rad Neuhalfen and Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the meeting on Sept 18, 2018. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Adams, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Dennis Rodin and Clare Carlson from USDA/RD shared a power point presentation with some of the programs they offer to help communities.
OLD BUSINESS: The Childcare project was discussed. The committee conference-called Joe and Bridget Mcquire. They discussed the future of the Learning Circle. The number of children enrolled is steadily decreasing. The Learning Circle is not able to cover the cost of running the center with the low enrollment. They would like to transition away from the Harvey location. They will continue operating the Center until the transition is over. M Friese by, MS by Baltrusch to approve paying the Learning Circle $750 per week starting the first week of Oct to cover hotel and travel expenses for providing a director from their other locations. Upon VV, MC. The committee would like to have an ad in the paper ASAP to hire a director and move forward with the transition. M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to hire employees for the child care as a separate class/employee group of people. The fulltime staff will receive a single health care policy and 5 days PTO. The Director will start at a competitive market value subject to the City of Harvey being allowed to create a separate employee class. Upon VV, MC. Dr. Gunderson has continued to work on several projects. The Governor’s Office had a very successful visit to Harvey on Oct 3. The JDA hosted approx. 35 for lunch at Lincoln and 9 followed by great conversation with the Department of Commerce and the Governor’s staff.
NEW BUSINESS: Dr. Gunderson updated the committee about several other projects he has been working on.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is Nov. 20th at 5:30.
September 18, 2018
Harvey Job Development Authority
September 18, 2018
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Billie Jo Ruetter , Chad Friese and Rick Eckart.
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Rad Neuhalfen and Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes from the meeting on August 21, 2018. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Rad Neuhalfen discussed his request of $20,000 for buying equipment for a tree service. He and Dr. Gunderson have been working on the application which was included in the packet. M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve $20,000 with a UCC on the equipment, a $50,000 life insurance policy with the JDA being the beneficiary, a disability policy for $350 per month for the life of the loan. The term will be 60 months at 0% interest with payments deferred for one year therefore payments will start in Oct of 2019. Upon VV, MC. Friese and Eckart abstaining.
OLD BUSINESS: The Childcare project was discussed. The committee would like Paul, Karen, Chad and Melissa to visit with Joe and Bridget. They would like them to discuss the future and how the market may be different in Harvey vs the other cities they are in. Karen will work with them to schedule the meeting. Dr. Gunderson has continued to work on a new website. The committee talked about the outdoor signs. They would like to see if we could get them lighted either by electricity or solar. The committee reviewed the proposed agreement with Lincoln and Nine Café and Coffee LLP. Tracie would like to start repayment of ½ of the loan balance in Oct 2018. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the request. Upon VV, MC.
NEW BUSINESS: Dr. Gunderson updated the committee about several other projects he has been working on. He informed the committee he has been working on writing some grant opportunities. He has been working with the Governor’s Office on a date to visit Harvey. They will be coming Oct 3 at 12:00pm. The JDA will be hosting lunch at Lincoln and 9. Please watch your email for an agenda once it is complete. He, Mayor Ann and Karen attended Annual Conference for the NDLC.
The Little Stinger Football Program has requested help purchasing a water reel for watering the grass of the practice field. The cost of the piece of equipment is $4500. They are requesting a grant of $1000. M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the request. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is Oct 16th at 5:30 at Lonetree Wildlife Management Area.
August 21, 2018
Harvey Job Development Authority
August 21, 2018
Veterans Room – 5:30 p.m.
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise noted.
Key – M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MV-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Melissa Anderson, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, and Billie Jo Reimche
Absent: Chad Friese
Other: Dr. Paul Gunderson
Visitors: Marci Eckert, Rad Neuhalfen
Chairperson Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the meeting on July 17th. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Anderson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: Proposals to build a new Harvey city website are in hand. Sheridan Animal Hospital broke ground on August 20th for a new clinical and animal housing facility at the old stockyards site southeast of Harvey. Dr. Gunderson has maintained contact with several businesses intent on locating in Harvey, including The Dollar General Corporation, Rancho Grande 2, Intellifarms Northern Division, and two emerging entrepreneurs. Updates were provided about several business ownership transactions, the Red River Corridor Fund, Harvey Farmers’ Market, a Distance Learning Center for Harvey, and media interactions.
