Thank you for visiting the Harvey Police Department.
Sir Robert Peel, considered the father of Community Policing, stated in 1829:
“The measure of a good police organization is not by how many people are arrested, but by the lack of crime in the area.” This is the core of our mission, which is not easily achieved. The only way to achieve a lack of crime in the area, is by preventing it, and the only way to prevent crime is by creating strong partnerships within the community, both with residents and businesses, strong partnerships with surrounding police agencies, and by working diligently every minute of every hour of every day, to be the most professional, compassionate and trustworthy police department we can be.
The staff of the Harvey Police Department work extremely hard to make Harvey one of the safest places to live in North Dakota.
I am honored to serve as the Chief of Police for this organization, and all members of the Harvey Police Department, are equally honored to serve. Please enjoy our website.
We believe police services work best when they include everyone. Residents, businesses, community and religious leaders, we all have a vested stake in a safer city. In this, the members of the Harvey Police Department have committed us to improving how we provide services to our community by listening to the community.
We are always working to create new opportunities for input. This is your police department. we are your officers. Serving the public trust is an essential element any police officer understands, and your Harvey Police officers embrace the strength of our community in protecting and serving all who live or work here.
Our communal success, as residents, business owners, or visitors hinges on the idea we are one Harvey. From police to fire, from librarian to public works, we are all committed to working together to make life in Harvey safer, more enjoyable, profitable and supportive of the kind of lifestyle our residents demand.
The mission of the Harvey Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in our city by working collaboratively with our community to preserve the peace, protect the public, and provide a safe environment for everyone to enjoy all Harvey has to offer.
- Provided by our officers for Concealed Weapons Permit, along with Educational and Employment purposes.
- Please call ahead to schedule a time that works for both yourself & the officer.
Our fee for this service is $10 per fingerprint card
Pet Licensing:
- We provide this service, as it is required by city ordinance.
- Provide copy of current rabies vaccination
Our fee for this service is $5 per animal – valid until December 31st of the current year
Security for Special Events
- The Harvey Police Department is happy to assist in providing security for any/all special events. However, we ask that you provide your request to us in writing to the Chief of Police and that you do this in a timely matter. Due to the number of events and the limited number of officers, it is possible that we may not be able to fulfill your needs on your date.
Our fee for this service is $200 per event.
- If you need a copy of a report for personal purposes, we will provide one to you upon your request.
Our fee for this service is $7.00
Harvey City Hall
Kiwanis Room
120 West 8th Street
Harvey, ND 58341
Municipal Judge: Judge Brandt Jenner
Clerk of Municipal Court: Cherie Heisler
City Attorney: Chris Nyhus – Nyhus Law Firm
Date & Time: 9 am on 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month
NEW– Pay your fines under the Live Harvey, Online Utility Payment section on our homepage.
The DMV Division is located in the Kiwanis Room at Harvey City Hall on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.
Hours of operation are from 9:45 am to 12 pm and 1:00 pm to 3:20 pm.
Driver’s License services are conducted by appointment or walk in’s (if available).
Please schedule an appointment online at or call toll free 1-855-633-6835
– Chief of Police
John R. Foss
Josh Clark
Gabriela Urzola
Part time officer
Shawn Brien