NEW BUSINESS: M by Anderson, MS by Eckart to purchase a ¼ page ad in 2019 North Dakota Legendary HUNTING & FISHING GUIDE with wording similar to last year. Upon VV, MC. Dr. Gunderson provided updates on several new business developments, resources available for additional Centennial Park development, emerging press releases, and two of three grant applications submitted to funding agencies. He will continue to update the JDA as developments emerge. The United States Department of Agriculture’s rural development staff from the state office in Bismarck has asked for a meeting with the Harvey JDA. A new-to-Harvey entrepreneur was introduced to the JDA and provided a brief update on his proposed business plan.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is September 18, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.
July 17, 2018
Harvey Job Development Authority
July 17, 2018
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart.
Absent: Chad Friese.
Other: Karen Nordby and Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Dr. Nadine Tedford and Marci Eckart.
Chairperson Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes from the meeting on June 17, 2018. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Anderson, MS by Adams to approve the financials with changes. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Dr Nadine Tedford discussed the Sheridan Animal Hospital. She reviewed a list of equipment that the clinic needs to update. The JDA discussed the list. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to grant the DR Wizard XRay System Developer to the Sheridan Animal Hospital. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: The Childcare project has been completed and is open for business. Dr. Gunderson has continued to work on specs for the new website. The proposals will be due in August. The Mayor has appointed Bille Jo Ruetter to the JDA committee. She will join in August.
NEW BUSINESS: Dr. Gunderson updated the committee about several other projects he has been working on. He has been working with St Aloisius Medical Center on a ribbon cutting and blessing for the remodeled clinic on August 1 at 1:00pm. He, Mayor Ann and Karen have met with Jill from USDA/RD to see what programs are available for him to use as tools. He is working on an Airtaxi that would utilize the Harvey Airport. The committee discussed purchasing technology for the committee and the director. M by Anderson, MS by Adams to purchase 3 ipads and a Microsoft surface for the director. Upon VV, MC.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is August 21st at 5:30.
June 17, 2018
Harvey Job Development Authority
June 17, 2018
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart.
VIA teleconference: Chad Friese.
Absent: Terry Hinrichs
Other: Karen Nordby, Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Marci Eckart and Radigan Neuhalfen
Chairperson Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the meeting on May 15th. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Adams to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: The Childcare project has finished its outdoor space with a concrete pad, a large sandbox, a swing set and 4 inches of mulch. Dr. Gunderson is continuing on the narrative for the Strategic Plan. Dr. Gunderson has continued working on specs for the new website.
NEW BUSINESS: Dr. Gunderson updated the committee about several other projects he has been working on. He will continue to update the JDA as things progress.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is July 17th at 5:30.
May 15, 2018
Harvey Job Development Authority
May 15, 2018
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson and Rick Eckart.
VIA teleconference: Chad Friese.
Absent: Terry Hinrichs
Other: Karen Nordby, Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Marci Eckart and Radigan Neuhalfen
Chairperson Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the meeting on May 15th. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Adams to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: The Childcare project has finished it’s outdoor space. Dr. Gunderson is working on the narrative for the Strategic Plan. Dr. Gunderson is working on preparing specs for a new website. He has received a 50/50 grant from the Magi Fund for $3500 for the project. He has been working on the Distant Learning Project. It seems like there are funding sources for it. He will continue with the project and updating the committee. The committee discussed the Sheridan Animal Hospital. The consensus of the committee is to support the project on some level.
NEW BUSINESS: Dr. Gunderson conversed with the committee about several other items he has been working on. He will continue to update the JDA as things progress.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is June 19th at 5:30.
April 17, 2018
Harvey Job Development Authority
April 17, 2018
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Terry Hinrichs, and Chad Friese.
Absent: Rick Eckart
Other: Karen Nordby, Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Chad Filler
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
VISITOR: Chad Filler from the Harvey Wildlife Club visited with the committee about the projects they are working on. They are redoing the fishing pier by Susag’s Sand and Gravel. The project costs are still unknown. The JDA would like to help the Club out but need more information. Chad will come back at a later date.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the meeting on March 20th. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Hinrichs, MS by Friese to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: The Childcare building is in the final phase. The building has the flooring installed. The walls have been painted. Dr. Gunderson updated the JDA on Operation Community Partnership. The group met on April 12. They worked on the final piece of the plan. He is looking to create a 2nd group of Gen X and Y’s so, he will have a larger population from which to gather data. Once he has met with them he will work on finishing the proposed strategic plan for the City of Harvey.
NEW BUSINESS: Dr. Gunderson discussed the office needs for improved IT. He would like to update his computer to office 365 so it is more compatible with his home office. He would also like to restore his computer to original since it has been having problems with viruses. Dr. Gunderson would like to purchase a large size white board for his office. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve proposed requests. Upon VV, MC. Dr. Gunderson conversed with the committee about the need for new display material and an updated Website. He proposed using the MAGI grant opportunity for this purpose. The census of the committee is it is a great fit and to continue with the process. Dr. Gunderson reviewed a few other projects with the committee.
The next scheduled JDA meeting is May 22nd at 5:30.
March 20, 2018
Harvey Job Development Authority
March 20, 2018
Veterans Room/Cobblestone Inn – 4:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Rick Eckart, and Chad Friese.
Absent: Terry Hinrichs
Other: Karen Nordby , Dr. Paul Gunderson.
Visitor: Joe and Bridget McQuire, Chad Reimche , Donna Marthe, Jill Haakenson, Shirley Reinowski, Howard Schaan, Rhonda Knudson, Lowell Kaul, Marci Eckart, Delvin Hansen, Donna English, Phil Leer, Tim and Beth Huseth, Billie Jo Reutter, Kathy Muscha, Jeff and Shilista Soberg, Doug Heil, Ronald Johnson, Gene Warzecha and Susan Shearer.
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the meeting on February 20th. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: Joe and Bridget McQuire presented their plan for leasing the childcare. The building is moving along. The building has been sheetrocked and is in the process of taping and texturing. M by Adams, MS by Friese to lease the child care building to Joe and Bridget McQuire for $1 per month for one year. The lease will be negotiated annually. Upon VV, MC.
PPP: M by Baltrusch, MS by Friese write a letter of support for the project. Upon VV, MC.
Operation Community Partnership: The group discussed mission statements for the City of Harvey at the Cobblestone Inn starting at 5:30. Dr. Gunderson will use the information to work on creating one Mission Statement. The next scheduled meeting is April 12th at 5:30 at the Cobblestone Inn. Food will be provided. Karen will send out a reminder Email.
February 20, 2018
Harvey Job Development Authority
February 20, 2018
Cobblestone Inn – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Rick Eckart, Terry Hinrichs and Chad Friese.
Other: Karen Nordby , Bob Weninger
Visitor: Chad Reimche , Donna Marthe, Jill Janakenson, Carl Snedaker, Shirley Reinowski, Howard Schaan, Rhonda Knudson, Sheena Schneibel, Lowell Kaul, Daniel Stutlien, Marci Eckart, Delvin Hansen, Donna English, Ted Sitz, Phil Leer, Ronald Johnson, Rochelle Vandegrift, Tim Huseth, Edie Schell, Billie Jo Reutter, Beth Huseth, Collette Hertz, Chad and Amber Ziegler.
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the Jan 16th meeting and January 16th, January 23rd and February 6th OCP meetings. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Hinrichs to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: Nordby updated the committee on the Child Care Project. They have a couple that is interested in being the owner operator. They will be meeting with them next week. The contractor has the inside concrete completed. The walls have been sprayed with 1 inch of foam insulation. The child care project has received 2 applications for the director position. M by Hinrichs, MS by Baltrusch to offer any owner/operator the 1st year lease for $1. The following years can be negotiated. Upon VV, MC.
Sheridan Animal Hospital looks like it might be purchasing another piece of property. Dr. Gunderson will keep the committee updated.
Operation Community Partnership: The group discussed threats. Dr. Gunderson will use the information to take the next step in the SWOT. The next scheduled meeting is March 6th at 5:30 at the Cobblestone Inn. Food will be provided. Karen will send out a reminder Email.
NEW BUSINESS: Dr. Gunderson shared with the committee about the meetings he has been attending. He is working on several projects. He will continue to update the committee.
January 16th, 2018
Harvey Job Development Authority
January 16th, 2018
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Rick Eckart, Terry Hinrichs and Chad Friese.
Other: Karen Nordby
Visitor: Brett Sitz and Kent Vendegriff
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes from the December 19th meeting and January 3rd Special meeting. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Adams, MS by Friese to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
BUDGET AMENDMENTS: M by Anderson, MS by Friese to approve the 2017 Budget Amendments. Upon VV, MC.
YEAR END TRANSFERS: M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to approve the 2017 Year End Transfers. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Brett Sitz attended the meeting at the request of the committee. He is back on track and will continue making his payments for his outstanding loan. If he has any other issues he will notify the office.
OLD BUSINESS: Nordby updated the committee on the Child Care Project. The contractor has most of exterior completed. Nordby discussed the owner operator for the childcare is no longer interested in the project. The committee would like to advertise for an owner operator or a director. The applications should be due by Feb 15 so interviews can be set up. Melissa will help Karen gather information on what other communities are doing with community ran childcare.
Sheridan Animal Hospital is still interested in the property. Karen will update the committee next month on the project.
Chad Friese reported on Operation Community Partnership. The group has been having lunch meetings at JW’s to have the business community help share in a vision for the future of Harvey. The next scheduled meeting is Jan 16th, Jan 23rd and Feb 6.
The committee discussed hiring an Interim Economic Development Director. This would give the committee time to complete strategic planning and develop a plan for the future. M by Friese, MS by Adams to offer Dr. Paul Gunderson a position for Interim Director as a contract employee working 20 hours a week for a fee of $2500 per month. Upon VV, MC.
NEW BUSINESS: Nordby shared with the committee about the meeting she had with Lindsay Maddock with NDSU Extension Services and Mayor Adams.
January 3rd 2018
Public Informational Meeting
Wednesday, Jan 3rd, 2018 5:30pm
Harvey City Hall
The Harvey JDA met in the Veterans Room on Wednesday Jan 3rd at 5:30pm. Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Linda Knudtson, Chad Friese and Melissa Anderson.
Absent was Terry Hinrichs.
Also present were Auditor Karen Nordby, Councilman Bob Weninger.
VISITORS: John Schneider, Dan Stutlien, Mark Friedt, Jared Hanson, Steve Wangen, Kale Paulson and Ted Mertz.
Chairperson Knudtson called the Public Informational Meeting to order.
John Schneider from ND Department of Commerce presented information on suggestions on what a community can do to grow and evolve into the 21st century.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
December 19th, 2017
Harvey Job Development Authority
December 19th, 2017
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Rick Eckart and Chad Friese via conference call.
Absent: Terry Hinrichs
Other: Karen Nordby
Visitor: None
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the November meeting. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Ted Mertz was on the agenda but did not attend.
OLD BUSINESS: Nordby updated the committee on the Child Care Project and shared photos of the building. The contractor has the roof on and most of the side walls are enclosed. The Harvey Area Community Foundation awarded a grant to the project for $1500. Nordby discussed the owner operator for the childcare. She will continue to work with him in Jan. She will invite him to attend the next meeting. Nordby shared the JDA’s proposal with Sheridan Animal Hospital. She is waiting to hear back from them. The committee discussed the railroad. Chad Friese reported on Operation Community Partnership. He shared some of the facts regarding the railroad pertaining to our City’s economy. CPO will be having a lunch meeting at JW’s on Jan 4 at noon to share some ideas with the area business leaders. There will be a meeting on Jan 3 at 5:00 with John Schneider from the ND Department of Commerce to continue to raise the awareness regarding the importance of economic development.
NEW BUSINESS: Nordby discussed hiring a fulltime Economic Development Director
November 21st, 2017
Harvey Job Development Authority
November 21st, 2017
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Chad Friese and Rick Eckart.
Absent: Terry Hinrichs
Other: Karen Nordby & Karissa Dockter
Visitor: Dr. Kitto-Sheridan Animal Hospital
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the October meeting. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Dr. Kitto explained that Sheridan Animal Hospital is at the point where they need to expand their facility to accommodate to the increased need of veterinary medical services. It has been over 5 years since they started the clinic in Harvey and it has proven to be a valuable necessity in the community. They would like to build a new facility that would allow them to see more animals in a day, provide better care for their patients, and potentially add additional jobs to the community. Along with the construction of the new veterinary clinic, they would like to start a boarding facility. They believe a good location for this project would be in the Industrial Park owned by the City of Harvey. They are requesting a land cost grant from the Harvey JDA. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the land purchase for the lot located in the Industrial Park to the east of Lot 1 Block 1 in the amount of $10,000.00 plus surveying cost. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: Nordby updated the committee on the Child Care Project. Construction has started, the poles are in the ground and the plumbing is in. The contractor does have a couple other buildings ahead of this one. The next step will be to put the shell on and then pour the concrete.
NEW BUSINESS: The Harvey Wildlife Club is requesting funds from the Harvey JDA that would be used towards their current project of replacing the handicap dock below Susag Sand & Gravel that was destroyed by snow load in 2017. The consensus of the council was to table this topic until the next meeting and invite a Harvey Wildlife Club member to the meeting to answer some questions they may have.
October 17th, 2017
Harvey Job Development Authority
October 17th, 2017
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Chad Friese and Rick Eckart.
Absent: Terry Hinrichs
Other: Karen Nordby
Visitor: Tracie Ritz and Brittany Smith
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the minutes from the September meeting. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Anderson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Tracie Ritz and Brittany Smith shared their business plan for a new restaurant in the Lincoln and Nine location. They have requested a $2500 loan for start-up of their new business. M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve a $2500 loan to Lincoln & Nine Café & Coffee, LLP with a 6 month grace period and a 12 month repayment period at 0%. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: Nordby updated the committee on the Child Care Project. They have been denied the federal grant they had applied for. They have also been informed they do not qualify for the state program they were hoping to use. Nordby has been in contact with the contractor. He has started preparing the lot for the project. He has ordered the materials and will get started on the construction shortly. The JDA has paid for the trusses and some material. Nordby has submitted an application to the Wells County JDA for $25,000 grant and a $25,000 loan. She has also submitted a pre-grant application to Verendrye Electric Coop for $100,000 for their revolving loan fund. She will keep the committee informed on process. The committee would like to have a ground breaking for the Childcare.
NEW BUSINESS: Nordby informed the committee about the Lead Local training that will be held at Harvey City Hall on November 16 at 9:00 to 4:00 presented by NDSU Extension Service. The JDA will pay the registration fee for any members that want to attend.
September 19th, 2017
Harvey Job Development Authority
September 19th, 2017
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Melissa Anderson, Chad Friese and Terry Hinrichs.
Absent: Rick Eckart
Other: Karen Nordby
Visitor: Seth Flemmer
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the August meeting. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Adams, MS by Anderson to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
VISITOR: Seth Flemmer shared his vision for operating the childcare. He would take care of all the daily business activities. He would hire a director and all the staff. The consensus of the committee is to have a background check on Seth and whoever will be the owner/ operator.
OLD BUSINESS: Nordby reported on the Industrial Park sign. Public Works Director Erickson had the trees removed from the site. Midwest Graphics has the sign installed.
The committee discussed the Concession Stand Project for the Ballpark. The consensus of the committee is that they need to save money for the childcare project.
Nordby updated the committee on the Child Care Project. They are waiting to see if they have been approved for the grants SCDRC has applied for. Nordby has been in contact with the contractor. He is ready to start the project. The price of materials is increasing each week with all of the hurricanes and fires. The consensus of the committee is to get the materials ordered ASAP. They want construction to start this fall not next spring.
NEW BUSINESS: The committee discussed Brett Sitz Repayment. He is delinquent by 5 payments. The committee would like to keep sending him notices.
Nordby stated that she has been in contact with the Vet Clinic. They may be looking for a larger place. She will keep the committee informed.
August 21, 2017
Harvey Job Development Authority
August 21, 2017
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, and Melissa Anderson.
Absent: Chad Friese and Terry Hinrichs.
Other: Karen Nordby and Karissa Dockter
Visitors: Jim & Donna English
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
VISITOR: Donna English with Double E Design discussed her idea with the committee of putting her retail portion of their business back on Main Street. They are looking into renting space from the Lincoln and Nine building. She is asking the JDA for some help getting started, such as the first 4 months’ rent, a credit card station, racks and fixtures. M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve her request of $2500.00. Upon VV, MC.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Eckart to approve the minutes from the July meeting. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Adams, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
The 2018 Budget was presented to the committee by Nordby. M by Eckart, MS by Baltrusch to approve the proposed budget. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: The childcare options were discussed. Nordby informed the committee that South Central Dakota Regional Council wrote a grant for us in the amount of $250,000 and it will be about a month until we know if it has been approved. M by Eckart, MS by Anderson to agree to pay a fee of $5000/or 5% of grants awarded to SCDRC for childcare. Upon VV, MC. Nordby has submitted a grant application to ND Community Foundation. She is also looking into grants from the Wells County JDA and other funding sources. Nordby discussed some locations with the committee on where they could build a group 30 childcare facility. M by Baltrusch, MS by Anderson to approve the location at Lot 7, Block 9 of the Lonetree Estates. Upon VV, MC. Karen will be discussing details of the new building with the builder. There is a perspective party interested in the owner/operator position.
NEW BUSINESS: Advertising rates for the North Dakota Legendary Travel Guide were included in the packet. M by Eckart, MS by Adams to purchase an ad in the amount of $2000.00 Upon VV, MC.
July 18, 2017
Harvey Job Development Authority
July 18, 2017
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Chad Friese and Terry Hinrichs.
Other: Karen Nordby and Karissa Dockter
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Adams, MS by Baltrusch to approve the minutes from the June meeting. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Adams, MS by Hinrichs to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: – Nordby informed the committee that they marked an area in Industrial Park where they think the sign should be placed and welcome any suggestions before Midwest Graphics & Signs is here to put the new sign in.
Chad Friese entered the meeting.
The childcare options were discussed. A conditional use permit was granted by the Harvey City Council to house a group 30 childcare at Lot 4, Block 4 of the Hornbachers 2nd Addition. This proposed property that the JDA was prepared to purchase was not supported by a number of neighbors in the surrounding area. M by Baltrusch, MS by Friese to decline the purchase of the property located at Lot 4, Block 4 of the Hornbachers 2nd Addition. Baltrusch, Eckart, Friese, and Hinrichs with an aye vote and Adams with a nay vote. MC. JDA will continue to look into properties to house a group 30 childcare. M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to look into a proposed site to build a childcare center. Upon RCV, MC. M by Adams, MS by Hinrichs to interview for the Childcare Director Position in early August. Upon VV, MC.
NEW BUSINESS: The consensus of the committee was to accept the resignation of Kevin Tuenge from the Harvey JDA Committee. Adams stated that she is in the process of interviewing individuals that would be a good fit for this position.
June 20, 2017
Harvey Job Development Authority
June 20, 2017
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Chad Friese and Terry Hinrichs.
Absent: Kevin Tuenge
Other: Karen Nordby and Karissa Dockter
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes from the May meeting. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Friese, MS by Eckart to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
OLD BUSINESS: – Nordby contacted Midwest Graphics & Signs for a quote on a new sign at Industrial Park. The sign example was included in the packet. M by Friese, MS by Eckart for the purchase and installation of the sign from Midwest Graphics & Signs. Upon VV, MC.
The childcare options were discussed. JDA had advertised for the public’s input to see if there was a need for childcare. The response received was that there is a need for childcare in our area. The committee also reviewed the applicants that had applied for the Childcare Director Position. They will schedule a time to start interviews. Karen, Ann, and Cherie have been looking at several possible locations to house a childcare. Information was included in the packet on a few of those locations. M by Hinrichs, MS by Adams to make an offer up to $130,000 to purchase a home located at Lot 4, Block 4 of the Hornbachers 2nd Addition and up to $45,000 to make improvements and fence the property for the childcare project. Upon RCV, MC. M by Friese, MS by Baltrusch to transfer money into their existing 501C3 account at First State Bank to pay the childcare expense out of. Upon VV, MC.
NEW BUSINESS: The Harvey Park Board is requesting support from the area to raise money for the concession stand and restroom project. M by Hinrichs, MS by Friese to donate $5000.00 towards their project. Upon RCV, MC.
May 16, 2017
Harvey Job Development Authority
May 16, 2017
Veterans Room – 5:30 pm
Note: All motions unanimously passed unless otherwise stated.
Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV-Voice Vote, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Carried
Present: Chairperson Linda Knudtson, Ann Adams, Milo Baltrusch, Rick Eckart, Chad Friese and Terry Hinrichs.
Absent: Kevin Tuenge
Other: Karen Nordby and Karissa Dockter
Chairman Knudtson called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: M by Baltrusch, MS by Adams to approve the minutes from the April meeting. Upon VV, MC.
FINANCIALS: M by Eckart, MS by Hinrichs to approve the financials. Upon VV, MC.
Chad Friese entered the meeting.
OLD BUSINESS: – The childcare options were discussed. The Harvey JDA is developing operating plans for a new construction Group 30 childcare facility in Harvey. M by Friese, MS by Adams to advertise for an owner/operator or director to be licensed to run the center. Upon VV, MC.
Nordby is still working on the Industrial Park signs.